David Icke speaking on the era of light and life?

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David Icke speaking on the era of light and life?

Post by Yoder777 »


2012 came and went, but I am still waiting for a global awakening. The outward system of this world is only a reflection of the collective unconscious. A peaceful revolution of the mind will change the whole world. What David Icke speaks of in the above video is similar to what the Urantia Book says regarding the era of light and life.
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Re: David Icke speaking on the era of light and life?

Post by Yoder777 »

In some ways, Icke is a complete nut, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

On a related note, why do so many internet conspiracy theorists deny the Holocaust? The fact that former SS members confessed to the reality of the Holocaust and referred to Holocaust deniers as ignorant people should be enough to shut them up. How can you be against the "New World Order" if you deny that the worst totalitarian plot in human history even existed?

Red Ice Radio is now just a platform for Holocaust deniers, and David Icke recently appeared on Red Ice Radio, which kind of makes sense considering that he's defended the right to free speech of Holocaust deniers in the past. Defense of the Nazis by people who claim to be against global enslavement is the most wacko thing I've ever heard.
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Re: David Icke speaking on the era of light and life?

Post by Geoff »

Yoder777 wrote: Defense of the Nazis by people who claim to be against global enslavement is the most wacko thing I've ever heard.
Sure is,

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Re: David Icke speaking on the era of light and life?

Post by Sandy »

It has come to the point that I have a hard time believing anything I hear or read anymore! Certainly mainstream news is a puppet show and the backdoor guys...some of their "reportings", as you just demonstrated makes no sense what so ever. Everyone seems to have an angle these days. I just want facts... no editorials...just, "I'd die first before reporting anything wrong" kind of journalism! :( Those days seem to be long gone!
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Re: David Icke speaking on the era of light and life?

Post by Yoder777 »

Some dispute the official number of those who died during the Holocaust or whether there were gas chambers, but reasonable people agree that Hitler was a tyrant who persecuted the Jews, among many other religious and ethnic groups. The other side of the coin, however, is that the United States killed hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of innocent people in Germany and Japan, that FDR gave over Eastern Europe to Stalin, and that Israel has used the Holocaust as a pretext for occupying the Palestinians and routinely killing them in large numbers.

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Re: David Icke speaking on the era of light and life?

Post by Sandy »

Lots of nasty stuff and ill conceived plans from every quarter...and whether we like to admit it or not, that's a fact. :(

But I personally have NO patience with anybody who even begins to intimate that the Holocaust didn't happen, trying to neutralize the impact and lessons of this atrocity in young modern minds... God forgive me, but I look with venom at those who dispute the eyewitness statements and photos taken at Chelmno, Belzec,Treblinka, Sobibor, Autzwitch a-Birkenau,Majdanek, and the lesser known other death camps Jungfernhof (in Latvia) and in Maly Trostinets (in Byelorussia), those who say they were mere configurations of scheming minds. (I don't dispute there were scheming minds who used this atrocity for support of their own ends, however...there is a difference) How dare they kill the victims all over again!

In making assumptions that it is a big ole government cover up, these harbingers of dissent, seem to overlook the fact that the Press was not as inept in those days as it is now... journalist carried a code of ethics they were willing to die for!
Nope, I don't believe such miserable excuse for conspiracy by those, who I suspect, have themselves ulterior motives.

Besides... many of us hailing from all over the world have Father's, Uncles, and Grandfathers who bore and some still bear testimony to what they saw... Mere foot soldiers, many of them...but perhaps the most believable of them all!
God bless all those people who lived through this terrible time and bear the burden of memories we cannot even begin to imagine... :(

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Re: David Icke speaking on the era of light and life?

Post by Yoder777 »

The thing about Norman Finkelstein is that his parents were Holocaust survivors. He can't be accused of supporting a white supremacist agenda.


Finkelstein writes from the perspective of a Jew denouncing the way that the Holocaust has been used to justify Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians.
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Re: David Icke speaking on the era of light and life?

Post by Sandy »

Atrocities are atrocities in their own right... and should be judged that way... not justified or "villianized" by any much documented despicable crime against a culture or race of people long passed. To do otherwise is a slap in the face to those who suffered and died.
It would be much better to focus on the atrocities being committed every day in nearly every country on earth... Solve these problems for the ones who are suffering Now.
May the legacy of what happened in World war II and the deaths of so many thousands upon thousands of people... Jews, the soldiers on many fronts, the populations of war torn areas, and the families that were broken all over the world with death, live on in all hearts as we remember and as one people make strides to stamp out bigotry and hatred in all the Earth. It is a dream... a big dream that seems unobtainable with all the ugliness in the world. I can't foresee what will happen in the months and years to come but it seems we must not give up and keep pushing the love, compassion and caring agenda...somehow, some way, we must get past all this chaos... :(
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Re: David Icke speaking on the era of light and life?

Post by Yoder777 »

I think the idea is that the Israeli occupation of Palestine should end now, and that Western governments should stop being guilted or shamed into unquestioningly supporting Israel's occupation of the Palestinians. No reasonable person says that the Holocaust never happened, but the way it's been exploited by Israel today, and the way that, because of the Holocaust, anyone who criticizes Israeli policy is accused of being antisemitic, is a real problem.
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Re: David Icke speaking on the era of light and life?

Post by Sandy »

Yes, it is a problem. :( And all problems have a root cause. Instead of simple and ineffectual band aids over horrible gaping wounds, we need to investigate where the problems really stem... work at the problem at its root source.
Truly, all people have a tendency to use a past, shall we use the word "atrocity", to justify many nefarious actions...even long after the fact. There are examples of this in every culture, even in our own backyards. Hatreds and suspicions run deep. While it is wrong... from the psychological point of view you can see where and probably the whys this behaviour is fostered by individuals or nations who feel threatened, ignored, or hated. As spiritual individuals, we can see the desired outcome and even the long path to get there...but we want instant answers and instant results. Rarely does evolution work that way.

Frankly, I prefer to work on solutions rather then perpetuate the seemingly long finger of blame over and over again. Today is a new day. Let's start fresh. And with the faces of our children and grandchildren and the children yet to come... make good solid commitments to end bigotry and hatreds, to instead offer a hand of friendship, foster caring, compassion and understanding, perhaps even first within ourselves. Is it really so difficult? It begins with each one of us and in ways we all can master with a little effort. Like the examples of strengthening our physical muscles by action and exercise... this social muscle will too grow the more we extend it as our confidence, patience and compassion grows. And It will spread outward and touch others in ever growing ripples and circles... eventually and in time, weaving its own thread into the growing world tapestry created by all beings on the planet ... the world we dream of for future generations begins with us right now in this very moment...
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