Borderlands Encounter Prayer

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Borderlands Encounter Prayer

Post by Nikki88 »

Hi everyone :hithere

In light of today’s message I felt I should add this prayer here. I don’t really consider myself to be very psychic or a light worker as I don’t really do that much, and most of my time is consumed dealing with my own issues. I have however had a few encounters with things that might dwell in the boarderlands. I always let it go as I didn’t think there was anything I could do before. I also thought most of those things were just what you would call debris and were best left alone. I didn’t think that people could get stuck there and I’m still fuzzy on that subject so after Chris’ message today just in case I felt I would add this one prayer and this one story here.

Bear with me this will be a long story and an odd one… and my grammar isn't very good because of learning disability issues.

A few years ago I started living with my cousin at his parents’ house. He had told me before he thought it was haunted and had seen things but I never really put much stock in it at the time. He would tell me stories about his DVR recording kids shows in the middle of the night, and hearing things sometimes when he was alone in the house. He also claimed he saw a black shadowy figure on occasion usually in the living room or the kitchen. I was neutral about the whole thing and didn’t really worry about it at the time. Then there was one night where it was just me, my cousins, and other relatives playing the classic Mario game in the living room. We went to bed late that night and all of a sudden I woke up in the middle of the night to hear the Mario music playing in the living room. At first I thought it was that my cousin’s girlfriend came home really late and decided to play it at 2am, and I thought to myself that it was rude of her to do so while everyone was trying to sleep. As I was trying to fall back asleep still hearing the Mario music playing I noticed there was something off about it and that it sounded like one segment was being played over and over again on a loop. I thought it was odd but brushed it off covered my ears and went back to sleep. The game unit we used to play the game stores information about who played and when so on a whim I checked it in the morning to find that the system didn’t show anyone having played the night I heard the music. As per my usual I brushed it off and let it go. About a week later I was woken up in the early morning by the Mario music again only this time the sound was louder and seemed like it was coming from in my room somewhere. I would look for the source of the noise unable to find anything it could have been coming from as I thought at first my family was just playing a joke on me.

This pattern continued sporadically over the next few weeks until one morning I woke up with it sounding like it was coming from somewhere above my bed, and then a few seconds later after I got up it moved again and sounded like it was coming from inside the wall. I knew my family wouldn’t keep a joke like that going for that long and pranks aren’t really their sort of thing anyway. After fruitlessly trying to find the source of the noise one last time I gave up started ignoring it and it eventually stopped. After that event and several others I believed my cousins stories as they aren’t even the type of people to believe in that sort of thing in the first place. After the music had stopped I would still occasionally wake up in the middle of the night for no reason and sometime I would think that I saw something in the room but I always had the same reaction. I would stare for a few minutes and then as soon as I thought I was starting to make out a recognizable feature I would turn around face the wall so I couldn’t see it anymore and go back to sleep. Eventually I moved out and forgot all about it until I came over for a visit several months after. While awake in bed that night watching youtube I could hear something sliding on a shelf nearby and then falling off. I thought the cat had snuck in and knocked something over but after turning on the light, and looking for the cat to let her out and not finding her I remembered the stuff that happened before. I realized then that maybe my cousins house really is haunted.

All though the weirdness stopped for me my cousin who still lived in the house at the time would still occasionally tell me stories of weird things happening. Occasionally he would hear his name called by what sounded like his grandmother who usually stopped by everyday only to find that his grandmother hadn’t even been by that day yet. I thought it was odd that my cousin’s house would be haunted as they had built it themselves, and were the only occupants to ever live there so no one had died on the premises. Then one day just in a random conversation my cousin mentioned an old Ouija board he had and that he and a friend used to play around with it. He also mentioned that the last time he had opened it up the planchette looked as though it had been burned and that there was ash in the box as well. He says it freaked him out and that he isn’t sure how it got that way but no longer had the board, and I’m wondering if that possibly had anything to do with their ghostly guest. Initially my cousin and I had determined that it’s best left alone as it wasn’t hurting anyone, and if anything it seemed to be a bit of a prankster. The occurrences continued for him and he believed it was responsible for stopping his watches and a few other little things here and there. The last occurrence he told me about was a bit spookier as this time the dogs finally took notice. He texted me one day and said that he was freaked out and home alone and could hear what sounded like heavy thuds and furniture being moved around in his sisters room which was vacant at the time. He also said he could hear what sounded like screaming or screeching noises coming from the room, and that the dogs were very alert and trying to get into that room. I told him he should let them in to investigate in case someone had broken into the house but he was adamant about not doing it and just wanted to keep the door closed.

That was the last thing I heard as neither one of us still live in that house now. I don’t really know what to do other than post this prayer that this entity finds its way to the light somehow. I don’t know whether this entity is more on the debris side of things or the human side of things. Compared to other stuff that I’ve bumped into this one always stood out as being somewhat conscious and far more interactive than anything else I’ve encountered. There’s also some reason for me to believe that this entity is adolescent in nature and I hate the thought of it being stuck.

Thanks for listening to my weird story
Lots of love,
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Re: Boarderlands Encounter Prayer

Post by Geoff »

Hi Nikki,

Yes I believe you and I have come across too many reports of beings in the astral plane. These are not debris. They have a soul. In fact I can recommend an excellent book on the Astral Plane. Just remember is is a different place with different spiritual rules to the Mansion Worlds. ... th/#astral

I have written this summary of the Astral Plane:
The Astral Plane

The Astral Plane is a grosser dimension than the Spirit Spheres, and is a physicality just as the Spirit Spheres are. Very little has been received about this plane, and that is yet another reason why some reports about life after death appear to contradict each other – the Spiritual Laws here are different to those in the Spirit Spheres. Some spirits seem not to know that they are in the Astral Plane, and this is the home of earth bound entities. The term “earth bound” is given by spiritualists to spirits that are here around the earth, and they often try to convince them to “pass over”.

There are higher levels and lower levels of the Astral Plane, and it exists both above and below the surface of the Earth. The Earth Plane is the third of the seven divisions of the Astral Plane. However, in order to reach the Spirit Spheres proper, we have to discard both our physical bodies, and another body called an astral body. People who have out of body experiences, can travel in the astral, using their astral body, or leave the astral body and the physical body, and travel in the spirit spheres with their spirit body. It seems the silver chord that is reported as joining us to our physical bodies while alive is a part of the astral body, so any reports of entities with silver chords indicates they are astral travelling. Some references to the Astral Plane simply use the word “Earth Plane” as the description, probably because the Astral Plane is in very close proximity to earth. In any event, one of the seven planes in the Astral is itself called the Earth Plane.

Although earlier I described the “passing over” after death to a special arrivals area for newly arrived spirits, there have been countless descriptions of others who did not even notice that they had died, so instantaneous was their transition. These folk, sometimes even thirty years after death still do not realize that they are dead. Very frequently their description is of passing from life to death virtually instantly, only that the room and mortals that were there pre-death suddenly become hard or impossible to see clearly. These events seem typical of passing to the Astral Plane, rather than the Spirit Spheres. Another difference, related to the Astral Plane, is spirits reporting that immediately after death that they are tied to something, which may last hours or days, although time is hard to discern, but during that period they may notice the funeral and burial. It appears that the astral body may take quite some time to separate from the physical body after death, and this gives the sensation of being tied to an invisible object. It is the silver chord which ties the astral body to the physical body which has not yet broken.

While I cannot be sure that the arrivals areas described earlier are all located in the Spirit Spheres, I currently believe that to be the case. The spirit can however only reach an arrivals hall if the recently deceased mortal is not still wearing their astral body. The older one is, the more likely that one’s astral body will decay rapidly after death and release one for the Spirit Spheres. The same is true of those that are advanced spiritually. But those that die young have a very strong astral body, and they will often spend considerable time in the astral planes, of which there are seven, until they are able to cast off the astral body. The astral plane appears to give spirits who had very little earth time an opportunity to find their way spiritually. They can interact with both evil ex-mortals and spiritually advanced ex-mortals here, and they have an added ability that deception is not possible on this plane. However, if they are attracted to earthly pleasures, this desire will remain, and can prove their undoing. It also seems to be the case that accidental death may result in the spirit arriving in the Astral Plane. This seems to happen to soldiers in wartime, as an example. But it may be as much to do with their relative youth.

Those that fall into this category without exception have no understanding of what really happens after death. Many believe that the dead lie asleep till the “great resurrection.” With that in mind, they conclude they can’t be dead. Others don’t even have that concept and just complain that they can no longer see because of the darkness. But later they recover their vision, and find a world that is very similar to earth, yet with differences.

Other spirits of a very material bent find themselves in the Earth plane. There seem to be many reasons for this. They may have had an unexpected bad experience, such as being murdered, and this may have left them with a desire for revenge. It seems the shock of a sudden death may indeed be a factor in how successfully one transitions. They may also be of limited spiritual development, but not necessarily bad. Another reason is a desire to look after a family, or even to try to enjoy, or protect material possessions. They may then hang around their last place of living, for a long period of time. Some are intensely religious, but of the mindless type. Yet they start out no better off than someone who never gave life after death a moment’s thought.

In the Astral Plane, it is possible to eat and drink, and apparently the astral body will produce excreta. However there is no need for either and this is typical of the choices spirits face. If they indulge the desire for food and drink, this generally leads to a dark entity suggesting at some time that they can get a better experience by obsessing a living mortal. And since that carries a heavy spiritual penalty, eventually they pass into the hells. There are churches here too, but sadly they seem incapable of actually teaching anything more useful than that learned on earth, and many of the pastors are here, precisely because they are not spiritual.

There are also a class of entity which we often see as “ghosts”, who are not actually earth bound spirits. Specifically in the case where a mortal has a lot of negative experiences, as might be if they were tortured, murdered, or otherwise badly treated, these experiences have to be resolved. And until they are resolved, which includes the individuals who caused the trauma, they may leave an energetic signature which behaves and looks like an earthbound. In fact these are simply astral shells, devoid of a soul, because the individual has moved into the spirit spheres, but this energetic bundle still may be tied to a location or another entity in darkness. It is very difficult from our side of the veil to know whether one is dealing with an astral shell sans soul, or a real spirit entity. These astral shells are dissipated only when the emotional issues surrounding them are resolved. There are some other entities in the Astral Plane, some of which are wonderful, and others which are dangerous. Provided that you have not distanced yourself from your guide, you will be protected, but if you have totally ignored spiritual matters, your guide will not be there to protect you, and the experience can be very unpleasant. While a spirit body can experience pain, and even be apparently damaged, it repairs itself rapidly, but it cannot be destroyed. The astral body will also repair itself normally, but as it is not eternal in nature, apparently it can be completely destroyed by some of the evil elementals, and this results in that (dark) spirit passing into the dark planes of the First Sphere – hell. This sort of thing can only happen in the lowest of the astral divisions, which are considered the anti-chamber of hell.
Found here: ... r-you-die/

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Re: Boarderlands Encounter Prayer

Post by Sandy »

Hey Nikki,

That was one of the best "Ghost stories" I have heard in a long time! You had me on the edge of my seat. The Ouija board thing really freaked me out! :shock: That would have been it for me..I'd be sleeping in the car! About 5 years ago I woke up here and heard what I thought was the TV on. I chuckled and in my mind I chastised George who was sound asleep for forgetting to shut off the TV. But then, when I went into the living room I realized the TV was not on. The sound I was hearing was coming from George's office and was his little tape recorder used for recording his celestial messages. I started in there when I heard it click off. I decided I had seen/heard enough and made a bee-line back to bed. When I mentioned it to George the next day he said it probably was one of the Midwayers checking something or correcting something on the tape. Well, I can go along with that...Midwayers are wonderful to have around.. But clearly what was messing around with you guys was not a Midwayer. :shock:

You are a very brave young woman...turning over and ignoring it may have been the best thing you could have done... :thumright: I'll join you and pray and send love for what ever was creating the mischief! :)

I also wanted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :roll :roll :roll :loves
I hope you have a wonderful day! May all your dreams come true this year! :loves
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Re: Boarderlands Encounter Prayer

Post by Sandy »

I was just about to thank you, Geoff, for posting the link and then I realized. Heck! I have the book. :mrgreen: Thanks for giving it to me so many years ago! (signed and everything :bana: )
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Re: Boarderlands Encounter Prayer

Post by Seeker13 »

Great story Nikki!
Ouija boards scare the stuffing out of me! You never know who will try and come through. It's always unnerving to think something is there you can't explain. Several people in our family see, hear, smell and feel entities. What ever the interaction, we always try to get them to cross over telling them God is a real and loving God. Then ask our spirit guides to explain things to them so they might move on.

Thanks for posting that information. I always thought it was strange that such an array of entities have approached members in our family. Guess I didn't realize they might be coming from different places. I'll have to study that link more carefully. My daughter told me when she was little, a black Knight(?) type entity watched her from the corner of her room almost every night. I felt terrible she had been dealing with that since I was unaware it as happening. Over the years she has faced down some pretty scary characters along with, some who seemed to be just living out their lives from a different time period, and those who simply seem lost.

Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Boarderlands Encounter Prayer

Post by Geoff »

Seeker13 wrote:some who seemed to be just living out their lives from a different time period, and those who simply seem lost.
Dear Kim,

Both of those sound like classic astral beings. They are not real "dark", but also not really "light", more like "in limbo"

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Re: Boarderlands Encounter Prayer

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Geoff,
Interesting. I never knew what she was going to come up with. Driving through our small town she asked, "Ok, did anyone else see that horse and carriage driving down the road? While visiting my sister a while back we were having a discussion of our spiritual beliefs. My brother was extremely excited about explaining the numerical connection he felt and a whole bunch of other stuff I failed to grasp. My daughter smiled, I can always tell when she sees someone, knowing a story would follow. She told me a man was there dressed in clothes from the 1800's. He was crouched right in front of my brother listening very carefully to his description of the spirit world. The man spoke to my brother, but only Aleah heard him. "Sir, I have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about!" Shaking his head he rose to leave, greeted Aleah explaining he was just passing by, traveling with his wife and children, then left. He didn't seem concerned at all about this being another time period.
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Boarderlands Encounter Prayer

Post by Sandy »

Wow! That is awesome KIM! Your daughter reminds me of our Gypsy Deb. She and Jill came to visit us once and she explained so simply and "matter of factly" that a little girl had taken up with her a few days ago and so far had not wished to leave. Jill and I looked at each other but couldn't see a thing of course. But for Gypsy it was just like breathing...Like your daughter, it is something she has experienced all her life. Has A ever documented some of her experiences?
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Re: Borderlands Encounter Prayer

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, Sandy!
Lucky for her we're a writing family. I have notebooks(in various places, not very organized) documenting many of our families combined experiences. Also meditations, and dreams. Her dreams can last all night! I know when she says, "Mom I had a dream last night." I'm in for a marathon. Actually a couple of weeks ago her car blew a rod through the engine. No one was hurt, but the car was dead.(Have I already told you this?) She was very upset, had just put a lot of money into her car. Suddenly I remembered she'd had a dream the day before that her fiance' had died in a car accident. I had a vision of him in her car and asked, "What car was he driving?!" It was that car. She woke up from her dream sobbing and praying for him. We'll never know if her dream was a premonition, and her car died because of her prayers, but things like that have happened before.

When my brother passed a year ago in July, I made a time-line of the things that happened to so many of us. Even though it was a surprise, it was evident he had begun planning months before and the experiences while we waited in the hospital were so profound they changed me forever. Although I knew he wasn't going to make it, I held out hope for a miracle. When they gathered all of us together to say there was no brain activity, I called Aleah and told her I was so sorry she had to hold the 'truth' of it, until the rest of us had to be told. Rick was talking with her through all of it. Showed how he was walking arm in arm with my Mom and Grandma vibrant and happy. She shared messages for his daughters.

The whole time in the hospital he gave me songs relaying his condition. I also received messages to give his girls, but I don't get the visuals like my daughter. I also understood the point of his passing then and there, was his final wish to bring our family back together. At first we didn't even know how to contact two of my brothers to tell them Rick was in the hospital. Within a few short days we were all there to say good bye.

Love to all,
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Re: Borderlands Encounter Prayer

Post by Sandy »

Oh KIm,
My heart aches a little thinking about your brother and what you all must have gone through in those days...and yet blessed in a way that you could sense and in Aleah's case see the joyful moving onward of his soul. What beautiful confirmation for your family too of the continuance of life after death and that your brother was still vibrant and alive in a sense we have yet to experience. I still have a hardish time, though, with passing even though I know without a shadow of a doubt that there is a is just those long goodbyes for me... not seeing that connection every answer from the other side of the computer screen...
You know I still have Carol Asha's name in my skype contacts. I keep thinking how cool it would be to call her and she answer in some way...but then I don't need skype to do that do I? :happy.

I also felt a chill and goosebumps when you spoke of Aleah's dream where her boyfriend died in a car accident. Truly that blown piston was an answered prayer. Makes me wonder now about those things I have considered hardships...whether they have been a blessing in disguise. Makes you think doesn't it?

It is really no surprise to me that you all have documented your experiences... you're a wonderful writer...all of you really...Talented in so many ways. :cheers:

Have you considered turning those experiences into some kind of book...a book with purpose not simple written to chill but to help us see that God's "grace" comes in many guises.

Anyway I'm off to bed...Hmmm maybe I'll read something light and funny first after this last conversation. :lol:
Love to you and yours,
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Re: Borderlands Encounter Prayer

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Sandy,
Hope you slept alright. Even with all our experiences it doesn't convince our minds to not grieve and miss people not here on this plain. I still have his phone number programmed into my phone contacts and email addressed of others on my account who've passed years ago. His daughter created paintings of Rick's special prayer he spoke at every meal gathering. Even though we all joked about how long he could go on, it's displayed by the kitchen table and I tear up a little missing him every time I glance at it. Mostly in those moments, I guess what I'm sad about are the missed opportunities with those who've moved on. If only we'd worked a little harder at being with each other instead of worrying about the day to day tasks that really don't mean anything.

But! I'm so lucky and really have nothing to whine about, because his symbol of feeling a hand on my shoulder lets me know he's there and listening!

As far as publishing? Ha, ha, ha! Have I told you about all the children's stories, poems and manuscripts gathering dust in a bookcase? Again, all those little things of everyday life seem to get in the way. It's always in the back of my mind as a dream to follow through with someday,... every thing in it's own time! Right now I'm off to work, to organize the children's books other people have published! :roll

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Re: Borderlands Encounter Prayer

Post by Sandy »

In my opinion Kim you have the dream job, getting to interact, read to children throughout the day. :cheers:
every thing in it's own time!
So true!

I slept like a baby. although I did have some adventurous dreams this morning but I always feel like I have just left a good movie at the theater when that happens.
I've a lot on my plate today...some of those tasks we wish we could give away. But that's life eh? Balance is important I suppose... This Bible verse just popped into my brain...

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:"... Ecclesiastes 3-1

Okay I'm off to the boring stuff... ;) :hithere
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Re: Borderlands Encounter Prayer

Post by Nikki88 »

Thanks for the info Geoff! I didn’t know the astral plane was a thing.

And thank you for the happy birthday Sandy! I'm hoping this year will go better for me than the last at the very least :lol: .

Lots of love :loves ,

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Re: Borderlands Encounter Prayer

Post by Sandy »

And thank you for the happy birthday Sandy! I'm hoping this year will go better for me than the last at the very least :lol: .
Well I'm with you... I started to say let's make this new year a good one...but I realized before it actually left my mouth that in fact with our determined intentions we are already well on our way. :bana: :bike: Let's find our Joy eh? :loves
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