Newbie needs advice - Please...11.11 & 3.00am / 3.33am!!

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Newbie needs advice - Please...11.11 & 3.00am / 3.33am!!

Post by Lloydy »

Hi...I've only just registered after yet another sleepless night! My whole family (Myself & Partner & 4yr old child - D.O.B 11/11/04) seem to have some strange affinity with 3am &/or 3.33am. Most nights we wake up bang on, or at 4am...this has been going on for almost a year now...even when we are apart (interstate)...we know when the other has been awake!. We've always noted the 11.11 time & numbers popping up everywhere...and thought it was a nice thing, because it was our childs birthdate, and rememberance day...never associating it with any spiritual link. But the awakening in the last few months, after moving into a new house, has become a little freaky & sometimes even scary. My partner has let out some loud noises...almost animal!..and said he was having some rather strange...& dare I say evil the 3am when we've had to get up...and stay up! I believe my daughter is quite special and has 'friends' who she talks to...from a very young age she has had 'imaginary friends'...and I have always encouraged her to talk about it. But lately she has become very guarded...and says that her friends are 'shy from me'...I was sitting at the dining table the other night with her, with my head down...when I noticed what I thought was a shadow of an insect fly across the table & over my head. My daughter asked if I saw it...I said no. She said..."That was Alexander, my friend!"...She told me sometimes she sees her friends as shadows...and sometimes 'as real'. I'm not sure if any of this is connected...but I simply don't know who to talk to about all this stuff without sounding crazy!! Some nights when we wake up...I find myself almost chanting (in my head) "This is my family, this is my light is white"...I have no idea where this is coming from! I feel like I am having to protect my family from intruders or something!? Sometimes it can help take the sense of fear & anxiety away...and help me get back to sleep. I guess, without reading anyone elses posts...I would like to know what other people think about this. Is it simply a case of needing a lavender oil hot bath before bedtime...or could there be a little more to it??!!
I want to believe/partner is skeptic...even with all this stuff happening/want to nurture childs gifts...but don't know how
Any/All practicle advice welcome :-)
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For Newbie

Post by Twinstars »

Hello Newbie, I’m John. I can’t speak but for myself, but I too went through a full year of the 1:11, then the 3:33’s, and at the very end the 5:55 wakeup calls. There were times, especially near the end, January of this year for me, when it all threatened to became a bit Much. I recall using on more than one occasion the word “Maddening.” :shock:
I could go on but I sense you are not looking for more stories, but ways to cope with it all. What finally worked for me was a change in routine. Mild sleep aids don’t work. I always awoke anyway. So I began setting up for a Chamomile tea before going to bed. As soon as my feet hit the floor, at whichever time I awoke, the kettle was on the boil. Some nights I found that I was able to return to sleep within the hour. I admit some nights even that did not work. Another thing that worked well was staying up until midnight. In my thinking it seemed better to go to bed at midnight and get five to six hours, then go to bed at 10pm and get less than three hours. You learn to be creative, adopting an “If you can’t beat them, join them” attitude.
If there is anything to be gained from the experience I would have to say it is, for me, the gift of patience, and the feeling that all is well. I am a lucid dreamer. It is my way of connecting with the borderland. Immediately after my ‘year of turmoil’ I dreamed of being told I had weathered to storm, and because of it I would now have all calm seas. So you see my dear there is Always hope.
As for your chanting, I usually wake singing. I am of the understanding, because I read auras, that if you are surrounding your family in white light then you have little to worry about. Your 333 protectors are right there with you. I also have a knowing about dream interpretation, so can hopefully offer some encouragement. Sometimes a bad, even scary dream is the subconscious minds way of flushing out what is no longer useful to us. As in, out with the old and in with the new. As for the shadows, Alexander is only that, a shadow, a personality. If you are seeing shadows it is only that you are, in your expanding consciousness, stepping a little closer to the light. But when we are guarded we pull back from the Light, causing our inner light to dim. When we begin to develop the ability to see and appreciate the beautiful, the pure, the lovely in everything and everybody we contact, mind and heart, those abilities bring us into a closer attunement with the Infinite. Take your Lavender hot bath before bedtime, because there IS more to it. Keep believing, the Universe continues to turn no matter if your partner is skeptical or not. We are all just on different levels.

Peace be with you,

Love, John
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Lloydy,

Welcome. Firstly read the threads in the first FAQ forum.
I believe my daughter is quite special and has 'friends' who she talks to...from a very young age she has had 'imaginary friends'...and I have always encouraged her to talk about it. But lately she has become very guarded...and says that her friends are 'shy from me'...I was sitting at the dining table the other night with her, with my head down...when I noticed what I thought was a shadow of an insect fly across the table & over my head. My daughter asked if I saw it...I said no. She said..."That was Alexander, my friend!"...
Odds are you are getting prompted so you will be good parents to your special child. If you get scared, she will pick up on this. 3:33 is typically Mathew's call sign, so mabe he is with you. Its very likely that if you do accept that an external celestial intelligence is responsible for these, they will then change, to another set of numbers.

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Post by Lloydy »

Thankyou! I have now had a read through the FAQ's...and I am amazed! I have so much to learn...even though it feels like this has been going on for a while now...perhaps with more understanding I will be able to actually do something about/with it! I usually just get the time's my partner who gets the dreams...and my daughter who seems to have special gifts 'seeing/talking' to 'people'. I do the chanting in my head I suppose we all have our own qwerks :-) Thanks again...and I suppose it's off to the books for me! Cheers..x
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Post by blue nova »

want to nurture childs gifts...but don't know how
that is a wonderful attitude...right there ^^^...nurturing...

keep an open mind and listen to her...that will be a big help :D

my parents sluffed it off and told me it was my imagination....that is a no- no. in a childs mind, that is the same thing as telling them they are not seeing them and that i was weird. they never said anything hurtful or such...its that they did not seem to care >>in my mind<<<
My daughter asked if I saw it...I said no
keep with being truthful....your daughter sounds a lot like i was...and if she is anything like me, she can sense a non-truth, or when someone is not being truthful with her.

welcome to the site :D

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Llyody,
Welcome! I was in the middle of writing you a post and saying how much of what your daughter was experiencing reminded me of blue nova when my kids called me... I chuckled when I got back on and saw that Anne had posted then.
I was hoping you would Anne..(Sending you a mental sos I think) because I felt like you had a good understanding of what Llyody's daughter might be going through.
Anyway...It is nice to meet you Lloydy. Hope you feel comfortable here and continue to share with the rest of us..

John, I loved what you said here...
When we begin to develop the ability to see and appreciate the beautiful, the pure, the lovely in everything and everybody we contact, mind and heart, those abilities bring us into a closer attunement with the Infinite.
Beautifully said and so true! :happy

Love to all,
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Post by blue nova »

..(Sending you a mental sos I think)
message received Sunny :D :D
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Post by Sandy »

message received Sunny
:cheers: It worked! :D
Thanks sis!
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What next...who is matthew?

Post by Lloydy »

Hi be honest I have only read through the FAQ's, I haven't read through much more than that! Since my last post I have had a sense of relief..and smiled every time I saw the usual 11:11. 3:30 etc prompts...and thought that it wouldn't be long 'till I knew how to deal with all the strange to talk to my little girl about her 'friends' etc. But after last night I wonder if I'll ever get time to learn everything I need to!!
Last night was different...I woke at 3.30am, with a loud bang, from my daughters room - on the other side of the house. I listened for a few seconds...heard her whimpering...I went in to find her a bit upset...I asked her what happened and she told me that she had somehow hit her head on the wall!! It was such a loud bang...and if that was her head, would have hurt me! She wasn't fussed and we had a giggle about it. We just had a quick cuddle, talked about what lovely dreams she should try to have when she went back off to sleep..and she settled really quickly. I climbed back into bed at...3.33am..of course...and then, well...didn't sleep for quite sometime trying to think about what it all meant!!
I was wondering who Matthew might be Geoff...

3:33 is typically Mathew's call sign, so mabe he is with you
I have been having dreams where an old friend, to be honest old boyfriend named Matthew has shown up...and I didn't like nor understand why I was dreaming of him!! Perhaps there is a reason after all??!!

I believe that I have accepted that an external celestial intelligence is responsible..

Its very likely that if you do accept that an external celestial intelligence is responsible for these, they will then change, to another set of numbers.
However...I think about the ying/yang aspect of all this..I'd like to know about all the wonderful and great things that can be, but I also want to be prepared...if I have to be, to protect my family. While I was in bed last night I realised this is not the first time that there has been a physical type 'bump' in the night.
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