Checking in on 1111

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by roxiedog13 »

Sandy wrote:Welcome back, Roxie! :bana: Sounds like you had a fabulous vacation and just what the doc ordered. I hope the world has warmed up upon your return up there and spring is well underway. We on the other hand down here have come off of about 10 days of rain and quite a bit of it was torrential deluges. It was great at first, for me anyway, living as we do in well drained area but for some it meant flash floods and months of work to recuperate. Honestly everyone told me this was a dry country before coming here but my little "dark cloud over my head must have changed that. :lol:

Hope you took some photos... (hint...hint... ;) WHIST )

Well, it is great to have you back! :cheers:
Thanks, just what the doc ordered indeed. I actually need a doc to fix me up after two weeks of fitness, I have more scabs than tan, kind of patchwork affair :lol: . I'm traveling again this weekend to play in the Atlantic's for Table Tennis
so have to rest up now.
I certainly did bring the sun home but not the warmth. I actually like the cooler temperature to be honest, for now this is great, a reprieve from the 35C temps at the resort.

Cloud over your head eh ? You and I both girl, seem to have the same thing going on . Does this sound familiar, " wowzi wowzi woo woo meh feelz lik Shleprock?" :mrgreen:
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

Hey Roxie,
Sounds like a fun, if not a strenuous week end in the works for you. Where is the tournament being held?...hopefully in a place where the temps are running a bit cooler. 35 is too warm for my blood at least on a regular basis. (yes, I am a bit of a heat sissy :roll: )
Cloud over your head eh ? You and I both girl, seem to have the same thing going on . Does this sound familiar, " wowzi wowzi woo woo meh feelz lik Shleprock?" :mrgreen:
Well the good news is the high winds we've sustained yesterday and today have driven off my little black cloud for a time and Sunny skies prevail on every front. I was able to mow the grass yesterday, and spruce up the garden beds and bushes, just in time for the new flatmates. We have new neighbours moving in the front and in to the side, in the beautiful home beside of us. I think the family has young ones so this could be quite entertaining... :sunflower: I must admit I already miss the retired couple that lived there and created such a peaceful sanctuary. She had a beautiful voice and happy disposition that often broke out in song as she puttered around the home. The move is a good one for them, though, and so I must be happy for them...but if truth be told I already miss the lovely energy. :(

:lol: listen to me going on...Wake up Roxie!!!! :roll:
Nope, "I am open to new energies and experiences"... (keep telling myself that and hoping someday I will take it as my own. ;) )

Anyway the earth beckons and I am off...
If we don't speak before you leave...good luck in the upcoming tournament. :bana:
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi all!
Roxie sounds like you had a great time. Isn't it funny that we often need a vacation from our vacation?

How can you mistake your halo for a dark cloud? My biggest gripe about the persistent cold(we had frost last night) is no moral mushrooms and I'm aching to plant flowers! This is my first visit to the boards in a long time. There's seventeen hanging baskets in the greenhouse waiting to make their debut! Crazy time at Sunrise Landing, should only last about eight...months. I'm continually trying to learn my lessons, without this opportunity would my life be stagnant? I think not, but do believe my strength of body and character is what I'm suppose to be improving upon. Well off to great the day. I love you guys.

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by roxiedog13 »

Seeker13 wrote:Hi all!
Roxie sounds like you had a great time. Isn't it funny that we often need a vacation from our vacation?

How can you mistake your halo for a dark cloud? My biggest gripe about the persistent cold(we had frost last night) is no moral mushrooms and I'm aching to plant flowers! This is my first visit to the boards in a long time. There's seventeen hanging baskets in the greenhouse waiting to make their debut! Crazy time at Sunrise Landing, should only last about eight...months. I'm continually trying to learn my lessons, without this opportunity would my life be stagnant? I think not, but do believe my strength of body and character is what I'm suppose to be improving upon. Well off to great the day. I love you guys.

I do need a vacation from my vacation, I believe it's called work and there's plenty of it. Problem is I don't like my work anymore so I need a vacation from my vacation, from my vacation. Maybe I should have stayed on vacation :? .

I am not a green thumb by no means but I love growing my own vegetables. Full moon last night so I guess its time to plant another garden for this year. Certainly is cheaper to buy but there is nothing better than produce from your own
little patch. Don't know how I'm going to manage myself this summer, I have enough on the agenda for three people , good thing I'm ADHD :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: or I'd never be able to cope. I only need 5 hours sleep a night
so that helps. Mountain bike riding group starting tonight, my first ride in the mountains this year. Guess I'm "Gearing UP" for a busy summer, I need to as my waistline needs to start gearing down :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

Hi Roxie and Kim,
I hate to admit it, but I am just a little jealous of these gardening opportunities spring is presenting up there. We have geared down over here but with our mild climate some hardy vegetables can be grown here in the winter months too. (Broccoli cabbages, turnips and such.) We have had to lay off the broccoli family of veggies for awhile because the small white butterflies who lay their evil children on their leaves were rampant and hand picking became too much for my weak back. Then too, we planted kale, which I adore, and it attracted every caterpillar and egg laying insect known to man. :roll: I am hoping next year we can try again with these types of vegetables.

My son loves to mountain bike too, Roxie. It's something he has really gotten into the past couple years and it has really opened the door for new friendships as they work on trails and what not.
Funny you should mention Mountain biking... :mrgreen: I have a heartfelt request on behalf of my "sort of hometown" where I grew up for all those who may take a peak at these posts. A company, Bell Helmets, is sponsoring a contest where they will donate 100,000.00 dollars towards the building of a state of the art Mountain Bike trail. There are three finalist areas of which Knoxville, Tennessee is one of them. I am hoping that those of you who have no real interest in the other "inferior areas" :mrgreen: would consider voting for Knoxville. It is as easy as breathing...just takes 1 click and you do not have to give any information whatsoever.'s the link... ... 242ce6e75f Please give it some thought and imagine the big ole grin on my face when I hear the good news that Knoxville wins. ;) Okay surely you can come up with a better reason then that... But anyway, I would really appreciate a Knoxville vote.

Kim, I am laughing at your post now as I missed the humorous sarcasm first time around...
Crazy time at Sunrise Landing, should only last about eight...months.
You poor thing... but I love your attitude! You rock lady!

Well, as I think about what I wish to accomplish today...I think it may involve mowing the yard... something that has, thankfully, slowed as winter has now arrived in all its bluster. (Okay, trying not to be smug as I put on a mere light jacket. :mrgreen: ) If it makes you feel any better... and this puts me right back in my place, I would give my eye teeth (not really) to stand out in the middle of the back yard in a heavy snow fall. It isn't going to happen, I suspect in three lifetimes. But I suppose being happy with what we do have...(and G and I were just talking about our overlooked blessings this morning) is part of living a fulfilled and joyous life.

Big ole hugs for my two awesome friends! :sunflower:
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Seeker13 »

I went to vote and missed the deadline by one day! Did Knoxville win? I've been working my tail off(I don't really have a tail, it's just a weird expression). I was finally able to hire Aleah as my housekeeper and we've been blazing through projects around here like nobody's business. As a matter a fact I wish Nobody would show up and help! We've been able to get to so much more than last year and things are really shaping up. The flower beds were sorely neglected, at least 12 inches of grass thatch to hack through to reclaim the treasures hidden among the chaos. Know anyone who wants any daffodil bulbs?You can imagine me, the green thumber that I am, having to walk by hundreds of times and not having the extra time to dig in and rescue them! We should have taken before and after pics. It really does feel like a treasure hunt! Jeannie(Rachel's mom) has little gems planted everywhere and anywhere on the grounds. It's like setting me free in a candy shop!..LOL! Too bad all this cleaning has to get in the way!

How is it going with your new neighbors?

I've learn that I cannot give anyone advice unless I'm standing directly in their shoes and even then it's not my place. All I can say is, "This is the correcting time." Everything seems so much more intense for so many people. The clearing needs to be done, now! I'm trying to internalize that all these obstacles are for my benefit, I'm suppose to learn from them, then and only then can I move the next. Roxie, no matter how ADHD you are one person that only has two hands. I've been going through the same. It's not good for anyone when I don't get a break, so I'm trying really hard to work them into my life, realizing the world will not stop turning if I'm not there to turn the crank. Five hours! that's like a long nap!

So you two please stop and smell the roses! I'm probably the one who weeded them!

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by roxiedog13 »

Flew into a favorite Salmon river last night. No fish but the scenery was breathtaking . Serenaded by Frogs, Loons,Ducks, Eagles and Beavers
I consider this excursion a huge fishless sucess. :bana:

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

Just look at that place!!!! Gorgeous and peaceful... and not a store or car in site! I was just telling Robert that Slovakia has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth and I do believe Canada ranks right up there with it! I am trying to make my own peace here...but some days are harder then others... We live near an airport and a railway line as well as a major highway artery... LOL Planes, trains and automobiles...Now I would like to watch that great classic with John Candy and Steve Martin.
It's a perfect place to be, Roxie... I am happy for you being there! ... and thank you for sharing it with us too. :D

Kim, I could use both you and Aleah over here as I contemplate getting our neglected gardens in order. Sadly, no hidden gems as you described, although, I did discover quite by accident I have two differing types of Basil. Not sure how that happened...but I'll take it...(love Basil!) I would take those daffodil bulbs in a heart beat if we lived on the same continent... they are one of the easiest and hardiest of all spring flowers. And you just gotta just love their happy little faces.

Thank you for attempting to vote. I have very good news, though! Knoxville did win!!!! :bana: Thank you very much to all from the "Volunteer state" for making this dream a reality. :sunflower:

I am emphasising with you today and all the cleaning etc... your job entails. I am getting ready for our inspection tomorrow and I am bushed after scrubbing the carpets and floors, shovelling out G's office, cleaning counters tops walls and sinks, weeding the walks and driveway and general... anything I can think of that needs sprucing. I suspect I would have passed with far less effort then that but I just can't help myself...sigh. Just in case I get a tough inspector I want everything to look its best. It's times like this though I am glad we have a small flat.

Enjoy those gorgeous sounding garden beds... I am sure Rachael's mom is smiling up there, seeing them restored to their former glory! :happy
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by roxiedog13 »

Sandy wrote:Just look at that place!!!! Gorgeous and peaceful... and not a store or car in site! I was just telling Robert that Slovakia has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth and I do believe Canada ranks right up there with it! I am trying to make my own peace here...but some days are harder then others... We live near an airport and a railway line as well as a major highway artery... LOL Planes, trains and automobiles...Now I would like to watch that great classic with John Candy and Steve Martin.
I'm confused, you live in Slovakia now? Trains ,Planes and Automobiles is one of my all time classics to watch. John was a Canadian BTW, a great match in that movie with Steve Martin. That movie has the distinction of having the most F bomb words said in one sentence. :lol: More pics to follow as the summer adventures unfold. :mrgreen:
Sandy wrote:It's a perfect place to be, Roxie... I am happy for you being there! ... and thank you for sharing it with us too. :D
You're welcome, I am very fortunate indeed and love to share. As I said, more to come.... :bana:
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

I was just telling Robert that Slovakia has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth and I do believe Canada ranks right up there with it!
LOL I can see the confusion can be chalked up to faulty writing on my part... :oops: Nope we still live in Australia. It is Robert who enjoys the other most beautiful place on earth, Slovakia. Okay, to be fair I have seen gorgeous places all over the world.( In picture form anyway as my only jaunt at world traveling is between visits to the US to see family.) In fact, in my own back yard we had the Great Smokey Mountains National park, filled with deep rich foliage and trees and well watered with what seemed a thousand small streams flowing down the mountains. The cold clean water was a bit like outdoor air conditioning on a warm day as it moved past.
Here's a few images. ... 52&bih=577

John Candy was one of my favourite actors. Loved him in the movie, "Cool Runnings" too. I always sensed a really great guy behind those movie rolls. All you Canadians must be very proud of his contributions. You know, another Canadian actor I always had much respect for is Michael J. Fox. Can't say enough good about that fella...and it doesn't just stem from his television and movie work either. God bless him and his work in trying to improve the lives of people (himself included) suffering from Parkinson's disease!

Have fun over there, Roxie... looking forward to your next pics.
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Seeker13 »

First glance at that photo, the tension flowed out of my body. Can't wait to see more! Isn't that your job? Flying people to beautiful locations? Or did I miss something? Are you getting a handle on your busy schedule? I can't believe it's June 11th already!

Great photos! Dave and I went to The Smokey Mountains the year before last. Think we visited some of the same cabins and waterfalls! It was spellbinding. Everyday we'd pack a picnic lunch and head off in a different direction. Of course we got lost several times taking 'The Road Less Traveled', but it was a wonderful experience! It seemed every couple of feet we were jumping out of the car snapping pictures. The fauna, flora and scenery were magical. Seeing your gallery of The Smokeys makes me want to go back. Our writers group put together a chap book last fall. While other members scoured the internet to get pictures to back their poems, we simply pulled a few from our trip.

To be in a flower garden all day long is my dream! I don't care how dirty and jagged my fingernails get. Cleaning rooms is just an interruption! My project this week is turning an ugly concrete slab in a unkempt garden in the back, into a place of serenity and contemplation. This place is a goldmine for a gardener! There are beautiful red bricks piled all over the property. The slab is now covered with them. I pulled several handsome pots and hanging basket crooks out of a packed dusty shed and am filling them with flowers and herbs creating a sweet container garden. There are a couple of mossy Adirondacks chairs in the shade, a stone bench next to a miniature red maple. Under the bench are two warty stone toads sitting in a large shell and an oriental bird bath tucked among the flower pots. There will be life like animal statues and fairies playing instruments scattered about when I'm finished. A river birch tree with scruffy bark shades Peruvian forget-me-knots, bleeding hearts, white and burgundy trillium, poppies, daffodils, hyacinths and ditch lilies, while Sweet Woodruff carpets the ground. There are at least thirty more species of flowers and shrubs I didn't mention! Trying to figure to how to get some of the small water features to work. Hardest part for me is removing the mouse nests. "Bleh!"

"Oh, you want to rent a room?...Look for me in the back garden. Sorry, can't answer the phone now! I'm weeding." Have you ever read the book The Secret Garden? That's how it is for me, almost everything is here, I just have to rummage around, find it, use a little elbow grease and, "Wallah!"

Well, enough of my nature rant...I have to go plant some bulbs, envision me singing all the while.

Love to you both, :loves
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by roxiedog13 »

Sandy wrote:
I was just telling Robert that Slovakia has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth and I do believe Canada ranks right up there with it!
LOL I can see the confusion can be chalked up to faulty writing on my part... :oops: Nope we still live in Australia. It is Robert who enjoys the other most beautiful place on earth, Slovakia. Okay, to be fair I have seen gorgeous places all over the world.( In picture form anyway as my only jaunt at world traveling is between visits to the US to see family.) In fact, in my own back yard we had the Great Smokey Mountains National park, filled with deep rich foliage and trees and well watered with what seemed a thousand small streams flowing down the mountains. The cold clean water was a bit like outdoor air conditioning on a warm day as it moved past.
Here's a few images. ... 52&bih=577

John Candy was one of my favourite actors. Loved him in the movie, "Cool Runnings" too. I always sensed a really great guy behind those movie rolls. All you Canadians must be very proud of his contributions. You know, another Canadian actor I always had much respect for is Michael J. Fox. Can't say enough good about that fella...and it doesn't just stem from his television and movie work either. God bless him and his work in trying to improve the lives of people (himself included) suffering from Parkinson's disease!

Have fun over there, Roxie... looking forward to your next pics.
The Smoky mountains are the Appalachians, the very same ones you are looking at in my pictures. The Appalachians run from Georgia in the south US up the US eastern seaboard through Atlantic Canada, and finishing in my province Newfoundland ( :hithere ).

The You tube tourism video for NL ( below) was done about 10 years ago. A really shortened clip but shows some of the mountains and vistas. I know cuz I did that video :mrgreen: . I was one of the hikers in every scene , paddled the Kayak
in the boat, driving the RV but you know they would not let me fly the Helicopter for some reason :lol: :lol: . ... 0&index=40
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim... it sounds like you appreciate the "Smokies" as much as I always have... John Oliver's cabin and Cades Cove loop is a regular stop for us. I have been going there since before I could walk so it has become very much a part of who I am I suppose. We have a watercolour print of the cabin made by a local artist whom we met on one of the excursions. It was great fun talking to him and even getting a photo together which resides with the print for the grandkids some day. I love to be up there when the mountain Laurel is blooming...but any day or week is a good time to go there. Autumn is just out of this world beautiful but the park can get rather crowded with everybody and their brother wanting to snap photos of the glorious colours... So on the other hand... we could visit Roxie's Labrador, eh? Looks a quiet peaceful place...well that is what I thought till I saw Roxie's video...Wow... lots to do up there to keep you fit in mind and body.

Roxie wrote:
The Smoky mountains are the Appalachians, the very same ones you are looking at in my pictures. The Appalachians run from Georgia in the south US up the US eastern seaboard through Atlantic Canada, and finishing in my province Newfoundland ( :hithere ).
Hi Neighbor! :hithere We both grew up by the same awesome mountain range! Although I dare say that your end gets lots colder then mine, though. ;) (Is it just me or did that come out sounding strange? :lol: ...well, you know what I mean.)
Loved the did a great job because it has even enticed this old coach potato to wish to visit Labrador some day...I don't think I'll be doing backflips of the cliffs or loop de loop on skis but I can see myself mossing along some of those beautiful trails.

I've decided I'll just have to make a big travel loop heading up to Michigan to see Kim's beautiful gardens and then up to Canada before coming back to the Southern Appalachians.
Kim, you must take some photos of your gardens. I would so love to see them. What you are doing is an act of love for those around you and Mother Earth, so I suspect you will be abundantly blessed for your efforts. Wish I were close enough to help... there is nothing like getting your hands in the soil! :sunflower:

Have a great week end you both.
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by roxiedog13 »

Seeker13 wrote:Roxie,
First glance at that photo, the tension flowed out of my body. Can't wait to see more! Isn't that your job? Flying people to beautiful locations? Or did I miss something? Are you getting a handle on your busy schedule? I can't believe it's June 11th already!

Great photos! Dave and I went to The Smokey Mountains the year before last. Think we visited some of the same cabins and waterfalls! It was spellbinding. Everyday we'd pack a picnic lunch and head off in a different direction. Of course we got lost several times taking 'The Road Less Traveled', but it was a wonderful experience! It seemed every couple of feet we were jumping out of the car snapping pictures. The fauna, flora and scenery were magical. Seeing your gallery of The Smokeys makes me want to go back. Our writers group put together a chap book last fall. While other members scoured the internet to get pictures to back their poems, we simply pulled a few from our trip.

To be in a flower garden all day long is my dream! I don't care how dirty and jagged my fingernails get. Cleaning rooms is just an interruption! My project this week is turning an ugly concrete slab in a unkempt garden in the back, into a place of serenity and contemplation. This place is a goldmine for a gardener! There are beautiful red bricks piled all over the property. The slab is now covered with them. I pulled several handsome pots and hanging basket crooks out of a packed dusty shed and am filling them with flowers and herbs creating a sweet container garden. There are a couple of mossy Adirondacks chairs in the shade, a stone bench next to a miniature red maple. Under the bench are two warty stone toads sitting in a large shell and an oriental bird bath tucked among the flower pots. There will be life like animal statues and fairies playing instruments scattered about when I'm finished. A river birch tree with scruffy bark shades Peruvian forget-me-knots, bleeding hearts, white and burgundy trillium, poppies, daffodils, hyacinths and ditch lilies, while Sweet Woodruff carpets the ground. There are at least thirty more species of flowers and shrubs I didn't mention! Trying to figure to how to get some of the small water features to work. Hardest part for me is removing the mouse nests. "Bleh!"

"Oh, you want to rent a room?...Look for me in the back garden. Sorry, can't answer the phone now! I'm weeding." Have you ever read the book The Secret Garden? That's how it is for me, almost everything is here, I just have to rummage around, find it, use a little elbow grease and, "Wallah!"

Well, enough of my nature rant...I have to go plant some bulbs, envision me singing all the while.

Love to you both, :loves
Flying is not the day job but funny you said that , I am trying to make it so. At the ripe old age of 53 my business looks as though it is going to close due to the downswing in my area. Shame as the business started by family in 1948
will now have to say goodby to a great long run. Good thing is the other division of our business is doing good and the years gone by have been good ones. Anyway, I am seriously considering going back to school and doing my comercial
license and then pursuing various levels of Eco Tourism, Hiking, Kayaking, Salmon fishing and maybe hunting too. A bit scarey to shift gears at this point but I feel I have many years left before I will be mentally ready to quit and I am in
great health yet , so why not. :finger: We shall see.

I'm no green thumb but managed to plant my crop for the year this past weekend . If this all works out maybe farming could be part of the future........................ :P ....I don't think so :mrgreen:
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

I'm no green thumb but managed to plant my crop for the year this past weekend . If this all works out maybe farming could be part of the future........................ :P ....I don't think so :mrgreen:
We are no green thumbs for sure... If George and I had to live off the stuff we grew, I'm afraid we'd starve to death! Honestly, I never realized how many things could go wrong with a garden plot until I moved here. (truly it isn't Australia... just my lack of the specifics of soil balance and the voracity of the Ozzie Bug... Still...not giving up hope...With a little soil boosting, composting and prayer our farming fortunes could change. .. well it could right? :roll :)

I am so sorry to hear that your family business may need to close. But I like your idea on going back to school to get your commercial license. You could be earning money doing another thing you love!
I hope what ever you decide it all works out well for you! :bana:
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi Roxie,
Good luck with the changes facing you. I hope they are as beneficial to you as mine were. A year ago I switched from being a teacher of little ones to stepping in and helping to save my daughter-in-laws family motel. It has been the challenge of my life! Test after test, but I've learned to embrace change, which is a very big thing for me. It was a pretty safe and cozy cocoon in my world of little people. A gigantic test for family relations! We've braced the storm and become much more resilient and stronger for it. I have to tell you, "I am LOVING being a grandma!!!"

It really does feel like everything I've learned and gone through was preparing me for what I need to learn and experience today. So the best of luck in your new adventure, although I'm feeling you won't need it! Everything you've learned up to now has prepared you for what you need to face today didn't it?

I've always had a dream tucked away in the back of my mind about someday living in the mountains. Maybe I'll add that to my list of 'First things I'm going to do after I die." First learn to play the piano, second live on top of a mountain.

I realized after the fact, that I should have taken a succession of pictures noting my progress on the gardens. There's one truly appalling space left, begging for a before groundbreaking photo. Oh, and there's the space I think about daily of transporting plants :sunflower: from my own house to here. Plenty of opportunities for taking pictures and getting dirt under my fingernails! It's like sustenance for me. I believe having a green thumb is like anything else, practice and believing you can.

My niece Josie is coming to visit for a while. Not sure how long she's going to stay, but she asked if she could bring her plants(her loving aunt gave her) with her! I'm excited to have her around for as long as she wants.

Oh well, duty calls. Both of you have a great day!

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
Enjoy your nice long visit with Josie and her plants. It is always good to be around family isn't it? I just spoke to my eldest this morning and it was like a nice shot of energy in the arm for me. :bana:
I think sometimes our garden veggies do better if George and I step back a bit. We have the most gorgeous lettuce plants (Romaine I think it is) the came up on their own. Last summer I planted the parent plants, nearly twenty of them, that matured at exactly the same time and then quickly bolted in the heat. So I just allowed them to complete their life cycle and seed before picking them to compost. But it seems the last time I weeded I must have buried or exposed the seeds to the right environment and now with the cool weather I have all these volunteers coming up all over the garden. Yesterday, for instance, before I could mow I needed to dig up the volunteer parsley in the yard. I must say working with nature and the right season is certainly a lot more fun then trying to force Her to my will which of course doesn't work out at all.

My kingdom for some turnip green right now! I'm just craving them for some reason...must be something in turnip greens that my body needs at this time. :scratch:

I love the mountains too. I could be happy in a little cabin/house in the mountains... This is where my Dad would chime in with all the impractical things and hardships of mountain life and the reason this modern girl would not survive in that environment. :lol: yes, I tend to be an impractical dreamer at times. but I think he is wrong to think I couldn't give up all the modern conveniences... The big one would be modern plumbing I suppose. Yep, that would take some getting used to. :mrgreen:

Well, enjoy that gardening and don't forget to post some pictures when you have a spare minute. ;)
Love to you and the family,
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Seeker13 »

I have big plans for Josie...if she's willing? I hope she will be my consort in helping to move my flowers over to Sunrise. She's been especially interested in plants for the last year. My plan is to move the herbs into containers on our deck, so I can simply step outside grab a handful and, "Yum!" I just love growing things! Yesterday I had the first moon tea(sun tea except at night) of the year. Filled a tea ball with fennel and spearmint I'd dried previously and what a refreshing libation!

It's been so cold, have had to hold off for so long before sprouting seeds. Can't wait to get the basil started! Now Josie can help me and feel some ownership. It really affected me last year not having time to play in my gardens. Yes I feel like a little kid released for recess, "YAHA!" My plan is to also make a play area for Clementine back by the garden... Think I was a preschool teacher for too long? There's a perfect tree for hanging a baby swing. I have one of those big cedar swings at home, waiting sadly to be reclaimed. There's a stand of wild cherry trees I'd like to turn into a play house, have you ever seen houses like that? Trees planted closely in a wide ring, almost looks like walls. No ceiling of course, but the canopy of the branches and leaves make it feel like there is one! If only I didn't have to waste time working at my job!

I love volunteers! I'm forever plucking them out of the grass... for that matter I'm forever weeding the grass from the flower beds. There are three holly hocks waiting for me to rescue from the lawn. The Lambs Ear at my house have probably taken over!

Pretty sure I couldn't have survived as a pioneer mountain woman, but now, who knows? I'd love one of those completely 'green houses', no waste, self-contained. Probably have to learn to knit though huh? At least reacquaint myself with skis...and not be allergic to wool...or afraid to wash windows. Oh, well, it doesn't take any planning to dream does it?

Gotta get moving, lots of watering to do, oh yeah and rooms to clean. Clementine and Dan are bringing Josie today. That's a win/win! Give George a hug for me.

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
I love your ideas and plans for your garden and play area for Clementine. Yep, once a Preschool teacher, always a preschool teacher. Having been one myself, I still think in those same terms whenever I am around "youngins" of that appropriate age. Your little granddaughter will really benefit by your eternal youthfulness that that job provides. ;) :thumright:

I had a natural outdoor play area in my old home in Ohio, using wild Dogwood trees/bushes. It was so pretty right next to the creek with daffodils blooming around it in the spring...sigh. Quietly sitting out there appreciating the peace and beauty I think first opened my heart center...setting the stage for so much more that I later desired. :happy

Ever since you mentioned Josie, I have this song in my head... from our childhood...Remember Josie and the Pussycat's cartoon? :lol: :mrgreen:

Oh my! ... now the Banana Splits are playing... :shock: I forgot to turn it off and Utube is automatically playing other things they think I might like from that. :lol: :oops:
Better turn it off before I am lost in yesteryear. ;)
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Seeker13 »

I feel like giving you a big ole hug!!! :love I laughed probably a little too loudly thinking about Josie and The Pussycats and especially about the Banana Splits!!! I loved those shows. Not even going to listen to them, you know easily I get a song stuck in my head! Fingers in my ears, "LA! LA! LA!" I feel my time spent as a preschool teacher was a way of being myself and not sticking out too much to give people someone to point at with raised eyebrows.

As far as the gardens go, some of my first memories were of my Grandma showing me how to weed the glads and bachelor buttons. You can be sure that garden in the back will be Clementine and Grandma's special place! Aleah was so cute! At two-years-old she could name all the flowers we had growing in the flower boxes lining our deck. I've got the sweetest pictures of that time of her and the boys loving each other. Pretty sure Ken and Dan only pretended to like each other for Aleah's sake. They both adored her. There I was lost in yesteryear too.

All the sudden I had a surge of emotion! Aleah and I were sharing stories talking to Josie last night. I'm so saddened at how lost the younger generation seems to be...Toss out those video games and phones and sit down talk, laugh and play! So many parents are missing the beauty that is right in front of them...those brilliant, amazing little Indigos.

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by roxiedog13 »


Garden planted, fishing on, hiking on, biking on and camera on too :mrgreen: A picture from a moonlit night at my cottage Canada day.

How y'all doin ? ;)
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by happyrain »

awesome picture roxie.
i like the last one too

thanks for sharing :hithere
doin just fine now that i get to see some lovely nature pictures :afro:
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning All!

Love the last picture too Roxie. A wayshower... highlighted with moonlight. :D It doesn't get much better then that. :mrgreen:
I'm looking at a day full of laundry and household chores. (At least that is the plan) of course those kind of plans have been known to change with the least bit of encouragement from the leisure sector. :roll: :)

Thanks for the Hug Kim... My earliest memories of gardening too were of Glads and a flower called Snap dragons. I was probably about three but still remember sticking my finger in the mouth of "the dragon" and giggling. (Obviously it didn't take much to entertain this child. :lol: ) Do you and Aleah have all the beds cleaned out now with the extra help Josie provided?

I hope both your gardens are productive and beautiful throughout the growing and harvesting season.
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by roxiedog13 »

Went to bed last couple of nights at 11:11 on the digital clock. Figured it was a reminder to get in touch with the gang here. I've been away for work and out of town plenty so hard to keep up.
Anyway, hiked last weekend took a trademark picture and hopefully it will upload. Still standing.....on my hands :P

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by roxiedog13 »

Sandy wrote:Good Morning All!

Love the last picture too Roxie. A wayshower... highlighted with moonlight. :D It doesn't get much better then that. :mrgreen:
I'm looking at a day full of laundry and household chores. (At least that is the plan) of course those kind of plans have been known to change with the least bit of encouragement from the leisure sector. :roll: :)

Thanks for the Hug Kim... My earliest memories of gardening too were of Glads and a flower called Snap dragons. I was probably about three but still remember sticking my finger in the mouth of "the dragon" and giggling. (Obviously it didn't take much to entertain this child. :lol: ) Do you and Aleah have all the beds cleaned out now with the extra help Josie provided?

I hope both your gardens are productive and beautiful throughout the growing and harvesting season.
What is a Waysshower? That figure is a Canadian symbol but more that anything it's a Eskimo( Inuit ) figure originating from Labrador . See meaning below .

Inukshuk, the singular of inuksuit, means "in the likeness of a human" in the Inuit language. They are monuments made of unworked stones that are used by the Inuit for communication and survival. The traditional meaning of the inukshuk is "Someone was here" or "You are on the right path."
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