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Post by Morning Light »

Hello all of you Happy Smiling Shiny Faces :sunny:

Yeah Gay, that's me, right front in front of Lowell. The first time we went down the men were at the front, then Lee Anne and I got more daring the second time and rode the front. It was a blast! I wish you could see our faces better, everyone's eye's and mouths are agog as we dip down about to go into a huge curly wave of water :lol:

That is an amazing eagle story Sandy :shock: I'd be crying tears of joy at the site of them!

Excellent news on your home Gypsie! Are you going to take some Yoga classes? Hope you will be able to settle there for a long while.

Hope Everyone is Having an Excellent Day!
Morning Light
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Post by mrscbvet »

Dear Sandy,
Eagles!!!... how neat! I just love watching eagles and hawks. They seem to float and soar with no effort at all. It's just beautiful to watch. I've never seen a circular rainbow. Gosh that whole experience sounds wonderful and it's amazing how those things come along just when they're needed most. Eagles are not very common around here and several years ago the Fish and Wildlife Service reported a large bald eagle living in the area. It was spotted a few times. I thought I saw it once and I told my mother in law about it. She decided that it was probably the culprit behind the disappearance of one of her many cats. But... this would be the same mother in law that thinks we have giant rabbits too.... hehehe :lol:

and Dear Gai'
I must thank you for these kind sweet words
what an awesome inspiring attitude you shared
but alas... you give me too much credit... admittedly there were times when I was muttering to myself something like "I don't want to be the grownup anymore" :oops: But the "attitude of gratitude" and thinking of all the blessings does help turn that around. But thank you just the same. I love you for it! But also, even though I haven't told her yet, I was drawing inspiration and strength from Pet!! I have a great admiration for her and what she's been doing taking care of everything! WOW... what a girl!!!

and Petra,
I love reading of Phil's adventures even though I am totally clueless about what he's talking about most of the time. :roll: My world is so small...
Are the geese on their good behavior?

Awaiting the pumpkin fudge recipe too... :D
Love to you all,
Brenda 8)
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Dear Brenda and All,

The geese are worse than ever and I had a bit of a fight with them this morning. The nicer I am, the worse they get; seems they're the kind of creatures that prefer the 'rough treatment', but I can't do that! So I endure the nips and terrorizing! :lol:
Phil hasn't written for a while, but I'm sure he will do soon. I'm unsure whether I ought to post them, but since a few people like to read 'em, why not?

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Post by AX »

Morning Light wrote:Hello AX,
I do understand what you are saying but, to me, the overall vibe was very positive, yeah they put a spin on it, but unfortunately our society does not seem to pay attention unless one does. In this regard, I feel that the spin was with a positive intent... so all is well and good in my eyes.

The Law of Attraction is very magical to my mind in a practical sort of way :wink:

It is good to see you jump right in.

I'm glad you understand what I meant, and I hope you did not take it offensively.
To have the positive as well as the negative outlook on a subject enlightens you to an expanded truth, not only an oppinion... But first you should consider studying influencing facts.
Of course, this isn't the way our whole society is operated, by superstition, and religious factors. This was just a good way to make people think about something great a little more carefully. (For example, when you bake a cake, the icing makes it look a lot nicer, but could be a little over-powering to the cakes flavour itself, or just make it taste way better than if serve the cake plain... If you can understand that interpretation as well as I thought it would come out... haha.)

The fact about religion really interests me. I wouldn't consider myself being a christian, since I have my very many doubts about it... But I love it as well, it is so interesting. One thing that makes me doubt super-natural occurances is the human mind. The other is history, because superstition was used to cloud what was really going on in the society, and religion was used as a form of ruling. If you check historical documents, they suggest that people wayyyy back used to have horrible lives, and the way to attracting the society to believing into a religion was preaching about that if you are good on earth, and help your fellow man, you will be rewarded in heaven, or something like that...
Sorry about the ranting, I hope you don't take it as preaching or anything like that.
Anyways, I'm just throwing stuff out there for you to think about and such. It's always better to look on both sides of the spectrum, hopefully?
It's very late, and if it seems that I said anything a little bit out of line, blame it on my lack of sleep...
Good Night.
*falls off chair*
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello and Hello to Everyone!

Dear AX,
Believe me I am well aware of the adverse effects of ungrounded superstitions and religious dogma. I was raised in a very christian household. Over the past 17 years I've read everything that I have been able to get my hands on in regards to the history of spirituality/religion etc. I have been a seeker of Truth all of my life and what I believe is not based on books and the conclusions of others but firmly rooted in my own personal experiences.

No offense taken :wink:

Hey and I want to tell everyone what I have created for myself through The Law of Attraction and using The Secret!

I got a job and I am going back to work on the 20th of February! I used The Secret to visualize a job that pays well, has full health and retirement benefits and is only part time. So they offered me just that and it is only 6 to 9 months out of the year! Works for Me :lol:

Warm Hugs All Around!
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Well done Mo, I am very happy for you! Brilliant! :love

A bit of good news like that, just makes one's day! :D

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Post by Morning Light »

Yeah! Thank You Lovey :kiss:

My next trick will be the manifestation of a job where I get good pay and retirement benefits for talking with all of you on this message board for hours on end :mrgreen: It could happen :shock: Until then, this job will be the next best thing :thumright:

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Post by aqualeaf »

Wow, I've missed so much on this thread! :shock: It's good to back here talking with you all again; I'm going to have to answer in multiple emails, and probably over time -- it's been an eventful week of getting things done that we'd been putting off forever, like finally studying the driver's manual to take the written test and get our California driver's licenses! So far, they gave us each a piece of paper that serves as a temporary license until our real ones, with our pictures on them, arrive in the mail in a couple weeks (and then we get to see how our photos turned out, hee-hee! :roll: )

Hi Sandy,

I like your nickname of "Aqua Debbie!" Someone I knew who could see peoples' auras once told me I have an aqua aura, which is partly how I came up with the name "aqualeaf" in the first place!

Actually, black beans aren't fatty at all, just higher overall in carbs than the lima beans, which isn't a bad thing. Black beans are actually really healthy! In our particular case, though, we're following the WeightWatchers points system, where higher amounts of both fat and carbs cost more points (and higher amounts of fiber reduce the points) in order to try to make fudge that's as low in points as possible. So far, it's down to one point per piece, but we still need to make it a lot more palatable!

As for the pumpkin fudge, we've tried a recipe like that too, and it's actually pretty good, except it turns out a bit more like brownies than fudge. The recipe we found is pretty simple -- it's just one family-sized box of Betty Crocker fudge brownie mix and one 15 oz. can of pumpkin mixed together, then baked at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes. The idea is, baking it less time than for actually brownies will give it a more fudge-like texture.

Our next try with the lima bean fudge may actually be to include pumpkin in it as well, maybe even in place of the lima beans and see how that works! I'll keep you all posted on how it goes!
Seeker13 wrote: And because she's our friend we'll even try Debbie's mooshy fudge.
Aw, thanks Kim, how sweet! :D Hopefully I'll come up with something a bit more edible soon!

Love to all of you, LUV2
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Post by Seeker13 »

Hey, Mo'!
How was the first day? My job was pretty tough, we used glue guns to make popscicle hotels, had banana splits for a birthday party, and made a giant snowman that we painted!

I'm exhausted!

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Post by Morning Light »

Hi Seeker!
Sounds like you had one rough day :shock: ..... :lol:

My first day was pretty challenging, they gave me a stack of forms and information that stands about a foot tall :tongue: Perhaps it is time to refine my 'Secret Visualization'... this time I will include popsicle hotels and banana splits :lol:

I was so nervous last night that I did not sleep very well. Tonight I am well and truly knackered :stars:

Goin' to sleep early.

Thank You for asking Lovey Face LUV2
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone,

I've now got time to write in again to this thread and continue where I left off before, yay! Wow, everbody, I love all your inspiring stories of positive thinking in difficult circumstances, beautiful encounters with nature, and successes using The Secret! What inspiring things to read! :colors:

Thanks for the recommendation of the Secret audiobook; this is the second time I've heard about it on these boards -- maybe that's a big hint from the Universe! Keep warm up there near the North Pole!

That was a wonderful and inspiring story about actively seeking out the positive aspects and reasons to be grateful even in a very difficult situation! I can empathize with you about the snow -- we don't have to deal with that this winter, now that we moved from Colorado to the California coast over the summer, but I remember what it can be like! You gave so many great, specific examples of what you found in the situation to be thankful for -- it's a great example for all of us!

I, too, have been enjoying Phil's travelogues (maybe I said that once already?), and I love your story about the sunrise and Mr. 2004! That's heartwarming!

Wow, two eagles and a circular rainbow too, what a great story! I've never seen a circular rainbow, but just the thought of one is really cool!

Congratulations on manifesting a house through using the visualization process!


Congratulations on manifesting a job just like you were looking for!

All of your stories are very inspiring and uplifting! Thank you for sharing them and spreading the positive vibes! :cheers:

Greetings and Love to all on this thread LUV2,

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hey Guys, here's Phil again for those interested...

<<I-m having a great time in Chiloe island and have been staying at the same hostel as it-s really nice. On the first day I went with Ethan, a californian from San Francisco and we went to the National Park of Chiloe at Cucao on the Pacific. We saw the rainforest which was really nice and inpenetrable with different plants but there was a path and little wooden bridges for access. I got to see the Pacific and went straight in for a swim and it wasn-t cold with lots of surf. The next day I went to the island of Lemuy which I got to on the ferry. There the people were even more relaxed with lots of small farms with colourful houses and pigs, cows and geese and small fields of potatoes, barley and wheat where people were harvesting the crops. I walked a lot that day and took bus some of the way and got right to the end of the island along the last of the pininsular. Right at the end of the surthenmost part of the island I asked for a beer but she had tea and bread and jam which was really nice of her. She showed me the end of her property as I wanted to see the snow covered volcanoes on the mainland. There was no transport on the way back as I had missed the last bus knowingly, so I just walked and I had my bottle of water. The vultures were circling me and I was going to walk another 12 km to catch the last ferry to the mainland but I got a lift easily with a Chilean and his wife to another part of the island where they passed me on to another couple of Chileans, Franco and George who were closing their shops for the day and were on their way back to Castro. So they gave me a lift on their way all the way to Chonchi. In time for dinner and with the other people we got hammered on wine like all the other nights. Everyday I walk 20 or more kilometeres so I shouldn-t get too fat. Paul the Australian and his girlfriend Beca are riding their big motorbike around south america and he and the others are really good drinking buddies for the evenings. Yesterday I wanted to do something different and Carlos sent me with his son Brian in the pickup and 3 Chileans, Pedro the diver, Jose and Ivan to go and work on the mussel farm for the day and I got to learn about the business of aquaculture. It-s a big industry around here with lots of activity and sea farms around everywhere where they farm shellfish, salmon and more, all big indusrty. They have their concession among all the others and the problem was that the lines which the mussels cling to and grow for a year are held up by big polystyrene floats had broken and the line had sunk to the bottom. So we went out to the small cluttered wooden platform in the motorboat and had to work along the line by pulling our barge by hand and Pedro the diver who had a thick wetsuit and air from a compressor would dive down and have to attach the floats with rope to keep the whole thing from sinking. We went back for lunch and carried on in the afternoon -til 7.30. He had to dive down 20 metres with a platic drum full of water, 2 pipes, one for breathing and the other to blow air into the barrel which would then bop to the surface. We had a lot of pulling to do in order to move the barge along the line and was a similar in a sense to the shotfiring work I did in les Hopitaux, as being hard physical work. Got home in time for 2 big sea bass, mussels and salad and lots of wine. Carlos is cooking chicken tonight thank god and then we are going to go to the supermarket in Chonchi to watch a football match, they put chairs and it is Chile vs an Argentinian team. Tomorrow I-m going to make a move and see if I meet up with Rosana in Puerto Varas. I haven-t seen that part yet, the lakes and snow covered volcanoes of Osorno, so I could always stay longer if necessary. I mean to go with Francis and Cristina to El Bolson on Saturday for the day, and then I will go to Mendoza by night on Saturday if possible to carry on my tour of Argentina, where I will do a few days of horseriding where it is cheaper than here as Carlos suggested. I wanted to see the hot springs at Puerto Octay, so I-ll leave on the first bus and see if I can do it before 2 o-clock, but it doesn-t matter. Lots of love for now guys as I-m off to see something for the day. Did I tell you on the ferry across to Chiloe island there were loads of seals catching fish, penguin and dolphins by the beach yesterday and from the hostel you see them often.
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Post by mrscbvet »

Hi Pet!!
WOW!! He's definitely busy in his travels! I guess I never realized that "aquaculture" was big business there. I never really thought about aquaculture at all...
Thanks for sharing with us.
I love you,
Brenda 8)
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Post by Morning Light »

Wow Petra!
This part would be my personal favorite though :wink:
Did I tell you on the ferry across to Chiloe island there were loads of seals catching fish, penguin and dolphins by the beach yesterday and from the hostel you see them often.
How are you doing so far?

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello Brend' and Mo, yeah, he's having a whale of a time...but he needs a wife with a rolling pin knocking some sense into him about his bloomin' drinking habits ??? I guess he's missing us a lot?

How'm I doin'??? Blimey, I dunno, I haven't had time to stop and think about it, hahaha!! As I was telling Sandy today, I got me a leaning-tower-of-laundry to deal with. I just keep heaping the dry lot ontop of the other dry lot and now it's really time to put it away/iron it etc.. :roll:
Also, as I revealed to Gai, I decided to put some slightly lighter streaks in my hair. Did it myself! Now, we all know you simply cannot do streaks yourself, you need a friend to help! I got so impatient, my arms were aching like mad, so I whipped the stoopid plastic cap off and plopped the stuff on hither whither! I looked like a leopard! My friend at work laughed so hard, she was unabashed about sharing her opinion of my bonce...hanging onto my arm and gulping: " Without wearing a hat?" I'm just looking at her with mild contempt, trying hard not to laff too. Frankly, in the words of Rett Butler: "I couldn't give a damn!" :lol:

Lots of kind-hearted people around me lately, giving me gifts and lots of loving support while Phil's gone. I feel blessed!

I hope you are ALL well and happy.

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Post by mrscbvet »

Oh my dearest Pet!!! Now I'm not laughing... okay... maybe I'm laughing a little... okay... maybe I'm laughing a little more than a little... BUT.... that is really good information and I really appreciate you sharing it! And I'll tell you why. You see, when Ronald Regan died, they did a thing on TV about his life, of course, and his wife Nancy.... many, many years ago was a brunette. Now she's a blonde. During the TV special as they showed the pictures you see her hair getting gradually lighter. Sooooo.... I'm thinking, if I get started now, just as the gray is starting to show, in 10 or 15 years, I could be blonde'ish and the gray'ish will blend in with it and nobody will remember that I was a dark haired brunette. Good plan??? It worked for Nancy.
Anyway... I understand a little about the laundry but you know what? IT"S OKAY! When you're doing absolutely everything around the house, and the farm, and taking care of the family and the animals, and working a job besides all that.... it's absolutely necessary to assign priorities. And in the whole scheme of "things"... Laundry is just.... laundry. Know what I mean? I wish we could all be there to share the load with you... I wish Robob would've shown up for the hired help job, but as I recall there was a salary dispute... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Please, please take care of your beautiful self. We love you sooo much!
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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Pet,
It sounds like Phil is living a life time every day. What an amazing experience. I wonder if people in my country would be so wonderful to a traveling stranger?

If anyone could pull off the leopard look it would be you! Is there only one Pet running around your house or three? If it were me, the kids would be lucky they weren't naked! Keep up the good work Wonder Woman!

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Post by justylonging1111 »

Hello Wonderful ladies, and Gents too!

Petra, I wish I were closer to you that day you did your hair, I am experienced in streaking. lol That little cap looks so cute on people! I too know the feeling of going in public with a self-hairdo/haircut. Frankly it just adds to the me that I am and vise versa for you!

Take care everyone!

Love Justy :sunny:
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Post by Petra Wilson »

:lol: Oh You guys!! Brenda, Kim & Justy... don't mind me and my eratic coloured bonce! I might care some time later, but right now.... 8)

I tackled the heaving it from downstairs to upstairs. :lol: I think I know what to do next?? !! Shove it all in the airing cupbaord?

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Post by nasra1996 »

Hi Petra, ive done that before too, attempted to streak my own hair, took off the cap in frustration and poured the peroxide on my hair... it does ache your arms.. :)

Has anyone seen this link, about the Urantia book, unfortunately i dont have any sound on my computer so i dont know what they are talking about....

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Post by mrscbvet »

Hi Sarah!
Thanks for posting that link. I checked it out. They were talking about the U Book in general. But they also kept saying that some call it the "alien" bible. Towards the end one guy did say that it's celestial beings and angels rather than aliens. And they said once more people find out about the UB it will take the world by storm...
Just thought I'd fill you in since you couldn't hear it.
Anyway... thanks again... it was interesting.
Love to you...
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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Sarah,
I just listened to the video. Hmmm. The music makes it sound like a plug from a T.V. tabloid, which I'm assuming it is. They call it a mystical book that fell from the sky. Say many call it the 'Alien Bible'. Tried to link it with the Roswell incident of 1947. That the Government labeled it the code name Project Blue Book.

Did say that they traced it back to an anonomous channeler that lived in Chicago in 1935, and died in 1957. Many intelligent people have read the UB; Gene Roddenberry, Gerry Garcia, President Clinton, the U.S. government, doctors, laywers, scientists, maybe even Elvis.

Interviewed believers. They said that they do not have a formal church. The UB was never meant to be kept secret but that it had a tendency for slow growth. Many would possibly be frightened by its information, after all they crucified Christ didn''t they? The bible is dedicated to only about 29 days of Jesus' life while the UB does 1/3. A lot of people like to think that its full of aliens, angels yes, aliens no. Adam and Eve were dispatched from an alien planet to colonize Earth. That Jesus was indeed a Son of God, but only one of many from many galaxies.

To me it was all very hokey. It put the info. out there, but not in a very unbiased way.

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Post by mrscbvet »

Hi Kim,
you said:
It put the info. out there, but not in a very unbiased way.
Yep... I agree. Mostly because of the repeated reference to "aliens".

Kim's summary is much better than mine. And between the 2 of us you've pretty much got the whole story. (she says... as she glances over at the clock that is currently displaying 11:11)... hehehe Wow, that was kind of cool!!
Love you guys...
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Post by nasra1996 »

Thankyou very much girls for all that info, i shall take a look at them later at my sisters house, That was a good prompt Brenda ..... :)

With Love

Sarah xx
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Post by Morning Light »

Heya Petra and All :hithere
I am very glad to hear this
Lots of kind-hearted people around me lately, giving me gifts and lots of loving support while Phil's gone. I feel blessed!
Your hair must be quite a site :shock: Reminds me of a few of my own hair calamities... like the time my girlfriend and I decided to streak my hair with a pull through cap, my hair is soo thick that it took forever! We were exhausted and it was late at night by the time we put the bleach on... we fell asleep and I woke up to white... practically see through streaks of hair. On another occasion I used the thinning scissors to cut my bangs, thinking it would make them more layered looking than chopped straight off. Well for some reason the thinning scissors cut a blunt wack out of my bangs on the right side of my face... making my bangs about two inches long :rabbit:

Sorry to hear that Phil is drinking alot... hope he's not hiking and drinking.. bad combination.

You have a great idea there Brenda! My hair is coming in grey/white strands and the streaks make it a gradual process... like it was meant to look that way :lol:

I am trying to be very positive about this new job. I was feeling overwhelmed and anxious by the end of the week. A combination of frustration and fear of failure.. me thinks.. better now.

Warm Hugs and Positive Vibes all Around :cheers:
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