The Secret

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Re: The Secret

Post by bubble_ov_light »

the other day, i was in a store with my sister a large food store and i was explaining to my sister i wanted to make a book of what i wanted and use the secret. As i was explaining the secret and how it works to my sister the super market lights all flicker as if they were going to go out. lol so i stopped and we changed the subject... was this a sign of some sort or just coincidence?
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Re: The Secret

Post by Geoff »

Dear Bubble,

When something happens ONCE, you cant deduce much logically. All you can trust is what your INTUITION tells you. There is some truth in The Secret, but its not nearly as precise or as certain as they tell you, and there are Spiritual Laws they dont know about too. All those folks living in Somalia, with their kids dieing of hunger and disease, can apply the notions of The Secret all they like, and it wont solve Somalia's problem. Yes I have materialized things, but it does not happen every day. And if I tried to materialise EVERYTHING, it would not happen.

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Re: The Secret

Post by bubble_ov_light »

Hi geoff,

My intuition told me that even though it may not work it would still be a positive thing as It would help me understand what or who I want to bring into my life. I felt it was a sign and so did my sis. I felt it as reassurance to do it! It was the day I saw 11.11 when I arrived at the train station.

Bubble :)
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »


Welcome to the mb dear Bubble (cute name!) bubble of love, bubble of excitement...all good things..

I agree with Geoff, about the manifestation thing...mostly because it takes alot more than just applying some positive thoughts....

The book "The Secret" was based on the Law of Attraction, and a book called Ask and It Is Given, written by Esther and Jerry it was channeled through Esther, from a group consciousness called 'Abraham'....

whether it was luck or not,,I happened to get introduced to Ask and It Is Given, before the book the Secret came out, and when I saw the movie of The Secret, I was quite frankly a tad disappointed....for they did NOT, explain what the Secret really was, nor how it really worked....they gave a great overview, which excited quite a few people, who desperately thought if they followed the Secret book, they would be manifesting whatever they wanted like poof!.....well it was poof, because for most,,nothing happened.

Jerry and Esther wrote several books with the guidance of Abraham,,,The Law of Attraction, The Art of Deliberate Creation, and others,,,,but the ONLY book,,,that actually gives you the process,,,and exercises to practise,,is "Ask and It Is I really hope you will acquire that book,,,,besides buying it, I actually found it on line one time.....

and have I manifested anything....well,,,yes...but not poof, like it's not there and then poof, it is there,,,and there are people who haqve done that....I take the slow route, for me it works better,,,it may take longer, however the changes you make in your life,,,last a lifetime....with better results as you go...

so, bless your heart,,,and good luck for the determination it takes to become successful...

pp :mrgreen:
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Re: The Secret

Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone! :hithere With it being 11/11/11 here (it's about 6:15pm currently here in California), I naturally thought of you all, and I wanted to just pop in and say hi! As many of you know, I usually write huge long posts whenever I visit these boards, and have been trying for years to learn (without much success! :roll: ) how to sometimes write short posts as well, which would enable me to post more often! I keep thinking, each time I post, that I'll be back again sooner this time around, along with answering people's specific posts, in a more timely manner, etc., but so far I mostly haven't! :oops: Oh well, I will accept myself just as I am anyway! :D

It's great to read everyone's words again (this time around, I've just skimmed through all the pages that have been added since I was last here rather than reading them in detail -- sometime when I have a couple of hours, I'll sit down and read through everything I've missed in more detail like I did sometime during the summer! :D ) Among other things, it's great to see you here again, PP! -- I think when I wrote in sometime during the summer, I was reading back through the thread and saw that you'd asked about me at one point, and then I was asking about you when I got here, but we were never actually both here at the same time! Forgive me if I missed some info so far, but did you ever sell your place? I thought I saw, while skimming through messages, that you were throwing things out and packing things up?

Sandy, I'm really sorry -- you asked last time about the online eBay art gallery that Ron and I are in, and were asking for the URL (and I think a couple others had expressed interest too), and you've asked about where you can see my art before in the past, and I've never sent the info! I guess even after all this time, I'm still a little shy about my art! :roll: Okay, here it is: The gallery is the United Folk Art Studio: . If you click on the "ARTISTS" link on the lefthand side, you can then click on the individual artists' names to see their specific artwork. I happen to have 8 items up there at the moment, which is more than usual, mostly whimsical cats (my favorite subject!), and Ron has quite a few up there too (he's more prolific than I am, so he always has at least twice as much stuff listed as me! :lol: ), and his are mostly abstracts, which tend to be his favorite subject.

We even finally put some of our art in the local art gallery here starting at the end of October for this year's holiday exhibit, which runs through Christmas. It's our first real involvement with the community here in Ben Lomond, and thank goodness, this gallery, and the people here in general, are nothing at all like what we found with our previous in-person art gallery (as some of you probably recall my horror stories about a few years back on this thread! :shock: )! So far, it seems we've attracted a much better situation this time around! :thumleft:

I could go on and on (as always! :roll: :lol: ), but need to end here for now. As always, I do hope to get back here again sooner and catch up more thoroughly at some point! :finger:

Lots of Love to All :kiss: ,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

AquaDeb!!!!!! You know I was just thinking this morning (a bit sadly I might add... :) )that we hadn't seen you. So it was so good to see your post this afternoon. I must say, I think you did a good job keeping it "smallish", for us gabby posters anyway. I just checked out your online gallery and loved your work and Rons as well! Very nice and Such adorable little kitties! That reminds me... I have finally made friends after three long year, with the Doc's cat next door. So I am in a kitty mood these days. :D I can imagine that it wouldn't be easy to put a part of you out there like that. But your work is uplifting and pleasant on the eyes and the emotions... so no worries.
It is good to hear that you are finding the local gallery life so much bettter then it was in your former town. I suspect you both learned a lot from that encounter as hard as it was. It may serve to very well pave the way for your future choices and gallery experiences. But I must say I am glad that chapter of your life is behind you even though I loved where you lived in the trees!
Please don't be a stranger (not that you ever could be) but pop on and say Hi when ever time and inclination allows. You will always be a much loved member of our family! :kiss:
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Re: The Secret - My First Prayer to Monjoronson

Post by 555 »

Hello Friends,
I am sorry I didn't sign in for some days... Perhaps nothing important to share. But tonight I would like to share with you my first prayer to Monjoronson. If you want to hear it, click on the link below and when the page opens click on "Prayer to Monjoronson" to download the prayer and listen to it. Do not pay attention to my broken English. If I would pray in Portuguese you probably could not understand, so, please, bear with me and my broken English. ... 295%21313#
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Re: The Secret - Animal Instincts

Post by 555 »

Sad to see that nobody is posting on the Secret... But I understand, I see that you are very busy in other threads, welcoming new people and comforting others. That is what love about this board you all are so caring... We don't see this much in other places.
Well, I just stopped by to say that today I caught my animal instincts on their very rare exhibition. After enjoying very good modified pasta that I found in the fridge (I hope nobody wanted it anymore), I saw myself licking the plate! Just like Shaboy, my dog in Philippines, would do with the container to taste the food to its very last residues.
I am willing so bad to experience a trance, that I ended up experimenting a little. I took ¾ of a sleep pill to see if I would go sleep and still be conscious… No, it didn’t work. I woke up with lots of pain in my body and that sensation that you are sleepy-walking. But I think I am close to get there. It should be easy; apparently. I should only follow George instructions and “Go deeper now”.
I hope you all are having a good day, or morning, or evening.
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »


I got a chuckle from your post,,,,animal instincts, perhaps we could call it...good to the last drop. Some flavours just keep us wanting more...

I'm glad you discovered that pills don't aid meditation....we just have to learn the right method for each of us.

Georges AC CD teaches us how to lower your brains waves, so that you can reach that Alpha state on your terms. The hardest part for me was 'stilling the mind' and not to have any expectations. so when you want to get to that trance state it requires you to be completely relaxed,,,,and 'let go' of all thoughts and desires. It takes, patience, perseverance and much, much practise....especially if you are 'waiting' for something to happen.

So just start to practise by daydreaming,,,,use deep breathing to relax you,,,in and out,,with no pausing inbetween breaths. when random thoughts pop in, just let them drift by,,,,keep breathing,,and when you feel quite relaxed use track 3 of the AC CD, and just follow what George says,,,,stay relaxed and keep breathing, nice slow deep breaths. If you fall asleep, no worries...just do it again and again and again.

blessings, pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

hello friends,

Jose, I am so sorry! To be honest I thought I had posted after reading your beautiful prayer to Monjoronson. It had me in tears and so I surmise that I must have done one of those aggravating mistakes...hitting the submit button and not waiting to make sure the post actually was submitted rather than previewed. As you know, if you click away from a preview of a post it is hard to get it back and impossible once you have moved on and posted elsewhere. Well, impossible for me who has a not so good relationship with my computer, anyway. :roll

I too smiled at your last post and have been there before...when something was just too good to be finished! :bana: It also reminded me of a story George told me of being a little boy in Netherlands when it was occupied in World War 2. Food was extremely scarce, so what little they had had to be maximized as best they could. George's parents made the children lick their plates to get every ounce of nutrition from their meager fare. He then recounted how after the war a day came when they were told NO MORE licking their plates! It was a bit confusing for a young one, I suppose...How I wish that no children ever have to experience these shortages of food and security. He was blessed, though, in that he was so loved. Love doesn't make the hunger pangs go away...but it soothes and feeds the soul I think.
Love to all of you :kiss:
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Re: The Secret - Prayer Answered

Post by 555 »

Hello friends,
I am so happy. God, Christ Michael and his associates are so good! I am so thankful to all of them.
For reasons unknown to me, all of the sudden, my boss cut my little hours from 12/week to 4/week. It was little already, but I was surviving, but then with this cut, I couldn't. So I started to pray, and when in meditation, I tried to visualize my high-pitch boss' voice giving me a new assignment.
As many other times, our celestial friends came on to help me. This morning, my boss called and gave me a new assignment for three days live-in, which is very, very good! That will sustain me at least until Christmas! I am going to care for a man called Walter. I will do a good job and everything is going to be a blessing.
Rejoice with me, my friends, because God has answered my prayers, as always. Praise the Lord!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

I am rejoicing with you Jose! :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: and I might add that your faith has just lifted me to new heights! :D
I am so HAPPY for you! ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))... and lots of Love too.
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Re: The Secret - Thanks

Post by 555 »

Hello Sandy,

Thanks, it feels good to know that you are loved. Both by humans and celestials.


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Re: The Secret

Post by ChildofGod »

Hello family! When I meet people and they are in my life for the right reasons, I use "The Secret" as a start up for them to connect to the Universe. I then mention about follow up book "The Power" which I have not read myself but I know it has something to do with Spirit.

I put out into the Universe to find myself a turlte pendant on a chain to help remind myself that "it's time to slow down". I went to the mall and saw all kinds of turtle pendants, rings and even earrings but they were too flashy with fake little coloured diamonds and all. As the hours went by, I went into this one store and "asked" for a turtle on a chain. The lovely girl who worked said "We may have something that you're looking for" She went to the back of the store and brought back something and put it on the counter for me to see. Oh my goodness!! It was a little turtle with a shell that opened up to a clock with a long pendant.....perfect!!! I am now going to wear this everytime I put on my role as coach but in general I get excited very :bike: time to slow down.

PS- I have had two experiences during a reading where my grandmother came through and her message was "slow down".... :bana:

Much love and gratitude, :loves


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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi lovely Liz. :hithere I smiled when I read your post because I always tend to want to get ahead of myself... I have been getting messages in many forms encouraging me to take it easy..slow down and so in a way you have reminded me again of something they have been trying to get across with your post. "Slow down, Sandy!" :lol:

The turtle necklace sounds beautiful. Is the turtle your totem animal? My eldest sister loves turtles and is the adopted mommy to a 40 year old red ear slider. After living with Gilligan (the turtle) for a short while, I am smitten with the intelligence these guys show. ...even affection.
It sounds like you found the perfect amulet. :)
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The Secret - Thrive - What On Earth it will take?

Post by 555 »

Hello friends,

I just finished to see this documentary - Thrive - What On Earth it will take and I JUST LOVED IT!
Many points made there are spoused by the Correcting Time and I believe make part of Monjoronson's agenda.
If you didn't watched yet, I strongly recommend. The video is over two hours length but is worth of the time. ... _multiline
God bless and good night,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for posting this, Jose. George received it in his email too and we tried to watch it but our computers are balking at this kind of work these days and are so slow we can hardly stand to wait as seconds and more seconds tick by while we are waiting for the photos or video to progress. Overmind gave me some suggestions to try and I will when I straighten out the other problems I discovered in the process of looking for the ways to complete his suggestions. sometimes it seems it never stops..but maybe like life lessons these computer blurps will teach us something enabling us to be more comfortable with this machine that carries so much of our daily tasks.

I will certainly look at it just as soon as I am able. :D
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Re: The Secret

Post by 555 »

Hello friends,

Today was the party of my ex-wife 50th Birthday. I wanted to attend but I would depend on a ride with my daughter. But for that I would have first to go with them to their church (where her husband is now the pastor , the same church I was the pastor some 10 years ago) which I did gladly. During the sunday school I was writing on my papers about my committment to love everyone theoretically and actually, that is to potentially love everybody in humanity and actually to love every human being that crosses my way.
Love actually means to love when people are not nice to you. We had a very good period of worship with very good worship songs that by way the were sang by
my daughter. When my daughter was singing the last song of the worship period, I looked at her and she was so into the meaning of the song, whith her eyes closed, hand in the air, it was just a beautiful scene that I want to preserve with a taken with my camera in my phone. So I left from my bench in the second row and approach to the stage to get a closer of her expression.
When I was doing that, my son-in-law, her husband, with whom I have issues in the past because of his overimposing personality, came to me and said: Can you not do that? I couldn't believe he was saying that, that I couldn't film my own daughter! The blood boiled in me, I confess and I approach him and said:
"I cannot." and went back to my place and seat. But I was emotionally altered so I left the temple and went to sit on lobby. There I tried to put my thoughts in order and re-examine my commitment to love everybody, specially my son-in-law. I tried stilness forl a little but were prayer and lovely thoughts that brought me back to the temple and enjoy the rest of the service.
I decided to not comment on the incident and he did'nt too. It didn't alter our relation. We went to my ex-wife party and there I found brazilians friends with whom I spend good time on conversation and gossiping about people that are already dead. It was, after all, a good day. I thank God, The Spirit Within for helping me not make a big deal of that, and exercise lovel actually.
When I compare this reaction with what would be my reaction in the old days, before I found the Urantia Book, I have to admit that I have changed I and will change even more, because I do want to complete my circles.
I wish you good time, my friends!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Dear Jose,

As I just finished reading your words I had a tear in my eye it was so moving and I looked at the clock and there was a progress prompt (2:34) You are amazing! And what an example of love you provided for us. :D Thank you. I pray for help in learning the lesson of Love in all situations.

I am happy you were able to attend the party and enjoy time with your Brazilian friends. Sounds like a great day!
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

How wonderful Jose,

That you had the opportunity to actually notice your own growth...and to see how different you have become...

Love works wonderful miracles within us, so I'm sure you will suceed in learning how to love others the way you would like to.

Blessings, pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by 555 »

Thank you P.P.
Hello friends,
I had written a complete post sharing something, but, when I was revising it, I clicked my back button and I lost it (Never click your back button when you are in a post!) so, I think it wasn't meant to be posted.

But, I want to wish you all Happy Holydays!

Jesus is the reason for the Season and the reason of my life!


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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Happy whatever, family :hithere

The season is well upon us, for me it starts with celebrating the last shortest day of the year, tomorrow, and the beginning of the return of more Light. :hithere

I've been staying out of the stores, at this time of year people love to share the flu and colds, not my choice for Christmas or New Years.

2 yrs ago, we had 2 huge snowfalls on the 24th of Nov...both of them left us with 2 ft of snow....for a couple of months, this year so far we've had some rain and fog and some freezing temps, but no snow on the Island...
YAY!!!!! It will be good roads for the holidayers.

So my wish for everyone this year, is for families to be together, and clear phone lines for those who are too far away.

Blessings, PP
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for that important tip, Jose. I will add that to my other " board posting no-no's". My biggest culpret for those lost posts is when I try to correct a mistake on the preview instead of the box below it where it is written in the first place. :? The board system usually will let you click a couple times but if you are persisitent...the post disappears and I haven't figured out how in the world to retrieve it. Like you, I think...well..maybe I wasn't supposed to post it or post it exactly in the same manner. But it can be frustrating.

Thanks for the Holiday well wishes PP and Jose. May love abound for you in friends, family and those all important "Hugs from above". :happy
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Same to you Sandy, and all our secret siblings....

We're having a green one this year,,,,,if fact most of Canada is without snow...very interesting...

So happy holidays everyone,,,,

Blessings, pp

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Re: The Secret

Post by theunim »

Hello everyone! Happy Holidays to everyone! :kiss:

I hope everyone is having a great day, as they read this~ I'm keeping this brief, it's very late as I post and I've yet to complete a part of work that I wanted to finish before the holiday weekend really started. I really wanted to write to you all sooner on the forum, but it has been a quite hectic set of weeks/couple of months!

I'm not sure where to start, but we've officially been in our house for a month and some days now, and we've gotten a lot done (which my husband actually has to remind me of from time to time) with the place and other household matters. Bagel is now with us in the house by this time, almost five months old. He's such a smart beagle puppy and he makes us feel very loved with the attention he gives us. Before, he was with friends, who were kind enough to let him into their household when we asked, when they already had two big adult dogs and two adult cats to take care of! There are pictures, but they're all on Facebook and I have yet to transfer them to my Picasa account.

At the same time, I was going through a hiring process with a company in my area that works with people who have special needs, mostly children who have autism. I was hired after two interviews and started training a little over a week after we had just moved! I started work a couple of weeks ago with a short shadowing period, then started on my own this week. It is not an easy position at all, but my patience is all into it, so I'm not worried about that aspect. I'm just more concerned with the work itself being done right by me.

All the while this is all going on, my prompts seem to be increasing. The most amusing to see are the license plates with "444" or "888," pretty much one after the other or on the same day, at least, while driving on the road by myself. But, the most notable prompts happened to be concerned with our new house, which was assigned IDs with "111" and "1111." (Not sure if I mentioned this.)

I have no idea if it has anything to do with my latest happenings in life, but I am hoping I'm doing something right for everyone involved with me, and with love at that.

Everyone, take care! I will come back again, sooner rather than later. xo :bike:

With Love :love ,
Oh, my friend,
all that you see of me
is just a shell,
and the rest belongs to love.

— Rumi

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