Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by overmind »

I've always treated death as a long vacation, even as a kid. I've never had to cry much for those that have died because I knew death didn't really exist for them, but it's the complete opposite when my cats die. That is almost traumatizing. :(
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

I too take the death of my pets or just about any animal life that brushes past me a little hard. I'd like to think though that Love never dies. So I'm hoping in some way or form life will exist for them in the great beyond.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by 11light11 »

I always dismissed this as my imagination for years, till I came to this website, and now I think it was real. For years after our German Shepherd died, I thought she was lying down beside me, in my peripheral vision. Whenever I'd look, though, she wasn't really there at all -- and I thought it was just my habit to expect her there. Knowing all of you has me believing I must have really sensed her presence. :kiss:

Happily, I no longer sense her there beside me -- so it's nice to think she's happily prancing away in much brighter place than this! :loves With love, Michele
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by happyrain »

the other day i was pleasantly surprised by the mileage being displayed on my cars odometer
i tried to take a picture but as i did the numbers rolled over
the original observation was 111115.5

usually i make meals for lunch to eat during break at work but today ended up buying a foot long sub from subway and was surprised by the sum total
1 foot long veggie sub no cheese add avocado and chips = $8.88
the pic is a bit blurry but here is my documentation =P

also, earlier today i had made a direct prayer to god asking a couple of personal things and in the end asked if i could receive a penny as a sign of support and encouragement and sure enough only 5 minutes later i received my penny =)

these promptings have been kind to me
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

Hey Eric,
You're making me hungry with your prompts... :D (It's about time for supper after a long and busy day. ;) )

My prompts today were not nearly so tasty... a couple of 1234's and 22's 33's.
Have a fabulous week end! :hithere
Love, Sandy
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Cassandra551 »

I like reading about everyone's unique way of getting prompts. Recently I feel like the prompts have fallen off and I feel a bit of a loss of direction. But then yesterday I was driving home from my volunteer job (still hunting for the ever elusive paying one!)and feeling just a tad of uncertainty if I was going the right way. (yes, I had a GPS on and I was still uncertain). Being new to this area I hungrily looked for evidence that I was on the right road, and then I saw a familiar landmark and with it a sign that said "FL 111". It's funny, but I have driven this route a few times and have not noticed the 111 route. I guess I just NEEDED to see it yesterday. :sunflower:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

:lol: I can understand your uncertainty...I've been lost in Jacksonville before. :lol: But you know it isn't until I read your post that I realized that I often see the 111 when I need to see, think about and understand the "road" ahead in spiritual terms. I have a tendency to bully on ahead without "asking directions" at times. :oops:

By the way, I loved the Jacksonville area. My brother and sister-in-law lived in this area for awhile. There was a park there I adored. Hannah Park I think it was called. It has been 25 years though. I hope it is still there.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Cassandra551 »

I do love our little threads of connection :sunflower:
Yes, Hannah Park is still just as pristine and gorgeous as ever. The beach is so lovely and peaceful. You have to pay a few dollars to get in and I am totally ok with that since it contributes to the parks upkeep.
I do agree about the "direction" that 11 can bring. I see it like a little footlight along the road. (and goodness knows I need LOTS of direction, both physically and spiritually!!) Moving here to FL has jostled me out of my comfort zone, which I think is a good thing. (I can only imagine what it would be like to move to another country!). I still feel anxious and not quite sure what to do next sometimes. Prayer, meditation and keeping in touch with like minded souls helps preserve some earthly sanity I think. Thank goodness for the internet! :sunflower: Jacksonville is a great city with beautiful beaches, lovely weather and awesome restaurants and shopping. I have noticed though that people are not exceptionally friendly here and there is a tendency to stay to yourself. I've lived here 3 months and i haven't met one neighbor! I try to smile and say hi but I either get ignored or get a curt nod/muffled greeting/keep walking. When I lived in Ohio all of us neighbors would stand outside our doors talking and giving each other tastes of what we were cooking or grilling etc. It's a tad odd here in that respect.
Anyway I am going down a bunny trail....looking for direction again!

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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

Hey Cassandra,
I'm glad to hear that Hannah Park is still as gorgeous as I remember it. Did I tell you I lived a good bit of my life in Ohio too? When I first moving there from the place I grew up in Tennessee it felt so alien to me and it was always so good to get back top visit my folks, to TN and "home". But gradually all that changed and I began to feel more a part of my community...and now when I think of home I think of Ohio. I am hoping that this will eventually be the case for me here because I can identify with what you are experiencing as a new comer to Florida. I think here in these huge suburbs, each home is surrounded by fences, making friendships a little less assessable unless you really go that extra mile. I am starting, after 8 long years, to become part of people's landscapes here and people look my way and smile and nod in recognition. I don't think they realize how that lifts me... this one small act and gives me hope that some day I too will be chattering with neighbors around the mailbox again. But you know, in thinking about this... sometimes friendships arrive from unlikely places. I was barely here two months and one morning I was feeling soooooo lonely and out of my elements and so during meditation I prayed to God about this. Well, the words were barely out of my mouth and I heard a knock on the door and (picture me in my pyjamas) answering the door to see two Jehovah witness members standing at my door... and that is how I met Fred and Sandy, two ninety year old "street walkers" who loved God with all their hearts and didn't mind telling you about it, especially if there were coffee and cookies involved. :lol: I don't get to see them anymore...Fred quit riding with Sandy when he accidentally ran over his foot and now they both are rather dependent on younger folk to drive them around. I guess they figure it is time to pass the torch to the younger generation. But I must say, even though our thoughts on eternal realities may have differed...you would be hard pressed to find two more loving or memorable people.

So I hope you meet your Fred and Sandy of a sorts over there too, Cassandra. Keep your eye out for them because sometimes in our loneliness God definitely makes house calls... ;)
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Cassandra551 »

What a lovely story!! I agree that answer to prayer comes in the most unlikely of places. I think that we must be open to ALL that comes our way because we never know the blessing we might be turning away. Honestly Sandy, I don't know if I would have invited them in even in my loneliness because I would be thinking "I don't want to be pressured into buying religious magazines that don't support what I believe". I probably would have smiled and been polite but turned them away...and then I would have missed the blessing that God was sending. Thank you for showing me a new perspective and reminding me to stay on my toes..angels are everywhere!
Speaking of which, I am going to go to the local hospice for a few hours and volunteer with the angels there. It feels good to be expected somewhere!

Hugs :love
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by sammy »



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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Krystalshard »

Ha ha Sammy! I'm surprised this picture didn't show up on the "Why we love dogs, eat pigs, and wear cows" thread!!
:roll :roll :roll
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by sammy »

JEAN!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Ok...no disrespect intended...but as I hit the "submit" button that thread (and the thought) did pass through my mind and I hesitated to post this! At least it was anti-biotic free :mrgreen:


PS...Hadn't thought of this before...but maybe this was my prompt that it's ok to eat pork? :?
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

Wow! Sammy...That is one "meaty" 11:11 (You do get "points" for chosing antibiotic free. :mrgreen: )
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Krystalshard »

I have been looking back through my posts, and updating my profile, just hanging out... and the thought crossed my mind: "I'm glad to be called family here". The next patient walked up to check in for their appointment, and their address' house number is "1111". Just love that instant confirmation!! At the speed of thought!!

Good feelings, warm and fuzzy... gettin' through the long day!
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by sammy »


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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

Very Nice! :D You have me chuckling, Jean as I recall my own early months on this website. I didn't think I'd ever make it to the required number of posts to be called family. I still remember what a good feeling it was to see those words on my profile (even though, of course we are family long before that)...But geez... look at me now...what a blabbermouth!... and that post count number doesn't even include those posts lost when Geoff accidentally forgot to save something when he reset the board. :shock: :oops: :lol:
It's good to be family with you Jean!...you too Sammy and everybody else. :hithere
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by sammy »

And what an awesome family we all are! :loves :love

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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by 11light11 »

Here Here!!! :bana:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by overmind »

3/23/2013 is a pretty cool date. There is one 1, two 2's and three 3's. Forget the 0, it's not really there.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by jfarris »

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

23-3-2013 Its been a good set of numbers for a good day. Hope every one else can say the same... 24-3-2013 is about ended here in Australia as I write this. No complaints on that one either...even though the numbers aren't as compelling. ;)
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Krystalshard »

Just popping in to say... I've been getting LOTS and LOTS of prompts now for MANY MANY days. Almost like I'm breathing them. It feels like a next step or something.
So secure in the Love of All... I AM everything I think and say and do. God help me yah?


:loves :loves :loves :loves
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Swedishblue »

I don't remember when I started to wake up to all these prompts and double figures but its true for me too. For the past few days it seems to have accelerated. for example, today has been full on busy, and yet each time I look at the clock...there's another prompt...10.10, 11.11, 12.12, and so on. It's as though I've been programmed to check when I do.

:hithere Thanks for posting the same news Jean. I'm a novice to all of this but I do know my attention is being drawn more acutely now. I just need to figure out the meaning. :roll :D
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

Just popping in to say... I've been getting LOTS and LOTS of prompts now for MANY MANY days. Almost like I'm breathing them. It feels like a next step or something.
So secure in the Love of All... I AM everything I think and say and do. God help me yah?
Consider yourself blessed jean. You could be me. ;) :lol:

I'm seeing lots of prompts too...Swedishblue I just now looked at the clock and received a 222. But that has how it has been. Whenever I glance at the clock there seems to be a message or a hello and see you later from one of our friends. :D

Have a lovely week end, ladies. :hithere :kiss:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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