Facing My Fears

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Facing My Fears

Post by happyrain »

Hello :)

This might not belong in this section as it's not an experience directly from the Akashic Construct or any guided meditation but I wanted to share my thoughts on lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis and what might be a different gateway to spirit communication. Actually what brought me to this forum was a very vivid and lucid dream- at that time I had frequently experienced sleep paralysis. I do believe it a state similar to what is achieved through conscious meditation. The difference being perhaps that conscious meditation is gentler and sometimes more welcoming then what could be a scary sleep paralysis episode.

Whenever I fall asleep on my back I feel more vulnerable than laying on my side. Last night I was very relaxed and laying on my back drifting off to sleep. As I started to drift I began to experience the typical signs of an oncoming sleep paralysis episode. It got to a point where I was feeling detached from my body. It felt like someone else was in the room. For whatever reason, as positive as I try to enter these realms I get scared because I'm still kind of awake. I hear the disconnect from my body, I begin to get flashes of frightening images. There was a man in the corner with a mask. No definite detail. Just someone waiting there. All the meanwhile I think I'm hearing "fearful whispers."

Anyways. No matter how many times I woke up and tried to go back to sleep comfortably I was constantly being sent back into that lucid state. I tried playing with the imagery. I believe I have a say in the end and try to see if I can pull myself out from thinking negatively. What got me wondering is, am I being called to face my fears? Why is this a recurring theme in my life? I used to have out of body experiences very easily as a child but I remember eventually fear got in the way. I once shouted at whatever was happening to stop. I think I've turned off whatever knowledge used to be easily accessible. I have a feeling if I can face this faceless figure that I will be one step closer to understanding something...

I don't know what I'm doing differently in life but these episodes tend to come in cycles.

I don't think I'm crazy but I wonder if I'm looking at this correctly. Any thoughts?
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Re: Facing My Fears

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,
I remember those early days. I had never heard of sleep paralysis before that (obviously I lived in a bubble) and I was shocked by the intensity of these things you spoke of. I remember thinking you were the most courageous person I had ever known. ...maybe you still are. ;)

I don't know... what to make of these episodes. It doesn't seem part of their job description for the celestials to use something scary to give you a message or push you to do something regardless of whether you are capable and ready or not...for instance as you suggest, facing your fears.

It seems like this would in some ways work against them in the big picture of furthering communication and leading their human sibling to deeper connection with the God spark within. Honestly though you are speaking to someone who wouldn't ever sleep again should this happen to me... a masked figure...well shoot, I would still be sleeping with my parents who are nearing their 80;s. ;)

Okay, I am no help to your original question...I really don't know if this is some form of spirit communication that possibly your subconscious mind has evolved into something fearful....????? (Well out of my area here) But ask yourself if you feel ready to face any of those inner fears? I'm thinking that only we ourselves can decide if it is time... but regardless of when...we will always have our TA, guides and angels sharing the experience with us. We never have to face it alone... and their support will be warm, loving and comforting.
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Re: Facing My Fears

Post by VioletSabrewin »

First off let me start off by mentioning I'm not an expert. Hi I'm John, I haven't been on this board for years, but am familiar with George's Akashic Construct method.

I have had experience's who sound familiar, and unfortunately it was very frightening in the beginning, mostly because it didn't make sense and was very vivid. I remember my first visualisation to be so impressive I didn't dare to talk about it with any one, no wonder Joseph Smith who founded the Mormon Church, if I am not mistaken, hesitated so long before sharing his experience with any one, hey those where the 1800's, isn't you-tube full of ufo-movies and more scary stuff these days?

For decade's I didn't know how to respond when my mother mentioned she saw Grand-Ma standing at the end of her bed at night, only recently, I am now in my forty's and Spiritual experience's have turned up a notch or two recently I'm starting to be perplexed, perplexed in the sense that a lot of ways seem to be possible to communicate 'from the other end', from other planets for my part, or even between two living human minds.

My first visualisation was a ghostly figure, illuminated, right after a deep meditation and a real physical vibration that got me so scared I stood up from my bed and tried to walk out of it, but the dream didn't end there. She, yes I felt it was feminine immediately, even when I could hardly make sense of the appearance, was obviously very, very old. She flew in and set next to me, inter-dimensional, the walls where of no concern, I could sense and started to see with my minds eye more then my real eyes a strange old skin, grey, and long grey hair. It sat down next to me, communicated, I could only get a glimpse of what have been told. What I now remember is that I have to be very patient in my spiritual journey because there where subjects being mentioned in these communications that only started to make real sense many years later.

We are all familiar with the time sequence's and message's, I must admit when “ghost like” beings or maybe even minds/souls of friends and relatives started to manifest in many other new ways in my life I was a bit scared and above all a bit ashamed/perplexed, the “plot tickens” it seems.

No, no sleep paralysis, but the real physical vibration in my body got me scared enough to get up, though the visualisation kept coming. Some of use are familiar with the goose-bump-like feeling, that's how it started, at times it even feels electric. Only recently I had a few more problematic experience's but those where partly my own fault or maybe genetic because of the wrong type of vibrations I focussed on.

I use the lying on my back method a lot, to me it's the most relaxing way of meditation, though feels like cheating and falling a sleep is an issue, before going to bed I eventually turn to continue sleeping on one of my side's. Once I managed, and Lord I haven't been able for a long time, to meditate three times a day for 45 minutes I achieved spectacular results, eventually I took the meditation, or visualisation with me during my daily life, that's the period when I started to noticing my first miracles, that's maybe 4 or five years ago.

Speaking of Astral-Travelling, I only have seen a few glimpses of moving my “ghost body” and eyes to other locations and for now that still scares me. For some reason I never jumped into that one, I steer away once picture's become to vivid. The first time I was located some where in nature nearby, now I write about it I am amazed that I know exactly where but that is not recognisable in the image, recently I had an experience in an urban area and that made me feel uncomfortable.

Good luck with your Journey. And let's hope where able to feed our minds with positive imagery so our dream-world expands from there.
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Re: Facing My Fears

Post by Sandy »

Dear John,
It is good to see you on the board again! :sunflower:
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Re: Facing My Fears

Post by happyrain »

Hi John,

I apologize this reply is coming years later but wanted to thank you for your insights. I've had a recent experience and you're right, in this realm walls and doors are of no concern.

Kind Regards.
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Re: Facing My Fears

Post by happyrain »

A recent out of body experience!

I woke up at 5AM with a regular amount of energy. I was somewhat tired but also awake. I thought maybe I could use this opportunity to meditate. Instead I decided to lay on my back knowing my alarm would go off at 7:20AM and thought I'd welcome an out of body if one were to come.

When the onset of sleep paralysis started to happen, I was overcome with joy. I used to be scared, but it had been so long since I've been in this in-between state that I found my self very welcoming. I'm a little embarrassed to say, but as I was drifting off into a semi-conscious state of sleep and awake I found my self pleading/praying to god for physical, intimate connection.

Well... I think the prayer was answered. I do think there was something/someone else with me as I became more aware of existing outside the immediate anchor point for awareness. I started to project and saw things as black and white only- more surreal. It was like wispy shadows and brilliant shining white light. As I attempted a traditional, "bodily exit" I saw my hand in this black and white world as gentle smoldering smokey shadow.

I immediately noticed another body laying next to me, I think, projecting in a similar manner. To my right, I saw a vibrant white light for a hand. Instinctively I put my shadow hand up towards it, and its hand towards mine. As our palms came together it was as if there was a sheer electric barrier between us- once contact was made this invisible barrier crackled. There was no sound, again everything was black and white, but it felt like lightning around us or like a strobe effect. I could feel it crackle.

I can't remember much more but started to feel very aroused. I was half awake, half asleep and I found my self laying on my back- I don't know if I was dreaming this or actually raising my arms and legs up under the blanket. I was receiving, wanting more... And I don't know if what I encountered was an aspect of my self- and I could not identify a male or female energy. But it felt very good.

After this I started to drift, still in-between I noticed an object in the corner of my room that is not actually there. The environment started to shape-shift. This object turned into a dramatized face made of stone, its transformation was like that of a gargoyles. I believe I was starting to dream at this point...
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Re: Facing My Fears

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Eric,

How is the sleep paralysis these days? I have had similar experiences in my youth. I still remember one very clearly. I was perhaps 11 or 12 years old at the time. When I awoke one morning, my eyes opened but I had no control over my body. I saw shadowy figures moving around me but I could not move or even scream out for help. It was a terrifying experience that is bringing tears to my eyes as I write about it.

Another experience happened when I was in my late twenties. This time I wasn’t asleep or paralyzed. But I saw a tall dark shadow man-like figure standing about 10 feet away from me. Strangely enough, I put my head under the covers like I would do as a child when I was scared. I remember praying to God and saying that I wasn’t ready to go yet, and to please give me more time. When I looked again the figure was gone.

Last night, I fell asleep on my couch watching a movie. I was awakened to my mother loudly asking “what’s that?!” She said she saw a balding man with a beard, but it was in black and white. He was standing over me, observing me. But when I woke up it vanished. Oddly, neither of us was frightened by it. I guess the more you experience these things, the less fear you have about it.

I’ve had other experiences with apparitions too. I wonder if they are projections from my own mind? The mind is capable of strange things and I think we are far from understanding it’s inner workings. Sometimes I think I should go see a psychologist, but I feel like I won’t be taken seriously so I just deal with things on my own. I think I’m doing an ok job of it so far. It can be rough at times, but I guess that’s progress.

Wishing you pleasant dreams,
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Re: Facing My Fears

Post by happyrain »


Much progress has been made since the creation of this thread but I am not without fear. Yet, every time I am scared I am shown there really was nothing to fear. I'd say that is a working of a mind comfortable in 3D, one that has forgotten its true nature. What is consciousness? It is more than the organ underneath our skull.

I've had similar experiences to yours and, coincidentally... Had this very conversation yesterday. We most certainly amplify our fear in the face of unfamiliarity. Think of the power fear has for most people who are surprised by seeing something like a cockroach in their bedroom. And how much larger are we than the cockroach?

I've had a very tall, dark and larger than life shadow figure challenge me in my early twenties- he was standing in a corner and did not say a word. I was forced into, "fight or flight" which is a very natural and easy default. That has to do with thousands of years of evolution in nature. It's something we share with all of Earths creatures... But we are more than that. And I mean all of us, even the animals. My dogs are happy to see me when I am "out of body."

I don't believe the man you witnessed was there to harm you, especially since by praying you were able to neutralize the experience. Like you, I've cried out to Jesus in those terrifying moments and whether Jesus or an Archangel, the scene is dissolved and my awareness is placed back in the comfort of 3D. Fear is very real and very powerful, but so is Love- where do you want to reside? That will be the ship that pilots your awareness. All information coming through is just that. Information.

Your internal compass is spot on. I haven't gone back to read my post here so if I've shared this already sorry for repeating myself. But here's what I shared in yesterdays conversation. Something that has helped me break out of sleep paralysis is directing my attention to my big toe. You can tell yourself, mentally, I'm going to move my toe now. Slowly you send the signals to your toe and the moment you wiggle it you have taken yourself out of "sleep paralysis."

The woman I was talking to tells me her initial fear and in-between moments are of a sexual energy coming to sodomize her. She feels something grabbing the back of her head. Our friend, another woman listening in on the conversation, says we're working our way through different energy centers and most people who have OBE's have a hard time getting past the first two cakras- the root and sacral. The woman who mentioned the sexual energy did affirm that each time the fear is less and less, as is the aggression. I can attest to the aggression because with the sleep paralysis and the overwhelming fear, I couldn't talk and would try to slam my head forward to break the spell. Once I'd move past sleep paralysis I'd also face this aggressive version of myself in an OBE. That's when Raphael came and wiped the slate clean. That's shared somewhere here...

But for some unknown reason, I always crave the experience. In my early twenties I would try to create the sleep paralysis because I understood that in-between as the gateway to an OBE. Right now I find my self happy to be noticing the in-between moments again. Last night I saw the sun and flashes of white light behind closed eyes. I also heard conversation between people as a formless observer. When we go to sleep our mind drifts and suddenly conversations and images take a life of their own. Usually we let even that go, a disconnect is made and we are asleep- dreaming. Most of us have a hard time remembering 1 dream, but in fact it's common to have up to 8 dreams within 2 sleep cycles.

I suspect for you this was easy as a child. I also let fear turn this ability off and have had to rediscover it- I thank God for his grace in reigniting me... Initiating me in 2008 with three dreams that navigate my Life today. We needn't worry about a naysayer or someone who isn't ready. Let them be where they are- just know that you aren't alone. Thank you for the question. The mind is a most fascinating thing... And this is our journey- Self-Realization. Let us Seek God in All Things... And let us be open to His Guidance, in All Ways.

Kind regards~
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Post by happyrain »

i had a really cool hypnagogic experience after trying to go back to sleep... i'm in the room i'm in now.... laying on my back and my head resting to the right. i dont yet make the distinction i am already out of my body, as i am preoccupied with the in-between sensations. i know i'm out of body because my vantage point is not on the mattress i'm sleeping on but on the floor beside it. my eyes are half-opened and i see a silver and black spider as large as my face resting along my mattress. i try not to disturb it, it's gently moving. i notice a little brown around the black. i begin to feel the weight associated with sleep paralysis. i breathe deep and hear my breath...the weight from this sends me further.... each breath is like the most rewarding therapeutic sensations running along my spine. at this point i still don't realize i'm out of body. i begin to hear chatter like over a radio. i hear the name putin. i return my awareness to my breath, feeling as if i'm going even deeper. i again look through eyes half opened and realize i am in my bedroom but it is all white. there are translucent cobwebs- conceptual framing and bright white light all over and white sheets and mattress for my bed. there's a skeleton in my bed. i believe i am in the past, and for some reason i tell my self... "not yet" like i'm in the wrong time era. it's as if the breath is shifting planes and time. i then hear a woman try to say my name, except she says "erin" and she says it very clearly to me. "close" is what i say knowing my name is actually eric. i immediately wonder who is calling me. all of this is happening in an instant and i break the spell by trying to go out of body from here, again not realizing i am already out of body. by the initial "push" (trying to push my astral body out mistaking it for the physical body) the awareness returns back to my physical body, the weight slowly disappears and i open my eyes realizing i am now correctly on my mattress above the ground.

darn, i wonder... because i was starting to realizing some things while in this state... had i not tried to project- how much further could i have taken it?
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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