11:11 My story

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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11:11 My story

Post by k9angel11 »

Hi Guys, I am new to this forum and just wanted to say hello to all the fellow 11:11er's out there. :hithere

I have been experiencing this phenonomen for close to 20 years now and for many of those years thought I was alone, the only one. How wrong
was I?

Anyways it wasn't until recently when I got a computer that I did a search on 11:11 and discovered I was not alone after all. :D

I have been searching for answers ever since.

I am drawn to look at the clock at 11:11 both morning and night and this happens every day and has been going on for many years now.
It's hard to explain and no matter what you do, there is no stopping it. The numbers 33 and 22 also come up alot but it is the 11:11 that is most empowering.

When I began my search I read on one website that many of the ppl who experience the 11:11 phenonomen have also encountered an Angel at some point in their life, usually as a young child. When I read that I was a little shocked to say the least, for I hadalso seen an Angel as a child. I was about 4 or 5 years old. Something I will never forget. Up until recently I believed he was a cherub but then when I read that 11:11 site mentioning 'Angel' I did a google search and the Angel I saw that night was identical to the "Archangel Gabriel" - the messenger of God.

Over the years I have also seen spirits, experienced ESP and had recurring dreams which I am convinced were past lives.

The no. 11 is and has been prevelant throughout my entire life, but it wasn't until I began my search for answers that I realised this.
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by JonahBC »

:hithere k9angel11

So very nice to meet you. I, like yourself have been in the presence of 11:11 for over 20 years. I few years back I found this wonderful group of individuals. Because of their effort and belief it paved the way for my understanding. It truly has changed the person that I am today... I feel so so blessed and LUCKY :hithere ....

The wonderful moderators here will no doubt help guide you as well.

Much much Peace & Love

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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by jack6251 »

Hi k9angel11 :hithere

Welcome! :) There's a lot, if not most of what you said there that's pretty much identical for me too, apart from for me, I don't seem to have any recollection of ever meeting an angel or any other worldly entity...which is a bit of a beep-beep and I'm feeling a bit left out lol (nah, I may have and just don't know it).

For me over my years, I've had a love/hate relationship with 11:11 but no matter what, it's stayed with me through thick and thin and I eventually ended up here too in my research of it all. My investigations of 11:11 have led me to things I never would have otherwise considered or been faced with, so long as it persists in my life, my mind will always be open to exploration I feel as it's a perfect reminder for me to always consider the bigger picture and aspects of the "invisible".

I find it fascinating to read other peoples accounts and experiences too, looking forward to reading more of yours :)

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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by happyrain »

:hithere hello !
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by Sandy »

Hello K9angel11,
I enjoyed your story and the responses which put me into a kind of reverie as I thought about my own extremely humble beginings. Until 7 years ago I hadn't seen one number and was just barely opening my eyes to another world which lies behind the visible...Yep, I was about as thick as a brick and hadn't had much, well, truly none to think of in the way of spiritual embellishments and gifts with which to draw my attention to things greater. So when I came to this board, looking for more information on Midwayers, (I was reading the Urantia book at the time) I was blown away by the 11:11 phoenomenon. It took a few weeks, during which I was wondering, "Hey, what's wrong with me! why do they not prompt me? I am interested. I want to help! what a bout me!????" Well, I have found that persistence usually provides what I strongly desire in this work and so in a few weeks I too joined the growing numbers of inspiring eleveners across the world.

While our eleven eleven feet sometimes criss cross and wind around different projects, ways of being, and methods of spiritually progressing, we often find we walk together spirit to spirit to accomplish world and community goals. Because it isn't the numbers that are so important, but the heart that receives the numbers and their willingness to share what grows and matures with each answered question, every compassionate action and every uplifting experience. It is the sharing of what's inside that benefits so many as our small actions ripple around our community and who knows even across this great globe of ours.

So I thank you for introducing yourself and sharing a little of yourself with the other friendly folk who frequent this site. It is a pleasure to say hello and welcome you to the message board. :hithere
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by k9angel11 »

Thanks guys. :)

It's great to find a group of people who understand & share the same (or similiar) experiences. :o

Several years ago, I lived in a small town about 4 hours from Sydney. Population 500. I was in my early 20's then and lived with my then boyfriend, Pete.

We lived in a small house where some strange (unexplained) things happened. The smoke detector had a mind of it's own and would go off all hours of the night, mostly early morning. It got to the point that we had to remove the batteries. Do you think that stopped it? in the end Pete smashed it off the roof with a broom... it fell the floor in peices.

At the same house I was at the sink one day doing the dishes when I felt a strong presence standing behind me. I turned thinking it was Pete home from work but no one was there. 'That's odd', I thought and went back to doing the dishes. As I did so, I heard this weird rolling noise followed by a huge smashing sound. I turned around to see the shallots I had kept in a glass of water ontop of the fridge, had somehow rolled off, and with great force at that, and landed on the floor. I cleaned up the broken glass and water and put the shallots into a new glass and put them securely back on top of the fridge.
I shook the fridge to make sure they were sitting there safely and they were. (I always did this, that's why I was so baffled they fell in the first place).
Later that night as we lay in bed talking in the dark, I mentioned the shallots to Pete. He laughed it off....
Seconds later we heard an almighty thud that sounded like someone had hurled a brick through the bathroom window.
For a moment we lay there silent and scared but finally got the courage to get up and investigate.
It sounded close as though it came from the bathroom next to our room but no, nothing was there. We checked the loungeroom and again, all was fine. We got to the kitchen and there on the floor, was the glass of shallots - smashed into hundreds of pieces again.
I looked at Pete, he looked at me. No words were needed.

Whilst living in Manildra, we had a friend named Ash. Ash was a country boy of 17 years and was a sweet kid. Although I was only a few years older than Ash, he saw me as a Motherly figure. I cooked for him and sewed up his clothes and he spent a fair bit of time with us. He didn't get along with his real Mum or the rest of his family, so to him, we were family.
At this same house, I had an oil painting of a single gum tree sitting by a country roadside. It hung in the guest room above the bed. One night Ash stayed over and in the wee hours of the morning we were awoken by a huge thud. We ran to see what it was and we saw that the oil painting had come crashing down onto Ash as he slept.
The next morning I moved it to the loungeroom.
A few weeks later, Ash was over again having drinks with Pete and my brother who was visiting from Sydney. As they laughed and joked away, the oil painting fell from the wall and again landed on Ash, who was sitting on the lounge beneath it.
I never put that painting up again. Ever. It was just too freaky that it kept falling on Ash. I couldn't explain it or figure it out.

Ash had been dating a local girl for sometime and when it came to an end he was left devastated. He was almost 18 now and showed up one night asking if we wanted to go into town with him for some drinks. It was the 10th of the 11th.
When Ash showed up we had John Williamsons "True blue" playing loudly on the stereo and singing along to it. We could Ash singing as he walked up the steps to the front door.
For years I had taken care on or around the 11th of the 11th for obvious reasons... and it was getting close to midnight & was almost the 11th of the 11th.
Pete wanted to go but declined and stayed home with me instead. Ash left just before midnight to go in to town to drown his sorrows.

I didn't sleep well that night. I worried about Ash. He had left us to drive the 40 min trip into town, alone.
I got up just on daybreak when I heard sounds of laughter. I went to the window and saw that Ash had made it home. He lived in a little shack opposite us.
He had several friends with him including an old female friend from school who he appeared to be very happy with. I was happy he was happy and had made it home ok. It was now the 11th of the 11th.

I sat and watched them for a while longer and became concerned when I saw Ash was loading his dogs onto the back of the ute. It meant one thing. He was going pigging... they were clearly under the influence of alcohol and it was at this point, I feared the worse.
A part of me wanted so badly to go over and tell him to stay at home, but I knew he wouldn't listen. I also contemplated telling him about the 11:11 thing but I had lost friends before by telling them and knowing Ash he would just laugh it off and think I was saying it to get him to stay home. So I didn't.
Instead I watched them drive off into the distance...

I went back to bed and got up at about 9am. The first thing I did when I got up was check the window to see if he made it home ok.
I couldn't see his car but he was standing on the front porch with his female friend, laughing and cuddling and kissing. I watched them dissapear into the house and out of sight.

I was relieved he'd made it home but didn't even stop to think 'where is his ute?'
A short time passed and there was a knock at the door. It was his ex, Karen. She was being comforted by a friend as she could barely stand and was in hysterics crying. She says to me "Have you heard about Ash?" I said "No".
By now I could see heaps of his friends near the front of his house sitting in the gutter crying and sobbing and laying fowers. "He's been killed in a car accident", she said barely able to get the words out. "Early this morning".
I was shocked to say the least. "But I only just saw him at about 9 o'clock", I told her in denial. "You couldn't of" she said. "He was killed in a car accident much earlier this morning".
Ash had fallen asleep behind the wheel. He was killed as was 3 of his passengers including his female friend who sat beside him in the front. They'd run off the road and hit a gum tree hours before I had seen him and his friend dissapear into the house.
So it wasn't them I saw after all, it was their spirits - after death.

Ironically at the funeral the song they played was John Williamsons "True Blue". Again I looked at Pete and he looked at me and no words were needed.
Ash lost his life on the 11th of the 11th.

The signs were all there, like the oil painting of the gum tree that fell on Ash not once, but twice - but I didn't realise, until it was too late and he was gone. :cry:
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by k9angel11 »

Thanks Sandy. :hithere
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by happyrain »

dear k9angel
what an amazing story
i think you are very wise and a very caring person. you have a beautiful heart
the loud bangings would scare me half to death
the relationship and love you had for ash and even more amazing the image you say just before the news was delivered. how very touching. it's sad and painful but the message is so beautiful(seeing them hugging and kissing) it has given me so much to think about. the entire story !
i think these special relationships you share with others will follow you with the 1111 promptings through out your lifes journey
i've really enjoyed reading every word and think you are very mature to handle things the way you did with ash- i don't think i have that kind of understanding
you are a special soul and a blessing to this message board
thank you
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by k9angel11 »

Thankyou for your kind words Rain. :)

And yes, Ash's story does get you thinking... seeing them like that afterwards, it was as though he was letting me know he was ok.

I still think of him whenever I hear that song. Of all songs to play at his funeral, that is the one that his family chose.

Also another ironic twist to the story. A week or 2 before it happened we were sitting there one night when my brother suggested we go out out to the graveyard for a drive. We were all keen to go, except Ash. He did end up coming after the boys talked him into it but he was acting so weird when we were out there. He was far from his usual happy self that night and seemed very distant from the rest of us.
Little he knew in a few weeks time, that same graveyard was to become his final resting place... :( or maybe he did know (subconciously) and that's why he was so reluctant to go there in the first place...
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by mm1111 »

Dear k9angel-

Thanks so much for sharing, your experience had chills running up and down my arms! :shock: 8)
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by Sandy »

Dear k9angel11,
After reading your heart touching post yesterday,we walked to the post office to mail a cd and as I was passing a row of parked cars my eyes rested on a car license plate, the only one I was drawn too...It said Ash493 and I once again was reminded of Life and death and your loving words in regard to this remarkable young man. To our eyes he died way to young...and he will be loved and remembered by all I suspect who had the fortune to know him. In this tragedy there was a glimmer of hope for you and for all of us as you perhaps were given a glimpse of love beyond...a camaraderie we all share and a fervent hope, even a confirmation of faith that we will see again those whom we love again some distant day.

Thank you for sharing. I hope and pray that those affected by the loss of these young people find comfort in the knowledge of life, beautiful unstoppable life, that goes on beyond the confines of our mortal frames.
With Love,
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by k9angel11 »

Hi Sandy,
Thankyou for sharing that. What a coincidence, if it was indeed a coincidence...

Last year I lost my gorgeous Siberian husky Gypsy. She was 11 years and 11 months old when I lost her. She died on 20.7.11. She died suddenly and unexpectedly here in my arms at 11:55pm. She was my heartdog and best friend for all those years.
Gyps came into my life as a lost stray. She followed my brother home from Parramatta, on the train and all. lol. I remember opening the door for the very first time and seeing her standing there. It was love at first sight. :loves
A few weeks passed and Mum told me to take her to the vet and have her scanned for a microchip but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I walked to the vet with her on the lead, but got to the door and turned around and went back home.
Mum asked "How did you go?" I lied and said she didn't have one. I wasn't in the habit of lying to my Mum but it was just something I had to do. For both Gyps and for me.
Gyps & I formed an instant bond and were inseperable. I should note also that Gyps came into my life when I was going through a bad patch. I had just split up with an abusive boyfriend and he'd taken my other dog "Fellony", aswell as all my wordly possessiorns when he broke into my house while I was at work. :(
A month or two afterwards my brother accidently left the side gate open and Gyps got out. I searched everywhere for her. I was so lost without her and just wanted her back.
A couple weeks passed and still no sign of her. I thought I would never see her again. I had LOST signs up everywhere but it was as though she had dissapeared. :(
One day while I was a work Mum rang to tell me someone had found my dog. I didn't believe it and was in denial at first. My boss said I could go home early but I waited the last half hour before jumping in the car and driving home.
As soon as I pulled into the driveway, I burst into tears. It WAS Gyps after all. I ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug.
Turns out the lady who found her, took her to the vet, had her scanned and to her surprise - her own name showed up on the microchip. Gypsy had been found by her original breeder.
Sharon saw how attached I was to Gyps. Gyps had been sold to a pet shop @ 8 weeks then sold to a customer who hadn't transferred her into their name.
Sharon gave me her paperwork and she was officially mine to keep - forever. She was 8 months old.
For the next 11 years and 3 months she was my best friend. My heart, my soul, my life. I loved her and still love her with every bit of my heart.
I am still grieving her loss... :cry:

Just after losing Gyps I had to get another. It wasn't just a matter of wanting another dog, I needed one. I looked around with fellow rescuers (I rescue dogs myself) and checked with husky rescue to no avail. I got in ctc with a breeder here in Sydney who had a bitch expecting in the NT in August. (this was last year)
So I put my name down for a puppy. There was no garentee though that we'd get a black and white girl with blue eyes. But I waited. The months passed and Rani's due date was the 11.8.11. I KNEW she would have the pups on that day and even told friends and fellow rescuers. "Don't count on it" they'd tell me "Sometimes they can go a day or 2 late or early". I already knew this, being around dogs all my life - but also knew that she'd be born on the 11th.
I even felt the physical pains Rani was going through. I kid you not. As soon as the pains stopped I said to a friend "She's had them". She asks "How do you know?" I told her "Because those pains have stopped". She laughed...
I rang the breeder and sure as houses, I was right. The pups had been born. Just before lunch time. All 6 of them. And all black and white and all girls.

I never got Takoda to replace Gyps but the similarities are uncanny. They have been since day 1 when I bought Takoda home back in October last year. From the way she looks to the way she acts and all the little things in between. I know Gyps lives on in her.... Me and Gyps used to have this little thing where I would blink my eye at her and she'd do it back. Takoda does it too. And I am not the only one to notice. Everyone who knew Gyps and has met Takoda says the same thing and cannot believe it.
Also, many a time when I have taken a photo of Takoda and have been thinking of Gyps at the same time, the photo turns out with a rainbow glare through it or a ray of light or white orb. Prior to losing Gyps, those things never showed up in my photos and it's only when I take them of Takoda.

I have asked for signs. (from Gyps)
One night while I was sitting up alone I was thinking of Gyps as I admired Takoda sleeping at my feet on the floor. I thought to myself "Please Gyps, if you're in there - give me a sign - one I will know".
I got up to go to the bathroom and there on the floor before me, was the shape of a love heart that Takoda had just pee'd onto newspaper. lol.
It didn't hit me at first. I laughed and thought 'how sweet, my girls wee'd me a heart', I even took a pic to show my 5 yr old Son the next day. I had never seen a dog pee a heart shape before (and I've had a few).
I went to bed and as I lay there I thought 'if it is a sign from Gyps, why would she pee me a heart?' then it hit me - like a tonne of bricks - Gypsy died of a heart attack....

A week or so before Gyps died I had a dream. In the dream I lost something very precious to me. The engagement ring my Dad gave to my Mum back in the
70's. Dad died in 1993 and the ring was given to me in about 2004. Since then I have cherished it. It's one of the only things I have left from Dad.
Anyways in this dream I lost the ring. I sent a friend an email voicing my concern that I was going to lose something precious to me and I that I thought it was Gypsy.
She asked me if Gyps had been unwell or whether I was just being paranoid after losing 2 others only months before...
I replied that I wasn't sure and that I was really worried.
So I planned a picnic for the following weekend. I was going to take Gyps out to the river. That weekend didn't come. She died on the Wednesday, only days before our planned picnic....
Our connection was so strong, I sensed her impending departure.

About a week after I lost her I went to the shops and thought to myself as I got out of the car crying, 'How can this be? - Gyps has been in my life forever. How am I going to live without her?'. And it was as though Gyps had always been there in my life - but now she was gone - and I was lost. Seriously lost.
Later that night I spoke to a friend on the phone and had a good cry. She says to me "You know, Gypsy has always been in your life. In some form or another she has always been with you and she will be back". I told her I was only thinking the same thing today...
Kerri went on to tell me her own story of the time she lost her own heart dog only a few years prior.
She had a black shepherd called Sammy. When Sammy died Kerri was devastated, just like I was.
In the town where she lives, there was also a retriever dog that would always go walkabouts and jump up all over people, almost knocking them over as he did so. He had no manners and no training. Not his fault ofcoarse (his owners).
Anyways after Sammy died, the retriever started visiting Kerri everyday. He would turn up all hours of the night and cry at the door to be let in.
Kerri was lonely and felt sorry for him, so would let him in.
The thing is, Kerri said he was a totally different dog. He listened and even sat and shook hands on command.
Kerri said the guys at the mines would laugh and joke as she passed saying "What have you done with that dog Kerri, he's not the same dog?"
Everyone noticed the change.
One day Kerri's friend visited from out of town. When she arrived Kerri was out the front mucking around with the retriever. As they sat down to talk her friend says to her "You know, when I pulled up I could of sworn that was Sammy running beside you".
Her friend saw a black dog running with Kerri, NOT a golden one like the retriever was....
Kerri believes Sammy's spirit somehow got into the retriever to be with her again because he knew how much she was grieving. Another of her friends told her she had to go somewhere quiet and let him go.
Kerri said she went to a nice park, Sammy's favourite and sat and told him it was ok to leave, that she'd be ok.
From that day onwards the retriever went back to his silly old self and stopped visiting.
Oh and Kerri & Sammy have found eachother again, but that's a whole other story. :)
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by jack6251 »

Wow, that is one remarkable and touching story you shared there, thank you for it! It's true that our animals are very special, I mentioned in another thread that they're people too, I really believe this and as you mentioned, Gypsy had a personality of intelligence and unconditional love, dogs in particular are very free with their affections and it's unlimited. It's great that after Gypsy died, you continued your relationship and things worked out. I love stories like this, thanks!

I live in a tall apartment block of flats on floor 9 out of 10. I have a balcony where I can walk out to hang clothes etc, we're not allowed any pets at all on the whole for saftey reasons in case they fell through the railing bars or somehow jumped over, all very sensible, but it means I can't have a dog or a cat of my own :(. When I was a kid of about 3 or 4, we got a dog, she was a black and white scruffy mongrel that I insisted should be called Ben lol. Now, I know Ben is predominantly a male name, but there was a big black labrador up our street called Ben and most days I would scoot on my tractor I had to ride on, up to see him in his garden, he'd jump up to put his paws on the fence and say hello, slobering away hehe. Sometimes I'd climb over and throw a ball for him for a while. When we got our dog/puppy, no matter the sex, it was going to be called Ben, I'd put my foot down, a little pretencious of me at that age I know, but still, Ben it was. Everyone accepted this actually, the name Ben seemed to fit just nicely hehe. Ben had a good life with us, wanted for nothing. Unfortunately she developed cancer in her womb and we had to put her to sleep as it was too advanced, she was in great pain, but at the time I'd moved to live with my dad as me and my mother just weren't getting on, she was having a hard time of things in life and took a lot out on me and my sister. I visited my mother one week and was given the news about Ben, it devistated me for weeks and stayed with me for years, I deeply regreted not being around for her final moments.

But, due to the joys of all things 11:11, when that part of my mind started to wake up, I started having dreams about Ben and to this day, she makes a guest appearance in my dreams. She let me know all is well for her now, she wasn't in any more pain and I felt a sense of being forgiven from her for not being there and that I shouldn't kick myself any longer. She now tends to come in moments of trouble in my life in dreams.

I've promised myself that if ever I move out of where I currently live, one of the first things I'm going to do is get a dog, it's name will be called...Ben :)

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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by k9angel11 »

Thanks Jack and I hope you get a dog one day. I think everyone should have one. I couldn't live without one in my life. I have 5 of my own (2 ofwhich are foster failures) + 5 rescue dogs in care at the moment.

Ben sounded like a very special girl. I am sure she is letting you know she is ok when you dream of her...
I have only dreamed of Gyps a few times since but when I have dreamed of her I am not sad and upset but comforted in the fact that she seems happy and at peace.

My Dad died back in 1993. Not long after he died I had this dream that I was running through a beautiful field toward a little stone church like building. I went inside and Dad was laying there smiling. He wasn't in pain anymore or struggling to breath (died of lung cancer), but was happy and at peace.
Dad always used to joke that if he died he would come back to let us know there is life after death. He would give us a sign.
The day of Dads funeral as we sat in the church this huge fly was hanging around me. It would circle me, land on me at times and follow me. It didn't bother anyone else, only me.
I didn't think much of it at the time but as the days, weeks and months passed it would often visit whenever I was feeling down or blue or whenever something (not good) was going to happen in my life.
Still to this day, all these years later, it happens. Sometimes it will hang around for days on end. It will follow me out to the backyard and back inside again, follow me from room to room, wherever I go, it will go...
Ironically one of Dads favourite sayings when he was alive was "I wish I was a fly on the wall".
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by Sandy »

I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed reading the posts on this thread...how moving they are and how inspiring and comforting to those of us who like you both have lost someone of the fur and feathered and perhaps even of the scaled variety, that they love.

From the depths of my soggy little heart...thank you.
K9angel11, I will never look at a fly the same way again. :)
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by k9angel11 »

No need to thank me Sandy. :)

It's good to know there are people out there who understand and who are happy to listen, and most importantly who don't judge.

I haven't ventured that far into this forum yet but look forward to reading other's stories when I do get a chance.
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by k9angel11 »

Hi guys, hoping you're all well. :hithere

Are you all still experiencing 11:11? I am am. Stronger than ever. :)

Just thought I would give an update and share a couple of my recent 11:11 moments.

Two nights ago I was sitting in the loungeroom watching tv and came out to the kitchen to get something, I cannot even remember what it was, I went to get...
Anyways, as soon as I got into the kitchen I went to glance at the clock but for some reason turned away and didn't look at the time. As I did so though, something told me it was 11:11 so I quickly looked back at the clock and when I did, sure as houses, it was 11:11.
It is the first time I have done that. Usually I am not thinking about 11:11 at all and just look at it, but this time, I just knew - even without looking, that it was 11:11.

Then the night before I was in the kitchen and looked at the clock and it was 11:12.
I looked at the other clock (on the wall) and it said the same. I went to the loungeroom, sat down and the first thing I did (not meaning to, I had just looked at the time in the kitchen, but you know how you are just drawn to look?) was to look at the clock on the wall and yes you guessed it, it read 11:11.

Also, I have worked a few other things out re. the no. 11 in my life which I thought I'd share. :)

Earlier on I mentioned my heartdog Gyps and how I lost her last year. (R.I.P.)
She was 11 years and 11 months old when she passed away suddenly at 11:55pm on the 20.7.11. (when you add 2+7+1+1 you get 11)
Aswell as all the 'unexplained' similiarites between Gyps and Takoda, I also discovered there is exactly 22 days from the day Gypsy died (2 x 11= 22) to the day Takoda was born. Gyps died 11 days prior to the end of the month and Takoda was born exactly 11 days into the new month.
Takoda was born on the 11.8.11 and came onto my life on the 8.10.11. Again, add these numbers up (8+1+1+1) and you get 11.
Coincidence? I think not. ;)

I have also discovered that the house numbers I have lived in mostly add up to the no. 11, except for 3 of them. But this is the thing, in those houses where the numbers do add up to no. 11, the street names do too. (eg. 65 - 6+5=11 Kurim Avenue = 11 letters) They all have 11 letters in each! fascinating. (so there is a 11:11 ratio if that makes sense - house no. to street name) except for the 3 houses where both the street numbers and street names didn't equate to the no. 11.
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by Sandy »

Hello K9angel11! :hithere It is great to see you again on the board. I had almost finished a post to you on this thread hours ago when our power went Kaput and has only just come back on. But it was rather enjoyable to re read this thread and your experiences, to hear you speak so lovingly about Gypsy and your young friend, Takoda. I have been thinking about dogs today and all my furry friends from the past who made life all that much better. I guess what got me started on this train of thoughts was our walk to the post office and all the owners and dogs taking an afternoon stroll. I can't help but say, "Thank you God for Dogs!" :) and from there...birds, cats, fish lizards...etc...
Anyway, I enjoyed reading your latest post with all of your elevens!
Please give Takoda a scratch for us and please do keep the experiences coming.
It's good to have you back. :D
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by k9angel11 »

Thanks Sandy. :)

And yes, I will be sure to pass on some hugs and scratches to Takoda from you all.

Speaking of Gyps, it is my Birthday today and I have been a little down over the past couple of weeks, missing her. :( Although I know a huge part of her does live on in Takoda, I still miss her dearly. :cry:
I thought to myself a few days ago 'I wonder what Gyps will do for my Birthday, will she send me a rainbow?' ( I love rainbows and it wouldn't be the first time she has sent me one).
Then this morning as I was walking home from taking my Son to school, guess what I saw? Yes you guessed it, a beautiful big rainbow shining brightly in the morning sky. I know it was no coincidence.
I got all teary and smiled as I looked up at it, knowing full well Gyps sent it to me. (R.I.P. until we meet again girl - and thankyou. xxx :kiss: )
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Re: 11:11 My story

Post by Sandy »

Dear K9angel11,
I have tears in my eyes...what a wonderful birthday remembrance... a rainbow! :happy
That reminds me of that beautiful poem called the Rainbow Bridge. Have you ever read it? I'll see if I can find it for those who haven't.
Love, Sandy
The Rainbow Bridge
inspired by a Norse legend

By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
When their time on earth is over and done.

For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.

They romp through the grass, without even a care,
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears beep-beep forward, eyes dart front and back,
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.

For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
The time of their parting is over at last.

The sadness they felt while they were apart,
Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.

© 1998 Steve and Diane Bodofsky. All Rights Reserved.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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