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Post by aquacrystals »

Hello all

My main question here is if someone is extremely depressed and have almost built a wall around themselves, can you ask Angels for help and the universe and will they be able to help especially if there is like this wall? I hope that makes sense. I have a black tourmaline necklace on - is there anything else spiritually I can do for him/myself? I have been asking the Angels for help any specific ones? Here is more info...

Well what can I say. It's safe to say I feel very broken. I met the most amazing man (no exaggeration!) last year. He is every thing I could ever asked for and we seemed so in sync. He is Gemini and I am Aries. He works away and always knew when something was up. So romantic and loving just perfect I could not fault him. We had been together briefly as teenagers so I find it all very romantic!

Knowing someone so well like this even though we had really not been in contact long seemed a bit like soul finding. However we also knew if something was up and I started to notice small changes in the way he was with me. To cut a long story short, he told me at Christmas (because I asked and wondered what was up) that he feels no love for anyone or nothing and he feels like he is in a hole. I said I would be there for him, with no guarantees for support etc.

I'm not a needy girlfriend which is good in this situation so I don't continually text/phone at all, I gave him space etc. He would contact me everyday message rather than speak. I think this is because we realised it was depression. He has had a few major things happen and he doesn't want to work where he Is now away and lots of things. So 2 months later so now ish, he comes back from working away and he has gotten so much worse. So depressed and just uninterested in everyone and everything. I have been supportive throughout as I would do anything for him. He won't get help and he has said he can't be in a relation ship rut now as he needs to mend himself and it's not fair on me as he has nothing to give. Regardless of what I said (I was being grounded for him not crying or anything) and he was adamant.

I feel such strong love for this man. I'm an independent person but this one I feel such strong links too. I will respect his decision but I am so upset and at a loss. Of course I sincerley hope he comes back but I am in no way relying on this and trying to live my own life again now. I just feel at a loss as there's nothing I can do. He just means so much to me. I just feel very heartbroken. Sorry in advance for the long message...
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Re: Help

Post by Sandy »

Hi Aquacrystals
This is a tough one... I had never heard of this loss of emotion before until about 2 months or so ago when Dat brought up a prayer request for a dear is the URL.
My main question here is if someone is extremely depressed and have almost built a wall around themselves, can you ask Angels for help and the universe and will they be able to help especially if there is like this wall? I hope that makes sense. I have a black tourmaline necklace on - is there anything else spiritually I can do for him/myself? I have been asking the Angels for help any specific ones? Here is more info...
I think I understand what you are talking about... with this wall. Yet I think , at least in the avenue of depression, that this can be a "false wall," one that is built by the disease not by the healthy person who once functioned acceptably in the world.
The angels work closely with the God within us, and they in turn with Celestial and human healers of every sort who channel the Universe's healing energies for individuals and groups. So I have to say, yes, there is much that can be done for him should it flow within your friends Life path and the lessons He is to learn.

I must admit, that I have been thinking about this for awhile and even wrote a previous response to your post. but I am convinced there is absolutely nothing that Love cannot accomplish and it sounds like you have plenty of love for this dear man. With that in mind I recently came across a healing meditation that was relatively simple if you would like to take a look at it. It is something that you could do that would assist you as well and help you with this ache you carry in your heart. ... nda-radha/

Of course, channelling God's healing energies can be something as simply as creating your healing intention, getting quiet and with eyes closed, allow the love for him to build along side your desire to see him/them well. In this case, free of this depression etc. Feel/See/Imagine the Divine Light and Power before you as a brilliant White Light. Sense this energy filling you and then when you are ready, send it with your intentions to your friend or anyone else you are praying for and know that it will hit its mark.
In some way, know that it will help... Believe that this is so. Obviously, it can't hurt. :) and it will help you as well. Since anytime you work on healing for another you reap benefits as well.

Would you like George to send this dear man to the healing circle? He would be glad to do it and he would just need a little information to aid those who channel the healing. (first name, age, location... (state and country) and a brief description of the healing that is needed....which you really have included here.) If there is a crack opened for healing the angels will find it. Of that I am sure.

I am sorry that you are suffering this heartache. My mom went through depression when I was a teenager and it can break your heart as the desire to make them feel better is so strong and yet it seems like there is nothing you can do to pull them out of it. There was light at the end of this long tunnel for her and I hope there is for your friend as well. I do wish he would consider talking to a therapist. They can be so helpful and it isn't like there is a stigma these days. Many, many people have benefited by a unloading even for a few sessions with someone trained to help us make sense of life and the way our brain processes it.

Anyway let us know if there is anything we can do. In the meantime, I will place your friend and you too in my daily prayers. I hope and pray that there is peace and much joy in both your futures.xx
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Re: Help

Post by Zachary »


I'm glad you posted this.
I joined these forums because I was heartbroken at a time too.
It's okay to feel heartbroken I learned. I hope you can shake that feeling as fast as you can!

Of course you can ask Angels and other celestials for help. Spirit works together, I would not worry about any specific ones. It's the sincerity from the heart, intent, and faith that seem to be effective. Sometimes a loving push from someone is what we need to gain momentum in the right direction. Have faith you possess that push I speak of whether the push is from healing, prayer, words etc...
Above all please remember that we can only control our selves - don't beat yourself up over another's decisions... especially when you try to make it better!!!!!

I never have met or known of a person who has been heartbroken that didn't benefit from it.. so don't worry!

I'll include your friend in my prayers tonight

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Re: Help

Post by nasra1996 »

Welcome Aquacrystals..

i did write a long post but i lost internet connection and it dissapreared : )

Gosh im not sure how you can tackle this, similar happened to me last year with someone who was depressed he shut me off and dropped me as his friend and potential partner, i made a mistake in trying to help him out and i guess he felt a bit patronised by my constant asking"how are you" etc..
It's quite difficult to deal with someone with depression, i hope he is getting professional help too.. I guess all you can do is give him his space to heal and just offer your friendship for when he feels better, tell him you will always be around if he ever needs a friend etc..

Prayers to both of you... :kiss:
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Re: Help

Post by Welles »

Hi Aquacrystals,

I read your request for help and had nothing to offer. The circumstances you are confronting are beyond any experience I've had. Then I found this while rummaging around the internet and thought it might be of some support.

How to Be a Good Friend to Someone Who Is Depressed — by Toni White ... depressed/

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