Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Post by Rob »

Hi all.
I was prompted this morning big time... I will try to explain if you can bear with me.
After waking this morning I checked my mobile or cell phone for the Americans out there and was completely taken back.
I have the calander app on the screen at all times and this morning the number 1 was flashing in the first date box. As we know the 1st of January was a Saturday which puts it in the second last column of a calander so the first 5 areas are supposed to be blank. The 1 was flashing in the first column showing no relevance to any actual date. The phone was frozen except for the flashing no 1 which is odd in itself. If its’ frozen its frozen. And the numbers in the calander aren’t meant to flash even with an alarm etc.
On and on it flashed until I had to restart the phone again to get it to work. This has never happened before.
Coincidence… I think not…mind you this is the only time I have felt a pang of fear as I am in a spiral of bad luck and bad news at the moment, so combined with the huge increase in frequency I have explained before I feel this has been taken to a whole new level.
What do you think?
Hope that made sense.

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Post by luvinlife »

Hi Rob! I don't think that your prompts are the cause of bad luck, but rather that they are telling you that you're not alone and that everything will be okay.

Love, Clare
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Rob,

I am going back and forth with my thoughts as to the strange prompt you received. While on one hand it could very well be a creative way for a "Midwayer accomplice" to flash you their support and encouragement. On the other hand I am also thinking that you, being a longime and experienced elevener, is no stranger to listening to your God given intuition. While I can never agree to walking in fear and looking over you shoulder expecting trouble as more than likely that would help manifest it... I do feel sometimes the prompt messages can, provide a nudge of warning. As an example....some of you may remember the experience Petra's husband, Phil, had a year or so ago while walking to his car along a busy Corsican highway. He saw an unusual number of elevens in the hour previously and all at once he heard very loud voice in his head say, "Get Off the road now!" And he did...just in time to avoid being flattened by an out of control car! :shock: So in all fairness there may be something that your God given intuition is trying to bring to the fore. Yet, this can be quite complicated though, because we humans are so gifted in the worry and fear department. Well I am anyway. :roll: And right now there is much going around to make many humans all over the world uneasy. So trying to keep the "inner spirit lines" pure and unprejudiced with our interpretations can be a real trick at times. Keep your eyes, ears and heart open to the deeper message Rob and remember despite the hardness of life that we don't have to accept another round of seemingly bad luck graciously. You are due for some wonderful things to occur in your life and that is what will be my deepest and best prayer for you and your very special little family.

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Post by Rob »

Thanks Clare and Sandy.
It was a different feeling than other prompts and so that is why I felt the need to post it separately. I guess the best way to describe it was that particular prompt left me with a residue of confusion like perhaps a disturbing dream may stay with you for a few hours. And so the pang of fear as I explained crept in. Other prompts I usually acknowledge and am happy with the knowledge that they are around as my interpretation is usually positive, a sign I am on the right path. I certainly don’t post all my prompts and lately that would leave me with very little time for any thing else. I have been meditating as much as possible and am about to start now. Sandy you are right when we can put too much weight on worry and fear. Unfortunately I have to be on top of things as you know.
Since then and after chatting to you Sandy I have had a mixed bag of news. One in particular which I had already put to rest due to the prompts was a very positive response to a diagnosis (or is that negative response). But I already knew that, mind you I was still relieved with the good news about myself, and I didn’t think that this prompt was to do with that.
Oh on another note I noticed last night that my last post was my 111th. This time around.
I’m doing the craziest thing at the movement which I think maybe the cause of my increase in frequency of prompts. I have been concentrating on what else is different in my life and feelings and realised I’m cleaning everything out. Like I have posted before I feel I’m being purged… of friends who aren’t good for me… money, which is a lesson in creative humbleness and purged of any sort of control which is faith. I feel compelled and I mean a very strong compulsion to clean (not usually my bag ha ha) out all the papers and document and computer stuff that I have hoarded for years as well as anything that has not been used for two years and that this must be done by the end of January .I have also become aware that my habits are changing. I have this idea (from the celestials of that I am sure now) that I have to go through a cleansing process before the next stage of my families life.

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Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hey Rob :)

I am both happy and excited to hear about these recent changes. That sort of "life clean-up" process seems to be a fairly common thing, even in this group, and I definitely think that this could be a cause for celestial attention. Perhaps not the aforementioned prompt in particular, but in general. About a year ago, I started going through that sort of phase, where people, things, habits and such began to gradually change, shift, "clean up", "refresh", and this is when I really noticed a heavy spiritual impact and mega-increased celestial presence in my life.

Not to mention, to say it plainly "there's something in the air" with most folks as of late, it seems. I, and I know many others, can feel it.. :D

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Post by Rob »

Hi Lucky :hithere

A spring clean so to speak is good for the soul at the best of times but this is something different. There seems to be urgency to the process.
Gone through this a few times before but not quite so ruthless.

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Post by Sandy »

Hello everyone,
Okay after reading your alls posts I am ready to do a little soul/life clensing as well. I remember this deeply emotional/mental clensing some years ago and then on the reverse how wonderfully refreshed and clear I felt afterwards. And for some time I kept on top of this and was aware when something was affecting me and my energy fields negatively and promptly took the time to understand and release whatever was impeding me. But now after some neglect, I feel this build up and an inkling of a change that is needed in my own life, yet, to be honest, I simply haven't taken the time. That will change. ;) Well hopefully. :roll:
I don't know what the future holds but good idea to be as happy as we can be. (Please feel free to remind me of this the next" life wall" I crack my fool head on. :kiss: ) Well, come what may, we'll all just hold hands and jump into whatever comes together, eh?... good to have friends. :D
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Post by Rob »

Its me again :hithere

My big realization of cleansing is I have had a few people around me that I thought were good friends, one being a relative. I have helped them in many ways you would not believe. I have been abused by them, lied to and dump on, but still I took the more spiritual approach and continued to love and help them. Unfortunately this has been part of my cleansing and I will no longer let them bring me down and make me feel bad about myself. Hard to rationalize with irrational people who just don’t get it. One is caught up in the Land Mark group.
I have been patient with them and listened to them preach their opinions about me when they have no understanding what they are talking about. I have kept my mouth shut as I do not want to loose them but….. :finger:
I have tried. At what point if any do you give up on people and think of yourself?
I will give them an ultimatum on my terms and if that is not good enough then does that make me unkind.

Sweep away :roll
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Post by luvinlife »

Hi Rob! No, that doesn't make you a bad person. Some people hurt us. We can still love them and forgive them, but that doesn't mean that we have to continue to have them in our life if they are causing damage to us. That is my opinion. The cleaning out is a very good thing. I've done it also, and it is liberating.

Love, Clare
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Post by Shield »

Hi Rob. I can relate to most of what you posted. Esp. being used by family and friends. One relative was so accomplished at using guilt trips she was able to make me ignore warnings from a guardian and a very intuitive friend to move and distance myself as much as possible from her and my so called friends.

The end result is since I did not take care of myself first I am no longer in a position to be of much help to anyone. A very hard lesson for me to learn since I worked in public safety for so long and responding to people in distress was a way of life to me.

I wish you well.
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Post by Geoff »

Rob wrote: I have tried. At what point if any do you give up on people and think of yourself?
I will give them an ultimatum on my terms and if that is not good enough then does that make me unkind.

Sweep away :roll
Dear Rob,

This is a tough question that folks walking the spiritual path often fail to answer correctly. Indeed as a moderator of this board I have learned to be tough, sometimes even "unjust", as regards one person, to protect what we have here. I saw the Teaching Mission self-implode even though it was meant to achieve great things, and for the last 7 or 8 years it has just floundered. That was because the majority would not cauterize 2 maybe 3 folks. I have seen it in my own Divine Love circles. Folks are unconditionally loving, all the time, and the ones who cause trouble continue to do so. Now that may be seen as a learning opportunity for the more advanced, but it sure wrecks any outreach you are trying to achieve.

You do have to look after number one. Unless number one is healthy, you just can't help anyone else.

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Post by Rob »

Hey Geoff
Fantastic to hear from you.
I have tried the high path and seen many situations as being sent to me for learning on both sides but yes I can't do that if I am being continuously drained with little return.
You reminded me of a reply I posted to some one who actually had there our spiritual mission web site and would continually make light of what we were saying or doing.
Something came over me and I posted *&^% off and the board lit up with condemnation. I new I had broken all the rules. :duh
George comforted me and explained I was but a tool and it wasn't me. God love him.
I hear you have had R and R. Hope all is well.

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