Conversations with God?

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Conversations with God?

Post by CherBear »

I read the whole series, and they really resonated with me. I was searching for the meaning of life (sort of) and I just kept hearing about or reading about these books. I read them and they really answered so many unanswered questions for me. I suggested them to anyone who would listen to me. I don't think any of them followed through, though.

It's been a couple of years since I read them, and I think I'm in the mood to re-read them. These books really helped me along the road of knowledge. I hightly suggest them.

Anyone else out there have the same feelings?
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Post by Geoff »

Hi Cherbear,

Sadly although I really liked the first half of the first book, when I got to "god" saying that Jesus was far from perfect, and that Neale had had 300 lives, I threw it away. While Jesus himself states he is not perfect, I don't see any God pointing that out. And at that time I was not prepared to read any sources that follow reincarnation.

I might be a bit more tolerant these days, but I formed the view that his "god" was a pretty middling level spirit. Maybe fourth mansion sphere at most. And most likely lower. IMHO. One give-away to me is automatic writing. I would stand corrected, but I don't think anyone who has Thought Adjuster contact does that via automatic writing. As I say, I am happy to be corrected on that.

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Post by CherBear »

Hey Geoff. I can't correct you on anything, because I don't really know.

I haven't read the books in a couple of years (so I honestly don't remember the comments about 300 lives or Jesus not being perfect). Just another reason for me to read them again, but they did help answer a lot of questions for me.

When I read the series, I knew nothing about though adjusters and the like. For me, it was the beginning of the journey. Those books lead to others, which lead me to something else, and so on and so on, and then
George's book and these boards. Kind of like a stepping stone.

Yes, perhaps a lot of things in the CWG series can be questionable, but they sure did help me understand a lot of things.

For example (and again, I REALLY need to re-read the series), talking about how God doesn't "care" what we do. In other words, he gave us free well and therefore doesn't judge us. I always fought with that....if he loves us and made us this way, why would he judge us? The first book helped me understand. The next books delve into creation and other worlds, etc. and opened me up to the fact that we are not alone. I never really thought we were, but these books helped me understand the subjects of creation and ET's beyond anything else I had ever read.

In other words, the CWG series was the first step on the ladder for me and helped me with my first attempt at who, what, when, where, how, why! Perhaps if I hadn't read those books, I wouldn't be here today. :lol:

Just my thoughts, and thanks for starting this new thread, Geoff!
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Post by Geoff »

Hi Cherbear,
Those books lead to others, which lead me to something else, and so on and so on,
Well I totally agree, if that is what happens. But, after I read the first book, I went to a CWG forum, to see how folks were. I was appalled. Typically, they were folks who had read NOTHING else, and suddenly they thought they were in complete understanding, with absolute Truth. Very dogmatic, arrogant, just like the worst of Christians, in fact. I guess the moral is don't blame the book!

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Post by CherBear »

I guess the books just didn't do it for you, Geoff!!!

I never did read any of the CWG forums, so I can't comment. But I have to admit I couldn't stop talking about the series after I read them. These books affected me (at the time) in a way I cannot describe. I personally think there were many things in those books that made the light bulbs go on in so many people's heads that it sort of became their "bible."

Of course, I didn't necessarily know if the words came straight from God, but they were obviously the words of a spiritual entity. As far as the automatic writing thing, well to me that's just another way for the heavens to communicate.

Perhaps if I read them again they wouldn't seem so life changing. Especially after everything I have learned here.

Thanks for sharing!
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Conversations with God......

Post by George »

Conversations with God......

Have you read any of our regular "A Thought Adjuster Speaks" from Lytske?

Same thing, really. Each (any) Thought Adjuster individually represents the Creator of All.

They are the best TEACHERS.

Only human error can bring in the surprises. :shock:

There usually are Midwayer and Seraphic intermediaries, however.

"Primitives" like me only get one or two sentences direct from the TA on rare occasions.

God bless....

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Post by Geoff »

Same thing, really
Sorry George, not the same thing at all. Neale Donald Walsch's "god" believes in reincarnation.

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Neale Donald Walsch.....

Post by George »

Neale Donald Walsch.....

like all of us is subject to human error... existing belief systems interfering with reception. It's unavoidable.

God bless....

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Post by Geoff »

existing belief systems interfering with reception
I would need to re-read his first book, which I am unlikely to do. But I think he explains he had no religious/spiritual views. I certainly did not get the impression that was a pre-existing belief of his. No, I remain convinced he is talking to an ex-mortal who fancies he is "god". Accurately channelled, inaccurate spirit.

much love,
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Post by digitalgirl11 »

Geoff, nice timing for posting this post! :D

5683, DG11
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Post by Geoff »

Hi DG,

Yup that was a good post timing. I was also quite exhausted, and should have been in bed.

Much love,
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Post by Ochre »

The teachings of 'God' in CWG seemed to me, to contrast so radically with the teachings of Jesus. I thought to myself, who is this low-down, wayward and deceptive spirit masquerading as God, and how naive and foolish is this chap for really believing he is conversing with the Almighty!
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Post by CherBear »

When you pray to God, you are conversing with the Almighty!

If you read through many of the posts on these boards, you will see that many of the channelers here talk to, and get responses, from Jesus.

Anything is possible.
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Ochre,

Well I had similar feelings, but I only read one book, so i am not sure if we read the same one. But we have on this board a series of messages that we do believe are from Father. Try them for size, I would suggest.

There are over 400 of these now. Just amazing, in my view. They never make light of Jesus, unlike CWG.

Much love,
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Post by Ochre »

Yes, anything is possible! That is why discernment is needed among the New Age explosion of gurus and channellers, many of them out to cash in on naive seekers.

Discerning truth from cosmic debris, I suspect, may take being bitten once or twice! "Be you as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves".

Geoff, I read a post you wrote about low level, or negative spirits, and I was wondering how the presence of these on our planet fits in with UB cosmology. What are they, where are they from and what is their objective in deceiving us mortals?
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Ochre,
Geoff, I read a post you wrote about low level, or negative spirits, and I was wondering how the presence of these on our planet fits in with UB cosmology. What are they, where are they from and what is their objective in deceiving us mortals?
It does not directly fit with Ubook cosmology. It is not that the UBook precludes their existence, but it certainly does not directly discuss them

The Ubook makes it clear that after death we are not magically transformed. It also makes it clear, that we start at the bottom mansion world, and do not progress until we have "earned" it. Low level, negative or dark spirits are no more, and no less than equivalent mortals, who have died, and are not sleeping survivors, and exist in the lower planes of the first mansion world.

They generally do not set out to deceive us, unless they are "playing games." Just like you find mortal pranksters, you find them in spirit.

You also do not suddenly learn all truth, and discard all untruth, when you arrive on the mansion worlds. Most of the deception, if you put it that way, comes from spirits who have not yet learned better. They are genuine, trying to help, but are not in possession of the truth, and they end up "deceiving" folks.

I realise that in at least one place, the Ubook says spirits cannot communicate from the mansion worlds. That is one of the few parts in that book that is complete garbage, and, IMHO was inserted absolutely deliberately by Sadler. He was paranoid about distancing the Ubook from "psychic phenomenon". For good reason, I would agree, but he did not know where to draw the line.

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Post by Ochre »

Dear Geoff,

What is IMHO? and what other parts of the UB do you think are complete garbage?

I thought the UB says that it is possible to traverse the Mansion worlds while on earth, that we don't automatically start at No. 1?

So, fairly spiritually advanced dead folks on Mansion world No. 1 are able to interfere in the affairs of humans, if humans will it? Are these the spirits
rife in Spiritism and responsible for ouija board phenomena? They are not out to deceive, just get their facts wrong? Do you think it is advisable to communicate with them?

Where do you get the authority to make such a claim about Sadler and the UB?
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Ochre,

IMHO means In my humble opinion.

I think that at least one other passage is complete garbage. Search for the word sordid, and you will find it.

When I first read the Ubook, my Spirit of Truth rebelled when I read both those passages. When I later met George, he told me he had the very same experience. If they were true, all of George's life with midwayers would have been "sordid."

In respect of Sadler, I suggest you read the Sherman Diaries. His antoganism towards spiritualism is well documented. His control over the forum is also well documented.

I did not say that you could not pass over into a higher sphere than the first, although the sequence does seem to require that you actually pass through each, albeit only for a very short time. Mother Teresa passed over into the fifth, and shortly thereafter entered the Seventh.

But, the spirits that cause the most trouble, are undeveloped, and "dark" because they have no spiritual light. If you are really interested in this subject, try this link for a lot more info 30 Years among the dead
So, fairly spiritually advanced dead folks on Mansion world No. 1 are able to interfere in the affairs of humans, if humans will it? Are these the spirits rife in Spiritism and responsible for ouija board phenomena? They are not out to deceive, just get their facts wrong? Do you think it is advisable to communicate with them?
All spirits can communicate with mortals, or vice versa, mortal's minds can and do traverse the universe. I would always seek to communicate with the highest intelligence I can discern. In my case that is my TA. Your milage may vary. But I have also had communications with my family members in spirit, and I certainly found that beneficial, for my peace of mind. Communication in my view is not bad, but if you are naive, you can be led a merry dance. One only has to surf the net to see that. If you are able to utilise the Spirit of Truth, why would one ever fear communication with any being?

Much love,
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Post by Ochre »

Thank you Geoff, I found your reply most helpful and your manner that of a scholar and a gentleman!

Now who is this George? I found his manner on the 11:11 forum haughty and elitist, which does not encourage me to trust his assertions outside of the UB.
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Post by Helen W »

George is the mainstay of the 11:11 Progress list.
He has been working with the mid-wayers and spiritual realms for over 40 years.

He is defensive on these boards because he has to be, especially regarding transmissions, since each transmission is meant to be read from the heart and for each individual reader to be discerning as to their own truth. Secondly we assist others in learning to speak to celestials themselves.
Its a delicate process that requires a lot of trust, which another reason that transmissions are left to stand for themselves.

The group has had many nay-sayers over time and it is important to maintain this trust for the recievers especially within their work.

George is a wonderful, intelligent and wise man who we love, and he's also very protective of our family of recievers!

Regarding communication, sometimes I get messages from 'ex-mortals'. They can be great and comforting, especially for those who do not believe in life after death.
Generally though the best teaching messages come from celestials or mid-wayers...beings specifically chosing to work with teaching energies and assisting the translation of humans into greater evolution.

The two feel very very different within your energy system, and its generally understood too that the more you work on refining your own energy, the purer energies are able to be transmitted/recieved.

I'm not a UB'er to any great extent, so cannot comment sufficiently well on any of the information held within there, but I know within my own truth that each individual holds the spark of God within themselves. It is therefore possible, to communicate with the aspect of God that is yourself. (and I'm sure what NDWalshe was talking about in CWG). It IS God. Not a tiny part of it, though it clothes itself in a tiny part of Gods creation, but really it does come back to we are all one... because of that link in that we all hold a God fragment within us.

Within spiritualism it is again a bit of an open question. Many spiritualist circles work primarily to contact Aunty Hilda from New Zealand. Many others do not, and work almost exclusively with their celestial guides and teachers.
I would personally expect that those that work mainly with loved ones who have passed over, are still actually having the information passed via their own guides and angels, rather than a direct contact with the one who is in the other world.

In terms of what you should work with... if it doesnt feel right, dont do it. End of story.
I have had situations in the past where energies that didnt feel good to me tried to come in, and my free-will perogative says 'No you dont sonny Jim'.
Just because every entity has God fragment within them does not mean that every entity is working in a way that is supportive to our general path.

Really the ultimate goal is to learn from that God self in us, and to not to require learnings of spiritual truth from exterior entities (though they may still always be fun) have conversations with God.

Just a few of my rambling thoughts on the matter.
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Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

Ochre wrote:Thank you Geoff, I found your reply most helpful and your manner that of a scholar and a gentleman!
he is indeed that, and much more, as is George.

Ochre wrote:Now who is this George? I found his manner on the 11:11 forum haughty and elitist, which does not encourage me to trust his assertions outside of the UB.
George is one of the main administrators of the forum, and has done some wonderful work, just one of which is the Akashic Construct, which has given so much to not only myself, but to so many others around the world. this forum is like a home to many people, so it is important that the atmosphere is kept loving and accepting so that people can thrive spiritually. i think George and Geoff do a great job moderating the forum.
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Ochre,
Now who is this George?
George is George. I am proud to call him a good friend. He is not me, as I am not him. He is himself.

There is an extremely long history of intolerance and criticism directed at receivers, especially from those with a UBook background. George will take the sword out, at the first hint of such behaviour. And at the second hint, heads will roll. This is our George. We love him.

You need to understand the extent to which receivers, having had to place all their faith in actually hearing something, and considering that they have not made it all up, then with an act of trust pass it on for all to read. If these dear sensitive folk are then confronted with endless criticism, they will eventually pack up and go home, keeping these gems to themselves. Why we now have access to outstanding receivers, is because of this insulation process.

I will actually discuss with George whether there is value in that particular forum being other than read only. Our distribution of messages, on the public subscription list, is one-way. Messages got out to thousands, and criticisms go no where. Those that don't like, don't read, and possibly unsubscribe.

We have placed them here, on this message board, to provide a wider audience. Our tolerance for personal criticism in that specific forum (Inspired Messages) of receivers, is very low, because of all these reasons. Elsewhere we care little what folks believe, so long as they behave themselves.

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Post by Ochre »

Thank you Helen and Geoff for your gracious replies, it clarifies a lot for me and reassures me that you can tolerate honest inquiry and criticism without having "heads roll!"

I can appreciate the sensitivity of receivers (Helen, however, seemed quite robust enough to handle questioning!) and I understand your decision to disallow replies to tramsmissions.

As a leader of your group, however, I feel George does you all a great disservice by reacting to newcomers in such a manner. " True and genuine inward certainty does not in the least fear outward analysis, nor does truth resent honest criticism. You should never forget that intolerance is the mask covering up the entertainment of secret doubts as to the trueness of one's belief." UB 1641

I did not enter your forum, looking to tear down and thoughtlessly criticise. I entered as a genuine seeker looking to see whether what you had to offer could genuinely nourish and assist my spiritual journey. "By their fruits you shall know them." George's response to my analysis cast serious doubts in my mind as to the integrity and authenticity of your forum.
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Post by Ochre »

Helen W wrote: "Really the ultimate goal is to learn from that God self in us, and to not to require learnings of spiritual truth from exterior entities (though they may still always be fun) have conversations with God."
Helen, I think your concluding statement has answered all of my questions regarding this forum. I fully agree with you. Why not teach people methods of getting in greater contact with their own God fragment, rather than with a channeller's subjective experience of such exterior beings? Direct, ultimate and personal truth as opposed to third-hand, exterior and lower spirit-level truth?

I won't be harrassing your board any more. Thank you all for your time.

God Bless
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No hard feelings here.

Post by George »

And, yes, Helen's a tough one
You and me both dear George.

Someone starts to chew on me they'll soon realise its like eating leather boots and give up!!

Dearest cherbear, so glad to be of help.

By the way, I just have to say, I love you guys, completely and utterly. Tough or not, confident or not, you're all beautiful....and that includes all our family on these boards!

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