What's Going On Here?

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What's Going On Here?

Post by JohnR »

I was driving a couple of weeks ago, fell asleep and had an experience that was very unusual.

Because in my first post at this website I described another instance of falling asleep while driving I need to explain a couple of things first so everyone won't think I fall asleep all the time, because I don't. I work nights and don't have any problems staying awake. That is, until they stick me on a day shift for a day and then I have to go back to nights. When that happens I have a very hard time staying awake the first night. This has only happened twice in 8 months, and it won't happen again because next time I am scheduled to do that (if ever- I explained to the boss I can't do that) I will simply tell him I won't do it. Don't worry friends, it'll be OK. I won't lose my job over that, no way.

Another thing: Although this has already been iterated in another post I need to describe again the first instance of falling asleep because it may have some bearing on my present story. I was in really bad shape. I couldn't see straight, was almost asleep, and what happens? My wife calls me and the first thing she says is "I know you're in trouble, what's wrong"?! Apparently, she had been asleep in her bed, woke up, and knew I was in trouble. This still blows me away when I think about it! Well, talking to her got me wide awake and I made it to where I was going OK.

So here I am again a couple weeks ago, in the same predicament. My wife couldn't call me again because she is now deceased. I know that I fell asleep and my eyes had closed because a voice in my head said quite forcefully "Open your eyes"! I assume this happened as soon as I closed my eyes, but I will never be sure because I was asleep. Know what I mean? I could have been out for some seconds. You can't tell when you're asleep! At any rate, when I heard "Open your eyes" it did not feel like me saying that. It felt exactly like someone/something had put that thought in my head. I am now conscious again and in that first instant I knew my eyes were shut because everything was black. So yeah, I jerked my eyes open! In that first instant before I opened my eyes, in the blackness, an image started to form. An instant later my eyes are open and the image continues to materialize right in front of me, taking, I would say, about 3 seconds to fully form. OK, I'm thinking, something ain't right here. When you have a dream the dream ends when you open your eyes, right? I have never experienced this before, of this I am certain. The image is of a blonde-haired woman dressed in a flowing robe which was colored in a pattern of pastel yellow, pastel blue, and pastel sea green, the colors being separated by narrow bands of black. I could only see her down to her waist, and for some reason I wasn't getting distinctive facial features. The image appeared 2 dimensional. This is totally weird because I am seeing normally, but I have this 2D image of this woman who looked like she was about 8 or 10 feet in front of my windshield. It looked like someone who may have been sleeping or resting on their side and rolled over on their back, thereby facing me right when the image was forming. I was seeing this from a perspective of being above the woman looking down at her, like what you would see if you were standing at the foot of someone's bed on a chair and looking at them. A few seconds later the image faded away. The woman's hair color, style and length was identical to that of my wife. The face was full and round like my wife's. I'm not suggesting it was my wife because as I said I wasn't getting a conscious imprint of facial features for some reason and I don't have a bias one way or another on whether it was her or not. At least I'm trying not to.

But I am wondering if it is possible the image could have been my wife. And if not, who was this person? I am going to claim that this entity rescued me that night. This is what I call a miracle. I am not a kook. The night my wife called me and woke me up was the first time something really odd had ever happened to me. Some of you know me as a person who took a serious spiritual path 3 months ago when my wife died. If I get to look forward to spiritual experiences like this for the rest of my life, it should be really interesting. :)
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Re: What's Going On Here?

Post by sammy »

Wow John!

I can not tell you what you experienced there, or whether it was your wife or not. But what a marvelous experience! Do you have a "gut" feeling about who you saw (besides the face that the image was similar to your wife)?

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Re: What's Going On Here?

Post by Sandy »

Hi John,

First of all I want you to know I am glad you are able to relate this amazing incedent to us and that you were not hurt in what could have been a dangerous situation. Many of us here have heard a voice and sometimes in life saving situations as this one was for you. Two insidents that spring quickly to mind, one with George when he was warned in a no nonsense voice very forcefully to "GET OFF THE ROAD NOW!" just minutes before a huge truck carrying cut trees pummelted over the spot his car occupied. One of our Mods Petra also reported that her husband had a similar experience when he was walking along the highway berm (his job entailed road work) He was told to "MOVE" and move he did before a car crashed out of control. So these warnings are something very tangible and arrive to us by various means. Like Sammy I can't tell you for sure who warned you but I must admit I thought of the willowy Midwayer, Sharmon, known to be quite the dresser, and also quite tall when I read your post. She is often around when I see the prompt, 06. But not for long as she works as a speedy messenger in the spirit world.

Glad you are okay and it is good to hear from you on this rainy Thursday.

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.

Re: What's Going On Here?

Post by JohnR »

Hi Sammy-
No, I don't have any gut feelings about who that could have been. However, my wife, while still alive (no less!) awoke from a slumber and called me the first time I fell asleep at the wheel. This really makes me wonder if it could have been her coming to me from wherever she is now, to rescue me again! But I'm not clear if newly "ascended" spirits can or are allowed to act on us earthly mortals. Because the hair and facial shape of this entity was that of my wife I would conclude, as a guess, it would have been her.

I pray about a lot of things now, every day. One of the things I pray while driving is "Father, please stay close to me and protect me from harm as I do my work tonight". Prayer has the power to literally manifest things in our lives, and it certainly manifested something for me on that night. Belief is everything! :idea:

Hi Sandy-
It's good to get your input and hear about some other people who have heard a voice that wasn't their own. It is a real blessing to have a forum like 1111angels where we can come and discuss these things with other people who care! Take care, :hithere
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Re: What's Going On Here?

Post by happyrain »

hi john i'm really enjoying reading all the experiences from our newest members. i'm starting to wonder myself if what you were perceiving only seemed 2D because of the dimension we're in, is only capable of seeing it that way. idk if that makes sense but perhaps you were seeing someone from another dimension, 'peering through the veil.' love is a wonderful thing and the connections we make because of it, these discoveries are blowing me away. thanks for sharing !

Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity

Re: What's Going On Here?

Post by JohnR »

Hi .rain,
Yeah, that's kinda the way I saw it. I was allowed to peer through the veil at someone who spoke to me. This stuff is blowin' me away as well!

Take care,
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Re: What's Going On Here?

Post by nasra1996 »

Yeah, like Sandy said, i was thinking of Sharmon too when i read your post, image sounds similar, ive had a dream visit from someone looking similar and she gave me a message from a few deceased people to pass on to someone alive .. she was very graceful and tall, perhaps she or some midwayer came to visit you through your deceased wifes request or both her and the midwayers... be careful, and safe travels

much love

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Re: What's Going On Here?

Post by Zachary »


Thats a cool story man. I can relate a little bit. Ive come so close in life with disasters that seemed like they shoulda happened but never did. And after it happened it made me think woah, someones watchin over me. I cant relate to actually seeing something distinctive. But when you talked about the furure being interesting... I bet it will, because i thought that at one time in the past and my present time certainly is interesting. And full of spiritual awareness. Good luck man.

Much LOVE,
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Re: What's Going On Here?

Post by happyrain »

JohnR wrote:Hi .rain,
Yeah, that's kinda the way I saw it. I was allowed to peer through the veil at someone who spoke to me. This stuff is blowin' me away as well!

Take care,
hey you can call me eric
or rain :lol: no . necessary :P

haha ok thanks have a nice day !
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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