Black Magic

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Black Magic

Post by julie5142 »

HI all,

I need a prayer from my family. Around 4 years back my dad past away. he is a spiritual man. he gave protection to us. these past 4 years my whole family is experiencing some witchcraft problems. some mistik treatment centre says someone has done black magic to me to be barren and to my family too. I'm childless for many years... my sisters, hearing some kinda of noise and this is really troubling us.. please pray for us... :cry: :cry:
your help is really appreciated..
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Re: Black Magic

Post by 11light11 »

Dear Julie,

I am so sorry to hear of all this. :( And of your dad's passing. I don't doubt he put up fantastic protections for you while he was with you still . . but you know what occurs to me? He is still more capable and still more powerful now that he has passed on! And goes on offering protections.

It's not necessarily true what the mystic said about black magic, and even if it is true, much can be done. I am doing some strong banishing stuff for you and all your loved ones to experience only that which comes from a place of white light and love, wishing to heal, protect, light and guide. But you can too! Take a nice piece of red string and tie it on every doorknob. Place salt around the perimeters of your home. Burn sage in a counter-clockwise motion from room to room getting the nooks and crannies (if you live down under go in a clockwise motion instead). And pray. Envision yourself and all your loved ones bathed in white light. Dark energies hate light. They will leave.

I'm on the case! Sending white light, peace and healing your way for the highest good of all.

With love to you sweetheart, Michele :loves :kiss: :love (Praying as I hit send)
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Re: Black Magic

Post by overmind »

I would just let God or my seraphic guardians handle such matters. A minor astral creation of man is not something to worry about. Such manifestations of energy are severely limited in scope and power. You just have to possess a strong will and use it the right way.

Understanding one's relationship with Deity holds certain perks, especially when one is focused on working with such forms of Deity. I can pretty much accomplish anything I desire if it falls within the scope of God's will. If a problem cannot be handled personally, and those of spirit will not take care of it either (excluding issues that happen too fast to fix), then either something is meant to be experienced so that you can grow or someone is going to have to make up for their transgressions on High. There is no way I would fret about "black magic", but I also do not know what physical problems you face. I am not belittling the problems you may have faced, but I also can't say I trust this treatment center. Are you sure they are not simply trying to attract more business?
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Re: Black Magic

Post by Sandy »

Dear Julie,
My heart goes out to you and I am so sorry for the pain you and your family must be experiencing after the passing of your wonderful father. My own Dad is aging and we are separated by an immense ocean so I am finding every moment precious that I spend with him either in person or via phone and computer.

I will certainly add you and your family to my prayers because where ever these troubles stem from, it is obvious you are worried and concerned and something is wrong. To be completely honest, I am a bit out of my element here, but my thoughts lie in a combination of both Michele's and Arthur's (Overminds's) posts. There is much in this area we do not understand and these things do happen even though many of our spiritual texts do not speak much on them. I feel both Michele and Arthur are "spot on" in regards to the self help you and your family can provide in addition to the prayer work from our end. You see, within each of us dwells a little part of the Creator of the Universe... and from This awesome God Spark flows a guidance often felt through intuition. With work, an even closer connection can be achieved, creating an awesome eternal partnership. It is true, life can be full of potholes and rough patches, but it helps to remind ourself of this constantly so that in happy peaceful times we rejoice in the blessings of the moment/day and in hard, sad and lonely times, we remember to lean heavily into the "spiritual arms" of the One who knows us better then we know ourselves, the One who can see our eternal future at a glance. Somehow over time the peace this provides sort of settles in the soul and we are better equipped to battle anything that comes our way even things of confused darkness.

We are all, every single one of us, much loved, powerful children of God and we are one. So you see... our support for you... your support for us and others reinforces the energy that we receive from the Source of all things. When we claim this Love and weld it, ugly dark things cannot thrive...We are free... truly free!

So I ask you dear Julie to think about what helps to empower you... what helps you to see the Light that Michele and Arthur speaks of and claim it and weld it knowing that you are not alone as you, me, all of us, have the power that creates and fuels entire universes behind us. :kiss:
With Love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Black Magic

Post by julie5142 »

Dear all,

Thank you very much for your support, guide and prayers..

Yes i realize this... actually the spark of God within us more power than the unclean energy.. we sisters had a family meeting yesterday.. and my nephew (he has a gift of prophesy) he said the help is just in you..pls meditate everyone of you in one accord and only you can break the bondage.

I'm ready now and aware that nothing can harm my family... i will pray with love for my enemy who did the witchcraft/b.magic and pray for her repentance. and i will keep pray for my family and thanking God for his wonderful work..

Thank you once again my dear heartfelt thanks for your support, guide and concern...

with love, :sunflower: :sunflower:

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Re: Black Magic

Post by Sandy »

..pls meditate everyone of you in one accord and only you can break the bondage.
i will pray with love for my enemy who did the witchcraft/b.magic and pray for her repentance. and i will keep pray for my family and thanking God for his wonderful work..
Your prayer of love for your enemy is beautiful and very powerful, Julies. I think with so much love in your heart, you and your family are going to be okay. :happy
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Re: Black Magic

Post by julie5142 »

Dear Sandy,

Thank you. God Bless you/// :loves Julies
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Re: Black Magic

Post by rogerkrupa »

Pray to Christ Michael. As Creator He has power over all lesser manifestations. Dont become discouraged, just have faith. All becomes good in eternity. :kiss: :kiss:
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