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Post by Morning Light »

That totally cracks me up Debbie! I didn't know anything about that thread or I would have chimed in long ago :lol:

This is something that I have experienced for quite a while now... if we could all sit in a room and chat.. I think there would be soo many synchronicities and deja vu's goin on... it would be absolutely mind boggling :shock: and highly validating. People have said that they see me in dreams on a regular basis and several have said that I appeared in thier homes etc. As I've said before, I don't remember these visits but when we get a chance to really talk.. it is like we know what each other is going to say.. soon we are excitedly feeding off of each others words and finishing each others sentences etc. I realize that I know or have learned the same things recently... I just don't consciously remember learning them :mrgreen:

I believe this is true of all of us.

Hope this makes sense!

I'm Stoked :D
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Post by Gai*11 »

Oh you always make such perfect sense dear Morninglight!! :loves How's work dear? Hope you are doing great, and so happy to see your post when I came on here tonight! :sunny:

And yes it is so true isn't it..., how we are all so phenominally connected to each other, and I have had some of those dreams, where we meet up on some other plane, and most probably give ourselves a good talkin' to, helping each other with the special encouragements we need, etc...

I miss everybody.., have been too busy for my comfort lately, haha, but, yeah, am still with ya'll right here inside, and especially bein's we are soo connected...!!!

Tons of Love and happy little miracles to everyone! :colors:
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Post by memawlaura »

:o Well Hello to all you great souls, I just did not have any idea that this thread had grown this large. I visited it when I first came to the board. The reading of all your stories let my heart sing with joy. Young mothers giving thier children great love and attention, oh and lets not forget us grandmas' :lol:. Pet stories that will lighten anyones woes. Health, Love, Support and Yes WATER, :wink: I'm afraid I would need so much that I would have to find a vessel to float in :lol: :lol: :lol:

You all mean a great deal to me and I thank you all for your great experiences and sharing them. :loves

Love and Peace Always,
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by Sandy »

Hello Dear friends,

I signed up for it too Bing! Looking forward to it! Thank you for reminding us of that URl and something I meant to do a couple weeks ago.

I didn't realize they had a Secret audio Gypsy. Oh I mentioned The secret to a dear old friend of mine and she is very interested. I am going to send her the URLs you all have posted. So many thanks to all of you from my friend.

That is an amazing dream Debbie, I love the idea that we are busy on the Akashic plane during our sleep time. I do wish Mo would visit me in my dreams with some strong and well meaning encouragement where yoga is concerned. I took a good brisk walk today to help clear out the cobwebs as Petra once suggested and felt all the stress I was harboring at the time just sort of float away. It really helped to settle my racing mind. Thanks Pet!

Oh I tried that vanilla a little more in than I meant to, but it is really good! Thank you for that tasty water drinking tip Debbie! Mo you sound like quite an imaginative character when you were young. Wish I had thought of that one! 8)

Hello Gai, I haven't talked to you in ages. Life does get crazy doesn't it ...but it is sooo good all the same. You never know what's store when you get up in the morning. But each day is a great big education in one way or another. I love this:
Tons of Love and happy little miracles to everyone!
and of course it is hard to beat Bings beautiful salutation:
Throw some love into the wind.
And memawlaura, you have made me smile and perked up my spirits with your gentle loving way since the first day you have joined our little "family of the heart." Sharing love is what it is all about.

I love you all,
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello All You Lovelies,

Debs said .. "I've read that you have to do something 21 times to make it a habit, or three weeks (I guess that'd be 21 days, come to think of it!). I've read about studies on organizational change showing that anytime there's a reorganization, reassignment of duties, major procedural change, etc., in an organization, it takes people 3 weeks to make/adjust to the changes return back to their original productivity levels. So that's a good motivation to just keep on sticking with things, even if change isn't apparent at first.
This morning I was reading about mood foods and combatting our bad eating/drinking habits for more fulfilling moods, and a constant 'high'! It mentioned something similar to what you wrote. 21 days ain't too long is it? Not when it comes to better mind health?
I love your wealth of information too Debs!

Hey Sandy, I ought to do some power-walking too. Still stuck on't farm looking after the shop while Phil collects the lamb. :cry: That depressed me! A customer this morning made me laugh a bit, she's a vegetarian and her hubby's not. As I was weighing up, he shouted for his wife for some money, but she wouldn't come in the shop, says she hates to even see meat, then wanted to see the pigs and got very 'ohhhh bless them, how do you do it' ! I told her I didn't, not even helping with the ushering them into the trailer. I usually give them a sumptuous last feast though, which annoys Phil but I don't listen at all! They get apples, cheese, various veg, loads of cornflakes...they love cornflakes! This did nothing to make her feel better...

Hey Memawlaura
Come off it!! You're not that big! And I was seriously exaggurating...OK, I was lying about my weight! I'm about 10 stone, but hey? who's counting? I am really gonna try this water drinking business. So much synchro about this subject for me lately! At work a overheard a colleague telling our manager that drinking lots of water helps take off excess weight...(the manager wants to wear a bikini when she goes to America for her hols). I just wanna feel healthier, I'm not bothered about my wobbley belly. Phil made a cruel remark once about it and I retorted: "5 kid's, what's your excuse?" :lol: He shut up!!

Dear Gai! Missed you love! And I got the 4 weeks in the end, I'll email you later about it! Yeeehar! The spoilt bint got her own way again!! Manager said I wasn't allowed 4 weeks straight holiday...unless I was going to Australia. So I said: "I'm going to Australia!" Another lie! Ohh deary me :oops: I'm gonna have to make up for them huh?

I wanna say more but afraid this post is already too long! Suffice it then to say, I LOVE YOU ALL! XXXX

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Post by November »

Morning Light,

I just wanted to say that I love your avatar today! I've been looking at it, wishing I could be there right now :D
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Post by mrscbvet »

Hi everybody!! :hithere
It's always such a joy to come to this thread! You guys cracked me right up today when I read about Mo' and the water beer and Deb and the dog biscuits... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Pet... Mood foods? Is that anything like "comfort foods"... do they change the mood you're in or just make the mood you're in seem okay.
Sandy, You're absolutely right we CAN do this water thing... and I will too... just as soon as I buy a boat!! No... just kidding... I've started drinking more water and have come to the realization that I need new tile on the bathroom floor, or maybe a new rug, if I'm going to be spending all this time in the bathroom... I think it should be a more comfortable room. TV, phone, magazine rack, refrigerator.... I read something the other day about putting the juice of a half a lemon in about 12 oz. of water, drink it hot once in the morning. Supposed to help cleanse or flush out your gall bladder and liver or something like that in order to "jump start" your metabolism if you have reached a plateau in your weight loss routine. I thought of Mo' and the cleansing thing she did a while back. I've done it twice now... It's more palatable than one might think. But I have to say, I much prefer the idea of vanilla to that of lemon juice.
Gypsie,I signed up for the course too... Imagine that!... Now we'll all have something we can talk about.... hehehe :lol: :lol: :lol:
I do wonder about Deb's dream and the concept of it. I love the idea of it. One big AC library where we all visit periodically. That just sounds cool to me!

Better go do my "real job" for awhile... WHIST LUV2
Love you guys,
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Post by memawlaura »

:love Good Morning everyone, I'm contacting my upbeat loving family first thing today. I got to keep that positive in my life going on and I just love to chat with you all.

Thanks Petra I did say it jokenly, but of course I know and can use loosing some of that BABT FAT :roll: . :pig: It sounds like your missing the farm work while your hubby was away? Why was he doing such extensive travel I never caught that?

Sandy, I know what your talking about with the leg cramps and mine even get the RLS (the creepy crawlees) :shaking2: but since I have been meditating and stressing less I'm not having as much a problem. However, I'm sure our physical bodies are just asking for the minerals and vitamins they have used up over time. :cheers: Keep up the excercise it seems to be working.

Mo, I believe you went to work for the IRS? Do a favor and put a WHAMMY on the computer :D I'm beginning to feel like the IRS poster child :mrgreen: .

Hi Brenda, you sound like your doing very well. I agree this thread just tugs at our hearts :loves .

Well I know I missed a few of you but I'll catch you next time around.

Love and Peace Always,
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by Sandy »

Good day or night to all of you,

November, I like your "avvie" too. I used to see tons of those sweet little hummingbirds starting late April into the first of September when they left the increasingly cooler North for warmer climates. We had one fly into our garage once and get his little beak wedged in a crack in the wood. Not sure what in the world that was about, but he was exhausted when we found him so we placed him in a shoebox filled with grass and set him in a shady spot outside where we could keep an eye on him and keep him safe. I was so afraid we were going to watch him die but after an hour or so off he went. In retrospect, since there was a happy ending, it was wonderful to get an opportunity to touch one of the most delicate of Gods little creatures.

Brenda, I am trying the heated lemon water that you suggested this morning. We didn't have any lemons so I used some bottled lemon juice in some hot water. Is it supposed to be brownish? Not sure how long that bottle has been in there. (whmm I don't remember buying lemon juice..) It is really not bad though. It is a habit with me to drink something warm all day long. So I think it will be easier to get the water I need by drinking it warm rather than chilled. I may try adding a little juice to a cup later to see how that tastes too.
Petra, so far I am on a roll with this walking thing...I have day one under my belt and now I am hoping for day two...21 one days huh? Seriously it does help talking about it with you guys. Maybe we'll all be healthier by the end of this thread. (George too! :finger: ) I hope you don't let the vegetarians lady's comments bother you. Everyone makes their own choices in regards to food and it is wrong to try to bully your beliefs onto someone else who may feel diferently. I think her behavior was in poor taste at your market. Not sure why she bothered to come with her husband at all other than perhaps it was a poor attempt to make her feelings known in a rather immature way.

Glad you brought up the IRS Memawlaura. I still have that to do too. It is easy to put it out of my mind way over here but the date is rapidly aproaching isn't it!

Well gotta go!
Love you all,
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi all You Beautiful Beings,

Mo, that's so cool, and yes, it does make sense! I think you're right about all the synchroncities and deja vus we'd all have if we were sitting together and talking. And I agree, all of us on these boards seem to be innately wired to easily do these kinds of things with those to whom we're psychically connected, without even being consciously aware of it, so I'll bet your words make sense to everyone here.

My sweetheart and I are becoming better and better at mind-to-mind (or what we now have shortened to just "M2M") communication with each other, and we now often finish each other's punchlines on jokes and such, some of them so weird and obscure that there's no doubt we had to be "M2M-ing" (as we now call it) them to each other! One good friend of ours is so pyschically attuned to us that anytime we buy her a gift, we have to attempt to create "static" in our minds while we're shopping, or else she'll "hear" us M2M and know her gift in advance!

Hi Gai, Memawlaura and November :hithere -- so good to see all of you as well!

Sandy, maybe we should create a nice meeting area somewhere in the shared Akashic construct, (maybe next to the room with the huge coffee table!) with one of those big mirrored yoga/dance rooms (yes, I bet we all will get healthier and healthier as this thread progresses!), and Mo, perhaps you could hold a yoga class there and teach all of us yoga at once! Glad you liked the vanilla-water too, Sandy!

Oh Petra, you always make me laugh with your comments! Well, now that you've admitted to weighing 10 stone, I'll admit that I do too! :lol: So that means we each need to drink 70 ounces of water a day. That'd be just over 4 1/2 pints, or 9 cups, a day, if I got my math right.

I feel for you regarding the lamb too! That's a tough situation! :cry:

Brenda, with all of us drinking so much water all day, I bet we'll not only be spending more time in our bathrooms in waking life, but we'll probably be dreaming about them at night too! Maybe we need a deluxe bathroom next to the yoga room in the shared AC, and perhaps you could be in charge of decorating it, with all the experience you'll get from upgrading your own bathroom at home! :lol:

Yes, I think I've read something similar about hot lemon water too. That herbalist I took a class with mentioned some liver-cleansing program that involved drinking something with raw garlic in it every morning! I've hesistated to try it so far, but it would be interesting to look it up again and review what all was in it!

Well, I'd better sign off for now -- It's 7:45pm already, and the fish is ready to come out of the oven!

Love, Blessings and Hugs to You All LUV2 ,
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Post by mrscbvet »

Hi Sandy!
FYI... the article did mention to be sure to rinse or brush your teeth regularly because the citrus can be hard on the enamel if you don't. Have to keep these lovely smiles safe!!! It sounded important, worth passing along... But of course that's another one of those things that I'm a "phobe" about... and I blame my dentist for that. Brush and floss brush and floss brush and floss... then she says "you're brushing too hard"... so I said "it's your fault, you're the one that made me that way"... hehehe :lol: :lol: :lol:
Brenda :)
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All of You Cool and Groovy People! :afro: :colors:

Where to start :sunny:

I am soo glad to see you on the site. I've missed you!

Our conversations and many others have made me realize how strong this connection really is... we are all connected on a psychic and intuitive web... no computer required... just this sweet connection of Oneness!

You have obviously found your place to shine and blossom... I am so glad to hear it and see it! It's a beautiful thing :sunflower:

Sounds like you are finding the motivation you've needed! Now I could use a visit.... my yoga has been a bit sporadic as of late... However you are inspiring me to get back on the horse... YeeHaar Image

I did all sorts of cookey things as a child :shock: It's a wonder that I am here to tell the tale :lol:

That one about the dog bisquits was a hoot! Funny thing is, my daughters did the same thing. We still joke about that to this day! :lol:

It is so fun to hear about the mental telepathy going on with you and your husband. Lowell and I do the same thing... we used to exclaim... I was just thinking that very same thing, or I was just wondering that same thing etc. now we just smile :lol: Totally Cool eh! 8)

It sounds like you'll be able to see alot more of America this time around! Whaa Hooo!

I just want to say that I Love Your Avatar Too! I can't think of anything more joyful than a humming bird... they perk me right up whenever I see them zipping through my yard :D

This picture is in one of my most cherished places. Near a pond in the Uintah Mountains, very close to a Native American Reservation. There are mooses that frequent this pond... we sit still and watch them wade through the pond and eat off the bottom.. it is uncanny the way they put thier whole head under water, ears and all. They are such beautiful and magestic creatures... sorry for babbling..

Sweet Sarah!
Thank you for the heads up on herbal teas and drinks! That is a great idea! Sorry to have missed mentioning this earlier!

I also liked to play doctor but we won't go into that right now :albino:

Have you ever heard that old song about brushing your teeth

Brush your teeth with saniflush
You don't even need a brush
Pour it out and smooth it on
One, two, three your teeth are gone!

Warm Hugs All Around :cheers:
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello EveryOne,

Brenda, when I mentioned mood foods, I mean foods that put you in a good mood. Levels of seratonin and all that. I've been supplementing with high levels of Omega 3, 6 and 9 and already feel mentally better and more alert. The B Vits are good too. Since drinking lots of water, I've noticed I've taken off some weight.

Mo, I'd better put in a heck of a lot more hours at Woollies in order to afford seeing more of the U.S. We're completely brassic! After paying off the biggest credit card bill ever! But easy come easy go, I NEVER waste time worrying about money. It's a waste of energy, hehehe!

Gai, I am sorry once more that I forgot your birthday! I spent the day wondering who's birthday was today!! :oops: I love your avvie, what a splendid family and nice home you have! Makes mine look like a cave, haha!! No, seriously!

I like the sound of this communal AC, but I'm not into yoga, far too lazy!! Ought to give it a try though? A friend of mine does it and she's never had back aches since! Talking of which, that's what I have right now, due to some gardening and falling heavily asleep in the armchair last night.

Bye bye, Petra xxx
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Post by gypsie »

Hi All :hithere
Gosh this thread has run away again :bike: it's a wonderful meeting place. On the drink subject - when I was clearing my Hep C (totally cleared now) I drank a huge cup of boiled water with half a lemon in it first thing every morning. I would visualise my liver being washed... It was a great way to start the day and another way to drink water...

I'm feeling sad today as it's one year on the 5th of April when the boys were killed, I can't seem to shake the tears and wonder how Helen and Mark are coping. I feel like I keep coming back to the board with it and if thats a problem please send me a pm. I don't know how to let go as I often think of that poor family....

On another thread some of you darling soul friends are joining the twins and me lighting candles to send love to the family. I am also going to visualise handing it to the wind and hopefully the tears will end.

On a happier note my dvd and audio arrived today YEH I now have the secret to watch without fastforwarding through the adds!!!

I love this thread it's not just the joy of sharing and listening with you all it's like a journal of moments in our lives. To share these thoughts and precious moments is to be treasured I think all who post and those who read bring a premise of safety to explore and get to know each other as people on our spritual paths striving for truth...
Love to you all and thank you Midwayers for bringing me here when I needed this the most. The support you gave little Jack & Billy when they lost their friend Jordan helped the boys understand they could keep the love forever....
Love you Gang Gypsie
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Post by Morning Light »

Hi Petra!
I'm not sure what brassic means but I am glad to hear that you were able to pay off your credit card... that's a good thing in'nit?

How did you cure yourself of hep-c? I know a couple of people who have it... and I would love to be able to help them.

I've got you, the boys, Mark and Helen in my prayers.

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Post by gypsie »

Hi Mo
Well I went on combination therapy which was just awful looking back. It's a mix of Interferon and some tablets (mild Chemo they said) the exact name escapes me, sorry.
there are Hep C clinics all over the world but I do know in the US Geno Type A1 is the more common, here in Australia we have Geno Type A3.

Some strains are more difficult to move and treatment is a very intrusive process. I had done chinese herb trials, Liver cleansing diet and any other alternative medicine I could find. In the end it took about a year to get accepted into treatment but for me it was the best thing i have ever done.

They need to have two blood tests 6 months apart and have abnormal ALT Levels. Then blood tests to find out their viral load and I found out ALT Levels do not really show exactly what going on, a biopsy is the only way. Knowing their type will determine the length of time on treatment - A1 is 12 months mine was 6 months.

I do some work with the Hep C council because there are so many out there who don't understand the illness.
I have to say though doing treatment with a friend and living in the country really helped. Meditation and visualisation were vital tools also.

Treatment is a personal choice Mo and a difficult decision if they are like me and wanting to do alternative treatment. I had to get it out of my body in the end I knew I was getting sicker even though the liver is an amazing organ.
It's also really important to set up support with friends ect... cooking was almost impossible for me.
It also affects the thinking, it interfers with the Neuro transmiters to the brain.
I had a raging argument at the road authority counter because they wouldn't send my parcel to London. The Post Office was next door :oops: so it can be difficult.
I am always here to talk to any of your friends just pm me and I'll give you my personal email.
This is a serious illness and the difficult part is (from what I've learnt) is they can't determine who will become very ill from it. I gather they may be around my age (46) as many of my friends have had it or have it. Actually I had a friend here on sat night who has made the decision to go on treatment. He had been anti treatment for 15 years but now is quite sick, all you can do is offer positive words. I said to him "wow so in 8 months you won't have Hep C" things like that help, I also gave him a Louise Hay meditation CD. If they suffer from depression that needs to be watched and balanced closely.
Hope this helps.
I do have friends though MO who live in the mountains and they have cleared it using organic methods, I personally couldn't clear it that way.
So lots of support and a nice dark quiet room to rest in worked..
Tell them it's a big decision but for me the best decision I've ever made..
I'm now Hep C free and feel great!
Love ya MO Deb :D
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Post by Morning Light »

Hey Debbie!
Thanks for the wonderful info! I will copy it and let you know if they would like to talk.

You are such a beautiful person, inside and out!

Big Luvin's to You LUV2
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Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, Everybody!
I don't know why this thread doesn't show up on my e-mail anymore! I too have signed up for the free Secret on-line course. There seems to be a lot of other offers that come through but I simply delete those. It's nice to listen to while doing housework.

I'm happy to say that I also have gotten back on my treadmill! I think I'm finally ready to shed my shackles and take care of myself. I'm up to 2 1/2 miles a day. Ladies, I find that if I use a bigger glass I drink more water. You'd laugh to see my quart jar with a handle on it! Yes, filled with water. It's cold and tasty right from the tap.

Pet, if you ever come back to the U.S. my door is always open. Bring the whole family! I live a mile from a lighthouse that's on state land, lots of hiking trails that overlooks Lake Michigan. We're surrounded by beautiful blue water and forests. I'd love to take you to the Upper Penninsula.

By the way the coyotes and our dog were having a howling contest tonight. They bantered back and forth for a half hour. Aleah was outside listening to them and loving it. She's been such a nature child lately; written some beautiful songs down by the water. She says, "Hi!"

Well, I suppose that's enough for now. I am so thankful to think of all of you as my friends. I cry through your struggles and cheer at your triumphs! Your love and compassion reach through the miles putting a smile on my face as warmth overflows my heart. Have a wonderful day everyone!

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Post by Morning Light »

Hey Deb,
I talked to my friend and she was very excited to talk with you... she is really needing the understanding and support. I guess she is just starting the therapy. Would you PM me with your email address.

It was soo cool and we talked about how we thought that our guides/angels had brought us together.

Ohmigosh Petra, Kim is not kidding! The Upper Penninsula of Michigan is absolutely gorgeous :shock: I especially love Macinaw Island :D

Sweet Dreams and Bright Blessings
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Post by November »

Morning Light wrote:I especially love Macinaw Island :D
I remember a vacation there when I was a kid. I really like the fact that there are no cars allowed and the Grand Hotel was beautiful. Everytime I see the movie Somewhere in Time, I remember visiting the hotel - although I wish I could've seen it in victorian days.
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello My Lovelies, whenever I get off the phone with Sue (who lives in Croydon/London) I come away talking the ol' cockney slang, thus, brassic: skint, penniless, where's-the-money-gone? !! This is a typical beginning of a conversation: Sue: " Aw, Pet! talk about skint?? I ain't got a farthing! I'm brassic, have ya got a couple o' quid ya can lend this way?" Me: "Get stuffed! Got the ol' tax man breathing down me neck and how much d'ya need anyway?" Sue: "About £1000 to pay me council tax!!" :shock: Me: "And everyone else!!!" hahaha :lol:
The bastar** owe me £200 for my paintings!! How do you ask the council for money? I suppose the same way they demand it from us eh?

To be honest, I like being in these 'penniless' situations! Phil's not taking it well, but I'm the sort of: 'glass-half-full, as-opposed-to-glass-half-empty' sort of person! Know what I mean?? Challenges is what it's all about!! hahaha. Petra XXX
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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Pet,
Good for you! This too shall pass. What can we learn from this? By the way do you see the face in your new avie? Or was it meant to be there?

Aleah sees and angel, she said, "Tell Petra I said, 'Hi'." We've had some extraordinary events take palce here over the past few days.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Well reveal Kim, reveal! Stop tantalizing and teasing us!
I can't see a face in the avvie. My neighbour did it for Phil's Gran, he specializes in mandalas. I rather like to stare at it and go off on one!

I am dreaming up a solo road trip. Nothing concrete. But I've been thinking of your splendid offer and....well....who knows?
Phil and the kids are off to Barcelona in a few weeks. So it's me and the hanimals once again... 8) I saw Mr Horns 'bothering' Phil the other day. It was hilarious, although he wasn't laffing. He injured his eye (even though he had goggles on) sawing up a fallen tree. It's all red and he looks like something freaky out of Star Trek!

Have a lovely day, Pet XXX :sunflower:

Oh, I see a face now! :idea: Kewl!! Tell Aleah, me and Thalia say Hi back, and doesn't Aleah sound a lot like Thalia?
Once Thals received an award from the town mayor for some picture she painted, and he announced her name incorrectly, saying thhh instead of just T. She got up there and blurted down his mike: "Erm, it's Thalia, silent h!" :lol: He was a bit puzzled at first..haha
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Post by gypsie »

Hi All it's the 5th of April and we lit our candles in the morning. I just cried into a pillow and huged my boys so hard. I followed some wonderful advice from many of you and the day was filled with happy memories of the boys. So so sad however to remember them is a honour to have known these beautiful boys. I know they are safe, yesterday I walked into a shop and saw a stand with keyrings without thinking I grabbed the name Jordan, the second prompt was walking into a random shop and the song "forever young' started to play, it's the song from their funeral. The third prompt was I stood in my front garden and a rose petal fell on my foot from nowhere.
Today I had a 1:11, 2.22, 4.44 and 5.55 prompts so I acknowledged that I am now ready to receive.

Thankyou my dear friends for allowing me a safe place to share from my heart what happened and the grief which folowed. I don't know how Helen and Mark went but the candles you lit I'm sure, even for a second eased their pain.
Another strange thing happened my friend from the country was in Sydney today and it was her husband who was first on the accident. He covered the boys with blankets but just couldn't close their eyes. So I had a kind and spritual woman to cry with and talk about letting go of the grief...

Much love to my sisters and brothers I love you all so much and may your kindness relieved their pain even for a moment.

It's the love which brings me to tears on this board and how blessed we are to have found each other.

Thank you George for bringing together a family of choice and I choose to be apart of this family..

God Bless Gypsie :loves
Love is an action and not a word...
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Post by mrscbvet »

Dearest Gypsie,
I'm sending thoughts, prayers, and hugs to you right now. It's so hard to find words. Just know that all of you are in my thoughts.
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