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Post by mrscbvet »

If you decide to visit Michigan... you absolutely MUST come to NW Indiana. I'm not on the lake, in fact we're a few miles south of the "hangy down" part of the lake. We could go to Chicago on the train or something. And if you get homesick... we can dress up the doggies to look like geese, or pigs, or bulls... hehehe... whatever you want... Keep me in mind too, sis'... the door is open and the sheets are clean.
Love you,
Brenda 8)
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Brenda-Baby!! If I'm deffo going to do a solo road trip, do you think I would bypass you??? So where d'ya live again? Indiana? This is gonna be soo.....I dunno! A bit like, Little Miss Sunshine, only alone! hahahaha!!
That's almost sad, hahaha :D

Pet xxx
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Dearest Gypsie, I cried when I read your last post! I'm thinking of those boys. But more, Helen and Mark who are still here on Urantia. To lose a parent is bad enough, I know...but to lose a son or daughter?

God bless sweetheart! Pet xxx
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Post by gypsie »

Thanks all

Healing has been done and they opened a memorial wall for kids to practice their footy skills on for years to come. Helen and Mark have great faith and know they will hold them again...

Now back to this thread!!! I gave Yasmin The Secret as a gift (she tends to complain about why she dosen't have this or that ect....)

I said to her say one nice thing about yourself before I give it to you daugther emmmm :duh she squirmed and I said OK someone else will embrace positive change, now who can I give it to (such control 8) ) she yelled MUM I HAVE NICE HAIR I WANT THE SECRET!!!!! :bomb

So off she drove two days ago and guess what family I haven't had one complaint over the phone.. do you think she's watched it yet :shock: Imagine a daugther with a positive mind???
Love Gypsy
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi All You Beauty-Beings! It's great to stop by this lovely big coffee table of a thread again! (Kim, I don't seem to get emails every time this thread is updated either, so I kind of just have to cycle back around to it periodically to stay caught up.)

Dear Gypsie, it's never a problem to bring what's in your beautiful heart to these boards; it's a great blessing that this "family of choice" (to quote you, and it's a great quote!) is always so glad to share, and to support and help each other through the ups and downs of life on this planet.

When my sweetheart Ron's best friend of many years, Tristan, passed away a little over a year ago after a long battle with cancer, Ron talked to him through a channeler, and Tris said how much great joy he feels now that he's on the Other Side, liberated from the inherent limitations of being contained inside a body, and how he now realizes that he could have felt ten times more joy while still incarnated than he ever allowed himself to feel, and he wants to pass along that message to all of us who are still here: We can all feel ten times more joy that we do right now if we let ourselves. The entire tone of his message was very much, "Don't feel sad for me, I'm doing wonderfully over here!" This really helped Ron to hear, although it has taken him a lot of time to process and fully accept it -- death is much harder to come to terms with for those of us left behind.

It now turns out that we've been watching DVD's of Esther Hicks channeling the group of beings called Abraham who teach the Law of Attraction, and their number one focus is on feeling more joy -- perhaps Tris knew we'd be watching these DVDs in the future, so he was preparing us by giving us that same message in advance. On one DVD we watched a few nights ago, Abraham even went so far as to say that, over in the non-physical realm, in situations where a bunch of people die at once, there is a lot of cheering and celebration on the Other Side, because all these souls are returning home to the joy of being fully reunited with Source, quite a different perspective than we often have down here. As I commented to Ron, from their perspective, the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City must have been cause for one joyous party over there. Amazing ideas to consider.

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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi again All of You,

Mo, yes, I agree we are all connected on a psychic and intuitive web -- I see proof of it again and again. For example, Brenda, here you mention being careful of lemon juice because it can damage tooth enamel, and I had just been reading that very same thing a couple days earlier! (By the way, the book I was reading also said that if you rub a fresh strawberry across your teeth, it'll clean your teeth without damaging the enamel. Interesting, eh?) And Petra, several months back, I got a book out of the library about mood foods. Can't remember what it was called now, but, given this pyschic and intuitive web Mo mentioned, it wouldn't surprise me if it was the very same one!

I've been continuing exercising and drinking more water too,after being influenced by this thread. For the past couple days, I sort of forgot to drink water again though, and ended up with a bad headache, so that reminded me to get back on track and start drinking it again!

I'm mostly just a big kid at heart, and I always liked Easter because I get to decorate Easter eggs, which I still do every year, even though I'm now supposedly a grown-up! This year I dyed a bunch of eggs and put various stickers on them from a collection of stickers I've kept since childhood, then put them into an Easter basket that has little wheels on it like a cart. This year, my birthday was yesterday and Easter was today, so both of these holidays fell on the same weekend and all my presents were wrapped in Easter-colored paper. Without even thinking about it, I wore a shirt yesterday that matched exactly with all my presents and the Easter basket on the table! So I've put one of my birthday pictures up for my "avvie" (as Pet says) for now, of me with one of my inadvertently color-coordinated gifts that I was about to open. Here, also, just for fun, is a picture of the eggs that my inner child had such fun making last week:

Happy Easter Everyone!


Love and Blessings All, LUV2
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Post by gypsie »

What uplifting words you have shared... I love your eggs and shirt !!!!

By the way Happy Bithday KNOK ig bunch of flowers for you...

Now I haven't seen these DVD's with Esther Hicks I will make it my job to find them, they sound fasinating.
I agree it is always harder for those left behind, I have never thought of a mass group passing before??? We lost a few friends in the Tsuami I still find it impossible to imagine over a quater a million people died that day. My darling friend Collene who is on Chemo (she's on the healing thread) lost her very close friend Craig. When the news came through it was a shock. However, it was the way he passed which took our breaths away. The first wave struck and his pregnant wife couldn't swim, he lifted her onto a roof and the second wave took him.
Their little girl Demi was born and has brought much joy to many. Of course we knew others but in respect to their families I will leave those out. You brought a smile to my face knowing Craig he would have been running the show over there.... Debbie it's a very comforting concept, thanks for that.
Much love Gypsie
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Post by mrscbvet »

OH!!! A BIRTHDAY!!! I love birthdays!! Well... I love wishing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to other people and making other people's birthdays special... soooo....

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
:sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
:flower: :flower: :flower: :flower:

I love the birthday picture ... you look so happy!! ...and... the Easter basket is beautiful!! We had an Easter egg hunt for the grandkids today. I can't even remember if I ever did that as a kid. They had so much fun... they found all but 4... guess I'll find those with the leaf blower... hehehe :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hope everybody had a wonderful and peaceful day today...
Brenda 8)
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Post by Petra Wilson »

aqualeaf wrote:Tris said how much great joy he feels now that he's on the Other Side, liberated from the inherent limitations of being contained inside a body, and how he now realizes that he could have felt ten times more joy while still incarnated than he ever allowed himself to feel, and he wants to pass along that message to all of us who are still here: We can all feel ten times more joy that we do right now if we let ourselves. The entire tone of his message was very much, "Don't feel sad for me, I'm doing wonderfully over here!"
Dear Debbie, thank you so much for writing that. I was thinking about this for several days...about the joy we can feel, if we would only try. I'm fed up of my three-steps-forward-four-steps-backwards progress! This message has lifted my spirits more than you can know!
Oh, and I bloomin' LOVE those coulourful eggs! I wish I could put that pic up on my desk top backround!!
And you don't need a colouful top, you're already simply giving off a fantastic kaleidascope of colours!!

Dear Debbie/Gypsie, I've been thinking of you a lot lately.

As for everyone else, hope you had a peace-filled restful Easter break and you All have your hearts filled with love and joy!

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Craps...I forgot, so will wrote a new post, to give it the attention it deserves...

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Post by nasra1996 »

Happy Birthday Debbie.....

I love your Avatar too, very colourful...

And that was my 1111th post......

Love Sarah xxx
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Happy 1111th Post Sarah, yayyyy!

So much to celebrate, I think I'll open a bottle of bubbly, hahahaha!!

Love Pet XXX
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Post by MagicMike »

Just right-click the pic of the easter eggs and select "set as background"!
Best wishes, Mike x
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Ah Thanks Mike!! I've done just that!! Well, you'd think I might have known that? I feel a right numpty now, hahaha!! It was MoLight who told me about how to copy, paste etc, a while ago, when George made me admin!! I thought: "Oh dear, this is going to be embarrassing, so I'll ask Mo instead of George or Geoff!" :lol: Now everyone knows! :lol:

Love Pet XXX
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Post by Tulia »

Wow, if for some reason I quit reading a thread, I get behind and also double post.

Happy Birthday Debbie.

Happy 1111th post Sarah.

Debbie, your post about Abraham and the rejoicing on the other side for deaths reminded me of this from the Urantia Book (paper 55, page 623-624):

"Many fusion candidates may be assembled in the spacious temple at the same time. And what a beautiful occasion when mortals thus forgather to witness the ascension of their loved ones in spiritual flames, and what a contrast to those earlier ages when mortals must commit their dead to the embrace of the terrestrial elements! The scenes of weeping and wailing characteristic of earlier epochs of human evolution are now replaced by ecstatic joy and the sublimest enthusiasm as these God-knowing mortals bid their loved ones a transient farewell as they are removed from their material associations by the spiritual fires of consuming grandeur and ascending glory. On worlds settled in light and life, "funerals" are occasions of supreme joy, profound satisfaction, and inexpressible hope.

The souls of these progressing mortals are increasingly filled with faith, hope, and assurance. The spirit permeating those gathered around the translation shrine resembles that of the joyful friends and relatives who might assemble at a graduating exercise for one of their group, or who might come together to witness the conferring of some great honor upon one of their number. And it would be decidedly helpful if less advanced mortals could only learn to view natural death with something of this same cheerfulness and lightheartedness."

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Post by nasra1996 »

Why thankyou Petra and Tulia... :) my 1111 has been and gone in an instant. Tulia i always enjoy all your posts, you seem to have a lot of knowledge of the Urantia book, im kind of a beginner, and very slow at reading it.... You are like an old soul inside a young body... :) Lol that is suppose to be a compliment... :) Im still like a child inside... :?

Take care....

Love Sarah xxx
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Debbie,

Seems I may have missed your birthday, but heres an after birthday wish. Hope you had a great day!!!

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Yeah, Tulia's like a prefect around here!! You were here from the beggining, and Gai too! Not to mention Sandy, Mati, Helen, (Where the heck are you these days Helen?) Budgie??
I wonder why our old friends don't post? Is it personal, or do we smell??
If you check in from time to time, please answer! Even if it's to say: 'get lost I'm on a different path!' We miss your wise words! Well, I do!!

Petra xxx
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Post by Claude »

Happy Birthday Debbie! The time it was just before Mon Apr 09, 2007 javascript:emoticon(':wink:')
Wink11:11 pm
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Sweet Friends! :D

A big thanks to all of you for the wonderful birthday wishes; it really does add a lot to the specialness of the day! Gypsie and Pet, I'm glad that you found Tris' message helpful, and I'm sure he is too!

And Happy 1111th Post too, Sarah, even though it's now passed! It's cool that it happened right here on this thread anyway! The other day, I got what I thought was an especially cool prompt: I was browsing around on an ezine articles website, and looking at the article stats. There's one especially prolific writer there who often contributes more than one article a day, so the number of articles he's written changes pretty quickly. At the moment I looked, his number of articles happened to be 11,111! :shock: :D

Tulia, thanks for that excellent quote from the Urantia Book! I love getting confirmation of the same ideas from multiple sources like this. Gypsie Deb, the website for the Abraham materials is The particular DVD we were watching was "The Law of Attraction in Action - Episode 1". I'm not sure about their overseas availability, but I know at least some of their stuff is available on some of the international online booksellers like Amazon. Plus, they have some free introductory audios and videos on their website as well, to give you a feel for their material.

Here's another synchroncity: Earlier in this thread we were all wondering about how many days or repetitions it takes to make a new behavior a habit. As I recall, some of us had heard two weeks, while others of us had read 21 times/days or three weeks. Here's a little added input to our conversation from the Cosmos: This morning's daily quote from Abraham (the same Abraham as discussed above) that Ron is subscribed to just happened to be: "It usually takes about 30 days to change a habit. Not because you need 30 days. You could do it in 68 seconds if you could once you did it hold your vibration there, but you have to consciously make that decision." Interesting! :colors:

Love and Blessings to you all, LUV2

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Post by gypsie »

Thanks Debbie
I have added the link to my favorites :lol: can't wait for yet another round of school holidays to finish and find time to read it!!!
WOW 11;11 post thats exciting I must keep record of where I'm at :scratch: love a celebration, anything for a party I say!!!
Is your daugther still in Sydney? At least I think it was your daugther :roll: sure it was actually.

We are having beautiful Autum days here, the leaves are falling and the wind is blowing, I think there is something spritual about trees shedding their leaves..
Did any of you catch George's List op about the sea creature skelton? What an amazing story, I love the fact Midwayers have so much fun at times!!!
Thinking of you to Pet and all you are never far away, has anyone had word from our family member who was heading across America to save the children with her neice? (can't believe the name has escaped me)
It's been on my mind...
Much love to all Gypsie :loves
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Post by gypsie »

Sorry another quick post..
I was so embarresed the other day when I was having coffee with the girls. Low and behold a celebrity is a foot away from me I yell to my mate "Look it's Hugh Grant" the actor glared at me and his wife was not impressed it was actually Hugh Jackman :oops: We laughed all afternoon :bana:
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Post by AJ »

That is a good one Gypsie.


When you coming on your solo trip to the states? I definately want to try and hook up with where ever you might be at the time!!!
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Post by Tulia »

nasra1996 wrote: Tulia i always enjoy all your posts, you seem to have a lot of knowledge of the Urantia book, im kind of a beginner, and very slow at reading it.... You are like an old soul inside a young body... :) Lol that is suppose to be a compliment... :) Im still like a child inside... :?
Sarah, thanks, "old soul, young body" - that is a compliment. :) But, I'm not that young and I always feel like that child inside too. :) I was lucky enough to get a huge head start on the Urantia Book when I actually was very young. My Dad is a reader and he gave me my very own first Urantia Book when I was 15. Now my oldest son of 14 years has his own UB and so, we're on the third generation of readers in our family, cool, huh?

More than twenty years later, I still take my old UB many places with me. And, I can pretend I'm an expert (thanks Petra, "prefect", what a compliment, I don't know if I deserve that) only because of the online search facility here:

Keep reading, there's so much great stuff in the UB. Of course, there are many other sources of great stuff, like the huge body of celestial messages stored on this site, for one other. And, most important is the experiencial integration of the revelation we are blessed to have recieved.
aqualeaf wrote:Tulia, thanks for that excellent quote from the Urantia Book! I love getting confirmation of the same ideas from multiple sources like this.
You're welcome. I love that too, Debbie.

Gypsie, Hugh Jackman mistaken for Hugh Grant - that is pretty funny. Well, I wonder if he gets that a lot given their first name in common.

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Post by November »

A late Happy Birthday to you Debbie! I also loved the eggs!
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