'22' everywhere

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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'22' everywhere

Post by talkingdigits »

hello everyone,

I am just a newbie in this vast world of numbers and synchronicities. no sure when did it start but I started to observe numbers floating around me everywhere. aa I found myself seeing "22" everywhere......believe me "Everywhere"...
If i see ant license it must have 22.....clock xx:22....22..22..22....22 its so much 22 around me that I am feeling like crazy everytime seeing it around....

for past few days I was seeing all double digits only....be it 22 or 11 or 99 or any other number it was till yesterday and today i found myself surrounded with many double ones and triplets as well....i did see all triplets 111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999,000 within a span of half an hour and few of them repeated as well.....

3 occurrence of 11 11 also entered my list....

It would be very kind if anyone can help me out with my thoughts all these numbers....

thanks in advance.
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Re: '22' everywhere

Post by Sandy »

Good morning talkingdigits and welcome! :hithere

Like you I see 22’s all the time and nearly every morning I wake up to the number 22 or 33. For me, these numbers represent the numerical name of our good friends, ABC-22 known as Chief Bzutu and Midwayer Mathew who is also known by a numerical code with many multiples of 3’s. Other people may claim other reasons for these same numbers but it is all good and what you determine from your own research and experience will do you well. The two beings spoken of above are part of a group of universe members that fall somewhere between humans and angels. They are known as Midwayers and nearly ever world has these guys working behind the scenes for spiritual and global improvement. What they want most is for their fellow siblings, us, to find that peace within which come from furthering a relationship with their higher self...(also known here as TA or God Particle) perpetuating a more peaceful and productive mortal existence and world. The message/lesson posted for today explains it so beautifully. http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=22332
This may help explain why you in particular are seeing so many of these prompts... http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4

Here too are a few URLs that might help as well with your questions on the number meanings and how they might relate to you...

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What it really means

11:11 More questions about number sequences.

I do hope I haven’t overloaded you... Please look around the site and the parent site .... http://www.1111angels.net/
... and jump into any conversations you wish or start your own topics. We appreciate the new life you add to this board!
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Re: '22' everywhere

Post by George »

Hi talkingdigits,

Welcome to the 11:11 MB.

This transmission (below) will help, I'm sure.


Illawarra District, Australia, November 22, 2007.
Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8).
Subject: “Patterns, Prompts, and Love.”

Received by George Barnard.

Dr. Mendoza: “Firstly, let me clear the air by saying there is no animosity between us, as long as you take care of your physical needs. The rest of your requirements will mostly be seen to by us. Secondly, the Chief is settling down some restless souls at this time, and I step into the breach. Old times, what?

“Let me note here that they are not merely your Secondary Midwayers that will prompt those selected mortals, but that all on the lower Morontia level can see to this repetitive task of awakening mankind to a higher level of spirituality. Yes, Cherubim and Companions alike, and there are others you are still to meet.

“Much of what makes up a prompt is typical to what the machine that is your brain will do for you, and we share this phenomenon with you, for in our make-up we are not so far removed from you. By your nature, you subconsciously notice a given event almost always before conscious recognition of that event.

“You may drive for many miles through a naturally wooded area to suddenly come upon a plantation, and immediately you perceive the way these trees are planted in a pattern. At a subconscious level, still, those cerebral neurons charged with the task of recognizing the vertical lines of the, say pine tree trunks, will begin to fire in a frenzy, for there are countless pines, and almost immediately will you consider that the forest landscape has given way to a man-made project.

“This is pattern recognition at a subliminal level at first, followed almost immediately by the conscious realization of pattern, precision, regularity, uniformity -- after you have traveled for miles through the scarcely noticed irregularity of naturally sprouted shrubbery and trees of all kinds – it may become your point of reference to how far you still need to travel on a future journey, the miles to a turn off, the duration of the remainder of the trip.

“This is what you do, and you do all of this yourselves, because you are designed that way. Our function is to suddenly make you wonder what time it might be, even if your clock is 5 minutes fast or slow, to note 11:11 or 3:33, to make you look at the street number on a home as you travel by to find it reads 2222, to make you note the repetitive numbers on a vehicle’s registration tag your point of reference.

“This, ad infinitum indeed, until you realize these patterns are so frequent in their appearance, you can no longer ‘chalk off’ these happenings to coincidence, if you truly believed in such a thing in the first place. You must now search, meet us midway.

“Think of man and his wife who are happily married; in love for all to see, and how they can share a thought, an idea, give a coinciding smile to each other. Translate this now into how we feel about you, our adopted universe children, whom we love deeply, and consider the mind-meld principles we share with you as we prompt you.

“This is Dr. Mendoza, in love with life, and with you all.”

George: “It’s good to see you, Doc. Thank you.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

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Re: '22' everywhere

Post by sammy »

Hello Dear Friends!

It seems I am being pulled back in….back to baby steps.

YEARS before I started seeing 11's, I saw 2's everywhere (maybe 16 years ago now). I saw them for years, wondering if I was supposed to play the lottery. Then weird synchronicities started occurring at the same time I started seeing the 11's (about…huh…11 years ago!)…and well you know the typical progression.

I've been in a funk for a while now, and I've not been able to meditate because my brain would only get louder. But it looks like I need to just try harder to quiet the brain. The 2's are back with a vengeance! It started about a month or so ago and they are "slapping me upside the face".

So I guess I'll give it a go and see if I can quiet the brain.

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Re: '22' everywhere

Post by Sandy »


I've been waiting for you! :D :kiss:

I don't think there is a person alive who doesn't get into a funk once in awhile...and in my case perhaps a little more frequently. :lol: I think it is perfectly normal and very human because as things change around us we too have to take a few steps in unfamiliar directions. I guess this is how we grow. I have often wondered too, you know how when you suddenly change your diet and begin eating food that is good for your body, it often seems to rebel but in reality it is releasing toxins and replacing it with nutrients far more sustaining. Our spiritual life can be like that too. Sometimes we sort of run into the preverbal brick wall and find our self wondering what the heck we are to do. You want to go forward but the way seems blocked by something unseen. I think when the time is right, when we are ready, we move on or even back track to move on in another beneficial direction. But speaking for myself, I can sure feel sort of "yucky" as "things get ironed out.

But I am absolutely as "happy as clams" to see you this morning as I turned on my computer... You have been so missed! :bana:
Love you!!!
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Re: '22' everywhere

Post by Petra Wilson »

It's good to see you here Sammy, :hithere
I have missed everyone on here. The connection never severs. I'm so glad
that during my dark/ shadow period Sandy never gave up on me, and told me this place will
always be my home.
As for the numbers returning, same thing here, only it's the ol' 11:11 and I was thinking: "Oh,
a Midwayer is nearby, wonder why?" so I kept myself open. Today I found my Angel in a crystal
on the floor, with a bit broken off. I thought I had lost it in Wales. And there it was, a corner broken
off of it, but still the angel inside was intact. I must've brought it with me. I Spring cleaned the other
day, especially the bedroom and I reckon it must've been lodged someplace in the bed frame....
Whatever, it pleased me to have it again.
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Re: '22' everywhere

Post by Sandy »

Today I found my Angel in a crystal
on the floor, with a bit broken off. I thought I had lost it in Wales. And there it was, a corner broken
off of it, but still the angel inside was intact. I must've brought it with me. I Spring cleaned the other
day, especially the bedroom and I reckon it must've been lodged someplace in the bed frame....
Whatever, it pleased me to have it again.
:sunflower: Yeah! That's good news, Pet!

You give me hope that maybe I too might find my wedding ring and my special little piece of jade belonging to my chakra crystals that our Michele gave me a couple years ago. I could get another piece of jade easily enough...but it isn't the special one she picked out for me and of course the wedding ring is irreplaceable to me too. So I'm not giving up on finding either of these two items. After all they have to be somewhere right?
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Re: '22' everywhere

Post by pointman19 »

Its been pretty interesting since ive taken my leave of abscense from here as well. I still always see the numbers prompt, even today while i was taking a walk on the Geneva on the Lake strip. As i was coming upon one of the many lakeside resteraunts, there was an electronic time that flashed 11:11 at me haha. I stopped and tried to take a picture, hope that came out ;)

The ones i get literalluy all the time is 11, 111, 44, 444 and even sometimes i see them in a set of fours. Sometimes theres other numbers that catch my attention, but it always seems that no matter where i go or what i do..its either 1:11 pm or 2:44pm....or a phone number for a tractor company out this way was advertised on a sign that said (440) ***-4444. Im also 20 minutes away from Route 44 :P

little things like this still gives me a hard time to wrap my head around it. All i know is that ive been following my intuition more than my brain...and really good things have started to happen for me..like dominoes that knock into each other a far distance away, but over time, they eventually roll on their pre determined trail towards me. One event knocks into another and before you know it, that slight bit of chain reaction events happen to collide into an event into my life...which seems to open doors and present opportunities that i never knew id be able to accomplish.

My health, My new found happiness....but most importantly...its the self confidence ive developed in myself...i give all my thanks to who or what may be watching over me. Everything that has happened to me that has totally turned my life around is due in thanks to these unseen helpers and the fact that i opened my mind and my heart and let them suggest the paths to take when i get to a point where the road forks. Its so.....incredible...to see physically and spiritually how far ive come from the guy i was before i started to see prompts. I kinda wish i had recognized everything sooner....but things happen for a reason and the midwayers and other spirit gaurdians/helpers create the sycronicities that create events that could open doors and opportunities in our lives. We just have to open ourselves up and let them lend a guiding hand.


“A better world starts with the thoughts of each individual. Do have ‘better thoughts.’ --Teacher Monjoronson

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Re: '22' everywhere

Post by Sandy »

Hello fellow Ohioan! :hithere You've been missed!!! And what a great post! My heart soars knowing you are doing well and are happily following your guide within.
And upon your return, you most effectively have helped many of us to see the value, as your results show, in allowing for the guidance from those Celestial siblings who have been guiding humans on this earth and serving the Creator of all for thousands upon thousands of years. The "proof is definitely in the pudding!" :D
Thank you my friend. You are very much loved! :kiss:
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Re: '22' everywhere

Post by George »

Hi Jason,
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Re: '22' everywhere

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello again everyone, hiya Jason, I just wanted to say, my bro-in-law used to live in Gex and he
often took me around Lake Geneva on his motorbike, back when I loved speed. I'd probably keep
my eyes shut if I did it today, haha!

Sandy, sorry about your piece of jade and wedding ring. Phil lost his but doesn't seem at all sad
about it: " 'S'just a bit of gold! We're still together, nothing terrible happened!" Yeah, that's true,
I thought, only 'cause I'm too lazy to bugger off, hahahaha!
My ring doesn't fit my wedding finger anymore, well, I was rather thin when we wed and had it
enlarged twice. So, now it's on my tiger-protecting-a-heap-of-Chinese-coins ornament's tail. :lol:

I often wondered why I never got any prompts or felt Their presence while I was going through that
horrible dark period of my life when we first moved. Childishly I rebuked that poem about the foot-
prints in the sand, thinking "it sure as hell does not feel as though God is carrying me!" Well, with all
the negativity I simply couldn't/wouldn't feel them nearby.
Swings & roundabouts I'd idiotically think quite often, :lol: and then I'd laugh. I did one of them
personality tests that are everywhere these days and apparently I have a great smile and should do it
more often. Well, it's funny but I do now, I was smiling and Ca va-ing to the tourists abound and I over
heard a lady saying in German: "see? not all Corsican's are rude!" They're not, they're very loyal and
proud, a bit like the Welsh.

Wishing everyone all the best xx
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Re: '22' everywhere

Post by pointman19 »

Thank you both, Sandy and George!

Its been one wild and fun ride so far...and very eye opening. Expect the Unexpected is quickly becoming my new motto haha :D

Im also a member over at 11Phenomenon.com, and over there we do the same when it comes to trying to understand whats happening minus the spiritual part. However, i do feel that if those people want more of an answer than just "trying to figure it out", that they should explore the spiritual side of things and have put a link over there that sends them over here to these message boards. Im hoping that if at least one person tries to take it farther and look inward, spiritually, for an answer, they may finally get a peice of the puzzle that starts to put things into more perspective.

Cheers to both of you, and everyone else on this site that contributes to raising the awareness of others <3

And Welcome back Ms. Petra. Ive never spoken to you before but its a pleasure to have met you :)



“A better world starts with the thoughts of each individual. Do have ‘better thoughts.’ --Teacher Monjoronson

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Re: '22' everywhere

Post by Sandy »

Hi Pet Jason, George and everybody else...
Petra this really struck me as very important...
I often wondered why I never got any prompts or felt Their presence while I was going through that
horrible dark period of my life when we first moved. Childishly I rebuked that poem about the foot-
prints in the sand, thinking "it sure as hell does not feel as though God is carrying me!" Well, with all
the negativity I simply couldn't/wouldn't feel them nearby.
You hit the nail on the head and I am guilty of that very thing. I find it fascinating that Welles posted a wonderful article about something similar...Finding our Center. http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=23488
It is well worth a read guys if any of you are struggling with avoidance, resistance, distraction, negativity etc...

Jason, I couldn't agree more...
Im hoping that if at least one person tries to take it farther and look inward, spiritually, for an answer, they may finally get a piece of the puzzle that starts to put things into more perspective.
When we look inside, we become connected to a wisdom and guidance that is hard to believe until it happens to you. and even then life can nip and pull at us as we go through the shifts of growth this added aspect of ourselves brings...it is all good though... a win/win situation.

Well I am about to fall asleep on my keyboard so it is time to say goodnight.
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Re: '22' everywhere

Post by George »

Petra writes:

<<< I was smiling and Ca va-ing to the tourists abound and I over
heard a lady saying in German: "see? not all Corsican's are rude!" They're not, they're very loyal and
proud, a bit like the Welsh. >>>

He,he,he,he ! :)
Good one !
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Re: '22' everywhere

Post by Petra Wilson »

Ho there guys, yep, it's good to come back here. When the kids aren't hogging the PC that is.

ॐ LOVE Petra
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