Not Alone 11-11-11

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Not Alone 11-11-11

Post by N530C »

I'm new to this site - I too have been haunted by 11:11 my entire life. I was Born on 11-11, my father took his life on my 14th Birthhday on 11-11 and this year on 11-11-11 will be the 30th Anniversary of his death.
My Mother is also actively dying of COPD in my home and her deteriation has reached a point that I don't know how much longer she can hang on and then I think " don't tell me she is going to pass on 11-11 too".
Every damn time the clock turns 11:11 IM LOOKING AT IT !!!!!! It has been more frequent over the past couple of years, I ask myself is it simply self awareness in that number that causes this?
Is it simply the human brains abitilty to identify patterns and because these numbers have significance in my life that they stand out as out of the ordinary? What I do find interesting is that other people see it too.........But aren't other people also seeing 12:12 or 4:44 or other patterned repetitive numbers........? I want to make sense of this. I want to understand the underlying reasoning for it. I used to think it was my Dad sending me a message as he was a very deep thinker, highly intelligent and believed strongly in the afterlife and the untapped abilities of the human mind. Then at times it feels bigger then that, if that makes any sense. It sometimes feels "eerie", for lack of a better word, when I see the #11.

Hopefully I can take some time and read this site and see if I can find any answers or at least a direction.

Thanks for listening................

N530C, Over and OUT..............
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Re: Not Alone 11-11-11

Post by Sandy »

Hello N530C,
I am so sorry for the pain you have experienced in your life and cannot imagine how any person and a young one at that could deal with the tragic loss that you describe. And now, later in life, you are looking at the potential departure of your mother to a terminal illness. I can certainly understand your trepidation when you view this 11:11 number that keeps popping up in your vision under these desperately trying circumstances. Yet, as an outsider, I see something wonderful in your life that did occur on 11:11. You were born...a brand new life that will create and shape the world around them according to their own unique “colors.”
I suppose all numbers, in relation to dates, hold both a positive and negative connotation to someone out there. But I hope that you discover in your search for answers that this 11:11 number prompt does not necessarily signal negative happenings in your life but rather a source of strength and encouragement, regardless of circumstances, such as a friend calling you long distance to say... “I’m so sorry you are experiencing this pain. Is there anything I can do? I am here for you.”
You see, for me and from my own experience, the 11:11 is a hello, an invitation of sorts from specific celestial beings that care about us and our continued evolution to better ways of living and being, the ways which nurture our spiritual selves and lift us from the unrelenting mundane existence where all seems black and white to a universe full of astounding possibilities and soul nurturing growth.

Many of us here have experienced these number prompts in many different ways. We look at them often in our own terms in comparison to our own life understanding...and that is a good thing as it adds variety and color to our little community. But there is also a common bond that unites us...and indisputably all people on our planet should they open themselves to the beneficial affects floating through the ether and that is simple Love. We are working towards becoming loving and caring individuals who are all part of a growing mosaic of “life and light” on our planet. It is our quest and our vision as “eleveners” and as brothers and sisters of a sort, to do what we can, be it little or small, to bring this change about, knowing that even though we may not see noticeable change in our own life times...change, nevertheless, is taking place and we have made our own unique contribution.

I hope that you enjoy our little internet community and find answers to the questions that arise as you contemplate these numbers you have been seeing so much of your life. I am glad you have joined us and look forward to knowing you ever better as you post and share your thoughts. Welcome N530C.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Not Alone 11-11-11

Post by George »

Hello N530C, :sunflower:

This transmit will tell you much about HOW it happens that you are time-prompted so regularly.

This one is about the likely source who made the request you were included in the count of millions. ... or#p132059

I read all you said, and I am 'prompted' to suggest you ponder these (above) transmits from ABC-22 and MNO-8.

There is much on -- some 2500 lessons.

God bless...
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Re: Not Alone 11-11-11

Post by fmspirit39 »

You are not alone, and I think that you are right about it bing like an analog in mind, but that is only a fraction of what its potential is. You will make ways to communicate with Spiritworld in the same way God makes ways to communicate with you. And so it is all about communication and action of love. As Sandy so rightfully stated in her wonderful and natural way that she explained "us." Thank you Sandy for responding and giving love to everyone here. Your hard work is so appreciated.
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Re: Not Alone 11-11-11

Post by Sandy »

(((((((((fmspirit39)))))))))) Thank you, sis, for that little boost on this "rainy day". :kiss:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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