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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All!
Seeker, it is soo good to hear from you! How is the community garden coming along? I hope it is all that you hoped it would be :wink:

AJ, yes, I do believe things like that can and do happen all of the time. When Gai and I start talking the synchornicities, like experiences and aha's go off like fireworks! It is so evident to me that we are all connected and connecting in our sleep state. Thank you for sharing that... I Love the name Isabella... not many people have a name like that... very unique.

We have a new little grandson, his name is Sunny Murphy and he is precious.

Aqua Deb,
I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well right now.... sounds like you need some good'ol R&R :wink: I haven't looked at the Perelandra site... quite honestly these days... I don't have time for much of anything. But I do know that I enjoyed her book a great deal... it helped me to get my mind straight about a few things... or at least.. it made good sense to me.

Well I Love All of You !

Hugs and Blessin's for your Lives!
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Post by gypsie »

Hi All

School holidays finish tomorrow and I must say I turn into a raving monster by the second week :oops: Last night I had four 11 year old boys sleep over and a very cranky tired husband so I thought how will I keep these boys quiet when they are full of sugar and it's 10pm. I looked on the coffee table and saw a DVD I had rented in the slight hope I would get a moments peace, I picked it up and asked the boys if they would like to learn about the oldest living humans on earth? :evil: :twisted: The twins rolled their eyes and yelleped "NO MUM" but in the last week of school I was invited into the school to do a presentation on Gypsies and link it to refugee week. It went well so the other boys said yes please I told them this was a very special film which they had to read (sub titals) I lit candles and put on ...TEN CANOES...

The story is set centuries before white settlement in Australia and is a deeply human story, the boys were silent and I feel we were in oneness on a spritual journey. I highly reccommend this film which is set in Central Arnhem Land, in The Northrn Territory in Australia. Most of the actors are people who still live like this until this day, sadly our Government is closing in on these people as I type. You see this land was given back to the rightful owners years ago but the current government is using harsh methods to regain the land as the mining giants wait to swoop.
Why I have typed this I have no idea I just logged in to catch up but have been captivated by your idea Petra that collective - thinking can make things like bad weather happen?

And strangly I have just returned from a recovery meeting which was by total accident a Koori Meeting, they had a member pass to dreamtime and many Korri members came from far to tell their story of this man who had passed 5 days ago. Again the feeling on oneness to listen with an open heart and just let their stories wash over me is a feeling like no other. If it is available in the US or other countries I highly recommend it.
Another film I watched last week was very different UP THERE IN HEAVEN a Swedish film but with the same purpose to bring's been running in a old Art Deco Theratre in Sydney for 13 months, just beautiful..

So I better get back to why I'm taking up so much of the board - this thought ...Collective thinking can make bad weather ect.... come straight back to what I think I understand of The Secret....if we collectively give the issue thought if it be no money, the President and countries who follow we give them more strength by focusing on them. So what if we use the Grids like the 17th to focus on (as a group like Cathy mentions and all of us put down here what each of our countries need then we all meditate on the positive, could it be manisfested? Why Not?

I feel quite lost spritually at the moment and I listened to a 63 year old Aboriginal man share tonight when he is lost and there is adversity these are the greatest spritual lessons of his life. He said the mind has a thought and the body follows (just like in TEN CANOES). I feel like I am almost on the edge of another spritual shift, maybe it's the Grid and the crystals being placed all over to bring this together. I sometimes find it all a bit difficult to understand, my mind may wonder in later but my emotions in a spritual sense are picking up on something amazing which is happening on the planet at the moment. In my AC I saw a very tall woman lift doors from the floor like cellar doors she went in silence in a circle and opened 7 of these doors. I didn't get the chance to see where they went but when the children are back in school I plan to shoot back down there.
sandy I too have been drought focused and look what happened to some of the farmers they are now trying to recover from flood - was it a nation collectively saying "we need a flood?" I wonder. Now they are dealing with millions of spiders haching as the rain finally arrived, I can't work it out..

I would like to say Aqualeaf you sound like you are in heaven, your home sounds like a place of paridise...enjoy my friend.

Mo pole dancing wow I would love to live near you it sounds like a blast. What a special girl this Isabella is all those 7's many Gypsies are named Isabella it means 'Devoted to God' it will be interesting to follow her chart, she is blessed....

Hello Hello Beautiful Memalaura I am so happy to see you, it's alays nice when someone pops in who as travelled the journey of this coffee get together and I love it when new people join in, I still believe in my mind we are sitting around a global coffee table sharing our journeys with each other...
I LOVE YOU Gypsie :love
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Post by Nicolaco »

Hello everyone,

I've never posted on this thread before, but I have always read it, I guess I didn't want to feel like was intruding in your cafe. Stupid I know!! I can't imagine a more welcoming group of people in the world.

Anyway I just wanted to share my feelings of excitement about tomorrow's 'firethegrid'. I wish I was more accomplished at meditating, coz I'm pretty rubbish at clearing my mind for more than a few seconds!!but I know we each have an important part to play, and I guess it's just a matter of sending positive thoughts, rather than clearing the mind.
Has anyone ever taken part in big group meditations before? Do you think we will feel anything as participants? I'm sure some of you who are very receptive will. I really hope I do, but am aware that this is a purely altruistic act we are participating in, and therefore shouldn't hope to 'gain' anything from it.

Anyway, I'm rambling a bit, I guess I just wanted to 'pop in' and say hi, and let you know what was on my mind....

Love to you all, and meet you at 11:11 GMT........
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Post by CathyLynn »

Hello everyone

Nicolaco, you asked
Has anyone ever taken part in big group meditations before? Do you think we will feel anything as participants?
Each Thursday evening I go to a spiritual group meeting and we meditate twice, once before we start our discussion, and a healing meditation after the discussions are over. Group meditations are great and if you'll be partaking in a group tomorrow I know you'll feel the energy.

When you meditate and you find your mind chattering just let it go through. Don't try too hard to stop it, it will stop on it's own and you can get back to your meditation.

I hope everyone Fires the Grid tomorrow and sends out healing love to our planet.

Hugs to all,
Cathy :loves
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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Nicolaco,
Please don't feel like you are intruding! Simply ALL are welcome here!

Dear Sweet Mo',
The Community Garden is stuck in committee. Better hope for next year I guess! My own personal garden is blissful however. For some reason this year I seem to see everything more beautiful than ever! Congratulations on your new grandchild! Sunny is a delightful name. Believe it or not I was thinking it was about delivery time.

Your love for humanity seems to know no bounds. I think getting lost along the spiritual path is all a part of the journey. Eventually I think you will see you were never really lost at all; remember we're all in this together.

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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All of You Beautiful Peeps!

Gypsie, wouldn't it be wonderful if we lived near by each other! We'd have such a laugh'n kick up our heels. It sounds like you've been watching some interesting movies lately... I'll have to check them out... if I can get my hands on them :wink:

Yes CathyLynn, I do plan to Fire the Grid.... gotta read up on what that means again :scratch: I know it was something important :albino:

Heya Seeker, I am glad to hear that your garden is coming along well, group things can be frustrating at times.... as George says... it's like hearding cats :cat: aah well.. try setting out some kibble and milk 8)

Just for the record.... EVERYONE IS ALWAYS WELCOME ON EVERY THREAD :cheers:

Hugs and Sunshine to EVERYONE!
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone :hithere ,

After a few days of sleeping in late and slowing down some, my cold seems to be gone now, except for just an occasional cough. Hurray! :D

Gypsie Deb, sounds like you and the boys had a wonderful shared spiritual experience watching Ten Canoes. It sounds like an excellent movie; I'll have to keep my eye out for it. I too am feeling right on the edge of a spiritual shift, or at least feeling the urge to begin making another spiritual shift -- maybe it is indeed connected to the upcoming firing of the Grid. 11:11am GMT is 4:11am for us over here on the west coast of the U.S. Often, I will gently wake up on my own right at a time that I've suggested to myself beforehand, but if I set an alarm clock, the idea of being rudely awakened by it keeps me from being able to sleep. :roll: So I'm thinking about putting forth the intention, before going to sleep tonight, that I will either wake up spontaneously at that time, or, even if I don't, I will nonetheless know or be prompted when the time occurs, and join in from the dream space if need be. It will be interesting to hear about everyone's experiences with this event! :colors:

Nicolaco, it's great to see you on this thread, and I echo everyone else's sentiments as well -- E v e r y o n e is more than welcome to participate in this huge international coffee-table thread! I know what you mean about meditation -- I have great resistance to sitting down and making my mind clear and still for very long at a time. A few years back, we did participate in a weekly 45-minute group meditation that was often followed by a talk by a guest speaker. I found that the energy of the group really helped a lot, and helped me get into a deeper meditative state much faster than I would have on my own. Once during one of these meditations, several new realizations popped into my mind, then after the meditation ended, the guest speaker, a very experienced meditator, who I later realized had been sitting with us all during the meditation, got up and gave his talk, and it turned out to be all about the same realizations that had popped into my head during the meditation! So it did feel like the concepts were spontaneously being transmitted mind-to-mind through the group when we quieted our minds enough to perceive them.

Last night I bleached and henna-ed my hair again just to see if I could get it to lighten it up a bit further, and it did, as my new avatar shows. It's now more red than auburn, at least until it settles down after a few days... rather firey bright at the moment, but I like it, and I'm having lots of fun experimenting with it! :compress: I hope to commune with all of you at 11:11 GMT tomorrow! :D

Love and Blessings to All of You LUV2 ,

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Post by justylonging1111 »

Dear 11:11 Family,

Hello!!! I guess I am the first to post of July 17 on this thread and I have been meditating and maintaining this amazing and awesome feeling of joy for over 3 hours now!

The Law of Attraction and the Power of Intention!! I see, I see! Thank you God for the miracles you provide me on this day! May this day bring peace and harmony to All and may this day help heal our Precious Earth and the Creatures both great and small!!

Love to You All, God Bless! :sunny:

Love Tannis
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Post by gypsie »

Hello to ALL on our wonderful international table!!!!! :hithere

I will let you in on a sceret WHIST well sought of anyway....when this thread started not one of us had any idea it would grow to over 500 posts and 25,0000 views. It just happened and at times myself I have gone off into the flow of life as we say and drink coffee at a different cafe. Then I wander back to the 11:11 coffee table to read up on others lives and have a good laugh, cry or learn from others lessons in becoming my God chosen self, basically learning how to become a more compassionate woman. so WECOME and we all look forward to getting to know you. I see your in London, is that your beautiful baby on your aviator? Don't worry to much about the meditation it's a bit like hit and miss for me at times also.

Hey MO
My cousin in Brighton (UK0 sent me this link about fire the grid I know it's late but thats me
emmm wonder why the link didn't do the changing to blue thing? I've rechecked and this is the site name, oh well!! Mo we would have a blast I would be at those pole dancing classes in a flash - what fun :twisted: we'd have!!! Do you think it would cure a frozen sholder? Can't believe it's back again gosh it's painful, do you know any good yoga streches for a frozen shoulder?

Aqua Deb
Now I just love the hair, when you said maybe you might sleep through the time frame I thought with that firey beautiful hair your sprit would be soaring!!!! Thanks for sharing about how you are travelling with feeling on the edge of a spritual shift. It's a strange one isn't it?

Thank you for the kind words i feel all here have a passion for humanity you have forever shown nothing but kindness to others on the board and for that I thank you....

Hi Justlonging 1111

I never knew your name was Tannis what a lovely name where is it from? We're on the lookout for girl names for my daugther Yasmin as she is having a girl. Today it still stands at Amelia ( I offered her $1000 bucks to call her Romanie but she turned me down, shocking arn't I ) and I have to say after decades of boys being born in our family buying tiny baby girl clothes is exciting.

Ok I have rambled enough and I too can't wait for all the stories of meditations to come rolling in. I stand in total honesty :oops: and hold my hand up to completely forgetting until I opened my emails :roll: Not a prompt or goosebump in sight from me but I will be meditating at 11:11pm Australian time does it still count? Sure it will my cousin said in her email just one hour of meditation will charge the planet. She said her parents who are in their 70's in San Deago (sorry about the spelling) will be getting up to join in. And again my boys have just lit a candle for the planet...

God Bless and gidday to Sandy and Petra when you log on....
Petra- I will get these boys to email Tahlia soon..

Much love Gypsy Deb ..... :kiss:
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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Gypsie Deb,
You crack me up! LOL! Yasmin doesn't want to call her baby Romaine? In Michingan it's a type of lettuce! I'm sure she would be a positively beautiful little lettuce leaf! Oh, I guess it's spelled differently! Now I'm cracking myself up, imagining her with a purple cabbage leaf bonnet and skirt!

Have a fantastic day!

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello Laddies, whoops, one too many 'd's in that one, but it would be nice to hear from you men!!
Hey Nicola Mo said:
and then some! I used to feel like I was intruding, and probably was a lot of the time, but if it's relevant, why not? :D

Ahh Gypsy Deb, you had a load of boys over too huh? Same here! I never realised young lads can be so boiserous. Manny had two friends over then my good friend came in to Woollies to ask if I could look after her two as her father has died and she needed to have a bit of P&Q. I have never cooked for 7 rowdy children before!! Barely had enough plates at the end of the day! The girls had made the tree house into a fairy sanctuary and the lads were having none of it!! They declared 'war' and invaded the tree house! I have never encountered such noise! Wailing girls and roaring boys chucking pink rugs and flowers out! Then they had some sort of battle but it was quickly over when I bellowed above the din: "ICE CREAM!!"

Mo, thank you for the photies! What a sweet heart! I called everyone to the screen and they all did a simultanious "ahhhhhhhh!"

Hello Deb, I'm glad you're all settled in now. We've started on renovating the house. All the walls have to be painted first! I painted each room a vibrant colour like bright pink, terracota red, blue, sunshine yellow...and apparently most folk want white walls, so my sister told me. ("Pet, multi-coloured walls are not in, y'know?" Me: "Not in what?" :lol: )
Talking of Sue, Ian's murderer got 15 years imprisonment. She got told off for staring at him in court a few weeks back...apparently it's intimidation. But she wanted to see into his eyes, try to forgive him!!

I hope you all have a splendid day!

Love Pet XXX
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone :hithere ,

Gypsie Deb, thanks for your comments on my hair! As it turned out, I did in fact wake up spontaneously at 4:10am yesterday morning, just in time to begin the hour-long meditation. Ron and I had both put forth the intention the previous night that we would participate in whatever way our higher self was meant to. Ron was still asleep, so I went into the living room and meditated for the hour. I spontaneously checked the clock at 5:13am, just two minutes after the end of the hour, and when I went back into the bedroom, Ron had awakened with a vivid dream about being in a huge auditorium filled with light and sound and many people, and we were all being told prophecies, then a meteor with rainbows shooting out of it fell to the ground and two giant (many stories tall) creatures got out of it. Ron talked to the operators of the event in the dream, and verified that the meteor was one of the events that had been prophecied, and that noone had been killed by the meteor, a fact which had also been part of the prophecy. I shared a bit longer version of this story on one of the "Fire the Grid" threads, here, where many have shared their experiences: ... c&start=65 . Many people reported such feelings of great joy and well-being, as you've described, Tannis.

Kim, I had to laugh at your idea of a baby named Romaine! :lol: Actually, Romanie is a nice name, though; I'd certainly consider it for $1000! My grandfather offered to give my parents some money (I never heard the amount) if they'd name me Anna Matilda after my great grandmother, but they turned it down! Anna/Annie wouldn't be bad at all. Matilda, I'd have to think about that... but a nickname like Mattie wouldn't be bad!

Pet, I love rooms painted in vibrant colors too! Some years back, I was renting an old house that was scheduled to be torn down in a few months (the owners were going to build a new house on the lot), so they said I could feel free to paint it any colors I wanted! So I painted the living room three different shades of purple, and the kitchen/dining room area three different shades of green with magenta trim (I learned that just a little magenta goes a really long way; as long as it's a small amount, it really works, and the contrast really "pops!"). :colors:

The bedroom I painted two shades of blue, one shade a very deep blue, since that promotes good sleep. I was inspired by this great book called "Colour Healing Home: Improve Your Well-Being and Your Home Using Color Therapy" by Catherine Cumming. It's the most beautiful book, showing rooms tastefully painted and decorated in every color on the color spectrum! Years before I moved into that place and bought my own copy of this book, I used to check it out of the library over and over again, and open it to the page with the deep blue bedroom (on which I ended up modeling the bedroom in that house) and just stare it in for a few minutes before going to bed to help me get sleepy on nights when I couldn't sleep, and it worked! :D

Oops, gotta run; it was time to go make dinner an hour ago!

Love and Blessings to All of You LUV2 ,
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Post by Sandy »

Hello all you "laddies"!

I am so behind on this thread I don't hardly know where to begin. Just want to say a quick hello to Nicola. I love to see new people join in here as it adds color and new life (Not that we are a bunch of tired old fuddy duddies or anything) but it adds interest and excitement as each person adds a little of themselves and their energies to the love that is already here. Not sure that made a bit of sense but I hope you come back frequently and post your thoughts Nicola! You are always welcomed here!

and dear Tannis, my heart is always "gladdened" by one of your posts! (haha I sound like a Hallmark card with that word don't I? :lol: ) What a little power house of love you are, lady! Gee we missed you while you were gone!

Gypsy Deb, I too chuckled at the 1000 dollar offer you made Yasmin and Kim's response too! Got a flat out belly laugh at Kim's picture Of a baby with a lettice leaf bonnet! (Hi Kim! :hithere ) I would like to say that I would gladly rename my cranky "Boyd" for a much smaller amount! :wink: I'm teasing sweet sis. I know that Romainie must have a special significance to you. Can you explain what it means and where it is from? I was very touched by your description of the night you and the boys watched the movie, "The Ten Canoes." Gypsy do you know what a powerful example and memory you have provided for these young ones? In the days, months, and years that follow, many things about their life will be forgotten but not this! You have given them a valuable gift in your taking the time to be with them and share a little of the love, respect and value for others ways and beliefs that you yourself hold dear. That is worth more than a hundred trip to mall or McDonalds. They won't soon forget it!
How is your Mom? Is she still with you?

Hi Cathy, I have never participated in a group meditation session either. I have heard that each person's energy aids the others and you can definitely feel the shared energy. I would love to feel that for myself. Perhaps, someday, when we all meet in the physical world. I have no doubts that during our sleep, at times many of us are meeting/working together on projects ochestrated by the Higher Ups."

Hey Wonder Mo, How is the new play coming along? I love that name, "House where the Fairies Danced"! What is it about? ... and have you figured out what the job of "On book" entails? :scratch:

Petra, you sound like a rock throughout all that "those seven" could throw at ya! I have a question, I know you posted somewhere on the thread how you felt all day after participating in Fire the Grid. How you had to work but felt such a connection with each person as you tried to make contact. I suspect you were making TA to TA contact with them. I remember reading in the early "Teacher Will lessons" from a group in Tallahasse, that one week Will asked them to try focusing on feeling/seeing..(something like that) the God(TA) inside each one they met. It was an exercise in pure love and understanding, but one that benefits all if we do it on a regular basis. Thanks you've given me something to think about. I love hearing the description of the way everyone felt and what they experienced during the "Big meditation event." It is almost like I can share it with them in the retelling. Does that make any sense?

Aqua Deb, Gee we missed you while you were moving! You both were in my thoughts and prayers though. It makes me happy to know that you are in such a beautiful place! Oh and I love the new hair color! What a lovely picture! I am thinking about doing something with my "mop top!" I need a change! I am hoping to put off a cut till I visit my old friend and hair stylist in Ohio next October or November. I can just hear his lecture now, though, about not taking care of my hair! I would love to change the color a bit myself though. It almost seems the act of coloring strengthens and adds shine to the hair doesn't it? What do you think? Do you recommend henna for light brown hair. Well it is still in the just an idea stage right now....I wish I could paint our flat any color I choose. I am painting it now, the required shade of white! :roll: Everythings white...gets a bit astringent at times! I did get to go to town on Georges somewhat ugly filing cabinet, I dipped different leaves in a multitude of colors and plastered their imprint all over the awful thing. Looks a bit better ...well at least the areas where the paint didn't run. :roll:

Well I have rattled on long enough. I love all you lovely gals and guys too, where ever they might be!
Be good! (try :wink: )
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Post by gypsie »

I just have to post this!!!! It's a scream...

Peackckplume and I have been comparing notes on how we must be the only two who STILL can't work out Quotes.... :scratch: we have given up and now Peacockplume is teaching me to put a word into bold, I did it once but quite by accident..
Anyway Peacockplume wanted to say something to our internalional coffee shop on The Secret thread...

I'll have chai tea please with extra cream on top and maybe some choclate shavings on top :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Love to all Gypsie
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Post by peacockplume »

Jul 19th 07
Hello Everyone,,,,
Ha, now the secret is out, Chai Tea, with cream and chocolate shavings...

since gypsie told me she was posting it on "the secret thread" I thought, [b]now why would she be doing that??[/b]

The Secret,,,,,sometimes, I'm so narrow minded,,,,,, I'm beginning to think the blinders have really kept me in the dark.....

however I think I did [b]<<<get it>>>[/b]
(how'd ya like that gypsie??)

back to getting it.....I've never paid much attention to "the secret thread",
because it didn't seem like anyone was talking about "the secret", I couldn't find anyone discussing the Law of Attraction or the Art of Deliberate Creation.....

a big when gypsie said she was posting my order on the Secret
I had to come and find out what she was talking about.....more duh!!!

You ladies are all so wonderfully lovely, full of life, high spirited (even in our down moments),,,,,,we never give up.....

and perhaps that's why the guys don't join in too frequently, they haven't got a chance.....

I mean what guy (most of them) can compete with handling 7 boys in the house at once.....

GOLD STAR FOR PET......and a free cup of Chai Tea....

I loved the pic of Aqua Deb's new hair colour, and I have to admit, the minute I saw it, I thought,,,,,,look at that girls crown chakra,,,,,
talk about golden light,,,,,,it was really beautiful......

I once did my hair with a deep burgundy, everybody liked it but me,,,

ok here's a laugh for you all.....

about a yr before I retired (early retirement, only 60),,,,,I decided to let my gray grow out......nobody at work could believe I was turning 60 (last year), and they still expected me to be boogying full tilt, like the 24 yr I thought, goes,,,,,lets go I did, took the yr to grow it out,,,,,,but everytime I looked at pictures of myself, I couldn't believe that little old lady was me......well I thought, better grow into it gracefully.......

then two things happened......
I went with a friend and her hubby to a car dealership, they were buying a new car. They had gone inside to "number crunch", and I stayed out looking at one I liked,,,,,then went in, and the salesman came up to me and said,,,,,,,,,"your daughter's over there" (she could be because she's youngeer, but we hang out together and she's not.....)
then I went to my nieces wedding in Las Vegas, and the maid of honor, came up to my sister and myself, and said to my sister,,,,,,"how lovely to have your mother here"......(I was very generous to my sister, she got the biggest kick out of it, because although I'm only 4 yrs her senior, all our lives her friends thought she was older than me, and she's always been peeved at it.......

anyway, I came home and said to my car buyer daughter.....that's it, dye my hair for I got a dark brown, and we put the cap on, she pulled out hair through all those little holes (ouch), and we dark lighted my hair) looks great,,,,,,,,,now I look 15 yrs younger again, and my sisters peeved again......ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....

so if anyone is contemplating going gray,,,,,DON'T DO IT....unless you have that beautiful platinum silvery gray happening......

Gypsie dear,,,,,the reason on the FTG site why it didn't do the blue thingy, is because it was the count down clock,,,,,which only went to 11:11 GMT,
if you clicked on it before that time,,,,the program automatically converted your computer time and showed "your time" for FTG....
well, it's passed that time now, so no more conversion....

It was wonderful to read everybody's experiences,,,,,just another way we could all feel connected.....we certainly 'fired the grid', with enough humans linking in to actually give the boost on the raising of humanities consciousness, plus, being the conduits for that energy to transfer through us for the kick start on healing the planet....pretty awesome hey!

back in 87 when the harmonic convergance took place I wasn't even aware of it......took me another 17 years to re-awaken, and I've been scrambling ever since,,,,,,well, not anymore,,,,,now I'm connected, and my gratitude is boundless.....trouble is, now the real work begins.....or real joy work I guess it's not trouble is it, just joy....

ok, ok, I've had my morning coffee time, and it's 1:07 in the afternoon,
England is already heading into early evening, and AU has jumped into tomorrow with a 6 a.m. awakening.....

so good morning and good evening to you all,,,,and us west coasters, will enjoy the resst of this day......

in love and light

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Post by CathyLynn »

You Guys......since I've been reading the recent postings on this thread all I can think about is Chai Tea, and how I haven't had it in a long time and I live in the middle of the woods and just can't run to my local coffee shop to get one and don't have any in the cupboard!!!! Thanks! :cry:

You know I'm kidding!!!! :lol:

Love to all,
Cathy :loves

PS Do you think if I use the law of attraction one will come to me???? :)
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Post by RebornFalcon »

if you build it, it will come. hehe kidding. sorry. silly.

peacockplume. wow. you look differnt than your other pic. and you do't look 60. but they do say this, about hair colour, making today's 65 look 50, or something like that. my mother is 68, and i always think she looks younger than some other 68 yr old's i know. i'm 34. and i don't colour hair my ever, co si figured, one day, i'd might like to(need to). i did keep this magazine article about this woman who was 50 and decided to try and grow out her natural hair colour. personally, i think she looked amazing having gray. mind you, her skin glowed, she had some make-up and was nicely dressed, too. it's the whole package, i guess? then again.. sometimes it radiates from within. yeah? well... even though i don't colour my hair, i have been known to put a blonde streak and chop it off as it grew, as well as shave my hair. i know. i know.

i think everyone on this board looks beautiful, with or without the hair colour. but i do understand if people want to make a change or just feel good in a different way, why not. it's only hair dye.

i haven't posted much on here, BUT i check here every other day to keep up-to-date with everyone's stories, thoughts, ideas.....
sincerely, renee
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Cathylynn,,,,
She's right you know,,,,and I don't think she was joking,,,,besides if you manifest one, we'll all be there....I live out in the woods too, so if I don't have any tea bags, I've usually got spices to make up some myself,,,,good to have on hand.....

Thanks for the compliment sweet one,,,,,,it makes (hair colour) me feel better with myself,,,,,,it's mee looking back out of the mirror, not this little ole lady I was turning into.....

well I don't mind anyone shaving their head,,,,Shelley kept doing it to herself for awhile, (but that was some terrible unworthy feelings she had to work through) and my really younger sister in law did it once....
all I can say, is I hope you've got good head bones.....a beautifully shaped head looks awesome bald, I've seen some women who had cancer, and lost all their hair, (I know, not quite the same choice), but some of them looked absolutely gorgeous,,,,,,I'd never make it...Id wear a hat, hats can be cool.....but my head is really knobby, ha ha ha ha ha...

now,,,to both of you ladies,,,,,

remember the title and original thoughts of this thread???....the secret....

well, besides, the books that came before it, the movie (DVD), it seems that we have way more ability to manifest than we did before.....has something to do with 'raising our vibrations',,,,,,so,,,,,

you were completely right when you said (ok, now I'm going to try that quote thing)

[quote]if you build it, it will come. [/quote]

now I'm gonna check the preview and see if it worked.... and NOpE

it didn't.........ok, so forget the quote thingy....

it all depends on how you set you intent, and how you focus on it,,,,and believe me,,,,,you will manifest,,,,,,,so be careful what you wish for....
it seems to happen alot faster now.....

Hubby just got up, gotta go get dinner on.....

have a lovely day ladies,,,,,,,chai tea please,,,

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Post by Petra Wilson »

G'day laddies, ladies, children and Angels... Lynn said this:
so if anyone is contemplating going gray,,,,,DON'T DO IT....unless you have that beautiful platinum silvery gray happening......
I want that platinum grey happening! After colouring off and on for so long I'm gonna go grey gracefully, hehe! I see myself in old age with a funky platinum-grey pixie-cut, addicted to adrenaline by participating in extreme sports like hand gliding, water skiing, bungie-jumping in the buff and the like, hehehe!
One thing I find Sandy is that when you dye your hair it does indeed give incredible shine but it does weaken the hair, no matter that the new dyes these days have a multitude of 'nourishing oils added' etc. I think Debs hennaing is actually good for the hair. (Any stylists out there tell me off if I'm wrong!)
Debs, you said:
I bleached and henna-ed my hair again just to see if I could get it to lighten it up a bit further, and it did, as my new avatar shows. It's now more red than auburn, at least until it settles
Woah there! I'll just nip off and grab me sunglasses every time I see your avvie, hahaha! 8) No, it is very nice! It gleams!!!

Hey Lynn,
I mean what guy (most of them) can compete with handling 7 boys in the house at once.....
It was 4 boys and 3 girls! But all the lads were having a mental and Phil (hubby) looked panic-stricken and said: "Right I'm off, seeya later, listen out for customers!!" Image "Coward!"

Sandy, y'know I try to make a conscious effort to properly connect with each person that I serve, not just on the 17th, only on that day I felt much more connected and there were so many pure and good moments. Yeah, I reckon you are right that our T.A's connected. I too have been enjoying reading everyone's experiences, I just love them.

Ok, I have a little dilemma which has thrown me somewhat...
We've (that is, Phil's parents, Phil & I) decided to rent this place out on a yearly basis. I thought of my good friend who's always told me how lucky I am to have this place etc, and she's a horticulturist so would happily be able to look after the big garden. She's had 2 years of hardship and 'bad luck' too. The other day I suggested about her and her family moving in.
Then I got a call from another friend (we're not close, our kid's knew each other well before she moved) telling me that her landlord has done a dirty and has given her and her family 3 months to move out of their lovely small farm house. She'd heard that we're moving to France and wanted to know if they could rent this place!
So, what do I do? I suppose had I not opened my big gob to friend # 1 we would have said 'yeah sure' to friend #2 ! Any suggestions Guys? I've been asking for guidance. Lately the only message I clearly get is: "All is as it should be!" Well, that's all very well but I'm getting stressed here! Perhaps I ought to let go altogether and have faith that indeed, all is as it should be. Hmmm!

Thank you for listening, Hugs,

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Post by gypsie »

I sat here and closed my eyes to ask now remember I do this stuff for a living, when calls come in the middle of the niht on the phone line I think why am I doing this? Is it a stupid ego thingie or my gypsie blood and upbringing draw it to me.

So, what I saw was a God box, do you have one? If not fet a box, old cigar box is perfect,small shoe box or a box from the $2 shop. Then you cut out pictures, I have the Dali Lama and other things I have found over the years. It works like this write down your issue with Dear God or whom ever your higher purpose may, no rules or religion involved. The boys helped with min, so when you have a issue write it down like you are really asking God for an answer or to at least sought the issue out, it's caaled handing it over.. :lol: didn't you tell me that one once :oops: at lleast I rembered. Put the letter or few words into the box and ask God or whomever you are close to, to handle this issue because you can'r find the correct answer.
I have used this in many situations from resentments, resentments with kids who maybe didn't invite Jack to his birthday party (this happened today) even though Jack had him at his...I am taking the long way round here!!! Close the box and put it in a draw and wait. However, Petra you are a very ethical woman and I can see your struggle, so the first woman was sent to you first for a reason, if she really wants it them maybe she is the one, remember this is your sanctury and must e left in loving hands.The second person heard you were moving but she does have 3 months to find a sitable plsce as your are sadly already commited. The God box or God jar is a amazing tool and has been around a very long tim, my Granmar had one ....

I nearly peed myseld with laugther, you are so funny and mate if I look like you at 60 I'm gonna strut my stuff, well maybe Pole dancing with MO is totally respectable :bana: yep it's looking god. You just crack me up with quotes here watch me:


I'm worse than you I can't even get a letter in!!!!! Great to see you here girlfriend :D

I'm off to bed shoulder is killing me tomorrow xrays...
Much love Gypsie I'm still crying with laugther :lol:
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Gypsie, you are hilarious! :lol: I have got to PM you and explain how you do quotes (there's two ways) and whatever else ya wanna know sweetheart!! I hope that shoulder isn't giving you too much jip? My head is killing me, yeah literally! I've a head cold an' it ain't perdy!! Now I can't eat dairy till it's gone, ~sob~ I lurve cheese!

Thank you for that advise. I'll get on to that. So, my answer will come to me in a dream or what? I've stopped fretting about it.

Love, Pet XXX
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Post by RebornFalcon »

hi petra. sorry about your dilemma. but i kind of agree with gypsie (the box could be interesting) but i'm talking about... the 1st person. not necessarily, first come first serve, but if she has loving hands for the earth, it could be a sign. you can always ask her again if she REALLY wants to be at your place or not. if she says, yes, most definitely...hmm.. cos as gypsie said and i agree, the 2nd person has 3 months to find a place. don't worry. i believe it will all settle down in the end, too.

peacockplume... now i feel my job is to help you with the quotes. i know i've read here or maybe even in other posts about others trying to help you, too. poor thing. what kind of computer do you have? i have a yahoo email address, and i have 2 computers. 1 is a dell pc, the 2nd is an apple laptop. when i go onto my yahoo account (which is universal)... it's slightly changed. sooooo, that is why i'm asking. maybe lots of people are telling you what to do, but cos of your computer, its slightly different. ahhhhh. dunno... but am willing to give it a try to help you. i think, personally, i've only used the quote thing twice.

cheers, renee
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Post by CathyLynn »

Hello All,

Pet - I'm a 'recovering' hairdresser and coloring, perming etc., does break down the bonds of the hair. Henna being natural of course would be better but there are some out there, once in won't come out no matter what you do - even bleaching won't work. So if you don't like it, well you are stuck!!!!! :cry: Aqua Deb researched her henna before she used it so I think she's safe!!!!

Lynn said:
so if anyone is contemplating going gray,,,,,DON'T DO IT....unless you have that beautiful platinum silvery gray happening......
Has anyone seen Jaime Lee Curtis lately? She's 48 (a year older than me) and has the most beautiful salt and pepper hair I've ever seen. If I did that I'd look like grandma (oops I'm already grandma) he he he he he he he!!!!! :lol:

Be good all,
Cathy :loves
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Post by justylonging1111 »

Hello Ladies! Gentlemen too!

Gypsy, hello how are you? Ty for the nice comment about my name. The name is Slavic, but Im unsure of the meaning. Congratulations of the news of a baby Girl for the family! How lovely! :sunflower:

Sandy, thank you so much for your kind words. Love! It's the key! :flower:

Tc Everyone and God Bless You All!

Love Tannis
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Everyone,

Jaime Lee Curtis! That's the name of the actress in True Lies! It has been driving me crazy! Thanks Cathy! Sadly I am out of Chai tea as well. :( Since we talked about it pages ago I have found I really love the stuff!

Petra I was thinking about your deliema and what you keep getting when you pray.

"All is As It should be."

Perhaps you have your answer staring you in the face. You already offered the place to friend number 1. If she accepts the offer then the deal is done and maybe is "as it should be." If you change what is already in the works and tell your friend number 1 that you are giving it to friend number 2, who you are really not that close to, won't you be changing things from the way things were when you got the inspired message that "things are as they should be"? Your second friend has plenty of time to find another place to live. Withdrawing the offer now from your good friend, now, might also cause a few problems with your friendship as she may be very disappointed. If she has had a rough couple of years, maybe the farm is just what she needs to boost her spirits. You also may want to take into consideration the farm itself. Who will best serve the interest of the farm? You do not owe friend number 2 anything, really. Listen to me rattling on like the biggest know-it-all. The bottom line...I basically agree with Gypsy and Renee, but you have to do what you feel is right dear kiddo!

Hey PP! You are beautiful, lady! I love the new picture! Glad to see you back on this thread!

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