11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi again everyone,

I wanted to add that I hope nobody is seeing me as someone who cmes here and dumps and asks for help. It is just a very strange time for me and I know that in addition to my understanding of things, there are a lot of clues for me already in this thread.

So thanks once again...the journey continues,

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

Hello John,
It is always good to see you again and I venture to say that none of us who post here see you as dumping on us. To tell you the truth, and I am speaking from my own perspective and experience here...all of us at some time or another find that we are feeling exactly as you are in your latest posts. But regardless of this, we are making progress...and with that sentence I just looked up and was reinforced with the progress prompt...12:34 on my desk clock. We are certainly not expected from our "friends" On High to be perfect. They have been observing humans for thousands and thousands of years on our planet and know better. In fact, I don't think they have any expectations from each of us. They just allow us to be who we are and to simply make our decisions good and bad that help us to learn and grow. As I observe my life and in looking back, I can see I have made some really poor decisions and some bad mistakes... I can see that I am NOT the person I so long to be and it “bites” at me sometimes. But recently I read something in a lovely poem from our good friend Overmind. It spoke to my heart and my soul...almost as if a greater Source was reassuring me that all is well.
"I am a seed in slumber,
Dreaming of a flower in the vibrant sun."
I can identify with that tiny seed...so wanting to be the big beautiful flower with her head facing the sun! And I will be some day...yet there is much needed that I will eventually overcome... "weeds of thoughts"..."pestilence and temptations". It is all part of being a flower in the garden...it is all a part of life. So it is okay to be who we are now to try and fail and try again...knowing that we are loved and cherished along the way regardless of our depth of understanding, our spiritual works...even our knowledge of the physical and spiritual sciences. We are all “seeds” in the same garden... simply accepting the fact that we are loved...that we are special, that we are cared for and nurtured by the awesome "Power" shaping the entire universe. A Power that accepts us as we are and this will never change. As we are nurtured, watered by this “loving Caretaker” we swell and grow in our earthly soil and in time we begin to send down roots and reach for the sky the heavens and the stars. Along the way we may try to be "our perception" of a better person...we may lament over our lack of resolve at times and feel guilty about things we have said, thought and done. Yet, this unconditional Love for us never changes regardless of our efforts. It is known and understood that this is all part of the growth, a part of being small and mortal in time/space.

Each day we are given new opportunities to "swell and grow." And we are free to find peace in that day, something made much easier if we first begin with a few moments of quiet time with our Source within. Whether we quiet our minds immediately during this time or drift into deep alpha, I don’t think it matters for in the effort we have shown our true inner desires for communion. They are duly noted and more is given as we are ready. “When we are ready”...that, to me, is very important. Even though I thrill to hear storys given by others of their adventures into the inner realms...I find at times I look at my own “children’s book of spiritual experiences” and think ...geez...shouldn’t I be getting past this ‘picture book” now? I find I am tempted to compare and think, “Am I on the right track?” Well, truly, there is no “right track”...at least not one and the same for each of us. Your right track may very well be quite different from my right track or from Vanessa’s etc... So when I get like this...feeling sort of pushed to be somebody "better, stronger faster, smarter", ;) I remember what is fundamental... LOVE. One small word has the power to open the magical door to that person we long to be and it begins with our learning to Love ourselves... just the way we are as seen through the eyes of the universe Creator... just as we are today.

I guess what I am trying to say, John, is there is no time limit and you do not have to do anything mind boggling. Just be who you are and sit in silence if you can every day. This is so important because things are happening in this quiet time. We don’t even realize it but it is. You are opening the door to communing with your God within. So I try to remind myself of this as my mind refuses to quiet on some days...when the worries of the days and my longings become a distraction. We are human after all and we are considered the babies of the universe by beings many, many times our senior. Their loving eyes are on us... their hands outstretched as we take out tottery steps...ready to reach for us as we fall and we inevitably will fall. But with Love we are righted and begin again...

I hope I have made a little smattering of sense here... Please don’t think you have to be anything in particular for us, for "our Friends"... not even for God. You just need to be you and all of the above will Love you all the more...

We take our spiritual journey one step at a time just like we have in the physical aspect of life and we try to enjoy the scenery of this moment. Those amazing views are ahead but they are not important now. In this moment we breathe and know that we are loved a million times over.... that’s all....we Love and be Loved.

I am sorry I cannot comment on your dream because I haven’t any deciphering skills so to speak...But I am hopeful that someone gifted in this area will provide some insight.
Please come back as often as you can and share with us as we too are right there with you, all trying to figure out this life we have been given.
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Re: A New 11:11 Dream

Post by inlikeflint »

JohnInCanada wrote:
professor (very important and influential to me.)
Susan (things are not great between us.)
Susan bouquet of flowers to me. (I immediately went to a grocery market teller so I could buy them for her. She looked surprised that I was doing that.)
(flipping e-mails?)
Waiting room (health related in some way. Knowledge based = Mental) table, appointments and the times were 11:10, 11:11 and 11:12. (progression?)
"Wasted Sunsets" by the hard rock group "Deep Purple".

I was told to get ready for an amazing journey here in this board. I feel myself flipping between much optimism versus high stress as I feel I am running out of time to get my stuff in order but I am having a hard time doing that. All the while, I am having as much faith as I can that this will all sort itself out as it is meant to be.

I have dreamed very little since my first post here back in January. But last night my migraine was acting up and I slept a ton. It was almost like I was being pushed to sleep and by doing so, I dreamed a lot.

Thanks everyone, any insights would be helpful.

Don't stress so much. We're the same age & we're sort of in the same boat. (It's a speedboat though.)

You dream every night. You remember some dreams and others are forgotten.
IF you're single and you want to remember your dreams, you should keep a dream journal. This is more difficult to do when you have someone sleeping next to you. When you wake up; start writing immediately what you remember. Colors, numbers, happenings, textures, feelings... do it in short hand so you can get it all on paper. (I don't do i-pads... I use cheap notebooks.)

Get a dream dictionary; I recommend...
http://www.amazon.com/Dream-Images-Symb ... pd_sim_b_2

You are the only one who can really interpret your dream. Your dreams have your visual symbols.

There are on-line dream dictionaries for you to use but you need to be familiar with what things mean to you, which can be a challenge. (Example; what was your first car... was this your freedom and independence, or did it cause you grief at the gas pump?)

If you can interpret your dreams, you will be able to pick up on other things in your waking life. You should make an attempt at doing it. You would be surprised at how easy you can understand what your dreams are telling you. They're not hallucinations. They are a window to who you are.

Your professor may mean that you're leaning something... (Hard to tell, I don't have much to work with.) You are learning a lesson.

Flowers may refer to beauty, you mention Flowers twice and beauty once. (and your feeling toward it.) Flowers are also symbolic for vaginas, femininity, (In Dutch genre paintings they symbolize that beauty and wealth is only temporary.) Usually, flowers have a color of some sort & specific number of flowers in some cultures mean specific things. In Germany, if you're casually dating you present and even number of roses, but if you want to suggest that the relationship is something more than platonic, you present n odd number of roses. (You never present an odd number of roses to the mother of your date.) Colors are important... Every detail.

Susan's surprise is that you still have feelings for Susan? You are willing to buy her love (at any cost... You didn't mention how much the flowers were or how much you paid for them... Sometimes dreams are like that.) The giving vs buying thing is important (I think.) Maybe Susan is an obsession to you. Stop waiting and progress. (Or your wait is over and you are progressing.) It's scheduled this way and it is displayed on the table in front of you as plain as day for the whole world to see. 9:11= emergency... 7:11=convenience.

Wasted Sunsets seems obvious.... You should probably consider moving on and not wasting any more days obsessing over flipping e-mails, or spent flowers... (Deep Purple = "Purple is indicative of devotion, healing abilities, loving, kindness, and compassion. It is also the color of royalty, high rank, justice, wealth and dignity." http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamthemes/colors.htm ...Violet denotes high spirituality, religious aspiration, purification, affection, gentleness, charm, and peacefulness. You have a sense of intuitive understanding and special intimacy, Indigo implies spirituality and divine protection. It may also mean deceit.... Deep Purple is probably more blue than red because cool colors usually recede. Violet is closer to red than purple,and indigo is sort of close to deep purple.)

You need to heal...(IMO.)
Do some sort of change up in your routine.
Work out, eat a entire box of Pop-Tarts, start a garden...
Before you go to sleep tell yourself to let go of all your attachments to Susan. ("I WILL let go of all my attachments to Susan.") You might want to consider meditation. If you are receiving the number prompts. You're not going to get anywhere asking people to tell you what it is. Take a leap of faith with yourself and believe in yourself. Susan is gone like a bad beep-beep. She is a reminder of what you know as love or that spark that makes you who you are.
Her love stinks.
Just be who you are.
Just be John.
This can be a difficult transition for people to make.
You can do it.

Peace & Love
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Thank you for your replies. I have been reading your comments and I would like to respond to both of them.

Sandy, it is comforting to me to know that I am not alone as I go through this and some of your comments really resonated. Actually, there is another poster on this board and I read a few of her comments in other threads and they are realy inspiring to me too. She posted in this thread also. I am increasingly telling myself that all of this will make me stronger and that I must keep fighting and not give up, that there is no other way. Some days are better than others but I can't quit. I think I am progresing and growing. Like yourself, I look back and see poor decisions and mistakes I made. sometimes I think that maybe I was supposed to make those decisions and mistakes to take me to another place, I don't know.

What bothers me is why these stressful times of growth and change have to last so long, with no tangible evidence of the progress we have made, or seem to have made. How much and long must we endure to get to be that person we want/need to be? I just feel like I am in such a pressure cooker. I understand the power of gratitude and love and I am trying very hard, but it just takes so long and takes so much strength on so many levels.

I know I need to be "silent"more. But since I first posted here, I have found myself sleeping less, with a lot of nervous energy, working very fast, and I even lost 10 pounds since that time and I am a pretty skinny guy. Some days I feel like a different person, other days I am just bogged down.

I am working through this patch with the faith that it will all work out for the best. I hope it is sooner as opposed to later.

Thanks for listening.

Hi Inlikeflint, and thank you for your comments. I used to keep a dream journal that I wrote in. Now I just wake up and write on my iphone. I have no interruptions ding this as I am a single man. I do have a few web sites I sometimes visit and a book that I have, but that is all. I would love to become better at interpreting my dreams, sometimes I think I do really well. But when I read some of the thoughts posted in this thread abut some of my dreams, I realize that I have a long way to go. But I am going to keep trying.

Regarding your thoughts on my dream, I want to start with the song "Wasted Sunsets". You know, when I was thinking about that song the day after the dream, I had a thought that it meant exactly as you wrote, which was wasted days. Interestingly, I had not connected this with Susan but rather with the professor. You see, for all of my adult life I have been in academia. Now at 41, I am looking at a number of industries to move into for my career just because academia is not working out so well. And maybe because it is not working out so well, parts of my involvement in academia are feeling very empty to me. Although there are parts I do still love, I have no qualms about moving on to something, that someting I am still figuring out. So my challenges at this point in my life are not only making a major career transition, but also getting past Susan but she keeps popping up in my dreams and that does not help. Heavy stuff.

Regarding those flowers, I have no idea how much they cost and I don't remember paying for them in the dream. I just remembered going to the cashier with them. I have been working hard to leave Susan in the past. Sometimes I have great stretches where I feel I have moved on and that at other times, when I feel I am making a lot of progress with all of my issues, I find myself thinking about her and I wish I didn't although a part of me finds it comforting to think of her. I think it is just like you wrote which is that she is a reminder. I did not reply to 3 emails that she sent me last fall and there has been no communication since.

Maybe the 11:10, 11:11, and 11:12 on the table in front of me in the dream was the "go" signal, that I am ready to move forward now both personally and professinally? I am not too sure what 9:11 and 7:11 mean in my waking life though, but I will note what I am thinking and feeling when I see those sequences. I also see, not so often though, 22:44, 11:22, 1,111. So I know something is going on.

I agree, I need to change things up and I really will tell myself to let go of the attachments before I go to sleep. I really will try.

Sandy and Inlikeflint - I know these message take a lot of thought and you two have been great in trying to help me like you have.

With much gratitude to the two of you,

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

Hello John,
When I read your post I just wanted to give you a big hug. (sorry if you're not a “huggy” person. ;) )

You wrote:
What bothers me is why these stressful times of growth and change have to last so long, with no tangible evidence of the progress we have made, or seem to have made. How much and long must we endure to get to be that person we want/need to be? I just feel like I am in such a pressure cooker. I understand the power of gratitude and love and I am trying very hard, but it just takes so long and takes so much strength on so many levels.

I know I need to be "silent"more. But since I first posted here, I have found myself sleeping less, with a lot of nervous energy, working very fast, and I even lost 10 pounds since that time and I am a pretty skinny guy. Some days I feel like a different person, other days I am just bogged down.

I am working through this patch with the faith that it will all work out for the best. I hope it is sooner as opposed to later.
I am a little worried about this weight loss and your nervous energy. Let's try this from another angle...Try not to change. Don't even give it a thought...Take a vacation from what you think you need to do and just be. In meditation as well as often in life everything works better if we allow it to flow. This leaves the door opened for our Divine Self, our God within, to embrace us in such subtle ways. The changes do happen but so quietly and peacefully that we can suddenly wake up and realize that some aspect of ourselves has softened or grown a bit.
I tried meditation off and on a year before coming here with spotty success. It was in talking to George and the other members on this board that, like you, I was encouraged to really attack this spiritual journey with everything I got and I began meditating and working in the Akashic construct every day. It was in these quiet moments that I first began to feel the peaceful Source energy and Love that flowed through my being. It was this energy, this Love that helped me as I worked through the effort of living and being then... and helps me in the effort of living and being now. Like quiet waters it can so sooth my soul and I realize that the whole point to living isn't wrapped up in a thousand "dos and don'ts"... a thousand rules and regulations. It is just about recognizing that we are much-loved children of God. I know... I'm sounding like a "broken record" here, but it is so important. It is the only thing that is truly important as we jump start our spiritual path. Because of this fact, we are not facing the journey alone. We have been gifted with a piece of God Him/Her self who travels these long eternal roads with us, even some day fusing with us becoming a part of who we are as we become one. Imagine for a moment becoming one with a being who is equipped with knowledge straight from the Source...was a part of this one and only Infinite Creator!
So in reality, it isn't so much about change, perhaps, as it is about acceptance... acceptance of our Divine position as children of God...and knowing that the road through eternity is going to be a long, fruitful and joyful learning experience.
How much and long must we endure to get to be that person we want/need to be? I just feel like I am in such a pressure cooker.
The person you need to be is the person you see in the mirror. You are you in all your wonderful glory. Just celebrate who you are right this moment! So, get rid of that pressure cooker okay? ;) :kiss:
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi Sandy, I appreciate the note.

Sometimes I am able to do just as you suggested, I don’t really think about it. Rather, I just go with the flow, going about my business, doing what I need to do. And things do seem to flow much better during these times. And I have written about some of those times here on the board. For example, when I have been driving and feel like I am looking at the world with a fresh set of eyes. And I feel that I am just behind a veil to a new reality which will complement what I have now. I can be very good at visualizing where I want to be, and balancing those visions with the life I lead. But after a while, I start getting nervous and anxious and start worrying because I feel like I should be seeing tangible results for my efforts. Or I see things around me which remind me of the direction that I want to go in my life.

Maybe I do need to relax and “just be”. As you wrote “This leaves the door opened for our Divine Self, our God within, to embrace us in such subtle ways. The changes do happen but so quietly and peacefully that we can suddenly wake up and realize that some aspect of ourselves has softened or grown a bit...It is just about recognizing that we are much-loved children of God... It is the only thing that is truly important as we jump start our spiritual path. Because of this fact, we are not facing the journey alone”. I agree with this.

I am going to try again and get myself back to that nice place again. I am going to “just be” and go from there. I hate going back and forth, too much instability.

Thank you Sandy. Despite this recent tough patch, I am doing so much better than I ever have and I am proud of myself. But this is sure tough but I will get there and I won’t give up.

Thank you for being so kind, I think I was drawn to this site for a reason.

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

Hi John,
You wrote:
Thank you for being so kind, I think I was drawn to this site for a reason.
You are an easy person to be kind to. :lol: I am glad you have come here and in fact I think we may have needed you too. I have a strong feeling you are blessing all of us with your journey.
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi everyone, remember me? Its been so long since I have posted here on the board and I feel its time for a short visit. Its nice to return on this Canadian long weekend.

You know, I don't even know where to start. So much has happened to me since I last posted here back in March. Let me start by writing that I do feel like I am on the journey of a lifetime and that this is an incredibly transformative period for me. I still see 11:11 although I see just as much, if not more 9:11's now, that would be the first thing, and I do realize that 9:11 is also a significant number sequence as I have read here on the board and elsewhere.

In some of my previous posts I think I wrote about some signiicant weight loss I was expeiencing earlier in the year. Although there was nothing really wrong with losing 10 pounds in such a short period of time, I have had some serious health issues over emerge over the past couple of months which are being addressed. Many tests have ruled out sinister diseases and it appears that some old injuries need to be addressed although more tests will be taken. In addition, stress has taken its toll on me over a prolonged period of time so the past couple of months have really opened my eyes as to how to better care for myself.

A dear friend of mine is hospitalized, in part due to elder abuse. And in having probably one good conversation with her in hospital, while she can still understand me, some very important life lessons were reinterrated by her, lessons that are/will change my life. It was ana amzing conversation. Although I hate to see what has happened to my friend, our last conversation was life altering.

In my posts here onthe board I have ofen referred to a woman named "Susan" from my past and how she was part of some of my dreams, ones that I wrote about here because they really were full of messges. In real life, Susan has re-entered my life for very definite reasons that maybe I will share here at some point. Her reappearance has also taught me some important lessons, and I am so grateful to her for that.

And I am still trying to make my career shift which has been no small feat. I can see how these 4 points, which have really come to a head in the month of June (my health, my friend, Susan, and my career) can be connected. I trust that the universe/midwayers/guardian angels/spirit guides put together all these shifts in my life to create a very auspicious period for me, we will see. Interestingly, I went to a respected pshychic here in my city yesterday and she pulled a few of these points together for me without my prompting. Very eerie in a way.

Anyways, I do feel that I definitely am on a journey and despite the challenges/fustrations I have been facing, I feel that I am being led to a new place where all my dreams will be met. But right now I feel like I am in a state of suspension and the four points above are all hanging in the balance as they say. But the lessons I have learned are permanent.

I have always been a pretty hard headed Scorpio and I guess it sometimes takes some pretty big stuff so get me from one place to another.

At some point I can fill in the holes in this message. In the meantime, love to all of you.

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

Hi John! :D
It is good to hear from you as you describe in your latest update on what has transpired in your life the past couple months. I have to say you inspire me as I look at some things facing me in the near future. My guides and teachers have had a recurring theme these past weeks and one that you are echoing as you objectively look at what has come about and the lessons inherent within them. It is a very healthy way of looking at it and I will try to emulate you and not immediately get all "worried up" as has been a habit of mine with pressing items.

I look forward to the filling in of the blanks and before I close also wish to ask how this elderly friend of yours is doing. It breaks my heart to think of elderly abuse. I hope your friend is healed in body and in mind and bears no emotional scars that hurt almost as much as the physical ones. But if you feel prayer on her behalf would assist please feel free to write me in a pm with her information (first name. age , rough idea of location... county or city, state and country, and what in the way of healing is needed) and George will discretely send her to the prayer circle. The same goes for your physical ailments as well. if you would like any healing assistance with your old injuries that are playing up, just ask, okay? I am glad to here it is not serious disease.

Thanks for checking in. :hithere
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well. I have wanted to write a new post in this thread for a few nights now and today I have decided to write this post for a lot of reasons which I will discuss below. There will be a lot of details with what I write because I do not think I can explain myself properly otherwise. But also, I could really use any input from anyone out there because I just feel like I am in a state of suspension and I am about to burst. There are many things happening in my life right now and I am trying to make sense of everything and piece it all together. All of my stories may seem unrelated but I do believe that they are all connected and more broadly related to things like the 11:11. Here is my story...

First, I have written about my health issues here in this thread. Today I found it that I have a mild herniated disc so that was actually good news as some pretty serious stuff were getting checked out. Over the past week I have actually began visiting my gym again and started some light cardio, skipping, and jogging/running again. I can’t believe how much I have missed those activities over the past year. And I have kept my weight off too despite the fact that my nerves/anxiety have not subsided. The only reason why I thought I would mention my health issues in this thread is because I had brought it up previously. I do believe that these issues have taught me a lesson about better caring for myself so that is one very valuable lesson that I have learned this year.

I also wanted to update everyone on my elderly friend, Joanne, who is in the hospital. She is there because of a bad fall where she hit her head. She is also there because of elder abuse whereby she was deprived of medication and food while she was still at home and also subjected to physical abuse by her children. Ultimately, she got so bad that she landed in the hospital. Aside from our first conversation, she now lacks any understanding of reality and is now paneled to go to a nursing home. I honestly do not believe that she will ever make it there, she is in very bad shape. I learned a lot of lessons from my friendship with Joanne and also from our last conversation. It was like a movie where the elder was giving the youth their last words of worldly advice, all of which have resonated in a very big way with me.

Another point is that my career change is at an absolute standstill, it is not even funny how stagnant things are. I know this will not last forever, it never rains for too long, but this is just stupid. Somehow I feel that I am not meant to see movement on that issue right now so I can deal with other things. Then again, that might be a coping mechanism but I really do feel that for as much as I have to deal with in other areas of my life that this short standstill is orchestrated from above.

And then there are the master numbers. They are really kicking up again. On a daily basis I get 9:11, 10:11, 11:11, 12:11 and 11:44. Just based on what I know about these numbers, I know something is going on. Even the other day, I clicked on a youtube video to watch and I checked the time and it clocked in at 11:11. You can’t plan that!

And then there is Susan. If you read my first post in this thread, I wrote about a dream in which a woman from my past named Susan was one of the main characters. A short background is that I have known Susan for 12 years and we met and became friends under very unusual circumstances (at least in my opinion). From the beginning, it felt like a fated meeting and it felt like I had known her for many lifetimes. I think she is a soul mate. Circumstances and acts of God kept us apart in the beginning. And when we did try for a more serious relationship several years later, it always felt like there was a block of some sort between us that was really preventing us from being together when there was no reason why we could not have been together. But the emotional and psychic bond was/is amazing. About 4 years ago we parted ways under not so good circumstances and since then we had conflicts via e-mail which never got resolved, always miscommunication.

Susan came back about 2 months ago via e-mail/text/phone (she now lives across the country). She said she came back to see if there was a chance between us after all of these years although she was very hesitant to openly talk about her feelings for fear of rejection. I was pleased to hear how she felt about us and conveyed to her that I felt the same way. Unfortunately, instead of her speaking openly and honestly about our relationship, it because an issue of her flaunting a suitor and pushing me for a near impossible demonstration of love in a very short time frame. But there are some grey areas in her story too so I have my suspicions that maybe I was roped in as a fool, as hard as that is to believe. Anyways, it did not take long for me to do something she did not care for and then I turned into the devil to her and we are barely speaking now. She turned on me very quickly which was odd. I can forgive her for everything, and do my best to make up for what she is unhappy with, but we just can’t get on the same page. If we were, I would try very hard to make this relationship last.

On the one hand, my rational mind says that this relationship is dead and that I need to move on once and for all and wish her well with whomever she chooses, it would be selfish to wish otherwise. And the lessons I have learned from her, in our discussion about the past and present, and my suspicions too, will serve me well. However, my intuitive mind, not rational, says that this is by no means over and a new era for us will begin somehow. And so I feel suspended between the two states, like the hanged man tarot card, and I feel a great sense of mental anguish over this, it is almost unbearable. And when comined with everything else going on, its just too much.

All the while, I am seeing the master numbers everywhere. Joanne’s words are echoing in my mind. And to top this all off, two tarot readers and my pendulum confirmed my intuitive suspicions. If all of them are right, I will be with Susan within weeks although I don’t know how. Based on that dream I wrote about in the first post in this thread, she would be regarded as being deceptive so again, I have my suspicions.

There are other things going on though. Over the past 4 months, as I have dealt with these various issues, I found little comfort or value in the material possessions which I once prized. Sure, there is a sentimental attachment to a few things, but for the most part, I could not care less. And so I started selling many items because they mean nothing to me, it is all material. The real value lies in the lessons I am learning and how, once the dust settles, I can use those lessons to live a better, healthier, and happier life. I feel like I am, in part, creating “space” in my life for something wonderful.

I know that everything that I am going through is connected. I never remember a year like this before in my life, it is like everything I have ever known is turned upside down for a new perspective, a new life, or a preparation for a new life. And these are all major areas of life that we all deal with. I am just dealing with them all at the same time. I ask my guides, midwayers, guardian angels, and God to guide me and my thoughts to an auspicious resolution and fast....and I am waiting. With all of the master numbers around me, this must be big. I am operating entirely on a "feeling" plane now, it is amazing what I am going through, I cannot believe this.

If anyone out there has a thought on what I have written (Sandy?) I would be very grateful. In the meantime, I am trying to stay calm but I can’t. It is like I know I am going to be pushed out of a plane at any minute but there is no way for me to know when it is going to happen, how to be ready for it, or what my state will be when it is over with, and what my world will look like. Does that make sense?


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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by happyrain »

hi john. it makes sense.
and, i think, it makes sense that- you want to make sense of all the seemingly overwhelming experiences you're now processing. i don't think i have anything for you, by replying to your post, that you'd find of value- i still felt compelled to read your thoughts and at the very least- try to respond.
it's hard to make sense of things sometimes john, we're far to human for that.

at times, when i've read your words, i felt- happy. i thought, despite your reaching out- you have a clear understanding of certain things happening in your life. i am glad you are being prompted and feeling the rich emotions that follow. certainly there is activity happening behind the veil- you don't need to convince yourself otherwise.
and then there are times where i thought, maybe you're over-thinking. perhaps writing this out was a way to unravel the tensions and anxieties that claw at your mind. if that's indeed what's happening. it's really hard to speak to a stranger about their life. what i'm trying to say is, sometimes we need to remember what it's like to be young again(?).
kudos to your pursuit for a healthier life style john.

well, i hope you're feeling better.
thanks for the read- good luck with everything

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hello HappyRain and thank you for your reply (I love your name).

You are correct and obvously, I am trying to understand things. I have been told that maybe I am trying too hard to undetstand certain things and that I should just let it go. However, I feel compelled to try really hard to understand and make sense of everything because I feel that there are very important lessons for me to learn. And maybe, just maybe, once I learn those lessons, the blocks that I feel I have in my life will be removed and then I can live a life that resembles the life I want to live. It almost feels like I have to understand ad come to terms with what is happening to evolve.

I don't know how well I understand things happening in my life though but I have scenarios in my head. And then scenarios conflict if I use my rational versus intuitive mind. Interestingly, this morning a thought came to mind and I glanced at my clock and it was 11:44. So I agree, something is happening behind the veil, I have felt that for some time. I just hope that whatever it is, it reveals itself soon because this has been going on for many months.

I am finding that writing things out is really helping me to keep track of my thoughts. It is actually the first time in my life that I have ever done this. And I guess I was just hoping for the input of people here on the board so I would know if I am doing this right and not going crazy. and maybe some advice or thoughts of others based on the energy you pick up from my words. I do feel that my tensions and anxieties are indeed clawing at my mind, to the point where I question my mental health at times and how I got to this state of chaos (personal and professional). Like I wrote, it is all happening at once, all of these big issues, so there must be a larger plan and lesson.

Anyways, I do appreciate your response. My quest continues, I just hope I make it to the day that there actually is some sense to be made of these events and I can be content and happy.

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

Hi John,
Good to hear from you again. I read this earlier and wished to think about it...so I went out to mow the yard..sometimes the combination of somewhat mindless physical activity can stimulate inner conversations as well as get the necessary stuff done all at the same time...But not so this time...The grass was higher then I thought and in places I had to drag my mower or push with all my might so I’m afraid all thoughts of higher learning went right out the brain window. So here I am sitting here typing away not knowing quite what to say but wishing to show support to you because I have been in this confused life place before myself... many times and I bet others would nod their head and say the same thing. Think about it for a moment. In your post, depicting this particular life moment, you relayed vastly complex issues affecting you so that it is no wonder that you are feeling pressured and a little anguished. First your health... I am so glad to hear that your health problems have been due to a mildly herniated disk which is still nothing to make light of because it can create a great deal of pain and discomfort...but you are attacking this head on and working to improve you physical strength that is very admirable and I must say inspiring for this lazy bones on this side of the world...

You are also dealing with your sadness involving Joanne, an awesome friend and wise lady who has been dealt such a harsh and unkind blow. No one ever deserves abuse in any way shape or form and I continue to pray for this lovely lady who has so enlightened and touched your life. And perhaps your past conversations have given her a measure of comfort as well. Is there anything we can do for her? Maybe we could add her name to the healing circle and I will continue to pray for her in the hopes that she is comfortable and healed emotionally and physically from these shameful acts of neglect and abuse.

And then there is your seemingly stagnation in the career arena. But you do seem to hold a sense of patience and perseverance in your words denoting that you feel this will change when the time is right. You are wise to put your energies to use right now in other areas which can use some thought and prayer. I have had friends in similar circumstances where injury has forced them to stop and slow down from the work rat race only to see the life more clearly and deal with issues they might otherwise have ignored or overlooked.

So it seems the issue in your life that is causing you the most frustration is the relationship with Susan and it sounds like a complex one spanning years. This is a very difficult area for an outsider to really give any advice because in all honesty only you two can get to the bottom of it...only you two know what you want to get out of this relationship and only you two can make it work or fail. But I did see some clues and perhaps a place to begin... and it may be in understanding the relationship, its’ joys and its’ pitfalls the first time around. You mentioned you always felt there was a block... is there a way for you to get to the bottom of what that might have been between the two of you? I know some time has passed but perhaps in meditation. I say this because some years ago I had a similar problem with a block between my mother and I that had come between us for many years. And it was still interfering with this important relationship. It was finally in meditation that I realized what it was and in the understanding of it I could move past what was in reality my issues and sort of a self protective way of being that allowed me to open up to her, allowing our relationship improved in leaps and bounds after that. Well, of course with all things time and patience is a factor so a little open work on both sides came into play. But the thing is...there is great “wisdom within each of us...and sometimes... most times.. .probably all times, if we can find a way to access this, to intuit what it is that we truly desire...what we truly want how we truly feel, sometimes it makes the discerning a little easier as we look at the life road ahead. Maybe you need to decide what you want out of this relationship and determine if this is what Susan wants...or are you both still living a dream of what was and wishful thinking.
I know that everything that I am going through is connected. I never remember a year like this before in my life, it is like everything I have ever known is turned upside down for a new perspective, a new life, or a preparation for a new life. And these are all major areas of life that we all deal with. I am just dealing with them all at the same time. I ask my guides, midwayers, guardian angels, and God to guide me and my thoughts to an auspicious resolution and fast....and I am waiting. With all of the master numbers around me, this must be big. I am operating entirely on a "feeling" plane now, it is amazing what I am going through, I cannot believe this.

I know I have been talking in circles and not making any sense...so you can see that none of us can really tell you what to do here because those answers are yours to find and you can and will find them as your life unfolds...to eliminate any regrets from the past and to look to the future with a sense of optimism knowing that what ever you decide in the million of decisions looming on the horizon of your life, they will be, each and every one, leading you step by step, lesson by lesson throughout eternity until some day you look at yourself and where you have been and say... “Wow...how did I get so wise?... Just look what I have done, what I have overcome what I have contributed to!” This is life in all its colors and all its glory. This is starting out at the bottom of the universe ladder (as we all do) and rung by rung reaching our lofty goals in the stars. This is eternity!... and it will be awesome!
But it begins here... on this little planet with this little life of ours...with this little decision and that little decision with this bit of knowledge and with that. In the end what ever we do will benefit us and others in some kernel of knowledge... in some form of understanding of ourselves or another... in the forming of a compassionate, caring, love centered individual. So make your decisions as best you can with the knowledge you have at the time...with what you intuit and feel within and then follow where it leads and make more decisions over and over again in an eternal dance. No worries... just more knowledge... more wisdom... more understanding more strength and flexibility... and little by little we grow and find our way, just as you are doing now. Your life now as a mortal and in the realms to come is yours to create, making it whatever it will become. I have no doubts that you are up to this infinite calling and task as you are not facing this alone...you have a part of the Universe Creator within you to help you every step of the way... We all do. We all will overcome and what’s more, exceed beyond our wildest expectations! The universe is ours to explore and to eventually understand in all its adventures... and it begins now. We are truly blessed!
With Love,
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi Sandy,
Thank you for your support. Yes, I am feeling pressured and anguished and I guess the main point that I wanted to highlight in my posts was that in the midst of all of this chaos, I notice the number sequences more and more.

So I feel there is a connection, that all of my issues are not just happening at random, but happening right now at the same time and for a reason beyond my understanding. I am recognizing the lessons I am learning and maybe that is the point, to learn these lessons before I move on in whichever way, shape or form. And the number sequences presenting themselves to me every day is a reminder that “spirit” is with me on this journey so I take some comfort in that.

My days are consumed with setting my career on a track that I can be happy with, and my nights are spent dealing with issues with Susan. I know I will find the answers, and I pray that everything gets resolved in a very auspicious way as I cannot fathom another month of this. And yes, Joanne could use a prayer so please, add her to the healing circle, that is nice of you, thanks.

As for me, I will plug away and be in touch. Thank you all.....

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi everyone,

And just as an additional note which I found really interesting....

The past several nights, when I have been sitting alone in my quiet space trying to figure a lot of things out, I have been talking to God and my Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides and asking them, as I explain my issues, if they are hearing my thoughts and listening to what I am saying to them? I then have been asking for a sign of some sort, maybe a flickering light, a thump, something to let me know that they are. Well, for the past several nights nothing has happened. But today it did.

After I asked for a sign of some sort I acknowledged that the sign might not come the way I think it will (i.e. a flickering light). then I said thank you and let the conversation go. About a minute later I picked up a paper which I have had for a long time but never looked at it closely. I happened to look at the paper closely and there was an addess on it. The street name is not important, but the address is. The address was: 1111.

Is that not a sign or what?

So I am taking this as a sign that everything that I am feeling, going through, experiencing, is being watched and heard and that I am being looked out for. And I would like to think that with a bit of time, it will all work out in the best possible way for me.

Anyways, I thought it was neat.

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

Hi John,
Anyways, I thought it was neat.
...it was very neat!... and it sure seems like a sign to me. :D I too have been doing something similar. I have been taking a long walk every morning and lately I have taken advantage of this surprising quiet time by talking everything over with God as I walk. It's funny, I am feeling more and more like I am not walking alone...which of course I'm not ...none of us are. But I guess I am experiencing ever more like I am talking to a "person" who is there walking right beside me...a good and trusted friend and I have found I have been happier and less stressed about the little blips that have come up recently. These long talks may seem fruitless at first but with this simple spirit exercise we are exercising this all important "soul muscle" and getting "stronger" every day. For me it all just seems to keep getting better... not necessarily easier but I am better able to handle what comes my way...and you sound wonderful as well! That is soooo Good! :sunflower:
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by Krystalshard »

Hello John,
I came across your thread here, and I want to check in with you. I too am a Dreamer... (I like how that sounds! :) ) But seriously, a lot of my messages come through my dreams. I may not have a meaningful dream for quite some time, but when I do, I really do. Writing them down can help, and at times, I have also found that focusing on capturing the goings on doesn't really help. I guess what I am saying is, I tend to allow the powerful feelings/images settle on me as I wake. Then the memory of the whole event will proceed in my mind and if it emotionally or cerebrally moves me, I write. I have, in the past, put too much import on recording everyday type dreams, and it made me realize I was searching for confirmations or endorsements of dealing with my daily life. Now, as I have traveled this path a while, I realize I don't need to search. Just receive.
Now, daily conversations with my Midwayer guides and with God are where I put that energy. I don't need the mystery, I'm living one. :) :) Since I am still overcoming my loud and chattering mind when it comes to meditation, I figure that when a message needs to get through to me they know my dream channel is wide open. Tarot can help me out too, when it seems I can't get my mind off of stuff, and I ask for wisdom and take with me what makes the most sense. Meanwhile, I am still practicing mediation more and more, because I really want this kind of connection with the Divine.

I hope that my viewpoint can lend a hand to your experience. Just want to share in case it helps. I also hope things are progressing in a positive way for you, and that you have overcome the stresses you mentioned.

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi KrystalsHard,

Thank you for your message and my appologies for not replying sooner as I have not visited for some time.

I have been doing exactly what you have done which is really paying attention to those really meaningful dreams that move me. In fact, just before visiting this thread, I just started another about one of those dreams which feels incredibly meaningful although I am struggling today to decode it. It is actually distracting me from my other responsibilities today and so that is why I am here now.

I have tried to meditate regularly and have conversations with my guides and I believe that they are connecting with me. I also pull out my tarot cards in times of calmness and find wonderful messages coming through there.

So thank you for posting to me. As I wrote in my other thread, so much has happened to me lately and I am working through so much that I want to share my story with everyone as I think some if ot may help someone. As for my other thread, this is what I had written:

Hi Everyone,

It has been quite a long time since I have posted here on the board and I hope all of you are well. All of my previous interactions here have been confined to one thread which I created back in January. I need to update that thread as much has happened in my life since my last post and I would like to share it all with everyone. I have learned a lot and I think I may be able to help some here on the board with my story.

Today though, I have been preoccupied with the last several hours of my life and I am really lost as to how to interpret a message I recieved in a dream last night. And so I thought I would post it here and see if anyone has any thoughts that could help me out. As ashort background:

After 2 or 3 months of not having any 11:11 time prompts present themselves to me, I am now beginning to see them again this week, in a number of ways, not just by looking at the time on clocks. I know this is a good sign for me, and I acknowledge that everytime I see 11:11. I feel good about this because I have been doing so much inner work on myself that maybe I am heading for a major breakthrough, I do not know.

This week has also been interesting because yesterday morning, there was a living blessing for me performed at a local catholic church. Eseentially, I set this up about a month ago and you can schedule church blessings for the living and the dead.

Now I don't know if this weeks 11:11 prompts and the lving blessing are related to a message I recieved in a dream last night but this was my dream...

A woman I was once involved with, let's call her Susan, was standing in front of me in my dream. And this is eactly what she said to me:

"I was looking at old pictures of my soul and I think it may be time for me to...let go".

Now I realize that when people appear in your dream, it may not be the person who it seems to be, but rather "spirit" in disguise in order for us to recieve a message.

However, I have greamed many times of Susan in the past and so I wonder if it is "she" who is trying to convey a message to me?

In total, I found this to be a very deep message and I can't help but think that it is related to the journey I am on, and my recent experience with the 11:11. My intial reaction to the dream was that Susan was letting go of "me" but I do not know how to decode the dream.

Any help?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I have so much to write about my experiences this year but I will have to post that maybe in a new thread or my old one, I am not sure yet. Thank everyone,

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by inlikeflint »

JohnInCanada wrote:
A woman I was once involved with, let's call her Susan, was standing in front of me in my dream. And this is eactly what she said to me:

"I was looking at old pictures of my soul and I think it may be time for me to...let go".

What is your feeling about the dream? (When you heard Susan say this in your dream...)

Photos of souls = ghosts
Is Susan still alive?
Is/was she wearing a red sweatshirt? (just out of curiosity.)

I think this dream is about you moving on, but I am not certain.

I ate a taco in my dream last night. I don't think I want to know what it means. It was a crunchy corn shell with warm greasy ground beef, cheese and crisp green lettuce. Thinking about it just makes me hungry. Is it sexual? Could be... Is it about my diet? Sure... Is it my axis mundi? Of course... Sometimes, things in your dreams are not important. Sometimes, your dreams tell you things you already know... When you already know or it seems pretty obvious, just move on to the next dream.

Go back to bed and tell yourself to re-dream the dream. When you start dreaming of Susan again, ask her if she has let go yet.

Or not.

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi inlikeflint and thank you for your post.

As I just wrote in my other post about the dream (sorry for running 2 posts at the same time) I felt bad when I heard her say "let go" because I still have feelings for her despite how bad things are between us with no hope of recovery.

Yes, I was thinking that the photos refers to ghosts as I may be seen as a ghost of her past and vice versa. Also, my last contact with Susan was September 10 so she is alive. And I cannot remember what she was wearing in the dream.

I thin the dream may be about both of us moving on but I am going to try to ask about redreaming the dream for more clarity.

Thanks for your help. Its dreams like these that really get me thinking. Maybe it is just confirmation like you wrote.

And like I wrote in my other thread, I believe that my expeirence with her this year ties in with my expeirence and understanding of 11:11
this year. I intend to write a long post about that at some point.


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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by kelmcg23 »

Hi John,

Thank you for posting your dream.

I have been following the 11:11 message board for a few months. I had a dream last night that was very very similar to your Segment 2 dream.

In my dream I was in my aunt's house, I was on the phone in my cousins room and my aunt was sitting on the bed opposite me. I was on the phone to my friend and I was talking really loud so my aunt would hear what I was saying. I also seen 11:11 and 1:11 on clocks all through my dream.

I'm always happy to see 11:11 whether it's in a dream or awake - but even more so to see how similar our dreams were.

Thanks again,
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kelly,
I wanted to say a quick hello to you before I run off to exercise and resettle my pet rabbit in his indoor hutch and then start supper. I want to come back a little later and re read John's segment 2 dream again and look at how similar they both are....But right now I mostly want you to know how welcomed you are here. And I am so glad you jumped in and shared with us. :)
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by inlikeflint »

I had a bed dream the other night with coin flourishing and stinky feet from a friend (sort of) from high school and a girl who I had a crush on in high school that st in the corner looking at me though a veil I laid on my bed upside down.

The coin flourishing/flipping/spinning was repeat from the night before.

It had to do with indecision/uncertainty and making nonsensical decisions in my life.

Peace & Love

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