World Views

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... 17908.html
" 'Doomsday Clock' moves closest ever to midnight"

:scratch: Apparently, the Doomsday Clock will never reach midnight
... since there will be no one to move the hands. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -need.html
"why you should always leave one shoe in your hotel room safe when travelling"

" 'Worried about forgetting something from your locker? Put your heel or shoe in it and you won't forget it.'
The theory behind this is you will never leave the room without both shoes. And if you bring more than one pair ..."

:scratch: And if you have only one pair, what do you wear until you leave your room? :roll:

Guest to concierge: "Please send up a good shoe."
Hotel concierge: "What or who do you wish to shoo?" :lol:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... utfit.html

"Model, 26, stuns fans after revealing how she effortlessly turned old TOTE BAGS
into a stunning two-piece 'safari Barbie' outfit" :o

:bana: Bag lady every man (and some women) can admire
for her stylish economy and revealing youthful creativity.
And some men can equally impress with their tool box,
repurposed to complement such stylin'. :roll:

:idea: Boxes 'n Bags comes to mind for a new outlet. 8)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... 06836.html
"Is wearing underwear healthier than going commando?"

"Both going commando and wearing underwear have their pros and cons, and one isn’t necessarily significantly healthier
than the other. The decision is, ultimately, a personal choice, and both can be beneficial if done correctly." :finger:

:scratch: Best guess: The purposes of the two orifices command the appropriate decision -
some may need more breathing room than others (which can sometimes be intolerable
to others in the same room). ;)

:scratch: "Say what?" Keep it to yourself. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... nder-cake/

"Colorado baker Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, has lost an appeal
for refusing to bake a cake celebrating a gender transition."

"We conclude that creating a pink cake with blue frosting is not inherently expressive and any message
or symbolism it provides to an observer would not be attributed to the baker"

:idea: Interesting point of law, suggesting that the bakery had to have first advertised
that certain combinations of colors symbolized gender transition (or whatever).
Perhaps the customer provoked the baker by insisting this was the symbolism.

Ultimately, these cake crises suggest intentional provocations
to support or reject such culinary symbolism. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... index.html
"Is the ‘100 envelope challenge’ a smart money move?"

"It works like this: Label 100 envelopes from one to 100. Since this is social media, after all,
said envelopes should look really cool for the videos. On day one, put $1 in envelope 1. On day 2,
put $2 in envelope 2. Continue this way until day 100, when your final savings deposit of $100
will bring you to a grand total of $5,050." :roll

LOL: On Day 1 put the cost of 100 envelopes in a shoe box or whatever,
then add to the box each day (and skip the labeling task). :lol:

OMG: It's easy math to realize that days over 20 start getting expensive
... and the expense increases every day! :o

ICU: Plan B: Identify daily costs that can be stopped,
then add this daily money to the Smart Box. 8)

WTF: What The Final treasure will be could be a surprise
... or heartache if the box is not stored in a safe place. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

"Leakage voice suppression microphone"

LOL1: A voice muzzle for those who talk too much
(or need to explicitly direct their chatter)? :hithere

Caution: Recipient may be wearing a device
that's counterproductive to quality reception. :o

LOL2: Chatterer can record speech for playback
... when the time is right. :finger:

LOL3: AI could detect if recipient is listening! :roll:

LOL4: Alexa, et al., are always listening. :lol:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... olour.html
"Why you should match your lipstick colour to your nipples"

:idea: Fortunately, this fashion statement is long past Shakespeare's
Romeo and Juliet where ”hands do what lips do” ... else
the meaning becomes risqué (a bard's ripplish ?). :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... ism-196727
"How evangelicals moved from supporting environmental stewardship to climate skepticism"

"These are remarkable developments that often employ theological arguments to support environmental activism.
But overshadowed by the continuing nontheological anti-environmental arguments founded in misinformation." :o

:idea: Blame the internet - misinformation/disinformation is being found on all sides of issues, much relating to agendas of its promoters (including governments and Big Business). Now one must sample a broad selection of sources - in various countries - just to sense that the truth is not always so obvious! From the UB perspective, some anti-environmental arguments might have origination in the Spirit of Truth, et al. 8)

BTW: "solar geoengineering" is the correct term - not "chemtrails":

Re: (listen from 21:48 to 48:48)
(search for: "Derrick Broze Interview - Mexico Halts Geoengineering")

:idea: The real message of this video is that dedicated, expert researchers are studying all the evidence about environmental issues
and reporting where they're not silenced (which suggests we be less myopic and not imit our exposure to preferred sources). ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... index.html
"Neanderthals hunted massive elephants that once roamed northern Europe"

"It’s also possible that such a meat bonanza was an opportunity for temporary gatherings of people
from a larger social network ... the occasion could perhaps have served as a marriage market." 8)

:idea: This could have been the beginning of Potluck Suppers, sometimes ending with a marriage proposal.
Men with more meat on their bones probably indicated "good provider" and women with more meat
on their bones probably indicated "already married" (don't ask why). :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... d-devices/ (not a link)
"(Texas) Governor announces plan banning use of TikTok on state-issued devices"

"The security risks associated with the use of TikTok on devices used to conduct the important business of our state must not be underestimated or ignored ... Owned by a Chinese company that employs Chinese Communist Party members, TikTok harvests significant amounts of data from a user’s device, including details about a user’s internet activity." :o

:duh Of course, this harvesting of personal information from many devices
is probably not limited to one country's practice these days. :roll:

"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... index.html
"Pentagon says it had ‘an awareness gap’ that led to failure to detect 3 Chinese balloons"

"there are several factors – like their altitude and speed – that make detecting the spy balloons difficult ... They fly very, very high, very, very slow ... Their dynamics, their trajectory, their flight behavior complicates the ability to know exactly where one is at any particular moment"

"the balloon was 200 feet tall, with a payload the size of a regional jet weighing over a couple thousand pounds"

:idea: A seeming disconnect, especially since smaller satellites can be tracked :!:
But the offical narrative is usually what we should believe. :roll:

:scratch: Other articles online claim that it's "much ado about nothing"
since weather balloons are floating everywhere these days. However,
a balloon with its own guidance and propulsion is an "air craft" -
not a balloon (and should abide by that air space rules, IMO). ;)

Re: ... ed-on.html

"F-22 that shot down spy balloon is pictured taking off as it's revealed U2 spy planes tracked it ...
but Pentagon dismissed it as UFOs" :?

:idea: Apparently, more "narrative" considering the much faster speeds of most UFOs. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... rch-1-2023
"China War Mobilization Law Begins March 1, 2023"

"The Art of War, ancient military treatise dating from about 5th century BC"

:idea: From the perspective of life after death ... and considering
modern weapons of mass destruction, Sun Tzu might now conclude:
"The real Art of War is to achieve one's objective without war." ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... g-pig.html

"Sierra's daughter had created a colorful masterpiece, titled Piggie, which depicted the farmyard animal
waving its arms alongside a speech bubble that simply read: 'Hi' " 8)

:duh Obviously, only an adult would draw this alleged anatomical object
in the wrong position on the body. And only an adult would draw
this object so large and not related to a pig's anatomy. :roll:

Any adult who claims this is that object should stay after class
and refresh their memories with what young children draw.
Asking the child to again draw a tie on people or animals
would likely have produced a similar object. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ainer.html

"Damar Hamlin opens up about his on-field cardiac arrest and his 'savior' trainer in first TV interview"

:idea: Damar's recovery seems to be real (for all good reasons) and creates impressive distance
from the controversial cause, alleged by those who study many similar cardiac arrests. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... rdict.html
"Do trendy green powders actually work?" :scratch:

"Some top-selling brands claim their products detoxify the body and boost energy ... help give a youthful appearance and vibrant glow ...
help satisfy hunger. Whether they do those things is largely anecdotal because studies on the health claims of different green powders
is limited and usually funded by the manufacturers of those products." :roll:

:!: Common advice from nutritionists:
"Go for fresh foods - not supplements - whenever you have a choice." 8)

:idea: Good clue (from a lifetime of observation):
People who consume lotsa supplements don't have healthier life or longer lifespan. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... style.html
"Rise of the DINKS (that's Dual Income No Kids)"

"They dine out at fancy restaurants and spend money on candy
that they don't have to share with little ones."

:idea: First thoughts ...

- They would probably gobble their children's Halloween candy.
- Works out for the best (some couples should not have children).
- "Two incomes" is not definitive, considering today's inflation.
- "Clink in the DINK?" - When a child is accidentally conceived.
- "Slim DINKin'" - Comfortable with one income and no kids.
- "R&R DINKin'" - Randy & Rhonda Dinkin who be DINKin'.
- "Stinkin' DINKin'" - Any more first thoughts. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... month.html
"America's biggest counties push to expand controversial guaranteed income experiment"

:scratch: Best guess: Immediately helpful but most people
"grow into" the extra income, spending as usual ...
soon needing more money again. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... index.html
"Meet the animals with love lives more complicated than yours"

:lol: For some people, any love life would be more complicated -
for these people, choosing comfort food is the complication. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

"To Save Money, Maybe You Should Skip Breakfast"

:idea: However, nutritionists advise that breakfast ("break fast")
is the more important meal of the day ... and should be
healthy food - not "junk"! ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... index.html
"A juicy new book explores the cultural history of the backside"

:idea: Newsworthy, if only because butts are so proudly displayed these days. :roll:

Tip: "rear view mirror" is not related, butt could be. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... frica.html
"What are Marburg's symptoms?"

"Marburg virus (MVD) is initially transmitted to people from fruit bats and spreads among humans through direct contact
with the bodily fluids of infected people, surfaces and materials."

(a comment) "Direct contact with bodily fluids is the reason for so many deaths there. If you have ever watched a documentary from over there ... when a loved one dies they stand them up at a slight slant and wash the body for its journey to the other side and it runs down into a bowl/pan and the family members drink the fluids as a sign of love and keeping the 'essence' of their loved one with them!"

Note: Marburg spreads mostly by contact (C19 spreads more in the air).

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... gnant.html
"Colombian man who is engaged to a RAG DOLL announces his fiancée is 'pregnant' with their third child"

"If it weren't for the dolls, I would be more alone than anyone. At least I have something.
With my Natalia we watch TV and talk about everything." 8)

:o With them having a third child, they don't always watch TV. ;)

Best guess: Some single men don't have a rag doll
because she might talk back to them. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ernet.html

"In recent days, users have found ways to unlock multiple personalities of the chatbot, which shows a dangerous side to the helpful system."

:o Obviously, AI is only as good as it's programmed and this ChatGPT AI seems to give other AI a bad name. A trusted, personal AI may become necessary for safer, reliable public interaction in this Alternate Intelligence arena. "I'll have my people talk to your people" may eventually become a popular intelligence condom (and give "Put on your thinking cap!" new meaning). :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... o-editors/
"Should AI-Generated Art Be Considered Real Art?"

"Ultimately, art is classed as the product of imagination, skill, experience, and emotion, usually meant to represent something ...
The difference is that the AI is compelled by commands, not an emotional need to express itself." :roll:

:idea: Interesting discussion, suggesting that AI is redefining "art", but maintains that human art and AI art are each unique yet can interact. And the "emotional needs" perspective reminds that human artists can tap into spiritual sources ("from above"), but AI cannot. However (apparently), humans still benefit from spiritual interpretation of that created by AI. Thus, the quality of AI art is in the mind of the viewer even if not in the "mind" of AI (that is only responding to simple commands, relative to all human expression). :hithere

Rod :)
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