My experience with 11:11

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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My experience with 11:11

Post by cjanko »

I want to share my experience from the beginning to people that see the number 11:11 on a rapid basis. When I started seeing the number 11:11 I dismissed it as just a random event.
However, in the last five years I begin to experience this phenomenon so rapidly and in the strangest unpredictable places that I knew it was something special and at the same time something scary because I didn't know why I was experiencing this.
Let me start at the beginning. I am a sensitive person. Im a fixer and a giver I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and I can put myself in anyone shoes and understand. Basically I trust easily. This will come into play later.
The first time I started seeing 11:11 I was engaged to be married and had a baby on the way. I was happy and scared all at the same time. It was my first child and I was getting married. 3 Months before we were to married I started seeing 11:11 for the first time in my life. I started seeing it on clocks.
As I got closer to the big day of marriage I started seeing 11:11 like crazy. However, this experience would be on clocks, and the time on the bottom right of my computer and on tv, for example I would be watching a football game and they would take a time out at 11:11! on the scoreboard. It was crazy I even would laugh about this. I never said much to anyone because I thought it was kinda crazy and just being in the right place at the right TIME, lol.
Well, 0ne week before I got married, I found out my fiance was cheating. That all ENDED and took me awhile to recover.
As I progressed in my journey after that stage in my life I began to see 11:11 like crazy but ONLY when I started to date someone after awhile.
In the last 5 years I have dated 4 women and none of them worked out. I have dated commitment phobes, narcissistic, women at the time I didnt realize this was there personality until I could put two and two together on some basic relationship needs.
During this time I would experience the 11:11 phenomenon like crazy. I saw it spray painted on a brick wall walking to sonic drive-in to grab a slushy. I had a cell phone that wasn't set with the right time on it and I would pull it out of my pocket to see 11:11 on it. I began talking to my mom about my experience in this number. We were driving to wal-mart to grab some camping things when I was explaining what was happening. My mouth dropped open, I said see mom look as I was driving. On a digital Bank sign the time was 11:11 and it was creepy. My mom was an instant believer. The more and more I would see 11:11 the more and more I thought it was telling me not to date certain girls, WAKE UP CHRIS!
I was seeing 11:11 so much and sometimes I would just say shut up! I get it! stop showing me this stupid number! As all those relationships were ending. I would see this 11:11.

So I took a break from dating and tried to figure out why I flock to these powerful type of women that I know weren't healthy for me. They were beautiful but self centered.

Fast forward to this past 3 months. I have been at my job for 5 years. I am a manager. Been managing Restaurants for 12 years. I have only managed one other place for 7years.
For the last 3 months I began seeing 11:11 like crazy! OMG here it goes again but this time I'm not dating anyone. Now I'm confused and don't understand why I am seeing this number! I'm seeing it on my check out reports! giving guest back 11.11 cents in change, it was crazy NO WAY THIS CAN HAPPEN LIKE THIS im telling myself. I call my parents whom I very close to and telling them I'm experiencing this again and the highest rate I have ever experience it. sometimes I would see 11:11 3 to 4 times a day. Fast forward to this week. On Tuesday I saw 11:11 5 times. I said enough! got on the internet to find the answer!!! I had enough!
I came across this great article that said 11:11 is a wake up call, HOWEVER, it something telling you THE END IS NEAR, Time isnt liner it is circular.I finally said I get it! something is about to happen to me! I thought am I loosing my job? Is something going to happen to me or my son or a family member? I finally get it, I said!
Now this might seem crazy but its the truth!! As I begin to understand and related all my experiences I said out loud "I get it"! and a orb flew across the corner of my eye and disappeared. I was shaking and OMG its been an ANGEL or something. The Next morning I went into my job at 9:00am and there were my bosses and handed me my last paycheck and said they were going a different direction with management and I got laid off!

It took me 5 years to understand this. It is a wake up call. I knew dating those women weren't a good fit for me and in my heart of hearts I knew someone was getting laid off at my work because we had new management that was cleaning house and bringing in there own management teams from their markets. I knew all of this but failed to listen to my GUT.
Someone or something was watching over me, WARNING ME and TELLING ME TO BE READY for a new chapter. I have no reason to share this story to anyone, except to help you understand why you might be experiencing this yourself.
I know this has brought me closer to religion and the belief there is something bigger then us and that Love exists on the other side. I never thought I would be writing something like this on the internet. Im a 37 year old single father, who is dedicated to his son. I struggle just like everyone else. I have a college degree. I am completely normal. I know I wasn't following my true self for the last 5 years and maybe this was my WAKE UP CALL. But who or what ever it was, I am grateful for because I know if someone is watching over me Ill always be OK no matter the changes I go through. I hope this article will help and give answers to those who read it. I haven't seen 11:11 for days now and I wonder if it will ever come back the way it did. If it doesn't I know this Angle did its Job.

PS: My mom called to tell me she was crying upset in her bed praying to god and her mother with her rosary asking for me to be OK and she looked over to the clock and it said 11:11 and she live in Iowa I live in Kansas.

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Re: My experience with 11:11

Post by jfarris »


Hi Chris!! Nice to "meet" you and read your post. Quite the experiences you have had in such a short life! :duh

I would wager that there are many subscribers to this board who "never thought they would be posting anything" like this on the internet! So join the club. And a fine bunch of human beings it is here.

Yep, when you "get it" and you are able to accept what you now understand to be a reality, some are a bit overwhelmed. :shock: I am so glad to hear that this is not the case with you. 8) :roll:

If my experience with the Midwayers is anything similar to what yours is (will be?), the prompting will ebb and flow. But never will they go away completely (unless this was your desire or something) although it might be 11:11, 8:44, 12:57 or any other combination that prompts you. A prompt is a prompt, whatever the numbers are. :bana: :bana:

I might add that I consider you luckier than most in being able to clearly understand that the various prompts were trying to warn and protect you. I have not been able to conclusively make that connection ( or any connection) other than "Hi. Your not alone. We are here for you," etc. :loves :loves

Anyways, Chris, I enjoyed your post and hope to see you around the board. Or maybe on FB!! Later.

Be Real. Remain teachable.

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Re: My experience with 11:11

Post by Sandy »

Dear Chris,
Welcome to the message board. :hithere

Thank you for taking the time to write such a "from the heart" introduction, telling of your awesome experiences with this wonderful number prompt. As I read your story I felt an inner knowing, a camaraderie of sorts as many of us have experienced something similar.

It seems you have experienced too, the ups and down with life as we all do. It is part of the living experience, I suspect, and how we deal with what occurs and move on determines our state of peace. You suffered a harsh one with the discovery on the eve of your wedding day of your finance's unfaithfulness. And yet, to your credit, you didn't seem to withdraw from the world or the opportunity to discover rediscover love. You continued to trust and “retrust” over and over again. Because Love in its purest form is worth the effort. And in a way these number prompts are a form of Love...perhaps a loving response from beings who you will learn more about as you read through the FAQ on this site. These beings are similar to angels but they, like us, hail from this planet of ours...and some, as in the Primary Midwayers, have been here for nearly 500,000 years or in the case of the secondary Midwayers, 37,000 years. They have watched man and womankind at their best and worst over those years and at times have shared our follies...Yet, here they are prompting you...prompting me...Why? have done the right have started the chain of knowing and doesn't stop continues if you desire it. "They" say hello and beacon to you with this number repetition. They sometimes warn you as Philip has discovered so brilliantly. They encourage you and hold you gently when you are discouraged beyond belief. So as we think of these many mighty attributes of which I have just touched the surface we wonder, "how would we classify them...what do they want or need from us?
The answer is simple..."friendship." Friendship and maybe your assistance too because as you said you are..." a fixer and a giver". They wish our human assistance in the grand project of lightening, improving our world...bringing it to a place of peace. Remember it is their world too. We are brothers...we are sisters. As humans we have much more than we realize to ... and more often then not it is those little things some of us take for granted...the smile at a stranger, the little niceties and caring actions we do for strangers and friends alike. Some of those prompted may work in areas such as service, education, science, art, government and economics, etc...Every aspect of life on this planet. In all ways we can work to the benefit of others and this planet prospers as we do ourselves. So it isn't such a difficult "job request" "they" ask of us. In the process of all this we discover within ourselves what is of most important... our spiritual selves... It isn't something forced or pushed. There aren't specific hoops we have to jump occurs naturally, we inch closer to inner peace and trust in something, so far, a bit intangible and perceived a little differently for each individual.
Well I could go on and on but I had better stop now before I put you to sleep with my ramblings...

Since you are newly arrived on the board you probably have not had much opportunity to explore just yet... So here are a few URLs that you may find helpful as you continue this search for the prompts meaning in your life.

What are Midwayers?

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What it really means

11:11 More questions about number sequences.

What are Midwayers?

It is good to meet you, Chris. I look forward to reading more of your posts. :D
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: My experience with 11:11

Post by cjanko »

Thanks for the warm welcome guys. The hard thing about all of this is that 11:11 is real! Sharing your experience to someone without sounding crazy is tough. I seem to also see 11:11 when I have something on my mind and know the choice I should make but me being a "fixer" I give the benefit of the doubt.

I have seen 11:11 on so many random things that it couldn't be possible logical to see it that many times in a day or week. Can midwayers be family or friends that passed away? My best friend in high school killed himself and we were really close. My grandma had 15 kids. My mom was number 12 out of 15 and was extremely close to her mother. I am as close to my mom as she was to hers. I know my mom always worries about me because I live in Kansas with no family. I live solely here for my son who I vowed to never leave even though it is hard not having family. Sometimes I wonder if its my grandma because my mom prays so hard for me.

I dont know the answers to why I have been chosen to see signs. I know I "feel"" more than the average person because I just have that extra sensitivity chip, lol. I dont know but Ill explore this board more. Ill keep you posted about my experiences.

I will try to be a friend to this midway. I have yelled at it before, lol because I kept seeing it so much but I didnt have a full understanding what was happening. the funny thing is my name is Christopher thats 11 letters in my name :bike: I just realized that the night before I got laid off. just too weird.
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Re: My experience with 11:11

Post by George »

Hi Chris,

Welcome to the MB. That's quite a story! Obviously they want closer contact with you through meditation so you will have better advice,
or quicker answers.

:) Your real search has begun.

God bless...
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Re: My experience with 11:11

Post by Sandy »

Hi Chris,
Can Midwayers be family or friends that passed away? My best friend in high school killed himself and we were really close. My grandma had 15 kids. My mom was number 12 out of 15 and was extremely close to her mother. I am as close to my mom as she was to hers. I know my mom always worries about me because I live in Kansas with no family. I live solely here for my son who I vowed to never leave even though it is hard not having family. Sometimes I wonder if its my grandma because my mom prays so hard for me.
No, that is not possible as Midwayers do not die as we do. They are created as they are and do not progress in exactly the same way that humans do. They will be on this planet helping humans until this world is peaceful loving and spiritually and cosmically aware. You may here this idyllic earth time referred to as the era of Light and Life. When this occurs they will then be able to ascend just like humans throughout the grand universes of Time.
But just because Midwayers cannot be human does not mean that your dear friend or your grandmother were not responsible in you being prompted. Our passed on loved ones can ask for this for you...that you be prompted. It is a very good thing.

You sound like a very caring dad, Chris. I am sure your son loves having you close to him. I was always very close to my mother whole family really. Unfortunately, all my life I have lived several states away and now by living in Australia half a world away. But thank goodness for Skype these days. It makes it easier to stay close to them. Do you have skype on your computer? :finger:
Have a great day over there Chris....
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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