Noticing on a grander scale

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Noticing on a grander scale

Post by happyrain »

The 1111 moments have taken a new direction and have moved beyond numbers alone. I think it actually started with a very strong 1111 license plate prompt. After that, I've noticed some things...

For example, yesterday I made a small road trip to the beach. On the drive there, miles out from home I noticed a white BMW M3. My girlfriend and I noted it as unique because of its lime green rims and lime green painted side mirriors. Not thinking anything of it, until today. As I was leaving work for lunch I noticed the exact BMW M3 in our parking lot. Small world huh ?

Another instance. I sold a car to a really great customer. He's an artist. He showed me some of his work. One being a beautiful japanese painting he did on the side of his grandmas garage. It covered the entire garage. There was a lot of detail. I thought it was really cool and that this gentlemen had some serious talent. We made small talk of our animal totems and had a good exchange. I never knew the whereabouts of his japanese styled painting until yesterday, sheer luck. On that same road trip to the beach- As I was driving down the last road that leads to the ferry I spotted his grandmas house to my right. I knew it was her house because I saw the exact painting he showed me on his phone in person. What are the chances of that ? : )

Last Saturday... I sold a car to a young married couple. There was something familiar about them. I randomly blurted, I feel like we all went to the same high school together. We didn't... But then the husband said his wife thought I looked familiar too. They live in a different part of Texas. We've never met in this life until just recently. His wife then mentioned. Maybe we knew each other in a past life. I thought this was cool because I have just recently taken a serious interest in past lives. When her husband started to go on about the chances of us knowing each other in a past life... I had these chills slowly creep over my spine. Like, I'm to take note of this. It was a beautiful feeling. Later that day, I had the strongest dejavu as I was reflecting on my conversation with the married couple. By sitting in a particular spot and looking out to a specific direction, the dejavu hit me. Not only that- The dejavu was more like a rememberance of a future premonition. I had this dream or, idea before -that I'd been sitting in this spot reflecting and noting my dejavu. Noting exactly where I was sitting and exactly what I was starring out at.

There's more... Buthe work computer doesn't want me to type much more. These moments though. They're kinda like seeing 1111 on a clock. They're very strong lately. I wonder what it all means.

-Eric.... hr
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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,
Very cool happenings around you! 8)
I wonder if when we enter those times when our prompts and resultant for lack of a better term, physchic gifts," are greater that it might be because something has caused us to be more observant and sensitive to what is going on around us in the moment. Sort of like those waves in the "spiritual ocean" my Teacher spoke to me about years ago. :scratch:
You have always tended to notice the little wonders around you to the point you have helped me to be a little more that way too.
I wish I had been a little more observant with one of my Broccoli plants in the garden. I was just thinking how great they looked last week and then tonight I was shocked to see one of them was nearly eaten down to the stalk (The leaves) :shock: When I really looked closely I saw some fat little worms full of my "future broccoli hopes" blending in nearly perfectly with the color of the plant. I couldn't bring myself to kill them as they were sort of cute in a "Jabba the Hutt" sort of way. So I tossed them a short distance away in the yard. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, I inadvertently caused their demise after all when my little Magpie friend thought I was offering him a treat. :roll:
I suppose that is the nature of life on this world, eh?

Thanks for sharing the weird and wonderful things that are occurring over there for you. I hope that when you have the time you will fill us in on, "the rest of the story." (Ahhh, I just looked up to see one of my favourites...7:11 my first prompt on my desk clock. :) )
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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by happyrain »

You have always tended to notice the little wonders around you to the point you have helped me to be a little more that way too.
I wish I had been a little more observant with one of my Broccoli plants in the garden. I was just thinking how great they looked last week and then tonight I was shocked to see one of them was nearly eaten down to the stalk (The leaves) When I really looked closely I saw some fat little worms full of my "future broccoli hopes" blending in nearly perfectly with the color of the plant. I couldn't bring myself to kill them as they were sort of cute in a "Jabba the Hutt" sort of way. So I tossed them a short distance away in the yard. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, I inadvertently caused their demise after all when my little Magpie friend thought I was offering him a treat.
I suppose that is the nature of life on this world, eh?
:lol: thank you sandy

your story really made me smile
and lifted my spirits today
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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by Zachary »

"they were sort of cute in a "Jabba the Hutt" sort of way"! LOL, Sandy! that is hilarious. that got me laughing hard. I know how you feel, I have hard times crushing small creatures that even pose threats... it always crosses my mind I may be abusing the power I've been given, or at least I feel as if I should be trying to act like Him and show mercy to what I don't understand yet and spare their lives.

Love what you wrote Eric! I don't know what you chalk those experiences up to, but in my book I say they're evolving prompts that evolve from our origin (seeing 11:11 and other numbers). More developed prompts if you will. I started getting prompted through animals I would see, (animal totems posted by Sammy in the past got me thinking of animals and spirit relation) which is incredible when live creatures that you can actually see with your eyes are part of your delivered message. It's a huge change of pace from typical numbers... I noticed it takes more creativity to get prompted through other means than numbers, also more understanding, and a relationship with the voice within to work off of. Dejavu is huge for me, idk how other people feel on this MB when they experience deja vu, but it's one of my happiest moments. I get this feeling my teacher or guide... or someone real showed me this in my dreams, and now I'm being shown again to confirm I'm on the right path. A feeling of certainty becomes overwhelming, and you just feel like that was spirit showing you your in the right place. I don't know if deja vu has a specific universal meaning, but that's the feeling I get personally. As I'm writing this I'm starting to realize anything i connect between me and my deep thoughts (which im starting to suspect is me just communicating with my TA) allows spirit to speak through it, to deliver that personal message to me. Quite amazing really...

"These moments though. They're kinda like seeing 1111 on a clock." Exactly! i know that feeling so well! Which is why im starting to suspect it's communication between me and my spirit. or the spirit world invisible to my eye...? lol idk, but the two are certainly connected and after reading what you wrote i realize i feel the same way. It's cool to have a someone you don't really know write about how your feeling. As i just wrote in the above paragraph, how spirit speaks through to me in anyway i bring it. Well i certainly brought my deepest thoughts to this post and i feel like my spirit is speaking to me through you, happyrain. And in this whole reply theres a message for me to learn and gain from, that message and after all typing is: my spirit is always communicating with me, it truly never leaves me, even when I feel heavy hopelessness.... its still communicating to me, I'm just the one that forms the voice's advice into what i want it to be, and when I'm angry i turn those helpful words into angry ones. because aligning free-will with the Father's will is no easy task in our world at this time. wow i just learned so much about free-will and self discovery in this one message. I just read from the spokesperson of the circle of seven, Ophelius how our free will is our unique color/contributution to the Supreme Being quilt. I must say i think I'm starting to see it's beauty. And man it's truly cherished by beings much greater than me.

I could go on and on.... but

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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by Sandy »

Hi Zachary! I just loved your post and it has really got me thinking along with Welle's post involving intuition/miracles and their relation to the God within us... How exciting is it to view our lives with this awesome source of inspiration guidance etc... by our sides. (Well not by our sides exactly but you know what I mean. :)
I wonder if sometimes I take "things" for granted... you know, don't slow down enough to realize or maybe it's more like remember what a beautiful miraculous gift we have dwelling within us and where all the help comes from.
Interestingly, this morning I am seeing repeated themes again and again with the things I have viewed here and on the internet and that usually means I am being asked to pay attention and look a little closer at "something." Finding that "something" can be a challenge when I take off on my But in remembering to step back and ask and then opened to what is received and in what ever way it arrives... well, it makes the day flow more efficiently and peaceful.

I have been prompted out the kazoo today and in crazy kind of ways... so something is up and I will hopefully learn in just a bit. They may wish for me to connect a few dots. Which is good for me sometimes, forcing me to use my mental capacities, reason and knowledge.
A feeling of certainty becomes overwhelming, and you just feel like that was spirit showing you your in the right place.
just such a great feeling. I call it a knowing... and it is confirming isn't it... no wonder it makes us feel so good! : :sunflower:

I love it when this happens!
There is nothing better in this world or the next, I suspect, then getting ever closer and closer to your God within.

Lovely to see you again, Zach! It is always good/educational for me to read your take on "things."
(((((BIG HUGS)))))
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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by Zachary »

Sandy wrote:in remembering to step back and ask and then opened to what is received and in what ever way it arrives... well, it makes the day flow more efficiently and peaceful.
I just realized something by the way you wrote that sentence. I often remember to step back and ask, but I fail so hard and so often at paying attention to what is received, especially the way it arrives. I guess I always want it to arrive the way I want it to, but that rarely happens. I often distort the way it arrives, and as a result: the message becomes manipulated with my fear and doubts, then I embark on trying to understand the message I poisoned. Digesting poison isn't the best way for me to learn my lessons. But I get tired of it, and eventually learn my lesson.

On the more positive note: I just realized this more clearly from what you wrote Sandy, and learning from your words is very easy and much more fun than my self-distortions! for some reason it must be hard for me to tie fear and doubt and insecurity into a conversation with you, thus making learning from you very easy. life is beautiful when you come across individuals that use their free-will in such ways it affects you positively!! I can't help but to bring up that CM from Ophelius again because I'm actually starting to see some color to the Supreme Being in our own 'quilts'. I see your quilt Sandy, it's gleaming with immense beautiful color. It's almost as if you directly angled it to shine it's reflection so I can see.

In other words, your direct actions you chose to make weather you included me or not have made my life much better!! Thanks :D
Sandy wrote:They may wish for me to connect a few dots. Which is good for me sometimes, forcing me to use my mental capacities, reason and knowledge.
I like how you wrote sometimes, LOL

much LOVE,
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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by Sandy »

Hello Zach,
You are such a dear young man and very kind to see the light filled aspects of my projections rather then dwelling on the darker sides and there are darker sides I deal with...we all do and we too have moments when we feel as if we are poisoning "the message" and even our lives...but the beauty of life is that it truly is a learning experience and just as quickly as we think our way into "depressive self doubt” and "trouble" we can start again with renewed determination and Lots and Lots of Love.
Something we don't often like to dwell love for ourselves and it is this one that has been a stumbling block for me more times then I can remember.

But what I want to say to you at this moment is that you are beautifully loving and kind and you are seeking the inner wisdom with a zest that inspires me every time we speak. So you are amply qualified to teach as well as learn and I suspect you do it nearly every day without fanfare. :kiss: Please know that with whatever message you receive, all that is required of you is to receive it in spontaneous joy, in peace in the quiet of your heart... It matters not if it seems imperfect to your own ears and eyes... you had help in the delivery and you will have help by just asking in the study and dissecting of the powerful co creative words, eh? Trust that this is so and in fact, make it a ritual, okay? Trust.. that you are who you are and you are much loved exactly as you are. With this you will feel better, more confident, knowing that you are one with the universe building Creator and one with our celestial kin and one with us, the youngest of God's children. We are all One... we are all connected and it is this Love connection, (Sounds like a dating site eh.LOL) this Oneness that can give us strength as we toss our "pebbles into the big ole "pond." Those ripples from our own small offerings go on, and the light reverberates indefinitely... :happy

I adore the imagery you have used...our patches on the huge quilt of Time. It reminds me of Wingzie. Everything does as she is still very close to me and dear to my heart. As she was beginning to feel the great weight of her illness descend on her, as ALS reeked its havoc on her body a very old and dear friend of hers had a brilliant idea. She asked many of Wingzie's (Carol's) friends to create a patch for her, something that would be worked into a quilt and would comfort her in the darker times to come...something that imbibed pure love. I remember G and I looking at that patch and my eyes filled with tears. I wondered how could I ever get my love for her across in this imperfect material... but love has its own eternal source and it flowed through our hearts and into what we touch.
Love travels in many ways and so this “eternal quilt” you speak of, made up of all of us, is the most beautiful thing in the universes of time. It seems we become an integral part of Love and we create something so awesome that some day brand new universes will look to It in wonder and new found joy... Continuing this same imagery... imagine the Divine One’s joy as finally long into eternity this quilt is complete and He/She is wrapped in Her/His children’s gift of Love and service. Imagine the joy that will reverberate throughout the endless universes... WOW!

So it is I, dear Zach, who thanks you and takes your hand and those of the others we know as we march out there into the great unknown. No fear... no self doubt... We will just be as we dance our way "Home."
With Love,
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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by Zachary »

I'm at a loss for words to fully express what I feel from your message Sandy. You filled it with so much I can build off of, and brought up points that are very helpful just to think about. It's funny how you wrote what you wrote because I can guarantee you my TA is so happy you said what you did. What I've been trying to do lately with my spiritual progress is obtain the ability to control my emotions and mood/mindset as quick as a thought. So the second I start slippin, I can catch myself before I fall.

As I came to a conclusion of my hard earned lesson: 'You can't control and adjust everything around you to get yourself to accept it.' I found out in trying to do so when I would just get so discouraged when in realizing you can't. I guess that's lack of knowledge on free will. I learned you got to respect others decisions whether you see them as correct or not. Trying to see others decisions and what exactly made them choose that decision is just impossible. I learned to tell myself, ' if I was that person, then I would of made that same exact choice, because I'm them'.

Well I still get discouraged some days when I see a person do something of error, even when they know not what they do... in other words that discouraging feeling will never go away until I learn to control myself, emotions/mindsets. You make brilliant points and give such good advice. That paragraph you wrote is literally all I need (and probably anybody else reading this) to wipe away doubts and fears, a.k.a. self limitations. You and my TA are teaching me how to make it a ritual, and I'm thankful :happy and btw: I never imagined the joy of everyone after the quilt is complete... that is incredible to consider. it would be like the party of all that is, and everyone is invited....WOW, I'm sure that's a low human way to consider it, but even that low view is something spectacular, I don't think I could comprehend that joy if I tried... which makes me even happier to know that's a possibility of my future! Thanks Sandy :mrgreen:

Eric - i saw u wrote
happyrain wrote:There's more... Buthe work computer doesn't want me to type much more.
hope you write more about your grander view. Im interested in how your getting prompted other than use of numbers
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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by happyrain »

Hi Zach. I have experienced more that i can share to your request. I don't know much about the TA but the way you write about yours makes me curious... Maybe this is my TA ? What do you think ?

I'm going to copy and paste what I wrote but basically I think something, someone is trying to communicate with me. This something or someone is doing so in a unique and beautiful way. Words you'll see I use to describe this experience.
Also, my friend the hawk has been making his presence known... I think this relates torwards my recent reflections and inner workings.

Here it is.
three nights ago, as i was falling asleep, i started speaking a beautiful verse or poem. this was internal speaking... as one would normally talk to themselves as they fall asleep. but everything i said rhymed so perfectly, without effort- the lyrics came in so structured that i thought something was influencing my thoughts to tell me this poem or song or whatever it was. the problem is i was very tired, because i was trying to fall asleep, it was kind of a day dream and so i only remember a portion of the lyrics. i woke myself up to write it down immediately.

the words are:
broken promises of tomorrows lost provinces

i didn't get much meaning from it until the next night- where i felt a specific way about something... and as i felt this way(ultimately it felt like i had broken my will to witness and experience)... as i felt this way and thought these thoughts immediately the lyrics i had written down flashed before me. in my minds eye...
broken promises of tomorrows lost provinces.

and then something happened after that... more words started to form... this time, maybe because i was conscious- i tried to invoke that rhyme type of communication. but i did get something

you feel the first wave, and are the last to go.

even though my friends were talking i had to stop and immediately write down what played in my head.

now that i think about it. i feel/think something was/is trying to communicate with me. something that recognizes my life and understands my internal dialogue/personality/struggle/soul.

As usual I can only type so much on the work computer before the box starts to go crazy on me. So... I have to end it here again.
Looking forward to hearing what your thoughts are.
I'm glad to read your post and feel things seem to be going well for you.
Until then
with respect my friend
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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by Sandy »

Hey Eric,
I definitely think "someOne" is not "trying" but "is" communicating with you. :D You gave the perfect opportunity and the timing was right from a celestial point of view for the message via poetry to arrive as you were falling asleep. Not sure, but perhaps you needed the confirmation of the well chosen eloquent prose to convince you that something beyond yourself (well, you know what I mean) was happening. Sometimes we just need a little confirmation of a sort... and I think you got it... and in a very beautiful way. To find out exactly what and Who is reaching out/connecting with you is a grand adventure...and you will do this, I think, as you remain open and try not to force anything...

Just so lovely to read your post... :love
I am wondering if your TA is being symbolized with the Hawks that you have been seeing...George's TA is represented by eagle form and I suspect mine might be a dove...Wingzie too was envisaged by eagle and in the last year of her life actually rode through the starry heavens on the back of her eagle...her TA... who gifted her this awesome experience. :sunflower:
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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by Sandy »

You are picking your way...your very own way through the maze of mortal and eternal existence. How ever it is that you do this, no matter how you look at it, you will be blessed in some way infinitely by the experience and you will do it your way. ( Oh I am hearing the lyrics to the song 'My Way' by Elvis Presley...the chorus to be precise..."I did it My way!"

I can tell you how I would like to do it...Eric could tell you his slant but ultimately you are an individual and that is exactly how it is supposed to be. As you slowly work your way through the moments of your day invoking Love as best you can...eternity falls into place. So no worries as you look ahead or think it should be this way or that. There is no should. Follow your loving heart...follow Love and you will be given all the road signs you need to find your way.
Okay here's the words... (had to post them as I think they are lovely and even pertinent to our discussion)
XX Sandy

by Elvis Presley

And now the end is near
So I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case of which I'm certain

I've lived a life that's full
I've traveled each and every highway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way

Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exception

I planned each charted course
Each careful step along the byway
Oh, and more, much more than this
I did it my way

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all and I stood tall
And did it my way

I've loved, I've laughed and cried
I've had my fails, my share of losing
And now as tears subside
I find it all so amusing
To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a shy way
No, oh no not me,
I did it my way

For what is a man, what has he got
If not himself, then he has not
To say the words he truly feels
And not the words he would reveal
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way
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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by Zachary »

Eric- after reading what you wrote, I couldn't help but agree with Sandy. I would think you are communicating with someone. I don't know if it's your TA or someone else. I saw you wrote, "something that recognizes my life and understands my internal dialogue/personality/struggle/soul." I always suspect my TA is often the one communicating with me, especially because I've made recent attempts at getting closer. More than often when I try to communicate deliberately to my TA many personality-struggle-soul ideas get brought up, and we work on solutions together. But also when I try to communicate with Midwayers, and other celestials, they too often communicate in similar ways that feel like they use my personal thoughts.. is this them using my TA for communication? I really don't know.My form of communication is more visual than audio when I get through, which is why I think you receiving the poem the way you did is pretty cool. I encourage you to discover more.

One time when I tried to communicate with Chief Bzutu I believe I got through. I wanted to communicate but I didn't really have anything specific to say. I wanted to try and see what he looks like and go near him, I have much respect for him. In my stillness I started to visualize a camp fire. we were sitting with our legs crossed across from one another with the fire between us. We were near a river I grew up near. I had plenty of fond memories there, and this place meant something special. He never said one word during this. He did two main things. First, he kept pointing at my heart like he was suggesting something, he was pointing and kind of grunting like I was missing at was he was pointing at.(he was right, I was missing so much on my views about the heart at that time) The second thing he did, was harden his skin. It sounds crazy but when I was next to him his skin hardened, almost like he became wood. He did this when I was pondering how he could live a life helping others in tragic situations and be fine and ready to work more consistently.(it represented a controlled skill earned through experience)

Anyway everything in this communication session I had meant something to me, I didn't feel like I chose the setting near the river nor the warm campfire, but it's something I would of loved to chose had I started thinking of a setting. I felt as if Bzutu chose it because he new my personality and my current struggles, and it was definitely personal considering it was a setting from my childhood. What I'm trying to say is: All of my communication experiences have been somewhat tied into /personality/struggle/soul. So it's so hard to try and see if my TA was involved or not because I feel like in past experiences they both worked on similar levels. I often relate really personal spiritual experiences with my TA, but really that's like every spiritual experience I have...Is my TA involved in every spiritual experience I have?! Lol I really don't know. I wish I had better input for you Eric, but my scopes and views aren't the best. I hope you figure more about the internal dialogue and continue to receive more, that would always be fun to communicate in such a way with anyone. ( I seriously did not mean to make that rhyme, but noticed after re-reading before I post, that's so ironic!)

Sandy!!! Thank you for the song and words! So fitting for this particular day, I hope all is well

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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by Sandy »

Hi Zach,
First, I have to say I loved the visuals you shared with us! Isn't it wonderful how "they" can personalize "the work" for each of us... work in ways that will best help us progress, grow our souls etc.
...and that sort of leads into the question you sent out...
What I'm trying to say is: All of my communication experiences have been somewhat tied into /personality/struggle/soul. So it's so hard to try and see if my TA was involved or not because I feel like in past experiences they both worked on similar levels. I often relate really personal spiritual experiences with my TA, but really that's like every spiritual experience I have...Is my TA involved in every spiritual experience I have?!
Yes. Our TAs are involved in some way with every spiritual experience we have because they know us so completely and they are in charge of our spiritual growth. The Angels and Midwayers always take their cues from our TA's via our Angelic friends in regard to this. Now that does not mean that every communication, let's say that I receive, is from my TA. But She has always been involved in the spiritual program in relation to me and allows/approves what is given, shared or communicated. In many instances, it is a real "team effort." That is why I often say, "The Midwayers always put our hand/s into the Divine."
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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by happyrain »

wow zach that's an awesome visual. congratulations and thanks for sharing :alien:
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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by Zachary »

Your my family of progress, I love sharing and want you to know where I stand spiritually. When I say family, I mean it. Conversations like this do not exist with my blood family and people I know in person.

Thanks for the information Sandy. You explained it very well. I'm starting to bridge gaps as to why I feel so much TA even when trying to communicate with others... after thinking about this, I'm starting to realize more and more that your relationship with your TA is almost everything... wow...
I hope you hear more Eric, some of my best feelings I've obtained from communication messages I can remember have been more audio instead of visual. They were childish short-worded sentences with little vocabulary, but I think that's all I could manage to pull in, haha.

Wish you all the best,
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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by overmind »

I have a bit of rather obvious Adjuster influence because my brain tissue is slowly being reorganized and reserved for future service. The thought input mainly involves new realizations or revelations I come by through indulging in lengthy periods of thought. In regards to auditory input, this occurs frequently in dreams where I hear explanations for detailed concepts that I could not hope to put together myself. Of course, I always lose the bulk of the content when I wake up.
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Re: Noticing on a grander scale

Post by Sandy »

Arthur wrote:
In regards to auditory input, this occurs frequently in dreams where I hear explanations for detailed concepts that I could not hope to put together myself. Of course, I always lose the bulk of the content when I wake up.
Hi Arthur... I have been getting something of this sort for several weeks now after a long hiatus without obvious dream impute of this nature...and I am in the same boat never quite able to pull the "dream stuff" together in my waking hours. :roll: :? Hopefully though what is needed is retained up there somewhere in the gray matter. ;)

I feel the same way Zachary about all of you here. You are my family in the eternal sense of the word. You see, to most eyes George and I seem to live a lonely existence. This work is our life and our blood families...whom we adore...are quite the distance from us. Since they do not share this work, they do not "get it" and so it remains safely tucked away when we are together with only what is really important... Love, being the center of attention. LOL Does that make any sense? Seems I am talking a bit in the abstract. But anyway...I love you all...think I've told you guys that many times before but humour this ole lady okay. ;) :kiss:
XX Sandy
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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