GOA Trance Music / Experience

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GOA Trance Music / Experience

Post by murlin99 »

Lately I have became interested in very fast trance music, more or less rave music that generally is 166bpm or 188bpm. Actually I lean towards GOA trancehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goa_trance.

Quoted from the wiki "The original goal of the music was to assist the dancers in experiencing a collective state of bodily transcendence, similar to that of ancient shamanic dancing rituals, through hypnotic, pulsing melodies and rhythms. " Generally this type of music ended its run in the late 1990's though there are still DJ's that mix this kind of music and do put out new albums every now and then.

Now in a lot of my other posts I have talked about the music that I like, mainly classic rock from the mid 1960's to the late 1970's and those will always be my favorite. But I have always liked the odd one off song here and there from Orbital or Apex Twin and a few others but never really got into it to have a full playlist of GOA Trance. About 6 months ago I was trying to figure out some way to stay focused on my work, rock music was not doing it for me anymore, really it came down to the words, I wanted to listen to the words when I was supposed to be figuring out code. So I started searching for something with a good beat that did not have any words or very few words. I found traditional Trance and downloaded a bunch but it was newer stuff with a really pop like sound, not what I was looking for.

Then while searching the usenet newsgroups for trance music I came up on GOA Trance. I downloaded a few of the tracks and was able to get into a groove with it. In India where this type of trance originated some people practice their yoga with this music playing in the background. So I experimented around with meditating with this music playing. It took a while and some volume adjustments on my headphones to get the music at the correct level to not invade my mind just keep the beat going in the background. After practicing this for a few days I was finally able to relax enough to feel like I was meditating with this music playing. I can not say I went fully into a deep meditation or if the music was adding to my experience but I did have some feelings/experience...

Generally what I can say is I felt a presence around me, not sure if it was one presence or multiple, but it was something. I actually got knocked out of this meditation by what happened last. I saw/imagined something off in the distance of my mind or where ever I was that was moving closer, the closer it moved the faster it came, seemed like it was going to hit me right in the face but at the last minute it stopped, formed out of a vapor into a face that I could not fully make out then disappeared in a cloud of vapor just like it had approached. Maybe if it had not startled me I could have figured out what was going on, but when the face appeared it knocked me out of the state that I was in and then it was over.

Just wanted to share this experience as it sort of veers off of the path of how we would normally meditate but I like to try different approached to meditation, I am an experimenter, that's what I do.

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Re: GOA Trance Music / Experience

Post by Sandy »

Hi Bryan,
Thanks for posting your experience with Trance music. I'll take a peak at it when I can. (This day has sort of gotten away from me.) Have you ever listened to biurnal (sp.?) beats. Robert (I-Am), and I think Petra, were talking about them a while back. I am wondering if they are something similar.

What were your general impressions/feelings with the presence around you and the face that materialized towards the end of your meditation? Did you feel good about it afterwards or uneasy? ..or did it happen so fast didn't know what to feel or think? :lol: That would be me. ;) :)

I know it is easy to become surprised when something like this happens and get knocked right out of alpha. Has happened to me a fair few times. I suspect you'll have many chances to analyse such things and this won't be the last time you'll be sharing cool meditation occurrences.. :D
Your experiences are always so fascinating! :sunflower:
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Re: GOA Trance Music / Experience

Post by murlin99 »

The "presence" did not feel bad, I just knew they were there just on the edge of my field of vision, sort of shadowy forms, I cant say they felt inviting, but not intimidating just sort of watching.

The misty face that came from way out formed then disappeared did not seem to be vengeful or threatening. What I have analyzed after the fact was that I caused it to disappear when I apparently mentally jumped so I lost the connection is the way I can explain it. When you get deep into the mind especially tapping into your sub conscious while still aware of what is going on around you you unlock parts of the mind that we have been programmed by society to ignore or are told you are crazy. I am not getting on the "we only use 10% of our mind" kick, we use most of our mind all day every day it is just the way we have been taught through the whole system to ignore the "crazy stuff". But we are very supportive of this kind of thing. For instance when my daughter was 6 years old she came to us one morning and said while she was sleeping someone came to her in a dream told her that she used to live in a cave and was a medicine woman. Actually the exact way she said they explained it to her was "You were a medicine woman who dwelled in cave." Told her that she would do wonderful things if she would continue that path. We did not shut her down we probed her for all of the details of the experience and were very supportive of her and to let us know if she had any more dreams like that. I think she made the decision to become a nurse at that point and has just been accepted into the nursing program at Wright State University.

I have used binaural beats alone and laid over other tracks even the original 11:11 tracks. I had to play with the frequencies for a while to get a primary tone that I liked but generally I will use Audacity to lay the bin track over whatever I want to use it with. When I am listening to a track with binaural overlay I can feel a vibration setup in my body at the same frequency of the tone. The most interesting experience I had using binural tracks was a sweep track that I created that was 1 hour long. It swept down from 15hz to 9hz over 15 minutes then held 9hz for 30 minutes then ramped back up to 15hz over the last 15 minutes. I can not say that I had any major breakthrough's while listening to this but I could feel my mind shift gears though the different frequencies.

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Re: GOA Trance Music / Experience

Post by Sandy »

Hi Bryan,
I loved the experience of your daughter and how it helped to lead her into the noble path of nursing. You must be very proud of her.

...and as I read you post it hit me...YES, We have discussed this before. LOL I can be so forgetful at times and yesterday did not have the time to do a search on the subject. Yes, you definitely have experimented with binaural beats and I remember discussing this as you experimented before. :oops: :lol:

hey! Thanksgiving is tomorrow. :bana: Well it is here anyway as we are a fair few hours ahead of the US. I am already making mental lists...all the things I am grateful for this Thanksgiving. The list is long and getting longer every second I direct my attention to this area. How wonderful to find slow growth in gratitude and love ... not there yet, for sure, and certainly not anything to write home about, ;) but I am a work in progress. ( LOL MY excuse for everything I suspect.)
Anyway, I hope that you and your dear family have a lovely Thanksgiving. I am thankful for your presence here, your input on the board and your friendship fellow Ohioan. :D
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Re: GOA Trance Music / Experience

Post by I-AM »

Hi Bryan,

You may also want to try the so-called Uplifting Trance. Those are trance tracks that have a drum-less portions in the middle, just uplifting vibrations.

This guy knows what he is doing and there are always 2-3 usable tracks in each of his 1-hour trance mixes:


Just one good example of well-done uplifting trance music:

But one needs quality headphones to enjoy this music in an inteligent (not overdone) manner. I love this track because of its insanely beautiful middle section featuring female voices singing in harmony.

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Re: GOA Trance Music / Experience

Post by murlin99 »

I-AM wrote:Hi Bryan,

You may also want to try the so-called Uplifting Trance. Those are trance tracks that have a drum-less portions in the middle, just uplifting vibrations.

This guy knows what he is doing and there are always 2-3 usable tracks in each of his 1-hour trance mixes:
I-AM wrote:
But one needs quality headphones to enjoy this music in an inteligent (not overdone) manner. I love this track because of its insanely beautiful middle section featuring female voices singing in harmony.

That is a very good track. I will be listening to it again when I have time to relax later. Believe it or not I have a set of $20 Sony headphones that I bought about 8 years ago that sound just as good as a pair my friend recently paid almost $100 for. Mine actually seem to beat them in sub frequencies, the other pair seems to have me a bit on the high frequencies, but were talking 13kHz+ which I normally equalize down anway.

I play around with mixing as a home hobby and have mixed a few of my own trance type tracks. There is only 1 that I would say is anywhere near good enough to let other people listen to. Ill have to find somewhere to put it up and link it here.

Peace and Happiness,
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Re: GOA Trance Music / Experience

Post by I-AM »

murlin99 wrote:
That is a very good track.
Want more? :hithere

All the three tracks below have been tested and proved having an "uplifting" effect. This is high quality, pure, spiritual trance stuff (if there is such a thing).

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Re: GOA Trance Music / Experience

Post by Sandy »

I'm appreciating both your postings. Haven't had a chance to check out the trance music yet but looking forward to settling down with it in the next couple days... Well, maybe a week or so as I have a flat inspection coming up on Tuesday and there is much work to do.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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