The knowldge DVD's of the Universe

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The knowldge DVD's of the Universe

Post by murlin99 »

As I was reading I-Am's post about Paradise I had one of those sparks that I just needed to start typing a reply. My reply turned into a post of its own so I canceled the reply and restarted it here as a new post as it is interesting in its self. I give I-AM the credit for sparking this flow. Here we go...

If you believe what science tells us about looking at the stars or galaxies or anything in space, the further away the object is the further back in time we are looking. Photons, the light produced by stars and other light emitting objects do not age as they hurtle through space, it is the time dilation effect of traveling at the speed of light according to the general theory of relativity. They never stop unless they hit something, as in the light showered upon us by our own star Sol, only a small fraction of that light hits earth, what passes by us will hit the other planets, but this is still a very small fraction of what the sun puts out. The left over light then hurtles through open space until it hits something else. So if someone at IC 1101 is looking at us, they would see what was happening here 1.07 billion years ago, assuming that they do not have way more advanced equipment than we currently do. This has been tested and proven scientifically.

On top of this, now remember this is from the scientific view point, all galaxies are moving away from each other, more or less, millions of years in the future we will not be able to see anything in our space time as it has "slipped over the horizon" of what we can see with our current equipment. Not that we can not still get there through meditation and spirituality but a point is going to come where Astronomy will die because we can not visually see these things anymore.

Now with the science stuff out of the way, I want to bring our spirituality and piece of mind into it. One of the things I have long pondered since I started reading and posting here is blackholes. Well I have always pondered black holes as that part of physics interests me to no end. Science has great theories about what a blackhole is we have proven there is one at the center of our galaxy though they dont exactly know what it is. They know it has gravitational force many thousands of times stronger than even the gravity of Sol which is what keeps our whole solar system in its nice predictable stable orbit. The gravity is so strong in a black hole what it has actually done is punched a hole in space and time, in theory.

Here is where we mix in black holes, black holes also in theory eat light, photons do have a mass though almost too small to weigh even with the most precise instruments. So light leaving our solar system will eventually end up in the blackhole, it may be millions or billions of years but it will actually end up in multiple blackholes all over our universe all light from every edge of the universe will end up in every blackhole in the universe, just bits and pieces but if you think about it deep enough this will happen as light spreads as it moves through space just like a flashlight as you move it closer to and away from a wall, the further away an object is the less light it will get from our star but there will be something.

This is where the deep pondering starts... So expanding upon a purely scientific theory If a blackhole has punched a hole in space and time what is on the other side? The theories can not predict that, they all fall apart when you get to the math of the center of the blackhole, though I love math it is not always the answer. Blackholes though they suck in everything that has a mass,even light, they do blast out huge waves of energy as they chew up stars. So one thought I have had for a long time is maybe these are information conduits between the universes. This may sound very deep but think about it for a minute, when we are in our very deep meditation we can pretty much go anywhere we want to any time we want, the power of the mind combined with guidance from our spirit friends gives great power to those who can handle it and accept that there is more to the universe than meets the eye. So once we have access to the Akashic Library, which i have glimpsed a couple times, but think I want it too bad Im not relaxing enough for an extended visit, but that universal tome of knowledge contains everything that was and ever will be.

Blackholes besides blasting out these massive waves of energy in theory have what is called an accretion disk around them. The accretion disk is all of the "data" persay left over when a blackhole eats an object. Think of it as a DVD that is millions of light years across, but it is in no specific order just full of bits and pieces of data. Every black hole has one of these and it is predicted by science that if you had the technology or in our case the guidance and piece of mind you could put all of this back together into its original form, rebuild stars, planets, anything in general that has ever been pulled into that blackhole.

Is it possible that for the normal human mind that always needs scientific proof of everything can not see that these accretion disks are huge tomes of knowledge and with the right state of mind and guidance these are what can be accessed. Has our spirit father put the information right there under our noses but the non believer can not believe this because there is no scientific data to back it up? And the huge blasts of energy that they emit at times, could these be sort of like a fiber optic link from universe to universe or time to time, past to future, future to past, yesterday to tomorrow and we just do not know scientifically how to decode the data yet? I mean these energy blasts are huge, fast and technically would fry anything that got caught in the wave, but so would light in a fiber optic cable if it was millions of times more powerful.

This no doubt veers away from science and is not 100% on with what we believe either, but sometimes I feel it is my job to shake the system and make both sides think, what if?

Happy Pondering,
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Re: The knowldge DVD's of the Universe

Post by I-AM »

Hi Bryan,

I ain't no expert in black holes. So it is very difficult for me to comment on your post. But thanks for reading my own post regarding the possible location of the Isle of Paradise.

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Re: The knowldge DVD's of the Universe

Post by Sandy »

Hi Bryan,
I just lost a bunch of stuff I was posting (my fault sigh) ...but will try again. I found your post quite fascinating as I have always been awed by black holes. With what little I know, still it makes sense that in such a well organized universe that these enormously dense gravity bodies would have a purpose...probably more then one. I recently read in the Urantia book where it speaks of the dark energy gravity bodies that encircle Havona but from what I reread today they are not the same thing as what we view in Time/Space..

Paper 14 Part 1 ... e-universe
On the outskirts of this vast central universe, far out beyond the seventh belt of Havona worlds, there swirl an unbelievable number of enormous dark gravity bodies. These multitudinous dark masses are quite unlike other space bodies in many particulars; even in form they are very different. These dark gravity bodies neither reflect nor absorb light; they are nonreactive to physical-energy light, and they so completely encircle and enshroud Havona as to hide it from the view of even near-by inhabited universes of time and space.

(153.6) 14:1.15 The great belt of dark gravity bodies is divided into two equal elliptical circuits by a unique space intrusion. The inner belt revolves counterclockwise; the outer revolves clockwise. These alternate directions of motion, coupled with the extraordinary mass of the dark bodies, so effectively equalize the lines of Havona gravity as to render the central universe a physically balanced and perfectly stabilized creation.

(153.7) 14:1.16 The inner procession of dark gravity bodies is tubular in arrangement, consisting of three circular groupings. A cross section of this circuit would exhibit three concentric circles of about equal density. The outer circuit of dark gravity bodies is arranged perpendicularly, being ten thousand times higher than the inner circuit. The up-and-down diameter of the outer circuit is fifty thousand times that of the transverse diameter.

(154.1) 14:1.17 The intervening space which exists between these two circuits of gravity bodies is unique in that nothing like it is to be found elsewhere in all the wide universe. This zone is characterized by enormous wave movements of an up-and-down nature and is permeated by tremendous energy activities of an unknown order.

(154.2) 14:1.18 In our opinion, nothing like the dark gravity bodies of the central universe will characterize the future evolution of the outer space levels; we regard these alternate processions of stupendous gravity-balancing bodies as unique in the master universe.
The Urantia book does mention these wonders of the universe in several places...

Paper15 part 6
The Dark Islands of Space. These are the dead suns and other large aggregations of matter devoid of light and heat. The dark islands are sometimes enormous in mass and exert a powerful influence in universe equilibrium and energy manipulation. The density of some of these large masses is well-nigh unbelievable. And this great concentration of mass enables these dark islands to function as powerful balance wheels, holding large neighboring systems in effective leash. They hold the gravity balance of power in many constellations; many physical systems which would otherwise speedily dive to destruction in near-by suns are held securely in the gravity grasp of these guardian dark islands. It is because of this function that we can locate them accurately. We have measured the gravity pull of the luminous bodies, and we can therefore calculate the exact size and location of the dark islands of space which so effectively function to hold a given system steady in its course.
Now this is interesting... :D

Paper 41 part 1 ... l-universe
1. The Nebadon Power Centers

(455.5) 41:1.1 The spiral and other nebulae, the mother wheels of the spheres of space, are initiated by Paradise force organizers; and following nebular evolution of gravity response, they are superseded in superuniverse function by the power centers and physical controllers, who thereupon assume full responsibility for directing the physical evolution of the ensuing generations of stellar and planetary offspring. This physical supervision of the Nebadon preuniverse was, upon the arrival of our Creator Son, immediately co-ordinated with his plan for universe organization. Within the domain of this Paradise Son of God, the Supreme Power Centers and the Master Physical Controllers collaborated with the later appearing Morontia Power Supervisors and others to produce that vast complex of communication lines, energy circuits, and power lanes which firmly bind the manifold space bodies of Nebadon into one integrated administrative unit.*

(456.1) 41:1.2 One hundred Supreme Power Centers of the fourth order are permanently assigned to our local universe. These beings receive the incoming lines of power from the third-order centers of Uversa and relay the down-stepped and modified circuits to the power centers of our constellations and systems. These power centers, in association, function to produce the living system of control and equalization which operates to maintain the balance and distribution of otherwise fluctuating and variable energies. Power centers are not, however, concerned with transient and local energy upheavals, such as sun spots and system electric disturbances; light and electricity are not the basic energies of space; they are secondary and subsidiary manifestations.

(456.2) 41:1.3 The one hundred local universe centers are stationed on Salvington, where they function at the exact energy center of that sphere. Architectural spheres, such as Salvington, Edentia, and Jerusem, are lighted, heated, and energized by methods which make them quite independent of the suns of space. These spheres were constructed — made to order — by the power centers and physical controllers and were designed to exert a powerful influence over energy distribution. Basing their activities on such focal points of energy control, the power centers, by their living presences, directionize and channelize the physical energies of space. And these energy circuits are basic to all physical-material and morontia-spiritual phenomena.

(456.3) 41:1.4 Ten Supreme Power Centers of the fifth order are assigned to each of Nebadon’s primary subdivisions, the one hundred constellations. In Norlatiadek, your constellation, they are not stationed on the headquarters sphere but are situated at the center of the enormous stellar system which constitutes the physical core of the constellation. On Edentia there are ten associated mechanical controllers and ten frandalanks who are in perfect and constant liaison with the near-by power centers.

(456.4) 41:1.5 One Supreme Power Center of the sixth order is stationed at the exact gravity focus of each local system. In the system of Satania the assigned power center occupies a dark island of space located at the astronomic center of the system. Many of these dark islands are vast dynamos which mobilize and directionize certain space-energies, and these natural circumstances are effectively utilized by the Satania Power Center, whose living mass functions as a liaison with the higher centers, directing the streams of more materialized power to the Master Physical Controllers on the evolutionary planets of space..
That above lends support to your theory I think. :thumright:

Here's a bit more continuing on in paper 41 part 2
2. The Satania Physical Controllers

(456.5) 41:2.1 While the Master Physical Controllers serve with the power centers throughout the grand universe, their functions in a local system, such as Satania, are more easy of comprehension. Satania is one of one hundred local systems which make up the administrative organization of the constellation of Norlatiadek, having as immediate neighbors the systems of Sandmatia, Assuntia, Porogia, Sortoria, Rantulia, and Glantonia. The Norlatiadek systems differ in many respects, but all are evolutionary and progressive, very much like Satania.

(457.1) 41:2.2 Satania itself is composed of over seven thousand astronomical groups, or physical systems, few of which had an origin similar to that of your solar system. The astronomic center of Satania is an enormous dark island of space which, with its attendant spheres, is situated not far from the headquarters of the system government.

(457.2) 41:2.3 Except for the presence of the assigned power center, the supervision of the entire physical-energy system of Satania is centered on Jerusem. A Master Physical Controller, stationed on this headquarters sphere, works in co-ordination with the system power center, serving as liaison chief of the power inspectors headquartered on Jerusem and functioning throughout the local system.

(457.3) 41:2.4 The circuitizing and channelizing of energy is supervised by the five hundred thousand living and intelligent energy manipulators scattered throughout Satania. Through the action of such physical controllers the supervising power centers are in complete and perfect control of a majority of the basic energies of space, including the emanations of highly heated orbs and the dark energy-charged spheres. This group of living entities can mobilize, transform, transmute, manipulate, and transmit nearly all of the physical energies of organized space.
Well I want to look up Universe refection , spirits and what nots but ran out of umph. Besides I am playing with fire as I have already lost this once . :lol: ( I can laugh about it now)
Thank you for sharing your very interesting thoughts. 8)
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Re: The knowldge DVD's of the Universe

Post by Welles »

I've always thought of black holes as cosmic recycling centers. :roll

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