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Post by lilly »

Hi Gypsie,
Last night I went out to see my friends band play at the Vic on the Park..... we were sitting out the back in the beer garden. A plane went over really low and my thoughts went to you..... felt like I was in another space for a minute or two, as everyone was occupied talking and laughing.....
I'm so glad you are getting a new house, wonderful news for you all.
Love to you and the boys.
lilly xxxx :D
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi everyone,,,

I just opened a new thread called Spiritual Artwork,,,

with a link to

and of course I have a strange story to go with it....

the day before yesterday, my computer went down again....

so back on the phone again with my server,,,,then to a technician,,,because the wireless disconnected while the first techy re-connected an email address..

anyway, I'm telling this fellow that I had been watching a web class online with Eckhart Tolle,,,

he says,,,yes I think I have The Power of Now....

well that opened up the floodgates,,,,,and near the end he asked me if I had ever seen Alex Grey's work...he said, go into Paintings,,on the left,,then go into Progress of the Soul on the right side of the screen.

Believe me, you can't stop at one picture.

Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did....

love pp
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello you lot! Erm, rewrite: Lot,

Gypsie, I hope you get that old house! I wish we still had Dollers, Dolwerdd Farm, but things just sometimes never out the way you want!
I mean...take today for me f'rinstance: I shall refrain from banging on about the bed-shaking, back tapping- incident, but we all ended up in a popular supermarket scattered all over the shop. I passed a very gorgeous dark-haired woman and thought: "Wow! Nice dress sense, I love the boots!" before passing her.
Thalia & Mathi decided it would be a great laugh to fill the trolly with very expensive products that Phil & I wouldn't dream to buy: brand-named hot dogs, a smoked ham (45 Euros. We're talking a whole half meter leg), a massive plant worth 40, a luxurious gateau, worth 33 Euro's, they put in rubbish like white Boudin, over-priced duck, a 12-can pack ofcoke, and so many bottles of champers. Phil came over to the skalliwags just after I did with my special-offer shampoo. I clocked the ready-made over-priced meals straight away. Phil had a fit about the massive smoked ham! Thals and Mathi were keeling ovr, and I clicked! Only...the joke went bad!....Phil was putting the stuff away, and half of it was mine! So, I am...let us say...raising my voice a little notch or two: "OI! I'm buying THAT!" and he says: "This? These flowers? I will go out to a meadow tomorrow and pick you a lovely bunch of flowers!" :(
I answered: "Last time you did that, was :twisted: WHEN WE LIVED IN A HOUSE...OUR HOUSE WHICH WE'VE NOW LOST WITH A MASSIVE GARDEN A 5 FIELDS!!!"
That was when the afore-mentioned gorgeous dark-haired woman came round the corner and Phil did a :shock: and said: "OMG That's Aurora! Remember the Secretary at Flagolets? "(Nick name for the place we were guardians at chateau Andelot!) I clocked her immediately and ran off in shame with the trolly, whilst Phil bellowed: "Aurora!"
AN HOUR LATER, kid you not...Phil and Aurora came over at the shampoo department to say HIII!! She remebered Thalia because while we lived and worked there, she roamed about the chateau free as a fly! (Aged 2) and the owner, Harry Belan, adored her and they got on real well! Unlike the rest of his staff, hahaha!
She suddenly turned to me and said: "You are so very lucky!"
I looked back and said: "I know this! They are not only good looking kid's, but, they always help with the housework!!"

Soon...very soon, no more bloody housecleaning! No more 2 fires to clean and make! And no more window cleaning. There are somany little window panes to clean! No more hoovering!
Oh, and no more electricity, fridge, dvd's, puter, proper beds, home-phone, thermostats, puffy sofa's, toaster, electric kettle, microwave oven!!!
Oh well....never mind! Sure we'll think of something? Like SNORKLING???
Wayhey, I loved that as a child!!!

ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by lilly »

Hi Pet,
The people you meet in the supermarket. Never met any Aurora's though. I hate it when you sneak up there with no makeup on, hair a bit messy, old t shirt and scruffy jeans, just to get milk or something you've forgotten and bump straight into a friend who's just come out of the hairdressers and looking like a million dollars....never fails.... Lol
I've been run through the mill myself this last few months and hung out to dry a few times. I'm getting last.
That's a lovely picture of you and the children.
Love lilly xxx :kiss:
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi My Sweet Friends LUV2,

I seem to have gotten really busy lately, but I still wanted to stop in and say hi! Even though I don't always have time to write in (probably largely because, just due to my basic nature, I have a hard time just writing quick notes -- I can't seem to resist thoroughness and detail, even for what I initially imagine will be "just a quick note," but then, in the end, it almost never is! :roll: :D) That must at least partly explain why so many of you have at least 1000+ posts, when I've only got 300-and-something so far -- perhaps it all balances out though, since my posts are probably usually four or five times longer than everyone else's! :lol: I do visit these boards regularly and am reading everyone's words and thinking about and learning from you all on an ongoing basis, though! :happy

I'll partly do a bit of "the name game" here, but not as thoroughly as sometimes, since there's so much here to catch up on, and I haven't got as much time as I'd like. So everyone, just know that whether or not I address you by name, I'm reading your posts, witnessing your growth, thinking about you, and glad to see you here! :D

PP wrote: wrote:how's the chai????
PP, first of all, I want to say thanks for that lovely zero-calorie cyber chocolate chai you made me when I last wrote in, even though it wasn't even actually your day to serve the drinks! It was excellent, thank you, and the additional chocolate sprinkles were a wonderful added touch! :D

Wow, I didn't know so many people have an allergy to cedar, but it's really good to know -- I'll have to read up on that!

I keep trying to get time to continue reading A New Earth, and I really want to get to the sections on the pain body that you were talking about -- I remember reading about it in his previous book, The Power of Now -- I especially could relate to his discussion of the collective female pain body that women experience during their monthly cycles -- that is one area I can definitely use more work on to disconnect further from the pain body. I'm glad for all the conversations about the ego that I've seen in various places on these boards lately -- perhaps I'll jump in more on those after I've gotten more caught up in this book and thought about it more...

Even just the parts of the book I've read so far have been contributing to a major shift, a leap in growth, that I've been feeling myself making lately. After our NYC friend's visit, out of necessity, it seems that my palm-healing skills have suddenly improved in response to the extra demand -- my hands suddenly now get much hotter than they used to, without my consciously doing anything differently, among other things. I've seen all of you here spiritually growing so much lately, and I'm feeling the same thing happening to me in parallel as well. It's wonderful to see and experience!

11 million people watching Oprah's and Eckhart's class, wow, that's great! I wish I'd been able to attend the "7 Steps to Stillness" class -- that sounds like it was really helpful, and I've seen from your posts on various threads, PP, that you really seem to have made a lot of progress with meditation lately, and that this class was part of it ... does anyone happen to know if Donna D. made a recording of the class that one could purchase after the fact?...

Hi Sarah, good to see you here! Glad to hear you're starting to get over that nasty virus; I hope you start feeling better and better as you continue to recover from it. Sounds like all of us have been working with weight issues off and on at some time or other -- there are so many different diets and different things work for different people -- since so many of us are currently working on weight issues, as I mentioned a few pages back, Ron and I have been on the Ornish-style 10%-fat, mostly-vegetarian diet since mid-November, and during that time, I've lost about 24 pounds, and he's lost about 40 pounds. It's gotten to the point where I can honestly say I'm almost downright skinny right now :shock:, for the first time since I was age 25 or so!

One of Ornish's cooking recommendations that's seemed to make a lot of difference is not adding any additional fat to food that isn't already naturally present in the food itself -- for example, using water or broth instead of oil to saute things (I was surprised just how well it actually works, so now I do it all the time!), and using egg whites in place of whole eggs, and applesauce in place of butter or oil, in baking. A couple of other adaptations we've made in this regard that really help are using butter-substitute sprays (the brand, "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" is really popular here in the U.S.), and salad-dressing sprays, which are typically only one to two calories per spray -- we've found these to be fairly decent-tasting substitutes for the higher-calorie butters, margarines and salad-dressings. I too have found that I've been losing weight even though I've been only exercising sporadically (though I'd certainly like to exercise more once I manage to find the time :roll:, since it just makes me feel a lot better generally.)

Oh yeah, one more thing that's been helping us is finding really good spices to replace the flavor of higher-fat ingredients! Monday was my birthday, so we mail-ordered a bunch of really fun, unusual spices to experiment with as part of the celebration -- ground lavender, ground rose petals, ground sun-dried tomatoes, lavender-violet-and-vanilla-bean sugar sprinkles (mmm, heavenly! :happy), granulated honey, smoked paprika, and some others, including one called "Ras El Hanout," apparently a middle-eastern phrase meaning something like "specialty of the house," that is a diverse, subtly-balanced mixture of many different spices, including curry spices and ground rose petals. It tasted divine in some split pea soup we made the other day! :D

Lilly, I love hearing your stories of the joyous outings and meditations you've been having lately -- just something about your energy -- so frequently, these posts from you feel like walking out into the sunshine in a springtime field full of wildflowers and just breathing in the fresh air! Thank you for that! :D

I'll have to download that free EFT book I saw you post about somewhere, by Craig someone -- I wrote the name down in my journal at one point so I'd remember! :D

Hi Liz darlin'! It's good to see that you're still around on these boards after all, and spreading around your joy and light as usual! Great job on your wishboards and your weight-related successes too! :D

Petra, dear Petra -- know that I'm reading all your touching, funny, poignant posts regularly on this thread and thinking about you and your family, empathizing with you, and sending good energy your way along with everyone else here. Wow, Corsica, how cool! I Googled it too, and I read about its Mediterranean climate and saw pictures of its gorgeous beaches! And since it's a tourist destination, I'll bet there will be some cyber cafes there so you can get online and stay connected that way. And of course, all of us here, and all the Celetials, will be connected with you heart-to-heart and mind-to-mind too all the while anyway, so you'll never be alone regardless! :happy :happy :happy If you're going to have to be spending some time living in a tent, Corsica's sure the best kind of place to do it, eh?! :D I love your current avvie of you and the kids, by the way! :D

Gypsie dear
, I too hope you get that beautiful home, and I agree with you, any time we face adversity, there's always an opportunity in it for growth -- a wise thing for us all to remember! :happy

Well, all right, my friends, it's getting a bit late here, but it's been great talking with all of you as usual, and you all take care! :kiss:

Much Love to All LUV2,

Aqua Deb
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Post by ChildofGod »

Thank you!!!!!!!!!

Liz :D
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Aqualeaf Deb,,,

how did you sneak it by sounds like you had a great day...
I'd be interested in knowing about Ormish's cooking????

You write such beautiful letters,,,,it's always a joy to read them....
you take the time to respond to each of us in a caring and loving way...
your a beautiful person....the light shines brightly in you....

I'm glad you liked the chai.....I think I got hearburn :wink: :lol: :lol:

about the CD from the 7 Steps of Stillness,,,,

why don't you just write her,,,,you'll find her link at the bottom of the List Ops,,,when she sends in channels from Mother Nebadonia...and she's a wonderful lady.....I don't know if she'll put the CD out for sale,,,,when she did it,,,it was for a donation to the 11:11 progress group...

she has another one coming out near the end of April called "The Healing Codes"...

just go to the CCC website,,,,and I know she'll write you back...

yes, listening to the 7 steps really did help me.....but it was also a combination of things that happened around the same time.....

I had another major shift last night....which released alot of emotion,,,that wasn't really mine.....I was feeding into other's pain body's and getting stuck.....until AH HA!!! hit when I saw the whole picture,,,I did an exercise with Archangel Michael and the Pyramid of Power,,,,,and I just got this amazing and beautiful healing and clearing.....

I am really thankful to everyone,,,,for their help,,,,whether you know you helped or not....we truly do learn from each other......

love pp
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hi all, thanks Aqua.... I find it impossible to follow diets, i just cut down my food portions rather than omit the foods that i love, i'm doing well, lost 14 pounds in a few weeks, but unlike you, i'm not skinny yet... :cry:

Take care everyone...

Love Sarah
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Post by gypsie »

hi all everyone sounds well and back on track, myself included :lol:
Today was a day of giving here at my home as I mentioned somewhere my neice (cousin really but she calls me auntie Debs) had a baby boy 13 days ago, he is as cute as. Her Grandmother lives way up in QLD so I got a bee in my bonnet and decided to bring joy through surprise into my darling neices life. We secretly booked the tickey, arranged around 20 Scottish Gypsies to come over today for a family BBQ and just allow a family with so many war wounds to be almost normal and embrace each other.
WOW it was such a sucess gang, when my Aunt walked through the door and she saw her grandmother she screamed and burst into tears. The father of the baby is well shall we say quite out there and may never give her the love she so deserves :cry: but today as she sat in our little group to eat her lunch I said " well, my beautiful princess today you are surrounded by women and men who love you so much ( here come the tears) her grandmother sat opposite smiling on. I went on to say "i know things haven't worked out the way you planed sweetheart but the funny thing is as John Lennon said (hi Petra's t-shirt)
Life is what happens while we're making other plans

We love you and are always here for you and your beautiful baby son. It feels good to give, hey? We are all really so emotional on this thread and are trying to give with each step we take, I thank you all for the time so carefully given to my family...I LOVE YOU..

Now Petra, I really shouldn't laugh when you post such serious issues but as Lily said you have a wonderous way with words, are you keeping a journal? I think putting it all in a book one day may not seem as out there as you may feel, good things are on the way for you sweetheart.

I never imagined we would find the money to even entertain the idea of actually going into debt for the next 30 years :shock: I have cried, screamed at Harry, sobbed into my pillow and screamed WHY???? to the heavens. Why did we loose our home?????

The answer has finally come Petra, you see I believed when I owned that beautiful old rambling home never did I imagine it could be taken that fast.
The lesson was it is material stuff, yep I was wounded and a bit embarresed, felt like we'd failed ect but it was again material stuff.

About three weeks ago I started re-reading The Art of Happiness by The Dali Lama, I stopped and pondered this man's life. I then hired 7 Years in Tibet (which I plan to watch again with the kids, they don't quite get all the international protests). I thought as I picked up his book, he is truly a humble man then it hit me like a lightening BOLT. :shock:

This man and his people lost a country and I am upset about loosing a home! Oh dear I thought, I felt a bit of shame and then said no this is not the message, the message is We Can Survive Anything by staying humble and true to those we love. I know it may seem a bit of a cliche' but the minute I thanked God for the lesson things started to turn around so fast I still need to write down step by step how we are possibly in a position to go again. This house is not a house where I would hold my head high as visitors arrive, I am committed to stop myself saying 'we need to fix this and that (we need to fix everything) I am hoping to stay committed to saying 'Thankyou Angels for this roof', Jack does not even wish to see it, he said 'As long as I have four walls, a roof and my family I am happy'

You see Petra my sweet friend I feel we have been walking some kind of path together,, I thank you for holding my hand as I have held yours when we felt like we were (still are) being peeled back like onions to the sunlight.

I watched a movie last week about Anne of Berlin and saw how she or more her dysfunctional family were driven by the need to be secure. They wrote down her words as she spoke before the beheading and she was just a woman who wanted security. I know the top end type possibly driven by her and her father's ego but she was on a quest to be safe.

I still don't know why Petra but I truly see you all coming here, it's a young country, my cousin is on his was to where you are in a camper with three young girls, maybe you could all hook up? My Harry has suggested when the business is stronger we could be in a position to sponsor you all to come to our open arms Petra. Feel it, dream it, smell it anything is possible with the army behind you my sister.

Your girls have mentioned countless times they will come to Australia, I have been meditating on it and I think I visited you all a few times. Maybe those old ghosties have some advice for you, look at it from that angle, I don't get a negitive vibe here I get someone is trying to tell you something. Your future is bright (i did a sneeky reading) things will turn around and for the better, this is the adversity time, journal, journal...

Well, have I made a ham out of myself here of what, one week I say STOP advice the next I am the Sarah Jessica colum of 'Lets see which city' :lol:

Aqua Deb please do you have a link to that diet? sounds like what the doctor ordered for down under..

OK I have rambled enough tonight and I am sooooo tired KNOK but I had to come knocking on ya door sweet girl, I was asked by something during meditation...

love to all you in the Coffee House I feel we are getting back to the 'Law of Attraction' Petra the best is yet to come....

Love to all and enjoy the leaves Heather, PP buds, Aqua Debs new found waist, Lily's gentle space of peace and Miss Lizz You can't leave woman we need you!

Hugs Gypsie
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Post by SheraX »

One door closes another opens,if that door closes,climb out the window.

I come into this topic without reading all of it and I missed so much important info. So sorry,I am not being uncaring or aloof.

Things WILL get better. *hugs*
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Post by lilly »

I just popped in before going to sleep. What a great place this is and the Love and support is incredible.....I love you all.........Goodnight and GodBless.
lilly xxxxxxxxxx
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Gypsy,

That was a wonderful story about your family going to your niece and what joy you brought her and her wonderful new baby boy. I can just see all you Gypsies laughing and being one together with that new little spirit in your lives.

I'm so happy to here your going to get a home and it sounds so wonderful that you will be able to fix up what you described as SHAG CARPET (how 70's :lol: :lol: ). I dont know about Australia but the 70's is busting out all over the place here and that carpet may come back into style :shock:. I'm sure we will here wonderful stories as you and your family move into your home.


To everyone one of you beautiful people let me send some love your way. I've been reading but not doing alot of posting and those that need prayers I'm sending them your way.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »

Hi everyone,,,

Just a note to let you know I'm going to be taking a couple of classes,,,and my board time will be severely cut for abit....

and I'm so addicted to all of you,,, :lol: :lol: I don't know how I'm going to tear myself away....

but there are only so many hrs in a day and I can't burn the candle at both ends for very long or it's wipe out....

Gypsie,,,,that was such an awesome gift you gave your niece,,,and what a wonderful time you've all been spending have a heart of solid gold there girl,,,,

I'll be checkin in....

love everyone of you....pp :kiss:
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Post by ChildofGod »

:( :wink:


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Post by lilly »

Love is so powerful it dissolves hatred and anger. Thank goodness for that. I feel so fortunate to know all of you beautiful people. Each one of us has something to give to the cup until it overflows and nourishes each of us in some way........We are clearing and healing so that we can be truly happy. Spreading all those healing vibes around......Life is full of opportunities to enjoy and also help others along on their journey too. It just rubs off a little here and a little there. We are like bees going from one flower to another in a sense......Without the sting though .......Lol
Love you All.
lilly xxxx :loves
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Post by SheraX »

Awwww PP,well yay on your course tho.

Enjoy and see you when you pop in. :)
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Post by lilly »

I totally forgot your birthday....... :roll: Happy Birthday, I hope you had the best day, you deserve it. Yippee!!!!!!! :lol:
I'll miss you from the board pp, you're such a wonderful person.......
Love lilly xxxx :kiss:
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Post by lilly »

Hi Pet,
Yesterday I went into the city for an appointment and on the building out front was the name Aurora......I was thinking of you as I walked through this lovely park with all beautiful trees and plants in it....A little later I had another appointment and on the wall was a poster for a women's self help group, it was run by a lady named Petra. You're haunting me.....Lol
Love you, lilly xxxx :D
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Post by peacockplume »

Good afternoon ladies,,,

Told you I wasn't leaving,,,,I just can't spend 6-7 hrs here enjoying myself everyday..... but I can't help but check in and see how everyone is.... you'll still see me posting...

Did my first 3 hrs,,,,early this Allan's getting ready for work....

it looks beautiful and sunny out now,,,so maybe I can get some gardening done before the sun goes around the house....

I had a wonderful meditation the other night,,,,and I think everyone that I talk to on the mb was there.....standing room only... it was pretty awesome, healing....

love you all
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
Sounds very interesting, wonder what is happening there. I'm off to sweep up some leaves and get earthed.....Lol
Love lilly LUV2
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Lilly,
Whooosh,,,what a day....I planned to go outside this afternoon, but it was no earthing for me today....

then after Allan went to work....I caught up reading on Ch 7,,,,next thing I knew it was 'time' to open the link and wait for the classroom doors to I quickly grabbed a bite to eat,,,took Echo out,,,then settled down with earphones to listen to A New Earth...

Must say,,,the streaming was kind of the pits tonight....and Caroline is coming over tomorrow afternoon,,,,so we'll watch the archive,,,and hopefully I'll have it printed off,,,,in case the recorded version is as bad as the live one....if all else fails,,,we can read the chapter over and discuss seems to make more sense when you can discuss it with someone....because you can put it into your own life's perspective...

What I really like about it,,,,is when you find yourself in a position of almost getting caught in anothers emotional outburst (like Allan is when he comes home from work),,,,it's automatic now,,,,that I don't say anything.....I just start focusing on the breath,,,,,and it's like I'm sitting elsewhere,,,,,watching,,,,his action,,,,my non-reaction,,,but still being there....rather hard to explain......then I can respond from total non-emotional space.....and even nicer,,,,if I do respond,,,it is with something positive,,,which helps to change his outlook....and it's 'amazing' to see the results unfold in the following couple of days....

here's one I really liked,,,,,on page 199 starts the story of a Zen master, who was wrongly accused of getting a girl pregnant.....when confronted he only said "Is That So!",,,,,when the baby was born,,,it was given to him...A yr later,,,the girl confessed,,,the parents went to get the baby back with apologies that he was not the father,,,and again he said,,,"Is That So!....and returned the baby....

The point being that the Master did not respond or become a participant in human drama.....He was so completely at one with what happens,,that what happens has no power over him anymore...

Only if you resist what happens,,,are you at the mercy of what happens...

The thing is to remember not to put up any resistance to the negative,,,and it loses it's dissapates.....dissolves....

I mean what can an arguing person say to Is that so!.....

try it's amazing....oh yes,,,remember to say it calmly...

:lol: :lol: :lol: (I wonder if I should have put this on the Mothers thread?)

love pp
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
I went to post earlier and the board went strange...... I do recall reading that story about the zen master. It makes a lot of sense. I no longer become embroiled in my partners squabbles with his family, which enraged him at first, because he was so used to me getting in and having a say......
My creativity is blossoming and I'm very happy with my finished painting.....Thank goodness this is something to enjoy after such a weird time in my life....
Meditation tonight, I'll send some love to you all here. We are a terrific lot aren't we. As we all grow we find ourselves in each other and as the threads weave, we come to see we are one.
Love lilly xxxxx :sunny:
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Lilly,
Yes, it was actually in tonights class...

It's wonderful to see your creativity blossoming....

Hope you have a wonderful time tonight...


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I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
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Post by SheraX »

I will try that PP. :) thanks
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Post by Sandy »

Hello my dear friends...I first just want to wish AquaDeb a Big....

:flower: Happy Birthday!!! :flower:

I am so sorry it got past me...I am afraid I have been terribly preoccupied with computer problems for the past two weeks... That is no excuse.. But I do hope you know how much you are loved and how much you have added to my spiritual growth with your beautiful and inspiring posts. I smiled when you talked about your lengthy posts Yes...I think you should get recognition and at least credit for three for every one of them anyway... I'll say it again though..every word you write has special meaning and comes from such a loving heart that we all feel blessed as we read your words.

Well I had better not push my luck with my touchy computer. (it shuts down and reboots itself without any warning at times...) Our computer man is coming tomorrow to see if he can figure out what has happened.
Anyway I am thinking of all of you all and loving you even if I have been rather quiet lately.

Hopefully I can get back on track in every aspect soon.

Big hugs, LUV2
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