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Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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New to the forum...

Post by NightRunner417 »

... and also fairly new to the 11:11 thing...

Hi everyone, I hope this is the right place to do an intro...

My name is Rick if you want to call me that, or you can call me NR or NR417, I'm not picky. I ended up finding this forum due to being inundated with seeing number patterns everywhere, I guess like most people do. I've seen them off and on all my life but I never gave them any notice until a few years ago. My mother was involved in a nearly fatal car accident and I didn't cope very well with the situation at the time. I became very depressed and deeply cynical as it became clear that even though she did survive, the extent of her injuries would likely leave her very disabled. I've also kept up a lifelong battle with intense social phobia, and have always been prone to depression due to that. I went through a very dark period during my mother's recovery and lost a lot of my faith in bigger things. It was around that time that I started to notice the patterns. I would get in my car, turn the key in the ignition, and see 5:55 on the radio's clock. I'd get home, settle down to do my thing, and see 5:55 on my alarm clock. I'd see 11:11, 10:10, 10:01, 4:17 (the numbers in my nickname, I've used 417 in my nicknames most of my life so it's special to me), 2:22, 3:33, 1:11, you name it, I saw it.

It started out as just noticeably repetitive, so I assumed I'd somehow latched onto some superhuman timing skill and was just looking at the clock habitually. About the time I started thinking that, the numbers proved me wrong. I started seeing them on clocks that were random amounts of time incorrect, I started seeing them on receipts and checks, and the number patterns themselves began to evolve into more complex styles. The most fascinating development was what I call the "mirror patterns"; numbers like 2:12, 12:21, 5:15, 4:24, etc, and those have been by far the most numerous and enduring of all the patterns. One day, I was talking to a friend on my own forum, and as a mere joke, he suggested that I might be overlooking more complex patterns like addition and subtraction. As soon as I started looking for such, I found them, so now I have "repeaters" (4:44 like right now), "mirrors" (12:21 or 3:23), "sequentials" (12:34 and the like) and basic math problems like 2:46 or 3:39, and the sheer volume of the incidents became so overwhelming during my "dark period" that I became angry with them because they lent no explanation to their existence, were utterly impossible by the usual laws of physics, yet nevertheless only became more and more frequent over time.

Over the years since, I've slowly begun to come to terms with them. I built a number patterns discussion section onto my forum, and began to research little by little to try to figure out what was going on. I found a couple of places that were discussing the phenomenon, but this forum is where it clicked for me and I finally felt like I'd found something that made sense. I've come back here a couple of times over the last year or so, sort of dancing around the issue, and today I finally decided to join. I only have a couple of people on my own forum that are interested in the phenomenon, and only one of those sees them to the degree that I do (she may even see them more) and feels as bewildered as I do by them. She and I are very much at the same place with them - knowing they're not "normal", knowing they're special somehow, but not really sure what to do with them. After reading some here, I now know what to do, and I'm doing it - practicing quieting my mind in meditation to close the gap between myself and the source of the patterns. I've discussed this with my friend, and she and I have a little agreement going to share whatever we learn as we go.

So that's me in a nutshell, at least with the numbers. Otherwise, I'm basically a spiritualist (or trying hard to be one) with a natural gift for science and technology. I went through a period some years ago where I had trained myself to have sleep induced out of body experiences and am trying to get back to that point. I've run my own astral travel and paranormal discussion forum for years (we were a sort of a replacement for William Buhlman's OBE forum), and I've had lots and lots of strange, very paranormal experiences... but this whole 11:11 thing is unique and has been quite elusive yet refuses to stop, probably because I don't want it to. Anyway... I thought I might as well finally be in the company of others that are experiencing it, so here I am. I look forward to meeting all of you. :-)

Love and light,

Rick NightRunner417
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Re: New to the forum...

Post by sammy »

Welcome Aboard Rick! :hithere

You wrote:
The most fascinating development was what I call the "mirror patterns"; numbers like 2:12, 12:21, 5:15, 4:24, etc, and those have been by far the most numerous and enduring of all the patterns.
Hmmm...we were just recently discussing this...someone posted a theory that it's a message to "look at yourself in the mirror" (take a closer look at yourself). Here's a link if you're interested (although I'm not sure the discussion got much beyond the theory and some of us agreeing that it was a good theory): ... or#p164474
After reading some here, I now know what to do, and I'm doing it - practicing quieting my mind in meditation to close the gap between myself and the source of the patterns. I've discussed this with my friend, and she and I have a little agreement going to share whatever we learn as we go.
Awesome! I hope you share all your experiences with us as well!

I hope your mother is doing better these sure sounds like you made it through your dark period....and are on a path to bright light!

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Re: New to the forum...

Post by NightRunner417 »

sammy wrote:
NightRunner417 wrote:The most fascinating development was what I call the "mirror patterns"; numbers like 2:12, 12:21, 5:15, 4:24, etc, and those have been by far the most numerous and enduring of all the patterns.
Hmmm...we were just recently discussing this...someone posted a theory that it's a message to "look at yourself in the mirror" (take a closer look at yourself). Here's a link if you're interested (although I'm not sure the discussion got much beyond the theory and some of us agreeing that it was a good theory): viewtopic.php?f=4&t=18479&p=164474&hilit=mirror#p164474
That should not have gotten by me so easily, lol! I never considered that, and here I've been CALLING them "mirrors" for ages. Wow... The only thing that did occur to me was that since they can happen every ten minutes, it's an excellent way to bombard a person to make absolutely sure they notice the patterns. I honestly did not consider the possibility that they might be hinting at the obvious implications of mirror symbolism. Thanks for sharing that!
sammy wrote: I hope you share all your experiences with us as well!
Oh absolutely I will. I'm off to go meditate before sleep in just a few minutes. Used to do it religiously, and I was GOOD at it too - had all kinds of fascinating experiences, but I lost my way in my dark period and never quite got it back. I started up again recently in order to try to recapture those things I've lost, but now that I have this new mission of exploring the numbers and their source more deeply, it's given me much more drive to get back to those old days where I could meditate for almost an hour and drift between this world and other places with relative ease. I miss that, and I feel sure that I can find the key to these experiences out there somewhere.
sammy wrote:I hope your mother is doing better these sure sounds like you made it through your dark period....and are on a path to bright light!
Thank you... My mom had extensive brain trauma from the accident and though her physical injuries were fairly minor, the brain injuries left her with severely impaired motor function. She lives with her boyfriend that she had met not long before the accident, and he takes incredibly good care of her, for which I am very grateful. She's had a very hard go of things, but she seems to be happy with him. As for me... I'm still working through my issues. I survived the worst of my dark period, somehow, and I'm still doing the slow climb back up and out the other side. I started out thinking that these number pattern things were going to drive me insane the rest of the way, but now I see them as a helping hand to piece myself back together... or maybe make me better than I was even during the peak of my paranormal experiences. Now when the number patterns disappear for even a short time, I feel lost and alone. I've learned to really appreciate their presence and the other little things that seem to come from them, like the subtle urges to check the clock or the occasional random, comforting thought that seems like it came from outside of me. What strange times I find myself in, but had I the choice, would I turn away from it? Of course not. :-)

Nice to meet you, Sammy! :-)

Love and light,

Rick NightRunner417
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Re: New to the forum...

Post by happyrain »

wdup rick !! : D welcome. id love to hear more on your self induced OBE. i used to do the same ! its been a while. looking forward to our future discussions. peace amigo !
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Re: New to the forum...

Post by Sandy »

Hi Rick.
I have enjoyed reading your posts. They are so open and friendly...I feel as if we are all just sitting around a kitchen table with you and chatting away about our lives.
My life has certainly had its ups and downs too and I am no stranger to depression.. I guess most of us at the table to some degree have experienced the highs and lows and everything in between.
I have also experienced times of frustrated inactivity in my spiritual life and was told once when I was complaining of a feeling of being lost that our physical and spiritual life is much like an ocean wave... sometimes we are riding the crest and at other times feel as if we have landed in the beach sand head first. It is a part of the growing, learning and experiencing "the surf," then eventually mastering what is needed and is of great value.
I have no doubt you will recapture that which you feel you have lost but I suspect in reality it is not lost at all and has been with you all along during, what you describe as, your dark period. Your soul remembers all it has learned, even as the cells in your body remember this Light... and the Freedom your meditation afforded. It remembers being Loved and those that do the Loving. These Beings have never had you out of Their sight even if at times you feel you have lost sight. I hope that made a little sense. :scratch: as I am still trying to figure out what I am trying to say. :lol:
Well, anyway, I am excited and look forward to all that you can share with us ...your experience, your wisdom and knowledge, and your friendship.

A big warm welcome you to our 11:11 board family. I'm glad you have joined us, Rick! :hithere
P.S. Is that you cat...he/she is gorgeous!
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Re: New to the forum...

Post by theunim »

Hi Rick,

Welcome to the forum! I enjoyed reading your posts so far and look forward to more from you in the future! :)

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Re: New to the forum...

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hi and welcome Rick, great posts. You know my personal number prompt is :47, usually 147.

Sorry about your mother. After my dad's car accident he had that for 2 months before he could
no longer hang in there. All is well now.

Keep in touch with your experiences, won't you?

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Re: New to the forum...

Post by AJ »

Welcome to the dinner table Rick! Nice to meet you and have you here!
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Re: New to the forum...

Post by NightRunner417 »

Hi everyone, and thank you so much for such a warm welcome. I haven't felt this good about joining a forum since the old days with WB's OBE forum. What a nice bunch of people you are. :-) I'll have to see if I can get my friend Jen in on this place. She would fit right in, you guys would absolutely love her, and she really needs to have some company with other people that experience these same kinds of things. I know she feels very much apart from "normal people". I do too, actually... but I don't really want to be normal so there you go, haha.

I'd LOVE to tell about some of my wilder experiences... the OBEs I've had, the "contact" experiences and other crazy strange phenomena in meditation, the times long ago where I woke up a couple of times in the night seeing numbers and letters flashing in alternating fields over my sight like an afterimage that lasted almost ten minutes each time... that one scared me quite a bit the first time it happened and I NEVER figured it out... never even heard of such a thing before or since... All those crazy things, so many I've lost count. I'd love to share it all but I wouldn't know where on here to talk about such things. I have my own forum for that sort of thing but I gather it's a big major no no to advertise for other forums here, so really I don't wanna rock the boat. I totally understand that way of thinking because I am extremely protective of PRL for the same reasons - we're a special family there and I would never allow anything to compromise that. So I guess if there's someplace to go OT here, let me know and I'll babble you all senseless about my more cherished experiences from the "hiss of the millions of thoughts" in my old meditations to the dream I had about 9-11 as it was first happening. Looking down strange tunnels to other people's souls, and the time I thought I'd be cute and do some self-help by trying out a powerful hallucinogen and gave myself an overdose and a near death experience. When I think about it, I've seen quite a lot... and I miss it.

Sandy... Yes, that's my crazy boy, Desi... He's the sweetest, smartest cat I think I've ever known, helps keep me sane when things seem a bit much. My mom and her then husband had picked up a male and female kitten pair, siblings, at an animal shelter and named them Lucy And Desi after guess who, lol. After my mom's car accident, my mom and her boyfriend decided that they didn't really want to look after pets anymore (they had each other and times were difficult as it was), so I adopted them. My Lucy passed a couple of years ago due to kidney failure, but her brother Desi is healthy and strong and we're bonded like crazy glue especially after the loss of his sister.

Anyway, everything you said made perfect sense, and yeah, I definitely feel like that. I feel like back in 1997, I caught some kind of a wave that crested and crested higher and higher and the more I thought I was peaked out, the more it proved me wrong. From that year all the way to almost 2006, I was practically gifted and some of my experiences were like the craziest things in the craziest books I've read where I thought to myself, "Oh bs, things like that don't happen". And then I had a major heartbreak, and then half a year later, my mom's horrible car accident... and haha yeah there I am flopped on the beach with sand in my eyes thinking, "What just happened?" I do feel like something is coming, have felt that way for a month or so now, but I don't know what and don't know what to do except keep working on myself and try to stay as positive as I can. At least there's the way I now sometimes know that when I look at the clock it is going to have a pattern, and also the occasional random thought that just comes out and I can't help but think, "I am NOT alone and there IS someone out there helping me along", and it helps me to feel like things will get better... maybe even great. :-)

And now I'm babbling, lol. I'm a career babbler, don't know if y'all noticed. ;-)

Again, how nice to meet you all. It's good to be here! :-)

Love and light,

Rick NightRunner417
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Re: New to the forum...

Post by sammy »

And now I'm babbling, lol. I'm a career babbler, don't know if y'all noticed. ;-)
PERFECT'll fit right in! Typically I'm a babbler as well (there are a few of us!), but I've been to busy to do all that typing :lol:

The miscellaneous forum is the perfect place to post your experiences.

I have to agree with Sandy...there is a good "vibe" to you!

Well...a very choppy post, but running around like a chicken with my head chopped off.

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Re: New to the forum...

Post by Sandy »

Hi Rick,
I am sitting here pondering that fascinating happening you mentioned where numbers and letters flashed on alternating fields for about ten minutes... Like you, I have never heard of anything just like this...but as I understand it from the messages and other sources, each universe world is numbered and in fact numbers are used for identification all over the universe for beings as well....So ... after ten minutes of numbers and letters...wouldn't it be interesting to think you were given something or someone's identificaltion... or a message. The letters... could it have been a code for something... or could your subconscious have picked up thought forms of another and expressed it in this way... LOL I don't have a clue what I am saying here... :shock: anyway...very awesome experience!

Oh Desi is a perfect name for him! Was Lucy orange and white too? Our dear friend Geoff, who you haven't met yet because he is on vacation, has a lovely orange cat named Sunshine. He is a type of cat I suspect they patterned Garfield from... as he looks just like him.
There is almost nothing more comforting then stroking your cat's back when you are troubled. It almost seems they absorb and disperse all that negative energy while they sit on our laps. I'm hoping some day we will be able to have a cat again. :finger: But until then I am working on making friends with the doc's cat next door. It's been slow going because I suspect I need her attention much more than she needs mine! ...sigh... :roll: ever hopeful... :finger:
Sandy (World Class Babbler)
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Re: New to the forum...

Post by inlikeflint »

Nice cat.
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Re: New to the forum...

Post by Petra Wilson »

Babbler number 3 here. Rick, I've had 4 OBE's in my life, two were accidental
the other I asked (willed) it to happen. That was the coolest. I would ask
if I could go some place and literally flew there. I asked to see the solar system
and that kind of freaked me a bit...gradually I started to see in 360° and that
really did freak me. Instead of trusting my Guide whom I could feel very close
by I asked to be back in body and within seconds I was. Followed by sleep paralyses
for about 5 minutes. Still, it was really cool.

Could PM me your web site, I'd be very interested, oh and thanks for understanding
the ground rules.

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Re: New to the forum...

Post by NightRunner417 »

Hey, I started a new topic in the misc section. I felt like I was breaking some kind of rule or another with this increasingly OT thread so I thought I might continue it elsewhere... here's a jump:

( thread gone )

Love and light,

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Re: New to the forum...

Post by peacockplume »

Welcome Rick,

I think it's great that we can all share our experiences's all pretty amazing and interesting too...

apart from you trying to figure out the numbers,,,I think you got the msg...and came back to meditating....the numbers served you well...

Did you get a chance to read up on the midwayers in the FAQ's ??? if not,,,give it a go, any and all info helps to put the puzzle together.

I'll be interested to hear from your experiences when you connect with the midwayers,,,,it seems like you have the skills and your meditating will show you the way.

now I'll skip over to your new thread....

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