Healing is possible!!! :)

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Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by 11light11 »

Hi gang!

This is going to be a kind of a funny post, because in some ways, this is all a re-run of stuff we all say all the time here on this board. :lol: It just takes a little while for things to sink in with me! But I seem to have turned a corner and it's exciting, so I wanted to share it and maybe others will give it a try too!

I don't know, maybe this is the topic of "The Secret"? But in any case I was putting myself down a lot without realizing it. You know, I was looking in the mirror and going "You look old." Or whatever trait I didn't like about myself. And I've mentioned how Sandy encouraged me to stop telling myself "You're someone who doesn't hear Angels" and stuff like that, how that limited me. Thanks again Sandy! :kiss: So I was putting some of these ideas together but taking forever to make sense of it all! :lol:

Anyway I shared somewhere on here about how I woke up from a dream, where the Angels told me "I am young, I am vibrant, I am radiant like the sun," several times in a row and I understood it was like a mantra or a chant they wanted me to tell myself. Well stubborn me I didn't follow the idea. I just thought about how interesting it was. :lol: Well then one day I thought what have I got to lose? And I started to try it; I tell myself that when I remember, throughout the day, a few times in a row.

Well it's working, it is the weirdest thing! For instance my mom told me a stranger saw a picture of me and guessed I was 23! Wow, that is impossible, I'm turning 36 this year and I'd been realllllly looking my age lately (cancel!). The picture was just taken at my brother's wedding so it showed my 'new face' I guess. I was shocked! I had long stopped getting carded for buying alcohol for example. Imagine if people start carding me again! LOL!

Anyway it's exciting stuff -- my cat and dog allergy is also disappearing -- I really think it might be possible to change anything if you put your energy into the nice stuff. Why did I keep telling myself mean messages all the time? That had power too but I never realized it before!

It's really like a "Duh" moment, but I am just excited to figure it out and wanted to share with all of you! Love to everyone and peace to you, Michele :sunflower:
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by Sandy »

Hi beautiful Michele, :D
Boy, did I need to hear that this morning as I took one look in the mirror and said to myself..."You look awful!" and I really meant it." :( I wonder why we can be so mean to ourselves, sometimes? if we treated others in this way they wouldn't like us very much and would steer clear of us, eh? Well... I so appreciate you reminding me of this important point. And I am so excited for you at your recent realizations. :sunflower: You've given me some things to "chew" on because I tend to forget these important points rather quickly as I move onto “easier things.” Oh I just looked up and saw Midwayer Mathew's 33 prompt. :hithere He was with me earlier as I walked around the neighbourhood. He always lets me know he is there when there are no prompts with a distinct pressure in the middle of my face. :mrgreen:
Thanks for sharing this Michele...I find it very helpful and much needed. :kiss:
It's good to be alive! :bana:
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by happyrain »

:hithere michele

that's wondreful :alien:
thanks =)
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by 11light11 »

:hithere Thanks Eric and Sandy!!! Sandy it's funny you're thanking me because you were a big part of me realizing this stuff!!!!! :roll I am a bit testa dura as we say in Italian (hard-headed! :lol: ) but in any case, now I got it!! LOL.

Love you guys, Michele
p.s. Sandy how could you possibly think you look awful?! You are adorable!!!! :loves
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by Sandy »

Sandy how could you possibly think you look awful?! You are adorable!!!!
:lol: Thanks Michele, I could certainly use you in my mirror every morning...you know, like the mirror the evil Queen had in Snow White. "Mirror Mirror On the wall whose the most beautiful ....(I can't believe I forgot the rest of that line! :roll:) was it.... "one of all". ????

My mirror says things like. "Whoa doggies! :shock: Where did you get those bags under your eyes!"..and " Is that your new Jabba the Hut look!" :lol:
See what I mean? It's so bad my inner child is learning karate. ;) Okay I shouldn't kid about things like that and take it more seriously because it is a very real way of hurting oneself and trampling the very delicate self esteem. And I guess in reality there is more to it then what the passing joke indicates.

So I have written down your Angel mantra... "I am young. I am vibrant. I am radiant like the sun." and saying it several times in a row several times a day. If that doesn't work, I'm getting a new mirror! ;) :kiss:
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

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Sandy it's weird but it does work ! ! ! For instance I took the angels' advice and I added something to it for my skin, I keep saying "I have smooth even skin," and stuff like that. Well I just noticed yesterday -- every since I was a little girl, I've had this weird growth on my leg. It's no big deal, the skin doc wouldn't even remove it because it's benign. But it's always there. I always cut it shaving and it's a drag because it bleeds so much. :lol: So I've had it like 30+ years and it hasn't been going anywhere!!! :lol: And I hadn't even had it in mind, when I started with these "Skin-mantras," I was more thinking of getting rid of the bags under my eyes as you said or lines or acne scars -- stuff to do with my face, ya know? But yesterday I was absent-mindedly stroking my leg sitting there reading and I felt this little bump and looked thinking "What is that?" And it's my old growth but it's almost gone. It's all tiny and smooth -- it's about to disappear! All these years it's been so big . . . .

Weird huh?! It really does work!!!!!!!

I hope your mirror-mirror starts telling you nice stuff when you look back, because when I look at your face that's what I see! :kiss: :love Love to you Miss Sandy! You're the best!

Love Michele :roll :sunflower: :kiss:
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by nasra1996 »

Maybe saying mantra's in a glass of water would work too, i need to do these also, i tend to say the neg things to myself also :)

love to all xoooooo
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by Sandy »

A very good idea Sarah. That would get a little more "Love-charged water in us as well. :happy ( I admit often times I forget and tend to be a bit dehydrated.")
Love, Sandy
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by nasra1996 »

I'm super hydrated, on this diet to lose some weight and you have to drink 4 litres or more per day, i'm a walking bag of water lol... must remember though to make mantras every time i drink it xoooo
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by Sandy »

Okay...I'm with you Sarah! :lol: I have beside me a nice big glass of water and saying a mantra as I speak. :bana: I've heard water helps flush out toxins and makes weight loss easier. So here goes.... :mrgreen: :finger:
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by 11light11 »

That's a cool idea about the water, Sarah -- there was a breakfast place that I used to go to, run by Hari Krishnas, and they won "Best Breakfast Place in Chicago" every single year -- though they didn't serve meat! :shock: Chicago's kinda bacon-friendly if you know what I mean. I found out that they chant "LOVE" Into all the food before they serve it, though - I wonder if that's their secret?! Even steak-and-potato men love that place.

After I read Emoto's book about how he photographed the crystals that form when you expose water to the words "LOVE AND GRATITUDE" Image, I made a little Love & Gratitude coaster. So I just use a glass-bottomed glass, and place the glass atop the coaster -- to allow it to 'charge' the water. It has all different rainbow colors on it and I thought, why not! That way if you get lazy and forget to talk to the water it is still working, lol!!! :lol: :kiss:

Love you guys!!! :loves :sunflower: Michele
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by happyrain »

michele i've been really intrigued lately in trying to understand neuropathways. the "re-run" is great because we're reinforcing that new pathway to a more positive perspective. if every morning you look at yourself in a mirror and say something negative you're just strengthening the emotions associated with your actions- your daily thoughts and experience make that pathway stronger. however if you continually practice something like chanting a positive mantra then you're creating a new pathway in your brain and with repetition you can change your outlook and the way you experience your morning. the stronger the pathway is the harder it becomes to break away from. with practice you can create very strong positive reactions and change physically, emotionally and even strengthen the pathway linked to your meditative/divine experiences. it's your choice
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by Sandy »

Love and gratitude... :sunflower: I am reminded of that every time I look at your crystal charged Love and Gratitude Elixar, Michele. It sits right beside me on the desk. :kiss: I am trying to remember those positive thoughts...trying to make new positive pathways in the brain. Thanks Eric. The trick for me will be to stay with it...
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by 11light11 »

Yeah, that's really cool, Eric. It's so true about the neuropathways. We create new ones.

They used to say that an adult's brain is done growing. You can lose brain cells, like if you get really drunk or sustain a brain injury or something, but you can't grow new ones or change the ones that are already there.

Now we know that is not true and they talk about neuroplasticity, where you can reshape what is already there. Through things like what you suggested, positive mantras and so on -- we can re-wire ourselves. Psychotherapy yields the same kinds of results and they've shown that on MRIs . . .and also meditation. Our teacher was talking about all this a few years ago in my social work program and it just reminded how we say things like "That is not possible," such as "You can't change your brain," and then with a little bit more research we learn you can change it !!!! :shock: So I think it's great to just ignore any claim like "That's impossible." It probably IS possible but it's all down to how we think about it I guess?

Like those martial artists -- I watched a little documentary about "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." They said the flying that the ninjas do in that movie was a bit exaggerated -- in some of the scenes they used wires to suspend them up off the ground -- but many of their movements were natural. They really can scale buildings and jump from treetops and so on. And the reason they can do it is because they know they can. They suspend disbelief and they don't think; in those moments they're blank slates, they aren't telling themselves "That's impossible."

When I was little I used to balance on the curb with my hands held out -- remember that?! :lol: And I'd pretend it was a tight-rope. :lol: And as soon as I'd think to myself "I'm going to lose my balance and fall," I would! Every time! I could have kept the lesson from way back then but I didn't realize what it meant -- and how much power it contained!!!! :hithere

Love you guys! Michele :)
P.S. Sandy, you can always add a mixture of purified water and vodka, to refill that bottle. It will be re-charged with whatever is already inside the bottle and it will be replenished, you can do that indefinitely! And then just stick it in the window on the full moon (which is Saturday!!!)! :roll :love
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for that Michele...I was hoping I could replenish it but I could not remember your original instructions when you gave it to me...Thank you for reminding me about the full moon on Saturday. My crystals need to be recharged. I missed the last one but breathe love on them in the in between and hope that helped a smidgeon. :finger:

I had to giggle because just this week I was doing a balancing act while walking on the curb...It is exactly as you described. The minute I thought about falling off I went... :lol:

It's raining kitties and puppies here today... :bana: I am in my element and have this desire to go stomping in some water puddles. :mrgreen: :bounce:
Life is good!
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by 11light11 »

That's so neat, Sandy!!! See that is why you are so young -- you are young at heart!!!! :kiss:

It's funny, synchonicities keep appearing in my life about this topic -- about how we shape ourselves and our lives through the messages we tell ourselves -- and now Dr. Mendoza is nodding his head with 8:28! :hithere

:loves Love you all! Michele :sunflower: :kiss: :love
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by nasra1996 »

You're always so full of wonderful ideas and knowledge Michelle :loves can't think of two more precious words, love and grattitude..... :) yeah it's not just water that's affected, apparently everything is, or maybe anything that holds water ? Who knows.. I know cell structures of prayer invoked meat such as kosher and halaal meat are intact after slaughter when compared to other meat those cells instantly deteriorate.. so imagine with our bodies full of water and cells how prayer and thoughts can affect us..

Love to all xxxxxxxxxx
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by Sandy »

Sarah...I haven't thought about it in this way before. I will never look at prayer and blessings before meals in the same way again. It is far more beautiful and beneficial than I ever envisaged... Thank you! :kiss:
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by 11light11 »

Sarah that is so cool!! I never knew there was such an impact from keeping kosher or halaal, but when you think about it that really makes sense. I remember mentioning you'd followed a halaal diet for a while (keeping with Muslim customs) and it's great to get your take on how that works. It's not just a rule people follow, it does something! That is so cool . . .

A friend of mine is asking her pendulum to show her the energetic value of everything she eats, before she eats it. The higher the value the healthier it is -- so old leftovers have this poor value, you know, because it's not fresh anymore? But she noticed that if you take, say, a fresh lemon, and squeeze it on top of the whole dish? And then you re-test its energetic value? Now the "old" food has a high value again -- the freshness of the lemon elevated it!!!! :shock:

We are so used to science telling us that certain things are impossible, but we can experiment and see for ourselves eh?! :lol: :kiss:

Love you guys! Michele :loves
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

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p.s. yesterday one of my friends told me "I am so fat, I am such a gross, fat, disgusting pig." :oops: So I wondered "Is it safe to share about this stuff?" And I thought "Yes of course it is" and I told him what I've shared with you guys here.

So he said "But I am a gross fat pig." And I said "first of all that is not true -- I don't see you that way at all. So there are other possible viewpoints to that. That's the first thing. But say there is such a thing as a gross fat pig -- which I don't believe there is, I love pigs :lol: -- suppose there is! Do you think you become fatter or thinner the more you put yourself down?"

That gave him a moment's pause and finally said, "OK, I'll try your suggestion. I'll tell myself I'm losing the fat."

I said "What if that gives the fat power?" I said "Why not just tell yourself 'I feel great. I am straight and tall. I am thin and healthy. I feel wonderful. I'm a good person'."

So he said "OK when I catch myself putting myself down from now on I'll give that a try."

And I told him what Eric shared about the neuropathways and that really appealed to him. And then he said "Maybe I can even tell myself that when I'm not putting myself down, like just at different times throughout the day! Like if I'm driving to work or taking a shower." And I said "Yes, you get it!"

So :finger: let's hope it works! I know that if he sticks to it it will work . . .it's just so hard to turn the switch and start being nice to yourself!

But maybe we can remember him, because doesn't it break your heart to think of a nice sweetheart who says "I am a gross fat pig"?! It sure broke mine . . .

And if it's not fair for him to be so mean to himself, maybe it's not fair when we do it to ourselves, either! :bana:

Love to you guys! MIchele :loves :sunflower: :kiss:
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by Sandy »

Hey Michele....
And if it's not fair for him to be so mean to himself, maybe it's not fair when we do it to ourselves, either! :bana:
There's no argueing with that logic. :thumright: :)
My trouble is, I forget to reach for the "light switch" to begin with... so used to my own self directed negativity I have become. It takes real thought and purpose to first begin these things that can truly change our lives. I look forward to the day when these new neuropathways are call built and the "Under Construction" signs removed. :bana:

Your friend sounds like such a lovely man...I hope he soon sees himself in a great light... the way the celestials see him, the way you see him. :kiss:
(yes...I too love pigs...just saw "Babe" the movie recently and have fallen in love with them. Such a little cutie. :pig: awhhh with that emoticom I am missing Jack all over again.)
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by 11light11 »

:pig: I miss Jack too Sandy! But I know we all send him our love and that is felt -- I know it is! :hithere Hi Jack!

Sandy I am laughing about Babe! :lol: It reminds me of a dear friend of mine -- whenever she hears someone say "Men are pigs!" She always say "that's not very fair to pigs!" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, why do we always put pigs down?! They are so smart and so cute! And nice! I remember hearing someone say they're one of the very smartest animals . . . .they're supposed to make really lovely pets, too!

I think you can do it, Sandy, in re-working-in some nice messages to yourself. Hey, if I can do it, ANYONE can.

I have been experimenting with all kinds of things since I saw this was working for me . . . for instance I love to grab a slice of cheese out of the fridge and eat it, but I have this idea in my head that cheese is bad for me (I mean specifically bad for me, like I can't digest it well and it makes me bloated and break out and stuff like that -- cancel!) and so I caught myself with the piece of cheese in my hand going "This is bad for you," :lol: :lol: :lol: LOL! Talk about guaranteeing it will be bad for you!! You could crack up. So I told myself "Cheese is so good for you. You feel so healthy and so in balance when you eat cheese." Well I woke up the next morning and I was not bloated at all! It worked!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Now is that a shock or what?!

Love you guys! Michele :loves :sunflower: :kiss:
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by Sandy »

Hey Michele...I understand how you feel about cheese...I love the stuff...and it is my biggest stumbling block should I ever wish to become a vegan.

I am seeing pigs everywhere now! Just last night I tuned into Bondi Vet and the lovable Doctor Chris was visiting a Sydney family who wanted to adopt (buy) a miniature pig into their menagerie. He gave them all kinds of practical advise explaining to them a little about what they could possibly expect so they could determine whether a pig would fit into and be happy in their family.
Gosh they were cute! :D

I am remembering my mantras today...Life is good... :sunflower:
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Sandy!! :loves

Whenever I keep seeing the same animal over and over I always look it up to see what the spirit animal meaning is in Native American belief. They didn't list a pig in the sites I visited -- I wonder if pigs were brought over from Europe? But I found this on a website called "Spirit Lodge":
My dad asked me to "find out what pigs mean."

Yesterday he looked out the front window and there were TWO big pigs on the grass on the far side of the road. My dad called my mom quickly. They live in a suburb so pigs are rather unusual!! My mom says that when my dad whistled to them they ran away like naughty kids. :fun

I went looking online and found an interesting bit on a website selling lucky pigs.

Mann hat Schwein!

This common domesticated animal has long been a symbol of luck in many cultures. In Germany, the phrase "Mann hat Schwein" is commonly used when someone comes upon luck, literally meaning "You have pig".

The Greek earth fertility goddess, Demeter, kept a sacred pig which became a symbol of fertility. Native American Indians recognize the pig as a symbol of the abundance of daily life and believe that it teaches us to celebrate life and share it with others. Manannan, the Celtic God of the Sea, kept a magical herd of pigs (which renewed itself as soon as any were eaten). Manannan hosted a great annual "Feast of Age", where the gods acquired the ever-renewing qualities of the pigs, and thus never grew old.

Keep a cute little carved gemstone pig on your desk, in your purse, or anywhere you would like to have more prosperity, so that good fortune can find a clear path to your door! http://spiritlodge.yuku.com/topic/960#.UaIhPJye3Pk
I thought the part about abundance in daily life, and celebrating and sharing life with others, was pretty cool, because it's what this thread is about! :loves :pig: :pig: :pig: oink oink oink

Love to you! Michele :loves :sunflower: :kiss:
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Re: Healing is possible!!! :)

Post by nasra1996 »

Hey i wonder if that's why savings boxes are called piggy banks lol well they are in the UK..

Ignore me I'm havin a light bulb moment lol

:) xxxxxx
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