Looking for support in making contact..

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

Hey everyone,

Spot on Michelle! I just don't see any reasons why we shouldn't be able to make contact with them.. They are the ones who have thrown all these prompts at us in the first place!! haha glad they did though... ;) It has definitely made life more interesting, no doubt about that..

That's amasing Kurt, she must have felt utterly amasing after seeing it. I would jump straight at it and try to hug it...! I bet she would like to see the angel everyday.. Has she ever looked into "Lam Rim, The Path to Enlightenment?" I stumbled onto it a few weeks ago, it seems amasing. Apparently the Buddha left some instructions as to how to reach this ultimate state of mind, nice guy :D Perhaps I'll give it a go one day, or even go to a retreat.. Who knows..

On another note, the 3rd AC exercise is so stimulating...! I never knew we could visualise so much in our minds, and create and shape anything as we see fit. I've always known imagination is a beautiful gift, especially in children, but combined with visualisation, it is even more impressive.. Now whatever I imagine, how large or miniscule, doesn't change the next time I visit the Akashic Construct. I've let my imagination run as wild as it wanted to in creating this wonderful place of peace and wonder. Visualisation then cements all the creations into tangible structures, which don't change unless I make adjustments. The 30 minutes goes by so quickly, I could easily stay there an hour. In the elevator I see my best friend's mum who has been extremely ill of late with cancer, seizures and strokes.. She comes in and I give her the most advanced medical treatments, hundreds of years ahead of our time... I also try to split the 5 mins silence from George's voice between helping her and speaking with a being who comes up the elevator but flies out like Superman... He is much taller than me and looks like a spirit but more solid.. The color of his surface area is Grey.

Honestly, I don't really know what's happening down there, whether I place these characters in the elevator myself or whether they come on their own accord.. I'm not sure whether I'm orchestrating all the dialogues myself or whether some sort of communication is really taking place between myself, this being, and my best friend's mum.. But either way, I really enjoy this routine of waking up early and descending deep within myself so I will continue with it.

Speak to you all soon lovely people :loves

PS: I pumped into my brother on the way to the coffee machine yesterday and had an argument first thing in the morning.. I went back to my room to do the exercise but could not concentrate enough and kept drifting in and out of it.. I now understand why the advice is to do it first thing in the morning. Now, I wake up before everyone else in the house now and it's much easier to naturally descend into the world I have created :lol:
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Sandy »

Hello everybody! :hithere

Kurt, I couldn't have been more excited after reading your post and what your wife is experiencing. How fortunate for you both to be able to share this spiritual journey together. You both are living proof to what you said here...
We've been married for 33 years and it gets better every day. We are both right as there is no wrong path if God is the destination. :kiss:

If a couple can live to together, with each embracing differing beliefs/paths and the relationship continues to become ever more sweet and fulfilling as it grows in maturity...why not the whole world? We all can coexist! :D :sunflower:

And Mael,....Oh my goodness!! I was so hoping you would enjoy your time in your Akashic Construct workshop! :cheers: It sounds like you have been very busy there! :bana: :bana: :bana: Just continue to go with the flow , okay?
It is fun isn't it??? I think your attitude and enthusiasm in this post is sort of what doctor Mendoza was telling me years ago when he suggested I look at stillness and my workshop meditation as an outing with the family! How cool! 8)
Thank you for sharing this with us! :D (I'm really smiling like this right now!!! Image )
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

Hey Sandy!
Just continue to go with the flow , okay?
Roger that ;) I'll continue going through it on a daily basis for a little while and see where it takes me. I'll scribble down some of the main experiences I have down there, which will be super fun to re-read down the track. I love that you get so happy for us Newbies :baby :baby :baby it's awesome.. :roll

Speak soon x
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by KurtSchluter »

Sandy- Exactly my point. All ways to god are good. There are evil people in all religions from Catholic to Islam and all in between. We have to learn to respect and love each other. Tolerance is not enough. I saw a recent post on the Serara.org forum where a celestial being condemned the Muslim terrorists for killing in his name. This has long been my contention that we can't even obey the simple Commandment to not kill each other, why worry about the rest of Gods words? This is why we must all be against all wars no matter how righteous we might think they are. Obama ordering drone strikes is the same as a criminal breaking into your house and murdering your children.
Sorry for the rant but I'm upset by the daily horrors of war and violence perpetrated by governments on people who simply want to live in peace.
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kurt,
May the whole world and all its people some day work out their differences with patience, good will, honesty, compassion understanding and a real love for the other person. That will happen as we get to know each other, as we look each other deeply from the "heart" and perhaps, in surprise, see ourselves reflected in the other's eyes.

We are all one! :)

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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

Hey Kurt,

I agree with you on all counts. So until things get better in the world, I think we can all make a small difference by getting to people's hearts and showing them that their behaviours are wrong. Every opportunity to show someone they have made a wrong decision should be taken if possible, and whether they want to change or not is up to them.. But we gotta believe people can change, we see it everyday.

Hey Sandy,

Question for you! I've taken a break from the AC, took a short vocation and now guests have raided my bedroom and don't have my space for another week. So the couch it is for now ;) Looking forward to getting back into the AC actually. So to the question: Exercise #3 of the AC and stillness exercises achieve the same thing in reaching that state where you can hear your thought adjuster or celestials? Do I want to keep doing the 3rd exercise every morning for say 3-4 months or do I eventually move on to something else? What's the game plan as I will stick to the morning routine in 2014 unless I'm not at home or don't have any privacy.

Thanks for the advice, and for your time! :loves

Mael 8) So hot atm...
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Sandy »

Hi Mael,

Hmmm in a way, some hard to answer questions since all of us are a little different. But I think as you continue in the AC meditations at this time, you will get the answer that works specifically for you. You will sort of evolve into what works best for you and will know when and if it is time to move on.

From my own experience, 8 or so years ago... I think I did the AC every other day, mostly because I wanted to work on healing patients as well as do stillness on the AC off days without any guidelines or formats. Some people do stillness for a few minutes as well as doing the AC exercise every day and there are some who just do the Akashic construct because it encompasses everything. It is true that even when we are "helping patients to heal", this giving of ourselves for others benefits us too and soul growth is derived. But do please search within and ask your TA. Then be aware, keep your eyes open for the answer. Your God within will know what is best for you. These answers can come in so many different ways. Sometimes an answer has come to me simply from a celestial message posted from another. So keep your eyes wide opened.

Have you tried journaling? That is something you could probably do easily from where you have been banished on your couch... ;) or possibly if the words of the third exercise, or at least let's say the "spirit of the exercise" is entrenched in your mind and heart you may be able to do the exercise without the cd now.... just a thought ...or hey, get outside and dance in the sunlight/moonlight...take great enjoyment from beauty that you see all around you...in nature in the faces and busy people you pass. Kwame is a master at this. He often posts in one of the angel forums but as he describes what he sees around him in his town of Kolding, with it comes simple and profound beauty that touches souls and blesses us all. So I suspect that this is one of those examples of a type of meditation that some would not recognize or realize that in fact, is growing our eternal souls.
Every little bit helps, eh? :mrgreen:

I don't know if I actually answered your question, Mael, :lol: but as I hear about the hot weather down there in your neck of the woods, (Victoria)I send you some cool thoughts and hope all is well for you and your family. Image
P.S. I was just getting ready to click this away and was suddenly reminded that I too go into my AC just to talk to God from the quiet peace of this special place. So in a very real sense depending on your needs and the way you use and view your special place in nature or your AC workshop, "it" can do it all... :)
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

That's brilliant Sandy, and the advice is perfect.

I'll get back into it soon and will ask my questions there directly after I've had a nice and long unbroken spell at doing the exercise each morning.

Just one more day of intense heat :bomb, it is just way to hot!!

Thanks again and hope you are well :hithere
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by memawlaura »

:hithere Mael,
You are where you need to be to discuss the midwayers and other phenomena, we all have similar experiences. Start PM ing those that peak your interest if that helps, but sharing on the MB helps many more than you could ever know. I'm very pleased now with my progress, but like you I wanted it to happen quickly. I look at my life and realize that I didn't just become who I am, :roll: it took years :roll . There was so much inner work needing to be done and of course getting junk out of my trunk :mrgreen: . Like you it caused me much pain to see suffering and try to make sense of it was eating me up. I now understand that I'm an empath, I take on others pain and sorrows. So, I had to learn that those we see suffering have chosen their journey to show others how to have compassion. Without one we can not see the other. If we were in paradise we wouldn't need to work hard on this 3D experience, I know my next journey will be like that because I did 50 years hurting inside for others pain. I still do occasionally, but I have learned to emotionally detach from most things I'm exposed to. I too seek therapy and its truly helped me begin to remove many outdated thoughts about myself and other BLOCKS. Going within and working with therapy can be very beneficial, sometimes I find myself enlightening my therapist and teaching her about my journey, she's a very open person and displays no judgment. Be patient and kind to yourself and grow your light within and it will just draw people in to you radiant field, even the celestials. The real journey is you knowing who you are (all of you, the light and flesh).
Love and Peace Always,

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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

Hi Memawlaura :hithere

Thank you for sharing a post :D

You said:
I now understand that I'm an empath, I take on others pain and sorrows
It's strange because I never knew people like you existed, the empaths as you call them. I always could tell who was more compassionate, because I am quite a compassionate individual myself but I never knew people could feel others' emotions to the extents they did... I had my own experience with an empath, and in getting to know her better, I realised she was so vulnerable...! I mean, isn't life hard enough experiencing our own pains? How could others also genuinely feel those of other people... It took me a while to get my head around this concept I have to say.. You guys have been given such a hard challenge.. But at the same time, the key to peace in the world comes from knowing people's pain and suffering so that actions can be taken to prevent it, or even better, by feeling others' pain and suffering. Then we'd all know not to hurt others...

I think it's remarkable people like you exist, it shows we are all so connected... I'm happy for you to have learned to detach yourself at times, must be a huge relief...! I hope you can turn the switch back on though because we'll be coming to you to find out how others are feeling so that we can do it something about it ;)

Speak soon x

Mael :hithere
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by memawlaura »

:kiss: :kiss: Thank you Mael,
My switch is just a click away instead of being on all the time :idea: :roll if I did not learn to detach sometimes it would have driven me crazy. I got to a point years ago where I just wanted to leave this world behind, but my angels guided me right here to this MB. I now have a vision of creating a SafeHaven for the many who need a safe place to be to find that beautiful light and move forward. This has been a 7 year journey and I'm still being guided and tested. Sometimes I see and sometimes I make mistakes, but one thing I know is that I will continue to expand my light to encompass all that come into my field of energy. So don't worry I watch what is going on and I will be one that champions many causes. I am always assisting others with information that I have to help them. Its our journey to assist others maybe with as little as a warm smile :D or perhaps a few bucks but most important is to find your own happiness and joy to be among the humans in this wonderful time of ascension. So take a look at empaths online so you can see what gifts and traps you have. We each have every gift imaginable we just have not learned to apply them. We need to be passionate without being reactive, finding the correct way to assist in what moves our spirit is the best road traveled. :bike: .
Love and Peace Always,

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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

I got to a point years ago where I just wanted to leave this world behind, but my angels guided me right here to this MB. I now have a vision of creating a SafeHaven for the many who need a safe place to be to find that beautiful light and move forward
I can only imagine how you felt... I guess after getting so low, the only way to go is back up - it's always reassuring to know that. Your 'Safehaven' really seems amasing. I wish you all the best with it!! When it comes from the heart, the rest happens naturally.. Especially with the angels working with you ;) haha so cool!! Do you see them or hear them? Have they tried to get your attention? Or do just feel them inside? An army of angels helping us would be so cool, we'd be so strong with them by our side!! Ready to go and make a difference in the world 8) I'm gonna get my own celestials, angels, or who ever else is out there on my side too - so much I want to accomplish but will need their help! What can a mere mortal do by himself without any divine guidance..

Exciting times :loves
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by memawlaura »

Mael your angels surround you always, its just you need to reach their vibration to see they are there helping you always. Yes, I've had the great gift of working with many Arc Angels, I just know they are there because I called them. Of course like many I would love to hear them or see them with my physical ears and eyes. When you call upon any angel they hear you and they make the effort to show you the way, its up to us to understand. I have had some success in my Akashic Construct but I had an accident where I hit my head and it seems I have lost temporarily the ability I had found. Once I was doing some clearing of blocks and called upon Jesus, Chief Bzutu and my mom all showed up in my AC, I new at that time what I was asking to release was gone. I did this with many things in my life and had many beautiful experiences, but the best one was during a meditation I was traveling through space with two angels on both sides of me. I don't know where they brought me but it was an amazing experience. Even though I hit my head it doesn't detour me from expanding my light I will continue until I AM there.
Love and Peace Always,

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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

the best one was during a meditation I was traveling through space with two angels on both sides of me
Wow... That sounds so unbelievably exciting....! My brother has also been flying through the universe at times - he's described everything in a lot of detail, you should see the excitement in his face as he's telling me the story. And I ask him, 'how do you feel when you are doing it?', he replies 'a thousand times better than while awake here on Earth'. So yeah... Whatever is ahead, I can't wait to see it....! But first this mortal experience, we gotta give it a real go...!

Next week I will re-start the AC, planning on doing it every morning for a month - looking forward to seeing what happens. I'll keep an open mind ;)

Keep well and best of luck with setting up the SafeHaven Memawlaura, amasing concept :finger: :loves :hithere
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Sandy »

Hello Mael and Laura,
I am so enjoying this exchange between you both! Laura you have overcome so many obstacles...you are my hero! :D and you haven't even mentioned the horrible life changing break you experienced three years ago! :kiss: My heart is soaring with both of you in the stars and that is a given for all of us some day, as I think about what we all can and will accomplish! It is as you said, Mael, first we must get through this mortal life. But is it more like perhaps, we are gifted to experience this mortal life because as tough as it is at times on this earth, we "rock" when we overcome a potential mountain in our path to enlightenment... we "rock" when we gather "our little niece" :) in our arms and wonder at this little miracle of life... and we "rock" when we reach inwards, upwards and outwards to connect with a Divine Source that is in the very air we breathe, the world we touch in all its many forms, and in each human and life force we pass. This God of ours is in the stars we see and the black energy we can't.. (Just saw an awesome cosmology special the other night on TV. ;) ) G and I kept nodding our heads and smiling as we finally, could sort of fathom how God upholds His/Her enormous universe. In my opinion, He/She cradles us in Divine presence...and I'm talking physically too. But any scientist would probably eat me alive and so I must continue to learn a bit more before broaching the subject with my human father. ;) :lol:

Have a gorgeous day you guys! Mael...We are almost cool up here as the rains have set in for a few days...Hard to believe we were both melting a few short days ago!
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by happyrain »

hi mael. cool name. i like your avy. :hithere

i've noticed your thread on the forum but have never welcomed you. i haven't read much but wanted to say hi.

cute kid.
i hope all is well in your life

just a quick reply.

So my question to you all: Is it really possible to make contact with midwayers and other spiritual beings?? Are all the stories posted on the forum true??
If the eyes and ears are open, the leaves of the trees become as pages of the Bible. ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan

does this make sense to you ?
it's what i think of when i read your question

bye for now

http://teachingsofmasters.wordpress.com ... -are-open/
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by memawlaura »

:loves Life sounds good for you Sandy. Did you see the Nasa picture named "The Hand of God", if not I will try to post it for you all.

http://a57.foxnews.com/global.fncstatic ... ?ve=1&tl=1 I hope this link works it is quite an amazing display in the cosmos.
Love and Peace Always,

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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Sandy »

Oh Wow! It is stunning! :sunflower: The universe is beautiful beyond words or even comprehension isn't it? :shock:
Thanks for posting that, Laura!
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

Hi Happyrain,

You said:
If the eyes and ears are open, the leaves of the trees become as pages of the Bible. ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan
Yep this is making more and more sense - even just had a 10.10 right this second as confirmation, so I better say hi back :hithere Looking forward to the day where I use my rational thinking less and let instead my TA within guide the way - it seems as though I will be more happy this way... I'm gonna spend the next month looking for it in my AC, and when it shows up, I will give it a name! :roll

Hey Memawlaura,

That hand of God is out of this world... So incredible! Imagine it is really a hand fixing something in the universe, haha that would be cool.. :hithere

Hey Sandy,

I'm re-reading Paulo Coelho's "Alchemist" at the moment and saw that on page 33, the main character Santiago meets the king of Salem "Melchizedek". Isn't there an order by the same name who sends information our way through the receivers? Paolo Coelho is so connected... All he talks about is about following your dream and that everyone has a "Personal Legend" to fulfill. Great timing as yesterday you posted about "A lesson about your life's dreams" - Santiago dreams of treasure in faraway land and the story is about his journey in reaching it. There is so much Synchronicity at the moment, which seems to increase in frequency as you open your arms wider to it.

Speak soon! x
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Sandy »

Hey Mael,
That is so cool!!!! I too am getting some synchronicities from what you are writing. Love it! The Sage of Salem is no other then Machiventa Melchizedek, and you are right he is part of an order of incredible Universe Teachers. Let me see how the Urantia book describes them and their function... It's a little long but interesting reading I think.

http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-sta ... e-sons-god

2. The Melchizedek Sons

(385.4) 35:2.1 The Melchizedeks are the first order of divine Sons to approach sufficiently near the lower creature life to be able to function directly in the ministry of mortal uplift, to serve the evolutionary races without the necessity of incarnation. These Sons are naturally at the mid-point of the great personality descent, by origin being just about midway between the highest Divinity and the lowest creature life of will endowment. They thus become the natural intermediaries between the higher and divine levels of living existence and the lower, even the material, forms of life on the evolutionary worlds. The seraphic orders, the angels, delight to work with the Melchizedeks; in fact, all forms of intelligent life find in these Sons understanding friends, sympathetic teachers, and wise counselors.

(385.5) 35:2.2 The Melchizedeks are a self-governing order. With this unique group we encounter the first attempt at self-determination on the part of local universe beings and observe the highest type of true self-government. These Sons organize their own machinery for their group and home-planet administration, as well as that for the six associated spheres and their tributary worlds. And it should be recorded that they have never abused their prerogatives; not once throughout all the superuniverse of Orvonton have these Melchizedek Sons ever betrayed their trust. They are the hope of every universe group which aspires to self-government; they are the pattern and the teachers of self-government to all the spheres of Nebadon. All orders of intelligent beings, superiors from above and subordinates from below, are wholehearted in their praise of the government of the Melchizedeks.

(386.1) 35:2.3 The Melchizedek order of sonship occupies the position, and assumes the responsibility, of the eldest son in a large family. Most of their work is regular and somewhat routine, but much of it is voluntary and altogether self-imposed. A majority of the special assemblies which, from time to time, convene on Salvington are called on motion of the Melchizedeks. On their own initiative these Sons patrol their native universe. They maintain an autonomous organization devoted to universe intelligence, making periodical reports to the Creator Son independent of all information coming up to universe headquarters through the regular agencies concerned with the routine administration of the realm. They are by nature unprejudiced observers; they have the full confidence of all classes of intelligent beings.

(386.2) 35:2.4 The Melchizedeks function as mobile and advisory review courts of the realms; these universe Sons go in small groups to the worlds to serve as advisory commissions, to take depositions, to receive suggestions, and to act as counselors, thus helping to compose the major difficulties and settle the serious differences which arise from time to time in the affairs of the evolutionary domains.

(386.3) 35:2.5 These eldest Sons of a universe are the chief aids of the Bright and Morning Star in carrying out the mandates of the Creator Son. When a Melchizedek goes to a remote world in the name of Gabriel, he may, for the purposes of that particular mission, be deputized in the name of the sender and in that event will appear on the planet of assignment with the full authority of the Bright and Morning Star. Especially is this true on those spheres where a higher Son has not yet appeared in the likeness of the creatures of the realm.

(386.4) 35:2.6 When a Creator Son enters upon the bestowal career on an evolutionary world, he goes alone; but when one of his Paradise brothers, an Avonal Son, enters upon a bestowal, he is accompanied by the Melchizedek supporters, twelve in number, who so efficiently contribute to the success of the bestowal mission. They also support the Paradise Avonals on magisterial missions to the inhabited worlds, and in these assignments the Melchizedeks are visible to mortal eyes if the Avonal Son is also thus manifest.

(386.5) 35:2.7 There is no phase of planetary spiritual need to which they do not minister. They are the teachers who so often win whole worlds of advanced life to the final and full recognition of the Creator Son and his Paradise Father.

(386.6) 35:2.8 The Melchizedeks are well-nigh perfect in wisdom, but they are not infallible in judgment. When detached and alone on planetary missions, they have sometimes erred in minor matters, that is, they have elected to do certain things which their supervisors did not subsequently approve. Such an error of judgment temporarily disqualifies a Melchizedek until he goes to Salvington and, in audience with the Creator Son, receives that instruction which effectually purges him of the disharmony which caused disagreement with his fellows; and then, following the correctional rest, reinstatement to service ensues on the third day. But these minor misadaptations in Melchizedek function have rarely occurred in Nebadon.

(387.1) 35:2.9 These Sons are not an increasing order; their number is stationary, although varying in each local universe. The number of Melchizedeks of record on their headquarters planet in Nebadon is upward of ten million.
The Bible also mentions Melchizedek but off the top of my head I don't remember where. :oops: Machiventa worked with/instructed Abraham all those many years ago. He stayed on our world 92 years. (at least I think that was the number.)

If you'd like to read more about him...It can be found here...
http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-sta ... elchizedek

Well a storm is rolling in so I had best get this out of here. One never knows when the power will go out. :hithere
XX Sandy
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by overmind »

The word Melchizedek was introduced at least once in the bible (early on I think), but I can't remember what it said. I believe it was related to the Abraham story, but I could be wrong.
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Sandy »

Hi me again,
I was searching through my saved referenced emails in my bulging windows this morning because I was sure I researched the places the Sage of Salem or Rather Melchizedek was mentioned in the Bible. I thought it was in reference to the JW’s that periodically visit us. So I was looking for some heading in that regards, but an email I wrote to Sammy caught my eye mentioning the word, "Lutheran" and out of curiosity I paused to read it and by golly there it was! The Bible references I was looking for. ‘Thank you guys! LOL” Okay here they are and in a surprising place, Hebrews, in the New Testament...

Hebrews 5: 5-6, Hebrews 5: 9-10, Hebrews 6:20, Hebrews 7: 1-28 )
Hebrews 5:5-6
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

5 So also Christ did not glorify himself in becoming a high priest, but was appointed by the one who said to him,

“You are my Son,
today I have begotten you”;

6 as he says also in another place,

“You are a priest forever,
according to the order of Melchizedek.”

Hebrews 5:9-10

New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

9 and having been made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him, 10 having been designated by God a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek.

Hebrews 6:20

New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

20 where Jesus, a forerunner on our behalf, has entered, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.
Hebrews 7:1-28
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

The Priestly Order of Melchizedek
7 This “King Melchizedek of Salem, priest of the Most High God, met Abraham as he was returning from defeating the kings and blessed him”; 2 and to him Abraham apportioned “one-tenth of everything.” His name, in the first place, means “king of righteousness”; next he is also king of Salem, that is, “king of peace.” 3 Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever.

4 See how great he is! Even[a] Abraham the patriarch gave him a tenth of the spoils. 5 And those descendants of Levi who receive the priestly office have a commandment in the law to collect tithes from the people, that is, from their kindred,[c] though these also are descended from Abraham. 6 But this man, who does not belong to their ancestry, collected tithes[d] from Abraham and blessed him who had received the promises. 7 It is beyond dispute that the inferior is blessed by the superior. 8 In the one case, tithes are received by those who are mortal; in the other, by one of whom it is testified that he lives. 9 One might even say that Levi himself, who receives tithes, paid tithes through Abraham, 10 for he was still in the loins of his ancestor when Melchizedek met him.

Another Priest, Like Melchizedek
11 Now if perfection had been attainable through the levitical priesthood—for the people received the law under this priesthood—what further need would there have been to speak of another priest arising according to the order of Melchizedek, rather than one according to the order of Aaron? 12 For when there is a change in the priesthood, there is necessarily a change in the law as well. 13 Now the one of whom these things are spoken belonged to another tribe, from which no one has ever served at the altar. 14 For it is evident that our Lord was descended from Judah, and in connection with that tribe Moses said nothing about priests.

15 It is even more obvious when another priest arises, resembling Melchizedek, 16 one who has become a priest, not through a legal requirement concerning physical descent, but through the power of an indestructible life. 17 For it is attested of him,

“You are a priest forever,
according to the order of Melchizedek.”

18 There is, on the one hand, the abrogation of an earlier commandment because it was weak and ineffectual 19 (for the law made nothing perfect); there is, on the other hand, the introduction of a better hope, through which we approach God.

20 This was confirmed with an oath; for others who became priests took their office without an oath, 21 but this one became a priest with an oath, because of the one who said to him,

“The Lord has sworn
and will not change his mind,
‘You are a priest forever’”—

22 accordingly Jesus has also become the guarantee of a better covenant.

23 Furthermore, the former priests were many in number, because they were prevented by death from continuing in office; 24 but he holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues forever. 25 Consequently he is able for all time to save[e] those who approach God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.

26 For it was fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, blameless, undefiled, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens. 27 Unlike the other[f] high priests, he has no need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for those of the people; this he did once for all when he offered himself. 28 For the law appoints as high priests those who are subject to weakness, but the word of the oath, which came later than the law, appoints a Son who has been made perfect forever.

Arthur, I too was thinking the Sage of Salem was mentioned in the Old Testament and will do a search on that in a little while.

But first, since it is nearly lunch time, I had better fix G some breakfast. :oops:
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

Thank you for all the information, really appreciate it - as always!

You guys take care :hithere

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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

Hello everyone :hithere :hithere

It's been a while since I've posted on the forum. What a journey that 'while' has been... Since my first post in December last year, I've experienced the lowest of lows and the highest of highs of my entire life. Is that even possible...( :shock: hehe )?!? The lows really really hurt to be honest, but I'm glad they happened because they got me exactly where I am today... How much my world has changed in the space of less than one year and all this thanks to this forum, especially Sandy for giving me so much help along the way. I first came here at a time in my life when the world did no longer make sense, knowing that each day I was getting closer to my death. I could no longer look away for some reason (which I know now)... Those questions we all have but can easily dismiss were on the forefront of my mind 24 hours a day. Who are we? What are we supposed to do? What happens when we die? Why is there so much suffering? Does life even mean anything? What is this strange place? It took a lot of effort, dedication, and courage to retreat away from family and friends (it's not like you can easily tell people what you are doing unless they are also searching for answers) in order to find the answers in 'stillness' and the AC. Death does no longer scare me, knowing everything I know today about the Universe from the Urantia papers, the Celestial messages, my Celestial teacher and my Thought Adjuster. I kind of look forward to it (who would have thought hey? ;) ) to tell you the truth. Death is only the beginning and as such, it is really not a scary concept anymore... It took me months and months of trying to find the present moment through stillness meditation (I do it whilst listening to the sound of nature and that works for me as I was told the present moment can be found anywhere). I felt I was getting closer but struggled to make the breakthrough. A few more emails to Sandy (sorry for your future workload!! I'm kind of giving you some free publicity haha :kiss: ) and a lot more attempts later, I finally reached stillness and got in touch with the spiritual realm. I've been living in the 'right now' only for about 1 month but my life is changing so quickly. It's kind of scary and incredible at the same time. Imagine not being anxious about the future or regretful about the past for longer than a handful of seconds ? Fear wastes so much time in the end, I never realised, but it is necessary to overcome it through 'courage' (Mother Spirit provides plenty of that through her 'Spirit of Courage', you just gotta go and find it in your heart) in order to make contact with Celestials and your TA. Your frequencies must be high enough that fear can leave you alone for short periods of time (and ultimately ever...).

I wasn't sure whether I should post all of this but I am following my heart so I know I am doing the right thing. I simply wanted anyone who stumbles on this thread see that it is possible to reach the spiritual world through the techniques recommended on this forum. This place is truly a remarkable place and I more than happy to help in any way I can, for my life and the many lives around are changing for the better with each passing day. Life makes so much sense now knowing what awaits us after we pass on to the other side, the eternal side. For anyone who reads this, don't forget the key to making contact is through practising 'stillness' meditation daily, raising your frequency high enough by cherishing others so that your fears leave your mind alone for short spells (so that you can first find the stillness and second, so that Celestials and your TA can come through and say hi), and purifying your thoughts & intentions in order to purify your heart (the most incredible organ). Whenever you can find this balance for a prolonged period of time, I believe you will find all the answers you are looking for and you will never look back.

Thanks again to the 11.11 Progress Group for everything you have done for me. If anyone ever needs some help along the way like I very much got from Sandy, feel free to message me, I am more than happy to help in finding the 'other' side (which is going to be so much fun...!!) :loves :loves :loves

Perseverance is the key, take care everyone :hithere :hithere
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by happyrain »

Hi mael. Your original thoughts and questions concerning the purpose of life and the significance of our species still reside in me. Lately my concern has been on our evolution and the evolution of technology. I'm convinced that some of the far out sci-fi ideas from our past are becoming reality for us present day. I wonder what our world will look like 50 years from now. What we will all have to face in this life. I'm being a little vague but wanted to say it was nice reading your last post feeling all of your confidence knowing we've struggled through similar questions. Thanks for sharing all of your progress and hopefully you keep us updated ! Hello from TX

Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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