New (very cool) story

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New (very cool) story

Post by Andy »

Hi Sandy,

I have been absent from here for a while. Work and other personal stuff has kept me away.

But, something huge happened the other day and I had to share.

If you recall, i am in the midst of a separation from my girlfriend of 12 years. Her name is Rene. Just some of the Synchronicity moments are documented here.

I find comfort in them as they are a reminder that there remains a very good chance at a reunion. But, I am still a puny human and prone to doubt. When that happens I ask for help and more often than not, it comes my way.

Recently, I was in need of some big reassurances that not only am I getting messages, but Rene is too. She is aware of messages but not to the level I am.

A week or so ago, I was on my way to an evening out and for no reason what so ever, I was "pulled" to change plans and go to a meeting where I knew a friend was the speaker for the night. Again, I had no intention of attending the meeting when I left the house. I was "pulled" to the meeting. The idea came into my head and I HAD to follow it. The meeting was at a church. As I got to the church I accidentally drove past the entrance to the parking lot and had to turn around. This is an old church and as with many of this age, there is a cemetery adjacent to it. As I turned around, I was now facing the cemetery and a headstone, (which was as big as a couch) stood right in front of me. Only the last name was on the stone and it was the same as Rene's last name. I wouldn't have thought much more about it except, I was also on the phone with her mother at that precise moment. Which is why I past the parking lot in the first place. So, I am now talking to Rene's mother and looking at her last name. As I finally pulled into the lot, there ahead of me was a car identical to Rene's.

It turns out that I was early for the meeting and had about 45 minutes to spare. So, I ventured into the cemetery and looked around. As I said, it was a very old cemetery. The first grave I came to was that of a revolutionary war soldier from the 1700s. I admired it for a little bit and moved on. I went to the headstone with Rene's last name on it and found nothing else remarkable. But, on the way back, I ran into a headstone with the last name of a friend of mine who had past away 2 years ago. It wasn't his grave, but the name was the same. His first name is Jeffery. Out of respect, I am going to change his real last name to Jones for the sake of this story. But, I knew I was supposed to see that headstone with the last name of Jones on it.

As I was leaving the cemetery, I stopped again at the grave of the revolutionary war soldier and saw something I didn't see on my first stop. I saw a brand spanking new penny right at the base of the headstone. Again, I did not remember seeing it there when I looked at the headstone before. Why would a bright shiny penny be at the base of a 300+ year old headstone. It was then I knew something I saw there that day was important and it would show itself again. A day or so later, I was driving in a part of town I didn't know well and all of a sudden, I see a street sign that says "Jones St." Again, the same last name as my friend who past away.

Remember, I am asking for signs that Rene is also on the same path as I am. What I didn't realize was that they were piling up for future use. I had always heard that coins and feathers were signs that the angel's were near. I just saw a brand new penny at the headstone.

The next day felt compelled to drive to a different part of town. I had no idea why but I did. As I was in that part of town, I was wondering if another sign would show itself. I joked to myself that I am driving a van and there isn't much chance of finding a penny or a feather. I drove up the main street and turned around and came back. I saw nothing of interest at all. Until I got to the end of the road and ready to turn left. I was a few cars back from the intersection and as we were waiting on the light to change, I looked around at the buildings. On my immediate left, was a store named "Feathers". But I had seen nothing beyond that. I did get a kick out of the sign though.

The very next day I was again driving and got a huge urge to return to the part of town I just mentioned. I thought to myself that I had no business to justify being in that part of town two days in a row. But something kept gnawing at me to go back there. Instead, I returned to my office. The instant I entered the door, my phone rang and it was a client asking me to put of a last minute job. I asked when and she said, "right now". Now, despite my best efforts, I was headed right back into the part of town I was trying to avoid. Something was really working hard at getting me into that part of town again.

As I drove through that part of town, I past a friends house and recalled that she and I had not spoken in about 10 days. So, I sent her a text message. In about 5 minutes, she called back astonished. She went on to tell me that while she and I had not talked in 10 days, She and Rene had not talked in many weeks. She said that when my text message came in, only two seconds later, Rene called her. She said Rene was passing her house headed in the opposite direction and thought of her and called. Well I was passing her house and thought of her and sent a text. What that means is that at that precise moment, Rene and I were almost in the exact location while thinking and doing the exact same thing at the same precise moment in time. My friend was blown away but what she just witnessed. Not only did it happen, but we now have a witness. The only reason we didn't see each other was that we were both busy working our phones and calling the same person.

I now understood why that part of town was so important. And seeing the store named "feathers" meant there was a message for me there. I wonder now if had I driven to that part of town when I was originally told to, would I have seen Rene face to fact and the phone call was actually Plan "B".

You have to admit, that was pretty cool.

I used that information to get hold of Rene and told her that forces too big to ignore were pulling us to each other and we needed to talk and talk a lot. Well, yesterday, the talks began. So, she is also seeing the signs and recognizing as such.

During our 5 hour talk, I mentioned again the phone call and how the universe seems to think we might need to be together. She was a little hesitant to accept that until I asked her if Jeffery Jones had come into her head lately. She stopped dead in her tracks and stared at me for a second. It turns out that she was out and about and saw a restaurant named "Jefferies" just the other day and it made her think of him. When she asked why I would ask that I told her his name was brought before me twice this week and if I was seeing it, I knew it was also being shown to her as Jeffery was a friend to us both.

That was pretty cool too.

So, while no reunion has been set, the talks have begun. With the agreement to have more talks since the first one went so well.

The angels have been very busy this week.

There is no such thing as coincidence.

I can't wait to hear your thoughts.

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Re: New (very cool) story

Post by Andy »

I forgot to add that since our meeting yesterday, the numbers 0000 have shown up three times.

Since I am still working on the messages that come in numbers, I looked it up. According to what I found it the number 0000 means that a situation or issue in your life has come full circle.

If that's the case, that would be a very good thing.
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Re: New (very cool) story

Post by Sandy »

Hi Andy,
I was just thinking about you and Rene last week as we hadn't heard from you in awhile. So I was excited to see you posting again and with such lovely experiences to share with us. It is clear from this post and the others of the past that you carry a deep love for your partner of many years and that more than anything you long to resolve this separation and return not to a relationship based on past experiences but a brand new start perhaps built on the most solid of ground. It would certainly be hard to deny, with all these fabulous synchronicities, that the celestials are also pulling out all the "arrow carrying cupids" to assist two people in this endeavour. :sunflower:

Isn't it amazing how the Midwayers in conjunction with our angels and our very own God within can correlate the happenings, the "nudges" and prompts to near perfection. :D At the back of it all, of course, is our free will and no amount of nudges or prompts can over ride that...but it is so very encouraging to see such a display for the benefit of you two "lovebirds."

I will add my prayers that what occurs is for your very best...that the talks continue and healing balm can soften and soothe the hard stuff of the past. I pray this new day resounds in your heart...that joy bubbles over as you both put your over care into the hands of the One who is all, knows all and loves all.

This little human thinks the world of you over here and I am praying with all my heart that what you desire the most in the world will come to pass, most especially if it is the very best outcome for both you and Rene. :happy
Chin up now...and no worries...Allow God to drive and no doubt you will arrive at the very best of destinations.

Please give your angel, Ruth, a spiritual hug from me. :kiss: And you get one too! ((((((((Andy)))))))
P.S. I just can't get over those amazing synchronicities' you and Rene have shared these past weeks! Absolutely positively amazing... I feel your JOY!!!! :cheers: With Love all things are possible! :sunflower:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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