11:11 and the Sun

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by Shaku55 »

It used to be about figuring out what we were supposed to do, to somehow thwart that which stirs beyond the horizon. It used to be about resistance, about fear. Now it's about understanding. Understanding our connectedness to that glowing orb, to the earth, to the moon, and how interconnected it all is. Magical really. I actually have cozied up to the sun lately, spending much more time outside than in years past. I stopped wearing sunglasses, another strange shift in my routine. Rather than living in fear, I have come to appreciate the Sun for the life giving force it is.

I kind of thought along the way that I would have some sort of epiphany about how my intuition must have been wrong and there isn't a massive solar storm in our future, but that vision still itches in the back of my mind, like a splinter too deep to pull.

I am grateful for this forum and all of its readers, because it offers the opportunity to share these ideas, to bounce them around and see what other minds are experiencing. It is also an interesting record of the journey we are all on.

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Re: 11:11 and the Sun


Shaku55 wrote:It used to be about figuring out what we were supposed to do, to somehow thwart that which stirs beyond the horizon. It used to be about resistance, about fear. Now it's about understanding. Understanding our connectedness to that glowing orb, to the earth, to the moon, and how interconnected it all is. Magical really. I actually have cozied up to the sun lately, spending much more time outside than in years past. I stopped wearing sunglasses, another strange shift in my routine. Rather than living in fear, I have come to appreciate the Sun for the life giving force it is.

I kind of thought along the way that I would have some sort of epiphany about how my intuition must have been wrong and there isn't a massive solar storm in our future, but that vision still itches in the back of my mind, like a splinter too deep to pull.

I am grateful for this forum and all of its readers, because it offers the opportunity to share these ideas, to bounce them around and see what other minds are experiencing. It is also an interesting record of the journey we are all on.




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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by joanimation »

Out of all the forums, I was drawn to this one.

Not a superstitious type of person at all, but very religious. Born on Jan 10 (11) I was told this was my "lucky" number. I was 11 years old and had an out of body experience as well. I have been seeing 11:11 everywhere for many years, I never knew what it meant, still not sure. Not only on the clock, I would get change back, this number popped up everywhere. I told others, then it started happening to them too.
When i had the outer body experience, a sense of warmth like none other, came over me. That was over 40 years ago and I didn't tell a soul until my 20's when I read of other's experiencing this. I was told my number was 11 a few years ago, the woman did not know me. She told me things that she should not have known and that I had the out of body experience when I was 11. She asked me if I ever heard of Isis, i had not. She told me I was she. An old soul. From Egypt, really strange, I dressed as Cleopatra almost every Halloween as a kid, to the point my mother was so tired of it!

I saw an angel, not long ago, floating over me. Long flowing brown hair. Name began with a C. I have felt the presence of the angel often. That same warm presence comes over me when I was 11.

Now, that's a little background about me. I have a question that I hope someone can answer, no one else I know can answer.
I was in the mall sitting on a bench. It was a particularly great day, felt good. I had seen a dark woman, tall and thin, back towards me, walking away with a metallic blue shirt, i noticed her only from the back, but thought her very attractive remembering that I use to be able to wear stilletos like that! Then I noticed a couple, also backs turned, the woman was carrying a black and white checkered large handbag, then a pair of teens, playing around, pushing each other, etc., then i saw a mother with her young child. She was holding her child's hand. Not more than 5 minutes went by and I saw the first woman again, the one with the stilletos and metallic blue shirt walking past me. I thought,"she must have forgotten something, I didn't see her pass me going back though." Then my jaw dropped, I saw the couple with the checkered bag, then the teens, then the mother and child. Everything was EXACTLY the same. Same paths, same actions, only a few minutes I had seen all this before.
I called my husband, my bestfriend, my brother. I am a very reliable source. They began looking things of this nature on the net. No explanation.

My angel's name begins with the letter C, I said. i have been told since, to call him/her this, just C, because I wouldn't be able to pronounce the full name. I love the Sea. Lived close to the Atlantic all my life and love canoeing, fishing the beach, C was fitting to me, I thought.
I am the kind of person that goes 200% out for everyone, I've been called an angel by strangers, maybe for advise i give. I help many and am involved in a non profit business. i am very close to my priest, who also told me when I first met him, i was an angel. I think because i was just nice, though. He called me a breath of fresh air. Teachers said this often to me in college. I have 2 degrees and am going for my phd. I am a little above average in intelligence.

So, can anyone shed any light on this very strange experience? oh, forgot a big part, just after the mall experience, i looked at my cell phone and it was 11:11am.

thanks, jo
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by happyrain »

:hithere hello joanimation and welcome to the forums !
that is a very neat experience i was wondering what you thought it meant ? seems like a form of precognition :?: very cool !
C sounds neat. :D
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by Sandy »

Hi Jo,
Thank you for sharing such a lovely introduction with us. It is very nice to meet you! I was just talking with George because I remembered he had something similar happen to him... It wasn't just like your experience but still reflects a warping of time. It happened to him when he was a young boy, maybe 10 or so, when he working on turning the soil in a large field that his father wished to plant the following day. He was using a simple shovel and in the space of a couple hours he had turned the entire field on a hot day, not feeling overtired or overheated and without stopping for any breaks...He remembers his friends walking past and he called to them. They were just 10 yards away, easily within hailing distance and they went on as if he was not there. When his Father showed up after work ready to help him, he was shocked that it was completed. He kept asking George if he had help and was a little miffed that he kept saying no he had no help. His Dad was so upset by the unexplained incident he went home... not being able to understand what just occurred.

So you see, it was something similar but not the same but most likely did involve warping time and probably our dear friends the Midwayers, who prompt with the 1111 and have this ability to pop in and out of dimensions and even warp time, when allowed, for us humans. I do not believe it happens very often but it could possibly explain why a person can be found strapped into their seat away from an air crash unharmed or other amazing feats involving human survival. I am just speculating, but it could be for what ever reason time was slightly warped for you on this particular day... you described the day as a particularly great day. It sounds like your spirit was soaring, reflecting beautiful light and so this may be a playful way to reward you for the light you emitted. To remind you that there is more around you...much that cannot be explained but wondrous all the same. It is definitely a special memory and I hope you soon find the answers you search for regarding this incident.

In the meantime I hope you will stick around and continue to share with the other good people who post here. :D

A quick hello to Shaku...been meaning to send you a pm but haven't found the time...dear brother. So I will just say how good it is to see you and INFINITELIGHT breathe more life into this amazing thread. Due to your alls efforts I have been more reflective of the sun these days and try not to take it for granted but in gratitude appreciate the incredible depth of its "life" sustaining properties.
Love to all,
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by joanimation »

Thank you to Infinite, rain and Sandy! Thank you for all your input and the welcomes!

Yes, I do believe it was a type of time warp. WOW that story was so enlightening!! What a GREAT experience for George, would love to talk to him. Like me when i had the out of body experience, i was at first a little frightened for a lot of reasons. He must have been as confused as i was! I was afraid to tell anyone at the time of the out of body because at the time I was 11 and i thought people would think I was crazy!! Stuff like that was hidden back then, I think it was 1970 when it happened to me. I only read about it and started talking about it as an adult. The time warp thing I have talked about since it only happened a bit ago. Now i seem almost "fearless!!" Quite different from the 11 year old me.

Yes, I was in a very exceptional mood and strangers were talking to me the entire time before this happened. I have been told about a certain "presence" I have when I come to meet with others. I smile a lot, love to laugh, and play like a child. I have been misunderstood as well, don't get me wrong! Some of my childhood friends that are now adults, don't understand, I take care of my responsibilities, I could be no other way, but to these "old' friends, they will say, 'grow UP!" and that's not an option. I love children and i said I can play and relate very much with children. They almost instantly have a liking to me, and strangers too, but the old childhood friends don't understand. Some of them are gone, either passed or just moved, etc. But I know who I am. You have brought something to my attention, that's why I mentioned the latter. I need to be more 'alert" pay attention to this type of phenomenon, never letting others negative aspects ever get in the way of my goals, my feelings. It is stifling. Thank you for that! i am not a negative person in any way, but sometimes I let the "older" friends get me down or confused. I should never let that occur again. It interferes with who I really am and sheds a kind of darkness on the light. We all have it! I wish more people could open there hearts to it. It would be a great world if they could!!

Yes, rain, C is unbelievable. When i call to him, it's almost like the warmest hug you could get. Like a blanket of warmth. We all need that warm hug from time to time! Thanks for ALL your comments!

Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Finally a group I can "connect" too. I thank God for that! joanne :sunflower:
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by jack6251 »

I really wish I'd joined this discussion when I first joined, thought I had but somehow I haven't, bah! lol Now I've got tons of posts to read through and nobody on this site ever posts in 4 line paragraphs only haha :sunflower: (the more's the better I say, I sometimes think having a microphone voice to text would be best here for big idea's, but then I'd probably accidentally include myself shouting at the pigeons on my balcony, hmm...hehe).

Anyway, fantastic subject Shaku and I hope to contribute a little to it myself. I love the depth of your posts and salute the lengths you've gone to in order to research your topic, this is how it should be done! :cheers:

I have to agree with pretty much every point you've all made throughout the thread, I myself am massively interested in the sun and have been throughout my life and especially in my awareness of 11:11 forming many years ago. Around the time of me becoming aware of the numbers, I would have very vivid dreams, frightening like movies which involved the sun in many different situations and states, none very positive I must say and some were coupled with nuclear weapons (I'm sure they had meaning but it's lost to me). I know when talking about the sun it's easy to become a bit of a fear monger and doomsayer of "end of world" scenario's, but you know what, we just can't dismiss the possibility that the sun has a role to play at some point in the future of the planet in some form or another with how life on Earth will continue or not. We just can't ignore the fact that there's sooo many ancient cultures who placed the main bulk of their thought processes around the sun and it being central and integral to their civilisation and have something to say about its future. Of course we all pray for the best, but I honestly feel we can't ignore the worst, as Shaku has said, the sun is in its own cycle, a cycle that's been running for thousands of years beyond the time of Noah and by preparing ourselves for potential cutouts of power grids, we give ourselves a positive fighting chance through those downtime periods where it may not be possible to produce electricity, thereby putting us back firmly by a few hundred years. Things would be like living in the 1600's should power stations be rendered useless...and that's just a fact we have to face up to within our lifetime of it occurring, governments know this too.

Anyway that's all I have for now, it's a fascinating discussion, hope to contribute something a little more rosey next time :) :flower:

Joanimation, welcome too! Very interesting posts you're making, I hope you stick around and tell us more :)

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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by jack6251 »

Here's a story I just stumbled on about power outages in India. If the sun did it's thing and caused a global situation, we'd all be like this:

http://news.uk.msn.com/half-of-india-hi ... t/#image=1

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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by Shaku55 »

Hi Joan, and Jack, and hello again Sandy it nice to hear from you all! It's nice to read that I'm not the only soul looking up these days, and especially glad that we're not looking up in a fearful way. I have been keeping up on the story in india and it seems the blackout is largely due to mismanagement of their power grid rather than solar related, but it is a sobering reminder of how delicate these power grids are in the first place. It is worth noting here however that a blackout affecting 600 million people is the largest blackout in recorded history. And twice the population of the united states if you need a reference point. Sobering thought to say the least.

Joan; your story is most intriguing! It is also uncanny that although I've been away from this forum all week that I just happened to be researching Temporal vortexes over the last few days, specifically ones that have appeared here in Arizona. It sounds like that's what you experienced so it is very peculiar that you find yourself drawn to this thread! I am happy to share this thread which speaks of similar occurrences, of course without the mall. :D There are some interesting ideas woven into this article about the how's and whys, My intuition leads me to feel that these events seem to be energetically linked to space, time and vibration. I am excited to experience this synchronicity between my side research and this thread, and I look forward to perhaps understanding what purpose this coincidence has for us.



I hope to visit this general area soon, if only to see what it feels like.
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by Shaku55 »


As to what that experience means, who can say? It seems you have caught a glimpse of how vast and intricate this creation is, a rare peek behind the curtain of creation. Lucky! At the very least you have first hand knowledge that all is not as it appears in our world. Hold onto that and enjoy the magic.
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by arleneangle »

What you said it is very useful.
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by Shaku55 »

pardon my disjointed and numerous responses here, it's been family time and I've squeeze a couple of these posts in where I could. Now it's bedtime for my girl and I've got some 'me' time. While Kenzie was watching an episode of Dora the Explorer I re-read this entire thread from beginning to most current... I've said this before, but it's such a blessing to have these conversations available! What an amazing milepost for where we've been, the ground we've traveled... and I have to admit I can see where I've gotten vague and cryptic at times rather than sharing the full version. I apologize for that, there have been some periods of being unsure how much I felt comfortable sharing. I'm way past that now, so let me bring you all up to speed on where some important things are at in my life.

First off, me and my wife got back together over Christmas. It's been a long road supporting her in her recovery and I don’t have one regret. Especially for my daughter having her mom in her life, that is something that cannot be replaced. But in this process of supporting her I have found my own healing. What we revile in others is often a reflection of things we are not facing in our own lives, and so it was true in this case. The work she had been avoiding in her recovery put a spotlight on the places in my life which I was avoiding and making excuses about. What began as a leap of faith has become a beautiful story of recovery.

So through this process of being a supportive partner I came to begin facing my own fears. And once I get the hang of something I tend to go 'all in', so I'm happy to report that in the past six months I've faced down every fear which has 'risen up' inside of me. You know the feeling, that uncontrollable emotional response in your gut which rises up until it begins to feel like its going to choke you. I don't dread that feeling anymore, because now I recognize that it's something I'm supposed to pay attention to, something I can learn from. Something that needs to be faced and understood, and healed. That one change in my routine has shifted everything around me, peeling back layer after layer of old conditioning and fear-based thinking. Each day the light inside me gets brighter, but I don't know if it is because there is less beep-beep covering it up, or if because it is growing brighter. maybe its both who knows? Peeling back the layers has also brought me clarity which was needed for me to get down to the business of meditation, something I myself have been avoiding for well over a decade. I don’t beat myself up about it much anymore because there just wasn’t any way I was ever going to quiet down my mind with so many layers of fear-based thinking covering up any hopes of clarity.

As for myself it was striking to see how just a year ago meditation was an enormous challenge, and now I smile now when I easily slip into that state of awareness. Meditation itself has taken on so many different meanings and facets in my life that I don't know where to start. I guess as an homage to this thread I should start with Sun gazing. Yep, I've not only ditched my sunglasses and ballcap, but I've also begun embracing the sun's rays as they beam down on me. That form of meditation is interesting because I feel like I'm soaking up energy that's always been available, but which I've always shied away from. I grew up with a fair-skinned father who preached endlessly about the dangers of the sun, and despite my much darker complexion I too wore the 500 SPF which he used on himself. Ok, it wasn't 500SPF but it was the highest the store sold. Icky, gross stuff. Eventually I think I just avoided going out in the sun, rather than have to feel obligated to smear that rubbish on me.

Now, I'm not advocating for people to stop using sunscreen - but I submit to you that for thousands of years before this modern age it wasn't a concern. I think people used common sense and moderation, and likely developed the natural protection of a tan. The same for sunglasses, what was I thinking? Why do we suddenly need sunglasses after thousands of years? Ah, the arrogance of mankind at the height of civilization. The sunglasses are right up there on the shelf with the antidepressants, sleep aids and sun screen.

So long story not so short, I'm not opposed to the Sun like I was before I got to know her. Now I drink her in like water. And I wonder to myself, how many ways is the Sun impacting my life now that I'm not resisting it? All of us know the power of our own intention, how we can't see things until we're open to them, or how we block out energies we are resistant to. I wonder, now that I'm open to the sun, how has that opened up my vistas of ascension and enlightenment? There are so many changes happening in my life simultaneously that it's hard to quantify any of this - but it's interesting to ponder.

Another facet of meditation for me has become part of my typical day, moment to moment awareness. It used to come in brief glimpses and snatches of awareness, but those moments have begun to happen much more frequently, and some days they run together for some time, giving me long swatches of awareness which can get very profound. Like when I'm in the office and I feel others around me, each moving in their own way yet connected to me, to all of us. There are some moments where that connectedness feels like a ballroom full of people dancing in unison. I've heard it said that we all shift together, well I truly believe there is some solid truth to that. I've felt it. So if you ever see me glancing around the room in a business meeting, I'm probably marveling at these connected souls which are somehow reflections of me, reflections of everyone in the room, and at the same time a microcosm to this macrocosm. Whew.

I also practice awareness and mindfulness when I'm in the car, which is another fun perspective on meditation. As I roll down the on-ramp to the freeway, it's hard not to feel like you're diving into a river full of cars. But being connected to those other cars, it changes things. There is a perfect place for me in the fray, because of course we are all connected so it's no mystery that there's a place for me there. Even if I do feel like an ant marching some days. But I don’t fight for my spot in traffic anymore, it’s again like a dance. I know this spot on the dance floor was always there for me, but I was out of sync and out of mind so I bumped a lot of elbows.

I like guided meditation too, though I suspect eventually I'll leave behind the guided course I use now and create my own. It is almost fun to do energy work using sites like ascensionhelp.com, and each time I go through the courses I feel more layers being peeled off my life, old forms falling away. I remember when I started them last year that it took me a few days to get through the hour worth of clearing exercises on the site, now I can do them in one sitting. Little by little, big change is possible.

I have spoken here and there about being haunted by 11:11, I don’t feel like that anymore. More than just 11:11, some days I’ll get 2:22, then 3:33, then 4:44, then 5:55… And that was just this last Sunday. It’s not believable unless it is placed in context with the rest of my awakenings. Even then, barely believable. But I suppose non believers don’t read this far into these threads. I just smile at the clock now, and rub the goosebumps off my arm. Last night I caught an 11:11 as I came out of a meditation, that’s a fun one.

Some time soon I’ll share my ponderings about the 4th and 5th dimensions, but I have so little understanding currently of what I’m experiencing that I hesitate to share much more than I know they exist, there’s more than just 5, and I think that’s where the ‘beings’ are that other people seem to have such unfettered access to. I’ve not seen or heard anything yet but I’ve got a very open mind.

Love and light friends. Thanks for listening and may the sun shine its light on us all.
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by joanimation »

Thank you Shaku for your insight. A lot of it makes sense. I didn't read the entire forum from beginning to end, I have some catching up to do. But I now know, me being drawn to this thread was no accident. i don't believe in coincidences, that's just me, maybe others believe this too. I believe everything happens for a reason. No matter what the occurrence. In my case, being drawn to all of you very good people, I believe I was meant to be here, again some of that inner subconscious just knowing these are the people I need to be aware of. Those with positive attitudes. Those with a good light shining from inside.

Shaku, I have been into meditation and yoga for over 15 years. Sounds like you know a bit about yoga. Also qi jong. i love eastern medicine and meditation. I practice therapeutic touch, and through meditation and learning more about reiki and shiatsu, and combining my medical background, I have practiced on people who are opened to such things that are usually not taken seriously in the US. Very peaceful for both myself and whoever I am practicing on. I am older than you and probably most on this thread, but that old cliche, age is just a number, has always been a philosophy of mine. One of my best friends and mentors was in her 80's, I was in my 20's. I miss her, age wasn't even a consideration. I wish that more people could look at the elderly like this. They are very wise and we can learn a lot from many individuals, both young and old.

The sun. WOW! I never had a conscious thought about the sun, but always on everything around us. Nature. I don't take any of it for granted. To drive or even sit in the most mundane places and appreciate Nature's beauty is something I never take for granted. I have a lot of childhood friends that I am still very connected to, I don't talk to many of them like I would any of you. It's beyond them, they are negative, most of them, sadly. I've know most of them for so long, they are almost like family. But i believe we are all family. I do not treat anyone any different. I look at everyone as brother, sister, no matter what anyone believes, agnostic, jewish, christian, we HAVE to have started in unity from one source. I've tried to talk with some about this, and it always turn to a religious type of conversation and to many this is something tabu and then the whole conversation goes amiss. Misfortunate. Although, there was one day, my mother, who I was very close to ( she being the typical controling, I'm never wrong type of Italian mother. Difficult to usually talk to about obscure subject matter. I think everyone gets the picture!) She was dying and I had taken her to a dr's appt. and asked her after what she would like to do. She wanted a malted milk shake and we went, by car, across the hospital to do this. We sat in an asphalt parking lot, not a pretty view in sight on a very busy highway. I said to her, ' Isn't the sky and trees beautiful today. it's a great thing when you can find God's beauty in the most littlest of ways. Finding the beauty instead of focusing on the garbage around us." The sun was very strong that day, and I also mentioned the warmth and how it made everything even that much more beautiful. I am a lover of the sand and water and have been drawn to this for as long as I can remember. My mother told me I use to say, "That's MY ocean, right Mommy!" She would always say yes, joanne, that is your ocean. She passed within 2 months from dx of cancer everywhere. It's been about 3 years and i lost her mom 3 months prior(2 weeks after my grandmother's burial, my mother was dx, she was the picture of health prior, no way would have anyone know. Unusual, she had bloodwork not more than 3 weeks prior to my grandmother's passing along with a routine chest exray. All were normal.) and I lost my best friend 5 months after. Something about that number 3, whether good or bad, has some reference too, it seems. But when I see the sun sparkling on the ocean in the early hours, it's breathtaking. And I try not to miss a sunrise and sunset. This is very meditating for me, and also very beautiful, of course. I feel lucky that I can take negative things and turn them into something more positive, even if it's a learning experience. I'm not the 'typical" beach goer. I love the sand and play like a child, build castles in the sand, roll around in the sand, etc. I do lay in the sun for a bit, and I get those "butterflies" in the pit of my stomach, but I don't bake! I am a water lover, so as soon as i get too hot, in the water I go! And after getting home, it is such a meditating feeling, there and after. Those "butterflies" have been something I have been feeling a lot lately, beach not included. Not sure what that's all about, but they are intense. (Oh, by the way, I must mention I am not a shopper, I hadn't been to the mall in ages! Not the typical woman who "loves" to shop, just thought everyone should know this, another reason why the experience was so unusual. I had a short stay there that day. Went early and out, thus the 11:11am experience)
After the out of body experience at age 11, I can say I am pretty fearless. I wish more people could or would experience this phenomenon. I have no longer feared much, not even death. Have looked at it as a new life, a new beginning. Funny that you mention other dimensions, i have believed in this for a long time, innately.
Everyone that comes to my house, of course even myself, have experienced unusual happenings, I wanted to mention this, too. They say it's haunted!! I say nonsense, but I do believe there are other dimensions all over. I spend a good portion of my day at home and I have witnessed peculiar things. For example, my name being called several times, when no one was here. 5 other's have experienced this too in the home. A hand on my shoulder, a very strong touch, when no one was around. And probably the most interesting of all: it was after the passing of the 3 people I was very close to, I had a boo hoo cry in the middle of the night and my covers began to move. I was very much awake and lifted my head slowly to see if this was actually happening. I WATCHED them move. Someone was comforting me, the crying of course stopped, but there was someone unseen doing this. None of this scared me, may have sent someone else running!! But that calm feeling again came to me again.

Well enough about me. I need to catch up and read the entire thread from beginning to end. I am interested in everyone's experiences and am going to pay attention more to the sun. And be more alert, this is a necessity! I too, like many others I'm sure have experienced the type of dreams you are referring to, Jack. Since I was young (elementary school) my friends use to say that I could write a book from one dream. They are vivid and intense and my childhood friends would look forward to each day walking to school telling them what I dreamt. It is not any different today and I still get the same vivid dreams and responses are usually the same. I should journal the dreams. Most I forget over the course of time, only several have never left me. One was similar to a dream you had. My dreams are always in color, this one happened to be dark. blacks and red. Someone else might have called it a "nightmare." I still to this day, look at this particular dream as a type of awareness, that of course, anything is possible, and this dream did have religious undertones, but I never looked at it as a nightmare. It had to do with the end of humanity. I had this dream a couple of years ago, so vivid, that I can never forget it. Perhaps you journal your dreams and other happenings. This i believe I need to do. There is a reason why we forget some and remember some others. Like said, I believe in no coincidences. The slightest of things, no matter, happen for some reason.

Forgot to mention, funny, when I made the comment to my mother about the sky's beauty in that dingy parking lot, I never thought she would react the way she did. With acceptance and agreeing. Something small but again very meaningful.

From Shaku's post: " Lucky! At the very least you have first hand knowledge that all is not as it appears in our world. Hold onto that and enjoy the magic." It was as if you have so much insight, you read my mind. The world is most definitely not as it appears! I enjoy the magic daily. I tell people when they make comments like"I've never met anyone like you," and many other comments, too early to mention, my reply is: It's just the way I was drawn. LOL I could never let go of that magic and never underestimate the power of nature or the good souls of all dimensions. I am ready for whatever life brings. It is inevitable.

Forgive the long post, I guess I have a lot to say! Especially with not many to talk to like this. I'm looked at as a leader type and have tried to talk to others. As soon as I see a look of non interest, i change the topic. Most are not open minded like everyone here. And so, I come back to that topic again, that everything happens for a reason, and why I haphazardly chose this forum I am assuming is for a reason. I am glad to have found all of you and look forward to getting to know you all!

I am going to read from the beginning of your thread and go to the links that people suggest. :roll I have a lot of homework to do! Namaste to ALL! God Bless and of course, thank you! joanne
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun


Shaku55 wrote:pardon my disjointed and numerous responses here, it's been family time and I've squeeze a couple of these posts in where I could. Now it's bedtime for my girl and I've got some 'me' time. While Kenzie was watching an episode of Dora the Explorer I re-read this entire thread from beginning to most current... I've said this before, but it's such a blessing to have these conversations available! What an amazing milepost for where we've been, the ground we've traveled... and I have to admit I can see where I've gotten vague and cryptic at times rather than sharing the full version. I apologize for that, there have been some periods of being unsure how much I felt comfortable sharing. I'm way past that now, so let me bring you all up to speed on where some important things are at in my life.

First off, me and my wife got back together over Christmas. It's been a long road supporting her in her recovery and I don’t have one regret. Especially for my daughter having her mom in her life, that is something that cannot be replaced. But in this process of supporting her I have found my own healing. What we revile in others is often a reflection of things we are not facing in our own lives, and so it was true in this case. The work she had been avoiding in her recovery put a spotlight on the places in my life which I was avoiding and making excuses about. What began as a leap of faith has become a beautiful story of recovery.

So through this process of being a supportive partner I came to begin facing my own fears. And once I get the hang of something I tend to go 'all in', so I'm happy to report that in the past six months I've faced down every fear which has 'risen up' inside of me. You know the feeling, that uncontrollable emotional response in your gut which rises up until it begins to feel like its going to choke you. I don't dread that feeling anymore, because now I recognize that it's something I'm supposed to pay attention to, something I can learn from. Something that needs to be faced and understood, and healed. That one change in my routine has shifted everything around me, peeling back layer after layer of old conditioning and fear-based thinking. Each day the light inside me gets brighter, but I don't know if it is because there is less beep-beep covering it up, or if because it is growing brighter. maybe its both who knows? Peeling back the layers has also brought me clarity which was needed for me to get down to the business of meditation, something I myself have been avoiding for well over a decade. I don’t beat myself up about it much anymore because there just wasn’t any way I was ever going to quiet down my mind with so many layers of fear-based thinking covering up any hopes of clarity.

As for myself it was striking to see how just a year ago meditation was an enormous challenge, and now I smile now when I easily slip into that state of awareness. Meditation itself has taken on so many different meanings and facets in my life that I don't know where to start. I guess as an homage to this thread I should start with Sun gazing. Yep, I've not only ditched my sunglasses and ballcap, but I've also begun embracing the sun's rays as they beam down on me. That form of meditation is interesting because I feel like I'm soaking up energy that's always been available, but which I've always shied away from. I grew up with a fair-skinned father who preached endlessly about the dangers of the sun, and despite my much darker complexion I too wore the 500 SPF which he used on himself. Ok, it wasn't 500SPF but it was the highest the store sold. Icky, gross stuff. Eventually I think I just avoided going out in the sun, rather than have to feel obligated to smear that rubbish on me.

Now, I'm not advocating for people to stop using sunscreen - but I submit to you that for thousands of years before this modern age it wasn't a concern. I think people used common sense and moderation, and likely developed the natural protection of a tan. The same for sunglasses, what was I thinking? Why do we suddenly need sunglasses after thousands of years? Ah, the arrogance of mankind at the height of civilization. The sunglasses are right up there on the shelf with the antidepressants, sleep aids and sun screen.

So long story not so short, I'm not opposed to the Sun like I was before I got to know her. Now I drink her in like water. And I wonder to myself, how many ways is the Sun impacting my life now that I'm not resisting it? All of us know the power of our own intention, how we can't see things until we're open to them, or how we block out energies we are resistant to. I wonder, now that I'm open to the sun, how has that opened up my vistas of ascension and enlightenment? There are so many changes happening in my life simultaneously that it's hard to quantify any of this - but it's interesting to ponder.

Another facet of meditation for me has become part of my typical day, moment to moment awareness. It used to come in brief glimpses and snatches of awareness, but those moments have begun to happen much more frequently, and some days they run together for some time, giving me long swatches of awareness which can get very profound. Like when I'm in the office and I feel others around me, each moving in their own way yet connected to me, to all of us. There are some moments where that connectedness feels like a ballroom full of people dancing in unison. I've heard it said that we all shift together, well I truly believe there is some solid truth to that. I've felt it. So if you ever see me glancing around the room in a business meeting, I'm probably marveling at these connected souls which are somehow reflections of me, reflections of everyone in the room, and at the same time a microcosm to this macrocosm. Whew.

I also practice awareness and mindfulness when I'm in the car, which is another fun perspective on meditation. As I roll down the on-ramp to the freeway, it's hard not to feel like you're diving into a river full of cars. But being connected to those other cars, it changes things. There is a perfect place for me in the fray, because of course we are all connected so it's no mystery that there's a place for me there. Even if I do feel like an ant marching some days. But I don’t fight for my spot in traffic anymore, it’s again like a dance. I know this spot on the dance floor was always there for me, but I was out of sync and out of mind so I bumped a lot of elbows.

I like guided meditation too, though I suspect eventually I'll leave behind the guided course I use now and create my own. It is almost fun to do energy work using sites like ascensionhelp.com, and each time I go through the courses I feel more layers being peeled off my life, old forms falling away. I remember when I started them last year that it took me a few days to get through the hour worth of clearing exercises on the site, now I can do them in one sitting. Little by little, big change is possible.

I have spoken here and there about being haunted by 11:11, I don’t feel like that anymore. More than just 11:11, some days I’ll get 2:22, then 3:33, then 4:44, then 5:55… And that was just this last Sunday. It’s not believable unless it is placed in context with the rest of my awakenings. Even then, barely believable. But I suppose non believers don’t read this far into these threads. I just smile at the clock now, and rub the goosebumps off my arm. Last night I caught an 11:11 as I came out of a meditation, that’s a fun one.

Some time soon I’ll share my ponderings about the 4th and 5th dimensions, but I have so little understanding currently of what I’m experiencing that I hesitate to share much more than I know they exist, there’s more than just 5, and I think that’s where the ‘beings’ are that other people seem to have such unfettered access to. I’ve not seen or heard anything yet but I’ve got a very open mind.

Love and light friends. Thanks for listening and may the sun shine its light on us all.

I too through the grace of JESUS have experienced what I call the GREAT ONE MOVEMENT. It's when you realize that all our hearts are ONE and that all we are doing is LOVING THE WAY WE WANT TO LOVE IN A WORLD OF COMPLETE FREEDOM and from that place in the ONE HEART you see that JESUS WHO IS GOD is just making ONE MASSIVE MOVEMENT WHICH IS LOVE.

Let me share the experience. I was on the bus one day. And sometimes I would have the greatest SPIRTUAL EXPERIENCES on the bus. and all of a sudden it's as if everybody's movement was made similtaniously and as I was in the great ONE LOVE which is GOD who is JESUS I could experience us all moving similtaniously. As if regardless of how complex and seperate the movements it was all ONE MOVEMENT. I had realized that all MOVEMENTS come from LOVE and after becoming that LOVE I felt as if all those movements were. . . mine. It seemed as if since this world is just ONE GREAT PLACE TO LOVE that LOVING ENDLESSLY was the answer and that LOVE was THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE and that in this way JESUS EXPERIENCED THE WORLD ALL THE TIME. It left me after a while but it was an amazing experience.

I to am able to hold large amounts of awareness for times larger than usual after accepting gifts from JESUS through the sun. I suspect that the same thing is happening to you as well Haku. I think one of the characteristics of the suns energy is that it helps you hold this very clear very etheral awareness and it gives you a consciousness perspective. Like how you mentioned you were able to see everyone at work. The SUN usually hands me a gift like that when I ask for it or every few days or so. Perhaps the reason I am sharing this experience with you now is because JESUS wants you to know he's working with you through the SUN.

I too need to use guided meditation as it is very hard for me to stay focused in my mind.
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by Shaku55 »

It is truly amazing the way peoples of different belief, culture and perspective can come together with these common themes of love, light and a deep desire to understand. I feel blessed to be exposed to so many facets, so many personal stories of Gods' love for his children. And also to hear how deeply we are influenced by whatever/whoever is behind the curtain. More than any one point being valid, I am struck by how parallel our different perspectives are, and how every one of them points up.

11:11 is icing on the cake these days, brothers and sisters. Signposts pointing us towards home, even as our spirit seems to know the way.
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by arleneangle »

Good idea.
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by joanimation »

Very quiet in this thread, wondered why? Everyone busy soaking up the sun? I hope so!

I had an unusual weekend and very unusual Monday. A series of questions have been coming in bucketfulls to me! Maybe a test of some kind, still trying to sort it through. I think I was quite clear to everyone, that I believe all things happen for a reason. So, these "happenings" are perplexing, this doesn't usually happen to me. I usually know why immediately and have an answer just as fast. So, what happened, to me, is happening for some reason. And the questions came from sources I just stumbled upon.
I know I am being vague. I am not in a transition type of mode, and this would change a lot of what I believe, so it is something I have to figure out. I don't usually let other's opinions reflect on mine, but I do believe in a collective, and i would be wrong not to listen, thinking I know all. I have never believed that. But we can all get bad advise from sources. Just a bit strange that I am getting strange signals in a domino effect.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! The answers for me will come, I'm a patient person. Just very intrigued by it all.

Blessings! joanne
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by Shaku55 »

Even if I'm not posting, it is rare for me to not be digging into some newfound connection between life here and the sun. Currently there is a 400,000 mile wide prominence on the face of the sun located in an earth facing position. That's about the distance between the earth and the moon if you need a scale of reference. It's essentially a long channel or filament of plasma hovering above the surface of the sun. When it breaks free it could trail off into space or plunge into the surface of the sun, either outcome will result in some sort of geoeffective event. Not likely a big event, but theses days I'm of the opinion that these events may have more impact on us than we realize. Solar wind, cosmic rays, I think these are somehow tied to our consciousness since we are energetic beings ruled by magnetic properties very similar to the sun. So it should be in interesting week, if this prominence sends anything our way I'll try to pop in and make a note here, our global community can put its feelers out and see what we pick up.

At the very least, it could give your tan that perfect bronze tone you're shooting for. :)
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by jack6251 »

joanimation wrote:Very quiet in this thread, wondered why? Everyone busy soaking up the sun? I hope so!

Blessings! joanne
You should come over to my foody thread in the Misc section and share some recipes, it's quiet there too hehe :) :hithere

Shaku, do you know anything about the Sun and Satan, just wondering if you or anyone knew a little about any links from the Urantia Book that may shed light on any solar activity from a more ancient time that the UB discusses which're tied to gods and demigods etc.

Jack :pig: :sunny:
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by joanimation »

jack6251 wrote:
Shaku, do you know anything about the Sun and Satan, just wondering if you or anyone knew a little about any links from the Urantia Book that may shed light on any solar activity from a more ancient time that the UB discusses which're tied to gods and demigods etc.

Jack :pig: :sunny:

Interesting, I had emailed Shaku about this. very interesting...thanks for that and I have some great recipes too, Jack. will have to come over and investigate your side of the fence!

Blessings, joanne
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by Sandy »

Hi Joanne and the rest of the sun gazers. :hithere
I'm still here too and pondering all the more recent posts on this thread. Have you ever had so many things you wish to comment on that it was overwhelming and you sort of step back a bit to think. LOL well, that was me...Between all of you and having missed a day or so last week there was so many interesting comments on this thread that I didn't know what to say. Which if you've been here any length of time, you'll soon notice that doesn't happen too much to "Ole gabby" here. But I am enjoying the fascinating subjects you all discuss... taking it all in and a little sun too.
George and I sat outside this morning feeling the sun's rays touch our cheeks and warm us in body, soul and mind...I really needed it on a physical level today. Because despite the deceiving beauty of the day and the clear blue skies I was frozen this morning, even wearing knit gloves to type on the keyboard. :lol: Now before I launch into more conversation about my frozen "tootsies", I wish to say how much I am enjoying not only the subject matter on this thread but the feeling of "loving knowingness"...that you all emit. I mean by that, the feeling that INFINTELIGHT spoke of in one of his brilliant posts...our Oneness. Being One with each of you...being related in the most real of ways.
It reminded me of an amazing feeling of Oneness I experienced while attending my son and future wife's graduation ceremony from college. We were in this huge hall where the floor was filled with hundreds of gown clad graduates and the multilevel stands above, filled with proud friends and relatives. As I gazed around me, all at once I felt such a sense of belonging, as if I knew each and every person in the stadium personally, lovingly... and then I realized we were not alone in our “humanous.” We were accompanied by angels and celestials all in attendance! The enormous hall was jam packed with "siblings" of every description and I felt such a sense of pure joy. :happy
What a blessing we all share within our common heredity. We are all beloved children of the Divine Source! when you really ponder the ramifications...How great is that? :sunflower:

The sun is just starting to wane here, often times with the most amazing light displays. It is good to be alive and aware today don't you think?
Much love,
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by joanimation »

Hi Sandy! I forget what the weather would be like now in any part of Australia! Right now at the wonderful Jersey Shore it is (and has been for most of our summer) close to 100 degrees relentlessly. Not so great for the garden state, needless to say, for the whole. Crops are suffering. On a very small scale, my basil died and that has never happened. Weird weather patterns and what is happening around all of us goes hand in hand. Mother nature is getting just as crazy as the world, that is something I believe many are aware of. I am also aware of how history repeats itself, and I have this ability to pull the positive out of the negative. It seems to me that many have that ability in this forum and others. All things happen for a reason. So, yes it is great to be alive and aware! I am always thankful for any positive thoughts, I try to "stay that course" in everything I do. It seems to make life easier and sweeter. What goes on around us, of course, can only effect us, usually when negative things happen, people react negatively. I try and take a much different approach and react with positive interaction. It is good to be aware, alive and active with so much going on! Any small difference a person or a group can do for the good, can only make things better.

Just wanted to say how in tune yourself and Infinite are with your experiences. I have always been aware of a collective, that all equals a whole, no matter where we live, near or far, or in other dimensions and even planets. We do live in a very small space, compared to this universe or another. But we are all one, I'm not sure how some people miss this. To be aware of anything big or small and how it's all related and act for the good is such a blessing and just spreads more love around. This can only make places better even if we have to carry a few negative thinkers. They come around, in time and in there own way. I respect that. I have had wonderful experiences throughout my life, not exactly what you and Infinite experience, but feel the gift of being aware of that "connected" togetherness, that no one is ever alone, especially if we reach out, then maybe others will know, we are all one. Many people argue this, how is what baffles me, even with religious beliefs set aside. Forgive me for repeating, I have a very strong belief that all happens for reasons. Some are more aware of this than others. I am a "watcher" and I act on instinct and on what i believe is righteous. Life can always be better, there is much to be done! But I like to keep busy. Throughout history storms brew, then we are left to help others and ourselves to pick up the pieces. There will always be much to do. A storm is always up ahead, what it will bring, no one knows. This frightens some, but it's just life. Change frightens many, again that's just life. That's how I look at everything and with light, love and a positive active conscious. Do or Do not, it's a freewill choice. I choose to do, for the collective. I feel I can't go wrong with a positive attitude. I think I pmed Infinite and Shaku about this a little. I was "drawn" this way, and could be no different. It is a time for a great revelation, I can feel that in my inner bones.Change is inevitable. I believe millions of people know this too. So, I must say again, it is a great time to be aware and alive!

God Bless, joanne
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by jack6251 »

joanimation wrote:
jack6251 wrote:
Shaku, do you know anything about the Sun and Satan, just wondering if you or anyone knew a little about any links from the Urantia Book that may shed light on any solar activity from a more ancient time that the UB discusses which're tied to gods and demigods etc.

Jack :pig: :sunny:

Interesting, I had emailed Shaku about this. very interesting...thanks for that and I have some great recipes too, Jack. will have to come over and investigate your side of the fence!

Blessings, joanne
Ah lovely :D

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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by Shaku55 »

This thread certainly moves in some interesting directions at times, I had no idea what I was in for when it began! I am very thankful for the friends I've made here, and for the connections we have all shared. Sandy that was a pretty cool connectedness experience, thank you for sharing!

As for the Urantia Book, I have not given it much personal study. The authority many of these books write with doesn't resonate with me because most of these wisdom books claim the same authority yet have differing messages. I have found that while I can know very little for certain, I can use that vast vessel of non-knowing to seek within. Satan? Sure, there may be some entity with that name. I've found there is glorious power in being able to say "I don't know". No matter how counter-intuitive, not knowing is a fabulous place to be rather than operating under false assumptions.

And that's what I've been up to these last few months during the Mercury Retrograde; removing clutter and things that don't fit. Old assumptions have been revisited and discarded unless there is some sort of relevance to my inner work. It has been such an empowering experience.

Now, I'm not saying there are no entities out there, I'm only saying that some of these things can be distractions from our inner work, from the awakening we are all destined to experience. Worse than being a distraction, these preoccupations with angels, demons, even solar activity can be a detour which can eat up precious time in our lives. If I'm supposed to encounter or see entities that is really exciting, but to dwell on that creates expectation. Same with spending my life ducking a solar flare, that expectation allows the ego to take over and before you know it, you're living off the land in a cave with aluminum foil hats and granola bars.

We laugh, but how insipid can these distractions be in our lives, even on a smaller scale? I say, if we really want to understand what's going on, we should focus our attention inward. If you had a brief pamplet on breathing and awareness exercises, I bet you would find more wisdom after a couple years than the same amount of time spent reading.

Namaste friends!
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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Post by Shaku55 »

lol this should go over as a great message for an angel message board! Ignore the beings of light and go meditate. Hope I didn't offend anyone.
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