Group Meditations

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Especially after the meditation I've posted below, it would be amazing if as many people as possible could join us in the Eclipse meditation tomorrow at 8:30 EST! I'm going to ask Aleah if she will.

Meditation November 17, 2021
I spent a significant amount of time researching for a combination of stones and crystals to meditate with to help heal my severe allergies .As it turned out most of the stones mentioned that I have are smaller ones. Decided to go with my gut on the ones I used in meditation and will carry the others around with me as I go about my day. The stones meditated with are green fluorite and an amethyst/ clear crystal phantom stone.(The amethyst is encased in the crystal, has always looked to me like Mother Mary.) As has happened so many times lately an individual meditation ends up including the group.

As I was preparing myself for meditation I felt a new symbol. I asked, “Archangel Chamuel?” Received an affirmation of this by repeatedly asking and receiving the same symbol. I usually try and hold off with going into meditation when this happens so I can make a more solid connection, but this time I stop my preparation and conversed with Chamuel. Immediately he whisked me off, bringing me to a very small(probably about 4 feet in diameter) citrine crystal point island in the middle of the dark blue ocean. It reminded me of a much larger version of a crystal I have.(In my teachings Chamuel is the archangel in charge of the solar plexus chakra, corresponding with the color yellow)

Suddenly I felt symbols from Christ Michael, Machiventa, George, Monjoronson, and my mom. I thought, “This is going to be a significant meditation!” I spoke to George, “You are a part of this and helping to make this happen aren't you?” He smiled. A shaft of light came down from above connecting with my crown. I felt a surge of power building in me, of love, lack of fear,... completeness in every part of my body, in my entire being. Suddenly I became completely covered with large crystal points of clear quartz and amethyst. Archangel Chamuel hovered over the water, arms length away from me, staying in attendance for the entire meditation.

Not quite sure why, but I decided to follow through with my meditation preparation. I called in Archangel Michael to cleanse and heal my root chakra. Then I saw an image of myself. Each chakra was encircled by a single heavy shackle. It was a bit disconcerting to see these metal bands confining my energy centers! Without delay AAM performed the healing. When he was done the shackle broke and fell to the ground. I didn't really understand what was happening, but I picked it up and placed it in a small golden pot(about four inches by three inches) that appeared hovering above the water at the edge of the island. Immediately the metal melted. This was how it was with the appearance of each archangel.

The cleansing and healing completed I looked at AAC, without words the crystal points that had covered my body...turned inward. Within seconds I looked like myself on the outside again, the crystals had become my armor carried on the inside of me.

When all of my chakras were cleaned, healed and relieved of it's shackle, I bent down and grasped a long silver sword that was emerging from the pot. All along the center of the long shaft down to the handle, a jewel corresponding with the color of my chakras was embedded in the sword. I noticed where the crosspiece meets the hilt was the largest jewel, a sapphire, which is my birthstone. I had the understanding that this sword was forged by overcoming my fears, like the power in the stones was the opposite of my fears.

Such a tremendous amount of energy was surging through me! All I could think of was sharing the energy and the experience with our group,...with the world! After sheathing the sword at my side, bending down, I placed my hands on the surface the water. A molten silver pool radiated outward in all directions. At a distance the other board members(not only group members, EVERYONE from the 11:11 boards) appeared one after another. We all stood a good distance from each other(I realized that we were all having the same experience, but had been clouded by mist from seeing one another until we'd accomplished our tasks). They were all in various stages of breaking their own shackles and forging their own swords.

The tasks completed, all stood beaming with exhilaration! Simultaneously raising our swords, we pointed them northward. A light extended from every sword, all meeting at the point directly over the north pole. The individual beams combined creating a shield that spread, covering the entire planet. Urantia appeared as an almost invisible being. She held the world in her arms, love exuding from her embrace.

I then began thinking of others( all of us began doing this). Starting with my family, as each person was brought to mind, they went through the same process of breaking their shackles and forging swords. After our families, we expanded our thoughts to include friends, community members and so on to include every person in the world.

I was so grateful, thanking all the archangels and celestials. Nebadonia appeared, kissing me on the forehead. I said, “This is all your doing isn't it?”
She nodded, not really claiming the credit, more like it was the result of the natural progression of spiritual acceptance of people in our world.

Many other conversations took place with celestials throughout the meditation, but I had so much to hold on to, was so focused on not forgetting any of the main points, those conversations were absorbed into the flow of the whole of the meditation.

Talking with Monjoronson I stated, “This is the culmination of all the coincidences I've been experiencing, conversations, books and articles read, and movies inspired to watch isn't it? I understood I needed to renew the images and understandings to give me something to draw from. To help bring to mind what I need to understand this. All through the meditation I noted, “This came from that, and that came from the other.”

Banyan(my TA) came to me. I had finally dealt with a fear I'd been procrastinating about for some time. I asked, “This meditation, experience, was able to happen because I'd faced that fear wasn't it? I had to get over that obstacle to embrace the true power of who I am.” Sighing then, “ Hhhhhhh, such a prolonged waste of time.” I also asked if it had something to do with the timing and energy of the coming eclipse.

Banyan responded, “Yes to both of those,... it is the natural progression of it.”

And that was the end of the meditation.

I was surprised again! It only last an hour. Felt like I was able to hold the energy of it for a much longer period of time. One very important message I received from this meditation is, “It is imperative that each of us face our individual fears. They are what is holding us back for embracing the true power we each possess.” Will we continue to collect fearful experiences?... Most likely, but with each one we face, the next one will hold less power over us. Thereby becoming easier to overcome, wasting less and less of our valuable time in collecting those experiences that propel us forward both as individuals and our world. As for myself, when confronted with a fear, I'm going to try and remember the armor and sword I have as protection, along with the celestial beings who are here for us.

Of course there were songs. For the first part it was I'm Gonna Be(500 miles). Lol, this seems like a ridiculous song to have in a meditation, let alone appropriate, but it is indeed a jaunty tune! Don't know if I ever knew the lyrics, was one of those songs my kids listened to.

Toward the end of the meditation the song changed to I Am The Light Of The World. This used to be one of Aleah's favorite songs in church when she was little. The commercial is funny and appropriate!

Happy meditating everyone,
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

Thank you Kim. That was awesome!!!
And even had some synchronicities for me.
I really found your clearing significant as when I start my meditations and usually when Im going to sleep I do a clearing with each chakra. After bringing in light thru crown I go straight down to mother gaia. Then bring the energy back up and start at the first chakra. AA Michael is always with me thru this process as I ask for, clearing, balancing and re-energizing of each chakra as I make my way back to the crown and 8th chakra.
AAM's shining electric blue sword is very active. Then at the end I always as him to repair and heal any holes or tears in my auric field. Then is when I usually go into a short meditation.
I do find it interesting tho when you all write about your meditations and I see so many connections. Sandys meditation about flying with George sent me on a journey that George wrote about. It was a meditation where you stood on a cliff beside a very large eagle and were told to jump off the cliff and you became the eagle. Then you/eagle flew to 7 different coloured beaches. It's very wonderful!!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hi guys,

PP Wrote:
Sandys meditation about flying with George sent me on a journey that George wrote about. It was a meditation where you stood on a cliff beside a very large eagle and were told to jump off the cliff and you became the eagle. Then you/eagle flew to 7 different coloured beaches. It's very wonderful!!
Yes! :sunflower: George led me personally through that one many years ago here. It was so lovely and his voice... so peaceful.


That was WOW an awesome meditation. I had a good chuckle at the 500 mile song. I've never heard that one before. lol One never knows what is used to help the message resonate and remain in the subconscious.

I'm thinking of all of you and sending love from my little couch on this cloudy day in OZ.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Strange, I thought I posted here already. Lots of energy in the meditation, hands were heating up and head was getting light. Felt like I was about to take off.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

What a past few 'supercharged' last few days
Our meditation, a Fire the Grid charge and a 97% full lunar eclipse, which I actually got to see.
We had a day of snow and I wasn't sure if it was going to be clear enough. But it was, whispy clouds floated over it occasionally, then it would pop into visibility again. The one really weird thing that happened the moon got darker and darker there were a bunch of crows,,at least they sounded like crows and were they ever upset. Noisy, and making weird sounds also for about the first 15 min of the shadow starting. I've never heard birds do that at night. Even on other full moons or eclipses,,it's usually very very quiet and mystical. Anyway it was a very reflective time.
It got to its fullest near 1 am pacific time
Then the clouds started to move in more, besides the fact that it had moved farther to the west and was being hidden by some very tall cedars and firs. So I called it a night and went to bed just imagining its re-emergence.
It's been a very different, energetic few days
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hey everyone,

I tried twice this morning to join group meditation in no time but was interrupted twice. No harm done because some good things happened...some inner examination and some letting go. I will try again a little later in no time.

Eric I had a similar experience my hands were very warm too and I did have the sensation of movement.

PP, thank you for describing your experience with this extra long lunar eclipse. My mom was talking about it...she was going to get up and watch it but she forgot to set her clock and so she slept through it. Bless her heart. The tottery little thing probably shouldn't be looking up for long periods of time anyway outside in the chill of night by herself.

See you all in no-time... :hithere :love
xx Sandy
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi Sandy!

I remember reading a similar experience of yours earlier!

The lightheadedness has happened to me before, sometimes it is a little uncomfortable but no reason for worry! The energy from that night was definitely a "high." I think my Father thought I was stoned after meditating. :roll:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by sammy »

Hi All,

I have been very busy purging through my 30+ years of Christmas decorations so I can pass a BUNCH of it on to Scott and Katie. FINALLY done, house cleaned for Thanksgiving and I get to pick my sunshine (Scott) up at the airport today! Hopefully I'm back in the game!

Kim -
Then a crisp clear image appeared of a glove with something silver lying on top of it.
:shock: :shock: :shock:

This story is SO long, I will try to hit the highlights. After we moved into this house we set up a play area in the basement for the boys. Scott found a silver ring in the middle of the basement floor. This was very odd as we had walked the empty house prior to moving in, and then I took a few days to set up the play area - no way I would have missed the ring. We called the prior owners and it was not theirs. The ring had hand carved (not stamped) initials on the inside of it. The first 2 July's that we lived in this house 2 different children saw a white glove float across the room they slept in (same room both times).

After that there was A LOT of odd activity. Chairs moving, lights turning on by themselves, magazines falling from secure locations, LOTS of stuff like that. One time I had a bag of groceries on the floor of my car, when I opened the door (the bag was still perfectly upright, and only 3 small items in it), the pint of cream lifted right out of the bag and flew across the garage.

One night I was in the family room decorating, CSI (which I NEVER watch was on the TV as background noise). Scott came in the room with the ring and wanted me to try to make out the initials. On the TV we heard "You better take a closer look at that ring" :shock: So I got out my magnifying lamp and saw the letters, I can't recall if there were 2 or 3 initials now, but I definitely remember the letters FR. I decided to do some digging and quickly found a web site that had historical records for our town. On a side note, you'd be surprised how many women were "seized by a demon and fell into the fire".

The list was alphabetical, I was staring at the name Farrel Riley, and another spelled Faral Riley when on the TV we heard "Hey Riley, what did you say that guy's name was, Farrel?" :shock:

I met a woman who without knowing anything about any of this told me the ring belonged to a man whose wife died young and tragically. He had also lost a hand. He doesn't realize he's no longer living and he believes I should be his new bride. :shock: :shock:

At various times we spoke to him and basically told him to go to the light. On the advise from the woman above, we placed the ring on the mantel, told him to take it with him to is beloved wife. The ring was gone in the morning along with the activity for years.

One early morning my alarm clock (which sits on my jewelry table) went off around 3am. I reset it to 6am. I awoke and it was light out, the clock had been unplugged from behind the table and the cord was now in front of the table. Later that day I found the ring had been returned inside the jewelry table. The activity returned.

The last we've seen of the hand (hopefully) it had started to get a little scary with him touching me inappropriately. He was spoken to sharply, told to leave in no uncertain terms and I cast the ring into a river some distance from our house.

Think that might be your glove and silver? And what is he doing showing up in your meditation? Now THAT'S a REALLY good question!


PS - Still have more reading to do to catch up with you all.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

It seems a pattern for me after having a supercharged meditation I need to withdraw for a little while to do some clearing. The past week I've plunged myself into creative endeavors and the teachings of Abraham/Hicks on The Law Of Attraction as some on going physical did-ease and unexpected negative emotions kind of hijacked my emotions. Also began reading Louise Hay's book You Can Heal Your Life(recommended by PP). I hope to do a review of both of these in the future as I find them so compelling.

My eclipse meditation was kind of like yours. It turned into an individual meditation for me. It was so very,... powerful! And again, the days following I experienced intense emotional upheaval. Having done the work, I feel, "All is well."

Had to go back and find the reference of the white glove with the silver object on it. Seems like so much has transpired since that meditation. I think at the time I wondered if the reference was for you. I'd been thinking of you a lot, hoping you were doing alright. It might have been an affirmation for you that even you were going through some upheaval of yur own at the time, your are still seen by spirit. Maybe those images I received were to help remind you of your own spiritual connectedness?

Time to get some baking done. I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with abundance and joy!

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi again,
I should be baking, but I have to share this first. Aleah called me, "I keep seeing a hairless dog." First she saw it over here and passed it off, but has seen it four more times over at the motel in different locations today. This morning up inside the rental house.

I replied, "Oh! Only you can see it?!"

Her voice raising she affirmed, "Yeah, I point it out to other people and they miss it." She pointed out, "12:22!" She's been seeing a glut of number prompts lately especially combinations of 2s.

I repeated, "Only YOU can see it!... Isn't there a hairless dog in Egyptian mythology?" I thought of Anubus, but didn't want to put anything in her head.
I explained to her about Sammyjo's experience with the ring, glove and one handed man, and the reference of something to that affect in our group meditation, and how activity had started again.

Finally she exclaimed, "Oh my God! Anubus! It is him!... Well, what does he want?" I suggested she ask him. She said, "I'm not scared at all." Of course she's not after all the encounters she's had in her life. I think she was only now recognizing that all of these were spiritual happenings and are related, the possibility wasn't on her radar. When she was little it was difficult for her to recognize the difference between spiritual entities and real people.

I tossed possible reasons out there as they popped into my head. Maybe it had something to do with a recent upliftment of the circuits from The Firing Of The Grid and the lunar eclipse? She's been having a lot of anxiety lately out of the blue, maybe it's a reminder of her gifts and what she agreed to do here? Just like I said for Sammyjo maybe it's simply an affirmation that spirit sees her, reminding her they are here for her.

She exclaimed again. "Are you kidding me! I just heard a dog bark beside me. I gotta go." I believe her intention was to sit down and meditate on it....


So, I'm curious. I've been experiencing synchronicities right and left lately. Other than Sammyjo has anyone else noticed an increase in prompts, or coincidences?

Ok, those pies are not going to bake themselves...... :o Or willllll they?

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Ok, directly after posting I went to YouTube to listen to Abraham/Hicks while I cooked. This was the first video I went to that happened to be posted today.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by sammy »

Maybe the glove will bake them for you! :lol:

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

strange but i forgot it was sunday. not that i didn't know tomorrow is monday... now today...? anyways, i had a momentary lapse in perception and just forgot what day it was. i did have a dream and remembered after our group holds sunday meditations. sharing the log because... well the first device i dreamt of my mind kept calling an 1111 device.
don't know what to call it, an 1111 device. two objects, stones, no larger than the palm positioned in a way that could allow one to peer into another world or view point. they were on a table and i moved them in a precise fashion and one of the stones turned into a viewing portal. an alien device?

wake up and tell my self to remember this device... want to record but am to tired.

later... confronting ghostly apparitions? at a river bank, living on one side- silent ghouls on another? one ghoul points to me and i am now gliding above the water, moving up and down stream- water is clear and i see blue snakes with dragon shaped heads resting under the water. before wake, brought back to the group of ghost. the living talk among themselves and ask what they saw- one kid says he saw an angel kneeling by the riverbed.

as i wake back up i want to go back to sleep but my mind can not rest until i log the device from dream 1. had to pull my body from rest to wake- struggling with a bit of sleep paralysis. there are sounds of water splashing outside- there is no pool in my backyard.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

sammy, that is freaky. i haven't much to add but maybe a prayer for your ultimate protection.

know you are safe. god is great.

kim, how cool your daughter has interesting dreams. sorry i've not much to say on top- but to answer your question about increased activity-

during that last near lunar eclipse activity was high to the point where electronics were acting wonky. things with 100% battery life failing and rebooting with incorrect time displays and fritzed icons. tv would go in and out. during this time over the course of a few days- our families safety was threatened by an emotionally immature adult, it was all second-hand and mom made a police report. during this time i also had to quit a part-time job, one morning i woke up to a woman shrieking for help and found 5 police cars and a fire truck outside the front house and later at my full time job in the parking lot i was caught between a couple shouting with a grown man pacing back and forth and a woman yelling from her car. they were parked right in front of our store.

things have wound down but the electronics still seem to act strange on occasion. i'm happy to report i've felt safe through out the entire time, like although danger was around me i was never threatened directly. god is great.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hi Everybody,

I have been reading and rereading posts over the past several pages looking for the meditation experience where Kim sees the love and metal ring or object. Still haven't found it...Like Sammy, I am wondering how something belonging to Sammy's hopefully past experience,( the glove and being behind th apparitions.) could wind up in Kim's meditation. SammyJo you experienced some things that would make even an experienced Ghost hunter go screaming for their Mamma. I guess with the connection we all have together it stands to reason that we could share other aspects of our life as well. Kim and Aleah are gifted at sensing and seeing aspects of passed beings. (Its 1111 on the clock as I type here..:) Perhaps this is a call for help???? I haven't a clue... :shock: :)

Around the time you dreamed about the huge citrine crystal and the crystal island. Geoff was talking about being told about an enormous stone crystal that a great civilization was built on in our Earth. But ..I am getting my story confused I'm sure...but somehow it was destroyed... exploded or something like that...funny thing shortly after that I came across a tall heavy duty cardboard roll stuffed in the back of our closet. (been clearing some stuff) I found that this tube contained maps and diagrams of an exploration looking for remains of a lost city/civilization...possibly Eden but not sure as I didn't look at it long enough. I am sorry to say I didn't get to really delve into it as I am running in circles here but I will.

Around the time Aleah's was seeing and hearing the barking hairless dog I was reading about the plight of a dog in Afganistan that a humane worker discovered in a pit being pelted with rocks by CHILDREN :shock: can you believe it???? children! When I hear stories like this I have to wonder how in the world we will ever get anywhere if in many areas of the world little children show no compassion. This of course happens everywhere I suppose but it does break your heart. Anyway this poor dog was rescued. They suspect it was probably at one time a beloved family pet left behind by a family fleeing the country. I do not know if it survived though...makes me wonder if it passed now. :(

Eric, it sounds like you and your family had a bit of a rough spot there around the time of the eclipse. I am glad you are safe and are still fearless. :) I think lessons around me lately surround a deep seeded fear that found fertile soil within the past few years with George's ongoing illness and eventual death. With Kim and PP speaking of chakra clearing I realize I have neglected this area and need to return to it. Clearing out the clutter within really does help spiritual goals become more attainable and without so much... stress (self-heaped upon ourselves of course) I hope that makes some sense.
you wrote;
don't know what to call it, an 1111 device. two objects, stones, no larger than the palm positioned in a way that could allow one to peer into another world or view point. they were on a table and i moved them in a precise fashion and one of the stones turned into a viewing portal. an alien device?
You know from what I have experienced and in the bits of information I've gleaned from online resources and experienced users...Kim and PP I am convinced that crystals are powerful in ways we have yet to fully understand or experience. Celestials surrounding George and others speak of something called "reflectivity" which allows beings to communicate across the vast distances in the grand universe. I believe crystals and large one may very well be involved in some ways and in other aspects of Morontia and spirit life. So I am not thinking an alien device at all here...rather something from our past, now coming more to light in our present and something perhaps that will be widely used in our future. ( Look what H G Wells saw and dreamed up...many of these things common in the twentieth century.

I think somehow it was involved with us as well all since in your head you were calling it an 1111 device. I wonder and for some this will sound like woo woo...but perhaps crystals will help us all to connect better in our group meditations... and from there on to perhaps "celestial projects together"???? Sometimes skills such as viewing remote places takes time and practice...which of course does the work to help us gain self confidence and understanding... something instrumental. something to think about.

Well, I'm sorry I am just sort of thinking out loud this morning. :roll I will close now and let others talk. :D

Oh, one other thing about Harry Potter which I have been in the mood to watch over and over as well lately... when I first read the books nearly a decade ago ( I was late to the party ) I was in the United States and I remember thinking, "Wouldn't it be nice to have a magic wand?" A few weeks later I returned to Australia and it was then Geoff gave us an Amega wand which we found very helpful. :D :loves
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hey thanks Sandy,

Yes I think it is related to our group efforts here because in the dream and upon wake I called it an 1111 device, this had also occurred on the night of our group meditation(something I'd forgotten). The things you suggest make plenty of sense!

Loving regards =)
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Our journey to stillness and well being is about to begin- see you there! =)
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric and everybody! :hithere

I had every intention in tuning in to group meditation and in fact I was on time as well for a change but before I knew what happened, I had a rather powerful stillness meditation and prayer/talk with my TA leading into the sweetest message from George. I had my hands face down on my legs as I was sitting on the sofa or settee and I felt his hands over mine as he sometimes did in live therapy meditations. I am beginning to recognize his energy now too so I'm :happy

I hope you guys too are happy and peaceful even joyful tonight... :loves

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by sammy »


HOW BEAUTIFUL! You must be ecstatic!

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Wow Sandy, that is amazing. Thank you for sharing.

And now you are learning to recognize who is who? That is something unique you and Kim share.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

I'm thinking of all of you this morning...hoping to connect in group meditation soon. :happy
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi all!
Sandy it warmed my heart you're brecognizing George's energy, so wonderful. :loves

After the posting of the November 17 meditation I went through a period of self-depricating days. Tried to meditate several times, but could not connect. It's weird, but I almost forgot the meditation completely. So much for remembering the sword and crystal shield! I responded a few times to some threads on the boards, but lost them when triyng to post. Feeling frustrated and angry, I pulled back from outside influences and immersed myself in teachings of The Law Of Attraction and creative projects that made me feel happy. I figured out from experence I needed time to process and internalize all the new input I'd been receiving.

On Saturday I hosted a craft day which ended up only being only with three extra people, my childhood friend, sister, and niece. We had such a fun time gabbing! They ended up only making a single craft of a beaded candy cane. That must have been enough to raise my vibration, as I was still smiling abou it on Sunday!

Sunday a friend called me all excited. Which was interesting because that morning I thought, "I just need to talk to Marie!" She'd had a dream about me on Saturday, then again Sunday morning. In the Saturday dream we were at a gathering and I really wanted to tell her something, but didn't get the chance. Then in the dream Sunday morning I finally was able to talk to her and gave her a sword! When she told me this the sword meditation came flooding back into my consciousness.

She reminded me it was 12/12. I decided to meditate at 12:12 on 12/12. That was a very short meditation in which we, including Marie(Lol, and coincidentally the group Pentatonix! Which I'd been listening to right before my friend called) touched the crystal annd a voice said, "All is one. One is all." Then I passed out for two hours. I tried again to meditate at our regular time,... and passed out for three hours!... And then couldn't get back to sleep until 4:00 A.M.. So, I'm going to try and connect with our group meditation in 'no time' after posting this.

I hope everyone is well and enjoying the holiday season!

Love to all,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

It sounds like a lot of good work is being done. =) Spirit acknowledged your inner sanctum by bringing in a friend.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hello Family!

I am joining in our Sunday meditation shortly.
I learned tonight that Destiny isn't always enough. There are some other 'ingredients' required if we are looking for liberation. Hope... Belief... See you ladies and gentlemen soon.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

:hithere meditation friends!
Had a short meditation that turned into a great night sleep! Felt several symbols beforehand, thought it was going to be quite the meditation! Immediately after setting my intention Sandy, Sammyjo, Eric, Shane and Melody, popped in to have a group hug! Lynn came in just seconds later leading her husband with her. Quickly we touched the crystal, it was as if spirit couldn't make up it's mind the best place to meet. We ended up on a flat open mesa. It was dark, a bon fire blazing at the center of our circle. George was there. I'm sure he had a plan for the experience, but it seemed we all just wanted to play catch-up. Eventually he gave up trying to get our attention, took Sandy's hand, joining in on the conversation. I fell asleep after that waking up at 8:30 AM! Which is ok since I've been having insomnia problems. Maybe next week we'll do a little spiritual work?

Happy meditating everyone,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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