World Views

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

OMG! There's cheap plastic containers and now cheaper plastic containers,
but with similar sizes, colors, packaging ... and less quality and/or quantity! :roll:

LOL: You get what you don't carefully evaluate before purchase
... and applies these days to both food and its packaging. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re:
(search for: "Captain 'Con'-trail! -- STAFFORDSHIRE")

:idea: So, pilots can control the weather ... literally,
turning those "not chemtrails" on and off. :roll:

:scratch: Since jet engine exhaust creates contrails,
they might be testing how the plane flies ...
with one engine (and no engine). :?

:study: Re:
Q: Can only one of a jet's engines produce a contrail?

"No, typically only jet aircraft fly high enough to be in the coldest part of the atmosphere
where contrails can form. Contrails are essentially human-made clouds created by jet engines,
and they form when warm moist exhaust fumes from an aircraft mix with the cold ambient air,
producing ice crystal clouds."

:lol: Confirms(?) that pilots might test with one (or no) engine
... if this video shows contrails - not chemtrails. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... trend.html
"Trader Joe's $2.99 tote bags sell for a jaw-dropping $500 on eBay and Facebook Marketplace" :o

:scratch: Who can tell? Their unused paper bags might have similar value (give or take $500). :lol:

Tip: It's still a faux pas to use such "designer" bags in a competing store. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

"What to know about the Adam's apple"

"Although both males and females develop Adam's apples, they tend to be more prominent in males.
This is because the male larynx generally grows bigger and faster during puberty. A larger larynx
explains why males tend to have deeper and louder voices than females." :o

:idea: "large larynx" is not indicative of gender but makes good tongue twister:

Larry's large larynx looms legally (in the courtroom)
Lola's large larynx looms legally (in the courtroom)

What Larry? John Larroquette from Night Court :?:
What Lola? John's luscious court defendant :?:
(assuming cisgender gender) :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... index.html
"Princess of Wales apologizes for editing Mother’s Day photograph" :o

:idea: This also cautions that modern photos (and video, audio) may not be accurate
despite being convincingly realistic, especially if delivered by public media. :roll:

Now, a near-term faux alien invasion comes to mind. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... stier.html
"Fake food created by AI looks tastier than real dishes" :o

:idea: Interesting images since they could be used to introduce concepts but cannot be used
to advertise food (real, prepared or recipes) unless the food actually looked like the images
... otherwise false advertising would be charged. :roll:

AI probably needs a "Get Real!" option for its creations.

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... doomsayers

"Some people think machine intelligence will transform humanity for the better.
Others fear it may destroy us. Who will decide our fate?" :?


Q: What jobs are being replaced by AI?

"AI is increasingly impacting various job sectors, with certain roles facing the risk of being replaced by automation and artificial intelligence:

Data Entry Clerk: Need for manual data entry diminishing as AI can process/analyze vast amounts of data accurately, reducing need for manual input.
Telemarketer: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can handle customer interactions more efficiently, impacting the role of telemarketers.
Factory Worker: Automation in manufacturing processes is replacing some tasks traditionally done by human workers.
Cashier: Self-checkout systems and automated payment processes are reducing the need for human cashiers in retail settings.
Driver: The development of autonomous vehicles poses a potential threat to driving jobs in the future.
Travel Agent: Online booking platforms and AI-driven travel recommendations are changing the landscape for traditional travel agents.
Bank Teller: Automated banking services and digital transactions are altering the role of bank tellers.

While these jobs face the risk of being replaced by AI, there are sectors less susceptible to automation, such as management, healthcare, education, construction, and roles requiring human interaction, problem-solving skills, and creativity. Jobs deeply rooted in human interaction, empathy, and creativity are less likely to be replaced by AI in the near future. Additionally, skills like communication, problem-solving, and time management remain highly valued in the job market despite advancements in AI technology."

:idea: However, this last paragraph mentions jobs that are now being impacted by AI, such as healthcare and education (replaced by robots). As for human interaction, customer call centers now include AI assistance for primary contact. Also, creatvity now includes AI-generated video and art work.


Q: What computer jobs are being replaced by AI?

"AI is expected to impact various computer jobs, potentially replacing certain roles with automation.
Some of the jobs most at risk of being replaced by AI include:

Tech Jobs (Coders, Computer Programmers, Software Engineers, Data Analysts):
AI technologies like ChatGPT are capable of automating tasks in tech-related fields,
such as software development, web development, coding, and data analysis.
Media Jobs (Advertising, Content Creation, Technical Writing, Journalism):
Roles in the media industry involving content creation, advertising, journalism,
and technical writing could be affected by AI advancements due to AI's ability
to read, write, and understand text-based data well.
Legal Industry Jobs (Paralegals, Legal Assistants):
The legal industry may see an impact from generative AI tools like ChatGPT,
potentially affecting roles such as paralegals and legal assistants."

:duh The greater mystery is why AI is perceived as a choice after 60 years of integration into society!
The only choice now is to learn what AI is (and is not), then start sampling its wares and bewares. :roll


Q: How long has AI been used?

"Artificial intelligence (AI) has been used for over 60 years. The discipline of AI emerged around the 1940s and 1950s, with significant developments in the field occurring between 1957 and 1974 when AI flourished, leading to the creation of intelligent systems like the WABOT-1 humanoid robot in 1972. The term 'AI' was coined by John McCarthy in the summer of 1956 during a conference at Dartmouth College, considered the founding event of AI research.

Since then, AI has experienced periods of advancement and setbacks, with notable milestones such as the development of expert systems in the 1980s and the continuous growth in training computation driving the capabilities of AI systems. The history of AI reflects a journey from early foundational work to the current era where AI technologies are deeply integrated into various aspects of society."

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... or-sanders
"Arkansas drops 'X' from driver's licenses and IDs"

"Elizabeth Weiss, an anthropology professor at San José State University, says that activists
are taking over the field of anthropology and dismissing facts about biological sex." :o

:idea: Suggests backward swing of this gender pendulum,
where biological (at birth) sex is the primary identity
with preferred gender a secondary identity(?).

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Re: World Views

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Re: "Dallas Morning News", March 3, 2024
"Robot-maker Figure partners with OpenAI", p.4D

(Figure CEO Brett Adcock) "If we can just get humanoids to do the work that humans are not wanting to do,
because there's a shortfall of humans we can sell millions of humanoids, billions maybe." :o

:idea: Perhaps, there are millions (maybe billions) of jobs needing workers because humans don't want them
for the wages offered. While humanoids will not be cost free they may be willing to "toil" for the wages
(or whatever) offered. This hints that humanoids "employed" for domestic assistance will need to occupy
a certain space when not working. A closet? a corner? their own room? in the garage? ...
or maybe they can quiesce in a child's room! :D

:bana: Siri and Alexa are already training humans for humanoid presence. Imagine a future request:
"Siri, play classical music, then bring me a cup of coffee and take the dog for a walk.
Say what? The dog is a robot? Just let it out to chase away squirrels!
Say what? The squirrels are robots? Just bring me whiskey!" :roll:

:shock: And now this predicts psychological challenge for humans!
A robot that interacts with personality and intelligence,
then has periods of quiesence where it's a machine,
will be a new experience for today's humans!

:? And now this predicts psychological challenge for humans! A humanoid that interacts
with personality and intelligence, then has periods of quiescence where it's a machine,
will be a new experience for today's humans! A Schrödinger's Cat that is both alive
and not alive?! Many humans may at first prefer non-humanoid robots. ;)

Also, young children can easily believe that the humanoid is always alive
... and this constrains how parents may treat the robot 24/7. :o
And suppose the house is on fire, all humans have escaped,
but a child hears the robot yelling "Save me!". :roll:

:sunflower: Long story short (enticing new narrative) ...

Considering a child's sensitivities about a "living" humanoid and that AI machine learning
will permit a personal robot to acquire unique intelligence/personality, preserving the humanoid's
electronic "soul" 24/7 seems important. For with such archive the same intelligence/personality
can enliven a replacement humanoid. Not only does this redirect momentum away from expecting
that AI will some day be human but also suggests a conceptual foundation for a human's soul
transition to the mansion worlds for their resurrection. 8)

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Re: World Views

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Re: ... lic-trust/
"How one botched photoshop opened a Pandora’s Box of ‘the wider public doubting what they see’ "

:idea: This furor hints of relationship to an old English play where its 'nothing'
and 'noting' motif is borrowed for modern media distraction (aka "profit"). :roll:

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Re: World Views

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(search for: "OpenAI Speech-to-Speech Reasoning | Figure")

:scratch: If AI-assisted robot can do this now, what will it do in a decade?
Will humans even know then that it's a robot :?: :!:

A personal robot might be cloned,
giving its owner respite from daily life.
Robot to owner: "Are you still there?" :roll:

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Re: World Views

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Re: Scientific American, Spring 2022
"New Science of the Immune System"
"Women at Risk", p.91

"Given that X chromosomes, female sex hormones and female gut bacteria
all appear to increase the risk for autoimmunity, it might seem as though
biology is somehow conspiring against the female sex."

:idea: Thus, despite gender identity, the immune system of the female sex
(like brain wiring of the female sex) identifies that human as "biological female".

Let gender identity rule, but treat the physical body according to its biology. ;)

:arrow: See also: "Biology of Mind" by M. Deric Bownds, 1999
"Chapter 6 - Plastic Mind", "The Sexual Brain", p.146-148
"After the internal and external genitalia, the brain is
the most significant area of sexual differentiation." :o

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Re: World Views

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(search for: "Blockchain Explained... In Under 100 Words")

:duh What can wrong with a ledger that keeps growing
and must exist on every bitcoin user's computer
and remembers EVERY bitcoin transaction :?:

Tip: You'll be "persuaded" to keep upgrading
your computer and digital storage devices ...
especially if currency is replaced by bitcoin. ;)

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Re: World Views

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"1 in 2 people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime
... There are more than 200 different types of cancer" :o

:idea: Since cancer is always present in humans, "develop" indicates
less protection than normal by the immune system. Antioxidants
are touted as immune system boosters ... like this veggie:

Re: ... -21032011/
"For thousands of years, carrots were purple or yellow."

"Purple carrots contained less carotene and more anthocyanins - antioxidants
found in red, blue, purple fruits and veggies. Anthocyanins are also important
for human health, but they have different nutritional qualities than carotene.
The selective breeding of carrots reduced the quantity of anthocyanins
in the purple carrots and increased the quantity of carotene."

"the Vegetable Improvement Center at Texas A&M University further continued
carrot selection and created carrots with purple skin and orange flesh, rich
in cancer-preventing substances and with a high concentration of nutrients." :roll

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Re: World Views

Post by Sandy »

I will definitely be adding more carrots to my menu.
Thanks Rod!
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Re: World Views

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"Richard Simmons Explains 'I Am Dying' Social Media Post" :?

:idea: Since humans have a fixed lifespan (under 120 years),
they're always born with the blessing of Schrödinger's Cat
(they're simultaneously living and dying every day). :o

Currently, rate of dying is like inflation (keeps increasing
... and sometimes because of inflation). :roll:

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Re: World Views

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Re: ... hy-5585682
"ivermectin kills cancer cells by enhancing immune response."

:idea: Interesting article but first sentence is a clue
(the immune system controls cancer when it can ...
and when not degraded by human intervention ...
and when supported by good diet and lifestyle). ;)

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Re: World Views

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Re: ... 42602.html
"Millennials gave birth to 'Generation Alpha' " :?

"When it comes to school-age alpha children, the concern has been focused on the much-maligned
'iPad kid' - a child who cannot sit through a restaurant meal or a brief ride on public transit
without mainlining YouTube from a tablet in a plastic case." :o

:idea: Considering humans mainlining whatever/wherever 24/7 on a portable device,
all the Alpha-to-Omega generations come to mind! Interestingly, AI will need this
constant attention to perfect its societal overcontrol. :roll:

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Re: World Views

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(search for: "AI Large Language Models are NOT aware")
alive, conscious or even intelligent"

:idea: Developers originally claimed that AI was just intended to mimic human intelligence.
Mike Adams is developing his own AI (Brighteon.AI) to be released in April. Informative video
since Mike has the expertise to explain AI and desire that AI be developed as a responsible tool
to enhance human intelligence. 8)

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Re: World Views

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Re: ... -utah.html

"(global business solutions) accountant snapped other passenger's boarding passes at airport,
then used one to board Delta flight that was full until he was arrested for hiding in toilet" :roll:

:oops: Oops! He might have succeeded if flight was not full
... and warns that today's camera's (even on phones)
can copy documents when they're visible in public. :o

Not a good business solution to board a flight. ;)

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Re: World Views

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Re: ... s-dud.html
"artificial intelligence experts who believe the AI boom could fizzle or even be a new dotcom crash" :o

"Retired professor points out that AI has spent huge amounts of money trying to combat 'hallucinations' -
where AI systems 'make up' facts - but has not solved the problem." :(

"Just trying to get value from GenAI from out of the box solutions or to replace staff won't work -
you need to use it as a multiplying factor to make your employees more productive, offer more value
to customers and differentiate from your competition's cut and paste chatbot."

:idea: "More productive employees" reminds that human brains chaperone AI "intelligence".
And that AI's Large Language Models (LLM) just predict next word in a sequence suggests
probable association with this "hallucination" vulnerability. After all, LLMs are trained on
the various human contributions to the internet. :roll:

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Re: World Views

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Q: How does AI get personality?

"Based on the search results, there are a few key ways that AI can be given or develop a personality:

1. Defining personality traits in the AI's programming:

AI developers can explicitly define the personality traits, behaviors, and responses of an AI agent by setting rewards, punishments, and other parameters in the code. This allows the AI to exhibit consistent 'personality traits' like being cooperative, competitive, prudent, or risk-taking.

2. Using natural language processing to generate personality-based content:

AI systems can use natural language processing models to generate text, responses, and behaviors that reflect certain personality characteristics. Researchers have developed frameworks to use AI to create large pools of personality-related items that can be used to assess an AI's personality.

Allowing the AI to learn and develop its own personality over time:

As an AI interacts with users and experiences more data, it can start to develop its own unique personality traits and behaviors. The more an AI engages in conversations and tasks, the more its personality can emerge and evolve.

The key is that AI personalities are not just randomly generated, but can be intentionally shaped by developers through the AI's programming, training data, and interaction models. This allows AIs to exhibit consistent and measurable personality traits, similar to how humans develop their own personalities. However, the search results also caution that making AI personalities too human-like raises ethical concerns around transparency and potential misuse."

:scratch: Best guess: Humans will not all want to interact witth the same AI personality,
suggesting that AI personality will soon be selected directly or indirectly by the user.
"Howdy Salubrious Sally! May I speak with your stand-in cook Foot-long Frank?" :roll:

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Re: World Views

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Q: Will AI have selectable personalities?

"Based on the information provided in the search results, it appears that AI systems can have selectable or customizable personalities:

The search results discuss different 'types' or 'personalities' of AI, such as friendly and approachable, professional and efficient, humorous and playful, and intelligent and knowledgeable. The research paper from arXiv suggests that there is an evolving landscape of 'fine-tuning' large language models to align with specific personality traits, similar to how humans develop personalities. The Stellaris wiki describes how AI empires in the game can have different 'AI Personality' types that dictate their behavior, foreign policy, and other characteristics. The Santa Fe Institute article mentions the need to better understand AI 'personalities' and behaviors as AI becomes more influential in human experiences.

Based on this, the search results indicate that AI systems can indeed have selectable or customizable personalities, which can be designed and fine-tuned to exhibit different traits and behaviors. This suggests that in the future, users may be able to choose or interact with AI assistants that have distinct personality profiles tailored to their preferences and needs."

Q: What's the term for a group of AI assistants?

Virtual assistant - Software agent performing tasks or services for users
Definition - Software agent that performs tasks or services for a user based on commands or questions, including verbal ones.
Capabilities - Ask questions, control home automation, manage email, to-do lists, calendars with verbal commands, simulate human conversation.
Interaction Modes - Interacts via text, graphical interface, or voice; capable of interpreting human speech and responding with synthesized voices.

"The term for a group of AI assistants is "AI agents." AI agents are software systems capable of sensing and interacting with their environment, perceiving inputs, making decisions, and taking actions based on those inputs. These agents can operate autonomously and exhibit flexible decision-making in dynamic environments. AI agents can be categorized into different types based on their functionality, such as reactive agents, deliberative agents, hybrid agents, and collaborative agents."


Q: 1. The term for a group of AI assistants is "AI agents."
2. The term for a group of AI assistants is "AI agents".

Why does the period after the ending quote seem more appropriate when a quoted term ends the sentence?

"The placement of the period after the ending quote is more appropriate when a quoted term ends the sentence for a few reasons:

Punctuation rules in English dictate that periods and commas should be placed inside the closing quotation marks, even if they are not part of the original quoted material. This helps maintain consistent formatting and readability. Placing the period outside the quote can create ambiguity about whether the period is part of the quoted term or the surrounding sentence. Putting it inside the quote clearly separates the quoted material from the rest of the sentence. The convention of placing periods and commas inside closing quotation marks is a longstanding standard in English writing style. Adhering to this standard makes the sentence structure clearer and more conventional.

In your examples, the second version with the period inside the closing quote is the more appropriate formatting, as it follows standard punctuation rules for quoted material at the end of a sentence. The Chicago Manual of Style. 17th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017, Strunk, William, and E.B. White. The Elements of Style. 4th ed. New York: Longman, 2000."

:idea: While "longstanding standard in English writing" is an expected response, the second version still seems more correct (but requires writers' continuing analysis of appropriate grammar instead of just "following the rules"). This AI's last paragraph should have referred to my first version - not second! This last paragraph error hints of relationship to its Large Language Model's "next word prediction" style of intelligence - not human reasoning! :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... years.html
"Trader Joe's has increased the price of one of its best-selling grocery items after 20 years" :o

"Inflation is bananas! Certainly if you are a customer at Trader Joe's -
which has increased the price of a banana from 19 to 23 cents."

:bana: How entertaining that the price of bananas is big news! Another major grocery store
in this Texas area changed its banana pricing from pounds to number of bananas in bunch.
Cashiers count them but you have to count them at the automated checkout. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -knot.html

"An American teacher who is a conjoined twin - and the only woman in the world
with an extremely rare form of the condition - quietly married three years ago ...
Abby Hensel, now 34, from Minnesota, tied the knot with Josh Bowling,
a nurse and army veteran in 2021."

:idea: An amazing life experience for all three of them
and suggesting the twins are body roommates! :o

Rod :)
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