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Re: The Secret

Post by Petra Wilson »

Sandy wrote:I had a strange dream last night... all I can remember is I walked around the car and was surprised to find a bird I had never seen before...A large one about the size of a pelican but it did not look like any bird on this planet. It crossed my mind that I hoped it wasn't carnivorous...but then I began talking to it just as I would another person/friend and this new imaginary critter warmed up to me in a hurry. I woke up soon after that
Hey Sandy, hello Lynn and all, I had a very similar dream fpr two nights going. There was this massive hybrid man/bird like creature and at first I was afraid but it seemed altogether just curious and we had a telepathic chat, but alas! I can't remember exactly what we discussed. It was a little like the Mothman but not with angry red eyes.
Anyway, never mind all that, I do hope George is improving. It must be hell for you right now Sandy? Try to eat, I know you probably won't feel like it, but you must keep your strength up. :love :love
My lot are thinking of you both, as are all the Eleven-elevener's no doubt. :loves :loves :loves
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hi Pet, Sandy and all,,,,hey Kim, give us a shout,,

Very interesting about the dreams with large bird people,,all you need to do now is say that they have blue skin and blue feathers.
The Blue Avian people!!!!

very strange!!

well there you go now Sandy.... I've been telling you to make sure you get some rest,,,and Pets helping you out on the food side.

We are all so grateful that George is getting better,,,I think of him (and you) and send prayers of Thank you, Thank You, Thank you...

nice pic Pet,,,,

loves to you all xoxoxoxo pp :bike:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

It's great to see your smiling face on the boards!

I'm about to take a crack at the garlic between the toes cure. A virus has hit our area with a vengeance and won't let go! Our whole family has been sick for about three weeks. Ah, well this too shall pass right?

Just took a moment to close my eyes and listen to a very soothing song. I saw George in his hospital bed, you sitting at his side. When several of us from the boards began trailing in, bringing balloons and small tokens for George, hugs and support for you. The room quickly filled, standing room only, it was all very quiet, the song in the background the only sound. Healing love emanated from our hands to you and George. We placed small notes of thanks to George at his feet explaining how he's helped us throughout the years. It was all so wonderful and heartwarming. Hope he continues to improve and can be home soon.

Love to you all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Lovely vision Kim....I could feel it....

yes go for the garlic if all else has failed.....I grab the Vit C and take 1,000 mg every hr,,,without fail....
my phone is with me and the timer set,,,bottle of water in the other pocket....
then if you can, go lay down,,,for some Kim time, you deserve it....
don't forget the Lysol spray or wipes....they really help getting rid of the virus.
you make think you are at the end of it.....but those bugs are sneaky...

take care sweetie xoxo pp :bike: 2 wks and we leave here yikes
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello you guys!

How fun to see some chattering here and what an interesting topic...telepathic dream birds. ((((((Petra)))))) love you sweetie and that wonderful family of yours...So nice to see you on the board and this thread in particular.
(((((((Kim)))))) so sorry to hear you guys are up to your poor little eyeballs in germs up there. Please get better sweetie. I too am going to sterilize and de germ everything in the house before George returns. I'm not taking any chances on a nasty knocking him off his keister.

((((((((PP)))))) I cannot believe that in just a couple short weeks you and Allen will be heading back North. But I bet you are looking forward to your little piece of heaven again.

Thank you all for your healing Light for our George. It was startlingly, wonderfully amazing how he turned around so sharply between Friday and Saturday
I am, as you must imagine, quietly ecstatic...Yet trying to remember that he has work to do... healing work as his right arm, mostly hand and fingers, are sluggish and weak. He is in pretty good spirits but really wants to come home and of course there is nothing I want more. But it is comforting that they are being so careful with him, running many tests and offering rehab and physio. I want him to come home when it is safe for him.

Thank you guys for making me feel a little safer and encouraged.... For those beautiful meditations of light and your continued prayers for my darling. I'll try to keep you posted and I'll pass on your well wishes to George. :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Whenever I have a quiet moment that vision enters my head, the pile of notes on the end of George's bed keeps growing and growing! :sunny:

Haven't been brave enough to do the garlic cure yet, but do rest when I can. I have a lovely singing voice...kind of sounds like a frog that just ate a lemon. I've been walking around with a huge container of Lysol wipes and a two liter jug of hand sanitizer sits on my desk. Since it's the off season, reservations are way down, I can pretty much close up shop when I need to. Clementine returned to her daycare for a few days then was sent home the other day with a 103 degree temp because of double ear infections. I'm so sad for her :cry: , never had more than the sniffles before entering the petri dish of life.

Was hoping you were going to stay put a little while longer as Dave and I are going to travel out that way in early April. Darn! :x We have to wait until the threat of a snowstorm is less likely here. Going to visit my niece in Colorado and see all the converted barns and the prayer lantern instillation she created for my bother.

Well, guess I should try and accomplish something today. Think I'll make a Mom McBagle for breakfast, and drink a quart of O.J.

Love to you all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Yep! you got it Kim. LOL I have pulled out a file or two and it is laying open at the end of the spare bed in G's office.

Feel better soon. :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Found out I have bronchitis, been waiting for x-ray results to see if it's pneumonia. That being said, because of not feeling well, been watching television. The other day turned on a video of a series from 2002. I told Dave one of the actors really reminds me of George, not only physically, but he was a seer. Whenever there was a lull in the action I would return to the vision. The show ended focused on that actor. Went to Netflix and the new program I chose it happened to have that very same guy as their guest actor! Also thought it was strange it was based in Amsterdam and I thought I remembered George was half Dutch. It wasn't until the end I realized the character's name was Bernard! Immediately returned to my vision sending healing and support to you and George. Hope he continues to recover.

Awesome affirmation of the file on the end of the bed!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Oh my, I got goose bumps as I read your post, Kim. And you poor thing! Bronchitis!!! That stuff is difficult to shake. I do hope it isn't Pneumonia. Well it is no wonder you are feeling rough. I hope you are on medicine that will knock it out of you. Sending love and Light your way. Please feel better soon and keep us posted on how you feel.

George is waiting to have his Dye test to give the docs more details on the cholesterol blockage in his neck. Because of the slight damage to one of his kidneys, they are giving him Ivs before and after the test to minimize the harshness of the dyes. George is doing well though and remaining in pretty good spirits despite the lengthy hospital stay. I just want him home...but home as healthy as he can be. The docs want to make sure everything medically is done before they release him to rehab. It is kind of refreshing this the health and welfare of the patient at all costs.

Okay, I am off to post the french list. :hithere

Love you guys...George says so too!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi All! :hithere
Sandy thanks for the update on George. You must be crazy busy! Will continue sending love and healing your way.

I go back to doc today, still have problems breathing. Had the best medicine ever on Sunday when Clementine came to visit, :bana: :bana: :bana: ! Did you know I love being a grandma? :loves Came up with another book idea, 'Clementine Is Curious!!!' We have a nook that is set up with little centers and a few other spaces for large muscle, and art. I can't help it! Once a preschool teacher always a preschool teacher. She is so interested in everything and I get to play on the floor again! Needless to say I have to take a picture or video every time she does something cute(that was a big part of our curriculum too!). She just turned fourteen months today so hasn't mastered the art of cleaning up, her nickname is 'Tsunami', is the sweetest tsunami ever!

Well, off to the races, not really racing very fast lately!

Love you guys!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

I love listening to your adventures of being a grandma, Kim. And truly I can see you with your talent and experience writing adorable children's books! Clementine is a lucky little grandchild...wouldn't it be wonderful to have a series of children's books about your little adventures?

Well I am off as I am falling asleep as I type. George is doing well and I will try to update a little later. Hope you feel back to your ole self soon! Prayin :kiss:

Love you guys!
Sandy zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Feeling much better today. So grateful to be breathing easier! Hope you were able to get a good night sleep. Think of you and George often throughout my day. As for the stories and poems, sheaves of them line my shelves! Mostly because I've been a coward! :cyclopsani: I've shared them with my family and at school for years. The writers group Dave and I belong to have been really helpful. It still took several months before I'd read anything of my own. :shock: I'm getting closer to publishing, now it's mostly a time thing(only a little bit of a coward) :mrgreen: A friend wants to help, so some day!
At the end of my meditation today I thought of a photo I took of Dave and Clementine. Always loved that pic., today I wrote a poem to go with it. Dave is helping me to post it on Facebook.

Love you guys, :loves
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,

I will try to make it to FB when I can and take a look at your photo and poem. I have complete faith that it will be wonderful. :bana: I can say that with confidence as I haven't seen anything you've written that wasn't great!

So glad you're feeling better. Hope the entire family has recovered. :finger:

Been a long day. I'm hoping to actually get to bed at a decent hour tonight. But it has been a good one too... George is tired but feeling pretty upbeat. We've got a long haul yet ahead of us. Please continue to pray for him as he prepares for this surgery in about 10 days. I just wnt him home again and completely well.

Have a great week end you guys, :kiss:

PP, have you begun the trek home to canada again?
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Sandy,
Will continue sending healing thoughts down under! Am worried you are focusing so closely on George that you're not getting enough rest and eating right. Don't forget to take care of the caretaker! :love :bana: :bana: :sunflower: :bana:

Worked all day yesterday on illustrations for a story. Really want to get it done before our writers group on Tuesday. Can't believe how fast the time goes! Well, now its time to get Sunrise work done. Have a great day sis! Give my Love to George! :loves

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Dear Kim,
Your timing is impeccable as tonight I am so tired and ready to simply fall apart. Life has been so crazy for 3 weeks now and every day runs into another...and the only thing guaranteed is that I am going to be so tired when I get home. But I need to be with George and He needs me to be there for him and help maintain what he considers his greatest life task.

Anyway a good nights sleep will do wonders and I am hoping to get that tonight.

He is scheduled for surgery on Monday..don't know the time yet. They are getting him ready by with holding his wafarin (Blood thinners) and his diabetes medicine. While he waits the physical therapists are busy working on improving his skills and his right hand.

He says to tell everyone hello and thank them for their prayers. all things considered and even after 3 weeks in the hospital he is still optimistic.

How did your story turn out? Knowing you, probably awesome. Enjoy your week. :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Just wanted to say :hithere

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Re: The Secret

Post by happyrain »

hi Sammy :hithere hello 11:11 board :alien:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello (((((((Sammy)))))) Howdy there ((((((((Eric)))))))))

Good to see you both popping in here. Sammy I about rolled in the floor this morning when I saw your post on my timeline..." BS " LOL (still laughing) shoot forgot to tell George about it...Must copy it he will love it...

How's life in the second largest state in the union, Eric? :mrgreen: I met a man outside the hospital today who heard my accent and thought I was a Texan. I couldn't help but think of you so what a lovely surprise to see your "howdy doo" on the board.

Don't be a stranger you two! :kiss:

love you guys,
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

ERIC!!!!! :bana:

Sandy - So glad I made you laugh! I was hoping to lighten your heart if only for a moment :love

Maybe I should share my story...I haven't felt that nice zen-connected to the universe feeling for a few years now (the main reason I stopped poking in) - I allowed life circumstances to disconnect me. I haven't felt any connection, much less direction from our universal friends, nor have I been seeing any numerical prompts (again) for years. Anyway, recently I decided to attempt to get back to that wonderful state of being and started reading a book called "Outrageous Openness" and apparently it's helping.

We went to dinner to celebrate Jake's 22nd BD ... at dinner there was a number on the top of the bill in extra large font as though to strike me over the home from dinner and glanced down at the odometer which read 11000...drove to the movies and the odometer read 11011...our movie was in auditorium home and the odometer read 11023...When I initially saw the #11, I instantly thought of George and Sandy. By the time I saw the 11023 and thought "progress" I was feeling hopeful that it was an indication that George was making progress with his healing.

Feeling thankful for so many things right now.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

I'm feeling pretty good myself tonight after reading your post Sammy. :D I'm very tired tonight so will try to post tomorrow and be more coherent. George is still in ICU and his blood sugar is still rather low... almost as low as his spirits today as he is so tired of being in the hospital. I pray he feels a little better soon. :finger:
I'll Write more a bit of a head ache that is disturbing my peace.

Good night my friends.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Sandy and All,
Hope George's spirits are rising and your headache went away and getting some rest. I bet if you remind him of the :bana:, he would feel much better! Maybe we should put the dancing banana in a peek-a-boo hospital gown? :shock: I know being a patient patient isn't his strong point, but it'll have to do for now. I think of you two often sending prayers. Here I'll send :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:! There a whole field of flowers! With a :bana: to deliver them.

The book was finished before our meeting. It felt a little weird reading it to a room full of adults, but thus far no preschoolers have joined us! Everyone seems to like it...unless you know they're being nice and it's really think a stinker....holding their noses, rolling their eyes when my back is turned.

Well, I probably should accomplish something today! Sammy and Eric it was nice seeing your avvies! Eric, pretty sure someone in spirit is trying to get you attention! Oh, that reminds me. I've been getting these weird messages and hang up calls on my cell phone. Mostly around 2:30 AM, was worried someone was trying to hack into my account or something, but the representative from our carrier didn't have any idea what they were about. Yesterday received about 8 of them in a row all accompanied by a string of numbers. Guess I'd better pay closer attention and try and figure it out. Probably should have suspected it was from spirit when I swore I heard it ring when my phone was off! :mrgreen:

Take care, Love always!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

So sorry guys that it has taken me so long to get back here. Thank you for all you encouragement. I was rather worried about our G last Friday...but he seems to have snapped out of it. We've had such an interesting few days, actually. You know, and this is gonna sound strange but there is something sort of fun about being in a ward...and this particular ward room seems to be like attending a multicultural fair. So far in the past three weeks we have met other Americans, several Brits, Irish , Hungarian, Greek, Italian and Spaniards.

It's almost like a family feel as we support each other through the blood pressure, canulars, temperature taking etc... and seeing improvement to the extent they can finally go home and the look in their eyes when they get the good news...well it is awesome! And I know some day soon, maybe even this week, George will get some good news... although it will probably be that he will be transferred to rehabilitation but still...not for long... so tonight I am in a pretty good mood. :)

Kim, I am sure all the adults in the room enjoyed your children's book. You are an excellent writer and have tons of experience with children and the literature that inspires and delights them.

Well off to tackle the list of jobs for this evening.... Go have some fun! :bana:
love you guys,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Just popped in to see if there was any news on George. :hithere Tell him to keep his spirits up, soon it will be his turn. Can't imagine you two not making friends with everyone in the room! It's wonderful you all can support each other through all this. :loves

Love you guys,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey Kim,
We're sort of in a holding pattern of a sort. I am hoping sometime this week he will get to rehab. The sooner he gets there the sooner he can come home.
He seemed tired today. It's just hard to get in satisfying sleep when you are constantly woken up in one way or another. but it goes with the territoy and those body readings are important to determine how the healing is progressing.

Tomorrow it will be 5 weeks since this all began. I never dreamed he would be in the hospital so long...but he has certainly come a long way during that time.
I suppose your days are getting busier and busier with spring in full swing. Our days are getting shorter and cooler and I am glad to see it as it has been a hot and humid summer. Remind me of this come april when I am complaining about my feet feeling like a block of ice. :lol:

I know you have to be looking forward to Easter this year. so much fun when there is a little one around.
Have a great time!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi Everyone!

Just got back from vacation and now slammed with spring work! Wanted to say hello and hope everyone is dong well. Reading Sammy's post really hit home. While on vacation it's so much easier to connect with spirit, then come back to the craziness. I'm really trying to maintain that feeling of balance and breath...realized this morning it's probably not a good idea to deep breath while peeling an onion! :shock: ... lesson learned.

Have a great day! :loves

Love to you all, :love
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