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Post by November »

mrscbvet wrote:Count me in for Red Lobster!! :roll I love those cheddar biscuits... yum yum yum.... I say treat yourself and go for it!
Brenda 8)
Oh yeah! I love those cheddar buscuits too!!!! And even though I don't like seafood, I love going there for the cajun chicken fetticini. Yum!
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Sweet Friends! :hithere

Gypsy Deb , I would trust that if it's really crucial, the boy in your meditations will keep returning to you until whatever he's trying to convey becomes clear. I wonder if you could ask your guides, angels, and the Midwayers for help in understanding the situation? Wow, your experiences with a deer jumping right over you, another deer winking at you, and an eagle soaring overhead, that sounds wonderful!

I've never yet had an experience like your latest one in your Akashic Construct, but it sounds amazing and very positive! I feel the same way about this wonderful thread too! I think we could in fact call it a universal coffee table, since it sounds like angels, guides and Midwayers are all clued in to what's going on in our conversations on these boards! By the way, do you mean you're still visualizing that out of the blue you're offered a job, or have you already actually been offered a job? If so, Congratulations!

Sandy , you wrote "Aqua deb, I know you think your posts are long but I love them and soak up every word like a sponge! It seems there is always something profound and important for me to read in your posts." Thanks! I appreciate that, and in fact, I feel the same way about your posts too! :D In fact, I've noticed on this thread that several of us apologize for the length of our posts, but in reality, it seems that everyone loves reading everyone's posts, of whatever length, on this thread, and it does not seem to be a problem! :colors:

It's funny, the synchronicities that pop up! I've already mentioned the one in at least a couple places on these boards where, when I started reading George's first book and first learned about Dr. Mendoza, I laughed out loud because of the two grocery stores in this tiny little village where we live, one is named "Mendosa's" (spelled with an "s," but still!) Your mention of the name, "Albion," reminds me of yet another synchronicity: I remember shortly after reading that book, when I joined the boards and ordered the Akashic Construct CD, and it arrived showing the address of the 11:11 Progress Group with "Albion" as part of the address on the mailer. As it turns out, there's an even tinier village about three miles from us here called Albion, and there's also an Albion Street in our village! :shock: Those two synchronicities occurring so close together in time really got my attention, and you've just re-reminded me of that! :D

I have to laugh at the "morning hairdo" conversations here!. My hair is thick and straight, and now that it's short, when I first get up in the morning, it's often all smooshed in on one side, or large tufts of it, or even one entire side of my hair, are sticking straight out at a 45-degree angle like a paintbrush! Ron jokes that I look like one of those female warrior-heros in the Miyazaki animations, riding on dragons or piloting aircraft, since it looks like my hair's blowing in the wind even though there's no wind! :lol:

As for Red Lobster, I was actually given a Red Lobster gift card as a gift a few years ago, back in Colorado (not sure what the value was on it), and we contemplated using it, but at the time, the only Red Lobster nearby was several miles away off of a really inconvenient highway exit, so we never got around to going while we were there. I found the gift card again a couple days ago and was studying it a bit (there's another synchronicity -- more evidence of that web of connection we've been discussing at times on this thread), and it looks like it might still be valid. We've been considering moving a ways south, a bit closer to the San Francisco bay area, and just for the heck of it, the other day, I looked at Red Lobster's website to see if there were any down there, and it turns out there is one about 7 miles from where we're thinking of moving! Wouldn't it be funny if we moved down there and finally used that gift card after all this time! :lol:

Speaking of hush puppies, years ago, I used to vacation at the beach in North and South Carolina some summers, and we encountered hush puppies there in nearly every restaurant. Gypsie , hush puppies are also shoes here in the U.S., but the edible ones are little round deep-fried slightly-sweetened cornbread pieces, sometimes with a few kernels of corn in them, but not always (does that sound accurate, Sandy ?). They're usually served with some sort of very tasty sweetened butter. Probably really high in calories, but very hard to resist! Mmm!

Greetings also to every one of you here who I didn't address by name! It is indeed great to be a part of this lovely thread! :colors:

Love and Blessing to You All, LUV2
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Sandy wrote:
Big cyber hug for you too {{{{{{Petra!}}}}}}
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Post by gypsie »


What fun :lol: :lol: :lol:

Petra where is the picture of your aviator??? It's beautiful!!!!
Love Gypsie
The Red Lobster sounds yummy and the hush puppies actually made me have a craving :roll: wonder if we can make them, I've never tasted corn bread but know of it from the movies....YUMMY
Yes I have been offered the job - Full-Time Sales in Real Estate - I hope I like it, Harry thinks I will because I am such a chatty person and love looking at houses :roll: you all may have guessed that!!! :shock:

Thought I could throw in House Smudging on the side, I love using the Ausralian bush leaves in my smudge sticks...

Sandy Do we have anything like the Red Lobster in Australia?? I have to go to this place it sounds so enticing :lol: :lol: :lol:
Feel great today!!!!!
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello ALL,

Gypsie, good luck with the new job! I know what you mean about loving to communicate with folk. And I used to be such a shy old bird before!
That pic is in the Massif Central of France, where Phil and I stopped to have lunch before racing down to the Languedoc region where it was, like, 15 degrees cent. warmer. The lower we went, the more layers of clothing we had to take off, till we were sweltering in our underwear!! :lol: The locals at Carcasonne castle got the shock of their lives when we pulled up in the car park! :lol:

I'd love to try lobster. Nearest I have got to a lobster was Tiger prawns in a not-ver-nice pink sauce! Got food poisoning 12 hours later... :pale: Actually there's a great sea food restaurant hereabouts, as I would never attempt to cook lobster myself, I think I'll go check it out.

Debbie, you wrote, concerning the Midwayer's: "Oh they do! All of us are important to them. Together as a group or as individuals in our own lives we have the ability to make real changes in the world around us Sorry, SANDY, you wrote that...well, I agree with Debbie, that just brings so much comfort. Thank you for reminding us!!

Hey Sarah! Is it still warm in your neck of the woods? here it's so warm, we're in shorts and tshirts! Barbi weather for sure. It's the driest April for 300 years apparently...what happened to April showers? I guess they come in May now? Hope so, our well is running out of water! We'll be washing in the troughs at this rate! :lol:

Love to everyone, have a great day!

Petra xxx
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hello all....

Good luck in your new job too Debbie..... :loves Im afraid im too soft, quiet and shy, to do sales, i couldnt even sell free goods.... :scratch: :)

Petra..! Yes the weather is lovely here too down south, sunny and warm but a bit of a breeze for a few days.... as a result i have taken up permanent residence at the local park....there are lots of blossom trees here in my area, they look so beautiful. I heard on the news that we are in for a very long, hot summer this year in the UK, followed by drought, you wouldnt think that the wet and dreary Uk could suffer a drought...? So they will probably incur another hose pipe ban, so no swimming pools in the backyard for us this year, well we could sneek one... :wink:

Take care

With Love

Sarah xxxx
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Im afraid im too soft, quiet and shy, to do sales, i couldnt even sell free goods....
I could sell an ashtray to a biker for his motorcycle!! Not that I would...

Image Pet xxx
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Post by nasra1996 »

:lol: Yeah im sure you could sell bottled air Pet... :D

Take care....

Love Sarah xxx
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Once upon a time yeah Sarah!! Nowadays I have a slight abhorance to persuading folk to waste their money on....rubbish!! Part of my contract with Woollies is to flog a heap of 'stuff', mostly DVD's. I objected, but was told I MUST do it. So I said this to each customer: "Would you be interested in buying a DVD you don't really want? You really don't have to!" much to my surprise, I sold about 10 in an hour!!! They thought I was being funny!! :?
I love this one: when we have to flog chocolates the response is quite often: "Oh no thank you! I might be tempted to eat them!" Image :lol:
As I stepped into my son's bedroom I looked about me and realised how much utter rubbish we buy! Most of the time Manny plays with a second-hand 5 times sewed together old battered stuffed toy called Pee. (He's so ugly and dirty, about 30 years old too). The high techy stuff, batteries required toys...dead and forlorn and unloved. Waste of money or WHAT?

Sorry, went off on one there, Love you all anyways, thanks for listening!!

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Post by Sandy »

Hello Everybody!

Okay here goes! This is the third try to post on this thread. Twice last night when I was almost finished with my usual "tiny" post, they just disappeared! Well in all honesty both times were my own fault, but it was really starting to get on my nerves and give me a complex!

I mean what is wrong with discussing the merits of hush puppies and corn bread and seafood? (For those of you new to the site sometimes we ponder whether there is something not quite right about something we post when the computer eats it when you try to submit it. :( ) anyway just in case I won't say anything about the perfectly wonderful merits of corn and corn bread other than to tell Gypsy that she can find cornmeal in the Mexican food section under the name of polenta and if you ever want to make some let me know and I will send you a corn bread recipe.

Gypsy I do have a question for you. What is house smudging? Sounds like something I'd be good at! My mom was always wiping my smudges off the walls! ( :lol: :oops: sorry..bad one)

I know you will be good at selling houses Gypsy? You are so friendly and nice. I bet people will respond to that. Like Sarah, I wouldn't be good at sales for sure. I am just a bit shy too.

Aqua Deb do you know for sure yet if you will be moving a little closer to San Francisco? I too am amazed at all those synchronicities! I mean lets face it, Albion really isn't something you hear ever day. Didn't you say once that you read the Celestine Phrophecy? That book changed the way I look at those type of occurrences. I was glancing at it earlier and realize that I have forgotten much of it though. .. would be a good one to re read when I get the chance.

Petra I too love that picture. What a beautiful area! Sorry you had such a nasty experience with the lobster. I had a similar problem with a dish called jambalya. I was so sick I just can't stand the thoughts of it now.
(Well this old "V" probably wouldn't be eating it now anyway would she since it has ham and shrimp in it? :lol: )

Love you all,
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Post by Sandy »

Dear Gypsy,

.Gypsy I have never had an experience like you describe here:
Now visitors have been coming for most of my life and there is the physical signs; very loud buzzing in the ear, a draging sensation, goosebumps and a feeling of not having control in the physical sense. This was different, this presence was very tall grabed my feet and said very clearly "I need to to listen here not there". I could feel myself being pulled from the chair but had no control over it, all the time George's voice was in the background on my headphones. I wasn't scared actually I felt very loved, then I opened my eyes and the room was very distant. Of course now I want to go back and find out who this visitor was but thought I would ask if anyone has had the same experience? It's all good...
A friend of all of us here once told me about something that seemed very simialar that happened to his brother. I am trying to remember...he felt almost like he was being pulled off the couch like he was preparing to leave the room. I wonder if it may have something to do with astral traveling. You said the room seemed distant. Have you ever left your body before and traveled? Well I haven't, yet, so I am afraid I'm not much help but it was just a thought. Maybe someone else will have some ideas.
I'm glad you weren't fearful and felt love the whole time.

Love you,
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Post by gypsie »

Quick Post
It's Anzac Day I must say it is a very emotional experience and the pleasing part is more and more young people are reflecting on those who have been lost through war.
Billy said when The Last Post was playing "Mum will wars ever stop"
I could not answer him but said I pray one day the world will find peace...

Yes I have astral traveled it start when i was very young. A few years ago I really relaxed with meditation and traveling was in my focus. I remember the first time (as a adult) going through the roof and just being in awe of the beauty before me.
the meditation with the AC was very different, it felt like the presence wanted me to stop and make contact. It will reveal the reason in time..
Sorry everyone else I am in a great rush and feel exausted from Anzac Day..
Much love Gypsie
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Post by dancejunky »

I had to laugh at Gypsie a bit on the hushpuppy question. We too have a brand of shoes here called huspuppies, but Sandy was talking about the round fried corn fritters ususally served with seafood. They are VERY good and Red Lobster indeed use to have some of the best (aside from my grandmother's recipe.) We eat lots of cornbread and corncakes also(like pancakes only made with cornmeal) here with our food. Red Lobster now serve these tasty "melt in your mouth" cheddar bay biscuits that are to die for. I could make a meal on the salad and the biscuits alone :D . For the curious.....I ended up splurging and going anyway and it was wonderful. I finally got the secret video and watched it. Nothing really "secret" about it. Talks about the universal law of attraction, but definately motivating. Something I will watch periodically if I get to feeling down. I even went today and bought the book at Wal Mart. A little hardback that they wanted $17.00 for....and you know I was thinking "that was enough to take myself to Red Lobster again." :roll: :duh . I just love that restaurant! I am glad that I ordered the Secret for motivation and look forward to seeing what the book says. I am such a pushover for books any way. I have always loved to read and have so many books. Said if I ever build another house, I will have to build it around my library :shock:
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Post by snow_wolf11 »

Heya Sandy :hithere
Gypsy I do have a question for you. What is house smudging? Sounds like something I'd be good at! My mom was always wiping my smudges off the walls! ( sorry..bad one)
Sorry I know you directed this one to Gypsy, but I can tell you since I'm "here" :D

Smudging is the cleansing of the previous energies left in an area by persons/animlas/objects etc. It is usually wrapped in a bundle of sage and lit on one end. The person holding the "smudge" or bundled herbs, can say a prayer, or meditate while going from room to room in a home, office, particular room etc. It is a very common practice amongst native americans.

I myself like to have my favorite spiritual cd playing, and I say prayers of my choice, or sometimes I make them up as I go along each room and kind of let the moment take me where it needs too :P When you see bigger plumes of smoke, those are the areas that left the most "residue" or energies, and you may even want to go over them a few times to be sure it is cleansed properly

Hope this helps :D

Much love to all
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Post by Sandy »

Well hello Snowy!

You're back from your trip! Thank you for that explanation. I wouldn't have had a clue about it. :D What other herbs make up the smuding besides sage...any type of herb or leaf that you choose?
Gypsy that does sound right up your alley. You could clense each house you sale before a new family moves in to it.

Bryan you sound like me when it comes to books. I love them! I had quite a few of them at one time in my life but had to leave most of them behind. I only picked the ones that were nearest and dearest to me. I packed those into two huge canvas mailbags to mail to Australia. One bag made it here. The other one is out there somewhere... floating around on the Pacific I presume. That was over a year ago now but I am still hopeful that some day I will hear a rap on my door and there, glowing with a magical light .... will be my long lost books! (I tend to be a little melodramatic at times...) haha Oh, I'm over it ..I guess. :(

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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone! :D

Pet , I enjoyed your story about selling DVD's at your job; I'll bet part of why you sold so many is that people appreciated the honesty! Like Sarah and Sandy, I'm too shy to be good at sales as well. I know what you mean about all the extra stuff we tend to buy and accumulate! I was astonished at how much stuff I had when we moved out here to California from Colorado last summer. We gave away tons of items to charities and still made about $1000 from multiple garage sales by the time we left! It really feels good to get rid of all that extra stuff and simplify!

Sandy , we don't know for absolutely sure that we're moving closer to San Francisco, but we have had a lot of synchronicities regarding some areas a bit north of San Francisco that lead us to believe it might be a good idea, so we're going to drive down there and check it out to see what we think, sometime in the next few weeks, since our lease here runs out in mid-July. Speaking of all those synchronicities regarding where we live, when I was in the book store the other day, I happened to overhear a cashier telling some tourists that the village itself (Mendocino), and the county we're in of the same name, is named after the same Mendosa who the grocery store is named after. I'd never have guessed that, and it just adds to the sychronicity for me! :colors:

As for the house smudging, I like your original idea of what it might mean too (I'd be good at that version as well) :lol: ! Some of the other herbs/plants I've bought bundled in smudging sticks with the sage are cedar and sweetgrass. I'm sure there are others as well.

Yes, I have read the Celestine Prophecy, several years back and loved it, but have also forgotten a lot of it -- I too would like to reread it again when I get the chance.

Hmm, Bryan, I hadn't heard of corncakes; those sound really good too! I know what you mean about books as well; I donated tons of mine to the library when we moved, and still have an amazing amount of them, even when I only saved my very favorites! ([b]Sandy[/b], that would break my heart too if I had lost a bunch of my most dearly-beloved books! :( Same thing with my journals, which I've been writing copiously since I was 10 years old, so I have a few big boxes of them, and I insisted keeping them right in the car during the move so there was no way they could get out of my sight! Moving them overseas like you did with your books would have been a lot more difficult though! :shock: )

Snowy , thanks for your info on smudging; I had heard about waving the smudge sticks in each of the four directions, but had not heard about how the areas with bigger plumes of smoke have more energy residue left. I'll keep that in mind because I'll probably be getting out the smudge sticks and smudging again soon if we do indeed move this summer!

Wow, it's getting late so I'd best get going for now, but it's always great to revisit this thread!

Love and Blessings to all of you,
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi everyone,
I'd love to get into this thread with you all, I've really enjoyed all your letters back and forth,,,,
but it's 2 am, and what am I still doing up, except trying to catch up, and my eyeballs are falling out,,,,
you've all got me drooling for some creamed lobster on toast, that's if your a spoiled eastcoaster....(in Canada or USA) and I gues where ever lobster is available...
and believe it or not you can get some beautiful canned, (I know, I did say canned) lobster and you saute it in butter, and slowly add cream and milk too it, and pour it over buttered toast,,,,,,oooohhhhh,,,,mmmmmm
close your eyes, and you can smell the sea air, hear the seagulls,,,,and EAT that lobster.......can anyone tell, I sure miss it....

Pacific rainforest,,,,,and we've had hardly any sun,,,,it snuck out yesterday, but it was still cold, I doo believe I started tanning in March last year,,,,,not so this year....actually I remember doing some planting in March ,,,,back in the 90's sometime,,,,boy those days are gone,

just wanted to let Aqualeaf know somthing about the smudging,,,
don't forget to do yourself too, including the bottom of your feet...

love pp
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Post by Mr. Bing »

Hi All :hithere

Petra I am not surprised that you can sell anything! Like myself, you are a Sagittarian and we just love people. I think the reason that we are so good at sales is that we believe in what we are selling and wish to make people's lives better by informing them of the product. I would have had the same approach to trying to get people to buy those CD's. I got a big laugh when you explained your pitch. I really love talking to people and telling them stories. To me a stranger is just a friend that I haven't met. Churchill and Disraeli were both Sagittarians.

Debbie: I like the new avatar. You look really comfy in your "Jammies".

Gypsie: I am sure that you will weave your spells and enchant all of your clients with your effervescent personality and smile.

Bryan: I have been an avid reader since my youth and have been reading ever since I was able to. At one time my dream of how to spend a large lottery winning was to own a great private library full of first editions. Since I have read the Da Vinci code I now want to get into the Vatican Library. :shock:

Peacock: You have had a really wet winter, but it sure beats the snow. Stay away from those coastal highways and the avalanches. I hope that you realize that we eastern gardeners really get a burr up our bums when we see your daffodils for sale in our flower shops a month before our's bloom. :( :lol:

Sandy: ( and everyone else as well) Here are a few sites for some great recipes. I really love gettting girls fat! :lol: :lol: Some of you may have them already, but I have added a couple of new ones to the list. The first five are sites for the tongue( taste good, eat, yum,yum) the last three are for the tummy( taste good, not as much fat,slim ) Choosing which sites to visit depends on how big your eyes feel on any given day. ... ecipe.html ... es/NU00585 ... index.aspx

You have all been talking about one of my favourite subjects which is "Hush puppies". I mean my Basset hounds, of course. However, if you are refering to food I have a real treat that you should try out if you are ever in the Ottawa area. They are called, in typical Canadian fashion, Beaver Tails! Here is the web site
They are extremely yummy!!!

And now, my dear fellow 11'ers, a special surprise!!!! ( Drum roll please) I am going to give you a site for the best junk food recipe in the world. :thumright: I am not kidding when I say this to you. If you are a junk food afficionado, this is it. If you follow this recipe there is no going back to anything else. The item is called "Poutine" (pronounced Poo-tzin). Another name for it is "Heart attack in a bowl" :lol: . It is very, very addictive. If you should become a Poutine freak, throw your weight scale out the window. You can find it in most restaurants in eastern Canada and, I would suspect, in Hollywood Florida due to the large number of French Canadian "Snow Birds" who winter there to avoid the cold Canadian winter.

Well, I have to go and exercise. Take care all of you and have a great day. Throw some love into the wind :loves

God Bless
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Post by nasra1996 »

I really love gettting girls fat! :lol: :lol: :twisted:
Why Bing do you enjoy getting us girls fat.... :scratch: Please explain once...!

Love Sarah xxx
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Hi Again :hithere

OOPS :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol: As the politicians always seem to be saying " I do believe my words were taken out of context" WHIST

I am a one of the chefs at the Royal Ottawa Golf Club and I work the buffets, brunches and BBQ's. One of the my duties is to know all of the items on the menu, as well as, all of the ingredients in each of them. This includes the desserts. More often than not the ladies, especially when they are with their friends, will only want to eat fruit or maybe a small slice of cake. I take them for a tour of the display, which usually includes five cakes ( triple chocolate layer cake, Rocky road cake, Carrot cake, Strawberry short cake, triple chocolate mousse cake) different types of tarts( dark chocolate mousse, lemon mousse, lime mousse, coconut mousse) in house chocolates, a blueberry bundt cake with Creme Anglaise and a large sliced fruit display. So as I am explaining these decadent desserts their eyes usually start to get bigger. It is fun to watch the child in them start to come out and take a peek. The "victim" usually says something like "Gee, I'd really like to have a small piece of that ___ cake. This is when I say, in my most gentlemanly and professional fashion, "Well madam let me serve you." and I take their plate and put the biggest slice on it. "Oh Horrors!!! :shock: I can't eat all of that" ( she was secretly looking at it all along) :lol: " What will my friends back at the table think". To which I smilingly reply," Just tell them that I served you."( Who can resist being personally served by a Chef and then say no ) "Besides, you don't have to eat it all. You can always leave some on the plate" as I then add two house chocolates WHIST to share with her friends :roll: . She then says, with that "little girl" smile, " Yes, you're right, thank you Chef". She then goes back to the table and proceeds to enjoy herself immensely in front of her friends and family completely guilt free. She has escaped the trap of unhappiness daily imposed upon all of us by "them" and can, and will, gladly blame me if she is questioned. " The Chef served me. I couldn't say no. It wouldn't be polite. ( God this cake is good[/i] Yummy)" As I often remind them "go ahead and enjoy yourself! Diet, is DIE with a T." Another story that I use is " Go ahead and have some fun! We built this lovely golf club around the kitchen so that you can eat whatever you want and then go out and enjoy yourself playing golf and burn those calories at the same time. How can you loose!" " Yeah,right, how can we loose" "Pass the chocolates" :lol:

So, that is what I meant by "Getting girls fat". I am a complete gentleman and take pride in that fact. However, I love ladies immensely and take great pleasure in their company. My lovely wife, to whom I am most happily married for 26 years, will readily testify to that fact. I am completely without nefarious intent and love to entertain people and make them forget about everything outside of the Club for the short time that they are with us.

As I am an 11'er I have been vetted by the Celestial host to entertain and spread joy,happines and love one good deed (and piece of cake) at a time. I have grown so much since I have met all of you lovely people. Bringing happiness to others has brought such joy into my life. As I say to my co-workers "If I was any happier I'd have to be twins".

If any of you would like some great sites to visit just let me know and I will be most happy to share some more of them with you. As a parting gift I will send you this link on vegetable carving. One of the Chefs that I work with, Mr. James Wong, does carvings similar to the ones that you will see at this site. He can turn a watermelon into an intricately carved flower in about ½ of an hour.

So ladies, I hope that I am off the hook. Throw some love into the wind. :loves

God Bless
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Post by mrscbvet »

Did you notice how he (Bing) said food food food and then said he was off to go exercise....????
triple chocolate layer cake, Rocky road cake, Carrot cake, Strawberry short cake, triple chocolate mousse cake) different types of tarts( dark chocolate mousse, lemon mousse, lime mousse, coconut mousse) in house chocolates, a blueberry bundt cake with Creme Anglaise and a large sliced fruit display.
Oh sure... he goes exercising and leaves us here drooling on our keyboards :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Good thing there aren't pictures... I'd be trying to "scratch 'n sniff" the monitor.....
Love you Bing..... hehehe.... Hug the Bassets for me....
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Post by peacockplume »

Oh Dear Bing,
I immediatley put the Royal Ottawa Golf course on my favourites, plus the carving page....
What a beautiful place to enjoy your work, the pictures are awesome.
I'm sure we're all in a food craving now...
Poutine is my all time favourite, but I've never tried a Beaver tail yet.
Thank you for sharing the links.

My weather, today is gardening sunny, I was down in victoria yesterday just loving all the japanese flowering trees, but the next good rain will bring all the petals down, our dogwoods are in full bloom everywhere, sorry about the daffy explosion, would you believe that the place that grows them loses a huge amount every year, because they can't get the pickers....shameful really....

I'm on Vancouver Island, so nowhere's near the Squamish slides, and we have large water run off 'ditches' that circumvent the house, but it's a long huge heavy downpour before they run past....
as for snow,,,,well I think this global warming effects everything, including our 'used to be' only rain winters.... I got snowed in for 3 days this year, and couldn't get off the property a few more times, but that was just due to road maintenance.....not being ploughed, and our snow usually isn't the nice kind, this year we had about a month of the beautiful stuff though...
a few feet of rain....the stuff you can build snowmen with, it sparkles under the moonlight, and goes crunch, crunch under your feet...

but you're right, I couldn't handle back east (well, past the coastal mtns)
winters anymore, I was born near Winnipeg, and as I child I remember 40 below,,,,,and I almost got lost in a snow storm once....

yes, the Island is gooooood,,,,and the rain's a blessing, keeps us all green.

love to you all
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Post by Mr. Bing »

Hi Peacock

To those of you who aren't Canadian, Winnipeg is one of our coldest cities in the winter. When people go shopping they usually have two sets of car keys. One is left in the ignition to keep the car running and the other is used to open the door of the vehicle when you return. If the car is shut off it can usually freeze up. That means that the gas has frozen stiff in the line from the tank to the engine. If your vehicle is left in the elements long enough the oil will turn to the consistency of gellatin. :shock:

Welcome to Winnipeg Mr. Bond. I hope you brought some gas line antifreeze.

God Bless
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Bing

That was another good reminder to stay out of Canadian winters, (esp winnipeg) and another reminder:Don't forget the block heaters....

as I look out into the sun and the acer maples trees blowing their pollen into the air, the blossom a chartreuse colour, hangs down about 6 inches, and the baby leaves are starting to grow, they're only about 3-4 inches in diameter now, but by fall I've seen them more than a foot wide,,,huge...

and I'm still on the computer,,,,

signing off now,,,,sun's calling

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Post by pinecone »

The Secert was brought up by a friend the other day and we talked about it for some time. I'd like to see the movie.
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