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11:11 Transmissions

Post by Geoff »

Illawarra District, Australia, November 21, 2003.
Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Tolerating The Differences.”

Received by George Barnard.

Bzutu: “When you consider the ‘endowment’ of extraordinary patience, you might automatically and unreservedly think, ‘midwayer kin.’ And when you consider the wholesale lack of patience, you must first and foremost contemplate your very own species, my dear friend and brother.

“At times, we are amazed by how very impatient your nevertheless lovable lot can be. We midwayers, among the most held-back, and long-suffering of His progeny, and I most certainly and first of all include our primary midway cousins, would almost be justified in being the most bigoted of creatures on the planet.

“My discussion with you at this early hour thusly deals with tolerance. You humans have a great need for acquiring a broadminded acceptance regarding your fellow men, for so very few of you have come to realize that you are tuned into the same loving bandwidth that emanates from On High as are we.

“You deal with language difficulties, colloquialisms, and greatly varying mindsets, as there are so many places and cultures where you are coming from, in upbringing and education, with the touchiest part of all being your belief systems that are almost universally based on the fear of extinction of life beyond physical death.

“So often do we find that the best of friends and companions of long standing cannot tune into the same “channel of thought,” on but minor matters, and for too long their lingering upsets remain to seemingly await a compromise that may never come, ‘as they fail to reach beyond a disquieting, mere bagatelle.’

“Right at this time, in our world, there could hardly be a greater chasm in the philosophy between what your western rulers consider the way to ‘peace and freedom for all in the world,’ and what the Mohammedan freedom fighters see as a necessary isolation of their kind from the ‘extreme decadence of your ways of life.’

“Not surprisingly, between these opposing views is a growing multitude of your siblings – a vital third population ingredient – that sees the aggressive way in which the two parties are vying for control as swiftly steering our planet towards decades of unrest, if not towards a final demise of poverty, hunger and contamination.

“Outlooks will polarize. There is at work in our world today a great polarization of philosophies, and for us midwayers this is a wonderful time of much activity, because when huge mistakes are made, the world will generally put itself on a more positive path ‘as the pendulum of history slowly swings the opposite way.’

“At this time, we have our job cut out for us. Yes, very much so, but we also look forward to being able to in the not too distance future involve ourselves with our real task of spiritizing this world with a vengeance, and in a generally more peaceful, restful setting.

“We see this present (worldwide) situation as an important turning point, and from which we will be able to move forward at a pace, leaving behind the many centuries during which we languished on this earth, keeping busy, yet seeing few, scant high points of spiritual progress to edge us on to joyful activity as we assisted the few outstanding men and women among you in their work for the betterment of our planetary home.

“Right at this time, ‘the cauldron is being vigorously stirred by an unthinking few determined ladles, and the inedible broth is coming to the boil for more and more of you to reject its unappetizing taste and smell,’ and surely search for new ways to make this world go round in peace and harmony for all.

“At our level, we are safely predicting that in the foreseeable future great forward strides will be made. They are these rough and tumble times that quicken the populace into a spiritual searching mode. They are these difficult moments in history that allow you, our mortal cousins, to detect your divine future.

“These restless moments allow you to discover a better way of being, and to engage in a cooperative effort with us all, your servants high and low, to arrive at a greater tolerance for your human differences.

“I thank you, my dear cousin, for giving me your attention, for recognizing my presence, and for being our steadfast co-worker. Do not be discouraged if you do not find me in the stillness, for it is in these days that I have much on my slate.

“I send my love to all. This is Midwayer Chief, Bzutu.”

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Post by Geoff »

Illawarra District, Australia, November 13, 2003.
Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “It’s A Commitment.”

Received by George Barnard.

George: “Tell me what’s on your so-very-brilliant mind, my dear elusive brother.”

Bzutu: “What reverence for one of His lowliest of learned soldiers! I’m here with you now, my valued ‘mammalian cousin.’ And I’m here to assure you that our work will continue, and to let you know that these ‘times of difficulty placed in your way,’ will, by our work and planning, with our cooperation, but also considering your expanding duties as a growing group, come about slowly, yet steadily.

“Not always do you clearly realize the ‘windows of opportunity’ to be at hand, for us to converse in more extensive details, and not always are you relaxed enough at the stillness task for the ever-ready among us to be allowed to, first of all, provide you with the finest of information you need, and, secondly, to advise you and assist you in the best way we can.

“These are lean times, with one of you (Sandy) out of action, well, for practical purposes, and yet we know she will return to be a contributor to the projects of the group. Hold fast to the tasks you have set for yourselves, knowing that the lives of you humans are but a few days’ hard work, and that the rewards you will gather for the services provided shall be of a magnitude you cannot begin to imagine.

“We, on our part, will continue to provide many seekers with the appropriate time prompts to make them curious enough to discover the meanings of what we are all about. It’s a commitment. So, on your part, we feel you must do your best to educate them about the specific revelation that deals with us, your distant relatives.

“There are great opportunities to help advance many an individual towards a greater understanding of our functions in the Correcting Time, and towards greater spirituality because of this. More than anyone, more than any group, do you have the near-tangible evidence of our existence by virtue of our well-recognized and somewhat provocative wake-up and reminder prompts.

“Whatever belief system your siblings might ascribe to, whatever religious leanings they might have, right there is a brilliant start with the proof that those aspects of the text soundly point at the authenticity of our being. And, beyond doubt, whatever else your 11:11 recipient friends may accept as true – and does it really matter? No! It makes no great difference. Their knowledge of us as a reality will lead to greater cooperation between your species and ours, and to our mutual profiting.

“The 11:11 signals are a worldwide project. And an ever greater number of people, be they Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or Sikh, will have no difficulties in accepting that the wake-up calls are a “heaven-send” reminder that a more ethical, moral, and more loving relationship with their fellow man, relatives and friends is a great plus in the pursuit of happiness and spiritual well-being.

“It is important, my dear comrades all, to not lose faith in the tasks we long ago began.

“It is a pleasure to speak with you this evening, and I am suggesting that you will be more receptive, more energetic, and a clearer-of-mind receiver if you should schedule your meditation at an earlier hour in the day. Those are the words of practical learned advice I bring to you.

“Yes, it is a good habit to do your meditation in the early morning hours. Have a pleasant evening, my friend. This is ABC-22.”

Notes: The idea of 11:11 prompting dates back to the early times of the development of such digital timepieces. It was by no means a matter of cause the 1,111 would be allowed to use those precise moments to prompt us. The approval followed some hard bargaining on their parts, but Midwayers fight hard to get what they want, and they win. They all ways win.

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Post by Geoff »

Idaho, US of A, August 31, 2003.
Primary Midwayer, Andrea.
Subject: “Universal Changes.”

Received by Sandy Montee.

Andrea: “Good evening, Sandy. I would like to speak to you this evening about the constant changes and ongoing creation as it is experienced in universal growth and progress.

“The Father Creator is the only One Who can fully comprehend the workings of His far-flung universes. Our universes are in a constant state of flux, and they are growing at a faster and faster rate.

“As each new person, yes, each new planet is born, that newly arrived part of God’s creation is left in the care of His many Troops and Helpers, to experience progress and growth. He assigns responsibility for this advancement to His Life Carriers, Celestial Architects and Celestial Engineers – His many, many Specialists.

“We, too – you and I and all of us – have a task to perform, and depending on how well we do in our calling, we bring about our Creator’s pre-determined requirements for growth as an end result to our eternal careers of service.

“Thus we often talk about our co-creating with our God. And the giving birth to offspring by mortals, and Celestial Parents alike, heralds yet another cycle of countless new personalities that will advance and progress and pitch in, in the workings of the Father’s overall plan.

“To your mortal minds, your ‘creature’ observation, and in your short-lived human lives, these universe changes come about but painstakingly slowly. At times, they are seen by you as despairingly sluggish. Yet, in the timelessness of the universal sense they move at a fast clip, a continuous and rapid pace, and quite comparable to the speed of light.

“As it is written, life on Earth holds many experiences, valuable lessons, and magnificent opportunities, for ordinary mortals with a deep desire to come closer to their Creator.

“Human creation, too, is as complicated in itself as are our universes when we consider the extraordinary gift God bestows upon His children – the grant of free will prerogatives. His many new-born personalities arrive with little or nothing in the way of prior knowledge of any kind of life plan, or of destiny.

“And this is the real marvel; that spiritual insight – this spiritual knowingness of destiny – can be derived from experience and faith alone. Yes, with creature free will prerogatives are made the choices about which paths are chosen as life’s sometimes rocky, and sometimes easy circumstances are encountered in the climb that is Paradise ascension.

“Your lifetimes on Earth, with their seemingly countless seasons, soon come to a halt, and there, for but a moment in time, the path ends, and what you have then accomplished in your mortal lives completely depended on you.

“The Creator has merely made available His many, many lessons in the hope that great wisdom will be acquired. And the surviving, learned personality of strong character combines with the soul and Thought Adjuster, and makes ready for the next step in progress on a Morontia World.

“The former human continues to co-create, and moves toward the Father and creature perfection. The Universe continues to expand.

“And all is well. Thank you for listening to me. I must go”.

Sandy: “Thank you Andrea. And goodbye until next time, my dear friend.”

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Post by Geoff »

[Caution All. This transmission contains humor]

Illawarra District, Australia, November 22, 2003.
Secondary Midwayer, Sharmon (MNO-6).
Subject: “No-Strings-Attached Love – Your Yardstick Of Spirituality.”

Received by George Barnard.

Sharmon: “I knock on your door, and knock on your door, and then I must let myself in. I ring a big bell right next to your ear, and still you’re not sure until I club you over the head with it. And now I wave my big banner, saying, “This is Sharmon, George!” right in front of your eyes. Ah! My human responds! This… is Sharmon!”

George: [laughing] “Hello there, dear Sharmon.”

Sharmon: “This spinster lady will not come to visit you unless she is dressed in the very finest of attire and makes herself look pretty for you, because she loves you since long ago, brother. So here I am. Enjoy my company in this early, and much better hour for me to drop in on you.

“We love you, brother, and our love for you is unconditional. It is unreserved. It is a no-strings-attached love, and this whilst we might merely frown at your stubbornness, at the unending demands you make on us, and at all the rest of your many well-documented, unbeaten bad habits to date.

“It is this unconditional love I want to speak to you about – talk to all your friends about – who may learn from this lesson. And in this ‘episode’ we might take a journey back in time, ancient times, before my time, and take a look at your ancestors, your distant faraway ancestors, that eventually gave birth to your races and to ours.

“The true feeling of love had to have its origin at some point in time. And it always was the female of the species who was greatly advantaged in slowly developing a love that on this earth, at this time, has the possibility of developing into the unconditional love mankind must strive for, and must attain.

“It is the ancestral female of the species that in giving birth considers the progeny to, in many ways, and always still, be a part of herself, much more so than it is a part of the male. And in it being a part of herself, it needs to be cared for, of course, as she also needs to care for herself to survive.

“The ‘birthling’ is seen as cute, precocious, but dependant, so it needs to be attended to like any possession, as it clings about its mother’s neck, like a string of beads, and thus pride and possessiveness are much the ingredients involved in this developing ability to love. Those mothers bereft of these early feelings simply do not pass their genes on, as the offspring tend not to survive.

“And all these quite instinctive, early feelings, are rarely properly understood, but they can bring about that awakening feeling of real love.

“By no means is this very beginning, this sense of duty, this sense of pride, this sense of ownership, this sense of belonging to a family, a clan, or a group that must fend for itself, and protect its members, associated with the unreserved love that the Creator Father has earmarked for his many evolving human creatures of our day and future to develop, but it’s a start.

“Your very early ancestors would not comprehend that their offspring could be loved unconditionally despite their misbehaviors. Offspring needed to fall in line with the rules, the mores, the laws of the family, the clan and the tribe, in order to be accepted and perhaps loved, and this is the evolutionary trend that you witness still today.

“As your brother (Midwayer Chief, Bzutu) referred to earlier; many on your world are being confronted with the need to totally accept the difficult position of having to extend the Creator-Send Unconditional Love towards the family, the clan, the tribes and nations that are not accepting of the mores and behavior patterns that are for the good of all.

“We, midwayers, each deal with just one individual at the time, but we are sure to overcome the human limitations in just loving only those who will go along with us, in respecting only those who are of similar mind, in admiring only those who will rigidly follow the rules, the prescriptions and the mores of the extended clan.

“We midwayers reach out to the Creator Almighty and ask him for His Unconditional Love, for us to pass this Love on to all. This is the measure, the yardstick of our spiritual progress. It is also that of yours, as you pass His Love on to the God-led, as well as to those who are misguided in the extreme.

“This is Sharmon.”

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Last edited by Geoff on Sun Mar 13, 2005 5:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Geoff »

Illawarra District, Australia, November 25, 2003.
Primary Midwayer, Andrea.
Subject: “Reconciliation! Of Such Importance!”
“The Proverbial Lost Son.”

Received by George Barnard.

Andrea: “Hello, my dear brother in Christ. This is Andrea. More than any of our midway comrades, it is I whom you might call on, and expect to come to you, and speak with you whenever time permits. And with me this is more often the case than it is with our secondary brothers and sisters.

“A vast gap in time is what separates us, yet my lengthy residence on this planet (some 500,000 years) has allowed me, although admittedly with great difficulties, to acquire the additional gift, the talent, or expertise, you might say, to speak with you directly, as well as with a number of other widely disparate receivers. And for me to be able to do this has been my greatest wish for… oh, so long!

“More than your secondary midway cousins, do we primary midwayers resemble more nearly the seraphim in outlook, in mindset and personality. However, all of us are different. All of us are greatly different. Physically we are similar. In basic mind endowments we are similar, but in personality we vary greatly, and not one of us truly even resembles another.

“And I, personally, am very much drawn to the task of teacher for my human distant relatives.”

George: “OK. That bit’s back to front, I guess.”

Andrea: “…drawn to the task of being a teacher to my distant human relatives. So, my dear brother, how do I explain my relationship with you? Well, there is great value in the way it came about, or one might say, in the way it almost failed. To many of us, the early indications were that you might well have become the proverbial Lost Son, and there was no hard feeling on my part that you rejected my presence out of hand. No! Not in the least, since I understand.

“You were a lost son, and by the willpower of your own mind, you forced yourself to return to the family we still now refer to as ‘the 11:11 platoon,’ and through perseverance did you triumph over the hurdles of your upbringing and early childhood experiences to, yes, overcome these sizeable obstacles. The sheer force you applied to return yourself to us, and embrace all of us! And I cannot adequately describe the extraordinary joy we all felt with your homecoming

“Reconciliation! Of such importance to us all! And myriad entities watched for the outcome, each one holding his or her breath, and there were celebrations!

“More than for any one of my groups will I always set aside adequate time to converse with you and yours, for we have come to love you, and we will back you come what may. Ask for what you need, and if same be within our means, it will be provided. Do not be reluctant in stating your needs, and just as your (overcast) weather will soon clear, so will the present hurdles of life be pushed to the side of the paths you all travel to remain as but a vague memory.

“May you all fare well in the extraordinary tasks you have chosen for yourselves, under the guidance of your exceptionally talented heaven-send teachers corps, on this extraordinary world, at this amazing ‘window in time.’ Wherever you may go, take with you the eternal love of your doting servant, Andrea. So long, and fare well.”

George: “We love you right back, Andrea. Thank you.”

* * * * *

Notes: Little is known about the Primary Midwayers. Scant information has been passed on through the ages. The ancient Greeks note them to be “hermaphrodites,” and truly physically androgynous is what they are. My misunderstanding of the term, “Androgynous” lumbered her with the French male/female name, “André-a.”

André-a soon became Andréa, then just Andrea, and I shortly after ‘christened her an honorary female.’

Since she initially appeared to be much more time distant, and merely projected herself in shades of gray, I did not see her as a member of our group or platoon. Since she never moved, or even said a word, I asked her in 1972 to go away, convinced she was just a ghost, a lost “soul,” or a spy – a lazy sticky-beak, perhaps.

In a sense, I guess, I feared seeing her, whilst she might not have been real.

She did leave, or refused to show herself, after my rude suggestions, and then I began to really miss her company. When she returned, I challenged her to be more productive, and she did speak a few words to me, but collapsed immediately after, utterly exhausted by the effort of “bridging an additional timeframe” in addressing me directly with important information. That was then.

By 2001 she was granted something she describes as “extra energy,” and it allows her to converse with us directly, and effortlessly. She communicates with other groups and individuals in the world, where she may, or may not be known by that name. Her involvement with the 11:11 Group was her first real direct contact with humans since she worked with the original Oracles of Delphi – those that were there long before they turned “highly commercial,” – millennia ago.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
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