The Galactic Federation?

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The Galactic Federation?

Post by TahjBo »

I have not posted to the forum for sometime time, I continue a strong connection to 11:11..... Lately I have been challenged in my search and understanding of 11:11.... The Galactic Federation of light in particular has stirred me up. I have never really resonated strongly with the teachings and guidance of the federation, although I strongly identify with the concept of the light and light working. I came across the concept of false light and true light. :shock: In this research I came across a body of information that accuses the Federation of being deceptive, false light. :roll The galactic federation uses 11:11..... :?:

Is there a duality behind 11:11 in the gain spiritual energy? Is it also used by false light entities to trick some souls to follow perceived ascended maters and angelic beings to feed off their energy, feeding their agenda?

Thank you

Tahjbo :baby
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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by sammy »

Hi Tahjbo,

I've never heard of the "galactic federation", so I can not answer your question. But I would suggest that you follow your heart and stick to light and love.

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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by Sandy »

Well, Tahjbo, I have heard of the Galatic Fereration but that's about it. I do not knowany of their writings and so I do not wish to comment on rightness or wrongness as it is each of our own place to find Truth. You can never go wrong if you follow Love as Sammy suggested. Sure, one spiritual branch may seem right for you for a time or perhaps another may provide valuable information that soothes the questions in you heart. But ultimately it does not really matter if we simply Love...Love...Love. Truth is bigger than any of us and our human conceptions of it...Truth as is Divine will be all of ours some day and all that is a little off in our thinking or understanding, perhaps, will gently fall away, unnoticed in the joy of the moment.
Love is uniting...I hope we all can remember that when beliefs threaten to divide us.
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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Sandy wrote:Well, Tahjbo, I have heard of the Galatic Fereration but that's about it. I do not knowany of their writings and so I do not wish to comment on rightness or wrongness as it is each of our own place to find Truth. You can never go wrong if you follow Love as Sammy suggested. Sure, one spiritual branch may seem right for you for a time or perhaps another may provide valuable information that soothes the questions in you heart. But ultimately it does not really matter if we simply Love...Love...Love. Truth is bigger than any of us and our human conceptions of it...Truth as is Divine will be all of ours some day and all that is a little off in our thinking or understanding, perhaps, will gently fall away, unnoticed in the joy of the moment.
Love is uniting...I hope we all can remember that when beliefs threaten to divide us.
With Love,
Hey Tahjbo! I'm glad that you have found us, and thank you for asking these questions as they do matter and it is important, I think, to share and to "have each other's backs" as human beings on the road to perfection and especially in these strange, exciting times.

I very, very strongly agree with the quote above. Just before I hopped into this thread, I was doing laundry (somehow, always seems to be such a meditative activity for me!) and was thinking to myself about my "religion" and how I would describe and explain it to others. That religion is Love, and like Sandy said, one spiritual branch or group or teachers, etc. might provide you a lot of useful wisdom and information but at the end of the day I feel you must follow love and the heart for the heart is where you discover your "truth", not the mind. Therefore, it may sound extreme but I believe that one must be willing (not that it means it is necessary) to drop and abandon ANY 'spiritual branch' if they were to start to feel like it was no longer resonating with their heart or the "truth bells" if you will. Obviously it doesn't mean that you have to drop every spiritual branch eventually, it just means that if it ever came down to it, I think it is important to be WILLING to go on the path alone if that's the path which finds love and follows your heart. For example, I would not hesitate to drop even this loving board which has been here so long for me, if I started to feel like something was off or if there were "strange teachings" that no longer resonated Love.

Just my two cents, hopefully one is a Lucky penny..

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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by sammy »

Lucky wrote:
Just before I hopped into this thread, I was doing laundry (somehow, always seems to be such a meditative activity for me!)
Wish it were for me! I have plenty here piling up if you ever need extra meditation time! :mrgreen:

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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by overmind »

Allow me to help out. The Galactic Federation is supposedly a large group of developed alien races, mostly human in origin, that are here to help us. It is well-known within the new age movement, as well as Star Fleet, Ashtar Command and the Arcturian group (as well as several different counsels). The new age movement itself is a large disorganized group of smaller groups of people that follow information from different channelers. There are many variations of stories, but most believe that our alignment with the galactic center in December will somehow have a big impact on individual ascension. While it is clear that we are receiving greater amounts of love/light energy from beyond the veil, it is not clear how such an alignment would be important. I don't really have much trust for their messages, but it is clear that there are extra-terrestrials all over the place.

However, this doesn't mean the Federation necessarily exists or that these channelings are correct. Normal channelers aren't as good/precise as T/R's, it is highly likely that most messages are affected by the beliefs of the individual. Few of the messages work with the Urantia text, although many will agree that the Divine Spark exists within everyone. Some beings are also misrepresented. "Archangel Michael" frequently chimes in with support for the GFL, but I can't be sure it is the real one. There are also channelings from Jesus or Sananda, which for some reason are thought of as the same being in these cases. The one claiming to be Jesus through these channelings doesn't seem to address himself as the creator and sovereign of this galaxy (this is not something most from the new age movement would be familiar with). A spiritual hierarchy is also mentioned, yet no one is capable of explaining what it consists of or how it is organized. These channelings can also be ego-inducing at times. People are often told that they are old souls from other areas in space, and will be the way-showers in the next age to come. I am still looking through the material and trying to figure it out, but this is currently the best summary I can provide concerning these (quite possibly false) teachings. It is always possible that I got something wrong, I am just generalizing.

One big problem with the GFL is that the aliens claim to be from higher dimensions, and this would require them to possess morontia bodies. It is likely that people on planets that are in the period of Light and Life are closer to morontia than us, but they still had to evolve in this dimension (which reduces the number of inhabitable planets, although there are still many). For one thing, this would means that the Pleiadians are fakes, because that area of the galaxy is supposed to be too hot to support life. Now everything does change if evolution is allowed to occur at higher densities than ours, but I would need to hear confirmation from the Life Carriers to be convinced. Just remember that the GFL is extremely intertwined in these channelings, there is little concrete evidence about the true nature of such beings until some sort of disclosure event. I think I covered quite a bit, and the topic of aliens doesn't have too much to do with this site, so it is probably best that I don't discuss these things for a long time on the forum. Someone eventually gets angry when I talk too much. WHIST
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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by happyrain »

Sandy wrote: Love is uniting...I hope we all can remember that when beliefs threaten to divide us.
With Love,
interesting thread thank you
sandy. wow. me too. thank you for your thoughts. i'm praying for clarity with you.

and willpower.
thank you.

- - -
For one thing, this would means that the Pleiadians are fakes, because that area of the galaxy is supposed to be too hot to support life. Now everything does change if evolution is allowed to occur at higher densities than ours, but I would need to hear confirmation from the Life Carriers to be convinced.
this is random but something you said here reminded me of this ! it had me think on all types of life. my friend posed an idea to me once of alien life existing as a gaseous entity.
it just goes to show, whether you agree with the previous statement or not, there's more to life than what we know- any ideas we might have as to the rules of life or the way things operate- are limited
pretty neat huh ?
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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by overmind »

It is clear that life exists at all levels/densities, but evolutionary life starts at the lowest. Natural evolution requires a continuous birth and death cycle, and I'm not sure how that would play out in higher dimensions. So if an alien race says they are just like us (like if they said they were human), and also said they were from a planet made of gas, I would have to be rather skeptical. I am convinced life has to evolve on planets made of rock or liquid. If life were to exist in a gaseous environment, it would have to have originally been created in a state were it could thrive in such conditions. But then there are still the issues of temperature and the speed of wind (or the pressure system). No alien message seems to cover this information in detail, which means we have to guess based on our limited knowledge.
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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Thank you for sharing what you could about the Galactic Federation, Overmind. :) I'd like to comment on a couple of things mentioned in your post good sir. I hear you about the "someone eventually gets angry" part and unfortunately the line is not always clear between what could be acceptable, useful conversation versus what is alleged to be "out of line" or unnecessary, so I shall not go on much further about the topic of aliens but at the very least, your post has inspired me to offer a couple of spiritual and philosophical views of mine.

overmind wrote:There are many variations of stories, but most believe that our alignment with the galactic center in December will somehow have a big impact on individual ascension. While it is clear that we are receiving greater amounts of love/light energy from beyond the veil, it is not clear how such an alignment would be important.
I am not about to deny the possibility that this galactic event may have some sort of significance, if only as an artful spectacle or basic physical process of space, but despite the amount of people who rave about it, I've indeed yet to see ANY worthy explanation or description of what this alignment entails and how it is important. Not too long ago, I was reading some bits in the Urantia Book that were much along the lines of conclusions I had been making myself some time before; I'll do my best to see if I can dig up whatever I read, but essentially the book was talking about the primitive tendency of man to explain perfectly natural and ordinary events through supernatural causes and fantastical mystification. I feel that even if this galactic alignment turns out to be heavily affective of our world, it is still a phenomenon with some sort of logical, physical, scientific explanation (even if we can't figure it out) and not some wild, mystifying, supernatural event. The quotes below remind me of how even so many people today have such fear and awe for these "unexplainable" events. From the Urantia Book:

Paper 86 - Early Evolution of Religion

86:0.2 "Man’s earliest prereligious fear of the forces of nature gradually became religious as nature became personalized, spiritized, and eventually deified in human consciousness. [...]"

86:2.3 "The primitive mind was logical but contained few ideas for intelligent association; the savage mind was uneducated, wholly unsophisticated. If one event followed another, the savage considered them to be cause and effect. What civilized man regards as superstition was just plain ignorance in the savage. Mankind has been slow to learn that there is not necessarily any relationship between purposes and results. Human beings are only just beginning to realize that the reactions of existence appear between acts and their consequences. The savage strives to personalize everything intangible and abstract, and thus both nature and chance become personalized as ghosts — spirits — and later on as gods."

86:2.5 "But to continue to ascribe things difficult of comprehension to supernatural causes is nothing less than a lazy and convenient way of avoiding all forms of intellectual hard work [...]"
overmind wrote:Normal channelers aren't as good/precise as T/R's, it is highly likely that most messages are affected by the beliefs of the individual.


These channelings can also be ego-inducing at times. People are often told that they are old souls from other areas in space, and will be the way-showers in the next age to come.
I strongly feel this way as well, especially that "these channelings can be ego-inducing at times" when it comes to many various groups and movements centered around information passed on through channelers, which often starts to look like a centering around the individuals themselves. I do see the benefits and the sincerities to be found in organized religion, social groups, etc. however I can't help and probably never will shake my leeriness of anything that appears to be misguided worship or "cult-like" behaviour.

I'm starting to give myself a headache typing right now but I hope my thoughts came out coherently and that nothing I said seemed too arrogant or presumptuous.

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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by overmind »

I don't think any of it was arrogant or presumptuous, although I myself possess the fear that I may do something along these lines. The business with the alignment I can explain a little more in detail. Supposedly it will affect our grid of consciousness that does indeed exist, making it evolve somehow to facilitate higher forms of love on this planet. Now in some cases it is true that this grid is improving, however I wouldn't blame this sort of thing on the position of celestial bodies. This is all thanks to spirit imo. One of the goals of the Magisterial Mission, for instance, is cleaning up this grid of consciousness (which acts as a kind of memory of past behavior) so that mankind can have a fresh start and forget the tribulations of the old ways. Another more long-term goal is cleaning up the borderland, removing negative thought-forms (mortals can participate after the required training). Things like hate and fear will be less likely to appear within the minds of individuals without reason. Even those within the new age groups agree that we are getting light/energy from other sources. Although not too much has been revealed yet, Christ Michael has stated that a lot of spiritual work will be behind us during or after this year. Things are being accomplished.

Now there is another aspect with the Mayan prophesy that makes it rather absurd, and that is the part about "waves". This aspect entails that this earth is the center of the universe, that it existed since the beginning of creation and that life on this planet somehow implicates what is going on everywhere else. The waves of energy that we apparently go through correlate with certain ages. After each wave of energy, somehow time itself speeds up by ten times. This means there were fewer "waves" in the past, and that most were happening during our evolution. As silly as this mode of thought is, there are many who are mislead by this and enjoy linking current events to the wave of energy we are supposedly experiencing. The good news is people will realize how untrue most of it is during 2013. The energy we are experiencing more and more is quite simply a stronger experience of love, or at least that is how I view it.
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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by LurkerAbyss »

overmind wrote:Now in some cases it is true that this grid is improving, however I wouldn't blame this sort of thing on the position of celestial bodies.

The energy we are experiencing more and more is quite simply a stronger experience of love, or at least that is how I view it.
Thanks for your input as always Overmind, I always enjoy and appreciate your willingness to share your insights combined with your well of knowledge. And I have singled out the two sentences above from your post in order to say: I feel the same way. :)

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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by LurkerAbyss »

It may not be very relevant to the discussion but the talk and thought of alien life had me thinking (and reading about) the myriad types of mortal beings that the Urantia Book talks about being in existence.. pretty amazing! Although I have to say that one of the most intriguing lines by far out of the whole paper has to be near the end of Section 3: "You would be more than interested in the planetary conduct of this type of mortal because such a race of beings inhabits a sphere in close proximity to Urantia." Hmm.. :?: :idea:

Paper 49 - The Inhabited Worlds
Urantia Book, Paper 49, Section 3 - Worlds of the Nonbreathers (link broken)

P563:4, 49:3.1 The majority of inhabited planets are peopled with the breathing type of intelligent beings. But there are also orders of mortals who are able to live on worlds with little or no air. Of the Orvonton inhabited worlds this type amounts to less than seven per cent. In Nebadon this percentage is less than three. In all Satania there are only nine such worlds.

P563:5, 49:3.2 There are so very few of the nonbreather type of inhabited worlds in Satania because this more recently organized section of Norlatiadek still abounds in meteoric space bodies; and worlds without a protective friction atmosphere are subject to incessant bombardment by these wanderers. Even some of the comets consist of meteor swarms, but as a rule they are disrupted smaller bodies of matter.

P563:6, 49:3.3 Millions upon millions of meteorites enter the atmosphere of Urantia daily, coming in at the rate of almost two hundred miles a second. On the nonbreathing worlds the advanced races must do much to protect themselves from meteor damage by making electrical installations which operate to consume or shunt the meteors. Great danger confronts them when they venture beyond these protected zones. These worlds are also subject to disastrous electrical storms of a nature unknown on Urantia. During such times of tremendous energy fluctuation the inhabitants must take refuge in their special structures of protective insulation.
P564:1, 49:3.4 Life on the worlds of the nonbreathers is radically different from what it is on Urantia. The nonbreathers do not eat food or drink water as do the Urantia races. The reactions of the nervous system, the heat-regulating mechanism, and the metabolism of these specialized peoples are radically different from such functions of Urantia mortals. Almost every act of living, aside from reproduction, differs, and even the methods of procreation are somewhat different.

P564:2, 49:3.5 On the nonbreathing worlds the animal species are radically unlike those found on the atmospheric planets. The nonbreathing plan of life varies from the technique of existence on an atmospheric world; even in survival their peoples differ, being candidates for Spirit fusion. Nevertheless, these beings enjoy life and carry forward the activities of the realm with the same relative trials and joys that are experienced by the mortals living on atmospheric worlds. In mind and character the nonbreathers do not differ from other mortal types.

P564:3, 49:3.6 You would be more than interested in the planetary conduct of this type of mortal because such a race of beings inhabits a sphere in close proximity to Urantia.
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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by overmind »

I wonder how close that proximity really is, it could still be in another solar system. Or maybe it is mars, our moon or one of Jupiter's moons.
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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hey Overmind,

I suspect that this proximity does indeed refer to another solar system, and yes to us this may not seem very close but I am certain that, with time, the expansion and development of the space exploration program will render these solar systems closer and closer. I realize that "with time" might mean *quite a bit* of time, but hey.. if only the money being haemorrhaged into ridiculous things like military could be put to use for things actually progressive and beneficial to humanity (like space), who knows how much we could speed up all the "one day"s..

Another thing I suspect is that there is a lot of potential discovery and interest to be found in the moons of those other planets you mentioned, such as Jupiter.

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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by nobadges »

I am very familiar with the Galactic Federation.
I have read out of interest most of their literature.
They publish a weekly update channeled by Sheldan Nidle every Tuesday.
You can visit their website it's easy to find on the web.
I don't promote them although I have studied them with interest for a number of years.
Much of what they have to say is good stuff, but much of it needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
For me, it is mainly for entertainment purposes as many of their references to things like replicators, tractor beams, and even their name, the Galactic Federation, is drawn directly from Star Trek.
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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by nobadges »

Interestingly enough the above post I just made on this topic was my 111th!
Take what meaning you may from that!
Kinda shocked me.
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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by LurkerAbyss »

nobadges wrote:Discernment, as always is your friend!
Agreed, indeed :)

And happy 111th post! Aha, gotta love those

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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by overmind »

After some more research, I actually found out that many of the beliefs from the new age movement actually come straight from theosophy. Recently I decided to figure out who this St. Germain fellow was, it turns out most of the myths about the guy came from the theosophists. In fact, theosophy is where the whole "ascended master" belief comes from, which dominates the channelings of most of those participating in this movement. They also believe in a spiritual hierarchy, but it isn't nearly as organized or descriptive as the cosmic/spiritual government we know about from the UB. It just reminds me of George's more recent message from One Without Name or Number: "Let not the confused ramblings of ‘minor celestials and their deluded channelers’ throw their ugly shadows on the Correcting Time to the detriment of decades of your labor and a century of our preparations."
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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by JonahBC »

Overmind - That is how I understand the recent message too....makes sense to weed out the ambitious individuals... not to worry though they too will find their way home...

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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by overmind »

I have little to worry about. If little happens at the end of the year, there will be a lot of people turning away from bogus information. It will be a good chance to convince people to find truth by contacting God from within themselves, contrary to looking for information from outside sources you barely know. The reason I mention the origin of these beliefs is because messages/channelings are shaped by them. If someone adopts something from theosophy, naturally the messages they receive will reflect this belief. This is especially true if someone hopes to contact a being described by Madame Blavatsky, for instance. You would have to accept the description before making contact, and the message would then be automatically biased in certain ways. I found that St. Germain was a real person who was a member of various secret societies. And if someone were to believe this man were an "ascended master", they expect the being they are contacting to use certain vocabulary or information relevant to their beliefs about the said individual. This is certainly one reason why the messages received are usually vague, if not meaningless to an outsider.
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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by raregem »

My issue with GFL is their complete idea THEY are the "saviours" and we will be damned if,
we do not choose to go with them.
This has been the problem with religions and cults. This is a subtle fear promotion on a sub-conscious level.
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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by smpeterson »

The problem with the new age is it focuses on making everything all positive or all negative instead of what is. Start seeing what is instead of only what you want to see out of fear of what is or what can be negative.

Numerologically 1's are about the self and projects etc, and if you look at the environment it is this energy that is going overboard and becoming self-destructive for us. Peoples health is suffering and the environment. I started seeing 11:11 and other numbers after burning out and i don't think that was coincidence. I wasn't paying attention to what I was manifesting. Then I started seeing 11:11 and 9:11 frequently, waking up in the night to 2:22 and 3:33. Something literally wanted me to "get" that I needed to "wake up." The 1 energy needs to be used instead in service to one/whole, God.

11 is the number of justice (and the justice card in the tarot) and the 11'th hour is associated with the judgement. God calls his servants in the 11th hour and they are meant to do his service and to awaken. 11:11 is the awakener. Its not about wishing for abundance when you see it because how we define abundance is all about self again. We have so much that we can afford to waste and still wish for more while the whole and Gods creation/Nature suffers for our feelings of never having enough. The message I receive is that 11:11 is a call to awaken to a collective consciousness and to begin to wake up to the collective fruits we are sowing from collective seeds(thoughts). Remember, you will recognize the true prophet and the truth from what is false from its fruits. 11:11 signals a time to awaken to understanding of God and service to the whole instead of just the self. When we care about the whole and are fair,just and responsible with our actions, then good fruits in the world result. When we are selfish and only serve the self through the negative energy of the 1 and the 11 (selfishness, greed and treating everything as buy and sell), then bad fruits take place on the Earth, environmental degradation, lack of peace etc. Yes, 11:11 is a call and yes you are loved and supported. if you are seeing it over and over again with other combinations particularly 911 (9+1+1 = 11), make sure you are listening.
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Re: The Galactic Federation?

Post by Sandy »

Hello smpeterson,
I got all wrapped up in work outside the home yesterday and so I am sorry I failed to welcome you in a timely manner.
You have some interesting points of discussion. I think that seeing things either positively or negatively is a very human way of categorizing and in fact can be very real depending on the way you view the situation. For instance, I remember in a numerology book I read many years ago whose overall intent was to help us live up to our life purpose as exhibited in numerology, they listed birth numbers in both the negative and positive. I remember how surprised I was to discover how aptly I was described in both instances. So it seems I am a being of both positive and negative actions and reactions. Yet overall, I do not dwell on an individual who is doing the best I can in any moment I do not beat myself up when I seem less then what I l wish to be...It would be pointless and silly.
But this is just me and my take on things. I would in no way wish to say that I know everything about what is right or true for someone else. Life is about finding our way... discovering the joys of our place in the Universe filled with zillions of children of God...siblings to each of us. It is about overcoming unhealthy obstacles of self, worry, fear, "debasement" etc...but it is also joyful and freeing and sometimes a bit overwhelming as the path widens and narrows and widens again. There are many paths we can take some travel right through established religions some through the so called "New Age" thoughts and disciplines...but in all these cases, I think we can say that all these people are exercising their right to search for God, learning the lessons along the way as their journey provides. Some treks may seem slow, some fast in regards to new avenues of openness and discovery but they all have some merit to the individual who travels them... and we will all learn every time we reach to the stars in pray and even better when we pause to listen... and we will learn at our own pace.

If we follow Love and the fruits that the Spirit provides we will not loose our way and the world slowly gravitates towards what is beneficial to all people. Within Love and with Love (the essence of God) applied to the foundation of everything we do, we can effectively contribute to a healthy world.
As I said earlier, this is of course, my take on things...It is simplistic but realistic...(hopefully :lol: )

I enjoyed reading your post and I support you in this desire to see the whole world reap the physical and spiritual benefits of enlightened ways of seeing, being and thinking.
Nice to meet you!
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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