The Law of Attraction

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The Law of Attraction

Post by Geoff »

by Jerry and Ester Hicks.

This was published the same year as The Secret - 2006 - and I gather it was probably because there was a bit of falling out with Rhonda Byrne. So now doubt they wanted to get their "Law of Attraction" out first.

It an easy book to read. And at some levels extremely good. But my eyes raised when I read that the Law of Attraction is the number one spiritual Law in our material universe. I think they go further, and claim in all the Universes, but heck lets stick with what we know. I had not thought what might be the absolute to Law in our Universe, but I think its the Law of Free Will. If someone wants to kill you, they can. The question to be answered is whether you always draw that to you, as a result of either deliberate or default thoughts.

To answer that is hard, because we only know about our own lives. But suppose a bit. Suppose a family is in a car, mom, dad three kids including a baby. They get wiped out by a truck driver who has not stopped for 16 hours. Now, whose LOA is this? Its way too far fetched to conclude the baby has a death wish at this point. Never mind having to have a whole family in on the same LOA. Same thing for an earthquake or tsunami. Can't tell me all those folks had a LOA event going. Yeah I know Gaia is taking huge strain over our collective ugliness, but you can't sheet that home to one city, or even country. New Zealand is a pretty laid back lovely country, but its on a big fault zone. Its going to get stuff, same as Japan.

Then too, I am 100% sure we would have what might be called the Law of Random Events. Yeah a lot of times its not a coincidence, and the LOA is doing stuff. But this world is all about surprises, in my view, where the next one is not. If its all LOA, I don't see you getting exposed to something you would not have chosen to occur.

So, I have asked a friend of mind to get an answer from Jesus/Michael, but then I read that our Chris already had some good answers here: Consecreation of Will

There you can read this:
"Now, in comparison with humans, the beings furthest from perfection, human will and the power to manifest God's will, is attenuated to a safe level whereby only those more perfected desires are made manifest in varying degrees of God's Will. For example: It would be dangerous for immature minds to have any desire made manifest because of the deconstructive nature of man's selfish ego-driven will -- the power to destroy his enemies or the power to live a life of unearned ease and leisure, which in and of itself, would bring extinction to the human race.
In short, spiritually more advanced folks can create better than us. And this also sums up another thing I did not like. Somewhere Abraham says that we should be spending our time enjoying the fruits of creation, not achieving the creation. Certainly there are no conditions put on materializing all the things you might imagine by Abraham. He absolutely says - go wild. But what does the Circle of Seven say: It would be dangerous for immature minds to have any desire made manifest because of the deconstructive nature of man's selfish ego-driven will -- the power to destroy his enemies or the power to live a life of unearned ease and leisure, which in and of itself, would bring extinction to the human race.

Are these huge big criticisms? No, just that the book is either deliberately simplified to make it more attractive, or the group that delivered it are not at the same level of advancement as the Circle of Seven.

And in their defense, although I think its a bit understated, they do refer to the Inner Spirit, and do tell us that we must seek to get a positive emotional response from this, before going ahead with manifesting. In short that means making sure what you manifest is actually God's Will. And if you do that, you can't go wrong. So I guess if you did not miss that point, its on the money.

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Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by nasra1996 »

heres another interesting theory, catastrophe theory, i havent quite absorbed it all yet doh.. :) it's where things are disrupted by small surface events causing them to topple into chaos, effects everything from human behavour, such as riots, empires collapsing, also seen in nature, some kind of natural phenomenon.. ... rophe.html

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Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by Daddy - O »

Hi Geoff,

Thanks for the review!

I've known about books from Jerry and Ester Hicks, but have never picked one up.

Thanks for insight.

Daddy - O
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Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by atsguy »

Great explanation, i just recently went on a 3 week trip with one of my cousins who happens to be really into the whole ester hicks and abraham material. I was really surprised by the way he acted twords certain things, almost as if he didnt care about others and only himself.

He basically lectured me the whole time about everything abraham talks about, and even gave me some talks about his own personal experiences; like whenever his car or photo camera stops working or has a problem, he then just "raises" his vibration by thinking good thoughts and feeling good and then the problems are solved :roll: .

The whole time i was thinking, yea if your so good at that then manifest me a free hotel room for the night or a free pizza. But i gave him his moment, i listened patiently and with open ears. We are all at different levels, and i honestly think the people that really follow the whole law of attraction stuff by ester hicks and ONLY THAT are really just to narrow minded. It seems very uncompleted and too simplified, could even be dangerous in certain situations.

But its still great information.
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Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by Ravenmare »

I do own the book, but have never read it. I had listened to many CDs by Jerry and Ester from a friend in a study group. This was 5 or 6 years ago. I have since "outgrown" the material and haven't revisited it yet. I bought the book out of fondness for what I learned when I first was introduced to the ideas. They were a great stepping stone into a subject much larger.

That being said, atsguy I'm glad your cousin is interested in even this material. There are many family members I would love to share information with, but they would reject this material and certainly anything else with deeper meanings and ideas. I hope in time he is inspired to open his mind to more. :)

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Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by 11light11 »


This LOA idea is interesting. I wrestle with your questions too; the truck driver going for 16 hours straight is where my mind trips up, as well. Doesn't seem to have any LOA attached to it, in such an example . . as may be the case as well with your tsunami example (for far too many perish at once).

On that note, I had heard a theory that goes: We travel in soul groups. A 'soul group' might choose to incarnate together, to bear out a tragedy as one: Such as the Holocaust; 9/11. These souls choose to incarnate into a tragic death, for the purpose of teaching the world an important lesson. During their waking life they have no knowledge (probably, most of them anyway) that they 'signed up for this,' but they did.

The same theory holds that we 'choose our parents' before we are born. Or we 'choose our circumstances': to be born into the ghetto; to be born into famine; to be born into war; even, to be born into the affluent upper-middle-class: all with the idea that we choose the life in which we can best learn "our lesson." This theory does not negate Free Will (as I understand it), for, once born into such a life, we can still exercise free will within the circumstances, such that they are. For instance: if a person in the allotted Holocaust soul group (assuming this idea holds water) moved to England prior to the onset of WWII, they would have 'opted out' without even consciously realizing it.

Anyone? I always found these ideas interesting but have no idea if there is a basis in ethereal reality or not.

Love you guys!
Michele :kiss:

Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by JohnR »

Hi Michelle,
OK, here's some input. I have been reading Delores Cannon. Have you ever heard of her? She is a regression hypnotherapist who got into the field by accident over 30 years ago. After discussing past lives with her subject she asks if she may talk to the subconscious. She admits that term is misleading because the entity always (every single time in thousands of cases refers to itself as "we"). This is the place from which all higher knowledge comes from. The entity apparently uses the word "we" because a soul is actually composed of many aspects or parts and it is only one fragment which incarnates into the human body. So when she converses with the subconscious she is really talking to the higher mind of the individual. This higher mind never reveals any information that the human would not be able to handle at its current state of development. Boy, I'm really getting side-tracked here!

What I started out to say is that many, many of her clients' subconscious has told her that nothing is an accident. In the case of the tsunami which killed 200,000 people all of those people were ready to go and this was pre-arranged before they incarnated. It was arranged that they would go together. There were situations like babies floating by on mattresses, people stuck high up in trees, etc. Those would have been the few who were there who were not ready to go, and this was pre-arranged also. I have read time after time after time that no one goes before their time! And this idea is not so hard to believe when you consider that there is no such thing as time, that everything that has ever happened and everything that ever will happen all exists simultaneously in the eternal "now".

As for Esther & Jerry Hicks, I absolutely love their books. In "The Amazing Power Of Deliberate Intent" there is a section at the back of the book where Abraham fields questions in front of a live audience. This section is awesome. Abraham's wisdom and ability to answer any question, sometimes giving very unexpected answers is absolutely staggering.

Is the LOA the most basic rule in the universe? LOA is a fancy way of saying we literally ARE what we think and believe. Even to the point that if we believe we're bad and are going to hell when we die, even though Hell was created by the Church and does not exist as a place, every single source I have says that is exactly where we will find ourselves initially. That's mighty basic, it seems to me! It was very good of Geoff to bring up the idea of free will being mighty important, as well. He is a quick thinker. But which is more important, or more basic a rule? Who really cares anyway? To say one or the other is just splitting fine hairs.

Back to Dolores Cannon, she has so many books I had to go to Wikipedia and get her bibliography to see in which order the books were published. I like to start at the beginning to see how these authors developed and how they got into their fields. Mrs. Cannon seems to me to be a very sincere individual who is doing the world a great service by introducing a lot of concepts which are new- concepts which "they" feel we are now ready for. Some of her revelations are mind-blowing. "Jesus & The Essenes" is an excellent book. Apparently Jesus was tutored by the Essenes when he was a youth. Did you know that Joseph of Aramathea was Jesus' uncle (his mother's brother) and was one of the wealthiest men in the world at the time? Joseph was a tin merchant, had a huge fleet of vessels, and Jesus was able to travel all over the world on these ships to study with the spiritual masters. The information that comes through in Mrs. Cannon's sessions with her clients is incredibly detailed and is verifiable. Often Mrs. Cannon had to dig and dig and dig to verify facts that were obscure in history, and she claims that there is no other explanation than that what she is receiving is the truth.

In the event you might want to read some of Delores Cannon's material I am going to paste in the bibliography I put together for myself, saving you or someone else the work!


— (1980/2009). Five Lives Rembered. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 237. ISBN 1886940797.
— (1989). Conversations With Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained. 1. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 368. ISBN 1886940002.
— (1990). Conversations With Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained. 2. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 358. ISBN 0963277618.
— (1992). Conversations With Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained. 3. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 365. ISBN 0963277634.
— (1992). [Jesus and the Essenes. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 273. ISBN 1886940088.
— (1993). Between Death & Life / Conversations With a Spirit. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 241. ISBN 0963277650.
— (1993). Keepers of the Garden. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 287. ISBN 0963277642.
— (1993). A Soul Remembers Hiroshima. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 167. ISBN 0963277669.
— (1994). They Walked With Jesus: Past Life Experiences with Christ. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 194. ISBN 1886940096.
— (1994). The Legend of Starcrash. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 250. ISBN 0963277677.
— (1996). Legacy From the Stars. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 320. ISBN 0963277693.
— (1999). The Custodians: Beyond Abduction. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 556. ISBN 1886940045.
— (2000). They Walked with Jesus: Past Life Experiences with Christ. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 194. ISBN 1886940096.
— (2001). The Convoluted Universe. 1. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 552. ISBN 1886940827.
— (2005). The Convoluted Universe. 2. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 672. ISBN 1886940908.
— (2008). The Convoluted Universe. 3. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 704. ISBN 1886940797.
— (2011). The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 560. ISBN 1886940150.
— (2012). The Convoluted Universe. 4. Huntsville, Arkansas: Ozark Mountain Publishing. pp. 650. ISBN 1886940215.

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Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by 11light11 »

John, I LOVED reading your response! Thank you for all the wonderful goodies to consider! I have never heard of those authors and I will see what I can see, about getting my hands on some of these books! I really appreciate you addressing my questions. I am very intrigued! And, as usual, very impressed with your degree of rigor in searching out life's many questions! I am grateful that you take the time to share your impressive experience and knowledge with me. :kiss:

Re: the deeper subconscious referring to itself as "We," you remind me of an idea that Osho spoke about. Osho was fully read in Freud; he was very familiar with the theories of the unconscious. (Typically, we talk about the conscious self, which is wholly accessible; the pre-conscious self, which is where "It's on the tip of my tongue!" type of feelings originate -- this stuff is fairly accessible, if we give it a second and really think! ;) ; the subconscious self, which is where some dream content originates -- it is a bit deeper, but still not 'irretrievable' information; and, finally, the unconscious, which is where our earliest experiences and impressions are organized [preverbal realm]). Well, this all merely describes our psychology: our present-life layers. It does not represent deeper stuff: Our access to the Universal Unconscious, for instance.

So, knowing all there was to know about Freud and his theories -- Osho said that he felt that our "Real unconscious" was much deeper than "Freud's unconscious," and rather than just containing all the confusing garbage that causes anxiety and depression -- it contains our deepest wisdom; our beyond-this-life-and-world understanding of the innermost workings of the Universe.

I wonder, from what you describe, if the 'subconscious that calls itself "We"' is in fact this deepest layer of the unconscious, that is our Real Self, or Soul Self, or that God Fragment within us that is connected to the Great Beyond -- the level within us, where we are all One.

It seems to match up with the idea you talk about, where our Soul as it resides within our Being, is but a fragment of the greater, Wholer Soul that is a part of existence? What do you think?

Thank you for sharing and peace to you! :kiss: With love, Michele :loves

Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by JohnR »

Thank-you very much for your kind words! If I have helped a little to spread Light today, then I am fulfilled! Since my wife passed almost a year ago and I was prompted with the 11's on the day of her passing all I have done with my spare time is read, and it is my hope that some of the literature that is inspiring me will resonate with others!

To answer your question, yes I do believe Osho's Real Unconscious is describing our Higher Self. You nailed it when you said " contains our deepest wisdom; our beyond this life and world understanding of the innermost workings of the Universe."

Another highly regarded regression hypnotherapist is Michael Newton, PhD. He may have been the first to do this. He, like Delores was skeptical of the whole business of re-incarnation and got into it by accident over 30 years ago. He wrote two books. The first, published in 1994 is called "Journey Of Souls: Case Studies Of Life Between Lives". Nothing like this had ever been done before. He says he stumbled on to a discovery of enormous proportions when he found it was possible to see into the spirit world through the mind's eye of a hypnotized subject who cold report back to him of life BETWEEN lives on earth. Ten years later that book was followed by "Destiny Of Souls: New Case Studies Of Life Between Lives".

Here is an interesting tidbit from Journey Of Souls, as a small example of what to expect:

Dr. N: If this friend of yours did not gain understanding and continued involving himself with humans who committed wrongful acts, could he be destroyed as a soul by someone in the spirit world?

S: (long pause) You can't destroy energy exactly ... but it can be reworked ... negativity which is unmanageable ... in many lives ... can be readjusted.

Dr. N: How?

S: (vaguely) ... Not by destruction ... remodeling ...

Case 10 did not respond further to this line of questioning, and other subjects who know something about these damaged souls are rather sparse with their information. Later, we will learn a bit more about the formation and restoration of intelligent energy.

Michael Newton. Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives (Kindle Locations 663-667). Kindle Edition.

To me it seems that "they", the spirit entities, are intelligently controlling how this information is being revealed. Newton was the first, and his work is pretty basic, dealing with human experiences after and between life and death. Then after Newton along comes Delores Cannon and she finds out things like spirits going into a flower or a rock or a tree to see what it feels like being that thing. Things like souls incarnating on not just earth, but every type of world imaginable, incarnating as every type of being imaginable, and so much more. I would consider Newton to be required reading for any serious student of metaphysics, and then read Cannon to have your horizon expanded to an unimaginable level!

A final note: For me, Cannon has explained all of the skeptical questions that Geoff posed in his book "Is Re-incarnation An Illusion?"

Enjoy, Michele!

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Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by 11light11 »

Hi John! :hithere

First, I just want to say I am so very sorry about your wife's passing. I always enjoy reading your posts so much, they are so filled with hope and wisdom (and, again, like I said, rigor!), and I see that lovely photo of you with your wife -- and I always think to myself what a source of strength and joy you must provide to each other. That's always the impression I get from that photo. I did not know she had passed, and my heart just goes out to you. Your attitude about it astonishes me, for such a short time has passed, and it's so rare and so uplifting, to think about how you've managed to find a measure of peace by not only looking within, but also by continuing your studies and finding respite in the accumulated wisdom of others. I also turned to the spirit world to cope with a couple of deaths in my life (a friend's, and my grandma's), and it has made it manageable, you could say. The grief reduces down to missing them, instead of worrying they 'stopped' when they died; I've seen what feels to me, to be evidence that they continue on - and they continue to pop into our lives, offering solace and comfort. I can tell you have found this sense too, especially with the incredible authors you share about! Thank you for offering these folks to consider. I am very interested in reading more about them, now.

With the quote from Michael Newton's case studies of souls, and the way they are so vague about how a soul might evolve, that has met darkness in one or more lives - it's interesting how they leave it by saying that 'remodeling' takes place. You know, this gentler view, of how 'wrongdoing' is received in the spirit world, makes a lot of sense, and I know you have spoken about this often in the past -- by answering my question about 'Who has a Thought Adjuster?', for instance. One of the things that has always bothered me about the idea of a soul receiving judgment for his crimes, is that circumstance can lead to such 'bad behavior,' and in the end, it's a very sad story.

When I was in social work school, a professor pointed out that our justice system is fairly ridiculous, with its possible pleas that the accused can claim: Innocent; Guilty; Guilty by Reason of Insanity. He said, isn't it remarkable that this guy, who tortured and murdered people, is found "Guilty" of those crimes? While this other man, who committed essentially the same acts, is found "Guilty by Reason of Insanity"? He said, "What's the difference?" The discussion that ensued explored the fact that the word "Insane," in this context, misses the mark. One need not be completely and totally 'insane,' for the truth to be evident: He is damaged; he is mentally ill. He has been rocked off his center. He is not living an authentic life. He's the victim of an earlier time. If he was raised in an extremely abusive -- or, worse -- neglectful, home -- it's almost like his soul wasn't given the chance to move toward the light. There are so many painfully sad stories, about folks who, yes, behaved 'badly.' Who committed horrific crimes. But when you hear their story? How could you not feel moved to empathy for the pain that must have caused them to act that way? That was what my professor was on about: he was hoping to assist us in finding the truth, that to commit these types of acts, all we are witnessing is a deep internal well of pain: The desire to spread about a bit of that internal misery, and attach it to others. In health, one could not feel that way. So whether or not the individual is 'insane,' he is troubled enough to desire to harm others in some way -- that is all we need to consider, as a society. Our empathy could go out both to his victims and to him. He said that we view having empathy for both the victim & the aggressor as contradictory, but it is not contradictory. I agree with him.

When I think about the Spirit World, replete with a wisdom us humans can barely fathom: They certainly 'know' how a soul came to such destructive behaviors. God knows and understands why/how that soul behaved in those ways. Judging that soul, upon the time of death, seems to miss the point. It seems relegated to the kinds of misunderstandings only we humans are capable of. Like the idea of a jealous God, or an angry God: Those are human attributes. We're going to suppose our God does no better than we do, when it comes to emotional responses? While he has all of awareness, complete omniscience, to assist him in finding the roots of things, such as human behaviors? What about Jesus on the cross saying "Forgive them Lord, they know not what they do?" Indeed! They do not know. So what God would judge them for it?

There are millions of examples. If you watch a history show, or you read about the ancient Mayans, Incans, Aztecs: those brutal sacrifices they conducted were rooted in their sincere belief that that was the proper way to show respect to God. If their intentions were good, regardless if God would have 'wanted' those sacrifices, wouldn't intent matter most, however negative the ripple effects? They did not conduct those acts to delight in suffering. They were not gleeful. They were respectful, even if that is difficult for us to understand.

We can be misled for any number of reasons, and we are wholly fallible. It has always been my feeling that while that might puzzle us humans, it could never puzzle God, or any Celestials in the Spirit World. When I read, and posted about, what I felt to be a channeled message from Anne Frank, I later contemplated a glaring error. "She" claimed that upon crossing over to the other side, Angels shared with her that she and the other Jews really got it wrong, in denying Jesus into their hearts, and that the time had come to see the Light and accept him as their personal savior. She very cheerfully said "OK" and did just that, and commented on how it was sad to her that other Jews refused to do so. This now makes me question the entire transmission's validity; perhaps a portion of the transmission was valid (or truly represented Anne Frank's words), or perhaps we cannot trust any portion of it any longer. I simply cannot fathom a Celestial world that would speak to a Jew this way, or a Hindu, or a Muslim, or an atheist, for that matter. I would expect the Celestials to be more concerned by what Jesus represents, not by the specific worship of him. It is the message that matters most, not the messenger. When we learn of Anne Frank's story, she is an inspiration to people; how could anything but that matter, in the end? Perhaps the individual who channeled her words, let their own ideas enter in a bit? That's what I wonder.

I guess I went off on a few tangents, but if anything that just shows how thought-provoking your discussion has been! ;) Thank you so much for sharing about these things. It's exciting information!

If I have your permission, I would love to include you, your wife, and anyone who loves your wife, in my energy healing intentions for others. Would that be all right?

Peace and love flowing to you, John. :kiss: With love & gratitude,
Michele\ :loves :sunflower:

Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by JohnR »

Yes Michele, please do, although there might be others who need your help more than I! I don't know why, but I have had someone watching over me for a long time...
Wishing you peace, love, and light, and thanks for doing such a great job helping keep our site alive!
John :kiss:
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Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by sammy »

When I think about the Spirit World, replete with a wisdom us humans can barely fathom: They certainly 'know' how a soul came to such destructive behaviors. God knows and understands why/how that soul behaved in those ways. Judging that soul, upon the time of death, seems to miss the point. It seems relegated to the kinds of misunderstandings only we humans are capable of. Like the idea of a jealous God, or an angry God: Those are human attributes. We're going to suppose our God does no better than we do, when it comes to emotional responses? While he has all of awareness, complete omniscience, to assist him in finding the roots of things, such as human behaviors? What about Jesus on the cross saying "Forgive them Lord, they know not what they do?" Indeed! They do not know. So what God would judge them for it?
My mom was (just yesterday) telling me about a book she read "The Shack" (a work of fiction, yet it didn't sound like fiction) any rate, at some point in the book, through a long series of events, this man, a father was told to sit a this huge desk...he was to make decisions as though he were God...he was told to decide which of his children should be put to death. Of course the man could not choose to have ANY of his children put to death........How much more must God love us...why would God choose to send any of us to darkness?

Love is a daily decision ~ Mom & Daddy John
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Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by 11light11 »

That was beautiful Sammy! :kiss: Thanks for sharing that!

John, I really enjoy sending out energy and it is an honor for you to allow me to do so, so don't worry whether you 'need it' or not! And thanks for all you share! :kiss:

Peace, Love, Michele

p.s. tonight's the full moon, everyone! :bana: It's the Hunter's Moon!

Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by JohnR »

Hi Sammy!
I don't know how I missed your question. Were you referring to the post I made about a soul being re-worked? From everything I have read, God doesn't send any of us anywhere! I do not have an opinion regarding spirits being re-worked. That was a communication in one of Dolores Cannon's books. It was not channeled, it was received from the subject's Higher Mind when he was in a state of deep hypnosis. It is thought-provoking to consider the idea that occasionally there are souls who do not advance, but continue to come to Earth and commit foul and evil acts time and time again, and that the energy of these individuals can be re-worked, sort of like having an operation.
I haven't said so yet but I was really glad you decided to come back! :kiss: And ya know what? I really miss seeing your old tag line. "Take the way with the most love in it". Maybe you don't realize how much power is in those words. It's something I will never forget, and something that pops into my mind now at least once every day. In fact, it is so powerful I would steal it and use it, but I know everyone would think "Hey! He stole that from Sammy"!
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Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by sammy »

HI John :hithere

Actually it was a rhetorical ( that word 1st time with no spell correction :lol: ) question. And the funny part is, when I re-read my post, I couldn't even recall having typed it! Must be time for a new brain, because I don't recall this as my tag line -
"Take the way with the most love in it"
Was it a while ago?

You are welcome to use anything of mine John! It's not's sharing!

Love is a daily decision ~ Mom & Daddy John

Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by JohnR »

Hi Sammy,
Well that's really bizarre, because before you adopted "Love is a daily decision" your tag line for a long time used to read "Take the way with the most love in it" on my computer! Help here please someone!!
John :kiss:
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Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by sammy »

LOL John - I believe you...I just don't remember! It seriously is time for a new brain!

Love is a daily decision ~ Mom & Daddy John

Re: The Law of Attraction

Post by JohnR »

Sammy you crack me up! Ha-ha!
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