The Cellestine Prophecy

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The Cellestine Prophecy

Post by Strong Wolf »

I cannot believe that NO ONE has mentioned the series by James Redfield!!! This is a must for everyone!

The Celestine Insights & The 10th Insight are separate, but they can also be bought together in a book called the Celestine Prophecies.

In Search of the 11th Insight

These books are incredible! I just finished the 11th insight. It (The 11th Insight) goes off about prayer fields, and the four extensions of them. I'll spoil a little bit in case some can't get around to finding the book. So don't read if you don't want to know!!


The first part is about focusing on the beauty of things such as animals or nature, and feeling a love for it because of the part it is taking in this huge creation. This creates a love feeling the flows into you from the divine source and gives you energy.

Then, you take this energy and picture it flowing out of you in all directions, back at all things. You use your thought-power to put your energy out in front of you, and back into the world around you which creates even more of a love energy feeling.

Then, you direct this energy out in front of you.. ahead of time. This is truely about expectations. When you have such a high energy level, the things you expect can happen if you truely believe. But likewise, if you fear certain things and keep thinking they will happen, then they will. This part of the extension teaches you that your thoughts can influence other people directly without any words. It affects them, and you can tell because of the actions they produce. If you think badly of someone, then chances are you will see only the bad side of them. The same for the good sides. With this, you are to expect the best events to happen that will 'benefit EVERYONE', not just you. But also, you focus on seeing the higher part of a person who isn't so aware of the spiritual side of things. In this, you help them reach their higher intuition by giving them energy so they can make the best choice for all as well, and understand things without being clouded.

The last part of the extension is more directed on fear. When your energy is high, what you expect comes more easily into play as a synchronicity. This part teaches you not to be fearful of a certain outcome. It teaches you to keep faith in the best outcome, and at the same time to not hold onto any certain outcome. Its basically like leaving your best interest in the hands of the creator. There is a second part to this, but i won't speak of it in hopes that you will all buy the book to find out.

---Spoiler Over!---

These books are incredible. The first 10 insights are about ways of living and improving certain aspects of yourself, viewing auras(energy), directing your energy, and other things. I sound like an infomercial. These are definitly recommends, for sure.
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Strong Wolf,

Well very few folks post recommended books here other than me. I have read the Celestine Prophecy, but it was a good 5 years or more before I got interested in spiritual stuff. I found it intriguing, but too mystical to follow at that time. I guess I really should re-read it now, as I am sure I would get a lot more out of it.

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Post by Pennysense »

I love the Celestine Prophecy & all the books that went along with it. This actually helped me with my advancement to read Urantia Book & A Course in Miracles.

Good books to be assured! By Golly! I think I've read them all - everything!!!!

With Much Love,
On my spiritual path...
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Post by Geoff »

I have just read the Celestine Prophecy again, some 10 years or more since the first time. It presented itself to me in a second hand book shop, so I bought it.

My first pass through, many years ago, was that it was off the planet, but slightly intriguing.

Now ten or more years later, I think it is a very good book, with a lot of truth, but that the author misses a few key ideas in his quest for some sort of universal description of what we are. He appears to not know about Thought Adjusters, as our primary divine guides, and that that guidance is within, as he tends to focus on the idea that we will get all our knowledge from other humans, as we exchange things that we each know. Now I dont knock that idea, I just think its one dimensional. Similarly he appears not to know about the role of Celestials, and that if we learn how to hear them, we get all the guidance we can handle.

Many of his ideas about energy are quite possibly right, or very near right. I have found in another great book - How to read the human aura - very similar explanation of the role of trees, and how to learn how to see auras, and read them, and how trees, especially old ones, can feed us with energy. Equally he is right on about tapping universe energy, but astoundingly does not seem to know it can also power devices. But those aside, given he wrote it in the 1980's, its an excellent book. My copy of the Celestine Prophecy stops short of the tenth, never mind eleventh.

Last edited by Geoff on Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by angelscents »

There are 3 books in this 'series'. The first book is 'The Celestine Prophecy'. The second book is "The Tenth Insight" and the third is "The Secret of Shamballa"
I have read them all when they were 'hot off the press' years ago. About 8 weeks ago, my copy of The Celestine Prophecy literally jumped off the shelf. Not being a total dullard :lol: I re-read it and I'm just about through The Tenth Insight as well. I had lent out my copy of The Secrets of Shamballa but have put out an all call to see if I can find it to come home so I can re-read it too.
I can't believe how much more I am getting out of them this time around. Alot is reconfirmation of what I have come to know to be true with the work that I have done over the years.

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Post by starwatcher »

I saw the name of this post, and just had to read it---recently was in conversation about the Celestine Prophecy books....this is great synchronicity, i was thinking to re-read it, and that i should ge tthe second book--never heard there was a third! wooooooooohooooooooooooooo!

love and light, baby!
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Post by lcowles7 »

I just found out about James Redfield this week because he's one of the speakers at the Holistic World Expo Mar 16-19-07 in Toronto. I found the link to his website and I rented the movie The Celestine Prophecy from Block Buster.

He also has a Global Prayer Project.... Join with thousands in a guided
prayer meditation to uplift our world...

Live Global Prayer Gathering
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
8-9 pm Eastern US
(click here to convert the time to your local zone)

Available via Teleconference & Live Streaming Internet

It's a great movie, in harmony with The Secret.

If you get a chance, have a look.

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Post by Jennifer43 »

I bought the Celestine Prophecy several years ago (because I kept seeing it in bookshops) but I definitely was not ready at that time to hear its message. Although I enjoyed the read.

When I felt the time was ready I picked it up again. I had moved away from organised religion a long time ago, although despite having no particular faith or belief, considered myself to be a spiritual person. A sequence of events led me to an interest in Reiki and alternative therapies, then to becoming a Reiki healer. My Reiki teacher inspired me enormously with her beliefs and way of living and got me interested in angels. So I re-read the Celestine Prophecy (and other books) and the time was definitely right. This time I got the message.

Pennysense mentions A Course In Miracles. Another book I bought and just couldn't 'get it'. I mistook it for a book about Christianity. However, after another circuitous route I did come back to it and with the aid of another book began to read it again. It's a slow process but its message is simple and like ACIM says, everyone gets the message but only when they are ready to receive it.

I have just purchased the CD by Salle Merrill Redfield - Celestine Meditations. There are two guided meditations on CD, one based on the 5th Insight and the second on the 10th Insight. I had a profound experience doing the second meditation - just wonderful!

"Your outer journey may contain a million steps; your inner journey only has one: the step you are taking right now." Eckhart Tolle
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