A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

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A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by happyrain »

Duality, One-ness & Virtuous Interaction

Hello my spiritually seeking, life appreciating community!

I have a question and am presently unsure as how to go about even asking it.

I had a couple thoughts earlier today relevant to this topic...

One, it seems more people now rely on information outside themselves to tell them what to think and how to feel. You may be guilty of this and not be willing to admit it. An example I can give you is... I asked my friend how he's doing today and he said he's doing miserable after learning about all these different atrocities he's read spending his time online. It seems a majority of us are living with a TV, a cellphone or the internet between our ears.

Two, despite how divided we seem- I feel with quite a Faith-filled emotion that we are becoming more united than ever. Even people who seem so opposite are uniting, and a common "enemy" seems to be shifting towards something other than fellow layman vs fellow layman. Granted, there is still much duality and Ego where people feel so attached to a political or religious identity they treat their spiritual Brother or Sister with contempt or disrespect... Either way, I am hopeful we are collectively evolving towards divine realization.

So... What am I trying to get at?

Well- I feel like ancient wisdom has said not to rely on things outside your self. And it seems all we do is rely on things outside ourselves.

I guess my question is. How do we navigate this life accordingly, so as to create peace with those we find disagreeable and/or heavily dependent on the worlds drama for their life experience? I say this knowing narratives today have been construed, information online has been taken out of context and polarization has been intentionally employed as a tactical weapon by those who wish to steer the course of humanity.

Do we fight each other and say- you are wrong! This is actually what's going on in the world!
Do we close ourselves off to the other and say- Oh, how mislead my Brother/Sister has been! They are totally indoctrinated, and therefore I must distance myself from them!

I recognize I am more than my body. But I came here to experience 3D physicality, this I can say with certainty as my individual preference. I am choosing to find the harmony between This Life, a life of duality and Spiritual life- a life of oneness. It isn't easy, and I am far from tempering my personality or taming my Ego- sometimes, I willingly rebel against the idea.

In a world of hot and cold, right and wrong- how do we recognize who one calls evil another calls great and bridge the differences our attachments create?

How do we create peace with those in our environment who appear so hypertensive as a consequence of living totally online AND/OR totally inside their heads?

I guess these are my thoughts I have been wanting to get out and welcome your feedback.

Gentle regards~
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Geoff »

The answer is simple. Treat everyone with as much love as you can. Decide if it's worth actually engaging, because often it is not. people do not want - in general - to be told they are wrong. And yes, as the world awakens, they awaken to the atrocities heaped upon us, and naturally they are angry, very angry. And yes they look around to blame someone. But that will pass, because if it does not they will not move to 5D, and that will be the separation of the wheat from the chaff. So look to maintaining your balance and your high vibration, and be nice to people. And when they are not nice to you, realise that is their problem, not yours.
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Amigoo »

:hithere Speaking of fellowship ...
(from George, April 2008, in Monjoronson Speaks forum)

"Further (major) wars are what his arrival hinges on, apparently.
He needs a 'window' of peace."

:idea: This and other messages suggest Monjoronson does not arrive
to stop the wars, but when wars stop to permit a window of peace.

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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Geoff »

I cant figure out Monjoronson either. Because as far as I can see events have overtaken the dark side who cause all these wars, and Gaia is on track to throw us off the 3D part of this planet. Because we are simply not permitted to destroy this planet and we are ever so close.

So he may never get his chance brought about by a human choice for peace. Cant see it happening anytime soon. China is hell bent on World domination. And that's directly from the head of the Galactic Space Keeping Force. And it only needs one party to be hell bent on control. But I can see Earth Changes escalating every month. Nature has way more power than us humans. The power in one normal hurricane is equivalent to half the worlds annual production of electricity. And we are getting supercanes.
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Seeker13 »

I think it's our individual choices that are important to focus on. The only person in the world we can cause to change is ourselves. The only way to not be a part of the chaos and negativity, is to not engage with it. Walk away. Turn it off, what ever 'it is' that's bringing negativity into your life. No forceful words or actions on our part is going to bring inner peace and balance. Let others have their anger, fear, and rampages. That's all part of them learning to take personal responsibility for how they feel, while we do the same for ourselves.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Geoff »

Seeker13 wrote: Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:52 pm Eric,
I think it's our individual choices that are important to focus on. The only person in the world we can cause to change is ourselves. The only way to not be a part of the chaos and negativity, is to not engage with it. Walk away. Turn it off, what ever 'it is' that's bringing negativity into your life. No forceful words or actions on our part is going to bring inner peace and balance. Let others have their anger, fear, and rampages. That's all part of them learning to take personal responsibility for how they feel, while we do the same for ourselves.

Yes this is good advice. In fact I had a FaceBook meme like that the other day:

https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10 ... 0604966975

I hope that's public.

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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by happyrain »

Thank you guys.

Yes, I am told truth is simple but we sometimes find amusement in wondering through the maze.

It seems it most always boils down to the self. And a key word that is continually being honed in on, "Focus."

Geoff now you've got me curious-

I agree, Mother Nature is far superior... But what about mans efforts to control mother nature? Would you agree our attempts to manipulate weather might cause for a more catastrophic outcome? What about man trying to harness natures power with nefarious intent?

And then, what about the alien technology we've utilized responsible for major disruptions like earthquakes...


Have Faith my friends. I do not believe it impossible a divine being will descend upon this Earth soon.

PS... I also believe contact is available *now* for any willing person. If, ultimately, what matters is working on SELF... We have divine assistance at the ready.
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Geoff »

happyrain wrote: Thu Aug 31, 2023 2:09 am

I agree, Mother Nature is far superior... But what about mans efforts to control mother nature? Would you agree our attempts to manipulate weather might cause for a more catastrophic outcome? What about man trying to harness natures power with nefarious intent?

And then, what about the alien technology we've utilized responsible for major disruptions like earthquakes...
Hi Eric,

I think these things are probably overstated. Probably. Who did we get this technology from? The Cabal? Who are all now terminated. Or the Zeta Reticuli who had a deal going with the US where they could steal foetus and such in an effort on their part to upgrade their race? Now don't get me wrong. Alien technology was apparently utilised to tractor beam a moon closer to Earth by the Atlanteans when they wiped out Lemuria. They partnered with renegade aliens. Not a good long term move.

And the Galatic Federation has a battle planet slightly larger than Earth that they move around our universe. Just wherever they might need it. So some of these guys do have abilities to do crazy stuff. Even reposition our entire solar system. But no I dont believe our meagre attempts at getting rain to fall on a specific farm can be scaled up to create enormous weather events, nor earthquakes. But so what if they can? It actually makes no difference. Gaia is the stronger and will deal with all this stuff. And the Galatic Federation wiped out the Cabal so their technology could not prevent them getting terminated. The Zeta Reticuli have been told to stay off this planet and the Federation has a blockade in place. My final thought is if the dark side are actually doing these things that you think they are, then at the moment they are doing what is required to remove all humans from Earth. So maybe that is excellent? We should cheer them on.

take care
focus on improving yourself so YOU will pass to 5D when the time is right. Thats all that matters.

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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Amigoo »


Your writing hints that you know about Akashic records. What are these?
Records "of the past and present" seem to complement UB/midwayer info,
but "of the future" seems limited to more advanced beings.

Interestingly, AI seems to be acquiring an Akashic view of past and present
(as posted on the internet), but cautions that such info has to be filtered
to get truth and fact from such huge variety of sources!

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akashic_records

"Akashic records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent
ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human."

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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Geoff »

Yes I am familiar with them. I dont buy the future bit too well as we are in contact rather often with Jesus and he does not know things that are likely to occur in the next year or so. And if he does not...

I could perhaps believe there are "timelines" a sort of predicted series of events if something happens. But to say that every human's thought is recorded FORWARD to infinity, nah don't buy it.
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by happyrain »


I am surprised you hadn't posted this one yet! Now that I think about it, I'm not sure I've seen your post as frequently. Is everything ok???

Here's the article I want to share, I've subscribed to these folks thanks to Welles:

Gratefulness Happens Before Thinking

'My vision of the world? My hope for the future? This topic sounds a bit big. Allow me to start small — say, with crows. They are my special friends. Just as I am writing these lines, one of them, the shy one among my three regular guests, is gobbling up the Kitty Fritters I put out for them. This brings to mind a short poem by Robert Frost that might provide a stepping-stone for our deliberations about world-vision and hope for the future — if any.


The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.

Surely you will remember a similar experience of your own: some quirky little incident made you smile, changed your mood, and suddenly the world looked brighter. If this ever happened to you, the key for understanding a causal chain of great consequence is in your hand: any change in attitude changes the way one sees the world, and this in turn changes the way one acts. When Robert Frost claims that the crow’s little trick “saved” part of a day he had rued, or of which he repented, he means this in the full sense of a redeeming change of heart. When he got home, I’m sure he greeted Mrs. Frost in a better mood than he would have been able to do without the crow’s nudge. And there is no telling what this did to her — and to the way she treated the dog afterwards, or talked more kindly to her neighbor.

But what exactly triggered this fortunate chain reaction? What gave Frost’s heart “a change of mood”? Put yourself in his shoes as he is slouching moodily through the woods. Then feel that sudden dusting with snow. Doesn’t it wake you up from your brooding? An interruption like this could make you angry if you insisted on staying preoccupied with your problems.

But — surprise — the cold spray makes you snap out of being wrapped in yourself, and you face the given: a hemlock tree, a crow, melting snow in your neck. Bingo! A saving change of mood. What caused this change was gratefulness.

Gratefulness? I hear a chorus of disbelief. Admittedly, Frost didn’t feel like thanking the crow. But gratefulness is more than giving thanks. Thanking comes with thinking. Gratefulness happens before thinking — in that brief gap between “the dust of snow” and thought. It is the spontaneous response of the human heart to the gratuitously given. This gratefulness releases energy. In the gap of surprise before the first thought, the powerful surge of an intelligence that far surpasses thought takes hold of us. We can make our thinking a tool of this creative intelligence that constantly brings forth and sustains the world. If we willingly open ourselves to its gentle force, it has power to change whatever is not in tune with it. Gratitude is thinking in tune with the cosmic intelligence that inspires us in grateful moments. It can change more than a mood; it can change a world.'
by Brother David Steindl-Rast
https://www.awakin.org/v2/read/view.php ... 65#comment

Works by David: https://www.awakin.org/v2/read/search.p ... eindl-Rast


This is true!

I got to experience this article just today from a regular customer. He's an older man who has been diagnosed with colon cancer. He came in the store with a very grave look and told me to read the letter inside an envelope he presented to me. When I went to open it, a tightly wound washer unraveled itself causing me to jump out of my shoes. Lol.

Suddenly we were laughing and the man said,
"It's good to laugh."

I remembered this article and realized my gratitude came before thinking-
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Sandy »

I am a bit behind and as I read each post I think oh yes!... and ready to write my thoughts and then LOL I read the next and so on and so on...
There is so much of interest here.

I am on board with love. ...living and breathing it in all ways as a solution to all our problems and those of this planet.

Quickly though, since I haven't much time before I leave, I have to laugh and share... last night, to distract myself from the day and worries that I was trying not to have, I watched a movie...it was silly really but it took me away for a while and you will never guess what the whole premise of the movie was?

Controlling weather.
The action began mildly for a minute or two but the weather testing of the devices quickly got out of control. so now I am wondering if there is a message in this silly movie since you all have just discussed it here. The scientists who were working on it had good intentions hoping to bring rain to people devastated by drought. But in the background, the government had its own interest and they hi-jacked the control. People who believed in truth and peace and the good-intentioned scientist did save the day in the end. So there is hope for all of us, eh?

I am also thinking IMHO that God and those "higher ups" that work for Him or Her can do things we cannot begin to fathom with human minds so if they wished to record it all in some way they certainly could. It seems there was something the Ubook said about recording angels of a sort...(Its been to long and my mind does not remember these things like it once did. )

On another subject brought up, I just wished to add my small two cents...I'm thinking Christ Michael knows a little more than he is letting on. It is hard to wrap the old head around, but according to the Urantia Book, Jesus was the human that the universe sovereign, Christ Michael, became while he was on Earth.(He divested himself of his Divine attributes for a time) He lived breathed, ate, was even sick once, and worried the Midwayers and angels as an exuberant little child immensely. He learned what it was like to be human and experienced life and learned from it just as we do which to me makes his life on earth even more amazing. From the Ubook which Eric alluded as something many of us follow here, we can read that Christ Michael fashioned our universe and is a High Paradise Son who would know the future inherent in his own universe and then some. If you think about it from the Bible, Jesus too knew the future as he lived on Earth... he even told his apostles about future events that would happen in their lives.
However, it has been George's experience as he had a most nosey and curious, mind that revelation is not easily obtained and given. There must be a very good reason for it, maybe like fitting into the "ineffable divine plan". Anyway, as I said... there's my extremely small two cents and what really do I know? We all live, breathe, and follow divine leadings where we are best attracted to the Divine Light. (to give us a "leg up" I think.) If it doesn't interest us as might be in a one-size-fits-all kind of system...then where would all of this world's free-wheeling beautiful frivolously crazy little people personalities find God?

Well, gotta run. I am really late now. Just to reiterate... I don't know how things will be or even are...so just adding my thoughts and speculations from my own experience, as we all do here, to the conversation. ;)

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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by happyrain »

Wow, thank you Sandy for taking the time to reply with your thoughts! With the synchronicity, well, spirit is funny like that 'innit? :mrgreen: But you give me hope with what you've shared- when *** hits the fan, there are knowledgeable good people ready to spring into action!

I have Faith. :loves

I think things go awry because- excessive profitability and making rash decisions or being forced to do something out of fear.

And in the end, all belong to God. Even us misguided folks. I put myself in the latter because there is no, "better than." Though my Ego seems to forget that every now and again...

I do wonder how Jesus navigated affairs where politicians and thugs exploited others through misdirection or malpractice. Especially in retrospect to my statement above- all belonging to God, there is no better than.

Sometimes I think the actions of certain gangs today have devastating effects on the innocent and ill-informed.

And... I would like to create a somewhat separate stream of thought with regards to the recent, "NOW" celestial message.

I think- none of this is possible without an ideal. And I believe it is a birthright for everyone to declare whatever that ideal is. I believe it is between the personality and the God within and around.

I had the thought no one really understands us Save God. This is not a negative association. But it makes me believe, all that matters is the relationship- where an Ideal is the driving factor that helps one come into their true power and brings one closer to God.

Now that is a beautiful, wonderous mystery we may never fully actualize in this life... But we will discover as is intended... And now is indeed the time!
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Eric,

I think you pose a great question here:
I do wonder how Jesus navigated affairs where politicians and thugs exploited others through misdirection or malpractice. Especially in retrospect to my statement above- all belonging to God, there is no better than.
How did Jesus navigate these situations? Your wonderment has spurred me to make this post. Please bear with me since I’m a little out of practice.

The first thing that comes to mind is this teaching: “Present not that which is holy to dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample your gems under foot and turn to rend you.” (140:3:18)

I think the people he referred to as dogs and swine are these politicians and thugs you mentioned. Put simply, they are those who do not care for human ethics. It is extremely unfortunate that so many people on this planet are ignorant of universe law, which is life itself. But such is the case here and we must learn to live with these people. There is much to be learned from Jesus on this subject.

When he proclaimed that we are to be as little children to enter the kingdom, he was referring to the Father-child relationship. He didn’t mean for us to be naive in our dealings with unscrupulous people. He taught us to be wise like serpents yet as harmless as doves. Wisdom allows us to discern people’s motives. When others have ill intentions towards us, self maintenance requires us to protect ourselves and others. We should always keep a check on our own intentions when dealing with these people and ensure we have the greatest good at heart. But when we are unable to diplomatically appeal to another person’s better senses, the use of force may be required for self defence.

While he did not denounce the use of force when needed, it’s important to remember that Jesus did not go about fighting evil. He actually taught non resistance to evil and to conquer it with goodness. His whole life was dedicated to doing the will of God, which is infused with the love of truth, beauty, and goodness. He did not concern himself with the sacrilegious. He preached for the benefit of those who truly desired to hear his words. Salvation is a personal matter. And if someone declines eternal life, that decision is respected.

I think you are right to say that we all belong to God and that no one is intrinsically better than another. I believe this is the gospel that Jesus declared: that all are the sons and daughters of God. However, we certainly are not all equal in any other way besides spiritual endowment. And it is what we do with this endowment that counts. We can invest it in worthwhile causes and yield the fruits of spirit, or squander it on selfish pursuits that may eventually lead to our own demise. For it is true that to the one who has more, more shall be given. And to him who has less, that which he does have will be taken away. This is what Geoff referred to as the separation of the wheat from the chaff.

I have been reading other posts and articles on ascension lately and I would like to contribute where I can. But I’m still trying to wrap my head around it all. So I’ll wrap up this post here.

Thanks for the inspiration!

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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by happyrain »

Thanks for chiming in and reciprocating the feeling to be inspired, Jonathan!

I have been quoted the expression about pearls and swine by spiritual friends over the last few years. That it crops up in my awareness so often makes me think there's an importance in the wisdom.

I was taught it basically means to reserve your miracles for those who are genuinely interested.

I have also heard this expression of serpents and doves and find it admirably tactful.

I have since encountered a possessed individual(drugs and mental instability), who was ready to endanger both of our lives. I am happy I did not resort to brute force, there was nothing I could say that would not further the agitated state. In this moment, and another where a child threatened me with a gun- I believe it was Gods grace that allowed all parties to carry on without further suffering.

You've given me something to think on with this idea of non-resistance towards evil. I also read something the other day- it made sense to me... If we wish to find peace, we will find adversity. If you wish to give love, you will notice unloving acts. This life is an opportunity, spiritually.

If the choice and modus operandi is life after life, then I do think it means understanding these universal laws which ultimately means understanding the creator. To seek, to know, to experience. That's a lot to unpack!

I do think "it" is rather simple. But I think it can appear quite paradoxical to someone who enjoys puzzles. In my opinion, "It" is the truth and the truth is all there is. A great leader has been called an evil man, and an evil man has been praised as a hero.

In my relationships, and in my self, we see what we need to. It doesn't necessarily mean one's reality is THE reality. How so? Because usually we're viewing life through a limited filter. The drama is one perpetuated by the personality incarnate. Yet, what they see is TRUE. Like looking at a surreal painting, noticing something in a portion of the painting and mistaking that for the entire picture.

My last GF saw and lived all these things I did not see or live. My Sister saw and lived all these dramas I did not always participate in. But what they saw was an indicator of what they were working on within themselves. Where they were, mentally. It was really happening in them- even if reality is simpler than that. And the same can be said for me. I am "guilty" of the same, even now- because I exist as a child of God- personality incarnate here in a 3D land of linear experience and duality. What I see is not all there is. But I am constantly striving to know God and working on making better choices. Even if this life of mine means owning my insecurities and physical limitations.

Now that's something to really think about. You have inspired me to think of the Will of God.

:shock: :alien: :loves :sunflower:
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Starwalker »

I always enjoy reading your posts, Eric. Its easy to pick up on the old soul vibes from you. You are certainly wiser than your years. How are things with you? I hope you are doing well.

I’ve been thinking about what fellowship is all about? It’s a group of people with common goals and interests in friendly association, helping each other along through failures and triumphs. The word makes me think of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. This fellowship was formed with the common goal to destroy the ‘ring of power.’ Its members were a wizard, an elf, a dwarf, and humans and hobbits. This was a diverse group of people all working towards a common goal with each person bringing their own set of skills and strengths to the table. This is very much like this 11:11 Progress Group; people of all walks of life coming together to share their experiences with the common goal of spiritual growth. While we all have our own beliefs, we need not believe the same to be spiritually alike. So count me in for this fellowship.

Your experiences with the possessed individual and child with the gun seem traumatic. I’m glad you weren’t physically harmed at least. The UB tells us that we will someday look back on our lives and see the times when the providence of God guided and protected us. Surely these experiences will rank high on that this for you. We can’t always control what happens to us here, but we can have faith that whatever comes our way, no real harm will ever befall us. We will just pick it up in the next life exactly where we left off here.

It is easy to get drawn into other people’s drama sometimes. I see a lot of negativity in my place of work and I am finding it hard to stay positive. I am doing my best to banish the negative thoughts, but resentment sometimes takes a hold of me. It is really hard to be a better person in a toxic environment. I think it may be time to find a new job, but I’ll likely face this to some degree wherever I go. I realize that what I see in others exists within me as well. But at least I’ve grown enough to see that and correct it. Though I can sometimes be reluctant with the correction.

Im glad I inspired you to contemplate the will of God. Speaking of Jesus and how he dealt with adversity in his life reminds me of his death. He was the perfect man, completely free of sin and he was murdered in such an ignoble manner. This was the most terrible crime ever committed on this planet or in this universe for that matter. But he lived his human life according to God’s will right to the end. Throughout his trial he practiced what he preached and did not throw his pearls before the swine who put him to death. It was God’s will that he experience human death, but it was the will of man that decided the means by which he died. However, now our Maker has experienced the fullness of human life from the most beautiful to the ugliest. Therefore we can trust that he fully understands us. And it helps us to deal with our own adversities. Life on this planet is still challenging but they say the greatest adversity is to never face adversity. Surely there is no shortage of that on Urantia. This school of hard knocks is giving us one hell of an education.
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by happyrain »

Good morning! Things are well here in Houston, TX.

Lord of the Rings is one of Sandy's favorites- and I know exactly what you mean.

The saying, "though our paths differ, our destination is the same."

I don't think it can be any other way for a spiritually seeking, faith fulfilling individual.

I had a small group of friends years ago- one was Hindu, the other was Christian- and I would share wisdom from my Sufi friend as I often do. We all came together, "in his name" and shared exactly in the manner you've described. No one forced their religion on anyone, it was just friends hanging out and using their personality as the means to offer whatever they could.

It's really beautiful how you write about Jesus- soul-striking actually. To think God is so interested in us he lives a life of duality and suffering just to get closer to us. And even in the life of Jesus we see that God is never so far away.

I wish you all the best with overcoming the hardships at work. It's not negative that you notice these things. I agree with you- this Life is an opportunity. The hardships are here to bring US closer to God. Maybe this really bothers you because you wish to offer and experience a greater Love. Maybe God is building you up so you may fulfill that desire.

This life does seem to be like a stepping stone as we inch closer towards Realization/Understanding.

Here's to, not throwing our pearls about willy-nilly but finding sublime energy in recognizing God in ALL. So someone does not want to share in this great Love? Someone is not ready to hear a startling truth? But we smile on the inside because God is with us. That may be the key to our liberation.

I pray for your continued blessings- thanks for the kind words, I'm happy you're here posting.
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Sandy »

Good morning Jonathan and Eric,
Spirit speaks through both of you and I am grateful for the messages and devotion this morning as I prepare for a new day.
Thank you!
With love,

I loved the Lord of the Rings analogy! :D
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Geoff »

Starwalker wrote: Tue Jan 02, 2024 5:02 am

I have been reading other posts and articles on ascension lately and I would like to contribute where I can. But I’m still trying to wrap my head around it all. So I’ll wrap up this post here.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Hi Jonathan,

Sadly I have been absolutely flat out prepping for the expected 3 days of Darkness and the ascension. So I have not had much time here. I recently updated my summary page on this issue: Spheres, Dimensions and Ascension and learned very recently that ever since 2012 there has been a plan - and it has worked - to infiltrate the channellers who were susceptible with low level 4D beings as "9D etc" sources. I think I have identified a few - some by the fear they spread, others by the lack of detail and information. So there is a fair bit of fake "Galactic Federation" stuff out there.

Sorry I haven't participated more as there is lots of interesting stuff here.

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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Geoff,

I’ve been browsing your site a bit lately. It’s very nicely done. I particularly liked the section on feeling God’s love. Thank you for your efforts in getting this information out there.

I do believe that the earth will go through major changes in the future. However, I’m hesitant to trust channeling as a source of information on future events, particularly concerning dates. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty to learn from channeled messages, but I’m sure you know that there ls always the human element to consider. I’m wondering what has made you so confident that these changes are imminent? In either case, it can’t hurt to have a good supply of food, water, and other essentials on hand. Disaster can strike at any time.

It’s not hard to see that we are heading towards a precipice. My own take on it is that if we are truly meant to survive and take part in the rebuilding of this planet, then we will be protected in some manner. This could mean being taken up in spaceships or somehow guided to safe areas. I could be wrong of course, the same as anyone can be. But whatever happens, life will go on. It could go on here or on another terrestrial sphere as human beings, or on the Mansion Worlds as Morontia beings. So we should all have faith and not despair. All is well!

God bless,
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Geoff »

Starwalker wrote: Sat Jan 13, 2024 2:16 am Hi Geoff,

I’m wondering what has made you so confident that these changes are imminent? In either case, it can’t hurt to have a good supply of food, water, and other essentials on hand. Disaster can strike at any time.
Dear Jonathon,

Yes I am sticking my neck out. Our association with Lord Ashtar goes back some years. I trust the transmissions because I know the individual who receives his messages does not know the stuff that comes through.

About the date being imminent - well he did say so, but did not set a date. Because as he certainly admitted, dates have been set for nearly 40 years. And he tried to explain the delays, but I found that interesting rather than justifiable. Its only justifiable when you cannot know of the obstacles ahead. However I do think that they still do not understand us.

For example after the cabal was removed - the 3D reptilians etc - they felt the human followers of the cabal - the rest of the management structure - would also collapse. I did not think so, I was sure they would stay where they are, and even perhaps rejoice that their very scary overseers had disappeared. Of course they also would not know if that is permanent or not.

The events in the Miami mall on 1/1/24 indicate that coverup is automatic to quite low levels of the bureaucracy - the front line police. But finally three of us asked our souls for the dates. I got end January, the other two different "descriptions" but which appeared to all point to end January. The only thing currently indicating I may be wrong, is that they also said we would see lots of electrical equipment just fail. And we saw some, but I dont think enough to indicate its a few weeks away. I keep testing for the date, and have not yet felt any change. But I have been wrong before.

But, others have predicted that things are imminent. Take this one from the Master: Prepare for great changes

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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by happyrain »

Jonathan, I really liked your attempts at understanding 4D or a light body as you wrote about here:
https://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic. ... 06#p220206

I particularly like, that almost all agree that paradise is within. That these additional dimensions can be experienced by looking within. I am again reminded of my friend Casey's verbiage: "inside out" because we are learning- by some 'energetic shift' that we are more than our physical bodies. We are so accustomed to associating these bodies with our personality and think all that we are is anchored to this dense material only. But many of us experiencing this shift will come to a similar conclusion, that "the external world is your own body extended" ~Alan Watts
or as Erwin Schrodinger says, "consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings"

We begin to experience this reality, which is something the 1111 time prompts have been helping us with this whole time. We may even experience physical manifestations of things that were otherwise imperceptible. I remember being a child and a woman coming up to my bedside whispering my name. There was no one else in my room except me. So when I felt like someone was in the room with me, then felt the breath from her whisper against my ear- it scared the bajeebuz out of me. I turned off a lot of that stuff at a young age from fear.

But as years went by I felt like something was missing and tried to rediscover. The thing is, this shift is going to scare a lot of people. Imagine if a midwayer appeared in your bedroom as clear as day at 3AM and you were by yourself?

I'm not saying I know how things work- just sharing where I'm at mentally. It seems a lot of us have focused on getting closer to these guides which means turning within. And a lot of us are interested in a shift, and I am seeing a large interest from so many people to connect with guides, angels, ET's...

There is some truth to be found in this thread as it relates to the time we find ourselves in. I believe this shift is happening now. And we're all being tasked with doing the work, there's no sitting on the sidelines. We have to get used to seeing the world with new eyes, we're learning a language we aren't accustomed to.

My personal belief is the peacock angel is real, and is the return of the king as described my Mark Amaru Pinkham in this video below:
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by happyrain »

Jonathan, Sandy, Kim and anyone else reading this- or who participates in our group meditations.

Jonathan, were you just mentioning a virtual get together of some sort?

Casey from the Galactic Travel Channel forum has extended the invite for us all to participate in silent meditation together. It's a video call where we can see one another's smiling faces, say our hellos and then get into our practice.

Topic : Silent Group Meditation
Date : Every Tuesday and Thursday
Time : 2:00 - 2:30 PM PST

Join Zoom Meeting, Silent Group Meditation
Meeting ID: 845 4360 0142
Passcode: 053902

Galactic Travel Channel Forum

:sunflower: :happy :study:
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Eric,

Yes, I mentioned this before. It was in relation to one of Welles’ essays. I think the meeting that Welles wrote about would be structured yet informal. Each person would get some time to present something of a spiritual nature like a prayer, a song, a reading from a book, reflection on a spiritual topic or anything really. And then we could have some discussion. I’m not sure how effective it would be in an online setting though. But it might be worth a shot if there was enough interest.

As for this group meditation session with Casey, the time doesn’t work for me as I work Monday to Friday. But I appreciate the invitation all the same.

I’d be interested in a one on one call with you sometime. I’d love to meet you and your dogs. Send me a private message if you’d like to set something up.
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by happyrain »

Hi Jonathan,

PM will be sent- but as far as meeting me goes, right now that's best by a video call. And I'm hoping others might chime in. If the group meditations don't work, we could still look into utilizing a free space on zoom for 30 minutes. Having the time constraint would allow everyone their fair share of time to do what you've mentioned above. Curious to your thoughts~
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