Twin Flame

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Re: Twin Flame

Post by Miss Believer »

How great to see that the topic of Twin Flame has resulted in such a diverse and lively discussion! I have been reading the responses and take something positive from all of your words.

I feel so blessed in my life to have been surrounded by so much love and happiness. I feel grounded and content with the person I am. Of course, life’s course has presented its own trials and frustrations from which I learnt valuable lessons and have grown to be the person I am today. I have always had a spiritual connection, but never consciously followed this path. My mother is very connected and it is through her that I believe my journey to where I am today has been accelerated.
I will start my story from 10 months ago. This is when I realised my true passion – photography. It has allowed me to see and experience so much and opened something within me that has been blocked for so long. I found it connected me closer to nature than ever before and became a meditative exercise that I was able to lose myself too during those precious moments of time I could indulge in my passion. I was noticing how much more I was aware of the world around me and loved my times of solitude in the woods or by running water, watching the glorious sunrise or just seeing the moon.

Then the synchronicities began to start. I met my new business partner who shares the same surname and I believe that this was a meeting that was meant to take place. We are great friends and work together in such an amazing way. Other people are attracted to our energy and love for what we do – photography.
I had been posting images to an online photography site for a while and certain images posted by who I believe is my twin flame caught my attention straight away – I just completely connected to them emotionally and spiritually. It is at the same time that he said the same for my images. It was a few weeks before we communicated, and then it was just a message to say ‘hi’ or share some wisdom on creativity. It was literally like a wave that hit me during these weeks and his name was constantly repeated in my head. I felt like I was going mad. Just couldn’t stop thinking about him. So after yet another restless night of sleep – I sent him a message at 3am to say that all I could do was think of him. He replied the next day…he said it was the same for him.

I questioned my wisdom to follow my heart and not my head…knowing that we were both married. But this was such a powerful feeling and it felt/feels that is more than of this world. We fell so intensely in love immediately declaring our deepest most inner feelings - the words just flowed. I have never written those kind of things ever – or felt this level of feeling ever. Our minds during this time were confused – we couldn’t understand what was happening! The guilt was also there – but we just couldn’t stop.

About a month we arranged to meet – as friends. He told his wife he was meeting a photography friend. I didn’t tell my husband who I was meeting. We just had to know if this feeling was for real. We walked for about 3 hours, we held hands and looked in each others eyes. It was truly amazing just how connected and comfortable we felt to be with each other. Then we had to part – go back to our homes. The emptiness and feeling of loss was huge!! We then hit crisis as his wife discovered that the feelings ran deep (she found poetry). He called me devastated to say we had cut contact. I felt destroyed. Two days later he phoned!
We spoke again, trying to work out why we couldn’t stop the contact. Then I had to say no more…this impossible situation, how distraught his wife must be, my own marriage, the effect on the children. The heartbreak that followed was like the darkest days I have ever had. And the same for him too. All during Christmas/New Year…we did not speak or contact each other. I then had to email and we spoke. It was at this time my husband found some messages. The burden on my shoulders was lifted but a great expense. The trust, the love was broken. He insisted that the contact was broken. I couldn’t make that promise. I tried to explain in a gentle way that this deeper than just a love affair.

I am always thinking about how it would be to be my husband or his wife and it has never been my intention to break or destroy our marriages. Which may sound strange. I have no jealousy, anger, envy and I also do not feel hard done by. This is most amazing love – a true gift in life. I hand the reins to destiny to guide us through this lesson to wherever it that we need to go. I don’t expect anything or want anything. I am just true to myself and true to others. No more secrets.

I want to feel this ‘I AM’ and believe it is there. But I know that this man is my ‘Twin Flame’ or whatever it needs to be called. Our love is so strong – it makes us stronger, and I know it will make others stronger as a result.

The coincidences just keep occurring. We are born on the same day and month, my child has the first part of his name, his child the second part of his name. His nickname has sat in my head for as long as I can remember – it is a name that I wanted my own son to have – SASHA (from Alexander). I would have called my daughter (if I’d have had one) the same name as the capital of the country he is originally from. We think of the same things constantly. I know I even dreamed of this man long before. A dark shadow of someone unknown but I have always wondered who he was – such great love I was feeling in my dream. There so many more things I can list….
I was not looking for love or anyone else. My marriage was ok – not perfect but life was settled.

We call each other a couple of times a week. His voice brings peace to my soul. We tell each other how much we love each other every day…it just carries on. I wake every morning with this feeling of deep love. I have never cried so many tears or felt such a wrench to my heart. I know this here is the most important lesson I will ever learn.

I don’t want hurt anyone – especially our married partners. But of course it does hurt them knowing that this love is so deep beyond anything I can experience with my own husband. There is no one definition of what love is – so many types and levels – all important. This love just runs through me and out of me and I feel its power.
So this is my story. I feel for everyone who is going through this experience. It’s one of lifes toughest challenges for a human being. I am not advanced with knowledge of spirituality – but I absolutely know that what is happening is an advancement of the soul…’divine intervention’.

Sorry for the enormous post…but I wanted to share with you and try and explain as much as I can. Moonfairy – please don’t give up! Let go, but believe and trust in everything working out for the best. Don’t force it and don’t punish yourself! Cassandra – I think you know your truth and it is nice to share this in a place like this. I just hope I've made some sense here - so hard!

With love xx
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Re: Twin Flame

Post by Miss Believer »

Inawe - I meant that message for you at the end. Accidently wrote Cassandra x
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Re: Twin Flame

Post by nasra1996 »

Hey guys, wow this place got heated :) I feel for the ladies here very much, and understand your pains, i and i think all of us here have at some point in our lives experienced profound love and loss, explosive, deep spiritual connections and the pure pain of unrequited love.. I think what were trying to say is that special people may come and go throughout life, we often share synchronicites with them that cement the bond even further, synchs are to do with destiny and celestial or divine intervention but thats another topic :) it doesn't necessarilly mean that they are a twin flame, ofcourse its wonderful if they are...! but they may just be people who share a connection or vibration with you, who are placed onto your path for a purpose of growth, with those types of people love flows freely... Not trying to put doubt in anyones mind :) Theres this saying that i read years ago, it said something along the lines, if special people enter your life and things dont work out well or you lose them, they werent meant to be, they were meant to be a teacher or a test for you and you for them.. then take a look at the bigger picture to see exactly it was you were meant to learn from this person.. ive had people come and go.. Very special people and looking back i know what each persons purpose was in my life and what i gained from the experience.

I'm rambling, i wish you guys well and hope you find true love and happiness...

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Re: Twin Flame

Post by Moonfairy »

Thank you, Miss Believer. So many things in your story that sound familiar.
How ironic that some weeks before it all started I asked the universe to send me my other half, the one that's perfect for me. If I only had known what big drama would follow...
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Re: Twin Flame

Post by Miss Believer »

Hi Nasra

You are right - and he is teaching me so much. As I say, I have no expectation, no big plan...what will be will be 'meant' to be. Maybe using the term 'Twin Flame' just has too much riding on it. All I know is that I have found true love and in a funny way - happiness and every other emotion as well lol It is a deep knowing - a trust from within that I believe he is here forever - beyond time on this earth. I have had people come and go too - and some that are still very much here...but this is so different. And I can only say how it feels from my experience. Thank you for all your beautiful words x

Moonfairy - only we will ever know :) Lots of love x
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Re: Twin Flame

Post by Cassandra551 »

It's funny that you said Cassandra....I have been reading and pondering this post but am reluctant to jump in because of the complexities of all the issues.
Here is a question I have: How would one know that this overwhelming love was a Twin Flame love and was worth any consequences? I think back to one particularly intense deep spiritual love that I shared that was overfilled with synchronicities and little miracles every day. We would have shared experiences even though we lived a considerable distance from each other. At the time I remember thinking that the love and connection was so deep it seemed bottomless. Nonetheless, it ended because he was in another relationship and I just couldn't do it. (and I know from reading the posts that TF's are not necessarily meant to be together).
BUT, now looking backwards I see many reasons why we should have not been together and I believe that God helped me to make the right decision for ME. The day that I told him I could not have any relationship or contact with him I saw some amazing sights in nature and also had the feeling of divine blessing and love all day. I don't have any desire to see him or contact him but I pray for his peace and his highest good.
Anyway, the question is still there for me, because how DOES one know? You might say that no one has felt this way before, but do you know that? I would have said the same thing. I couldn't imagine a deeper or closer or more destined love....but then when I left it I felt so affirmed.
To clarify, I am not judging or giving advice (because I can't...I am not even good at giving advice to myself :sunflower: ) but I am just curious.

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Re: Twin Flame

Post by inawe »

Thank you all so much. So glad some people really know and understand what this all about. It transcends everything. It makes you shed your ego. Wishing the other the very best even if it means not being with you. Yet somehow you are always connected. He talks to me with such love and respect like nothing and noone will ever break this bond. Even if we are'nt together. But for now. I have to let him go. I know this in my heart. But I miss him so much. And he is very sad....I can't shake the feeling that we will be. I've had and seen to many visions, too many signs... I see his freaking name everywhere he's just not ready to be with me I guess..... And now I'm seeing more hearts than ever. I'm meeting new guys. Very nice, very everything. But noone can compare....
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Re: Twin Flame

Post by inawe »

Thank you Sandy and Paul for your beautiful posts. They were perfect. And yes, I am definitely living the most incredible love story of my life.... But out of love, and faith, and uncoditional love, I have to let go, and let him live out his life path. He's not ready to be with me. He wants to be, but is not ready to be. Does'nt mean he ever will , or won't be. For now and always, I'm going with the flow. That's the best way..... Who knows what lies ahead. I will always be fine. And I'm grateful to know him, and to love him.... And to be able to wish him well...
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Re: Twin Flame

Post by sammy »

Starting with a heart felt apology for any hurt I have caused by sharing my admittedly overly passionate point of view.

I don't get "fired up" often, and when I do, I typically keep my thoughts to myself. I have been hearing the words "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"...I did not mean to sound judgmental, but rather I was trying to get folks to see how their choices can affect others. Perception, however, IS has been perceived that I was casting judgement and for that I am terribly sorry. I am also terribly sorry for causing any pain.

I am going to bow out of this conversation, because for whatever reason, this topic does still cause me to want to say things that will serve no positive purpose.

I hope you will all take a tiny bit of you time and read some of my other posts so that your first impression of me may have an opportunity to heal. And I hope to see you elsewhere on the board where I may have the opportunity to share with you what I am "normally" like.

Sending LOVE to all!!!!
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Re: Twin Flame

Post by nasra1996 »

Hey Sammy, you're entitled to your opinion :D the world would be incredibly dull if we all didn't express what we feel... :sunflower: :loves as this board would be incredibly dull without you ! :sunflower: :kiss: I ranted too.. :)

Hey this lovely song is for all our lovely ladies here who are in love: ... r_embedded

Much peace xxxxxxx :kiss: :loves
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Re: Twin Flame

Post by inawe »

(((Sammy)))) what a beautififul and courageous thing you just did. I too would like to apologize if I said anything hurtful to you. This subject is so sensitive and really truly cannot be summed up with words. It's felt. Most TF relationships never make it to manifestation and it's so hard and agonizing to deal with that possibility until we finally make the decision to let go. With love. I will always love him. And will always be deeply connected to him. In my eyes he can do no wrong , but I have to let him go. Going with the flow. I know you are a very sweet and kind and so sincerely spiritual person that I look foward to exchanging more thoughts and convos with. Love and peace to you. Hope you see this... Vanessa...
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Re: Twin Flame

Post by wind in the stone »

Yes i have had this experience,or am having should i say.This girl i met on the first day my brother who i am very close to dated her.he ended up leaving for aa couple days,and me and her just waited there for him,worried.We shared our art and music to eachother. We started to understand over the hours that we were deeply in love as if we had been for decades.She played me a song i had never heard before, My Body is a Cage by The Arcade Fire .the lyrics are" my body is a cage that keeps me from dancing with the one i love but my mind holds the key"and we both wept the entire song,because we realized that we culd not be in love as we were,because of my brother.since then we have never been intimate physically,but we feel the same,we smile the same,we sing the same, we love eachother like a fire loves dry burns inside me each day.and now she is my sister in law,so we decided that we can be together in eternity,that in these bodies we will not get to be lovers,and dance together.but we will always have this love and we agree it is a blessing beyond compare.i will have her flame in my belly for the rest of my days and beyond.
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Re: Twin Flame

Post by Sandy »

Hello wind In the stone,
Thank you for sharing your own personal experiences on this twin flame topic. It must not be easy for you some days...but I am seeing in all your posts an understanding that as hard as it is to know your twin flame in this life and yet be separate, it is also a great blessing.
Welcome to the message board.
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