My story....AND my FEAR

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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My story....AND my FEAR

Post by scarbedazzles »


Honestly....about 3 weeks ago, I began to "see" 11:11 at every 12th turn of the clock. ONLY on my cell phone. I also experienced some "flashing" around the edges of my vision, although I have no idea what that is...I feel part of it is because it began when the 11:11 began.

I began an earnest search on what was going on, but there seems to be no ABSOLUTE right or wrong answer even with all the sites out there.

I am prepared to "do" whatever it takes to receive my messages or what is required of me. I don't know where to start. I was told to try a sensory deprivation "float" tank to decipher what is going on. Has anyone tried this?

My fear? I've come across stuff on the net about this being of evil origin. I have my doubts, but I certainly don't want to be one who is deceived by the deceiver. Any advice? And YES though it is not as frequent , I am still seeing 11:11 all the time.

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Re: My story....AND my FEAR

Post by overmind »

Welcome to the forum. :hithere

I don't want to overload you with information, so I'll keep the response brief. Isolation tanks are not necessary for receiving spiritual messages (or the kind of channeling we call transmitting/receiving or TR work), but you do need to be pretty experienced in meditation practices if you want anything of clarity that can be of use to others. There are multiple methods for going about it, but it would be best if you talked to George. I do not currently possess talent in that area.

The only evil you need to be worried about in this life is human evil. There is almost nothing on the other side (at this point) you need to be afraid of, and I don't know/remember anyone here who would say otherwise. This place is a fear-free zone, basically. We do not fear monger because fear is spirit poison. It is usually not helpful unless it somehow aides physical survival for the individual.

I would visit the FAQ for more information on the number prompts. Although I could summarize what they are about, I fear I would miss something. I myself came here for a different reason and was then given number prompts afterward (and years later) as a form of confirmation that these were happening to people.
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Re: My story....AND my FEAR

Post by Sandy »

Hello Scarbeddazzles,
Welcome to the message board!
I can certainly understand your confusion. There is a lot of information and misinformation about these numbers we are seeing. So how do we know what is right and what is wrong for us? And I think it is the last part of that sentence that is of most important ... the “for us”... because no one can really tell another person what is right or best for them. We are blessed with beings around us...(angels, Midwayers and the such) that have been with us working for the Creator since our birth to guide uplift and in a sense protect us as our life plays out, complete with the zillions of little avenues we can take. Each life road giving us glimpses of possibilities leading to wisdom and understanding if we so choose.

But since you did ask for advice I will tell you a little about my own journey here nearly 8 years ago. It is a little different from yours as I did not begin it by seeing the 11:11 number prompt. It was, in fact, several weeks after arriving here that I started seeing the much talked about time prompt. No, I came here looking for more information about the Secondary Midwayers that I had read about in the Urantia Book a year or so earlier. And like you, I pondered my situation back then, afraid too of being deceived. So I took some time and prayed about it...talked to God as I was in a habit of doing and asking him to guide me and protect me from anything that was detrimental to my spiritual health. It was then with that confidence in the power of prayer, the knowledge that the Divine Parent always hears the sincere prayers for help and enlightenment, that I began to search for answers in earnest and with complete faith in my souls safe passage. Amazing things began to unravel before me and I have never looked back as I follow Love... in people... in angels... in the Midwayers... in Christ Michael and especially in the Divine presence gifted within each one of us. It is this Divine Presence (You may here it referred to here often as a TA or God particle) that helps us to intuit what we need as individuals on our path to enlightenment. And so, you see, it is totally up to you to look a little deeper... to see for yourself what is right and good for you. I am a firm believer that all loving paths lead to God. ...some people may take a longer track, a donkey trek, as our teachers have jokingly referred to it... others take a short and fast track to God’s presence but we all get there if we want to. And it is the getting there...the journey that holds so much value as it is chocka block full of lessens of every description, wisdom and knowledge learned along the way that will serve us in good stead for all “the forever's” eternity holds. On that long distant day, when we stand before God in the Divine Presence, we will then be able to understand completely the words spoken, “This is my beloved child. I am so pleased.”

I recently entertained two Jehovah witness men in our kitchen and over tea and coffee, as expected, our discussion went to religious and spiritual topics. While I try not to push my thoughts uncomfortably on another (obviously I fail in that, eh? LOL) I do try to find bridges of love and faith between us and I could see many “avenues with this one fella who loves the Lord with all his might. But from their lack of experience in this particular area, also as expected, they were fearful of our, shall we say, position on speaking with angels...etc.. One of the men asked me..."How do you know who you are speaking to when you talk to one of these so called celestial beings? I knew what he was thinking...that we are being deceived and speaking to someone who means us great harm.
So I thought about it and asked him, “How do you know who you are speaking to when you pray?” He had no answer to that... Because it is like the wind, you feel it on your own skin but you cannot describe it to someone else. You simply cannot describe the peace. But you just know that you are safe, loved and protected and this is exactly what you feel when carrying on a conversation with another one of God's diverse universe children who have purpose in the function of certain aspects of the universe just as we humans do. And so, it is with personal experience, as one who has sat in stillness, in quiet meditation over and over again for 8 years, that I can tell you that these Midwayers and angels who prompt us with the 11:11 time prompt are the best friends we can ever hope to meet. They love us, seeing us as younger siblings and they want so much for us to progress in all things peaceful, loving, nurturing and sustaining in all ways for all people. It is their job to assist humans to progress on this world.... to become more enlightened... to take their place as children of God and citizens of the grand universe. And they always without fail, put our hand in that of the Divine One.

So in all this jabbering I have been about here, I guess we are back at the beginning with you and your search for answers. What I have told you is from, as I said, my own experience. You will see as you read the posts here that no one has exactly the same experience...the exact views and beliefs. But what we do share is love and a desire to make life better for those around us. And so we do what we can. No one expects you to jump in all at once... No, it is better to take your time and consider carefully what you read here...get to meet the nice people on board but above all decide for yourself where you wish to go... You may very well decide this is not for you and that is alright, fine and good.

You wrote:
I am prepared to "do" whatever it takes to receive my messages or what is required of me. I don't know where to start. I was told to try a sensory deprivation "float" tank to decipher what is going on. Has anyone tried this?

I can honestly say that I haven’t but have heard of positive experiences of others in that method. There are many ways to achieve this deeper communication with our TAs and celestial cousins...all promoting some type of stilling the thoughts and listening. Meditation whether it be sensory deprivation, mediative tapes, yoga, etc.. ( thousands of ways) is progressive and little by little as we are ready more is given and realized. So discovering what works best for you is all that is needed.
Daily meditation of some type works best to further communication skills. So with that in mind I would think a sensory tank would be expensive and hard on the skin over time...
But please remember...there is absolutely no pressure to do anything. What your heart desires spiritually will come to you as you learn to just be happy, loving kind, compassionate understanding... Whew!...sounds overwhelming, huh? Well please don’t listen to me listen to yourself and follow your own heart. It will lead you on the path best suited for you and it will be a great one!
Geez, couldn’t blame you if you’ve fallen asleep in the reading of all that, scarbedazzles. .
Nice to meet you!
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: My story....AND my FEAR

Post by George »

Hello Scarbeddazzles,

Welcome to the MB. Nothing to fear here.

I've known some of these Midwayers for almost 70 years. To date I've grown no horns or an extra set of thumbs.

All is well. Enjoy your stay.

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Re: My story....AND my FEAR

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Scarbedazzles,

I've done a sensory deprivation float! It's awesome!!! I highly recommend it! Overmind's got a point that it's hardly a necessary ingredient to coming to a sense of what this means to you in your life . . but it sure is cool ! ! ! :love :kiss:

Welcome and enjoy your experiences!

Love to you, MIchele xoxoxox :roll :loves
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Re: My story....AND my FEAR

Post by scarbedazzles »

I thank each of you for your responses. I've not gone to a sensory deprivation tank, but I have been trying some types of meditation. Hard to do in my busy house/life full of teen and I'm still perplexed at the 11:11... still seeing it. I just don't know but I figure I'll find out eventually. I'm going to just lurk and read, read, read....hahaha. I love that an angel loves me though, and cares enough to try and tell me something....(ME!!!... who would'a thunk?) :bana:
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Re: My story....AND my FEAR

Post by Sandy »

I love that an angel loves me though, and cares enough to try and tell me something....(ME!!!... who would'a thunk?) :bana:
XX Sandy
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Re: My story....AND my FEAR

Post by Krystalshard »

Hello and welcome scarbedazzles. I have been seeing "numbers" for nigh unto 8 years now, and at first was spooked by the whole thing too. Once I realized "it" wasn't going away... I researched and ultimately found that my path was plotted through this location for my education. And man, have I learned a lot!!
Gentle guidance, insights, other's experiences... lots and lots of opportunity to gain insights into life, love and the possibilities that it may all be available for personal experience.
My connection to the spiritual has taken on a whole new dimension, even though I am still a beginner at meditation. My faith in my true purpose and my relationship with my spiritual family has brought me into a closeness I could never have imagined. 1111 is the invitation to enter the gate, step on to the path that leads home. There is nothing to fear within yourself, yes? You are reaching within to find the connection, the Voice within, and stating what is real for you: Love, enlightenment, good for all.
I'm excited for you, waking up to the possibilities that await you and your energetic participation!!


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Re: My story....AND my FEAR

Post by George »

Hi scarbedazzles,

“One day you will celebrate having been born on this planet of abundant spiritual opportunity." --
Samuel of Panoptia, July 6, 2013. :)

And all is well again...
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Re: My story....AND my FEAR

Post by scarbedazzles »

Small addition to my story...

I told most of those in my life because I figured if something were to happen while they were around, it would sort of solidify what I'd told them. Still they ribbed me a bit.... now it's beginning to happen while they are around almost as if I wished it! It even happened at work the other day to a co-worker who was asked for the time!!! She was priceless. :mrgreen:
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Re: My story....AND my FEAR

Post by Sandy »

:lol: I love it!!! :sunflower:
When I was visiting my parents about 5 years ago my mother began seeing it too. She was just a little freaked out at the time, but I think it helped her a bit to know I wasn't NUTS!
XX Sandy
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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