The coming cataclysm

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... -is-ahead/

"though nearly 40 percent of all U.S. adults are obese, one survey found that Americans
are binging on snack foods during these lockdowns like never before"

"In New York City, one liquor store owner says that it is 'like New Year’s every day' during his city’s lockdown"

"while they are eating and drinking they need something to do, and so the average American is streaming
approximately eight hours of shows and movies every single day"

:duh Reality check: Many people have not learned much about preparation for "cataclysm" -
any government handouts now will "teach" that this support can be expected. Bottom line:
The wheat will separate from the chaff in a real cataclysm (aka "survival of the fittest"). :roll:

Reasonable plan: Learn to align with those who actually do something to survive
... and wish the others "Bon Voyage!" ... for that is their plan. ;)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... n-in-2020/

"In just six weeks, the entire global economy has completely come apart. All over the world we are seeing numbers fall faster
than we ever have before, and the outlook for the rest of the year is exceedingly bleak." :shock:

:bana: The good news is that most of the world has yet to comprehend the significance of "completely come apart".
The bad news is that they will soon learn! If you ain't preppin' better than you did for the virus, welcome to the herd! :roll:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

:scratch: An unusual forum for this observation ...
until you consider that growing plants may be key to survival. ;)

:idea: When trying to root cuttings of shrubs and other plants,
it's recommended that the cut end be placed in porous soil (like sand)
and that the soil drains well. Cuttings placed in water with nutrients
seem to degrade after days of this soaking. :(

The observation :?: Oxygen may be the secret why porous soil is better
(oxygen can get to the roots). And this hints that more oxygen in water
might help that type of rooting succeed (change water frequently?).
Perhaps the secret of hydroponics (roots do not stay in water).

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... ix-months/

"Around the country, governors can choose to end the lockdowns, but they can’t order customers to go out and spend money. And considering the fact that more than 30 million Americans have lost their jobs over the last six weeks, a lot of them don’t have money to spend anyway. But even if everyone was still working, there is a large segment of the population that will simply be afraid to venture into public places* as long as this pandemic is going on."

* and those at risk are advised to stay isolated.

Bottom line: Most jobs need to come back SOON to mitigate ;) the downward spiraling economy (worldwide).

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... ix-months/
Most jobs need to come back SOON to mitigate ;) the downward spiraling economy (worldwide).
:idea: Symbolically, the world is watching the flooding caused by the financial tsunami -
the devastation will not be comprehended until the flood waters recede ... :roll:
but the wise are already preparing for the necessary new lifestyle. ;)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... asion.html
"China plans to deploy two aircraft carriers off Taiwan for war games"

:scratch: Strategy for defense of new Hongkong "security" policy?

"When all else fails, they take us to war!" :shock:

:scratch: Only one way out now?
(China is not the only country with severe financial problems) ;)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -eligible/

"Municipal governments aren’t banks, but it is difficult to escape the conclusion that the City of Chicago, Cook County, and the State of Illinois are all balance-sheet insolvent. Their assets are swamped by their liabilities. All three entities sport massively negative unrestricted net positions, the product of decades of spending beyond their means on an accrual basis despite advertised 'balanced budgets.'
But none of them are currently in bankruptcy or the other forms of resolution procedures"

:shock: Suddenly, all this financial manipulation of debt - probably worldwide - as well as social conflict, disease, poverty, etc., etc., suggests that the planet is long-overdue for a cataclysm (or more) to force recovery. No longer "if" but "when" with accumulating evidence suggesting "soon". ;)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... reporting/

Events like this suggest that "cataclysm" is not one event but many,
all occurring for different reasons but in the near term ...
like a protesting Gaia. :roll:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ed-states/

"Over the last 7 days, there have been 1,957 earthquakes in California and Nevada, but the one that everyone is talking about
is the magnitude 4.2 earthquake that just shook up Los Angeles."

:idea: More evidence that the earth is still preparing for more significant crustal adjustment :?:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Sandy »

We just saw that there was a small quake in of all places, North Carolina too! :shock:
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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... -eviction/

"So I would very much encourage you to set your affairs in order and to get prepared for what is ahead,
because the time remaining to do such things is very limited."

:idea: Wild 'n crazy perspective!, but supported by the real economic news ...
and a reliable forecast unless this coronavirus thing goes away crazy FAST! ...
since governments (including state and local) won't be able to print (borrow)
money much longer for their "stimulus payments". :shock:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

the time remaining to do such things is very limited
OMG! After a year of increasing turmoil - worldwide -
and likely to continue, "the coming cataclysm" is morphing
into "What happens when there is no more cataclysm?!" :roll:

:scratch: How would we cope without such change :?: :!:
(after perfecting our desire and ability to adapt)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... lyst-says/

" 'not only is the shrinking amount of revenue being dwarfed by the tremendous of amount of debt; but the government is adding to this debt at a rate that is equal to 17% of GDP per annum. In other words, the notion that this debt can ever be paid back is ridiculous', Pento asserted."

:idea: With this also true for other countries, a global financial reset seems likely -
sooner than later (even 2021) since debt that cannot be repaid cannot continue. :roll:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »


"Dream and insight into current earthquake activity in California"

:idea: Just conjecture but reminder that tremors are still occurring along this Pacific coast. ;)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... In_Two.php

"the New Madrid earthquakes of 1811 and 1812 were the biggest earthquakes in American history"

:idea: Seems to be typical alarmism but the quake geology is real ...
and could qualify as "coming cataclysm" in a worst case. :shock:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

:idea: Speaking of cataclysm ...

Re: "The Reset" - The Damascus Scribe.

This "projection" seems believable in that it will occur just after the U.S. President's inauguration;
that it will occur then hints that planning is already ongoing (but a well-kept secret). ;)

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by atsguy »

Amigoo wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:49 am :idea: Speaking of cataclysm ...

Re: "The Reset" - The Damascus Scribe.

This "projection" seems believable in that it will occur just after the U.S. President's inauguration;
that it will occur then hints that planning is already ongoing (but a well-kept secret). ;)

Rod :)
Yep, this right now is very interesting and concerning. Are they talking about the same thing that happened to cypres?
”Most of all, because we have seen and lived so much of what was wrong, we know so much better what is right.”

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... is-coming/

"Fast forward to 2020, and the Fed has assumed for itself novel policy mandates that are a precursor to a new monetary system."

:idea: While this article doesn't necessarily reveal the new system, it does confirm that
the new system is now being planned (and might be activated by the end of January). :o

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... /3571/text

"S.3571 - All Federal reserve banks shall, not later than January 1, 2021,
make digital wallets available to all residents and citizens of the United States
and to businesses domiciled in the United States."

"Latest action on this bill: Senate hearings held, 06/30/2020"

:idea: Evidence that a global monetary reset may indeed occur in 2021 :?:
"What's in your wallet?" (the government will always know) :roll:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... is-coming/

"We have never seen anything quite like this before, and it is anticipated that this trend will continue into 2021. Even though most Americans don’t know exactly what is ahead, I think that on some level many of them can feel what is coming, and they are getting out of the big cities while they still can."

:idea: Apparently, related to other resets now in progress. Thanks to the pandemic and resulting technology support, less population-dense neighborhoods are welcoming "relocating millions". This forecasts obvious contrast of old vs new, but not necessarily "cataclysm". :finger:

"One man's cataclysm is another man's cat fight ... on a distant fence." :!:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

:scratch: Related to "The coming cataclysm" :?:

Re: ... e/8254805/

"Man run over and killed by 3 separate hit-and-run drivers who all fled the scene"

"Fuentes was subsequently hit a third time following the motorcycle and the white sedan but police did not release any information
on that vehicle or a possible description of the suspect. Not one of the three vehicles stopped after striking Fuentes."

:idea: Suggests that none of the three drivers had legal status or needed to avoid contact with the law?
But no offer of assistance by witnesses seems indicative of a very undesirable neighborhood. :(

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... eme-court/

U.S. "Stage Has Been Set For An Epic Battle Between Red States And Blue States At The Supreme Court"

"We have never seen anything like Texas v. Pennsylvania in the history of the Supreme Court. A very large group of red states
has lined up behind Texas, and a very large group of blue states is backing the other side."

OMG :!: Blame this super lawsuit on COVID-19 and the subsequent frustrations/controversies.
Miracle maneuvering by the Supreme Court will be required to defuse this national problem,
a problem so complex that only obvious space alien arrival might get more attention. :roll:

:idea: A new election - with different candidates -
might be the only possibility of calming the losing side. :o

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... index.html

"The State of Texas's motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution.
Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections."

:duh Despite the huffing and puffing, "much ado about nothing" says the Court -
"President Elect" becomes official when the Electoral College meets Dec. 14.
And the coronavirus will be able to maintain its national attention ...
sans any visitation by space aliens (at least, publicly). :roll:

:idea: The side most likely to remain calm was identified,
thereby extending the blessing to the other side,
while Davy Crockett continues to RIP. :finger:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

:o Despite SCOTUS appearing to have defused the U.S. election controversy ...

Re: ... overstone/
"Pastor Dana shares this new prophetic dream regarding Congress, the 2020 election" (15 min.)

:idea: An October 20th dream that mentions these next weeks of December.
"Be prepared" for significant turmoil ... apparently. :?

Good for "What if?" planning and notice that near-term events
will soon prove the accuracy of this very detailed dream ...
but otherwise just someone's symbolic dream
with unknown meaning (and value). :roll:

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Re: The coming cataclysm

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... 27k-has-r/

"This is not ‘financial stability’ - The crash is gonna be Biblical when it happens" :o

"Biggest gap ever between the real economy and the stock market...
It doesn’t mean the stock market can’t go higher before it happens." ;)

:idea: Article mentions bitcoin as an example of "investment" fever.
Not to worry! Most investors (and "investors") know by now
that stock markets reflect more than business value. :roll:

Rod :)
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