What's the mid-way realm like?

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What's the mid-way realm like?

Post by Geoff »

(this from the Sarasota group of September, 1992) excerpt:

Drue: Vanessa this is Drue. I want to thank you very much for speaking with us. Thank you for that wonderful message. We wanted to ask about VanEL. Is VanEL a Midwayer?

Vanessa: (Chris) Yes, VanEL and I have been companions for quite a length of time on Urantia. He is a Midwayer within your right of communication skills.

Drue: Vanessa, would you be willing to tell us about your world? About what the Midwayer world is like?

Vanessa: I will be very pleased to share with you what I can. It is normally easier for Chris with questions to be able to respond.

Drue: All right. Do you have cities as we have?


Basically what we have is a civilization which is superimposed about your civilization. We do have housing units. We do have schooling units. We do have places - we wouldn't exactly call them temples of worship but they are places where we are allowed to be to rejuvenate our relationship with the Father. We have meeting halls. Our society, our civilization is really not much different from yours. If you were to be transposed to where we are in the world where we exist in, you would be very familiar and very comfortable here. One of the things you would most note is the simplicity of it, the beauty in the simplicity of it. You would also have your senses of smell, the fragrances. You would notice color. You would notice texture. You would notice diversity of architectural structures. For they too do exist. What it is that our, if we were to equate this to a cellular molecular composition we are in a speeded up fashion to what you are. It is not to say, I hate to use the words vibratorial rate, but the energy in which we exist moves quicker than the energy in which you exist in. Yet, between us we create a very healthy balance for Urantia.

Drue: Do you also have animals and plant life?


Yes we do. We have...we exist with what you already have, but we kind of take it for what has been created here is a step closer to the perfected physical formats which we hope you will experience in light and Life on your planet. Our world in somewhere between the morontial world and the physical density that you exist in. We do have companionship with animals, however there is no violence amongst that civilization.

Drue: It is my understanding that you don't eat. Is that correct?

Vanessa: It is not exactly that we don't eat, we don't eat what you eat. We have another substance which sustains us. everything in the universe has a nurturing factor, a nutritional factor. I don't think nurture is the right word. Nutritional. There are ABC's that are for every dimension of living, for every existence of life, there is an ABC, there is a perfect pattern. There is order and there is law that applies to it. As you progress in the universe, you will realize how you have come from a very dense existence into one that becomes less dense, more simplistic, more perfect, more complete.

Allene: Vanessa, this is Allene. Although the planet may take a long time to move into Light and Life...as we as individuals move closer to living in Light and Life, will we at some point see your world? Or will this always be closed to us as long as we are in physical form.

Vanessa: What I can share with you is that I have never, because I have always been here, I have not been on a Light and Life experience before. This is my first experience, from my creation and to be very honest with you I really do not know what is in line from Michael. In our educational process they don't take us necessarily into avenues that we don't have any direct response to. As far as us be educated or taught in these areas, we don't necessarily apply at this time. We kind of learn about things as you do. Although you may think we are much closer to knowing it all, I can assure you that we basically are at the same point that you are except because we have an existence that has been a continuum for an extended amount of time, we know more of this point beyond the mortal experience. We know like the next step. But I tell you I do not know much beyond that.

Allene: Thank you, very much.

David: Vanessa, this is David. A couple of questions...the other teachers that are here, can you, as a Midwayer visualize them or do you pick up a feeling or...

Vanessa: The teachers we know, the teachers we do have a visual, they are visual to us. We are in this same realm of...our energies are complimentary.

David: Can I...

Vanessa: I see Aflana. Aflana sees myself. AS I do with VanEl.

David: What about like a Melchizedek person...

Vanessa: Machiventa? Uhm...Machiventa Melchizedek has been in the step down process to be able to be known to you. Actually, what we have in our world, David, is there is a word that comes to me is temple, but it's not a worship temple, David. There is a temple that we can visit and it is a visualization processes are created for us to be able to see and know. This is something that has been created for you. That you will be allowed to participate in when all comes about.

David: Thank you...

Vanessa: Allene, that may answer some of your questions about how we may recognize each other.

Allene: Yes, thank you. It really does help a lot.
"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.
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