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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

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Put aside conspiracy in the video below, I think the school need to have a reality lesson than we waste time stumble on the common norm and ugliness of inconsideration. We are lucky to have people who care and made these information available to us and let us be the judge whether we agree or not, if not now, how about later, I felt like a frog inside a well and flushed out by storm. :lol:

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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by Philip Fong »

Amazing science short video almost like magic and it was many years ago.

This is a long video that compiled the mysteries and science:
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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by Sandy »

Thank you Philip,
My computer has again taken a turn for the worst and is crawling along slower than a snail's great grandmother, making it hard to watch videos. Hopefully this "little problem" will correct itself soon, as it has in the past...and then I can take a good look at these interesting videos.
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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by 11light11 »


I've just watched parts 1 and 2 of the Fibonacci Sequence videos. Thank you so much for sharing these! Sometimes the right thing comes along, at just the right time. So many of the topics in these videos, have been on my mind so much lately. I found it all just fascinating! I can see it struck you too.

When they showed the shapes that formed, when the woman sang into the tonoscope, they were the same shapes of the ancients' sacred geometry. Also the same shapes of the Fibonacci sequence, of Phi or the Golden Ratio. This is just so compelling, and truly leaves you awe struck!

The idea that even the scientist must admit, that there is almost nothing at all to physical matter -- that the atom is composed almost entirely of empty space -- leaves so much room for freedom of consciousness. The universe is composed of consciousness, and not of matter at all -- so what is to fear, regarding what lies ahead? We create through witnessing, and our expectation forms ideas as well. We see what we expect to see.

I think when they explored the suppression of the feminine, by directing us, in school, to develop only the left hemispheres of our brains, they hit upon something you spoke about, Philip, as far as the experiences you've had, both in school and in the work force. It is upsetting to the masses if you are an independent thinker; if you see outside the box. They channel us through the system to think a certain way. Those who see another way are often disregarded, even ridiculed -- but sometimes those are the very people who see through to the truth. All of the great seers were able to perceive an alternate way.

Thank you for sharing these amazing videos. I'll be thinking of them a great deal coming up, I'm sure. :kiss: Love to you all,
Michele :loves :sunflower: :bike:
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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by Philip Fong »

You can move your computer files to an external hard disk so that you computer is not wasting computation power, you can also click refresh or open one web browser at a time or close unused programs, when experience slow down in broadband speed, you can also turn off the modem for 10 seconds. Another method is download them over the night with freemake video down loader, Hope it helps.

I often forgot the details of those terms after watching those video but I can remember what it is, just could not remember the names like you do. Fractal is infinity and maybe the entire history of the Universe is recorded without time constrain just like a computer hard disk, open any old files and it is instant time, so our future is made by us at different age because the duration of time is only meant for matters where data is info that are not affected by time, imagine taking these data and insert them to future generation, data = info = conscience = soul. I like this idea and explain time travel better. :lol:
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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

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I like your idea, Philip. It reminds me of the Universal Unconscious, or the Akashic Records, where all information of all time is recorded, and accessible to all -- if only you can figure out how to access it! :lol: But maybe this is why you think of your friend as his wife goes into labor. You knew!

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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

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Well, there are times when we suddenly think of something or remember something other than Déjà vu, some of it is visions in imagination, as if guardian angels is documenting our actions and responsible to connect us to timeless data, perhaps intentionally gave us hunches every now and then. When the time comes we are prompted, just exercising my creativity. :lol:
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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by Sandy »

Philip :bike: !!!! Thank you! :sunflower: I have saved your tips and suggestions to speed up my computer in a file. ( :) probably one of those that could be slowing down my computer. :) ... I am so bad to have innumerable files next to my inbox. :oops: :roll: :) In the past it seems all at once it will speed up again on its own but I had no idea why or if I did something accidnetally or the internet service provider did something to help??? But at least you have given me some good options to so that I can explore much more efficiently the wealth of information out there. I hope I will soon be back in business. :finger:
Sandy :geek:
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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

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Yes, that is exercising your creativity, Philip! That's a really compelling idea. It must be something like that, because how do these things happen to us, where we are steered in a certain direction, to look at certain information, and you come across the same idea multiple times in a row? I think that is really a cool idea you have there. ;) Maybe our Guardian Angels do steer us to look at certain things, at just the right time! So we can benefit from that information -- or it changes our perception in some important way.

I loved your video, and it has me thinking a lot. When Jung shared his ideas at the end of the second video -- I may never forget his wise words. He is a comforting old fellow!

Peace! Love Michele :kiss: :loves :sunflower:
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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by Philip Fong »

Here are three videos series about how people perceive science and God:

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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by Philip Fong »

Meet the founder of Global Consciousness Project Tom Campbell, he described consciousness and foresight visions also speak of my earlier creative assumption about our consciousness being data or information, it is exiting to hear how scientist explain unscientific phenomenon.

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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by 11light11 »

These are really exciting, Philip -- I love your enthusiasm!!! :bana: You have a knack for discovering really compelling videos, that I never would have seen without you! Thank you for sharing these as you come across them. They're all so perfect for the topic of your thread: "Faith & Science, the balance."

I wonder if the times we hear scientist discrediting these types of phenomenon, it is all down to the 'faulty assumption' hypothesis, where one finds what one expects to find? You go into an equation, to reference our friend's Rod's search to square the circle ;) , and you suppose it is impossible to square the circle. Well if it is possible, but that early assumption remains at the fore of your research, you cannot find the new way forward.

That's what Einstein was talking about, with hindsight being 20/20, after he discovered he'd been wrong that we live in a static universe, that never changed. Once he saw that the Universe was expanding, he was able to look back over old hypotheses and old proofs and realize that since the assumptions had been wrong, all the math that then followed was wrong as well. Your starting point has to reflect possibilities, or else what you wind up with misses the mark by a long shot!

Perhaps it takes a lot of bravery for a formal scientist to entertain such ideas, and they 'buy' the line of their profession, that all that meets the eye is the truth -- that the physical world, and not the invisible world, reigns supreme.

But I find that a curious assumption. It reminds me of your "Ancient Knowledge: Fibonacci Sequence" videos, Philip. Remember when the scientist was demonstrating, and illustrated that a magnetic attraction is invisible? That a piece of paper does not burn up in the charged copper coil, but a tuft of steel wool does? Or when he explained that in the steel bar he was holding, if we were to remove the empty space, the remaining physical matter could not be viewed even under the most powerful microscope? That right there demonstrates that much of the 'invisible world' indeed reigns supreme over the visible, physical, matter-filled world. So is it that great a stretch of the imagination to suppose two humans could communicate wordlessly? Maybe when you knew your friend's wife had gone into labor, what you did wasn't so different, after all, than when a school of fish moves in perfect accord! Maybe we share more with our animal friends than we ever dreamed of!

Peace to you dear friend, and please keep sharing these great videos! You make me think so much every day! :bana: :kiss: :loves :sunflower: :love :roll Love, Michele
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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by Philip Fong »

Happy holiday to everyone!! Christmas is one of the recognized 1 day celebration in my country although only about 10% Christian,

Some people mistaken that science made religion less influential as if the two is against each other, it is man made reality that cause it rather than technology and while there are scientists who can explain the coherence, others such as Richard Dawkins reject it completely. It is like looking at magic perform right before your eyes but you think it must be fake, it is a trick no matter what but how you got trick is not important, these people accuse believers blind follower while they closed their mind because they can't see and can't feel therefore it does not exist.

I commented on his video and here is the respond:
Richard Dawkins:
Yes, if you'd like to be metaphorical, we have been "created" or "engineered" by the natural process of evolution. It goes no further than that.

Philip Fong:
I thought so for over 40 years until I encountered bizarre experience recently, that change my perception from atheist to agnostic. My knowledge of science and phenomenon is in the balance, you have investigated long enough but you have no idea what cause spiritual awakening sensation and I found Tom Campbell who explained in his Global consciousness Project.

Richard Dawkins:
Yes, I am familiar with Tom Campbell and his project. Would you mind explaining the particulars of your experience?

Philip Fong:
I am one of those who see 11:11 time prompt, my reaction is like those in a forum I found. Most people will ignore and like you said, we don't need religion but I've had visions that came true long before this phenomenon. A dream that happen in reality later can be mere coincidental but receiving visions while awake is what? My investigation led me to my misunderstanding of soul & spirituality as a religious term, science should not deny anything that it can't.

Richard Dawkins:
There's a difference between phenomenon and outright coincidental delusion. As far as science denying anything it can't, that statement is valid for religion as well. What you've experienced -- assuming your comment is genuinely liable -- is nothing more than sheer coincidence.

Philip Fong:
Yes, that was my reaction at the beginning but when coincident happen almost every day, it is like concentrated luck & chances then found that I am not alone and I began to realize what is spiritual awakening even without a religion, I am a self taught professional and my profile is at Google+. I am still searching for other explanations and stumble on your videos but you have closed your mind and brush off everything else maybe you've reached the end of your journey.

Dan Dennett explain about religion and challenge the scripture with logic, I too thought the same but know there are more to it than mere words from the holly book that were written so many years ago. Man made law are for the physical being but cannot address spiritual mind such as DNA contain our blue-print but who or what design it? Words is all there is from the beginning and even the illiterate can understand it because we can't fool our conscience, spiritual awakening is selective and we are prompted, I want to know why and Tom Campbell say let it happen than look for it intentionally.

Michele, you've ask how does ancient people from different part of the world could thought of the same thing and it happen, I heard the things in these videos that I have thought of means thinking pattern lead us to the same conclusion.

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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by Sandy »

And a Merry Christmas to you too PHilip! :hithere

I am enjoying this conversation even if I cannot contribute effectively while still unable to watch the videos. But still your own words and thoughts lend themselves, even without the sight and sound, to further inward investigation...helping me to step back, myself, and remember what for me seemed a seamless and smooth transition as I let go of my preconceived ideas say...about religion and the origins of the world and greater universe. I remember images and thoughts, ideas and visions filled my head as I allowed there to be an opportunity for the first time to see outside of the neat little "cardboard box of accepted beliefs in all areas... science as well as spirit. I feel like there is something important hidden within your words that I must investigate a little further...something personal most likely because it seems that is where our spirituality manifests... when I am quiet and open to the wisdom that bubbles to the surface. Yes, it seems, I am being asked to think just a little deeper...go a little further... take a step...and see where it leads. I hit a plateau but it is still just a small "anthill of knowledge" in regards to the entire universe picture. :sunflower: This is what I love about our individual journeys...they goes on and on...evolving, growing and changing... never static... I hope it will always be so... :)

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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by 11light11 »

That was beautiful Sandy! :kiss: You have a real way with words. ;) If you ever go back and watch these videos you'll see you're still talking about the topic even without having seen them!!! :roll Pretty cool.

Philip that is just amazing that you were conversing back and forth with Dawkins. I am wondering if you really made him think? When you explain your starting point, the assumptions you had been making, and the way you were gradually moved to a new internal position . . .I am guessing that you gave him a moment's pause, at the very least. You are not propounding a belief -- you are sharing an experience. There is a world of difference. It's exciting!

I like your idea, about how different cultures could arrive at the same ideas. I think that makes a lot of sense. (By the way, I had shared that I discovered that the Australian Aborigines, and the Mayans, both had a creation story about a cosmic serpent who created everything, guided by a Clear Quartz Crystal, remember? Since then I've learned that most of our ancient cultures spoke of a cosmic serpent!!! Why and how??? Maybe your idea has something to do with this? But isn't that truly remarkable that so many spoke of the same thing??)

I really enjoyed when you said:
It is like looking at magic perform right before your eyes but you think it must be fake, it is a trick no matter what but how you got trick is not important, these people accuse believers blind follower while they closed their mind because they can't see and can't feel therefore it does not exist.
This reminds me of the "Ancient Knowledge: Fibonacci Sequence" video again. That gentleman who was speaking at the beginning, in black and white, he was talking about listening? He said you must listen totally, completely, with care about the person who is talking. He said something like, If I say oh yes, I agree with you, I have heard this before -- you are not listening. And if you say Oh, you are saying something totally new, that's impossible! ;) So you reject it and you don't listen. I loved that: You are saying something totally new: That's impossible. I think, when I read the exchange between you and Dawkins, that was the level he was coming from, in responding to some of your ideas: What you are saying is totally new, that's impossible. No one can say anything new!!! ;) How cool is that, that you can introduce a new idea to Dawkins, who is so shaken by the new-ness that he has to reject it. That, to me, is magic!

Thanks for sharing this Philip! :kiss: :loves With love and gratitude to you, Michele
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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by Philip Fong »

Below comments begin from the bottom talking to the Evil Major, the username expose a silly troll.
( image gone )

I capture this as my trophy. :D
( image gone )

Graham Hancock is like Indiana Jones, expert in his field by accident if not mistaken and led him to discover the great secret of the Pyramid, again I did mention about we can't make or maintain the technology around us and should anything happen that caused major catastrophe if many of the engineers and scientists are lost, we will go back into stone age. Graham Hancock speak of the same scenario of why we could not understand how the Pyramid was build and in his recent video, he told the world how millionaires bought their ways into the hidden chamber. The last I know, a small robot were used to drill into a compartment and nothing is found or could be stolen. His book: Fingerprints Of The Gods, I have learn a lot in these documentations.

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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by nasra1996 »

Hi Philip what website is this? ive always been interested in dawkings..

Much peace

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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by jack6251 »

I would've put to Dawkins- It may be the case that my 11:11 experiences are coincidence, but are the 11:11 experiences of thousands of other people also coincidence, either in their own individual terms, or as a part of the collective?

For me when you have coincidence occuring on such a massive scale, I would say (and I'm no mathematician) that within the laws of probability, there is no such thing as coincidence with 11:11 as the percentages and probablities are sooo vastly against it being coincidence, the odds are it's actually true.

“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - Sherlock Holmes

Maybe he would then say, perhaps we're all having mass hallucinations relating to the same phenomenon, perhpas caused by annual swamp gas brought on my eating too much Christmas cheese? Hmm, makes you wonder... :P

I love Graham Hancock by the way, he's one of the good guys!

Jack :pig: :sunflower:
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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

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Just mouse over to the youtube logo in the video lower right and a pop up message will appear "watch in youtube" click on it will open Richard Dawkins channel.

People who make their living by selling story may reach a point to fabricate things or adopted a defence tactic, while I admire all the contributors who spent their entire life time dedicated to their research, they all have a safe zone when challenged that will put an end to any accusation whether you like it or not. 11:11 time prompt is not a trend but an individual encounter, not a biological clock like a routine because I see it in emails and end of video computation render time, also seeing it in my friend's car is not something I can manipulate.

The only thing that cannot be challenge is the truth. 8)

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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by jack6251 »

Yeah, right on brotha! :)

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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by nasra1996 »

Ok thanks Phillip, i will....


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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by jack6251 » do I post You Tube links with big thumbnail images you can click on Philip? My links are always hyperlinks, not the big thumbnail images you have.

It would be the best thing of 2012 for me if I knew how to post big thumbnail images from You Tube :) :( :)

Jack :pig:
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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

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This is the short link from youtube that read as shot cut only this forum: and the respond is :.

You can either put the entire http link from your browser or mouse over the video and right click "copy video url".
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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by jack6251 »

Philip Fong wrote:Jack,
This is the short link from youtube that read as shot cut only this forum: and the respond is :.

You can either put the entire http link from your browser or mouse over the video and right click "copy video url".
Ah thank you Philip, I'll try it some time :)

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Re: Faith & science, the balance.

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Sarah, Jack, Philip!!!! :kiss: :hithere :bana: :roll :love :loves This is really amazing, Philip, these conversations you post between you and this other user, and you and Dawkins. I can tell you really make people think. Your question really has no answer: "Which gene made what decision? Which gene design DNA structure and how to store them?" It seems like Dawkins' answers are canned; like they go back to that video again, where they guy said "If you tell me something new, that is impossible." So then you shut off and you don't listen! You just answer with the canned response. It's so true that a chemist can't answer about the 'how' part, how does the primordial soup give rise to any life -- even amoebas -- let alone intelligent life!!! They all know that is the true missing link. They used to be looking for the missing link that existed between cro-magnon man, and modern man. After a while they realized that there couldn't have been a species that existed in between the two -- because a person couldn't walk upright, but hunched over (unless he had a serious spinal deformity). Once they realized that, they acted like the entire mystery was solved. ;) But the true missing link is how did the world go from having no living beings, to having living beings? There is no chemistry that can answer that question. We can explain why mixing ammonia and bleach together will produce a mixture that is fatal - but we can't explain why mud and sludge turns into living beings. Even Darwin never talked about an amoeba eventually turning into a human. He only showed that mutations occurred within one species, to make an adaptation to its own environment. But he never showed, or suggested, that one species turns into another species.

I like your discussion about how the 11:11 phenomenon is too big to be called a coincidence. I know that Dawkins' view is there is only coincidence, no synchronicity. I understand that scientists often feel that there is only chance, no 'meaningful coincidences,' but Jung developed the theory of synchronicity with a Nobel-Prize-winning physicist. Obviously that physicist saw proof of something deeper, something he didn't feel we could label with the word 'coincidence.' So why is he no longer considered a 'scientist' because he did this work with Jung? I believe we do still revere this man. We can't pick and choose when someone is relevant! :lol:

I also read a book called "Mental Radio" written by Upton Sinclair, who won the Pulitzer for "The Jungle." He and his wife, back in 1930, worked on this book together, where they devised double-blind studies to demonstrate her psychic abilities. Scientist friends assisted them in assuring that the results would not be called into question, and safeguarded the findings. In the original edition of the book, Einstein, their buddy, wrote the introduction! He stated that he found evidence of something science could not yet explain, but he had high hopes that in the future, science would endeavor to do so. So what do we decide???? He is the gentleman we always reference when we talk about 'hard science' as being our leading genius. And he saw the evidence!

Peace Philip! You are brave challenging people to think! With love, Michele
:hithere :kiss: :love :roll :loves
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