American, New, and Hopeful. Help?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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American, New, and Hopeful. Help?

Post by nikhack »

Okay, so here goes nothing. I have recently, in the past few months received my calling I think (now, anyways.) At first I just associated it with my superstitious feelings but over time the 11's really began to move something in me... shake me. I knew that when those times came that something beyond my understanding was changing. Like a mechanism behind all the energies in the world somehow tuning itself to the rhythm of my heart beat and the frequency of my soul. I started researching astrology, horoscopes, symbolism of everything I saw really.. and now I've arrived at the perfect destination as if I had been guided the whole time. Everything is linked to another, and I can never stop my brain long enough to not notice these connections. Maybe I'm just lost in a tough economy, maybe it's a coming of age as I'm a week or so away from turning 24... Or... Maybe, just maybe, I am as different as I've felt my whole life, that I'm meant for something beyond my understanding.. I've read lightly through the FAQ's and such, but as this 11:11 message becomes more frequent, more intense, and almost unbearably confusing I start to wonder if there is actually something to this. As religion, politics, hell -- everything is in question in my mind this somehow feels more real than any moment of my abandoned catholic faith, my open mind and superstitious spirit. I need answers, or a feeling of understanding. I need something in my life to tell me what it is the world wants from me, and I feel silly for even talking about it like this. Sorry if my thoughts are scattered but my overwhelming need to connect to somebody who might actually get me and help with contacting whomever I need to contact to accept my role and place in this world but I really see no point in this world without there actually being something MORE. I can feel it, I see the signals, I know it in my heart and soul to be true, but excuse my empirical mind for needing evidence. Maybe this is a complex message of mumbo-jumbo, but it's from the heart and I hope that someone will read it and see that I'm struggling and I need a pick me up. I know there's something to this... I know it.
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Re: American, New, and Hopeful. Help?

Post by sammy »

Hello Nik! :hithere

You've definitely found the right place for being understood. You apologized in your post for being it sounding like "complex mumbo jumbo" :lol: :lol: :lol: It all made perfect sense to me, and probably will to the rest of us who have found our way here!

You wrote:
I need something in my life to tell me what it is the world wants from me
I think that statement sums up how many of us landed on this message board....and I truly believe this is a life long journey for most of us. There are George for instance, who have been (for lack of better term) blessed with the ability to easily communicate with those we can not see, and in George's case they have been clear what his journey (in part anyway) is about.

I do believe for the many of us whom "contact" is not as first nature as it is for George, that through commitment to practicing stillness or meditation we can also achieve that wonderful connection. It is in that connection to your "God spark" (or as you have read much of the faq's, you may be now familiar with the term "TA") where you will find your answers or a least good clues to "why you are here".

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Re: American, New, and Hopeful. Help?

Post by JonahBC »

Well hello there neighbour.. :hithere
Okay, so here goes nothing.
yup... we can all relate to this at one time
but it's from the heart
that it is.... :loves

So mighty glad you found us! There truly is much to explore and learn here if you so choose

Much Love and Peace

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Re: American, New, and Hopeful. Help?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Nikhack,
Wow...far from mumbo jumbo was your fact, I have never heard these "feelings" of standing at the door of "something" expressed in such a beautiful and eloquent way...
I knew that when those times came that something beyond my understanding was changing. Like a mechanism behind all the energies in the world somehow tuning itself to the rhythm of my heart beat and the frequency of my soul.
see what I mean...that is beautiful and straight out of your heart where truth resides.

Sorry if my thoughts are scattered but my overwhelming need to connect to somebody who might actually get me and help with contacting whomever I need to contact to accept my role and place in this world but I really see no point in this world without there actually being something MORE. I can feel it, I see the signals, I know it in my heart and soul to be true, but excuse my empirical mind for needing evidence.
You express a deep desire and longing for answers. While none of us here can really give you that...or even the evidence you ask for..we can make gentle suggestions.
Be at peace as you realize that there is no hurry or rush to acquire, know, or practice anything. The knowledge/wisdom even increments of enlightenment comes to us as we live and breath both in the physical and in the spiritual. They are intertwined. So already as you reach your 24th year you have accumulated a vast array of knowledge and wisdom of every sort. You are exactly where you are supposed to be as you yourself dictated with every thought, word and action... with each decision you made. And you find yourself with a deep desire to discover more, searching now for the next foothold in your path to understanding and continued enlightenment.
While none of us can truly provide the evidence, as I said earlier. We can tell you our "stories” and how we came to feel connected... how we work through the confusions of the day and the times. But that is not evidence is it? Evidence is something you need to experience to feel it yourself from your own heart and soul... something that comes through you. This evidence comes from sitting quietly and listening within in Stillness meditation. It is here we find answers to questions we haven't even realized we needed to ask.. Yet... it isn't something it comes from allowing the knowledge and Love to come to you without preconceived ideas, direction, worry or fear. It is here in this quiet place without thought that we connect with our very future and we discover what is needed and important for us. We find the greatest knowledge of all... from a very part of the Being that provides the matter that births stars into existence.

Please know we all stand in the same place you stand in this moment. Daily rededicating our life to something more... something wonderfully fulfilling, nurturing... and growing into something only eternity will reveal. We each carve out our own relationship with the that is wholly personal. It is this relationship that is behind what fuels the 11’s we all see. The Angels and Midwayers who prompt us...wish to assist us with the troubles of the world but maybe even more importantly they wish to help us put our “hand” in that of the Infinite One, where we will never be abandoned or lost. And with a growing relationship centered within, we can make strides to move those they social injustice, economic equality, or basic human rights. We have faith and hope ( such a simple but powerful words) that our own tiny contribution close to home, learning to love and appreciate those around us, learning to work and play in harmony with others etc... will help eek out a world that generations to come will be privileged to enjoy.

But it begins with each of us now in this "undefinable moment."
Urantia, February 24, 2013.
The Beloved One.
Subject: “An Undefinable Moment.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Dear child, it behooves you to remain for an additional while in the Silence of your heart, and feel My love like a holy hush enveloping you. It is one of these undefinable moments when time seems to stand still. Everything fades away as it is this one moment which matters, when the mind is receding into the ‘background’, so to speak, yet while a wonderful heightened awareness remains. It is this holy hush which not only envelops you but also nurtures the heart, soul and mind with the most wonderful surge in the form of a healing happening in the physical self.

“It cannot be otherwise, as this is a direct result of your wholeheartedly being with me, spending time, which at present is of no consequence as all you desire is to come closer to Me. Only one overriding thought is in your mind as to how you can come closer to learn to understand Me better, and therewith cooperate more in doing God’s will. Just enjoy our togetherness, child. Let all questions go for now, and enjoy this moment, which is undefinable, as you are in contact with eternity.

“Such moments are forever etched into the human soul. These are the moments which nurture and help the soul to expand and grow. Such moments are the healing balm for the totality of you, as nothing is left untouched by the hand of God. Your desires are always recognized and noticed as they are from each mortal. None are left behind who desire to open heartedly do the will of God. I ask you, how many mortals are there who even unknowingly to themselves entertain that question in their hearts as to how to fulfill God’s will in their earthly existence? I tell you that all souls have this inner longing but not always do the desires of heart and soul come to the surface of their minds as there is a great deal of preoccupation with the mundane, still the overriding factor in many people’s lives.

“However, the seed-soul always is in contact with the unbreakable attraction of Paradise. It cannot be otherwise, unless the mind gets so twisted that the personality can no longer think straight. In this way they lose out on that wonderful gift of moving ever so slowly, but surely closer to the All That Is. And they cannot experience these infrequent yet superb moments, of this undefinable togetherness with the Creator of their being. Prayers for ‘wake-up calls’ for those souls are always gladly accepted on High. The Gods always hear the petitions from their mortal children when they pray for others.

“Thank you for allowing Me a moment of your time, child. How wonderful it is to have your full attention so we can share one of those undefinable moments, which in truth and fact are tiny growing spurts for the soul. And remember, child, I am always with you.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.
I know I have rambled on... enough out of me. :oops: I am glad you have joined us, Nikhack. welcome!
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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