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Hello old friends

Post by Daddy - O »

It has been many years since I was active on the board. I felt the calling to just pop in and say hello to all you beautiful souls. I discovered this board back in 2005 when I was living in Germany, after receiving the number prompts for many years before that. This board and several of the long standing members and creators, played a significant role in my spiritual journey and for that I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Life took me on a journey from Europe back to the USA and I finally settled in Australia and have been living her for the last nine years. So much love and gratitude for all of you and for the light that you carry in your hearts. I hope everyone is well and enjoying life. Love to you all.
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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Sandy »

Hi Daddy-O,
I was just thinking about you last week! :bana: It is so good to see you! We joined the board in the same year. As I remember it was really hopping back then...Took a handful of people to keep an eye on it then. We're a lot quieter now...but its 'kind of a peaceful place sort of floating around on the internet. Just like you, the board impacted my spiritual awakening greatly...I remember being full of questions, probably drove George, Geoff, Budgie and Helen nuts. LOL

I sounds like you have settled nicely into Aussie life. I'm still settling. ;) Right now I am happy to have made it through another hot dry summer. So I'm celebrating the at least slightly cooler temps an Australian Autumn and winter bring when living on the coast. The natives think I'm crazy, though, celebrating winter as I do. But it takes all kinds, eh? :)

I can't believe it has already been nine years since you moved here... :shock: Seems like only yesterday. Do you still have your dog?

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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Daddy - O »

So nice to see you as well Sandy! I feel the same about the weather. I seem to thrive more in cooler temperatures and winter is my favourite time of the year here in Australia -- I even still swim in the winter here..hahaha. It's so wonderful to hear from you and I hope you and all your loved ones are well. Thanks for asking about my little German Spitz Lizzie. Sadly, she crossed that rainbow bridge a couple years ago :cry: But she had a great life...she lived on three continents! Her passing was very difficult for me (I connect with animals very deeply). It's kind of a long read, but if you're interested, I wrote a short story about her life (her telling the story in her own words) -- writing it, and revisiting it every once in a while helped me in my grieving process. I'll post it below. Take care my dear friend, best wishes to you and the whole family.


"I’m so hungry but I can’t find my mommy. I’m only five weeks old and I don’t understand what is happening around me. Mommy where are you? In the distance, I see a stranger, a beautiful woman walking towards me – maybe she knows where my mommy is. She is funny, she has mud on her toes…I lick them. “Thirty Euros” I hear the farmer say. “The mother will no longer feed it, and if you don’t take it now I’m drowning them” – he points to the big tub where the horses drink. I know he is talking about me and my brothers and sisters…he always calls us “it.” The kind woman picks me up out of the mud and we leave the farm (is this my new mommy?) I wonder. I have a nice meal and it’s very warm and safe; I like it here. A strange man walks into the room with his hand in front of his eyes…he says “I cannot look at her.” I’m confused. Later in life, my mom would explain to me that on that day, my dad was afraid to look at me because he knew that once he did, he would fall completely in love with me.

I am safe and happy. I love my new family. I’m no longer called “it” – my name is “Lizzie” and I am a little white wolf (that’s what my daddy calls me). We are in southern Germany and my daddy takes me for walks in what he tells me is the enchanted black forest; he talks to me a lot (more than anyone else in his life), and I understand everything he shows me and tells me. He talks to me about so many things: my favourite toy, the birds, the stars, the moon, to name a few. Although we speak different languages, we share the same feelings…and that is why we understand each other. Sometimes he talks to me about the evolution of animal consciousness, but I’m still quite young and don’t fully understand this. When I was two years old we went on a road trip to Italy. I remember sitting with my family on an old wooden bench under a tree having lunch; the Italian countryside was beautiful – we even stayed a few nights inside a real castle!

My daddy always wore a uniform and it seemed like every time we moved, the patch on his shoulder would change. We are now in upstate New York and I occasionally see deer running through my back yard. Out in the yard my daddy makes a massive ball of snow (bigger than me!) and calls it my throne; he puts me on top and tells me how special and powerful I am. We are in Savannah Georgia and I’m six years old. I chase the squirrels in the yard, and one time during my walk, we went up to a horse that was eating grass and I tried to jump on its head! I always wanted to protect my dad.

We are now in Australia and my dad is wearing a different kind of uniform. The patch on his shoulder is different…it has pictures of animals on it. I’m now ten years old – I am “Lizzie Wolf” and I now possess the wisdom that my dad always told me I had. I love my family so much and I’ve always remained on guard to protect them.

I’ve always slept on the floor next to my parent’s bed and many times in the middle of the night I would sneak into their bed (dad loved that). I’m twelve and a half years old now. Cough-cough-cough,…what’s happening, something doesn’t feel right. My dad looks at me with worry and concern – it’s the same way he looked at me a couple years earlier when I ate something really bad in the back yard. Time to go see the vet again. I hear the cardiologist telling my mom and dad that I have a bad heart…and in that moment, I could sense that my parent’s hearts were breaking. My dad quit his job and I heard him tell my mom that dealing with people who are cruel to animals is becoming just too much. My dad gives me medicine every day, he looks so sad.

Me, my mom and my dad take a trip to the beach, and I have the time of my life. I overheard my dad telling my mom that it was both the happiest and saddest day of his life. I know why he said this. I’m now much older than my parents (in dog years) and I’ve become very wise. My journey on this planet is nearly over. We have a wonderful weekend at the beach and then return home. A couple weeks later……………………….Thud! Although my eyes are open I cannot see. I feel very far away, but I can hear my dad calmly saying “she is breathing…keep breathing puppy, keep breathing” and moving his hand gently up and down my back. I came out of it wagging my tail. I had fainted and collapsed in the living room right in front of my dad (I’m glad he was there). My dad said to my mom “tonight is the night,” and I know what that means. I know all about the rainbow bridge (my dad talks to me about everything).

I’m at the vet clinic, but things are different this time. My whole family is here and they are all crying – I am worried about them. I tap them with my paw to tell them everything is okay. My dad whispers into my ear. I’m no longer in my body and I can now feel that my heart is once again very strong. I can still hear and see my family. My dad never knew how he would handle this moment, but I could read his thoughts, that said: “the only reason I can leave you behind on that table is because when I look into your eyes and whatever that thing is, that we call <life> has now moved on to another place.” He was right.

A few days later a man knocks on the door and he is carefully holding the pieces of me that remain here on planet earth. He explains to my mom and dad “I am bringing Lizzie home to you.” This was an important moment for my family; they needed to have a piece of me physically back home with them. My dad wears a locket around his neck to keep a piece of me close to his heart. He knows this is symbolic, but it helps him. He understands that the true essence of what I am, will forever live within his heart and spirit.

Although I have a lot of friends in this new place, I’m able to be with my family at the same time (it’s kind of magical). I’ve been gone a month now and I notice that my dad is once again wearing a uniform with a patch. This new patch also has animals on it but it’s completely different from the old one. I’m able to make out the writing on this patch, and it reads: “Say goodbye with grace and dignity.” I then remember that this is the same uniform the man was wearing when he brought me home. I follow my dad around every day and he is now bringing home other loved pets that have crossed the rainbow bridge. When the time is right, he shares my story with others and sometimes it helps bring some comfort and solace.

There is a common theme here in the land of rainbows. We all just want two things for our family members left behind. We want them to be safe and happy. Staying safe and happy is the greatest way you can honor us. My dad still talks to me every single day. He speaks not only in words, but also uses another language…the language of the Heart—and I understand everything. I am Lizzie Wolf."
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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Sandy »

Dear Daddy-O,

I can hardly see to type as my eyes are overflowing with tears... That has to be among the most beautiful writing I have ever read... While it is sad, it is also insightful and comforting and speaking as someone who has lost a beloved animal friend, it helps. My parents are well into their eighties now and two and one half years ago they had to say good bye to their own beloved Lizzie.. Her name was and still is Mitzi and she was very much their four legged child. They have been ailing ever since her passing...almost like the heartache has been too much to bear. I think they would benefit from Lizzie Wolf's story. I was wondering if you would mind if I shared her Life story with them?

I am very sorry that your Lizzie has passed. But I am comforted that she is still with you that you in a magical way... and the thought of you guys some day together.... that blessed reunion.... :happy gosh there go the tears again. Yep, I know she will be there wagging her tail so thrilled to show you around when it is your own time to cross.

Thank you for that Daddy-O . Please take good care of yourself and come back as often as you can.
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Re: Hello old friends

Post by happyrain »

Hey Daddy-O,
I was relatively new near your leaving but I remember you! It's great to see you posting!

That's a very touching story of Lizzie. There"s something very sobering too.

Kind regards.
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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Daddy - O »

Thank you very much Sandy, and yes it's completely okay if you share it. They literally do become our family members...that is why it is so hard when they leave us; and sometimes their passing even strikes to the absolute core of our being. I hope your parents find ways of navigating through their grief. Maybe they could even talk to someone in their area - a pet loss bereavement support specialist?

I will certainly pop in more often than I have been....

Much love,
Clint (Daddy - O)....
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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Daddy - O »

Hi happyrain,

Thanks for your kind words...it's great to be back!

Hope you are travelling well on your life journey.

Much love,
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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Clint,
Tear jerker indeed! I had to walk away several times just to get through Lizzie's story. Whew, it was like you were saying goodbye to your very best friend. Thank you for giving her such a wonderful life!

Welcome back to the boards!
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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Sandy »

Thank you Clint, :)

I'll copy it and send it to my parents. Will also speak to my sister about looking into a pet bereavement specialist. They have been leaning on my siblings much more then ever before to handle life occurrences. How I wish I could be there and see them and help them out a bit. :( I pray and love them as best I an from this far away continent.
I will certainly pop in more often than I have been....
:cheers: :sunflower:
That means so much...thank you! :love

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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Geoff »

I missed this welcome back to "Daddy-O" aka Clint. Great to see you around. Its been a while.

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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Daddy - O »

Geoff!!....my friend. So good to see you, I hope you're travelling well. I have fond memories of you giving me some very wise advice advice and spiritual counsel back in the day. I hope everything and everyone in your world are doing fabulous.

Daddy - O (Clint)...
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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Daddy - O »

Thanks for the welcome Kim!

She was my best friend...I learned so much from her...even in her passing, the lessons continued.

Hope you're doing great!..

Daddy - O (Clint)
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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Sandy »


Hello again old friend. sometimes we don't know why we get an urge to do something, such as you deciding to pop in and say hello but I have to tell you that your timing with the sharing of the passing of your beloved dog and how you coped with the heart ache was spot on for someone else going through the same thing.... me.... This past Saturday we lost our baby... our sweet rabbit, Stewie. He was a large white and black English lop who in his entire life never knew a stranger. Stewie loved everybody even Geoff's cat, Sunshine, who surprisingly, according to our Geoff, seemed surprisingly accommodating for this new arrival to the household. Geoff found Stewie in his garden one day and decided to rescue him from becoming fodder for the feral foxes in the area. It wasn't hard for him to talk us into taking on his "upbringing". So on December 12, 2012 he arrived and we became a family. We've never looked back and never regretted the commitment. Stewie was such an easy rabbit to love...

But unfortunately, a mozzie bite gave him the terrible disease, myxomatosis. In Australia veterinarians are not allowed to provide this life saving vaccine because the immunity might find its way to the wild feral rabbit population and heaven forbid they loose one of their biological weapons!

It doesn't seem real yet that he's gone... the outdoor hutch is empty. (we moved his little brother inside to monitor him and keep him safe.hopefully :finger: ) His big ole Queens lander Hutch is empty now. But I haven't the heart to change anything, to clean it out... sterilise it... not yet. It still his little indention in the hay where he loved to sit in the sun in the morning... back when life was taken for granted I suppose. I wish now I had taken more time...valued and memorise those moments with him because they have to end sometime, at least on this earth.

Anyway, thank you for posting, Clint, for sharing what you wrote after the death of your Lizzie-Wolf. It helps with Stewie's passing. And who knows, maybe the two of them are becoming fast friends "up there." :)

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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Seeker13 »

Oh Sandy,
:love So sorry to hear about your dear Stewie. Brought tears to my eyes knowing how much you loved that little guy(well ALL animals). :cry:
Don't think anyone could have loved or cared for him more. He was a part of the family, so you don't have to clean up his space until you're ready.

Sending all my love to you and George,
Kim :loves
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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Sandy »

Thanks ((((((Kim))))) :kiss:
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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Seeker13 »

Are you doing okay after the loss of Stewie?

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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim, Yes I am doing okay...Thanks for asking. I think grief is a process and am hoping time will make it easier. I am having some trouble right now remembering him without tears. The reality of it has finally sunk in...It didn't seem real for awhile. One minute he's with me and the next gone. :(

The cool thing is when I close my eyes and imagine him I can feel his soft fur and all the contours of his body just like he was right before me and I was petting him again. Still haven't cleaned out the outside hutch, though. I feel sort of like a parent keeping it exactly the way it was like a shrine to my little man. :)

Life goes on in this world and those we reach upon death. I have a strong feeling everything is okay and as it should be and that Stewie is safe in divine Love. Of course that doesn't stop me wishing he was still with me on this earth. :)

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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Seeker13 »

Seems like you're experiencing the gamut of emotions we have when any friend or family member passes away. Even if that friend is furry, it's a process.

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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Daddy - O »

Oh Sandy, I'm so sorry to hear about your Stewie. It sounds like the two of you were very bonded...literally, family. It is devastating when we lose them, and my heart truly goes out to you. I consider animals to be sacred and believe it's a great blessing when we bond so closely to the ones who end up sharing our lives...sharing our homes...sharing our hearts. But I learned that loving so deeply also comes with an enormous cost...the sadness and grief we experience when they are gone.

I've lost family and friends throughout the years, but nothing took me to the levels of grief that I experienced as to when my Lizzie passed. A part of me died...I was so devastated. Time was the only thing that was providing any relief. And, one other thing helped me through these dark times. I always kept it in the back of my mind and would have the following internal dialogue: "What would my Lizzie want for me? She would want me to be safe, happy and healthy." This became somewhat of a daily mantra for a while. That's it...it was so simple but I found great solace in this. I understood that at the levels of spirit/energy, this is what she would want. It helped me to somewhat stay engaged with family...with life. Time then continued to come in, day by day and subtly brush over the sadness, grief, guilt, regret and any other suffering emotions.

Sandy, your Stewie would want the same for you; that is, to be safe, happy and healthy. Stay strong...find refuge in your heart...the place of love and knowing. These are bonds that last for an eternity.

Daddy - O (Clint)
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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for understanding, Clint. Some people don't. They say, "He's just a rabbit... go out and get another one." ... like he is replaceable. No, he was a unique little personality who loved me and showed me he did as best his species can. I was lucky to share life with him for a little while, to be family.

I was exhausted this afternoon...so I laid down for a nap. I wasn't asleep long when I saw him...clear as a bell as if he was right there. Perfect clarity. Of course I woke up and lost it... but it was wonderful while it lasted.

I am busy trying to acclimate his wild little brother to life indoors. He is missing Stewie something fierce and his little world has been turned upside down. But slowly coming around. Tomorrow I am going to tackle the outside hutch. It is time and I don't think healing can continue until this task is completed. Sort of like a final physical goodbye.

I will try to remember this...
Sandy, your Stewie would want the same for you; that is, to be safe, happy and healthy. Stay strong...find refuge in your heart...the place of love and knowing. These are bonds that last for an eternity.
Thanks again Clint (Daddy-O)
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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Geoff »

Sandy wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 9:15 am
I was exhausted this afternoon...so I laid down for a nap. I wasn't asleep long when I saw him...clear as a bell as if he was right there. Perfect clarity. Of course I woke up and lost it... but it was wonderful while it lasted.

Lovely. He awaits you. Yes I can attest he was a very special and communicative animal. Very very special. I will send him my love too.

hugs Geoff
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Re: Hello old friends

Post by Sandy »

Lovely. He awaits you.
Thank you for that, Geoff. It gives me so much hope.

George tells me I did the right thing... allowing the vet to euthanize him. But I don't know. I keep thinking maybe had I bought him home you may have been able to help him as you have (had a deep connection with him.) But I was so shocked at the time. I didn't want him to suffer. When G asked he was told it was his time...So I suppose that was that. But 7 years was definitely not enough time with that little darling. The funny thing about Stewie was he loved and trusted everybody. That is not the case with his brother, Teddy and Teddy's new little sister.
Yes, Stewie was special. And I /we will see him again in a better place, no doubt. :sunflower: :D

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