Understanding Higher Dimensions

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Understanding Higher Dimensions

Post by Starwalker »

There seems to be a lot of talk among spiritual groups about the jump to the fifth dimension (5D). This has led me to contemplate higher dimensions. The purpose of this essay is to present some of the insights I have received on this subject. I do not claim that everything in this essay is factual, but only hope that it may serve as a construct to build a greater understanding of higher dimensions.

Let me begin by clarifying that the dimensions I am considering are purely spatial. While some have theorized that time is the fourth dimension in the space-time fabric of the universe, I’m not sure that this is entirely accurate. I see time and space as different aspects of reality. Humans tend to view time in a linear fashion. However, all that really exists is the eternal now moment. Thus, it may be more accurate to view time as a series of moments or points. Though there can be relationships between series of points with each new point being determined by the last, this does not imply linearity since each point exists on its own. This makes it a discrete variable and not a continuous one. A point has no dimensions, nor does a series of points. Therefore, I think it is incorrect to refer to time as a dimension. Anyway, perhaps one could go on about this to no end, so I’ll leave it at that.

The materiel universe is comprised of three dimensions: height , width and depth. A point is the zeroth dimension. Joining two points makes a line, which is the first dimension. Lines can be connected to form two dimensional shapes such as squares. Six squares can be connected to make a three dimensional cube. Since each face of a 3D object is 2D, it stands to reason that each face of a 4D entity would be a 3D object. It is impossible to visualize this if we think of this extra dimension as an outward extension. However, it is entirely possible to comprehend this if we consider the fourth dimension to be an internal extension within the 3D framework. Consider your reflection in a mirror. You may think of a reflection as an optical illusion, but it is light, which is real. Now visualize that reflection, your “light body,” overlayed upon your physical body. You just visualized yourself in 4D.

This may seem like a fun little exercise in visualization, but this is essentially how extra dimensions work. When we are resurrected our bodies will be made of a different material, which the Urantia Book calls Morontia. “Morontia is a term designating a vast level intervening between the material and the spiritual. ... The warp of Morontia is spiritual; its woof is physical.” (0:5.12) The warp and woof are the base foundation of a fabric, with the warp being the lengthwise threads and the woof being the threads that are woven across them. So we have a material body with spiritual light interwoven into it: a “lighter” body. This light is the extra dimension. As we progress through the worlds on high, our bodies will contain more and more until we become first stage spirits, which are pure light without the need for the material scaffolding.

Now consider that the soul is Morontia. Therefore, having a soul means that you are already a 4D being. I theorize that this so called jump to 5D might be when the soul begins to dominate the material body. We would essentially become like the Midwayers. Of course, this is just a conjecture, but it is an interesting one. However, since the soul is an experiential acquirement, I am doubtful that anyone will be magically transitioning to 5D anytime soon. Just like anything else, we must put in the effort if we want the results. Although, perhaps the enhanced mind circuits of the Thought Adjusters will help expedite this process. It all remains to be seen.

In closing, I just want to express my gratitude to my TA and spiritual guides for these insights. They have helped me to grasp this concept which was once abstract to me. I hope my sharing this will help someone else. Also, I’ve been contemplating this topic for some time now and the title of today’s celestial message, “Thou Shall Be Light” put a big smile on my face. It’s timing was impeccable.

Blessings to all,
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Re: Understanding Higher Dimensions

Post by happyrain »

Hi Jonathan! It's 10:44AM as I finish reading your thoughts and your nice little synchronicity. :loves

Just want to say I have come to a similar conclusion in that- a higher dimensional self already exist. There is me here, aware of this self- but I think I have a self existing in these additional dimensions which this transitory me has a hard time understanding.

...If any of that makes sense. :scratch: Though I am coming to accept some of my limitations, I don't think it means I should be discouraged from trying to understand the vastness either. Thank you for posing that this being exist WITHIN... Where we are time again, lead to inquire.

And a happy, celebratory 100th post to you good sir! :bana:
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Re: Understanding Higher Dimensions

Post by Sandy »

This is fascinating stuff. :sunflower: I am trying to wrap my mind around what you have shared Jonathan and other thoughts concerning 4d and 5d on other threads. Many thanks to you, your TA, and Guides for helping to make such things a little more fathomable.

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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