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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All,
I just got a phone call from my son to say that he and his wife are on thier way over to visit with me. It's snowing and he works contruction so he's off. I am going to introduce the two of them to The Secret today!

I think it would be great for your kiddo's too! Can't wait to hear what you think of it.

Warm Hugs All Around!
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Post by justylonging1111 »

Dear Sandy,

Thank you for your kind words. I do hope it can make a difference. Just today I introduced The Secret to some in that chat room. We will see what comes of it.

I myself have not even seen it lol and Im recommending it. I think I know what The Secret is and I cant wait myself to see it.

Mo, its nice that your family is coming to visit! Do tell their reactions to the movie! I would think it would be great for kids to see! Well, speaking of kids I have to go get the oldest from school.

Take care everyone and hopefully talk soon!

Love Justy :sunny:
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Post by Morning Light »

Hi Justy,
I ended up helping him with a resume... forgot all about The Secret :? I will keep you posted on thier reaction when they do see it though :wink:

Warm Hugs :cheers:
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Mo and Justy,

Oh snow sounds wonderful! Actually it was a little chilly here today too so I made a pot of "sympathy soup to have in honor of all you guys dealing with snow right now. :P We're having a very late supper it seems. Both of us sort of forgot about eating and lost track of time. It really smells pretty good. I threw everything in the fridge into it. So I hope it tastes good as it smells.
That is a very good idea Mo! (Your suggestion to talk to my kids about viewing The Secret. I'll mention it to them when I talk to them this weekend. Hows the best way to describe it? Justy what did you say about it when you told your friends in the chat room?

Well better go. Time to see if the soup is a success or a flop!

Love to you both,
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Post by gypsie »

Im so excited :bana: :bana: :bana: and I just can't hide it :bana: :bana: YEH HA yep i'm a shouting!!!!
My darling 10 year old Jack saw 10 minutes of the secret as my friend and i were watching it, how appt... it said

No matter how young or how old you are this can start today....

Well we have been doing this for a week and Jack reminds me when I go off to think positive because the negitive words will make it happen mum.
I magine if children can grasp this concept, and that is just a part of it all
I am waiting for tomorrow night patiently to watch it again. A few things have shifted just in a week I won't bore everyone with the details but I am so happy a concept which has been availble to a few can now be encapsulated and sent to all souls in need..
Just love it Gypsie :loves [/b]
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Sounds Great!

Post by Pete Sesplankis »

Sound like exciting stuff Gypsy, keep us posted. I've been in the different frame of universal belief for over 24 hours, (I'm even carrying a gratitude stone in my pocket) I'll inform everyone of the life transforming experiences I'm going to have!
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Post by Morning Light »

I Love this thread! It seems to be carrying the same postitve vibe as The Secret!

I would simply describe it as Uplifting and Self-Empowering.

That soup sounds yummy. George has told me what a good cook you are and how he is eating so much better and healthier because of you :wink: I thought homemade soup sounded wonderful the other day. I used my 'Moosewood Restaurant" recipe book and made "Cream of Green Vegetable Soup". It is made with broccoli, potatoes, buttermilk etc.... sounded good... It was awful :tongue: I guess I'd better put The Secret to work and imagine how wonder-full or lives will be when I find the perfect healthy cookbook :lol:

Several years ago I cut out a picture of this beautiful log cabin and put the picture on our fridge. I told the kids that one day we would have a place like that.... several months later I took it off the fridge and my son asked... what happened to our cabin? These kids need to be able to dream and dream big! We teach by our example and they need to know that anything is possible. I wasn't able to hold onto that realization while I was raising my children... I was more up and down with it... or I would tell my children the sky was the limit... but my actions told otherwise.

I pray that we all can get better and better at it... not only for ourseves but for our children and our world.

Pete, you are an Inspiration! I am cheering for you!

Warm Hugs all Around :cheers:
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I had a wonderful angel experience

Post by starchild »

I had a wonderful eppiphany this morning. I woke up after a dream I had of an ex bf telling me he loved me, which is strange because the day before I had another old crush tell me the same thing. In both cases, I told them I'm married and I don't remember what else. but anyway, the eppiphany is that I believe they were my angels telling me they love me, but they appeared in forms that I would recognize and or remember. Looking around my house today I realize I have angels all around me. I literally do - I spotted at least 4 in my living room alone, plus my clestials - the sun and moon symbols that I also have in abundance. It made me feel peaceful.

I consulted my angel oracle cards for the first time in almost 4 years - they are the healing with the angel cards from Doreen Virtue.

The four cards that literally jumped out of the deck are in this order:
Power - which I am now ready to accept that I have the power to change and heal.
Healing - which I have always known about. I am a natural healer. I've been doing that job pretty much most of my life - making others hurt less, or helping them with their burdens etc. I don't heal like a reiki or anything like that, but I do accept now that I am what they refer to as an earth angel. It also signifies that a healing has taken place inside of me. For this I am truly grateful.
New Love - is simply that I am ready to accept love and be loved truly.
Friendship - advises me that I am also ready to accept new friendships with people that I have much in common with and am ready to let go of those that I do not.

It's been a real eye opener for me. I have opened up my heart and my soul and am ready to be all that I can be and already am. I believe that this is in part due to the secret. I've been using the positive thinking to heal myself and regenerate the good in me. It seems that it is working.

I also prayed for snow this morning, so that my DH can stop worrying about making ends meet this month. I went downstairs to finish my grooming and get ready for work. I came back up and it was snowing out.

I do believe this is going to be one of the greatest days of my life.
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Post by Morning Light »

Heya Starchild!
I am very glad to hear that things are going your way :wink: Stay positive!

I just got this from our Dear Friend Brenda and wanted to post it here.
A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne,
Executive Producer of The Secret.

I am thrilled to announce that The Secret is being featured on
The Oprah Winfrey Show broadcasting across the United States this coming Thursday February 8th. This very special show dedicated entirely to The Secret will then reach the rest of the world over the coming weeks!

Appearing with Oprah are Michael Beckwith,
Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, James Ray and myself.

All of us at The Secret would like to express
our deep appreciation and gratitude to Oprah Winfrey and all of her staff for embracing and sharing The Secret in this special show that will touch millions of lives.

The Secret... bringing joy to the world

Rhonda Byrne and The Secret Scrolls Team.
Love Mo'
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Post by justylonging1111 »

Dear Sandy,

Well I pondered what to tell the chatters about the film. I told them(the atheists) that in my opinion, it seemed as though they look too much into science, and only science. They tell me that they do not believe in anything after death, no spirituality. I tried to make them see that they are doing exactly what they claim the fundamentalist Christians do, but with science.

I believe there is a little bit of everything in everyone. I do try and have a great opportunity with my chatter friends because they all seem to respect me. If any of you have any suggestions to help me with them, I would appreciate it.

Morning Light, I liked what you said to just say it is uplifting and self-empowering. That is great!

Thank you all for the time! Oh its 10:10!
Love, :sunny:
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Post by Sandy »

Hello all you lovely positive thinkers!

I wish I could share this beautiful day with all of you. There is this wonderful fresh breeze blowing straight in from the ocean today. The smell of salt is strong and I feel so good so positive. It is one of those days when you feel anything could happen and will! All is right with the world! Starchild wrote:
I have opened up my heart and my soul and am ready to be all that I can be and already am. ......

I do believe this is going to be one of the greatest days of my life.
You touched me with these words! Wouldn't it be wonderful to wake up every morning with these words on our lips and to feel their deep meaning in our hearts!

Hello Mo,
When I first came to Australia I was armed with such good intentions. We were going to eat properly and exercise..etc. I afraid some of that has slipped a bit. I would still like to include more fresh natural foods into our diet. I think part of my trouble in the past has been my tendency to change from old habits too quickly and we both became disappointed and quit before we could begin to see the true benefits in our bodies and minds. I've decided to drag out my dusty old Yoga cards again and that along with a walk every other day or so as a start. What is that old saying or song?..."Today is the first day of the rest of my life." Actually I just realized I think it came from an old Total Cereal commercial. :lol: Oh well it was still good! :D

I laughed when you described your experience with the "Cream of Garden Vegetable Soup." I wonder if it was the buttermilk? My parents always loved the stuff and I used to just cringe when they would drink it! bleah! My sister, Cindy, asked for the 'Moosewood Restaurant' cook book one year for Christmas. Maybe that is why she quit cooking :P naw I am just kidding! The child is so busy with work and her volunteer environmental work that she doesn't have time to cook. Actually Mo you remind me so much of her. :D ( A compliment for both of you!) You two would get on famously! 8)

Hey Justy,
You are in a very interesting position with that group of yours! It sounds to me like you are doing just what you are supposed to. You've won the respect of all sides so just continue what you are doing and don't rush things. Plant those seeds of love and understanding and leave it to the Creator of All to water and nurture. Love will show you your path...every step of the way! :D

Hi Pete,
I agree with Mo, you inspire me! Can you tell me a little more about the purpose of the gratitude stone? That could be a very good tool and resource for me.

Hi sweet Deb,

I share your joy! :bana: You've got some great kids there. They are our future and I feel good knowing that we will be turning the reins of progress over to youngsters like your children and Petras. They give me so much hope for our future on this beautiful rock of ours! :cheers:

Love to all of you,
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Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, All!
Gees! I should read this thread everyday! I feel so good! I have been saying positive affirmations for a few years now. I swear it has changed my life. I can't wait to see what I'll be like after viewing The Secret. The video rental places around here have never heard of it. Will order it on-line tomorrow.

Hey! Maybe I can get Aleah's whole class to watch it, and start a whole new revolution on teenager...hood...dom, or something. I guess I'll order the DVD first.

Thanks for all the positive vibes! I think I'll go meditate!

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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi All of You,

Wow, what a great thread this has been ... continuing to read it is getting me motivated to get back to my original intention of watching the Secret more often again ... I started out with plans to really focus on it and internalize the teachings a month or two ago, but then kind of got sidetracked by trying to do too many different things at once (and change too many habits too quickly at once, as you mentioned, Sandy! :D ), so I've only watched it a few times so far. But this thread does have carry the positive energy that the Secret evokes!

I have the Moosewood Restaurant cookbook too, but haven't actually made any recipes out it yet (perhaps that's just as well! :D ) But I do love the Gypsy Soup on page 5 of the first Moosewood Cookbook from the 1970's, if you happen to have that one. It's a warm spicy soup with an interesting combination of vegetables that includes chickpeas and sweet potatoes, along with warming spices like cinnamon, one of my favorites!

Also, speaking of the Law of Attraction, have you all heard of Jerry and Esther Hicks? Esther channels a group of beings that is collectively called Abraham, and they teach the same principles that are discussed in The Secret. (In fact, I heard they appeared in an earlier version of The Secret, but the footage later got cut out for some intellectual-property-related reason, which apparently caused a bit of a stir among Abraham fans. However, both the Hicks'es themselves, and Abraham stated that there were no ill feelings on anyone's part about it, that the Secret is a great video that they highly recommend, and for the public not to be concerned!)

They've written a few different books channeled by Abraham, including "Ask and it Is Given," and "The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent," which give you exercises to practice raising your vibrational energy level so by picking thoughts that are in alignment with what you DO want rather than what you don't want. My sweetheart and I have been reading a couple pages from these books out loud together every night right before going to sleep, to help keep the positive focus in our minds, and it's helped a lot. At their website, , they provide a good free audio introduction to themselves and Abraham.

Blessings to Everyone,

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Post by gypsie »

Now I just spent a good 10 minutes doing a post only to have it eaten by the computer, oh well! Yes it is very exciting and life is great, Sandy I also made soup yesterday and it turned out like MO's but mine in salt soup!!! :roll: I do love a tad of salt. Looking forward to tonight and watching the secret on TV Jack has become the Secret police around our house. Mum stay positive and Billy believes he manifested the move in the near future, closer to Sydney we go :bike: he said "I'm a city boy at heart Mum" Sandy if these children can grasp the essence of positive energy WOW the sky is their limit :flower: Have to keep my eyes out for the Oprah show in Australia, can't wait...
Much love to all Deb :kiss:
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Post by Petra Wilson »

You Guys are truly fantastic. I am going to get a load of that DVD and send them to my loved ones.

I've been discussing Fair Trade with the children today. I bought a magazine called The Green Parent and it's wonderful. Thalia's drawn a picture all to do with recycling. She was delighted to realise how much we do recycle, but we could do with some solar panelling.
Yeah, our children are our future and my little contribution to the benefit of our planet is teaching them things like that.

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Post by Sandy »

Hello every one!

I just finished watching the Secret a short while ago. And I am filled with wonder right now. What an inspiring film. Like you Pet, I want to send copies to all my friends and family. I kept thinking the whole time I was watching this, "This is something that has the possibility to change the world as we know it and it is presented in a way that all people should be able to accept and understand. The trick for all of us I think is to make this joy this positive love of life and optimism a way of life.

Hi Deb and Aqualeaf (Debbie)

I thought it might be a little confusing for a minute there talking to both you guys at the same time because of your names, but I am going to give it a try. :lol: Yesterday was a good day for soup wasn't it? nice and cool. Your soup sounds good Debbie ... "Gypsy Soup." Sounds right up your alley Deb! (Now I am confusing myself :) )You know I had never used cinnamon in anything other than baked goods until Elina gave me her recipe for lentils. It was very good and the cinnamon, now that you mention it, did add a warm and spicy
taste to the beans. It was very good but made way more than the two of us could eat. I will cut it back the next time. Debbie, I love your photo on your Avatar. What a wonderful smile! I will check out the Abraham url when I get the chance. I am just a little behind tonight but it was definitely worth it!

Hi Pet,
I was just wondering what you mean when you say "Fair Trade?" Is that a line of organic or recycled products? Well I'm off for one more cuppa tea. I know I shouldn't but I am sort of bouncing off the walls right now and it might help to help me wind down a bit.

Love and good night,
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hiya Sandy, well it's an organization that gives a fair deal to the farmers and people who make the produce.
Here's a link: ( site too slow )

I'm going to drastically change the way I buy, and it's so much simpler with a computer.

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Post by gypsie »

Hi All
Watched 'The Secret' last night, I agree Sandy imagine if people on a global level can grasp this concept? I woke up early this morning, had strange visitors in my dreams. I call it a busy night even Princess Dianna dropped in, however what she had to say kind of unsettled me :cry: so back to positive energy :roll today will be a great day, how could it not, my grandson, Ayden slept over last night and life is wonderful.. I had told the entire family we were watching it together, well Harry snored all the way through :roll: Billy needed some steroids for his cough :bana: bouncing off the walls you say sandy? Gosh try a hypo 10 year old on steroids mixed in and my walls were lucky to survive the evening and dear sweet Jack watched it with me, I think he felt someone needed to be a loyal :love..
When the section on relationships came he said "Mum I'm not really into relationships can I go now?" I couldn't stop laughting at my control over the entire thing, kind of opposite of what The Secret's message is all about eh? No worries I told them all this morning at breakfast, "I taped it" I said, if the looks could talk, so I will share my joy with my 11:11 brothers and sisters and say thankyou for getting it :duh my family is evolving is all I will repeat in my mind! I agree if this gets to the masses as Sandy mentioned on a 'global level' WOW. I agree with some views it's not really new to us but to many it has endless possibilities to bring positive change. If that happened then maybe someone somewhere here in Australia who had lost hope in their life will feel hope again today. This is what gives me goosebumps, the possibility to stop emotional suffering for those who have not found books or DVD's like many who visit this site have. I feel humbled this morning and pray people who are alone and suffering out there who may have seen it, were given the gift of love and hope and really believe they matter and have a new tool to bring about change in a positive light into their world.
Love to all Gypsie :kiss:
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Sorry Guys, this is the one I meant:

Gypsie, your love and enthusiasm rubs off well. You always make me grin and laugh. Thank you!

Hey Starchild, I will try and do the same.

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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All Y'All :D
Man, the positive vibes are really hoppin' on this site! :o Whaa Hooo!

Morning Light, I liked what you said to just say it is uplifting and self-empowering. That is great!
How's things going with the chatters?

You are light years ahead of me in the healthy eating department so don't get down on yourself. I had to laugh when you talked about Yoga Cards! I use some Yoga Cards too and I Love them. Are they split up in chakra colors, different asana's for different chakras etc.? Yeah I don't know if it was the buttermilk or what :scratch: I haven't had much luck with that cookbook. I went bonkers when I got my 'Goddess in the Kitchen' cookbook... ya know.. seeing myself as a Goddess in the Kitchen while I cooked. However my husband and kids saw it more like... nutty professor in the kitchen and what wierd concoction will she feed us tonight :lol: .... :rabbit:

You will have to let me know if Cindy found any recipes she liked in the Moosewood cookbook :scratch: If she's like me, she's thrown alot of food away :lol:

Hey Aqualeaf!
Thanks for the tip on the Gypsy Soup! It sounds wonderful. I will cook it up soon. I wanted to say that Ester Hicks is actually on The Secret... I Love her! I have the book "Ask and it is Given" I bought it several months ago and have not read it yet. Another book that is excellent along these lines is "Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting" by Lyn Grabhorn. Very well written and easy to understand.

That would be soo cool to show it in classes at school! You are on a roll ! Good on you mate :wink:

I can sure sympathize with your soup woes :lol:

I agree, Fair Trade is very important! I am conscious of it when I buy coffee and when it is marked on any product I will buy it over another brand... other than that... it is time to get more educated in that regard. Thanks for the link.

Hugs and Lots of Love to All
Morning Light
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi All of You,
Sandy wrote: Debbie, I love your photo on your Avatar. What a wonderful smile!
Aw, Thanks! :colors: What a kind-hearted group this is! :D

I just rewatched the Secret again last night too, inspired by all the rest of you watching it on this thread. I agree, Sandy, I think the trick for all of us is to really incorporate it into our daily thoughts so much that it becomes a constant, ongoing way of life. I also agree that if enough people, a "critical mass" of people, really internalized this kind of thinking, it would help shift the consciousness of the entire planet. Justy, that's another thing you could tell the chatters, that the Secret works regardless of what religious beliefs you hold.

Deb, I'll bet that just having The Secret playing on your TV, and the vibes of it being broadcast all through the house, still positively affects everyone in the family and sinks in on a subliminal level, whether they're sleeping through it or nearby in the area focusing on something else but kind of overhearing it in the background.

Morning Light (Mo'), yes, some friends of ours saw earlier versions of the secret where Esther Hicks was on it -- by the time we saw it, unfortunately, her part had been edited out -- I wish I'd seen it! I haven't yet read "Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting" yet; I'll look for it.

Starchild - I also have and love Doreen Virtue's card decks. I have her Healing with the Angels, Healing with the Fairies, Archangel Oracle and Goddess Guidance cards. Often, I draw one from each, and lay them all out in front of me at once -- it feels like getting guidance from a celestial "panel of experts!"

Petra, the local coffee shops here, where I often like to sit and write in my journal, offers fair-trade coffee. I also love chocolate, and have recently been finding some good fair-trade chocolate bars too! Thanks for the fair-trade link; I'll check it out.

What a great group of kindred spirits this is! :roll

Bountiful Blessings to All,
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Post by justylonging1111 »

Hello all!

My two oldest children had a sleepover at Grandma's last night so this morning while the baby was asleep, I was chatting with a group of Christians. I was trying to show them that whenever I come into the room, there is soooo much bickering and it would be nice if they(we) could all just get along. Dont ask me why I brought up the Urantia Book to them, because it was probably the wrong time. I posted the link I had and they were looking at it and making fun of what it said.

I tried to tell them that I do believe in God, but the way in which I found God was through looking within and having a keen interest in humanity and my surroundings. I learn from people! I dont know, sometimes I get so sad for they think I am puting down their religion but I am not. I just want them to see that they dont show love. Is it my place to even go to this particular Christian room, and discuss such things with them?

Well perhaps someone has insight to this.

for now, tc and talk to you soon!
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Justy,

Sad how orthodox Christians in particular are so nasty to folks that believe differently. But its often the case.

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Post by Sandy »

Hello Everyone,

Well two days after my viewing of the Secret, I realize that I am going to have to roll up my sleeves a little bit more than I figured on this being positive and really get to work. I know it isn't going to happen overnight but I am encouraged by the fact that at least now I am recognizing my negativity as it happens and trying to redirect it. Over time I think that should become easier and hopefully a positive attitude will become like breathing.

Dear Justy,

You wrote:
Is it my place to even go to this particular Christian room, and discuss such things with them?
May I ask you a question? How do you feel inside after one of those chat sessions? Do you feel uplifted or encouraged?
I came across something yesterday that is very special to me. It is a Celestial message from Monjoronson that was received by a friend of many here, Helen Whitworth. Two years ago when I read it for the very first time, I remember feeling so much love all around me and incredible joy at his words. I never forgot it and it remains among my favorite of the Celestial messages I have read. Anyway there were a few passages I would like to share with you from this message:
“There is still much to do, but we say again that this preparation can be most easily achieved by working on your self above all. By this work you are able to find the core of that which fires your passion, and that to which you are called upon the path of this lifetime.

“These paths are wide and varied, but know that not one of you has as your greatest potential anything, in which you heart does not rejoice, and from which you can find peace, growth, joy and understanding. If your heart does not sing upon performing acts, then it is not in your path to follow.

“Be strict with yourself then, and throw away those extraneous practices, which do not support you, regardless of the efficacy with which they assist another, or the passion they evoke within your relatives or friends. Never was a path fully satisfied by following another’s passion.

I hope and pray that you touch some of your chat room friends with your love and wise words. It isn't necessary that we all be on the same spiritual page, but showing love to each other is of most importance.

I am posting the url for the entire transmission. It is well worth reading if anyone is interested.

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Mo,

Well the yoga cards are sitting on my desk still dusty and unopened. No these do not have any chakra colors or anything on them. (I think it has been so long since I used them.) Now don't laugh...but I bought them from Avon. Okay...Go ahead have a good chuckle get it out of your system! :lol: They begin with warm up poses, sun salutations, standing poses, seated poses, back bends, finishing poses and final relaxation. I've never taken any yoga classes and to tell you the truth I think I hurt myself on some of those finishing poses the last time I used them. They call them the Plow Pose or "Halasana" and the shoulder stand or "Salamba Sarvangasana." I would appreciate any advice before I sustain another "yoga induced" injury. :lol: I'll ask Cindy about Moosewoods the next time I talk to her. Are you still using the Goddess in the kitchen cookbook? The nutty professor would certainly describe me lately. I am always trying to figure out how to combine different leftovers to make something new. I just hate to throw food out or see it go bad. One of the strangest combinations was my leftover steamed vegetable pancakes. They tasted a lot better than they sound, especially covered in syrup and butter. That makes anything good! :cheers:
Thanks for posting the url for Fair trade. I did a quick look at it and it sounds great. Should put it into my favorites before I forget.

Love to all of you,
Sandy :loves
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