Always remember to "Follow Up"

We will list here stories almost too amazing to believe - when our spirit brothers and sisters turn up physically here to help us. This forum is only about angels physically helping us.
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Always remember to "Follow Up"

Post by pointman19 »

That was great advice from Geoff, one of the very helpfull moderators on this site. For those taking the time to read this thread, if its early, grab a coffee and a snack. this will be a lengthy read...but not a waste of your time :)

I wanted to give an update on things, its been a very crazy six months. I've said before, i turned over the steering wheel of my life over to the Unseen. Dont get me wrong, i still drive the car of life, but i get suggestions on what forks to turn down...and based off of those intuitional suggestions, truly amazing and wonderful results have come about.

To make a long story short on my past and before and after i started to truly follow number prompts and "signs", i worked at a Goodwill, making minimum wage. I was at the register for nearly four years...very miserable and stuck due to a workers compensation claim that kept me at that job. As long as the claim was left open, i could work no where else...and that gave the higher ups at goodwill the opportunity to make things so miserable for me, they hoped i would just quit and drop the claims.

But then, one day, i got this very strong gut feeling after, once again, a manager tried to pin the blame on me for yet something else that was not my fault. (they used these tactics so they could constantly write me up, making me look like a problematic and un cooperative employee). That last time, i finally got the gut feeling to quit and leave the job...that something was in the works far greater for me that i could have realized.
Everything in my logical brain said NO!!!!! don't do this!!! You will have NO income, you will have NO way of supporting yourself. This is STUPID, don't you DARE walk out that door!!"

That was the whirlwind of thoughts that was going through my head .... but i kept getting this feeling...this unsaid message that "said/felt"....its time.

So against everything i knew was the right way to go about things when it comes to leaving a job the proper way....i took off my shirt (i had one on underneath :P), and lightly underhand tossed it to the manager. I looked at her and said...."I think im done. Goodbye, Jenn". Amidst her protests...i walked out that door.

Now at this time, i waited. Weeks went by...then months. I started applying at jobs all over, but to no avail. I started to wonder if i had made all of it up in my head to give myself a reason to quit the job.

Then an opportunity did come my was so convienent for how it was to happen. Without hesitating, i took a job with a family freind and i now work in sales as a manufacturers rep.

Listen to this though, this is how my situation currently is....and then you can tell me if you think all of this is purely coincidence.

I had prayed to the angels, spirit guides, midwayers and other planetary helpers...i said that if a job did finally come my way, i can never do manual labor. My back and neck are far too messed up for that anymore. Now i have a job in sales, and i was never looking for was offered.

I have a very unique opportunity here. I have the chance to learn this field from a very highly intelligent family friend, a man who has three different successful businesses in the past making him now self financed for this venture. So the wealth of knowledge to learn from is there. I have a business phone now, a company credit card and even a company car. I had said once before the amazing happenings that had happened in only the first three months of representing a machine that filters diesel gasoline. (a market that is now just timing on entering this field is phenomenal).

Since then, and im sorry it took so long to get to this point, we both were sought out by a company called Hydrotex through After the initial interview, the division partner of Northeast Ohio thought we would be a perfect fit. We could now also sell lubricants, and fuel additives to work hand in hand with our diesel filtration company.

Ever since we paired with this company, things have truly begun to take off. This company is a huge, nationwide company...that pays 30 percent commission in the first YEAR!!. On their website, is a wealth and i mean, WEALTH, of information readily available to all their employees. 20 to 40 minute educational videos that teaches you every possible little thing of every possible market segment they have available.
Also, next week, Hydrotex is flying myself and my boss, Ed, to Qualification School in Dallas. Its a three day educational crash course on the principles of all lubrication aspects and all their greases and fuel additives. All we have to do on our end is pay for the flight from Cleveland to Dallas (70 bucks at most). Once we get there, Hydrotex provides free transportation, lodging for those days and all meals paid for! Its a truly amazing opportunity.

But that's not all. Out of a gut feeling, i looked up a company that i thought could use the help of hydrotex dearly. I sent them an email and days later, we had a sit down appointment with the three major heads of the company...each expressing huge interest. I really wish i could say what company....but i don't know everyone s profession here ;) Lets just say...this particular company is the 13th largest Fleet in the United States. THEY actually called US back asking how soon we can begin to move forward...i mean, this is just amazing. You would think a company like this sees people like us all the time....but whats amazing is that they haven't. And we had such a successful interview, answering questions and providing the best information we could, that we simply nailed it...they loved us!

If this sale pops...that would be a hell of a first sale for this company. This is no "Jan and Bobs auto service garage" ;)

Ever since i took this job as a Manufactures representative and now...a lubrication consultant, My life has changed drastically over the past six months. By following intuition, not only do i know have a job that i not only love, but LOVE doing, i also have a girlfriend now :) A very spiritual one that mimics my ideals, my loves and passions. We practically share a mind sometimes lol....and to find a girl that is EVERYTHING i have ever looked for in a woman, is definelty no coincidence. I actually was never going to talk to her that way...but i had a gut feeling and i thought as a person, she was not only beautiful but one of the guys. But again, i got a gut feeling that i should ask her out. So i went outside my comfort zone and finally did just that.....and now i have the most wonderful girlfriend who not only loves me for me, but supports everything that happens with my job. Theres times where my travels could take me away for nearly a week...but the trust between us is SO strong, we both know that we would never fool around on each other. We actually live by the "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" mantra.
When i come home from these trips, ill be walking to the front door...still in my business suit and briefcase in greeted by a girlfriend who bolts out the door and jumps into my arms and squeezes me like ive been gone for years....i feel truly blessed.

I've also had a few above ground liquid storage tanks cleanings that went through. Once i received my compensation for cleaning said tank, i had enough to finally put money down a decent and reliable car. No longer do i have the 1997 sun bleached Dodge Intrepid with zero exhaust system and three blown catalytic converters (making this tiny car louder than a mack truck downshifting on a highway). I now have a 2008 Pontiac G6 paid up until June....just in case i don't have a sale right away. I don't want any late payments ;)

I truly feel so very blessed because of all of this. Many of the outcomes ive described in this post is because i followed the signs of the severely strong gut feelings. I've gone out of my comfort zone many times and tread into the suggestions of the unknown....and as long as you stay positive, be grateful for what you earn and receive (never rub it in ones GRATEFUL for your blessings), keep treating people the way YOU wanted to be your job with light and life guiding you....and the most amazing, uplifting results will be your reward.

Dont get cocky, dont get snarky, and most certainly...never get a big head or ego. Always remember that whatever results you receive, as beneficial as they may be, to thank your spirit guides for their help. Yes, it may be you that acted on the prompts and worked hard once an opportunity presents itself...but if it wasn't for the suggestions of the spirit guardians, i would have never known where to turn in the first place. Any success i have, now and in the future, is a cooperative partnership. If it wasn't for them, i would never be where i am at.

And for that...ill never know how to say a big enough thank you. Those Spirits helped pull me out of a terrible situation...and for that, my gratitude can never be fully expressed...for it overflows from me like a well. Much love to them, and to you all here on these boards. Helpers, readers, contributors....Its not just the spirits that help us. Its also all of you!! Helping spread the message of 11:11...To wake us all up, and truly look at life through a new set of eyes <3

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Re: Always remember to "Follow Up"

Post by Sandy »

I am so happy for you....reading your post here has just lightened my heart to the extent I could dance around the room. Thank you, thank you for sharing your thoughts on the events of the past 6 months. They are absolutely amazing! I just want you to know that you are a one of a kind very special person and I am so pleased that you are a part of our lives! I am going to save this post in my computer and read it whenever I need a little encouragement.
Love to you and your lady,
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Re: Always remember to "Follow Up"

Post by Geoff »

Dear Jason,

That is such wonderful news, its really great to read. You seem to be well on your way now, and I am particularly glad to see you are still being conservative with your money. Thats another bit of advice I did not need to give you. If you have a good life, with no financial stress, and you enjoy your job and have a great woman in your life..... I think some folks would call that heaven.

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Re: Always remember to "Follow Up"

Post by pointman19 »

Its been a struggle and im still struggling, but at least i have my head in the shallow end of the pool for once ;) Right now, im so very very happy and grateful with what ive had, but i know theres a lot more to accomplish and the future is still clouded in mystery....however, thats what makes it all so interesting. Having no idea where any of this will go but the only feeling i have about all of it is that only good will come of this

Thank you Geoff and Sandy :) I always love hearing from the two of you :) And i appreciate the support, its why i keep coming back to update how my life is going ever since i started to look through it with a new set of eyes :bana: :bana:

“A better world starts with the thoughts of each individual. Do have ‘better thoughts.’ --Teacher Monjoronson

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Re: Always remember to "Follow Up"

Post by Sandy »

Keep those updates coming, Jason. I love to hear from you. Right now I am wondering if you are freezing up there. George just said this morning that the US is experiencing another bout of frigid cold.
Stay safe!
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Re: Always remember to "Follow Up"

Post by pointman19 »

All i have to say is that Frigid is an understatement LOL. We kind of get a double dose of winter weather up in Northeast Ohio. The area im at is right on Lake Erie, so we get those cold winds and bone numbing colds that everyone else gets but we also get the Lake Effect weather too....which is the nastiest part. Even now, my area is expecting anywhere from 8-10 inches of snow by Saturday right.

The really bad bad thing that accompanies both of those two weather when it gets SO SO cold, the slush under the new coat of snow turns to ICE. Next thing you know, you driving on what you think is a fresh coat of snow and you go to stop and literally slide ten feet.

Even when it doesnt snow, this ice is a huge problem. Our area decided not to buy road salt this year since the price skyrocketed.....this is the worst scenario you can get out here. No road salt = no melting of the accumulations of ice on the road :(

Its probably the worst ive seen the past couple of storms when it comes to traffic. Cars spun and stuck off the sides of the road, but the freeways and the highways are the salt use on there either. Yesterday on route 44, a semi truck was on an overpass getting on to a connecting freeway. the ice caused it to jackknife right on the bridge.

I know the salt has gotten expensive...but in a lake effect/snowbelt area...some alternative is needed. You cant just NOT do the roads out here, it snows so much and so hard....its hard to determine sometimes what is the road and what is someones front yard! A good snowstorm can undermine the cities Plowing efforts in less then 20 minutes

Love ya all, Peace and Namaste


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Re: Always remember to "Follow Up"

Post by Sandy »

Yikes sounds like a snowy battle zone up there. :shock: We lived just down from you an hour or two and so were spared the lake affect end of it. Our snow amounts generally were a bit more reasonable... just right for this girl who likes snow). Still, it could be worse, eh? Imagine living in some places out western US, let's say Idaho, where in some places you don't expect to use your front door because it is covered by compacted snow for months on end. Those artic blast can sure freeze the blood, though. I was just thinking about them this morning as I was complaining inwardly about the humidity. (Poor TA can't escape my complaints as George can LOL) It does feel a little more comfortable now but that can change by the hour in the summer.

Well, no more complaints out of me. You stay safe. I'm saying some prayers for your welfare and those you love on those icy roads.
And once again, I am getting tingly all over again thinking about your life the past 6 months...I'm still celebrating and hopefully taking notes from your own experience. ;)
With love,
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Re: Always remember to "Follow Up"

Post by pointman19 »

Im hoping that soon, i can have another update. My next goal is a home for me, my girlfreind and her son. Nothing special to start out, but we need a place to start an actual home may be out of the question...but a trailer home is more the ballpark at the moment. Theres a method behind my madness believe it or not lol :P you can pay a trailer home off, and get a very nice one, for around 5-8 thousand dollars. Then the lot rent is only 275 to 350 a month. For the time being, you cant really beat that. Apartments alone can be anywhere from 800 to 1500 a month to live in, give or take. Between the two of us, we can split the lot rent and utilities and between the two of us, should spend no more than 200 us both a chance to save up the savings from going trailer instead of apartment.

im hoping within 3-5 years, we'll be out of the trailer and into something we can truly call home. :)

“A better world starts with the thoughts of each individual. Do have ‘better thoughts.’ --Teacher Monjoronson

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Re: Always remember to "Follow Up"

Post by Sandy »

Hey Jason,
It sounds like a pretty good game plan. I hope that soon you and your little family have a place you can all call home. I was shocked at the rental prices you spoke of. But when I thought about it that is not far off what we pay here for our tiny little place. It's home though and we are blessed to be here and with a very kind landlord to boot.
Have a great week and stay warm.
Go Ohio State Buckeyes!!! :mrgreen: ;)
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Re: Always remember to "Follow Up"

Post by Krystalshard »

Wonderful, just wonderful. Isn't it eye opening when you look from whence you've come, and really see how far it has brought you? And I understand about the "make the move on faith" gut feeling thing. I had done that just a little over a year and a half ago. I have grown, my income has grown and new opportunities are sprouting too. In the last few days, my symbol of spiritual wisdom and presence (eagle flying over me) has been showing up a few times, and I began to get some 1111 prompts too. This, after several months of not much going on. I've learned that it is good not to manufacture those moments, which is a temptation when you feel like you need direction and are looking for a sign. But just allow life... be in it to the fullest, and live the adventure! (Chuckle, I just looked at my computer clock: 1:11!)
Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

Love and light,
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Re: Always remember to "Follow Up"

Post by aidebynature »

Reading this, and my computer showed 23:23 :)

I'm really happy you followed your gut feeling. There are times I should have done that, but didn't, to less fortunate results. Listening to your intuition makes it stronger and stronger..just like lifting weights. :)
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Re: Always remember to "Follow Up"

Post by Sandy »

aidebynature wrote:
Listening to your intuition makes it stronger and stronger..just like lifting weights. :)
I should have that tattooed on my arm! :)
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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